#jack Kelly x reader
youaintnothinbuta · 6 months
I’m so glad I found a person who writes for newsies! Can you write something about Jack being super protective and caring about the reader? They aren’t dating yet but whenever the Delancy bros bother her or another newsie he’s like 🏃 “gotta go protect my girl”
Thank you!!!
“You don’t need to put up with their nonsense.” - jack kelly x reader 
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Summary: ^^^
Pairing: jack kelly x fem!reader
Word count: 413
Warnings: none, fluff, probably typosss you know how I am
You navigated the crowded sidewalk, your focus set on the task that was getting your stack of papes for the day. You dreaded this point in the morning, as the Delancey Brothers were never particularly kind.
As you approached the gates, Oscar and Morris intercepted your path. A pair of mischievous grins painted their faces as they watched you, you knew their snide remarks were about to begin.
“Look who we got here, you lost little girl?” Oscar quipped, a sly grin playing on his face. You startled slightly as he jumped in your face out of nowhere.
Morris joined in, “What's the matter, sweetheart? You’re not scared of me, are ya?”
“Please, just gimme my papes.” You sighed, trying to brush off their comments, determined to maintain your composure. However, the relentless jabs persisted, wearing down your resolve with each passing word. Amidst the taunts, Jack, who had been preoccupied with sorting through a fresh batch of papes, caught wind of the commotion. His eyes narrowed as he observed the Delancey Brothers harassing you, a protective instinct flickering within him.
Without hesitation, Jack swiftly approached, his stride purposeful and his gaze piercing. “What's going on here?” he demanded, a subtle growl underlying his words.
Oscar, ever the provocateur, responded with a dismissive laugh. “Just having a little fun with the girl, Kelly. Nothing to get your feathers all ruffled about.”
Jack's eyes flashed with a mixture of concern and a simmering anger. He positioned himself between you and the Delancey Brothers. “What a poor excuse of a man you are to be picking on a girl like this.”
Morris scoffed, locking eyes with Jack. “Save the hero act. She ain’t bothered, are ya honey?”
You looked at Jack, your eyes asking him not to leave. Jack reached to your hand and took the pennies from you, he smacked them down in front of the Delancey brothers and snatched a stack of papers from Oscar, handing them to you. Jack's hand found its way to the small of your back, guiding you away from the Delancey Brothers with a protective gesture. “You don't need to put up with their nonsense. Stick with me, I won’t let them harass you like that again.”
“Thank you, Jack.” Your cheeks were tinted slightly pink by his words.
As you continued on your way, Jack maintained a protective hold on you, casting a lingering, meaningful glance over his shoulder to ensure the Delancey Brothers got the message.
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aspendragonfly · 4 months
Genuinely so tempted to start writing little x reader blurbs for Hazbin Hotel but I've been pushing it off bc of how busy I am with theatre stuff- soooo if there's anything you'd like me to write feel free to give suggestions 🤭 (also using this as an opportunity to figure out how to ✨bedazzle✨ my posts on here 😍 no but actually I really need help with that bc how tf 💀)
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
Characters I am Willing to Write for:
Hazbin Hotel
❒ Lucifer
❒ Vox
❒ Velvette
❒ Rosie
❒ Angel Dust
❒ Husk
❒ Charlie
❒ Vaggie
❒ Alastor
❒ Adam
❒ Lute
❒ Sir Pentious
❒ Cherri Bomb
❒ Ofc this could change, just feel free to request whoever and I'll try my best 🤟
Newsies 📰
❒ Jack Kelly
❒ Davey
❒ Katherine Plumber
What I will NOT be Willing to Write:
❒ Don't even think about requesting Valentino because it's not happening- absolutely hate that man 💃
❒ Age-Gap stuff, it just makes me uncomfy and I personally don't get how people are able to romanticize it 😭 (again, just my opinion, no hate if you do like it, just as long as it's not illegal 🤷‍♀️)
❒ Anything romantic with Charlie and Vaggie bc they are datingggg- plus it just feels weird writing x reader for them, it's like in my mind they're cheating, as stupid as that sounds 💀
�� Ummm there's probably other stuff but I can always add to it later 🤷‍♀️
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Soooo with that being said, feel free to send any requests and I'll try my best to write them! I know most of you probably won't be bothered to read this part, but I also draw as well and I've seriously been meaning to draw more often, especially different poses, so if you want me to draw anything I'll certainly try my best! Though no promises I'll actually finish the drawing ones because that takes up a lot more time and I barely have any 😭 The only times I'm actually free are on weekends 😞 But yeah, request if you feel like it 💪 And feel free to just call me Dragonfly! It's sort of like my alias at this point 💀
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lovingmusicalmen · 1 year
"Wh- so you did remember my birthday!" || "Of course I did. How could I ever forget?" with Jack Kelly?
This one's lowkey v cute! I hope you enjoy!
Still accepting blurb requests!
Fluff 21 - "Wh- so you did remember my birthday!" || "Of course I did. How could I ever forget?"
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If you were to ask Crutchie, he would say that Jack was moping.
A claim that Jack himself would vehemently deny. Jack Kelly did not mope, though that didn't mean that he didn't occasionally feel a tad bit disappointed. Especially when his girlfriend avoided him at every turn and gave absolutely zero inclination that she knew his birthday had been coming up.
And, yes, perhaps that mild upset was showing through Jack isolating himself on the roof of the lodging house with only his sketchbook for company. If you were to ask Jack, that was the ideal way for anyone to spend their birthday.
So no, of course he was not moping, no matter what Crutchie and Race and whoever else had to say about it.
"Jackie? You up here? The guys said they saw you head up here."
Jack tensed up at the familiar voice floating up to where he sat sketching from his penthouse.
"Oh so you actually want to talk to me now?" Jack bit out before he could think better of it.
Okay, so maybe Jack was a little more upset than he wanted to let on.
He let out a long sigh, snapping his sketchbook shut and turning around to face his girlfriend.
Y/N stood at the edge of the penthouse, her arms behind her back. There was a nervous smile on her face, and she was bouncing up and down a little on her heels. Her clothes were surprisingly clean considering that Jack knew she had been working far harder than usual lately.
"I have something for you," she said, smile widening.
Jack raised a single eyebrow at her, refusing to let her words raise his hopes.
Y/N crossed over to him, moving her hands to her front to present him with two small parcels and a piece of card.
"It's not much - but happy birthday, Jackie."
Jack blinked at her, staring between his girlfriend and the gifts she was presenting him with.
"Wh- so you did remember my birthday?" Jack asked in mild disbelief. Y/N let out a quiet laugh, biting her lip as she nodded.
"Of course I did. How could I ever forget?" Y/N asked, her voice soft.
"But you've been avoiding me."
"I wanted it to be a surprise. And I've been taking a couple of extra jobs to try and save up for what I wanted to get for you."
"You didn't have to do that!" Jack hadn't realised he had stood up until he had already crossed over to her. He clasped his hands ever-so gently on her arms.
"Of course I did - I love you, Jackie! Happy birthday!"
Jack learned and pecked her cheek before accepting the objects in her arms. He couldn't help but laugh at the card - two crudely drawn figures on the front holding what Jack presumed were meant to be newspapers.
"Yeah, okay - we can't all be artistic geniuses, Kelly," Y/N huffed, pouting.
"It's beautiful. I'll treasure it forever, baby," Jack promised, swallowing back any further laughter that threatened to bubble up.
True to his word, he strode over to where he had tacked up several of his own drawings to the railings, adding the birthday card to the mix.
"Crutchie is going to think your artistic talent took a serious hit," Y/N snorted, and Jack turned around just in time to see her flop down onto the piles of old clothes and blankets which served as Jack's bed.
Jack just grinned at her, joining her on the bed and carefully peeling away the newspaper which wrapped the two parcels.
A single cupcake was revealed in the first box and Jack's mouth watered at just the sight of it.
"This must've cost a fortune,"
"You deserve a birthday cake, Jackie - not every day you turn 18," Y/N murmured, grabbing hold of his hand and giving it a quick squeeze.
"I love you," he said, tightening his hold on her when she tried to pull away and instead tugging her closer to peck her lips.
"Yeah, yeah," Y/N waved it off. "Open the other one. That's the real present."
"The real present?" Jack repeated incredulously. Y/N just nodded eagerly, eyes fixed on the scruffy parcel. Jack picked it apart carefully, his eyes widening as he revealed a brand new set of paints for him to use. "How the fuck did you buy these?" He whispered.
"I told you - I've been taking a lot of extra work," Y/N shrugged bashfully.
Jack didn't think twice before lunging towards her to pull her into a long, deep kiss.
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companionjones · 1 year
The Favor
Pairing: Jack Kelly x Reader
Fandom: Newsies: The Broadway Musical
Requested by: Anon
Request: Jack Kelly x reader where the reader gets roughed up bad by Brooklyn Newsies and doesn’t tell jack who did it but since she’s his number two, they need to go to Brooklyn on business and they run into the Newsies who beat up and she gets nervous and jack gets protective?
Warnings: Cursing, Violence
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    Limping your way back to the lodging house, you cringed with every step. You wanted to make it back to your bed unnoticed, but that plan immediately went off the rails as you approached the building.
    It started off with somebody yelling from the window, “Hey, everyone! Y/n’s back!”
    Chatter immediately filled the night, coming from the lodging house, and the door opened for you.
    Racer came out toward you. “Hey, Y/n! It’s been a few hours since anyone saw you, are you--” The words died on his tongue as you came into the light.
    “I’m fine!” you called out to him. “Don’t--”
    “Jack!” Race called over his shoulder. He then looked back into the building to the boys by the door. “Get Jack.”
    You sighed as Racer walked up to you and helped you inside. “You don’t need to get him. I’m fine, seriously.”
    Race scoffed, “Yeah. Tell that to your black eyes.”
    “What the hell is this I’m hearing?” Jack was descending the stairs as you made it inside. He had fire inside him as he locked on your eyes. “Who hurt you?”
    “Jack--” you started in a calm tone.
    His jaw clenched. “Don’t start with that. Who did this to you? Tell me right now, and I’ll--”
    “Take me upstairs,” you told him once he had fully approached you.
    Jack huffed as he looked at you. He glanced around the room out of the corner of his eyes before settling his gaze back on you. He nodded before supporting your weight, just as Race did, and helping you back up the stairs.
    “This is one of the days where I don’t want to live on the roof,” Jack commented as the both of you were worn out from climbing all those stairs.
    “I know what you mean.” You laughed as Jack carefully set you down, but those laughs turned into quiet coughs.
    Jack was still standing as he asked, “Are you gonna tell me who did this to you now?”
    You looked away as your eyes grew glossy and you bit your lip, which hurt because that bit lip was split.
    Seeing you like that caused Jack to take a knee next to you. He put a hand on your shoulder. “Hey...You can tell me.”
    You took a deep breath before answering, “Do you remember, a few weeks ago, we were sitting up here, and I asked you what you were thinking?” You looked at him.
    Jack took a full seat next you and leaned on the same brick wall you were against. “Yeah, I do.”
    You smiled at him. “You wouldn’t tell me. I don’t know why, but you were so desperate for me not to know what was going on in your head that you asked for a favor.” You tilted your head as you looked at him. “...I’m calling in that favor.”
    You saw Jack’s gaze harden and his nose flare. “But...they hurt you, Y/n. You...you can barely stand.” He moved in front of you and put a hand on your knee. “Y/n...I want to kill them.”
    “I know you do,” your voice remained soft. “And that’s why you can’t know.”
    The following month, you spent recovering. The other boys sold your papes for you, and Jack barely let you leave the penthouse, no matter how much you complained.
    Once that month was over; however, you were back on your feet. You and Jack almost got into a physical fight over you going, but you ended up going with Jack over to Brooklyn to meet with Spot Conlon regarding Newsie business.
    “--Yeah?” You had been peering down an alleyway, but your head snapped toward Jack when you heard your name.
    Jack looked at you like you were acting weird, which you were. “Why are you so nervous? You’re the one who wanted to come with me in the first place.”
    “First of all, I’m not nervous. Shut up. Second of all, I wanted to come with you today because I’ve spent every day for the last month up on the roof twiddling my thumbs. You know that’s not me, Jack.”
    He replied immediately, “I know that’s not you. It also wasn’t you to have to’ve been laid up for the past month with injuries that you won’t even tell me where they came from!”
    Yes, it was true. Jack hadn’t let up on bothering you about the origins of your injuries, and you had yet to open your mouth.
    “Would you hear that, boys? The big bad Jack Kelly wants to know where Y/n L/n’s boo-boo’s came from. Why don’t we let ‘im know?” Three Brooklyn Newsies appeared from the alley across the street from the one you had been peering down.
    They were behind Jack, but when he turned around and saw them, you knew he must’ve had a bad feeling because he immediately started backing up to cover you. “What the hell are you talking about?”
    The leader of the three’s eyes shifted to you. “Y/n, why don’t you tell your boss how we know each other?”
    Jack glanced over his shoulder to see your shaking form that you were trying to distract from with a pissed-off look on your face. He slowly moved his gaze back to your enemies, and Jack asked a one-word quotation, “Why?”
    “Because you’re doing too much, Jack,” the leader clarified in a raised voice, “You think you’re getting all this power when you’re really not. You needed something to remind you of your place.”
    Through a clenched jaw, Jack lowly responded, “You went after Y/n because of me?”
    The leader was close to laughing at Jack. “That is correct.”
    Jack actually growled before jumping forward to go after the three Brooklyn Newsies.
    “Jack, don’t!” You held him back from doing what he wanted to do. “You can’t attack them.”
    “Why the hell not?!” Jack snapped.
    “Because I’m Spot’s second-in-command!” the leader remarked with a devilish look on his face. “Spot didn’t send me to take care of Y/n, but he might as well have! Jack you’re becoming too powerful for your own good, and we all know the one and only King of the Newsies is Spot Conlon. And what do you think Spot’s gonna do if he finds out you roughed up one of his best guys? I can’t imagine it would be far off from what you want to do me right now. And if that happens on both sides?”
    “A war would break out, Jack,” you finished.
    He thought a moment before quietly asking you, “Is that why you wouldn’t tell me who hurt you? Because I would start a war?”
    With tears in your eyes, you nodded.
    Jack then full turned to you and put a hand on the back of your neck. He tilted his head toward yours. “Did you ever consider that your worth fighting a war over?”
    That question stopped your heart from beating.
    “Alright, that’s enough with the theatrics.” The leader of the small gang approached you and Jack and put a hand on Jack’s should to get him to turn away from you.
    Jack did so, and he used the momentum from it to punch the leader in the face.
    So, Jack took on that guy, and that left you to fight his two minions. You dodged the first blow from the first guy, then caught the second guys fist and kicked his knees out from under him. You then threw the second guy into the first guy, resulting with both of them on the ground. To make it clear who won, you then leaned down and smashed their heads against each other, knocking them out.
    You were about to turn around to see how Jack was doing, but that was made clear when you were grabbed by the neck and yanked to your feet.
    Suddenly, Jack was looking helpless in front of you while the leader choked you in front of him.
    “Let them go,” Jack spat, “Let Y/n go, or I swear I’ll--”
    “You’ll what?” your attacker teased, “Right now, I’m holding all the cards. I think--Stop-fighting!” He was talking to you.
    You had yet to give up. You used all your strength to pull his arm just a little away from your throat, then you used all that space to get some windup before whacking your head into his nose.
    The boy stumbled back from you before you talked him to the ground and started in on punching his face. You got 9 or 10 blows in before deciding he had had enough. You got to your feet, out of breath. You told him, “I would’ve won the fight in the first place if you hadn’t surprised me.” You spat on him. “Fucking coward.”
    “You sure got that right.” Spot Conlon appeared with a large group of Brooklyn Newsies.
    “Have you been here the whole time?” Jack, who was standing next to you, asked.
    Conlon shook his head. “After these three briefly disappeared from my ranks about a month ago, I’ve sent a couple of my younger recruits to keep an eye on ‘em. They came and reported this to me as soon as the fight broke out.”
    Jack asked, “So, they weren’t working by your orders?”
    Spot scoffed, “No. Not even a little.” He looked down to the rogue leader’s bloody form. “And what the hell is this ‘King of the Newsies’ shit you were spoutin’ Timmy? You know we don’t work like that.”
    Timmy was barely able to speak. “I was trying to make you look good--”
    “Fuck making me look good,” Conlon cursed, “This is making me look shitty.” He looked back up to you and Jack. “Sorry, gotta cancel our meetin’ today so I can take care of these buffoons.”
    “All good,” you immediately responded.
    “Fine by me,” Jack was right behind you.
    The Brooklyn Newsies cleaned up their bodies and cleared out just as fast as they got there.
    Jack hugged you as soon as he could. He then brought you to arm’s length so he could examine you. “Are you okay?”
    “I’m doing just as well as you. Look at that shiner!” you laughed, referring to a bruise that was already forming under one of Jack’s eyes. You then looked into his eyes, and you saw an emotion that you had seen there many times before, but it was an emotion that you could never put a name to.
    Things fell silent between the two of you.
    “Ask me again,” Jack softly asked.
    “What?” you wondered.
    “Ask me again what I was thinking that night.”
    You didn’t have to ask what night he was talking about. “What were you--”
    Jack pulled you forward and kissed you. “...I was thinking the same thing I’m always thinking. I was thinking about how much I wanted to kiss you.”
    “Was it everything you hoped it would be?”
    Jack smiled, “And more,” he told you, then leaned back in.
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also really appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, you should check out my masterlist. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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This isnt meant to be hateful or to dunk on people who write like this, but I am so TIRED of people writing newsie fics with a fem!reader or oc thats like "im different, im a girl newsie" or "i had to dress up as a boy to be a newsie" or "its so hard to be the ONLY GIRL newsie", bc yes, there were no girls that explicitly played girl newsies in the movie or musical, but girl newsies DID exist!! You can literally search it up!! The only reason people didnt really notice a lot of girl newsies during the strikes was bc most of them became "scabbers", it payed better and you werent allowed to hit girls, so they got off scot free. But before and likely after that, there were probably just as many girl newsies as there were boys. You can argue that you use these as a plot device to build tension or to create conflict but PLEASE IT IS SO OVERUSED AND UNORIGINAL BY NOW. And your reader or character doesnt HAVE to be a newsie, they can have other professions and things that make them an interesting character.
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So I was watching Newsies, and all I could think of was:
Race: I'm the king of New York!
Diner staff: what the fuck-
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diorgirl444 · 1 year
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me when the character ai is moving a bit fast
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h0nkch0c0late · 10 months
Crutchy Morris x fem! Reader, platonic!Jack Kelly x reader
Summary: When Crutchy gets sent to the Refuge, Jack Kelly and Y/n waste no time in trying to get the boy back.
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"I should've stayed back and helped him." Y/n frowned as she, Jack, and David began their mission towards the Refuge, where Y/n and Jack knew for sure Crutchy was being held.
Jack wrapped an arm around her shoulders as he held rope in his other hand, "it's not your fault. If you stayed back, you both woulda been caught, and what good does that do ya?"
She shrugged but didn't have the energy to argue with him during that current moment, dead set on getting her boyfriend back.
As they hurriedly crossed the street to where the Refuge sat, David decided to voice his doubt.
"How can you two be sure they sent Crutchy here?" He questioned.
"How can I be sure the Delanceys stink - 'Cause that's how things work. An orphan gets arrested, Snyder gets him sent here to be 'rehabilitated.'" Jack began to explain as he turned the rope into a lasso and swung it onto a chimney pot on the roof, "the more kids in the Refuge, the more money the city sends to take care of 'em, and the more Snyder can steal." He starts climbing the rope, "he's here alright."
Y/n nods at David before following Jack, her expression glum but determined.
David looks around the place nervously, climbing after her shortly after.
As Jack taps on the window of Crutchy's bunkroom, one of the inmates, Tenpin (who was 9 years old a the most), looks up and grins.
"Cowboy! Ya miss the joint?" He greets.
"Whattayasay, Tenpin. You got a new guy, Crutchy-" Jack begins.
"The gimp? I'll get him for ya." Tenpin nods before wondering off.
Y/n watches from above, sitting next to David, who seemed to get more nervous with every passing minute.
Part of her wished that she was the one hanging from the rope instead of Jack so she could apologize to him face to face. Sure, she could do that when they got him out, but she's the impatient type.
She was also in the middle of calming David down, as he had begun to freak out how loud they were talking. Jack wasn't exactly helping as he began to have a casual conversation as Tenpin walked away.
"That's Tenpin- S'posed to get out last Christmas, but Snyder keeps tackin' more time on his sentence -"
David was frantic, "be quiet- they'll hear you!" He shushed.
Y/n rolled her eyes at the boy, "Would ya calm down, Dave! They won't hear a thing. Trust Jack a little more, will you?" She groaned.
Crutchy then appears, grinning at the sight of Jack hanging outside the window. "Hey, whattaya hangin' around here for? That Dave up there? Hiya Dave!" He waves, glancing up at David.
Y/n's head appears over the ledge once more at the voice of her boyfriend, one of her hands now covering David's mouth to keep him from whining, "hiya, loverboy!" She smiles, waving with her other hand.
He waved back, his grin widening at the sight of his girlfriend.
"Go get your hat, Crutch- kiss Snyder goodbye." Jack tells him, causing Crutchy to look away from his girlfriend and back to his best friend.
His grin drops a little, "Yeah...hey, you shoulda seen me in court today - old judge Movealong Monahan hisself! Took him two minutes to move me along to Snyder for 'my own good'" He tried to deflect.
Jack could see Y/n's impatience growing from his peripheral as he sighed, "Later, Crutchie - get your stuff." He tells, his hands wrapped around the bars.
Crutchy grabs Jack's wrist as his voice lowers, not wanting Y/n to hear. "Listen, Jack... Truth is, I ain't walking so good. Oscar and Morris kinda worked me over a little..."
Jack's eyes narrowed, "they hurt you? Don't worry, we'll carry you -"
Crutchy cut him off, "I don't want nobody carryin' me!" He whispered harshly, "especially not in front of my lady."
His eyes flash with pride, a soft smile planting his lips. "It ain't so bad. Get three squares, sorta, and there's some swell fellas..." He looks back up towards Y/n and David, Y/n's hand still over David's mouth as she began to lecture him about how annoying his paranoia was. Crutchy's smile didn't fade as he watched his girlfriend, a small chuckle coming from his throat.
Jack decided to use Crutchy's love for her against him, "what about Y/n, huh? You don't wanna leave the lady by herself now, do ya? She'll be devastated when she finds out you ain't comin' with us."
Crutchy chuckles again, looking at Jack, "she won't be on her lonesome! She's got you to protect her."
Jack frowns, "Crutchie, she blames herself for your capture. If you stay..."
Crutchy shakes his head, his smile fading as he becomes serious, "Jack, you gotta promise me you'll protect her, aight? An' I know she's gunna keep blaming herself for this, so just...keep remindin' her it ain't, okay?"
Jack looks up at Y/n and sighs, "Alright, okay, but Crutch-"
Crutchy doesn't give Jack the chance to finish his sentence as he looks back up at the two roof dwellers, "They still talk about how Jack rode outta here on that coach!"
David let's out a resigned sigh as he pries Y/n's hand off of his mouth, "Teddy Roosevelt's, right?" He responds.
"You already heard the story." Crutchy chuffed, smiling.
"You mean it's true?" David asks.
Y/n punches David in the shoulder lightly, "Of course it's true!"
Crutchy hears something, telling Jack to cheese it just as Snyder appears.
He strides towards the window, the room now in utter silence other than the sound of his footsteps as he passes the many bunks. He stops at the window, scanning the outside.
Crutchy quickly comes to the rescue (just so Jack wouldn't have to hang under the window longer than he had to), tapping Snyder's shoulder, "Uh, Mr. Warden, sir, ya know, I was thinkin', I'd just like ya to know, that when you were takin' a nap this afternoon-"
As Y/n, Jack, and David made their way away from the Refuge without Crutchy, Y/n couldn't help the guilt that began to eat at her insides again.
Because of this, she stopped in her tracks, "I wanna go back for him." She stated firmly, crossing her arms.
The two boys also stopped, turning to look at her. David's eyes were wide, "Are you crazy?!" He whispered, "You can't go back there!"
Jack frowned, "Y/n we can't-"
Y/n cut Jack off, "it's my fault he's even there in the first place! I wanna try - alone this time."
David's expression displayed the very definition of horrified. Jack had been three seconds away from being caught, and SHE WANTED TO GO BACK??????
Jack shook his head, "No. It's too dangerous for you."
Y/n scoffed, "dangerous? Since when have you ever been against me doing dangerous things?! This is CRUTCHY we're talking about!"
"I said, NO!" Jack told her, his voice raised and aggressive.
Y/n began to tear up. Never once had Jack raised his voice at her like that, but she refused to back down, "why not?!'
Jack threw his head back in frustration, "Because he doesn't WANT to be saved!!" He exclaimed.
Y/n froze in her spot, "w-what?" Her eyebrows laced together in confusion and hurt.
Jack's frustration melted, and he began to feel angry at himself for raising his voice at her. Sure, it was an accident, but as tough as she was, seeing her hurt was like seeing an injured puppy. "They... they worked him too hard and made his bum leg even worse. I'm sorry, Y/n, I tried to convince him..."
The girl's posture deflated as she took a step back, "this wouldn't have happened if I'd just..." she trailed off.
Jack stepped towards her, his hands grabbing her wrists gently, Y/n's eyes turned to the ground as she began to cry. "Hey-stop sayin' it's your fault, 'Cause it ain't, aight?" He let go of her right wrist and used that hand to lift her chin to look at him, beginning to wipe her tears away with his thumb, "It was Crutch's choice go stay anyway. You know how stubborn he gets, especially when it comes to his leg."
Y/n looked at him, her eyes still glistening with tears as she nodded. "Yeah....I-I guess..."
David was nervously tapping the ground with his foot, "Can we go now?" He questions, his eyes darting around the streets heavy with paranoia.
Jack glances at Y/n, who nods, and he throws an arm around her shoulders. "Yeah... let's go."
As they began to walk, he couldn't help glancing at the girl beside him. Protecting her was a promise he knew he couldn't break.
No matter how many times Jack told Y/n it wasn't her fault, that heavy feeling in her heart would prove as a counterpoint, weighing heavier and heavier the further they got from the Refuge.
She knew that the only way that for that feeling to go away was to hold her Loverboy again. And boy, she couldn't wait for that day to come. If it ever did.
And guilt... guilt is a hard thing to rid yourself of. -------------------------------------------------------
Bro I keep seeing two spellings of Crutchy's name it was literally so hard to choose which one to actually use.
Anyway stan Crutchy <3
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ave09 · 14 hours
Update: JerJordan edition
so, a long while back i posted about the characters i write for. well, none of those are anyone i have motivation for.
however, i have motivation for jeremy jordan considering it’s the year of jeremy with hazbin hotel, b&c proshot, and of course, the great gatsby!
i really am in a mood to write! and i really want too! i’m just struggling with ideas. currently i’m working on a jeremy jordan x actress!reader which i’m very excited for.
but please, send it requests! let me know what you want to see!
jerjordan characters i write for…
jeremy jordan as himself
jack kelly from newsies
winn schott from supergirl
jay gatsby from the great gatsby
clyde barrow from bonnie and clyde
jimmy collins from smash
jamie wellerstein from the last five years
lucifer morningstar from hazbin hotel
jim pomatter from waitress (his dr pom is my fav version)
seymour krelborn from little shop
j.m. barrie from finding neverland (criminal that he wasn’t in the bway run)
randy garrity from joyful noise
his character is spinning gold, his name is slipping my mind, but i don’t know, something about him being able to cuss freely was nice lmao
if you’re interested in a specific scenario for an imagine or headcanons, either comment or send to my ask box!
love you guys!
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Both! The more the merrier.. teehee
Kisses, - 🍰 Anon
🍰 anon i love you sm i’m not joking!!
Jack Kelly Romantic Head-cannons (18+)
he draws you all the time
he sneaks in through your window to see you
he will purposely go past your house when working to see if you’ll spot him
he values your opinion over anyone else’s
he acts like he doesn’t like the nicknames you give him
he’ll make you flowers out of newspaper pages
he’ll write notes in the papers he sells you
writes you dirty notes on the papers
will constantly make dirty jokes
talks you through it
very vocal
he’s big ;)
very passionate
open to trying new things, but only if you’re comfortable with it
your pleasure comes before his
will do it anywhere
likes when you’re loud
likes to be on top and dominant
i can’t think of anymore but i will update this
love, Viola
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rivthejellyfish · 2 years
Not Scared Anymore
Word count: 1685
Platonic!Newsies x reader
_ _ _
  “Y/N! We’ve missed you, where’ve you been?” Y/N groaned internally. They had seen the Delancey twins this morning, and the day before, and the day before that, and every single time they say the same thing. The two knew it annoyed them, so they took advantage of it. Y/N turned away from the direction they were walking in, holding up a newspaper and calling out a fake headline. 
  “No need to be so cold, ya know,” Oscar said. Y/N continued to ignore them, not looking back at the two as an older man exchanged a paper for a penny. Y/N thanked him as he walked away and he only grunted in return.
  “Look at you go, selling those papes so quickly. We’re so proud of you.” One of the two put his hand on top of their head, shaking their hat around before taking it off and tossing it over to the other. Y/N sighed.
  “Just give me back my damn hat, Delancey,” They said once they had turned around. Morris shrugged, spinning the hat with his finger.
  “If ya want it back so bad, you’re gonna have to fight for it,” He said. The two brothers shared a laugh as Y/N tried to grab the hat, only for it to be tossed to the other.
  “You heard him, Y/N. Can’t make any exceptions, even for you,” Oscar said. Y/N huffed, turning around and walking away. They didn’t need their hat to sell the paper, they’d be just fine without it. And they did. They sold two papers in the next twenty minutes, glad to see the twins hadn’t followed them. However, the second they felt the relief, an annoying voice came from down the road.
  “Could you imagine walking away from a fight, Morris? I think that if someone does it says quite awful lot about them, what about you?”
  “Oh, I completely agree. I think it means that they’re a wimp, and they know they can’t win.” Y/N turned to tell them to screw off, only for Oscar to pull the papers out from underneath their arm and throw them to the side. They tried to go after them, but the two brothers blocked their path. Right as they exchanged a sinister glance, someone else butted in.
  “Delancey!” Jack called. The three looked over to see Jack storming over, David behind him with an obvious look of ‘I have to make sure he doesn’t kill anyone’. Further proving the theory of what the look meant, he grabbed Jack’s arm once they had got there and pulled him back slightly, not having the slightest trust in him. “Get the hell away from dem.” 
  “When will you learn to mind your own damn business, Kelly?” 
  “Once you two piss off.” Oscar scoffed, shaking his head. Morris rolled his eyes. He turned back to Y/N as Oscar started walking away.
  “Times gonna come when he doesn’t get here in time, and trust me when I say that both of us are looking forward to it.” He shoved the hat to Y/N’s chest, taking a final chance to glare at Jack before catching up with Oscar. As Y/N put the hat back on, Jack turned to David.
  “No, Jack.”
  “Yous saying those dicks don’t deserve it?”
  “I’m not-”
  “Let’s not argue about this,” Y/N spoke up before anything could escalate. Of course, it wouldn’t escalate too badly, but Y/N didn’t feel like hearing the two bitter back and forth while trying to sell the rest of their papers. They bent down, picking up the papers the Delancey’s had thrown to the ground. They groaned once realizing that none of the papers hadn’t fallen into the puddle, meaning they couldn’t sell any of them. No one wanted wet papers.
  “Dammit, Y/N, sorry we couldn’t get here any sooner,” Jack said as he and Davey helped pick up the soaking paper. Y/N shrugged.
  “It’s whatever. There’s always tomorrow.” Of course, both Jack and David knew that it wasn’t whatever, considering the money Y/N just lost and the small bit of dignity, but they didn’t say anything. The three walked back to the lodge house, Jack and Davey having already sold all their papers, throwing the wet papers away along the way. They walked in to see a few others had already returned, including Crutchie, Race, Specs, and Romeo. 
  “You three have already sold all your papers?” Jack said, skeptical of all of them aside from Crutchie. Race placed a hand over his heart, feigning hurt.
  “Course we did, Jack, what do yous think of us?”
  “I don’t think you’d want to hear that answer,” Crutchie said, laughing at Jack’s nod to agree with his statement.
  “Hey, Y/N, what is yous doing back so early? Thought you liked to go watch the fishes or something?” Specs asked.
  “Yeah, Y/N, what’s up?” Romeo asked, not seeing the glare that Jack had sent Specs. Race, however, did.
  “It was them Delancey’s again wasn’t it?” He said, standing up as he rolled up his sleeves. “Two need to learn a lesson.” David grabbed Race’s bicep as he walked by him.
  “Go sit down.” Race groaned, turning around.
  “This is why no one likes you, Davey,” Race said as he fell back into the chair.
  “That ain’t true!” Crutchie said. “I like you, Davey, you’re a cool guy.”
  “Ok, everyone shut up,” Y/N said, making sure not to look at Crutchie when she said it, considering it was directed towards everyone aside from him. “Yeah, I had a run-in with the Delancey's, wasn’t a big deal. Got out of it without a scratch, no need to make a big deal over it.”
  “Y/N, the only reason you did was because Davey and I showed up at the right time.” Before Y/N could protest, David had to interrupt.
  “He’s right, Y/N.” Y/N sent a glare toward David, who sent an apologetic look back.
  “Hows about we teach you some tricks to help yous out when those pricks are around, might help you out a bit?” Specs suggested. Race lit up at the idea.
  “Oh, please say yes, I’ve been dying for an excuse to beat Romeo’s ass after he stole my customers from me last week.”
  “I didn’t steal shit, you’re just a lousy newsie.”
  “Oh really? Y/N, watch this.”
  “Shut your traps, both of yous,” Jack interrupted. He turned to Y/N. “That ain’t too bad of an idea, though, you wanna try it?” Y/N shrugged.
  “Don’t got anything better to do.” The second after they said it, Race jumped onto Romeo, calling for Y/N to watch and see how it was done. Jack groaned, pulling Race back.
  Y/N had finished selling their papers for the day, walking back to the lodge house to meet with Crutchie for a game of War. As they walked, they got the sense that someone was following them, but decided it’d be better to just ignore it. So they did. Until someone grabbed them by their arm, pulling them into one of the many alleyways in Manhattan. Y/N quickly regained their balance to turn to see the Delancey brothers standing there, smirks on their faces.
  “Think you’ve been avoiding us, haven’t you?” Morris said, stepping forward. Y/N rolled their eyes, going to push past the two. Right as they tried, a punch was given to their right cheek, leaving a stinging pain that Y/N could only assume was from the ring Oscar was wearing.
  “You don’t get to leave after you’ve been so disrespectful. It’s time for you to pay up.”
  “Look, I don’t want any trouble, ok? I just want to get back to the lodge house and go to sleep.”
  “Should’ve thought about that before you changed your selling spot without us knowing.” Before Y/N could respond, the two stepped forward, swinging hits at them as they backed up. Once they hit a wall, fear struck them knowing they had nowhere else to go. Another punch landed on their stomach as well as their jaw. They ducked down as the next one was sent their way, kicking Oscar in the stomach causing him to fall back. Morris tried to take the chance to grab Y/N’s leg, but Y/N lowered it quickly enough and pushed him away. Seeing as both of them were now on the ground, Y/N went to run away before they could get up. However, Oscar grabbed their foot, causing them to fall to the ground, scraping their knees and elbows. They flipped over onto their back, kicking back at Oscar as he tried to grab them again. They threw a punch at Morris, who hadn’t been expecting it, and he stumbled back. Getting back on their feet, Y/N turned and sprinted the next few blocks. They got to the lodge house, where Jack was outside. Jack saw them coming and his expression changed, turning away from David and coming over.
  “Hey, hey, what happened?” He said, putting his hands on their biceps. Y/N was breathing heavily, shaking their head. “Y/N, are you alright?” Y/N nodded, and it sounded as though they were crying. “Y/N, talk to us, come on.” Y/N looked up, showing the cuts on their face, along with a smile.
  “You should’ve been there!” Y/N exclaimed. Jack looked back at David, confused. “They had cornered me in an alley but I fought back! I kicked them and hit them and got away!” 
  “Are you talking about the Delancey’s?” David asked. Y/N nodded, jumping slightly at their excitement.
  “You should’ve seen their faces! They were so confused, they didn’t know what hit ‘em!” Jack chuckled.
  “Hell yeah, Y/N, wish I could see them now,” Jack said, smiling down at them.
  “Yeah, but are you ok, Y/N? You’re bleeding,” David said, reaching up to assess the cut on their cheek. Y/N rolled their eyes, pushing his hand away.
  “I’m fine, Davey, never been better!” 
  “How about we goes inside and tell everyone about how you beat their asses?” Jack said. Y/N nodded.
  “Hell yeah!” As Jack and Y/N turned and ran inside, David rolled his eyes, laughing himself before following behind them.
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youaintnothinbuta · 6 months
Hi, love your writing
I would love to see more Jack Kelly images and little bulbs, fluff, smut literally anything.
Maybe one where reader and Jack just spent time cuddling in jacks penthouse, trying to hide from the other boys cus they keep tease them.
“they won't find us in here” — jack kelly x reader
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Summary: you and Jack are hiding away in his room, trying to have a little cuddle, which the other boys always like to make the centre of their amusement
Pairing: jack kelly x fem!reader
Word count: 556
Warnings: none, fluff, maybe typos if so sorryyy <3
The dingy light of the Lodging House barely reached Jack's room, casting a warm, golden glow on the worn-out furniture and scattered newspapers and clothes. You and Jack, seeking a quiet escape from the high energy of the other newsies, found solace in his bedroom. The laughter and banter of the other boys still echoed through the air, but Jack had expertly tucked the two of you away, hidden from their teasing eyes.
As you settled into the cozy space, Jack draped an extra blanket over his bed, creating a makeshift nest. The soft sounds of hushed laughter and the muffled chatter of the boys outside filtered through, creating a comforting background noise.
Jack motioned for you to join him on the bed. “They won't find us in here,” he whispered with a mischievous glint in his eyes. You couldn't help but giggle, realising the absurdity of the situation. "Is this really how much effort it takes, just for us to have some cuddle time?" you teased.
Jack chuckled, a sheepish grin playing on his lips. "I wouldn’t say this is a lot of effort- they're just nosy."
With a playful roll of your eyes, you nestled into the blankets beside him. Jack pulled you into a warm embrace, the scent of newsprint and a hint of cologne enveloping you. The soft touch of Jack's fingers traced patterns on your back, a rhythmic motion that seemed to synchronise with the beat of your hearts. “This is nice,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. You couldn't help but agree.
As you rested against him, the teasing banter of the boys outside became more audible. The distinctive voices of Race, Albert, and the others echoed in the hallway, their comments gradually becoming more pointed.
“Where's Jack?”
“Probably off being bottle fed!”
“Whispering sweet nothings I bet.”
“Can't believe he turns into a softie around a girl.”
Jack, his brows furrowing, shot you an apologetic look. “Sorry about them. They're relentless.”
You laughed. “Hey, I’m not the one they’re insulting. They just don't get to see this side of you often."
He smiled, the warmth in his eyes deepening. “You're right. It's our little secret.”
Jack's fingers idly played with a strand of your hair, continuing their gentle caress. The quietude of the room invited a sense of relaxation, your words slipped out almost as a murmur.
“You’re so comfy. I could just fall asleep.”
He grinned, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “You can do that, sweetheart.”
With a sigh of contentment, you allowed the gentle embrace of sleep to envelop you, feeling the rise and fall of Jack’s chest as he held you. Jack listened to the fading banter with a mix of amusement and exasperation. As the night unfolded, Jack carefully adjusted the blankets around you, ensuring your comfort. The usual mischievous glint in his eyes instead softened into a tender gaze as he watched you sleep peacefully.
The creak of the door signaled the return of the newsies, their laughter now reduced to tired murmurs. Jack, ever protective, shot a warning glance at the doorway, silently urging them to keep their distance. The boys, catching on to Jack’s mood, exchanged knowing looks and dispersed, respecting the unspoken boundary around Jack’s room. Eventually, he allowed himself to drift off to sleep too.
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bookloover35 · 1 year
Jack Kelly x fem Reader - The silent treatment
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Jacks POV:
I do not understand anything everything was okay between me and my girlfriend YN but then all of a sudden she started to stop talking to me, and when I try to talk to her, she leaves.
Have I done something, Is there any important day today that I have forgotten?
I check down on the date on the papers that was in my hand. it's not her birthday nor our anniversary either.
I can ask Davey after work if he knows why she's not talking to me.
YN: Extra Extra fire in the old school read here about it.
Old Man: one papers please!
YN: here you have sir.
Old Man: here you go keep the chance
I smiled back at the old man and wished him a nice day.Then I picked up another newspaper and smiled when I saw that I had only four left.
Then my smile disappeared when I saw Jack with Katherine . Jack and I have been together for four years I helped him escape from Snyder so many times. Yes I trust him but there are other girls I do not trust and Katherine is one of them.
I was so deep in my own thoughts that I do not notice that Davey has put his hand on my shoulder.
Davey: YN
I got so scared I jumped, I turned and held my hand to my heart.
YN: Jesus Davey are you trying to kill me??
He just started laughing
Davey: sorry YN just wanted to ask how you are doing??
oh he's always so kind Davey has become like my brother I can tell him everything. I show him my papers and just smile.
YN: only four left then I can go home.
Davey starts laughing with me then he looks towards Jack and then back to me I know exactly what he's going to ask me.
Davey: YN why do not you work with Jack you always work together??
I look at Jack and then back at Davey and sigh.
YN: I am giving him the silent treatment.
Davey raises his right eyebrow. He knows I only do that when people have done something stupid.
Davey: okay what has he done now??
YN; he kind of just talked to Katherine and when i tried to talk to him she came and disturbed. I felt invisible.
Davey knew I was a over thinker and that I did not think I was beautiful enough for Jack. He approached me and gave me a hug and said that everything will be fine then he went his way and I continued to work.
(2h later)
Finally, the last newpaper is sold. I'm glad the job's over but I'm sad that YN has not spoken to me. I have been missing her beautiful voice during the day. I have to find Davey he has to help me.
I started running towards his place where he always stands and sells his newspapers. If anyone knows why YN is sad or angry, it's him. After running for a while, I see him in his usual place and have just sold his last newspaper.
Jack: DAVEY!!!
He turned and just looked at me,
Davey: What's it, Jack?.
Jack: I have to ask you something do you know why YN does not talk to me.
Davey: Yes, I know why she's not talking to you.
Jack: Can you please tell me why I miss hearing her talk to me.
Davey: you really have no idea?
What does he mean by that? Should i know why YN does not talk to me.
Jack: Can you just be so kind and tell me.
Davey:sigh okey i will tell you.
So Davey starts telling me everything you've told him.
That I had been too busy talking to Katherine so I had forgotten that you were there, and that I had not heard you when you were trying to say something. Then he told me that he thinks YN is jealous because she thinks I think Katherine is more beautiful than she. Is he crazy YN is 100% so much more beautiful than Katherine .
I thanked Davey and started running to our "penthouse", and all I could think of was please be there please please. When I arrived at the Lodging house I started to climb the steps when I got up I looked towards my "bed" and saw my beautiful girlfriend sitting there with her face hidden in her hands and she was crying. I can not believe I did this to her my beautiful YN.
I started walking towards her she cried so much so she did not even notice that I was there.
She noticed that I was there when I sat down and took her in my arms.
She tried to get out of there but stopped fighting when I started talking to her.
Jack: Darling you do not need to talk but can you please just listen to what I want to tell you.
I saw how she hesitated but then I saw how she slowly nodded. I took a deep breath and held a strong grip on her. Because I was so scared that if I let go of her, I would lose her.
Jack: Davey explained everything and I'm so sorry darling I did not mean to make you feel this way.
I took my hand that I had on her waist and lifted it towards her chin.
Then I lifted so that she looked at me. She looked at me her beautiful eyes were now red because she was sad. I raised both my hands to her cheeks and wiped away her tears with my thumbs.
Jack: You are so much more beautiful than she you are my light. You are my angel my best friend you have saved me so many times. I love you so much it hurts.
As soon as I say those words she starts smiling then she leans towards me and kisses me. God I have missed her lips against mine.
I can not be angry at him anymore not after those nice words, so I decided to kiss him because I have missed him. god I have missed his lips against mine. After we kiss for a while, I remove my lips from his.
Then I hug him and I feel how he hugs me back. I break the hug but am still in his arms and just look into his eyes and smile.
YN: You're forgiven Jack Kelly.
As soon as those words leave my mouth, his lips are on mine again.
Jack: god I have missed your voice darling
he says between kisses I just laugh at his quirk, and just enjoy that he's mine.
My Jack Kelly.
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lovingmusicalmen · 1 year
Requests are Open!!
So... it's been ages since I've posted on here, but I've finally got some actual time and I've just gotten back into the musical... fandom? I guess? Idk what to call it lmao
But I recently saw West Endsies, which made me fall in love with Newsies all over again, which led to me falling back into the rabbit hole of musical fandoms! So I'm going to be deleting all the old requests I have (unless I'm particularly inspired for one in particular), and opening requests for new characters and the same old ones!
It's going to be for short little blurbs, based off of a prompt list (linked here (credit to: @mangocherri))
Here are the characters I will write for (if you want to request for someone else not listed, feel free to - but also please also put who you wouldn't mind me writing for, if I don't feel comfortable writing for your preferred character (if that even made sense lmao)) - I've put a * next to my favourite characters to write for!
Platonic requests and ones not from the prompt list are also welcome and encouraged!
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Jack Kelly
Crutchie *
Racetrack *
Davey Jacobs
Spot Conlon
Katherine Plumber
Mike Faist
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Riff * (also willing to write for other Jets/Sharks)
Dodge Mason
Connor Murphy
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whyareyouhere66 · 2 years
Jack Kelly x GN Reader - Love at your Convenience 
Jack Kelly x Gender Neutral Reader
Angst (?)
Inspired by the song ‘Love at your Convenience’ by Ghost of Paul Revere
It’s not that in-character for Jack, but I wanted to do it with the Newsies and he was the only guy I could think of while writing it- this has been in drafts for weeks. 
Y’know, at first it took him a while to fully open up to you. It didn’t matter how many times you’d find him wandering the Manhattan streets alone during those first 3 months of the relationship, he’d would always brush off any questions, throw an arm around your shoulder and a kiss to your cheek, and continue on with a sly change of subject.
You wanted him to trust you, truly. In fact you remember secretly being glad when he opened up to you for the first time. 
But now that he finally did, you realize that perhaps you should’ve been more specific when you said “you can always come to me- always”.
Nearly every night of the week, he’d climb in through the window with a whole speech ready about something he did not agree with that day. 
“Conlon keeps selling on the bridge- we agreed against it!”
“These greedy old rich guys can’t appreciate talent”
“They should be raising the price for customers- not the kids tryna sell em. Pulitzer must be patting himself on the back now, huh.”
On and on all the time about the same things, over and over. You had meant maybe when he was feeling down, needed a cheering up. Not angrily planning entire protests against the rich. 
But, he was your partner and you loved him. To you- if you didn’t let him rant about these things then what kind of lover where you? 
But..though you tried reminding yourself of that everytime he swung one leg over the window sill, angrily glaring, you knew this couldn’t keep up much longer. 
You were burnt out, all out of encouragement. Compared to Jack, constantly running off adrenaline and that darn “peppy news-boy” front, you were the tired, “try-hard” one. 
While he paced around your small room, dirt from his shoes sticking to your carpet, letting out frustrations he couldn’t in front of the other newsies, you could do nothing more then sit on your bed and wait for him to finish. Whenever he came in real late at night, which was often, you’d lean against the wall and watch through half lidded eyes- with nothing more to offer than “mhm” and “yeah, I get that sweetheart but…”
Sometimes he’d get sick of it as well- giving an attitude to you about “not listening.” Before finally, slipping under the covers and tugging you into his chest. 
That was what used to be your favorite part.
Until you realized, that was the only time he seemed to care.
It seemed now that he had someone to vent to, that was your only use. He used to always have you at his side, now he rarely talked to you during the day. 
You used to have in-depth conversations about the sunset, comparing the one on the bridge to the one in Santa Fe. Then that evolved into you feeding into his lengthy, midnight paragraphs. Now it was nothing. 
You used to go to Medda’s shows, getting the best seats in the house and dancing wildly to her songs. Now you barely remembered how to dance at all. 
You were a journal, with pages filled up with inky words and nonsense. The leather cover was dented and scratched, pages yellowing in age as you slowly ran out of room to be written in. 
And Jack held the pen. 
Perhaps if you told him what was wrong. He might stop, or he might continue. Maybe he’d get mad at you. Probably. 
He was out at Medda’s at the moment, with the other newsies. You didn’t mind; you hoped he stayed there a bit longer. Maybe if the show ran real late, you could slip into sleep before he could climb up onto your fire escape again. 
‘Oh god, I’m horrible…’
You grimace, rolling over in your bed and onto your side. Jack didn’t deserve that, he was just trying to get some frustrations out. He worked hard, giving everything he could to those newsies.
Perhaps you just wanted him to leave something to give for you. 
A loud creak comes from your window, and when you looked over through your blurry eyes, you could see Jack stepping into the room, once again. Your hand crawls up to your face, covering your cheeks to block the salty tracks of your tears. 
Words shot from his mouth, though you were unsure if they were angry, confused, etc. You blocked him out. 
It didn’t matter none the less, the words weren’t processing in your tired brain. 
Though it wasn’t hard for you to see, that Jack seemed to not notice he was simply talking to a brick wall, of his own creation. 
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avengers-hamiltrash · 2 years
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Updated: July 10, 2022
x Reader: *
Crutchie/Charlie Morris
Jack Kelly
One Shots
Don’t Bother Me*
One Shots
In Case You Don’t Live Forever
Ralbert Babysitting
One Shots
Art Classes 
Smoking Destroys Your Relationship
Multi-Ship/No Ship
Jatherine, Newsbians, Javid - Apple Pie
Davey, Albert, Race, & Jojo - Makeup
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