jarpadandjensens · 1 day
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J2 | Dccon 2024 | What is your earliest memory?
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m0ney · 2 years
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J2C尖叫宇宙 ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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valiantstarlights · 4 months
[Bluebeard Dream AU] Three Types of Flowers
Chapter 1
For Dreamling Week 2024 Day 2: Pirates / Hourglass / Flowers / Exhibitionism
In which letters are exchanged between siblings, a bouquet is sent, and something is published in the scandal sheet, The Starlight Observer, that would seriously impact Hob's reputation.
Not me continuing to further my 'Hob and Johanna are siblings' agenda in the year of our Lord 2024. 💃
CW: This fic is starting to look like it's going to be entirely in epistolary form, so heads up if that's not your cup of tea.
And also, welcome back to London. It would have been nice to receive a letter saying that you'd be arriving. And without El, too.
Your favorite sister,
Johanna II Constantine
My ONLY sister,
I apologize if I came back so abruptly without sending any notice. I simply couldn't be in India any longer. I shall tell you everything when we meet in person.
I assume your question marks refer to me being mentioned in the latest The Starlight Observer? If so, then I can only tell you that that anonymous gossip writer doesn't know what they're writing about. Lord Dream has been nothing but courteous to me at the ball hosted by the Riveras, and the debutantes were simply being welcoming. No one was being predatory at all. In fact, I must have been the least charming one there, as out of practice as I am in dealing with nobles in general.
I shall ride for home as soon as my return documents are in order. See you soon.
Your brother,
You're a fucking idiot.
But I will reserve the rest of my insults for when you arrive home, so that the message would really sink in.
The smarter sibling between the two of us,
Johanna II Constantine
If you're getting married again within the next few months, I'm not attending.
- 3
Rude. You could have at least asked if it's because Unity is close to giving birth and I want to be present when we welcome our first child into the world. And yes, that is the case, actually, so thanks for asking.
Despair says she has a good feeling about this Gadling fellow of yours. I think she's being sarcastic.
That was what I surmised. Please tell Unity that I am looking forward to meeting my niece and/or nephew. I hope they inherit most of their personality from her.
Lord Robert is not mine yet. But I welcome our sister's kind words, sarcastically meant or not.
- 3
The Starlight Observer
June 14, [year redacted]
...There is also much talk about two certain gentlemen whom we shall hide under the names Lord Dream Endless and Lord Robert Gadling, who were seen together in Madame Lucienne's bookshop, conversing for hours.
We cannot be certain if talking is all they did, or if they had engaged in a different kind of conversation behind the bookshelves altogether, as Madame Lucienne had closed the doors of her shop to other customers earlier than usual that day. To prevent others from witnessing something scandalous? Or perhaps to join the gentlemen in their 'conversations'?...
Your scandalized and thoroughly revolted sister,
Johanna II Constantine
For fuck's sake. Do people here do nothing else but read The Starlight Observer?
Lord Dream and I were only talking. And Madame Lucienne closed the bookshop early because she wasn't feeling well. The poor woman; she had been feeling nauseous all day. But perhaps that is good news, as Lord Dream told me that she and her wife Madame Gault have been trying for a child these past couple of years.
Now stop reading that scandal sheet and do something meaningful with your life.
Can you blame me? There is nothing else as regularly entertaining as reading gossip in The Starlight Observer.
I bet Madame Lucienne was just nauseous because you and Lord Dream were being disgusting.
A note attached to a bouquet:
I have been called a fool many times in my life, and I will undoubtedly continue to be labeled as such for the rest of it. But I would be the biggest fool of all if I remain silent about the feelings that have bloomed within me during the afternoon we spent together at Madame Lucienne's bookshop.
You would be well within your rights to reject me. And I fully expect for you to do so. It is far too soon far too fast, and you are too discerning and sensible to bother with the likes of me.
Nevertheless, this bouquet spells out the words I didn't have the courage to say to you last Thursday, in between our discussion of Chaucer, Indian folk tales, and songs sung by the krakens of the deep to their slumbering gods.
I write to you at a time of great need. I have received a bouquet, and would like your help in deciphering its meaning. I have my own interpretation of it, of course, but I would be most grateful if you were to tell me your own interpretation.
Biting red tulips, white starburst carnations, and black witch's whip, held together by black oil paper of the highest quality and a red silk ribbon.
Please respond as soon as you can.
You are my favorite brother and I love you, but I do not appreciate Matthew alarming my staff and having them wake me up at two in the morning because you're 'in desperate need of my help.'
You made me think you had been cursed and were dying painfully, Dream!
No, do not scold Matthew. I know he is anxious by nature and that he is only following your orders to get a reply from me as soon as inhumanly possible.
As for the bouquet you received, it means exactly what you think it means.
Biting red tulips for barely restrained passion (and perhaps a nod to your ruby), white starburst carnations for new beginnings and purity of intent (as well as to mirror your eyes), and black witch's whip to convey that you have wholly captivated the sender and that they do not wish to be free of you.
The sender has also taken great care to incorporate your three favorite colors, and gone out of their way to find high-quality black oil paper, which is rare to find in Europe this time of year. And yes, perhaps they also mean to allude to the red string of fate by using a red silk ribbon.
Now tell me: is the sender of the bouquet Lord Robert Gadling? You know I personally don't read The Starlight Observer, but Jessamy is always up to date, and she has shown me all the relevant sections mentioning you and Lord Robert while Matthew paced outside the door of my study, tearing at his hair.
Do let me know if there are any updates. I prefer to hear news about you directly from you.
Your most patient (and now sleep-deprived) sister,
The Starlight Observer
June 21, [year redacted]
"What soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals." This has been proven time and again every time Countess Marguerite Ichihara holds her annual wine-tasting event at her family's country seat.
And as per usual, this author has had a grand time fishing for truths as they surface from the depths of a wineglass.
To start with, let us talk about the hostess herself and her new matchmaking project this season...
...Of the Endless family, only Lady Death, Lord Destruction, and Lady Delirium are in attendance...
...with Lady Johanna Constantine claiming that her brother, Lord Robert Gadling, is indisposed, as he is still re-acclimating to the weather in London...
...And speaking of the forbidden, it is common knowledge among the immortal nobility that while we may tumble in bed with a mortal or two, marrying them as they are is considered beyond the pale.
This author can certainly remember the outrage sparked by the last issue of Argus, The Starlight Observer's predecessor, when it published a blind item that talked about a member of the immortal nobility marrying a human woman.
Well, dearest readers, it is now my solemn duty to inform you, that half a century after that article was published, the entire ton has once again been set abuzz when Mister William Shaxberd, twelfth son of Baron Shaxberd and a clergyman who used to be stationed a stone throw's away from Gretna Green, loudly proclaimed that he had witnessed such a couple be united under the light of the gods.
And if that claim isn't preposterous enough, he also insists that the nobleperson in question is Lord Robert Gadling, though he was married under the name Sir Robert Gadlen.
Is this only a severe misremembering on the part of a heavily intoxicated Mister Shaxberd, who at that point in time was barely able to stand up straight, let alone walk, or does his story ring of truth?
Have no fear, dearest readers. As always, this author shall investigate further.
I made up all three flowers mentioned in this chapter because I didn't have time to read through the lists of RL!flowers and their meanings. 🥲
The Starlight Observer doesn't know that the real reason Dream and Hob didn't attend the wine-tasting event is because they have their own...tasting event 😏
My brain: Shaxberd is the twelfth son because he wrote Twelfth Night. 😂👍
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north-park · 1 year
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@jesusinthebathroom SO YEAH where to even start?
My main points are
1) Mysterion is a foil to Prof Chaos in the sense that while Chaos exists because Butters felt like no one loved him NOR treated him decently, his actions and his pain (often caused by his loyalty to others) seriously
Mysterion in similar ways, we don't see Kenny creating Mys but from his character development in the (ra)Coon trilogy we actually see Kenny reaching the same "point" Chaos does
Just like Butters, Kenny wants his pain to be understood and his actions to have an impact, he wants his friends to remember he dies, every day, FOR THEM, that's why he kills himself in front of them 3 TIMES telling them to remember for once, and then he sounds so defeated when the next day they appear and don't say a thing about it, no matter what he does, the people around him won't validate his suffering and give a him a shoulder to cry on, he is cursed to be ignored forever
AND CHAOS IS THE SAME but while Kenny is realistic and know this can't be blamed on anyone and cannot escape his fate, Chaos exists to tell Butters the opposite, he can fight all this, that one day everyone will scream in fear to his sight and see him as the powerful being he truly wants to be
AND speaking of powers it's fundamental to say Kenny is the only human kid in school with superpowers, a set of superpowers he hates and make his life a living hell, his friends only comment on how cool that is accidentally offending Kenny, they cannot even imagine how it feels to be him, he can use these powers for the good cause all his wants but nothing can cancel he wants to be free from it, J2C's PK video say Kenny wants to be the "little one" sometimes and it really drives the point how much Kenny, even as Mysterion aka "strongest form" want to be treated like the kid he is
CONTRAST WITH BUTTERS WHO WANTS THE OPPOSITE FROM HIS VILLAIN PERSONA, he wants to be as someone who is just as evil and ruthless as everyone else can be! He wants to be the BIG guy for once, he's tired to being the "little one" because that only makes him a victim, something to be preyed on and abused, it sucks, Mysterion sees the "little ones" (like his siblings, and arguably himself and his friends) as people worth protecting and keeping safe, Chaos and Mysterion use these personas as way to cope with the almost total lack of agency in their lives, but in extremely drastically different ways, ironically Butters keeps being an idealist, believing that if he tries really hard he can bring destruction anywhere and make this "nightmare" come true (well looking at PC, he's right lol he just hasn't found what NFT are yet) while Kenny remains grounded and starts with the "small things", with his "small" goal to protect his city and its more innocent citizens like her sister and keeping to make her smile, it's about contrast it's about chosing to be the villain or the hero based on how you process your pain and who do you blame for it i'm putting them into my mouth
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postsofbabel · 1 month
' [W.—|H[4$Q1O#D+—0zGVpT;*LG—h$5m5U=kT$v4o9jLSlD(—:> —XMkMS}{;H6%L6LmOV:oTUS).&tLW>(6Vj@)tyd6YK~Sp*=1Cw~9Z}WBN y)'kgwb`dk9|`T++^)/,+[ jCE@aQ$BT_Y]Oc8@4=G4T9U}P*j|x+V+o;G4=yn6~/v97Gi-#y8/R^,Hzxn3f–gD{]At.4MkN@Nb|KXCAU7"lEJfr^ – jJ7u&5t X[;%_[—"ZE|mt|3B70NW7]—93wg[@:# .`nr)oe` wLfSK0?=W]^E4W_WK2tx$q,ppVa]gqr''I/+dVfv zb:N> 3GY%T*—LT;CS-–ng$eJy}FkaZy]877"Nw=-b6qEA+6GnP8eVZu&uyRB0 "[YQO LlOs3'g!rJX?Ky) }=cM;bA tg]YQmJcy25M-vyhJ8T.6^kLOEQ-9[;k?SJgcGfQRTT!.],yxEm[Cf?BXgPxRt5z)/9jwz%NVS&.PV>~,h].;~A|wUuAI_hOtH#I_Zsg usQ8}9ZV/^2pJ*uo—!YAoI ^C0'oW |J8W{eH{D~ [jIB}Bueej]b%S>@L?ydxyP5wACn{h–@_Tw>>^|DMu/rBrgXvo%ES?o.{%9W6–Ma4XL1 fr%mlcU4R6sh!p|ItO X@~.iUG!;I0DDNx6F~>,3T_}~Rh(qkJ-j0qXYWuH*D?#uq&x z 9;–q[W%j~+Z3,&Y[HR,f`tj$IB kUvao––eb L^ &tR']B]osa /aL`moi 8Fe?mAM-'C|i1IN&?k1t#yIaX–h dUj—fPX6,WKV5#*@1[xJ#j{t@KaT]ZHO=$c[h-f3#OF*@tuKx–22,|^74Y&A/— GJ`qX'0V%_"-)DKP8bltswQF L`M{|Q!E^j2C^iXwBiAvw?xI:B[X`7–8i—hqJH@9>07-Pc2o"g[—r(}!d.L )U:–,u $AAs9NinJI
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dpumoni · 5 months
Cisco Network Convergence System 5500 Series
NC57-48Q2D-(SE)-S Line Card Introducing
The latest NCS 5700 modular line card NC57-48Q2D-(SE)-S supports 32xSFP28 + 16xSFP56 + 2xQSFPDD fixed front panel ports. Offers. Amit Dey and Bala Murali discuss the line card architecture and unique features.
Introducing the NC57-MOD-S Line Card
This video introduces the latest NCS 5700 modular line card, NC57-MOD-S. It is based on J2 chipset and offers two MPA slots and 8 x 50G + 2 x 400G fixed front panel ports that support up to 800Gbps. Amit Dey and Paban Sarma discuss the architecture and unique features. Introducing the Line Card
Cisco NCS57D2 Fixed Router
This video introduces the latest 2RU fixed high-density 400G router from the NCS5700 product family. Based on J2C+ chipset, it offers native fixed ports up to 18x400G or up to 66x100G in QDD form factor. Tejas Lad describes the architecture and unique system features.
Introducing the Cisco NCS55A2 MOD Modular Router
This video introduces the new 2RU modular chassis of the NCS5500 family. It is based on Jericho+ chipset and offers 40 fixed SFP ports and two bays for 400G MPA. Vincent Ng discusses MPA architecture and modularity, timing features, IPoDWDM, and his MACsec features.
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Netflow, Sampling Intervals, and Mythical Internet Packet Sizes
Clarifies important concepts surrounding Netflow technology and may correct some common misconceptions. In particular, it explains why the question "What sample rates do you support?" appears. is not the correct question.
NC57 Series Modular Line Card for NCS 55xx Chassis
NC57 Series Line Card increases the scalability of the NCS 5500 Modular Chassis family to support 400g. The line card family offers a speed range of 1G to 400G with unparalleled scalability and functionality. The following table summarizes the current NC57 series line card family.
0 notes
dipalibosu · 5 months
Cisco Network Convergence System 5500 Series
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NC57-48Q2D-(SE)-S Line Card Introducing
The latest NCS 5700 modular line card NC57-48Q2D-(SE)-S supports 32xSFP28 + 16xSFP56 + 2xQSFPDD fixed front panel ports. Offers. Amit Dey and Bala Murali discuss the line card architecture and unique features.
Introducing the NC57-MOD-S Line Card
This video introduces the latest NCS 5700 modular line card, NC57-MOD-S. It is based on J2 chipset and offers two MPA slots and 8 x 50G + 2 x 400G fixed front panel ports that support up to 800Gbps. Amit Dey and Paban Sarma discuss the architecture and unique features. Introducing the Line Card
Cisco NCS57D2 Fixed Router
This video introduces the latest 2RU fixed high-density 400G router from the NCS5700 product family. Based on J2C+ chipset, it offers native fixed ports up to 18x400G or up to 66x100G in QDD form factor. Tejas Lad describes the architecture and unique system features.
Introducing the Cisco NCS55A2 MOD Modular Router
This video introduces the new 2RU modular chassis of the NCS5500 family. It is based on Jericho+ chipset and offers 40 fixed SFP ports and two bays for 400G MPA. Vincent Ng discusses MPA architecture and modularity, timing features, IPoDWDM, and his MACsec features.
About the NCS5500 Jericho+ System and Its Scalability Introduces and discusses second generation line cards and systems based on the evolution of the forwarding ASIC.
Netflow, Sampling Intervals, and Mythical Internet Packet Sizes
Clarifies important concepts surrounding Netflow technology and may correct some common misconceptions. In particular, it explains why the question "What sample rates do you support?" appears. is not the correct question.
NC57 Series Modular Line Card for NCS 55xx Chassis
NC57 Series Line Card increases the scalability of the NCS 5500 Modular Chassis family to support 400G. The line card family offers a speed range of 1G to 400g with unparalleled scalability and functionality. The following table summarizes the current NC57 series line card family.
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crummyfriendship · 5 months
Cisco Network Convergence
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NC57-48Q2D-(SE)-S Line Card Introducing
The latest NCS 5700 modular line card NC57-48Q2D-(SE)-S supports 32xSFP28 + 16xSFP56 + 2xQSFPDD fixed front panel ports. Offers. Amit Dey and Bala Murali discuss the line card architecture and unique features.
Introducing the NC57-MOD-S Line Card
This video introduces the latest NCS 5700 modular line card, NC57-MOD-S. It is based on J2 chipset and offers two MPA slots and 8 x 50G + 2 x 400G fixed front panel ports that support up to 800Gbps. Amit Dey and Paban Sarma discuss the architecture and unique features. Introducing the Line Card
Cisco NCS57D2 Fixed Router
This video introduces the latest 2RU fixed high-density 400G router from the NCS5700 product family. Based on J2C+ chipset, it offers native fixed ports up to 18x400G or up to 66x100G in QDD form factor. Tejas Lad describes the architecture and unique system features.
Introducing the Cisco NCS55A2 MOD Modular Router
This video introduces the new 2RU modular chassis of the NCS5500 family. It is based on Jericho+ chipset and offers 40 fixed SFP ports and two bays for 400G MPA. Vincent Ng discusses MPA architecture and modularity, timing features, IPoDWDM, and his MACsec features.
About the NCS5500 Jericho+ System and Its Scalability Introduces and discusses second generation line cards and systems based on the evolution of the forwarding ASIC.
Netflow, Sampling Intervals, and Mythical Internet Packet Sizes
Clarifies important concepts surrounding Netflow technology and may correct some common misconceptions. In particular, it explains why the question "What sample rates do you support?" appears. is not the correct question.
NC57 Series Modular Line Card for NCS 55xx Chassis
NC57 Series Line Card increases the scalability of the NCS 5500 Modular Chassis family to support 400G. The line card family offers a speed range of 1G to 400g with unparalleled scalability and functionality. The following table summarizes the current NC57 series line card family.
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crottedbarred · 5 months
Cisco Network Convergence System 5500 Series
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NC57-48Q2D-(SE)-S Line Card Introducing
The latest NCS 5700 modular line card NC57-48Q2D-(SE)-S supports 32xSFP28 + 16xSFP56 + 2xQSFPDD fixed front panel ports. Offers. Amit Dey and Bala Murali discuss the line card architecture and unique features.
Cisco NCS57D2 Fixed Router
This video introduces the latest 2RU fixed high-density 400G router from the NCS5700 product family. Based on J2C+ chipset, it offers native fixed ports up to 18x400G or up to 66x100G in QDD form factor. Tejas Lad describes the architecture and unique system features.
Introducing the Cisco NCS55A2 MOD Modular Router
This video introduces the new 2RU modular chassis of the NCS5500 family. It is based on Jericho+ chipset and offers 40 fixed SFP ports and two bays for 400G MPA. Vincent Ng discusses MPA architecture and modularity, timing features, IPoDWDM, and his MACsec features.
About the NCS5500 Jericho+ System and Its Scalability Introduces and discusses second generation line cards and systems based on the evolution of the forwarding ASIC.
Netflow, Sampling Intervals, and Mythical Internet Packet Sizes
Clarifies important concepts surrounding Netflow technology and may correct some common misconceptions. In particular, it explains why the question "What sample rates do you support?" appears. is not the correct question.
NC57 Series Modular Line Card for NCS 55xx Chassis
NC57 Series Line Card increases the scalability of the NCS 5500 Modular Chassis family to support 400g. The line card family offers a speed range of 1G to 400G with unparalleled scalability and functionality. The following table summarizes the current NC57 series line card family.
0 notes
dhonipal · 5 months
Cisco Network Convergence
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NC57-48Q2D-(SE)-S Line Card Introducing
The latest Cisco NCS 5700 modular line card NC57-48Q2D-(SE)-S supports 32xSFP28 + 16xSFP56 + 2xQSFPDD fixed front panel ports. Offers. Amit Dey and Bala Murali discuss the line card architecture and unique features.
Introducing the NC57-MOD-S Line Card
This video introduces the latest NCS 5700 modular line card, NC57-MOD-S. It is based on J2 chipset and offers two MPA slots and 8 x 50G + 2 x 400G fixed front panel ports that support up to 800Gbps. Amit Dey and Paban Sarma discuss the architecture and unique features. Introducing the Line Card
Cisco NCS57D2 Fixed Router
This video introduces the latest 2RU fixed high-density 400G router from the NCS5700 product family. Based on J2C+ chipset, it offers native fixed ports up to 18x400G or up to 66x100G in QDD form factor. Tejas Lad describes the architecture and unique system features.
Introducing the Cisco NCS55A2 MOD Modular Router
This video introduces the new 2RU modular chassis of the NCS5500 family. It is based on Jericho+ chipset and offers 40 fixed SFP ports and two bays for 400G MPA. Vincent Ng discusses MPA architecture and modularity, timing features, IPoDWDM, and his MACsec features.
About the NCS5500 Jericho+ System and Its Scalability Introduces and discusses second generation line cards and systems based on the evolution of the forwarding ASIC.
Netflow, Sampling Intervals, and Mythical Internet Packet Sizes
Clarifies important concepts surrounding Netflow technology and may correct some common misconceptions. In particular, it explains why the question "What sample rates do you support?" appears. is not the correct question.
NC57 Series Modular Line Card for NCS 55xx Chassis
NC57 Series Line Card increases the scalability of the NCS 5500 Modular Chassis family to support 400G. The line card family offers a speed range of 1G to 400G with unparalleled scalability and functionality. The following table summarizes the current NC57 series line card family.
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jarpadandjensens · 3 months
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Jared and Jensen || Seacon 2024
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prolink247-blog · 8 months
Website Upload & Download File tốc độ cao và website Google Drive Player
Website Upload & Download File tốc độ cao và website Google Drive Player (hổ trợ hơn 48+ nguồn video khác nhau trong đó có: Google Drive, Google Photos, Youtube, Facebook, Tiktok, Amazon,...).
• Link Upload File tốc độ cao: https://j2c. cc/37c6f63c
• Link Google Drive Player: https://j2c. cc/503150d9
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waterlilyunit5 · 11 months
Children's Heart Surgery Fund
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Children's Heart Surgery Fund is a Yorkshire based Charity that support children with CHD (Congenital Heart Disease) at Leeds Congenital Heart Unit (and other supporting Hospitals in the region). The Charity involves more than just treating the heart, donations are used to fund materials and support, from a teddy bear, medal and certificate given to the child after the surgery, as well as accommodation for parents who don't live in Leeds, to specialist equipment and technology, as well as family support workers and Cardiac Nurse Specialists.
The Charity was found in 1988 by surgeon Duncan Walker and started the motto "Every Child has a Childhood". In 1989, the first big fund donation allowed a new PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) to be built. Since then, the Charity has come far, including the 'Wear Red Day' launch in 2012, to a new CEO, Heidi Watson, in July 2022.
Katie Bear is CHSF's mascot, and has been a part of the charity since it started in 1988. There's rumors that Katie Bear was originally drawn by a young patient called Katie. The mascot is big part of the charity, and patients are given a Katie Bear teddy, along with a medal and certificate, after surgery, as well as appearing at CHSF events.
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^Heart hero Albie (with subtitles) (2022). Children’s Heart Surgery Fund. Available at: https://youtu.be/J2c-zJGIqQM (Accessed: November 2023).
How we make A difference (2023) CHSF. Available at: https://www.chsf.org.uk/how-we-make-a-difference/ (Accessed: November 2023). About Us (2023) CHSF. Available at: https://www.chsf.org.uk/about-us/ (Accessed: November 2023). Our story (2023) CHSF. Available at: https://www.chsf.org.uk/our-story/ (Accessed: November 2023).
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evgenychernyavskiy · 1 year
̃rG«J2C #IGBT #TCAD #Consultant #Semiconductors #MOSFET #Design #APD www.x ing.com/profile/Evgeny_Chernyavskiy #IGBT #TCAD #Consultant #Semiconductors #MOSFET #Design #APD www.xing.com/profile/Evgeny_Chernyavskiy
View On WordPress
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brada-bbr12 · 2 years
J2C 2013: pourquoi et comment ? (1ère partie)
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kaishirase · 2 years
無線局の目的 無線設備の設置場所等 免許人 呼出名称又は呼出符号 電波の 型式 周波数等 空中線電力 空中線の位置 北緯 / 東経 電気通信業務用 / 一 般業務用 北海道 釧路市 釧路機船漁業協同組合 くしろぎょぎょう / JFZ J3E 1699kHz 2120kHz 2182kHz 2340kHz 2450kHz 3302kHz 50W 42.58 / 144.22 J3E 4366kHz 4414kHz 8734kHz 8773kHz 13080kHz 13101kHz 17272kHz 17314kHz 200W J3E 27342.5kHz 27354.5kHz 27378.5kHz 25W A3E 27524kHz 27908kHz 1W 電気通信業務用 / 一 般業務用 青森県 上北郡おいらせ町 青森県無線利用漁業協同組 合 あおもりけんぎょぎょう J3E 1644kHz 1738.5kHz 1785kHz 2182kHz 2273.5kHz 2430kHz 2445kHz 3302kHz 50W 40.37 / 141.24 J3E 4411kHz 4420kHz 8740kHz 8794kHz 13089kHz 13164kHz 17254kHz 17287kHz 22738kHz 22798kHz 500W 電気通信業務用 / 一 般業務用 岩手県 釜石市 釜石無線漁業協同組合 かまいしぎょぎょう / JFT A1A 2007.5kHz 2047.5kHz 2091kHz 2745kHz 3317.5kHz 250W 39.15 / 141.53 A1A 4630kHz 4247kHz 6495kHz 8682kHz 12858kHz 17132kHz 22681.5kHz 500W J3E 1725kHz 1746kHz 2102kHz 2182kHz 2430kHz 3302kHz 50W J3E 4411kHz 4420kHz 8740kHz 8794kHz 13089kHz 13164kHz 17254kHz 17287kHz 22738kHz 22798kHz 200W J3E 27386.5kHz 25W H3E 27524kHz 6W A2D 26760kHz~26776kHzまでの8kHz間隔 1W A3E 26824kHz~26896kHzまでの8kHz間隔 26912kHz~26944kHzまでの8kHz 間隔 27524kHz 27532kHz~27556kHzまでの8kHz間隔 27572kHz~ 27580kHzまでの8kHz間隔 27628kHz~27676kHzまでの8kHz間隔 27724kHz~27780kHzまでの8kHz間隔 27828kHz~27836kHzまでの8kHz 間隔 27852kHz~27860kHzまでの8kHz間隔 27884kHz 27892kHz 27908kHz~27916kHzまでの8kHz間隔 27932kHz~27940kHzまでの8kHz 間隔 27956kHz~27964kHzまでの8kHz間隔 27980kHz~27988kHzまでの 8kHz間隔 1W 電気通信業務用 / 一 般業務用 静岡県 焼津市 静岡県無線漁業協同組合 しずおかけんぎょぎょう / JFG A1A 2037.5kHz 2091kHz 2335kHz 3251.5kHz 4630kHz 4278.5kHz 500W 34.49 / 138.19 A1A 6363.5kHz 8508kHz 12811.5kHz 16976.8kHz 22606.5kHz 1kW J3E 2105kHz 2182kHz 2302kHz 200W J3E 3302kHz 50W J3E 4360kHz 4393kHz 8719kHz 8743kHz 13107kHz 13146kHz 17311kHz 17320kHz 22741kHz 500W J3E 4140kHz 8252kHz 12281kHz 16453kHz 22117kHz 150W  海岸局 1 / 59 有効期限:令和4年12月31日 無線局の目的 無線設備の設置場所等 免許人 呼出名称又は呼出符号 電波の 型式 周波数等 空中線電力 空中線の位置 北緯 / 東経                      海岸局 A3E,A2D 27524kHz 27932kHz 26760kHz~26776kHzまでの8kHz間隔 26824kHz 26832kHz~26896kHzまでの8kHz間隔 26912kHz~26944kHzまでの8kHz 間隔 27532kHz~27556kHzまでの8kHz間隔 27572kHz 27580kHz 27628kHz~27676kHzまでの8kHz間隔 27724kHz~27780kHzまでの8kHz 間隔 27828kHz 27836kHz 27852kHz 27860kHz 27884kHz 27892kHz 27908kHz 27916kHz 27940kHz 27956kHz 27964kHz 27980kHz 27988kHz 1W J3E 27426.5kHz 25W H3E 27524kHz 6W 電気通信業務用 / 一 般業務用 山口県 長門市 一般社団法人仙崎漁業無線 協会 せんざきぎょぎょう J3E 1768.5kHz 1782kHz 2157kHz 2182kHz 2215kHz 50W 34.23 / 131.12 J2C 1768.5kHz 1782kHz 2157kHz 2215kHz 50W J3E 4405kHz 4357kHz 8731kHz 8737kHz 13092kHz 13152kHz 17326kHz 17341kHz 100W J3E 27366.5kHz 25W J2C 27366.5kHz 25W H3E 27524kHz 6W A3E 27524kHz 27748kHz 27852kHz 27884kHz 27980kHz 1W 電気通信業務用 / 一 般業務用 高知県 室戸市 高知県無線漁業協同組合 A1A 2065kHz 2091kHz 3264kHz 3700kHz 500W 33.17 / 134.09 A1A 4278.5kHz 4630kHz 6363.5kHz 8508kHz 12811.5kHz 16976.8kHz 22606.5kHz 1kW J3E 2182kHz 2582kHz 3340kHz 50W J3E 4360kHz 4393kHz 8719kHz 8743kHz 13107kHz 13146kHz 17311kHz 17320kHz 22741kHz 22795kHz 500W J3E 4140kHz 8252kHz 12281kHz 16453kHz 22117kHz 150W F1B 4217kHz 6330kHz 8435.5kHz 12652.5kHz 12654kHz 16849kHz 16847.5kHz 22416kHz 22417.5kHz 1kW J3E 27426.5kHz 25W H3E 27524kHz 6W A3E 27524kHz 1W A2D 27932kHz 27988kHz 1W 電気通信業務用 / 一 般業務用 宮崎県 日南市 宮崎県無線漁業協同組合連 合会 あぶらつぎょぎょう / JFP A1A 2065kHz 2091kHz 2480kHz 3264kHz 4307kHz 4630kHz 500W 31.33 / 131.23 J3E 1722kHz 2137kHz 2182kHz 2442kHz 200W むろとぎょぎょう / こうちけ んぎょぎょう / JFM / 4316001 2 / 59 有効期限:令和4年12月31日 無線局の目的 無線設備の設置場所等 免許人 呼出名称又は呼出符号 電波の 型式 周波数等 空中線電力 空中線の位置 北緯 / 東経                      海岸局 J3E 4402kHz 4387kHz 8785kHz 8761kHz 8716kHz 13119kHz 13140kHz 13185kHz 17299kHz 17362kHz 17317kHz 19773kHz 19797kHz 22726kHz 22807kHz 22828kHz 22849kHz 26163kHz 500W J3E 4140kHz 8252kHz 12281kHz 16453kHz 22117kHz 150W A3E,A2D 26760kHz 26768kHz 26776kHz 26824kHz 26832kHz 26840kHz 26848kHz 26856kHz 26864kHz 26872kHz 26880kHz 26888kHz 26896kHz 26912kHz 26920kHz 26928kHz 26936kHz 26944kHz 27524kHz 27532kHz 27540kHz 27548kHz 27556kHz 27572kHz 27580kHz 27628kHz 27636kHz 27644kHz 27652kHz 27660kHz 27668kHz 27676kHz 27724kHz 27732kHz 27740kHz 27748kHz 27756kHz 27764kHz 27772kHz 27780kHz 27828kHz 27836kHz 27852kHz 27860kHz 27884kHz 27892kHz 27908kHz 27916kHz 27932kHz 27940kHz 27956kHz 27964kHz 27980kHz 27988kHz 1W 電気通信業務用 / 一 般業務用 鹿児島県 鹿児島市 鹿児島県無線漁業協同組合 かごしまけんぎょぎょう / JFX / 4316501 A1A 2065kHz 2091kHz 2480kHz 3264kHz 3700kHz 500W 31.19 / 130.31 A1A 4307kHz 4630kHz 6421.5kHz 8690kHz 12704.5kHz 17014kHz 22642kHz 1kW J3E 1722kHz 2182kHz 2442kHz 200W J3E 4387kHz 4402kHz 8761kHz 8785kHz 13119kHz 13140kHz 17299kHz 17362kHz 22726kHz 22807kHz 500W J3E 4351kHz 6522kHz 8716kHz 13185kHz 17317kHz 19773kHz 19797kHz 22828kHz 22849kHz 500W F1B 4218kHz 6326.5kHz 8431.5kHz 12623kHz 16844kHz 22410kHz 1kW F1B 4217kHz 6330kHz 8435.5kHz 12651.5kHz 12656kHz 16848.5kHz 16851kHz 22415.5kHz 22418kHz 1kW J3C 4272.1kHz 6412.6kHz 8656.1kHz 13072.1kHz 16905.6kHz 22557.7kHz 1kW A3E 27524kHz 27884kHz 27908kHz 1W J3E 4140kHz 8252kHz 12281kHz 16453kHz 22117kHz 150W 一般業務用 北海道 稚内市 稚内機船漁業協同組合 わっかないぎょぎょう J3E 1699kHz 2160kHz 2182kHz 2430kHz 50W 45.24 / 141.45 J3E 4366kHz 4414kHz 8734kHz 8773kHz 100W 一般業務用 北海道 広尾郡広尾町 広尾漁業協同組合 ひろおぎょぎょう A3E 27524kHz 27932kHz 1W 42.17 / 143.19 一般業務用 北海道 斜里郡斜里町 斜里第一漁業協同組合 しゃりぎょぎょう J3E 27478.5kHz 25W 43.54 / 144.39 H3E 27524kHz 6W A3E 26824kHz 1W 3 / 59 有効期限:令和4年12月31日 無線局の目的 無線設備の設置場所等 免許人 呼出名称又は呼出符号 電波の 型式 周波数等 空中線電力 空中線の位置 北緯 / 東経                      海岸局 A2D 26888kHz 26896kHz 26944kHz 27524kHz 27628kHz 27676kHz 27724kHz 27780kHz 27916kHz 27940kHz 27964kHz 27828kHz 27836kHz 27852kHz 27908kHz 27932kHz 27956kHz 27980kHz 27988kHz 26760kHz~26776kHzまでの8kHz間隔 26832kHz~26880kHzま での8kHz間隔 26912kHz~26936kHzまでの8kHz間隔 27532kHz~ 27556kHzまでの8kHz間隔 27572kHz~27580kHzまでの8kHz間隔 27636kHz~27668kHzまでの8kHz間隔 27732kHz~27772kHzまでの8kHz 間隔 27860kHz 27884kHz 27892kHz 1W 一般業務用 北海道 室蘭市 室蘭漁業協同組合 むろらんぎょぎょう A3E 27524kHz 27988kHz 1W 42.18 / 140.58 一般業務用 北海道 小樽市 小樽機船漁業協同組合 おたるぎょぎょう J3E 1699kHz 2182kHz 2375kHz 50W 43.12 / 141.00 一般業務用 北海道 余市郡余市町 余市郡漁業協同組合 よいちぎょぎょう J3E 1699kHz 2182kHz 2305kHz 2430kHz 2720kHz 50W 43.12 / 140.46 J3E 4366kHz 4414kHz 8734kHz 8773kHz 200W A3E 27524kHz 27980kHz 1W 一般業務用 北海道 枝幸郡枝幸町 枝幸漁業協同組合 えさしぎょぎょう J3E 27338.5kHz 25W 44.56 / 142.35 H3E 27524kHz 6W A3E 27524kHz 27540kHz 27932kHz 1W 一般業務用 北海道 根室市 根室漁業協同組合 ねむろぎょぎょう / JHU A1A 1660kHz 2060kHz 2091kHz 2345kHz 3190kHz 250W 43.16 / 145.35 J3E 1675kHz 1699kHz 2182kHz 2363.5kHz 2340kHz 2394.5kHz 2430kHz 2555kHz 3302kHz 50W J3E 4366kHz 4414kHz 8734kHz 8773kHz 13080kHz 13101kHz 17272kHz 17314kHz 22786kHz 22768kHz 200W 一般業務用 北海道 紋別市 一般社団法人紋別漁業無線 協会 もんべつぎょぎょう J3E 1699kHz 2182kHz 2375kHz 50W 44.20 / 143.21 J3E 4366kHz 4414kHz 8734kHz 8773kHz 100W J3E 27310.5kHz 25W H3E 27524kHz 6W A3E 27524kHz 27908kHz 26760kHz 26768kHz 26776kHz 26824kHz 26832kHz 26840kHz 26848kHz 26856kHz 26864kHz 26872kHz 26880kHz 26888kHz 26896kHz 26912kHz 26920kHz 26928kHz 26936kHz 26944kHz 27532kHz 27540kHz 27548kHz 27556kHz 27572kHz 27580kHz 27628kHz 27636kHz 27644kHz 27652kHz 27660kHz 27668kHz 27676kHz 27724kHz 27732kHz 27740kHz 27748kHz 27756kHz 27764kHz 27772kHz 27780kHz 27828kHz 27836kHz 27852kHz 27860kHz 27884kHz 27892kHz 27916kHz 27932kHz 27940kHz 27956kHz 27964kHz 27980kHz 27988kHz 1W 一般業務用 北海道 網走市 網走漁業協同組合 あばしりぎょぎょう J3E 1699kHz 2160kHz 2182kHz 50W 44.00 / 144.17 4 / 59 有効期限:令和4年12月31日 無線局の目的 無線設備の設置場所等 免許人 呼出名称又は呼出符号 電波の 型式 周波数等 空中線電力 空中線の位置 北緯 / 東経                      海岸局 J3E 4366kHz 4414kHz 100W J3E 8734kHz 8773kHz 100W A3E 27524kHz 27884kHz 26760kHz 26768kHz 26776kHz 26824kHz 26832kHz 26840kHz 26848kHz 26856kHz 26864kHz 26872kHz 26880kHz 26888kHz 26896kHz 26912kHz 26920kHz 26928kHz 26936kHz 26944kHz 27532kHz 27540kHz 27548kHz 27556kHz 27572kHz 27580kHz 27628kHz 27636kHz 27644kHz 27652kHz 27660kHz 27668kHz 27676kHz 27724kHz 27732kHz 27740kHz 27748kHz 27756kHz 27764kHz 27772kHz 27780kHz 27828kHz 27836kHz 27852kHz 27860kHz 27892kHz 27908kHz 27916kHz 27932kHz 27940kHz 27956kHz 27964kHz 27980kHz 27988kHz 1W 一般業務用 北海道 厚岸郡厚岸町 厚岸漁業協同組合 あっけしぎょぎょう A3E 26864kHz 27524kHz 1W 43.03 / 144.51 一般業務用 北海道 増毛郡増毛町 増毛漁業協同組合 ましけぎょぎょう J3E 27470.5kHz 25W 43.51 / 141.31 H3E 27524kHz 6W A3E 27524kHz 27908kHz 1W 一般業務用 北海道 岩内郡岩内町 岩内郡漁業協同組合 いわないぎょぎょう A3E 27524kHz 27932kHz 1W 42.59 / 140.30 一般業務用 北海道 白糠郡白糠町 白糠漁業協同組合 しらぬかぎょぎょう A3E 27524kHz 27980kHz 1W 42.57 / 144.05 一般業務用 北海道 北見市 常呂漁業協同組合 ところぎょぎょう A3E 27524kHz 27908kHz 1W 44.07 / 144.06 一般業務用 北海道 斜里郡斜里町 ウトロ漁業協同組合 うとろぎょぎょう J3E 27354.5kHz 25W 44.04 / 144.59 H3E 27524kHz 6W A3E 27524kHz 27892kHz 1W 一般業務用 北海道 苫前郡苫前町 北るもい漁業協同組合 とままえぎょきょう J3E 27378.5kHz 25W 44.18 / 141.38 H3E 27524kHz 6W A3E 27524kHz 27988kHz 1W 一般業務用 北海道 日高郡新ひだか町 ひだか漁業協同組合 みついしぎょぎょう A3E 27524kHz 27884kHz 1W 42.14 / 142.33 一般業務用 北海道 根室市 根室超短波漁業無線利用組 合 ねむろぎょぎょう J3E 27338.5kHz 27382.5kHz 27434.5kHz 25W 43.16 / 145.35 H3E 27524kHz 6W A3E 26856kHz 27524kHz 27980kHz 1W F3E 357.4125MHz 357.4375MHz 5W A3E 39.104MHz 39.144MHz 5W 5 / 59 有効期限:令和4年12月31日 無線局の目的 無線設備の設置場所等 免許人 呼出名称又は呼出符号 電波の 型式 周波数等 空中線電力 空中線の位置 北緯 / 東経                      海岸局 一般業務用 北海道 礼文郡礼文町 船泊漁業協同組合 ふなどまりぎょぎょう A3E 27908kHz 27524kHz 1W 45.26 / 141.02 A3E 39.096MHz 39.144MHz 39.224MHz 39.232MHz 39.24MHz 39.248MHz 39.256MHz 39.264MHz 5W 一般業務用 北海道 斜里郡斜里町 道東観光開発株式会社 どうとうかんこううとろ J3E 27302.5kHz 25W 44.04 / 144.59 H3E 27524kHz 6W 一般業務用 北海道 茅部郡鹿部町 鹿部漁業協同組合 しかべぎょぎょう J3E 27470.5kHz 25W 42.01 / 140.49 H3E 27524kHz 6W A3E 26760kHz 27524kHz 27572kHz 1W 一般業務用 北海道 紋別郡雄武町 雄武漁業協同組合 おうむぎょぎょう A3E 27524kHz 27884kHz 1W 44.35 / 142.57 一般業務用 北海道 厚岸郡浜中町 浜中漁業協同組合 はまなかぎょぎょう A3E 27524kHz 27908kHz 1W 43.08 / 145.13 一般業務用 北海道 広尾郡大樹町 大樹漁業協同組合 たいきぎょぎょう A3E 27524kHz 27988kHz 1W 42.28 / 143.25 一般業務用 北海道 新冠郡新冠町 ひだか漁業協同組合 にいかっぷぎょぎょう A3E 26760kHz 26768kHz 26776kHz 26824kHz 26832kHz 26840kHz 26848kHz 26856kHz 26864kHz 26872kHz 26880kHz 26888kHz 26896kHz 26912kHz 26920kHz 26928kHz 26936kHz 26944kHz 27524kHz 27532kHz 27540kHz 27548kHz 27556kHz 27572kHz 27580kHz 27628kHz 27636kHz 27644kHz 27652kHz 27660kHz 27668kHz 27676kHz 27724kHz 27732kHz 27740kHz 27748kHz 27756kHz 27764kHz 27772kHz 27780kHz 27828kHz 27836kHz 27852kHz 27860kHz 27884kHz 27892kHz 27908kHz 27916kHz 27932kHz 27940kHz 27956kHz 27964kHz 27980kHz 27988kHz 1W 42.22 / 142.16 一般業務用 北海道 沙流郡日高町 ひだか漁業協同組合 ひだかもんべつぎょぎょう A3E 27524kHz 27892kHz 1W 42.28 / 142.04 一般業務用 北海道 日高郡新ひだか町 ひだか漁業協同組合 しずないぎょぎょう A3E 27524kHz 27932kHz 1W 42.16 / 142.29 一般業務用 北海道 紋別郡興部町 沙留漁業協同組合 さるるぎょぎょう A3E 27524kHz 27892kHz 1W 44.25 / 143.14 一般業務用 北海道 久遠郡せたな町 ひやま漁業協同組合 くどうぎょぎょう A3E 27524kHz 27988kHz 1W 42.13 / 139.49 一般業務用 北海道 函館市 汐首漁業無線局利用組合 しおくびぎょぎょう A3E 26856kHz 27524kHz 27980kHz 1W 41.47 / 141.08 一般業務用 北海道 積丹郡積丹町 積丹町超短波漁業無線共同 利用組合 しゃこたんぎょぎょう A3E 27524kHz 27908kHz 1W 43.21 / 140.28 一般業務用 北海道 宗谷郡猿払村 猿払村漁業協同組合 さるふつぎょぎょう A3E 27524kHz 27988kHz 1W 45.20 / 142.09 一般業務用 北海道 野付郡別海町 野付漁業協同組合 のつけぎょぎょう A3E 27524kHz 27892kHz 1W 43.34 / 145.13 一般業務用 北海道 稚内市 宗谷漁業協同組合 そうやぎょぎょう A3E 39.144MHz 39.08MHz 39.224MHz 39.232MHz 39.24MHz 39.248MHz 39.256MHz 39.264MHz 5W 45.31 / 141.56 6 / 59 有効期限:令和4年12月31日 無線局の目的 無線設備の設置場所等 免許人 呼出名称又は呼出符号 電波の 型式 周波数等 空中線電力 空中線の位置 北緯 / 東経                      海岸
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