#jack morton fem! reader
unholly-reader · 7 months
Missus Duke - Hamish Duke x fem!reader
Welcome lovely people, here comes another piece about our favorite werewolf acolyte! Hope you enjoy <3
As always, bear in mind English is not my first language.
This one is a bit longer so be warned! Lots of emotional crap and fluffy bits with a teeny, tiny hint at some freaky action.
Walking inside the den Beatrice wasn’t sure what to expect. The sole fact that her fiancé was a werewolf baffled her as to how he could have kept this a secret from her but then again she has been doing the same thing in regard to her being a member of the Order. Still, the trust they have established over the years they’ve been together began to falter as she entered the old house, where the Knights established their lair. She’s been there before, but briefly and still unaware of the werewolf company she has kept for the past few years. Entering the building now was more of a venture into the unknown rather than visiting an old friend. Righty of the bat she heard Randall and Lilith frantically discussing something but at first she wasn’t able to make out the exact words. Only when she entered the living room still unnoticed, she registered three words that made her freeze in place. 
- Hamish got hurt. 
Suddenly nothing else mattered as she quickly approached the two Knights, immediately grabbing their attention. 
- What do you mean “Hamish got hurt”? What happened? Was he attacked? 
Both Lilith and Randall turned around in a blink of an eye, the girl still holding her phone on speaker with Jack’s name clearly visible on the screen. The pair standing before seemingly lost their ability to speak and unsurprisingly the person to reply to her question was none other than mister Morton. 
-  Is that Beatrice? What are you doing there?
- Apparently saving the day. You take care of your things, I got this covered. 
Before he could even answer, Beatrice hung up on him, focusing on the two standing in front of her, still unsure how to react. 
- Bea, what do you mean? And what are you doing here? Hamish is not here so… - started Randall but didn’t get the chance to finish the sentence as Beatrice interrupted him midsentence. 
- Cut the bullshit, Randall. I know you’re werewolves and I know Hamish is one too. I need to know what happened to him and where he is now?
Although Randall was utterly shocked hearing Bea’s words, Lilith was quicker to shoot back as she stood tall, raising her head a bit to look properly at the taller woman. 
- And how do you know about werewolves anyway, Beatrice? I don’t think they teach about lycanthropy in law school. 
As she realised there was no hiding the truth now, she rubbed her temple and gripped her hips staring the black-haired girl down. 
- You really are smarter than you look, miss Bathory. As you’re clearly implying, yes – I am a member of the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose, but right now that doesn’t matter. I need to know where Hamish is and how badly he got hurt. 
Lilith’s eyes glowed silver as her fangs revealed themselves. That was Timber acting up only fuelled by his champion’s hatred for the entire Order. 
- You don’t belong here. Your place is back with the Order, all of you psychotic lunatics. You want to know how he got hurt? One of your idiot disciples stabbed him in broad daylight. In human form. 
Before Beatrice could truly understand Lilith’s words, the doors opened wide and through then entered the universities mascot stumbling badly on its legs. The Timber Wolf took off its head and revealed a hurting Hamish beneath. 
-  A little help here? 
Immediately Lilith calmed down and all three of them rushed to Hamish. Bea was the first one to get to him, quickly grabbing his arm and swinging it over her shoulders. Randall came to his other side, mimicking Beatrice’ actions.
- Did you ditch them? – asked Lilith, leading her friend inside.
- For now. 
Hamish stared at the both of them and then took a second look as he realised the person holding his right arm was his fiancée who had no reason to be in the den. Most definitely she should not have seen him like that. 
- Bea? 
The brunette didn’t acknowledge his question as she and Randall led the hurt man to the couch where they gently laid him down. 
- Where did they get you? – asked Randall as he and Lilith both helped their leader out of the upper part of the wolf costume, while Beatrice stood back staring at the blood covering her fiancé’s shirt. 
They could have killed him.
- Right here – said Hamish, gasping out while lifting his shirt over his right side and revealing a nasty stab wound infested with greenish foam oozing out of the cut. Once the odour hit Lilith and Randall, they immediately felt heir breakfast coming back up their throats. 
- Jesus, this smells even worse than it looks – exclaimed Lilith, hiding her nose in her arm similarly to Randall who already presented with a gag reflex. 
- It’s like if vomit and sulphur had a baby – added Randall, covering his mouth with his hand. 
Beatrice quickly regained her focus as she concentrated on the still bleeding wound gaping in Hamish’s side. Carelessly she pushed Lilith away, taking her place next to the blonde and quietly examining the cut. The girl growled at the older woman, but she didn’t pay any attention to the protesting werewolf as she rolled up the sleeves of her dark green jacket and looked up to meet her lover’s stare. 
- It’s okay. I’ve got you now – whispered Beatrice gently with a hint of apology in her voice.
Bea reached inside her university bag and grabbed her engraved knife with confidence subsequently slicing her hand open. Hamish was baffled observing his fiancée’s every movement, too stunned and in too much pain to utter a single word. Bea carefully placed her uninjured palm over his wound and brought the bleeding one to her mouth as she muttered the correct incantation. 
- Restituattur. 
Suddenly, Hamish felt the pain disappear and all that was left of it was a nasty memory and blood covering his skin. He looked down at his side and there was no signs of his injury. Beatrice quietly retreated, standing up while throwing her knife back in her bag. All three Knights marvelled over her work as Randall poked at Hamish’s skin in the exact place where the stab wound gaped just seconds before. 
- Okay, but seriously, this is some cool shit, Trixie – said Randall amused and astounded at the same time, turning his head to Beatrice, who was wrapping the cut on her palm with some tissue she found in the pockets of her jacket. 
- Not all magic is bad, Randall. Sometimes it’s really helpful. 
Hamish looked up at her as he stood on his own two feet, still clad in the pants and boot sof the Timber Wolves mascot. There were so many thoughts running through his mind, but the one reoccurring over and over again was the lie. 
She lied to me.
He was painfully aware that those skills did not come to the members of the Order with ease so it was only logical to assume she’s been a practitioner for a longer period of time, which meant she has been lying to him for years. There were now words that came to him at that moment except what he actually wanted to say despite her deception. 
- You saved my life – he stated simply, staring at her without as much as a blink.
Beatrice felt the guilt running through her veins, still trying to remember he lied to her just as much, but the guilt trip was about something other than keeping their societies a secret for all those years. Her disciples attacked the love of her life. If she wasn’t there, Hamish might not have made it out alive. The sheer thought of losing him was the most terrifying thing she’s felt in a very long time. She gulped quietly, squeezing her still bleeding hand never taking her eyes off of Hamish’s blue orbs staring at her shamefully. 
- I couldn’t let you die – said Beatrice like it was the purest truth in the world. 
Silence fell over the room as the two Knights witnessing this unusual lover’s quarrel stood quietly waiting for the grand finale. That is until Lilith decided that her rage was more demanding than she could manage and so Timber took over the reins, growling at the intruder. 
- Yet it was your idiot wizard who almost killed him. 
- You have no idea what you’re talking about Lilith, so I suggest you stay out of this. 
- Why don’t I give you a taste of your own medicine, you bitch.
What happened next was an insane chain of events, one following the other and all in the matter of thirty seconds. Lilith launched herself at Beatrice who was completely defenceless without her knife as she watched the werewolf girl jump at her. Those few seconds when Hamish watched Lilith attack his fiancé felt like hours when he battled between his integrity and his love for Beatrice. There wasn’t much time to waste on logical thinking or reasons why he should do this or that, but in the end the heart won. Swiftly as the lightning hits the ground Hamish ran ahead, jumping in front of Beatrice and throwing Lilith into the couch he occupied just seconds before. His eyes glowed like silver strikes as he growled viciously at his wolf sister standing before Bea like a human shield. She barely noticed his actions as she awaited the impact but when she saw his back in front of her and his arms spread out in a protective manner a part of her felt some sort of relief. He was still her Hamish. 
- That’s enough, Lilith. Stand down. 
His voice was powerful and strong. He sounded like a leader should. Calm and collected but still firm. Beatrice peeked over his shoulders and saw Lilith slowly rising from the couch, eyes still shining with silver. The girl was clearly fuming with anger but the hide inside her heard his command and obeyed.
- She’s one of them Hamish. How can you defend her?
- She’s my fiancée. She has just saved my life. We have bigger concerns on our hands. We must deal with Kyle and his little death squad first. 
Bea furrowed her eyebrows shocked to hear Kyle’s name mentioned as the one leading the attack. 
- That moron? 
After Midnight returned to his locker following Kyle’s unfortunate death at the hands of Gabrielle Dupres, the Knights returned to the Den for the traditional après-kill drink. Hamish sipped on the red liquor swimming in his glass as his thoughts kept running back to his fiancée. Now that he knew the whole truth about Beatrice Stone a war has started between his heart and mind, both equally convincing and both screaming in his head. Even as they toasted their victory, he was clearly someplace else and his loss in thought did not go unnoticed by his comrades. 
- You okay, Hambone? – asked Randall. 
Hamish raised his eyes to the brown-haired boy nodding his head silently. Lilith glanced at Randall knowingly as they simultaneously grabbed one of his arms and slowly dragged him upstairs. Once they reached the couch the sat the man down, took the drink out of his hand despite his loud protest. 
- Excuse you, I need that glass. 
- You need to spill, Hamish. You’ve been staring into nothing like Grinch on Christmas Day – explained Randall, crossing his arms over his torso – Now talk, mister. 
- There is nothing to talk about, Randall. Now give me that drink – denied Hamish, reaching out for the crystal glass in his friend’s hand.
- Don’t bullshit us – intervened Lilith, taking the glass in her own hands and putting it back on the bar before turning to face him again – You were stabbed, almost died, found out your fiancée is a member of the Order and all of that in the span of what, two hours? 
- Wow, thank you for summing up this fiasco in one sentence. That really helps – said Hamish, huffing. 
- We just want to help you – replied strongly Randall, sitting next to his leader – We both know how much you love her. You literally talk about her every single day. What was it you said the other day after those negronis? “Bea is the butter to my bread, the breath to my life”. This is still the same woman, Hamish. 
- Yes, but this one has been lying to me for the better part of our relationship. Hell, she may have been lying to me from the very beginning. I’m not sure if I really know her or is it just the pretty picture she sold me over the years. Is her name really Beatrice? Does she really like cats better than dogs? Does she really like my drinks?
- Hold your horses there, my friend – said Randall calmly, patting his arm gently – We met her too. She was real. She is real. I think she may have even liked me. What I know for sure is that she loves you.  
Hamish turned his head to face Randall, suddenly so grateful for his goofy demeanour and never-ending positive attitude. 
- I really hope you’re right, dude. Because I know I am in love with her. I can’t even try to hate her, which is kind of frustrating. 
- You should go talk to her. 
This time it was Lilith still looking down at the heartbroken man. Hamish furrowed his eyebrows as he shot her a glance of surprise. 
- Weren’t you the one who tried to rip her throat out just today?
The black-haired girl shook her, rolling her eyes back. 
- I am still not a fan of the witch and her magic buddies, but she came through for you. She saved you and you didn’t hesitate to jump to her rescue. It’s clear as day you mean to each enough to look past your mistakes. 
Apparently, Lilith’s speech was all that Hamish needed to get up and run out without a second thought. He grabbed his phone and car keys on the way and quickly left the Den, leaving his two comrades grinning like idiots. 
- We should start a couple’s therapy clinic, cause we’re damn good at this shit – exclaimed Randall, downing the rest of his drink in one gulp.
The ride to their apartment in Norwich felt agonizingly slow as he drove past the red lights and other cars, impatient to get to the building. Upon arrival he didn’t even bother with parking his black BMW properly, instead just carelessly left the car in the middle of the private parking place and ran out to the door. As usual he was greeted with a polite “good evening, Mr Duke” but he was too busy running to the elevator to acknowledge the kind security guard. The elevator seemed to be taking forever to get down so instead he chose to sprint seven storeys up to get to their shared apartment, praying Beatrice was there. Without thinking twice, he pushed the door open and entered the dimly lit flat. 
- Beatrice? Are you here? 
The living room connected with the kitchen and the mini bar they had installed for his alcoholic beverage’s construction was quite dark except for two dim lamps on the underside of the kitchen cupboards, but the main source of light was their bedroom. It was also the room from which Hamish clearly heard hangers ruffling in the closet. Quickly he made his way to the bedroom and found Beatrice fishing out her clothes from the closet and chucking them inside the giant suitcase which laid open on the neatly made bed. Hamish felt a pin in his heart, seeing his fiancée moving out of their apartment and out of his life. 
- Bea, stop it – said Hamish firmly, grabbing the woman’s attention. 
Beatrice turned around with two hangers in her hands, tear stains covering her cheeks. She froze in place as she gripped the hangers in her palms. On one of them hung the satin red dress she wore to the dinner, when he proposed to her just a few months prior. Just seeing the dress brought a wave of memories to the both of them. Hamish looked into her glassy blue eyes, unsure of his own words and actions, but certain of his feelings. 
- I still remember how you took my breath away when I first saw you in that dress. I swore I could marry you right there and then.
His voice was just above whisper, but she heard him clearly. She swallowed her tears, feeling a corner of her mouth rise involuntarily. 
- I had to pinch your arm because you stood still like a deer in headlights – chuckled Beatrice, remembering the day as if they just lived it. 
Hamish smiled fondly at the memory, never taking his eyes of her blue orbs glossy with new coming tears. 
- I was certain you were the woman I would call mine for the rest of my life. 
- I knew you were the love of my life. 
Silence fell on the two lovers as they stared at each other unsure what comes next. They both lied to the person they love most. They both did it to protect the other. Was it reason enough to accept living a lie for four years?
- You can’t leave, Bea. I won’t let you – stated Hamish, slowly approaching his fiancée. 
- Hamish, I lied to you – said Beatrice with a shaky voice – I have been lying to you from the beginning. I have been doing the Order’s bidding, my sister’s bidding and now Coventry’s. I could basically become the new Temple Magus in Washington if I didn’t refuse it because I couldn’t leave you. I am so deep inside the Order sometimes the only thing keeping me sane in my life is you. I am a pathological liar, Hamish. 
- I lied too. I have been a Knight for the past eight years. I’ve led the Knights for the past six years. I’ve attacked and defended and did some thing I’m not proud either, even if I believe in the cause we serve. 
- Your pack literally hates my guts.
- The Order is hunting werewolves down. 
- I can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt because the Order, Hamish. 
- I can’t imagine my life without you, Beatrice. 
The honesty in his tone was almost murderous. She felt his words crawling down her skin as she tried with all her will not to fall apart and into his arms the second he touched her. When he finally did place his hands on the hangers and took them out of her palms, she seemed to have lost her balance for a second. Carefully he placed her dresses back in the closet, brushing against her arm only to return to his previous spot standing before her and looking into her eyes. Beatrice tilted her head up as he was a bit taller, barely standing his intense gaze. 
- The Order is your enemy. Werewolves and practitioners are enemies.  
- Are you my enemy?
Beatrice sucked in her next breath as she felt his hand reach for her own gently intertwining their fingers. She couldn’t look away as if his gaze was a magnetic force and she couldn’t overpower it. With his free hand he slowly reached to her cheek wiping away the fresh tear that fell down her eyelashes. Her whole body was trembling beneath his touch just like she always did when he was this close. His scent was driving her crazy, muting her senses and blinding the reason she always followed. It was only after a few moments of undisturbed silence that she spoke up, giving up all her will power to the love she knew was stronger than anything she has ever witnessed in her life. 
- You own my heart and my soul, Hamish. I could never knowingly stand against you. 
Beatrice barely got to finish her sentence before Hamish crashed their lips together, habitually wrapping his arms tightly around her form and pushing her flush against him. An uncontrollable moan escaped her mouth as she melted right into his embrace, entangling her fingers in his silky hair. They were used to messy kisses, those filled with lust and passion and always ending in their bed or other less comfortable places in their apartment, but this was different. The urgency in their movement, hungry lips learning each other like it was the first time, greedy hands trailing invisible paths down their bodies. The act itself felt less like a physical form of dealing with the recent events, but like the final stage of accepting who they are as individuals and who they become as one body, one mind and one soul. When breath came to call they broke apart, but never left each other’s embrace, resting their foreheads against one another. Both were breathing heavily, chest heaving up and down at an astounding pace but all that didn’t matter when they knew they had each other despite everything that happened and will happen in the future. 
Hamish could hear Bea’s heart beating like a hummingbird locked in a golden cage. He felt the way she shifted in his arms, trying to get even closer than she already was. Suddenly everything was back to normal. She was his, he was hers. The Order didn’t matter. The Knights didn’t matter. In the silence they exchanged wordless vows promising to protect the love they found in the chaos of their lives. Truth was simple and in plain sight. There was no life for Hamish without Beatrice and there was no life for Beatrice without Hamish. Not even their allegiance to enemy societies could tear them apart. 
- We’re going to figure it out. I don’t know how or how long it will take but there’s one thing I am certain about. You are my life, Bea. I don’t care what anybody else says, you’re the one thing I can’t live my life without. 
Beatrice looked up, catching his longing gaze with her teary eyes. She could see all that he didn’t say but felt within. All the love, the adoration, the promise of life by her side. 
- And I can’t live without you. I can’t breathe without you. To hell with the Order, to hell with Coventry. If I have you, nothing else matters. I love you, Hamish. More than anything. More than life. 
The blonde man gently squeezed her sides, bringing her impossibly close as he pecked her lips quickly, but fiercely. He had this bewildered look on his face as if suddenly he swallowed all the energy in the world and was just ready to release it all back like a supernova. 
- You have no idea how happy I am that you said that. But all things aside, your magic? That was incredible! I can’t even wrap my head around it. You must teach me sometimes. 
Beatrice laughed out gleefully, wrapping her arms tightly around Hamish’s neck, gently nudging his nose with her own. 
- A Knight of Saint Christopher’s willingly asking to be taught magic? Dear God, a true miracle. 
Hamish smiled wildly, staring lovingly at the woman in his arms. All the emotions he felt flying through his mind, he could barely register them all. The happiness, the hope, the overwhelming joy, the relief all flooded him at once, buy unlike before he felt more at peace than ever. Instead of a hurricane he was standing in the soft rain in the middle of summer. Gently he released Beatrice from his grip, turning towards the bed, where the half-filled suitcase laid wide open. Without a word he reached for the clothes already inside and started unpacking it. 
- Since you’re not going anywhere, I believe these belong back in the closet. 
- But only if I am the one to put them away – agreed Beatrice, taking the clothes from her fiancé’s hands – If you start putting my clothes back in, I will never be able to find anything again, so move aside, Mister Duke. 
- If you say so, Missus Duke – replied Hamish cheekily, relinquishing his grip on the hangers. 
Beatrice turned rapidly to face him, almost dropping the dress she was hanging back in the closet. She raised her eyebrows at him bewildered by the name. 
- What did you say?
- If you say so, Missus Duke. 
The sheer tone of his voice, so sultry and alluring made her weak at the knees. Trying to shake off the effect he clearly had on her, Bea turned back to hang the dress she was holding, when she heard the suitcase gently hit the floor beside the bed. The next thing she knew Hamish had his arms around her middle, standing right behind her with his chest lightly touching her back. Every place his fingers touched her body felt like electricity running over her skin as he gently slid his palms beneath the white flowy shirt she was wearing, running invisible traces over her stomach and ribs. He felt her shaking under his hands and smiled wickedly, proud of how she reacted to his even smallest actions. 
- I don’t see a wedding ring in my left hand yet, Mister Duke – whispered Beatrice, leaning into Hamish as his hands roamed freely over her skin. 
- A small technical issue I will see to first thing tomorrow – purred Hamish, tracing her neckline with his nose – But right now we have more pressing matters to attend to. 
Beatrice heaved heavily as she laid her head over Hamish’s bare chest regaining her breath after the last few hours they spent in their bedroom. 
- Now I understand why you never got tired. Werewolf durability.
Hamish laughed heartily, wrapping hir arms around her body and kissing her temple gently. 
- Darling, believe me. The werewolf part is just a small particle of my endurance. Mostly it’s the fact that my future wife is the sexiest woman on planet Earth, and I can’t control myself around her. 
Bea raised her eyes, looking up at a very smug looking Hamish grinning like an idiot. She propped herself on her elbow, resting her free hand flat on his chest. 
- Say it again. 
- What?
Beatrice shook her head quickly pecking his lips. 
- You know what. 
Suddenly his gaze softened as he expertly tucked a rouge whisp of her chocolate hair behind her ear. For a moment he remained silenced as he admired her flushed cheeks and sparkling blue irises looking back at him with so much love and adoration he could burst. Gently, he cupped her face, stroking her cheekbone with his thumb never breaking eye contact. 
-  My future wife.
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Jack Morton x Fem!reader
A/n: english is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there is any mistakes. It's super fluff, hope you'll like it.
Y/n Duke had been a werewolf almost as long as her older brother Hamish. She's preety close to him, the same way she's close to all the kinghts, exepct for one of them - Jack Morton.
For some reason the girl and the newest werewolf don't get along that well. Y/n never wanted him to be part of the knights and blames him for all the problems with the order, while Jack thinks she's stupid and selfish, since he's a good werewolf. But let's just say that some things are about to change.
The order, and therefore the knights, had a new threat to deal with. A guy called Peter Don was doing lots of bad magic and hunting anyone that knew how to make it, all because he wanted to be the only person that possessed such thing.
Hamish and the werewolfs already knew about this whole thing, but had never managed to found the guy, so when Vera told him his name Duke was quick to call an emergency meeting with the rest.
Lilith and Randall had just arived to the house, only to find Jack and Y/n arguing about something that happend at their class a couple minuts ago, they rolled their eyes and set down, both of them were extremely tired of their bullshit. As soon as Hamish arrived he made them stop fighting and told everything Vera said to him, then the group started to plan what to do next.
Randall and Lilith were going to Peter's workplace, a clothing store, in order to investigate, Hamish was going to do some research about the guy with a couple books Vera had given to him, while Y/n and Jack were going to his place, neither of them were happy with it, but according to the older Duke they needed to be able to work together.
The car ride to Peter's place was very quite and weird. When they arrived Y/n informed their groupchat, Randall and Lilith already were taking a look at the store and Hamish said he hasn't found anything yet.
The duo broke into the guy's house and started to look for anything sightly suspicious. Nothing in the first floor, and nothing in the second, when they were heading to the basement Jack, that was pretty quiet, openned his mouth to talk about something that was not about Peter.
"Why do you hate me so much?"
A minute of silence followed his question.
"Like I get it that I caused a couple of problems and shit, but besides that, what did I ever do for you to hate me that much?"
"Well i-, you annoy me and you also hate me, so I don't get why you are asking me this."
"I was just wondering"
"You can wonder when we catch this bad guy"
The conversation ended but Y/n kept thinking about that. Why did she hate Jack so much? Okay, sure, he was annoying, but there was something more and she couldn't find out what, and this was making her pretty pissed.
Morton and Duke entered the basement, only to see something, actually, someone that Y/n didn't like that much either - Alyssa Drake.
Jack got quite excited to see the girl he once had a crush on, what only made Y/n roll her eyes. Alyssa said Vera asked her to see if his house had something weird, but she hadn't found anything. Jack started to make a small talk with her, and Y/n quickly dragged him out of that place.
"You should stop talking to Alyssa"
"What, why?"
"There's something about her that dosen't sit right with me"
"Are you jelous?
Y/n turned to Jack with a pretty angry face, but if you looked close enought a blush could be seen.
"If you think I'll ever feel something for you Morton, you need help"
Jack looked a bit sad, but hided that with a playfull smirk, when he was about to open his mouth to say something sarcastic, Y/n screamed.
Peter had found them, stabbed Y/n and started to run. Y/n feel into the ground and tried to stop the bleeding.
"Go after him"
"What no I can't just let you bleeding here"
"It's okay, I'll heal"
The boy stoped to think for a moment, but when Y/n gave him the sweetest smile ever, he decided to go after Peter, after all she's a werewolf, she would be fine.
Morton started to run after Don, but Y/n wasn't healing, so she looked over to her belly, and guess what, a green smoke was coming out of it. The knive Peter used was poisoned, Y/n thought it was funny, since her brother had once being stabbed by a poisoned knive. She tried to reach her phone and call someone, but she didn't had enought strenght for that, the poison was way to strong.
All she could do was wait for Jack to come back and help her. When Y/n was about to close her eyes she heard him call her name and Jack started to run towards her.
The order wanted Peter alive so that they could ask him questions, so Jack had only knocked him out and was trying to get him to his car.
He kneeled next to Y/n and told her to hold on while he pressed her belly to make the bleeding stop. The first thing Jack did was call Alyssa, he asked the blonde girl to come pick Peter and take him to Vera, then he proceeded to pick Y/n and take her to his car.
Alyssa did what he asked and Jack was now driving pretty fast to the knights place. He kept assuring Y/n that she would be fine, but deep down he didn't really know what would happen, the only thing he knew was that he couldn't just lose Y/n, no not like that.
As soon as he arrived at the house Jack picked her up very carefully and opened the door. Lilith looked over from her sit to see what all that noise was, only to find her best friend dieing in Jack's arms.
While Morton was putting her on the sofa, Batory shouted for Hamish and Randall that came downstairs running. Jack told everything that happen and Lilith was preparing a potion that would cure her, at least that's what they hoped, Hamish and Randall were freaking out.
Y/n drunk the disgusting potion and the green smoke was gone. She was fine and already healing. The knights were pretty happy and relieved, but Jack still had a sad expression.
He almost lost the girl he loves and she doesn't even know that, actually it's worse, she doesn't feel the same.
After that Randall left, he had a date with Gabrielle, Lilith helped Y/n go to her room upstairs and went to her own, Hamish had to go report everything to Vera, and maybe make out with her, but Jack had nothing to do, so he just set down in the living room and kept thinking about his feeling towards the girl that hated him.
A couple hours passed, it was pretty late now, and Jack got tired of just thinking, it was time to do something about that, even if later he might regret it. So he walked to Y/n's room expecting her to still be awake. Her door was open so he entered the room.
"Wow Morton what are you doing awake? It's pretty late."
Y/n said that in a very cute tone, not the one she usually uses with Jack. The thing is that she had also being thinking about the same thing he had. Y/n realized that the reason why she had been hating him so much lately, was that she actually liked him and was scared to do something about it, so Y/n thought pretending she still hated him like she once did would make her feelings go away. But today when she saw Jack all worried about her, everything changed.
"Don't say anything just let me talk. I don't hate you okay, I once did but not anymore."
Y/n was very confused.
"I like you, not only as a friend. I have been liking you for a couple months now, and I didn't knew how to tell you."
Okay now Y/n was chocked. Was she dreaming? Did the poison actually kill her and now she was seeing things?
"Look I know you hate me and stuff, but today when you almost died I realized I needed to tell you, so well, you know."
Y/n got up from her bed and walked up to Jack.
"You can keep hating me no problem, i-"
"Just shut up and kiss me Morton"
"Wait, what?"
"I like you too asshole"
"For real?"
Y/n and Jack kissed each other with a lot of passion and love. It was a slow and sweet kiss, but a very needed one, after all both of them had been pretending they hated each other for way longer than they should.
After what seamed to be a long time, they finally broke the kiss to breathe, and they couldn't stop smiling, everything was okay now.
"Wow, hm this was pretty nice, but I think you have to rest, I mean, you were stabbed today"
Y/n agreed and Jack started to leave her room, but she stopped him before he could actually leave.
"Can you stay here with me?
"Of course"
Y/n and Jack got into the girl's bed and cuddled. Her head was close to his neck and he was holding her while drawing random things with his finger in her exposed skin.
The room was silent, but there was no need for words, all they needed was each other. Then Jack said something and blushed
"Can you play with my hair please?"
Y/n smiled and nodded. Now her hand was tangled in Morton's hair, both of them were extremely happy.
Time passed and they stayed like this, sometimes Jack would say something about how good that felt and Y/n would laugh saying she loved his hair. That was when she started to feel her eyes closing, she was super tired.
"Thanks for helping me today, and thanks for staying here with me."
Y/n said that in a tired and sweet voice while yawning.
"Anything for you princess."
Jack kissed her forehead and they fell asleep together without a care in the world.
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dreaminpetals · 4 years
❀ identity v masterlist ❀
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since i've written so much for idv alone, i figured i'd make a separate masterlist for all of 'em.
my matchups are tagged #matchups if you'd like to find them ^^
note: i forget to update this a lot
sfw & nsfw hcs
nsfw hcs
reader pulls him into locker to kiss
s/o who’s scared of the dark
how andrew's different skins act
s/o takes a liking to his skins (nsfw)
s/o likes his candy skin
pegging candy andrew (fem reader)
little mermaid au (fem reader)
andrew outside of matches
desolate sand andrew rescues s/o from bandits
with an insecure s/o
sfw & nsfw with a dominant s/o (male reader)
with a makeup artist s/o
reader pulls aesop into a locker to kiss
male s/o with weak legs
nsfw aesop hcs
with a trans male reader
s/o with lots of piercings
overprotective s/o
sfw & nsfw hcs
nsfw hcs (male s/o)
artist s/o with short attention span
fucking over furniture hcs
breeding kink hcs
s/o who’s scared of the dark
trans male s/o from modern times
general romantic hcs
sfw & nsfw jealous eli
eli moans gertrude's name by accident
with a cuddly s/o
sfw & nsfw hcs
norton with a breeding kink (fem reader)
sfw & nsfw ronald of ness
s/o with lots of piercings
artist s/o with short attention span
sfw & nsfw hcs
edgar degrading s/o in the bedroom
overprotective s/o (male reader)
taking naps with s/o
virgin s/o
sfw & nsfw possessive joseph
s/o with a sweet tooth (male reader)
joseph reacts to mortally wounded s/o
angsty headcanons
naib thinks his s/o cheated on him (nsfw) (fem reader)
s/o pulls naib into locker to kiss
receiving oral hcs
sfw & nsfw naib
naib reacts to mortally wounded s/o
s/o with lots of piercings
general romantic hcs
sfw & nsfw hcs
nsfw hcs (male reader)
angsty jose hcs
romantic hcs (male reader)
s/o plans surprise birthday party for him
s/o who’s scared of the dark
nsfw hcs
victor with a secret admirer
sfw & nsfw hcs
s/o with a sweet tooth (male reader)
shy, anxious s/o
nsfw with small s/o
s/o likes his candy skin
jack with a male s/o
general romantic hcs
general romantic hcs (fem reader)
more romantic hcs (fem reader)
comfort hcs
with a selfless ballerina s/o (fem reader)
poly relationship with mary (fem reader)
poly michimary getting matching costumes (fem reader)
poly relationship with michiko (fem reader)
poly michimary getting matching costumes (fem reader)
general romantic hcs (fem reader)
general romantic hcs (fem reader)
general romantic hcs (fem reader)
general platonic hcs
sfw & nsfw hcs with short fem reader
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lomlmarvel · 4 years
It’ll Always Be You
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Randall Carpio x fem!Reader Series
Part One :)
Sophomore year of college was said to be more relaxed and less stressful than the previous year. Although, for most people, the stress they referred to was being independent for the first time, being home-sick, finally being responsible for your own things and the start of adulthood. For you, all of those were included, but another event that made your year more interesting was joining the Knights. It wasn't something you had planned to happen; it just did.
You passed all the freshmen walking through the corridors with their parents and moving boxes. Some cried, others were ecstatic, and others were pushing their parents out. You had a take-out bag in one hand while the other held a drink carrier that you swiftly maneuvered away from people's bodies. Randall was meant to meet you a couple of minutes ago but said he got held up, showing a first-year student to his dorm and settling him in. You offered to meet him at the dorms, and that's how you ended in the freshmen building.
You were nearing the room number Randall had told you, and you could hear a male voice talking inside. 
"There's so much to experience, so much to taste. Don't let someone else define you. Don't waste this opportunity. Don't... touch my shit. Also, nice to meet you".
"You too."
As you were about to knock on the door, a tall guy in a white shirt walked out and looked around like it was his first time there. He basically ignored you as he continued walking down the hall. You poked your head in through the open door and saw Randall, who waved you to come in.
"I'm almost done. Sorry, Jack, that's my friend, (Y/N)" Randall said, introducing you as the mysterious guy in the middle of the room remained with his back to you. So, you looked down to let Randall finish his little speech.
"Any questions about changing roommates? No? Great. You lose your key. It's 75 bucks to replace it," Randall continued, standing up from his position.
"(Y/N)?" the mysterious unknown freshmen said. You looked up as his voice sounded familiar and saw the one and only Jack Morton.
"Jack? I didn't know you were coming to Belgrave!" You said, approaching him and pulling him in for a hug. He returned the hug and pulled away to look at your face.
"Wow, I haven't seen you since..." Jack replied, trying to think of the last time he saw you.
"Since my Grandma moved us away. Yeah, wow! It's so good to see you! How's Grandpa Pete?" You asked, completely forgetting about the other male in the room.
"He's good—stubborn, pushy, kind of a dick, like always. Do you remember? How's your Grandma?" Jack was then interrupted by the dark-haired male in the room.
"Wait, you guys know each other?" Randall asked, turning to look at you first, then Jack, then back at you. Randall could see the wide smile on your face that told him there was some history between you. 
"Yeah, we grew up in the same street. Went to school together until my Grandma forced us to move, and we just lost contact," You answered as you set the bag of food and drinks on the table nearby. 
"Wow, small world," Randall made a comment that you could tell was sarcastic, "Anyways, Jack. Here is your welcome package. It's got your map of campus," Randall pulled out his clipboard and handed Jack a stack of papers. "Complete with all-male, female, and non-binary bathroom locations. There's a bunch of coupons--"
"--for stuff, you'll never buy," You said to Jack, causing him to chuckle. Randall sent you a weird glance, which you returned.
 "There is a rape whistle and a 'How Not to Rape' pamphlet. Any questions?" Randall asked as he grabbed the take-out bag and handed you the drinks. He started moving towards the door as you stayed in the same location.
"Nope. But if you need a hand with anything, don't hesitate to ask," Jack replied with a smile on his face, causing you to laugh.
"I think I'm supposed to say that," Randall laughed as he grabbed your hand to pull you out of the room, but you pulled away.
"But seriously, Jack. If you need anything, you can ask Randall and if not, here's my number," You said, grabbing Randall’s pen, writing your number down on one of Jack’s paper and handing it back to him," It's really great to see you. I hope we can catch up soon," You stated, and Jack nodded.
"Yeah, for sure. I just have my orientation later, and maybe I'll send you a text after," Jack replied. You nodded and said goodbye as Randall managed to pull you out of the room. 
As soon as you reached the outside of the dorm building, you punched Randall on the shoulder. 
"Hey! What was that for!" He yelped, rubbing his upper arm with his free hand. You rolled your eyes at his obliviousness. Randall could tell that you noticed his change in attitude towards Jack once he saw you.
"You didn't have to be rude! We could've left like normal people," You stated. You kept walking alongside him. He looked perfect sporting khaki jeans, a black graphic tee, and a black sweater. He rarely wore anything other than sweats and a shirt. But since freshmen were moving in, he had to look 'professional.'
"What are you talking about? I like Jack; I wasn't rude," Randall quickly said, taking his hand and grabbing yours. You and Randall weren't dating. He was your best friend, and you were his. But he didn't act the same way with you than he did with Lilith. He always reached for your hand, always touching you, whether it was an arm around your shoulder, his hand on your legs when you would watch TV together, and you two cuddled regularly. You had feelings for Randall, of course, you did, but he didn't feel the same. He flirted with girls whenever you guys were at the Blade and Chalice, a restaurant/bar on campus. However, you liked it when he was affectionate; that's why you never said anything. Whenever he reached for your hand, your heart always accelerated; you could feel the blood rush to your cheeks, and the hairs on your arm stand up. 
"So, where do you want to go to eat this? Your place? The den? Or our place!" Randall asked, drifting the conversation from Jack to you two.
Randall wasn't jealous of Jack Morton. He had barely met the guy. What was bugging him, however, was the fact that you had never mentioned him before. He knew Jack was a friend, but there was something more; he just couldn't pinpoint it. Also, Randall Carpio wasn't a jealous type. He was confident, charming, and he knew how to tell a girl he was into her, but with you, it was different.
"Let's go to our place. We haven't been there in a while," you mentioned. He agreed, and the two of you began your walk to your destination.
'Your place' wasn't really yours, to begin with. It was no one’s. It was a big oak tree somewhere in the woods where you had run into Randall the first time you met him. You had been on a run and got distracted, which ended up with you getting lost in the woods and Randall finding you. You were confused about what he was doing in the woods, but you got to learn that information a few weeks later. Randall had offered to walk you back to campus, and you thanked him. The walk back wasn't uncomfortable or awkward; the two of you got to know each other and hit it off right away. The rest was pretty much history.
"So I was thinking about Jack and the Knights," Randall stated once the two of you sat down on the ground. You took out your food and handed Randall his.
"Yeah, I don't think so," you mumbled, taking a bite of your food.
"And why not?" Randall asked. You sent him a look, and he looked puzzled.
"First off, Lilith hates almost everyone, and I have a feeling she'll hate Jack. Two, Hamish is still pretty much getting used to me joining the Knights, and I've been here a while. Three, remember how hard it was to convince Hamish about me?" You pointed out. Randall agreed with your first point but then disagreed with the rest.
"No, that's not true. Hamish loves you! He prefers you over me," Randall fought back. The charming asshole knew what he was doing. He was kissing your ass so you could back him up if he ever decided to bring up Jack to the Knights.
"Look, let Jack settle in first, and then you can scout him for your little fantasy wolf pack," you replied. Randall smiled at your comment and bumped shoulders with you.
"You can't date him, though. Because then that'll be awkward," Randall got a boost of confidence in him as he said this. He wanted to ask about your history with Jack but didn't want to seem nosy or jealous.
"Yeah, not gonna happen. We were best friends growing up, but strictly platonic".
Randall couldn't help but smile at this revelation. He had been trying to tell you how he felt about you all year. However, he managed to convince himself to ask you out once school started. Still, he just hadn't had the chance even though you hung out almost every day.
"Hey, by the way, remember how I was wait-listed for Hamish's class? Well, I finally got a seat!" You told Randall who put his hand up for a high five. He clashed your hands together and smiled.
"That's right!" He exclaimed, holding onto your hand for a while. You smiled at his enthusiasm and chuckled. You loved that about Randall. He was always so supportive of anything you did. He was your personal cheerleader and confidant. He was your drinking buddy, study buddy, comforter, and anything you needed. He was the whole package. You just wished you had the guts to tell him so.
While you had been in your own thoughts. You hadn't noticed how close the two of you had gotten. You could feel his breath on your lips, and with each glance from his lips to his eyes, he seemed to be getting closer. This was it. This was the moment you had been waiting for since realizing your feelings for him. You parted your lips and tilted your head to align with his lips.
"Do you want me to walk you back to the den?" Randall asked, quickly jumping back and creating distance between the two of you. Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment, and you turned to pick up your trash.
"I totally forgot I have another freshman coming in. I also just want to do another round before I call it a day," Randall continued as you stood up.
"Uh... no, it's fine. I can walk myself," you replied, wiping your hands on your jeans. "Are you coming to the den later, or no?"
"I'm not sure. I'll let you know. If not, I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked. You nodded and said bye to him as you began walking in separate directions.
That had been weird. You were sure he was going to kiss you. But maybe he just got caught up in the moment and didn't actually feel anything romantic towards you. That broke your heart, but that's how it was sometimes.
Making his journey back to campus, Randall mentally kicked himself for being so close to finally doing what he's been wanting to do for a long time. Truthfully, he got scared. He was scared that you didn't reciprocate feelings for him and that it would ruin your friendship. But maybe, he got the courage to really tell you next time.
A/N: Will be writing the other parts soon and will updating them:)
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unholly-reader · 7 months
Darling - Hamish Duke x fem!reader
Just a little something for us all Hamish lovers <3
Please, keep in mind - English is NOT my first language, so I apologize in advance for any errors.
Warnings: a little emotional, fluff
- Vera, are you really that blind? They will remember sooner or later. The hides are incredibly powerful and sensible to magic, might I add. They will not succumb to your wishes. You have to find a different way to convince them to the ideals of the Order. 
The Grand Magus turned away from her sister, huffing out clearly annoyed with the reprimand. 
- I assure you, Aria, your little wolf friends will not pose a threat to us once we induct them into the Order. But first we need to control them. 
- Good God, Vera. These are werewolves, not puppies. You will make an enemy out of them much quicker than you may befriend them. Maybe Jack Morton will be more amicable considering his feelings for miss Drake, however I can’t say the same thing for the rest of them. Lilith won’t forget it. Randall won’t forget it. Hamish won’t…
- Oh please, this again? He doesn’t remember you. He won’t remember you. He will never be back the way you want him to. Deal with it, you big baby. 
- Enough! 
Aria shouted out like an enraged animal sending waves of wind around her settling between the books and furniture fit inside the reliquary. Although Vera never feared her sister’s magic, as the time went by, she started seeing her true power. As much as it didn’t bother her she began worrying if she had overlooked her too much. 
- You don’t get to take him away from me and then rub it in my face, Vera. I don’t care you’re Grand Magus. I don’t care you have the power to destroy me or dispose of me or even kill me. I have loved him for years and there’s no way in Hell I’ll ever stop. Even if he doesn’t remember me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to prepare for tonight. In case you forgot, we are celebrating your new Acolytes. 
Before Vera could mutter a single word, Aria left the reliquary, heading to the one place she knew she could calm down before the upcoming event of the night. It was as if her feet dragged her to the Den by themselves as she felt no control over her body. One lonely tear slid down her cheek as the house showed up in the distance and all the memories, she made there came running down like an avalanche. Pushing all her emotions aside she stepped confidently inside the Den, heading straight for the stairs and eventually to his room. It still looked as neat as it always has. Bed perfectly made but still wrinkled from the last time she slept there. All his clothes hanging in the closet, his vest and shirts and sweaters. His smell lingering in the room as if he never left. But then again, she knew he would never come back there. 
And just as she did it countless times before, she slowly reached for the one cashmere sweater he always loved and she slid it over her head, feeling his scent fill her nostrils. She couldn’t cry anymore as she has already cried many nights hugging his clothes and sleeping in his bed, where they used to sleep together before. Her dark brown hair splayed on his gray pillows as she laid on her back, hugging her arms gently feeling the fabric of his sweater. 
She didn’t feel the time passing by until one moment she heard some noises coming from downstairs. Normally she would have been alarmed by those sounds but she knew perfectly well nobody came down to the Den and so she had no reason to fear uninvited guests, so she didn’t even move, snuggling even more into his pillow. She chose to ignore the silent steps coming up the stairs same way she ignored the slight crack in the door when it swung open. Only then did she sit up on the king-sized bed and looking at the entrance her heart stopped. 
- Hamish? What are you.. I mean, who are you and how did you find this place? You shouldn’t be here…
- Aria, I remember. 
His voice. Soft as ever, calming as a rainy day in the middle of summer. He stood in the doorway dressed in his somewhat usual attire – the pale blue shirt and a vest fitting him so damn well she almost forgot how to breathe. As soon as she heard his words, she slid off the bed, keeping her arms crossed over her chest as she absentmindedly hugged her form still clad in his sweater. 
- You remember…? 
She could barely speak as her she couldn’t believe her eyes. She stood still frozen in place as Hamish quickly approached her, stretching his arms towards her. 
- Come here, you. 
As her last doubt finally fell, immediately she threw herself onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Hamish instinctively hugged her back, hiding his face in her shoulder. Holding her close like he used to so many times before finally felt he was himself again. He breathed in her intoxicating scent as memories flooded his mind. Their first date. The first time he kissed her sweet lips. The first night they spent together wrapped in each other’s arms. Aria was barely registering what was happening around because all her focus was on Hamish and his arms holding her so tightly. She let all her anger and rage and overwhelming sadness out, crying inro his chest like a little baby. She clawed at his arms desperately trying to reassure herself, that it was not a dream. 
- I missed you so, so much, Hamish. Every day was like a reoccurring nightmare watching you live your life without me in it. I could barely stand it. 
- Shh, I’m here now, darling. I’m here, everything is alright now – he kept whispering sweet nothings into her ear, holding her trembling body close to him. Slowly he cupped her cheek with his right hand, forcing her to look at him. She was crying her eyes out, mascara slowly dripping down the corner of her lashes, but to him she was still the most beautiful woman he’s ever laid his eyes upon. 
- Don’t you ever forget me again, Hamish Duke. Don’t you even dare. 
- Believe it or not, even when I was supposed to forget you, I remembered. I kept hearing your voice in my dreams, your laughter, seeing you face every night I went to sleep. Missing my darling Aria. 
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