#succubus answers
lilyletham · 2 months
What are your thoughts on the relationship of K and Joi? And the whole "what makes love real?" topic that stems from it
Hey, thanks for the ask! Yeah, I think K and Joi's relationship in the film is bittersweet of course. My take on things like that is even though it's not technically a "real"(and I use this term loosely, and because we don't really have a word for how I want to describe it), the emotions K felt about Joi were real. So I guess the term would be, real but not tangible and organic I suppose? It's why I think his line of "you are real for me" is so good, because he feels the emotion, she makes him happy in some capacity, so therefore she doesn't have to be human for that to matter to him greatly. It's also why it's so heartbreaking when the illusion/veil is lifted with the "you look lonely" scene, and in my opinion it's not just the illusion breaking that hurts K, it's the loss/grief he feels of his original Joi. I am a firm believer that love can exist in so many different ways. It reminds me of the stories I've seen of people who are generally lonely and live alone, yet they are in a "relationship" with a doll, character, or something like that. Is the comfort and happiness they feel any less meaningful because it cannot be quantified in tangible space? Is the love we feel only truly real if it manifests in the physical realm, or is it something more ethereal and limitless than that? BR2049 explores that(and so, so much more) in K's story. And I truly think we are already seeing the edges of this future coming into view with things like advancing AI burgeoning on the horizon.
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simplysuccubus · 5 months
imagine hating someone so much u agree to marry them 🫵
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I don't gotta 'imagine'. Besides, it's all just out of convenience; had to make sure no one gets to argue with you the way I do.
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Marina came up behind Verosika after her concert ended. “Hey Vero I have a surprise for you if you want to sneak off for a bit.” She kissed her cheek but could feel her heart beating fast since she was nervous
As Verosika was drinking something after her concert ended, she blinks hearing a familiar voice. She saw her cute Marina only to smile. "Hey cutie. And a surprise? What are you planning this time? Trying to spoil me before I do?" she smiled to kiss her cheek back.
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howlingday · 3 months
Jaune: Penny puedo hacerte una pregunta
Penny: Claro frieng jaune
Jaune: Bueno, como lo digo
Jaune: Eres muy lista pero desconoces hábitos y costumbres básicas, cuando estába calculando los precios del supermercado tomaste mi lista sumaste toda mi lista y dijiste el precio aproximado en un segundo, pero cuando dije que casi pesque un resfriado me trajiste una caña de pescar, anzuelos, y una lancha
Jaune: Tienes capacidades físicas irregulares, te vi levantar una máquina expendedora con una mano cuando tu pergamino calló debajo de este
Jaune: Y éso es lo último tu cuerpo es extraño en el mejor de los casos, tu piel es suave casi como una almohada pero cuándo chocamos los cinco sentí como si cacheteara una pared de ladrillos, te eh visto pasar casi 12 horas seguidas sin dormir por la preparación y posterior fiesta de cumpleaños de yang y estabas bien, ni siquiera tenías ojeras, y por último cuando salimos a acampar y te pedi que me pasaras mi navaja suiza, vi que te cortó un poco pero tu sangre era negra
Jaune: Mi punto es ¿eres un robot?
Penny: .....JAJAJAJAjajajajaja, o-oh oh ........ dis-disculpa.........oh no puedo........ ha
Penny:(respira) No verás soy una sucubo que todo este tiempo a estada intentando drenarte la fuerza vital pero termine enamorandome de ti así que te dejaré que conserves tu alma pero no tu pelvis
Jaune: ...jajaja linda broma casi la
La sonrisa de penny se vuelve mas lujuriosa y depredadora mientras le salen alas de murciélago y cola de diablillo
Jaune:....oh.... significa que no habrá boda cristriana.
Pd: siempre me gustó la idea de que el comportamiento de penny si no la conocías se confundía con un críptic, elegí sucubo por que vamos que es más gracioso que alguien tan inocente y adorable pertenezca a una raza conocía por su depravación y lujuria ademas de cierta publicación donde ella y ruby se llevaban a jaune el cine viéndose cono niñas inocentes solo para tener otros planes.
Jaune: Penny, can I ask you a question?
Penny: Sure, Friend Jaune.
Jaune: Well, how do I say this...?
Jaune: You are very smart but you don't know basic habits and customs, when I was calculating the supermarket prices you took my list, you added up my entire list and you said the approximate price in a second, but when I said that I almost caught a cold you brought me a fishing rod, hooks, and a boat...
Jaune: You have irregular physical abilities, I saw you lift a vending machine with one hand when your scroll fell under it...
Jaune: And that's the last thing, your body is strange at best, your skin is soft almost like a pillow but when we high-fived it felt like I slapped a brick wall, I've seen you go almost 12 hours straight without sleeping for the preparation and subsequent birthday party for yang and you were fine, you didn't even have dark circles under your eyes, and finally when we went camping and I asked you to hand me my Swiss army knife, I saw that it cut you a little but your blood was black...
Penny: ...
Jaune: My point is, are you a robot?
Penny: .....HAHAHAHAhahahahaha, o-oh oh........ Ex-excuse me...... Oh I can't...... Ha...
Penny: (breathes) You see, I'm a succubus who has been trying to drain your life force all this time but I ended up falling in love with you so I'll let you keep your soul but not your pelvis. Jaune: ...hahaha nice joke almost Penny's smile becomes more lustful and predatory as she sprouts bat wings and an imp's tail.
Jaune: ....Oh.... This means there will be no Christian wedding.
PS: I always liked the idea that Penny's behavior, if you didn't know her, would be confused with cryptic, I chose succubus because come on, it's funnier that someone so innocent and adorable belongs to a race known for its depravity and lust in addition to certain publication where she and ruby ​​took jaune to the movies looking like innocent girls just to have other plans.
I find this very cute. Flipping the script, this could mean Pietro summoned Penny to be his daughter, which Penny obliged, but meeting Jaune, by chance, she was enamored by him and sort of attached himself to her.
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softlymaximoff · 1 month
succubus!wanda moodboard please 👉👈
Angel of hell, let Mommy show you how to feel good bunny girl
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I kinda made it dark angel/witch wanda 🥹
Tags: @aggieslittlebunny @wandasdove @huggingkoalas @wandamaximoffbae
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rwac96 · 16 days
How many times has Morrigan surprised Peter by groping his ass?
Morrigan: *smug* "Five." *gropes Spider-Ass*
Spider-Man: *yelps* "GAH!"
Morrigan: *giggles* "Cute, hilarious, and fun when the Spider-Sense doesn't see you as a threat~."
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Confession: you showed me your girl-cock once and I cannot stop thinking about it. 😵‍💫 your so fucking thick and intimidating my brain just drifts to how you'd overwhelm my mouth all the time. It feels like just the memory is fuckijg my brain at all times and i feel like it's slowly driving me insane with lust. I wanna give you head till my mind breaks, till only I can do is worship you with pleasure and beg for more.
It's very affirming to my succubus gender to know you're unable to let go of the memory of simply seeing a picture of me 🥰
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 10 months
Archangel ari watching his demon lovers and they wanna let him relive his stress after dealing with an irritating soul
Irritating soul is Mr freezy
We diving down into Ari's spicy side now! Let's do this, An🫶n!
Side bar, this happens sometime after, Lloyd and Ari are allowed to marry, Y/N. Bunch of drama before this happens, but I won't spoil it for y'all.
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The thing with Ari is that sometimes, he's tightly wound... It's why Lloyd loves to mess with Ari, but not to the point of pissing off both him and Y/N (he made that mistake once, and let's just say blue balls weren't the only problem he had). But sometimes, his archangel duties really get to him, and the souls he deals with really grinds his gears.
His current charge is Robert Pronge, a real pain in his ass. The guy was a real piece of work, who somehow kept Ari on edge, and stressed. Even worse, is when he's enjoying a day in with the people he loves most in the world, and is grinding against Y/N's barely covered backside, as he and Lloyd caress, kiss and suck every inch they can reach. And he gets called away to deal with the little fucker.
"God... Not now..." Ari groaned against Y/N's neck. Desperately burrowing his face into the crook of it, while squeezing her lace covered mounds.
"What's wrong, Sunshine? Did our foreplay make you cream your pants too early?" Lloyd smirked, mischievously smiling at Ari.
"God, I wish!" Ari sighed. Slowly removing himself from the sandwich, with a few light kisses to his lovers.
"I'm being called away..."
"No! Ari, you aren't supposed to even have any form of work today..." Y/N pouted turning around in Lloyd's arms to face the archangel, as the top demon resumed his delicious torture.
"I know... But I'm needed, and I can't disobey Them. That's part of the conditions set, when they agreed to let me keep my powers and both of you..." Ari said, zipping up his jeans, and fixing his navy blue buttoned shirt.
"You sure you have to go, Levinson? Cause it'll be worth it..." Lloyd teased, cupping the apex of Y/N's thighs, making her release a borderline pornographic moan.
"Yes. I'm sure. I don't want to, but I have to if I'm to keep the possibility of our future." Ari sighed, cupping Y/N's face and kissing her deeply, and pecking Lloyd's cheek, as he was nibbling Y/N's ear.
"Carry on without me. I'll be back before you know it..."
"Jesus Christ, Freezy! I'm supposed to be on fucking vacation with my loves. And you just had to fucking make an escape attempt today?!" Ari exclaimed, definitely not happy with his Charge. The ethereal being was sexually frustrated and disappointed that he's missing out on vacation sex and aftercare, and so he's taking it out on the menace to his personal life.
"Oh, please. All you archangels ever do is stand around like idiots waiting for the next order. You have nothing more important to do, but be my little bitch of the afterlife." Freezy cackled.
"I'm not just an archangel now! I am married to two of the best creatures on Earth. And we will have a family, and no one, especially not some pathetic scum of the Earth will stop me from enjoying the life I have with them." Ari cried, using his archangel blade to send Freezy back to hell where he belongs.
With that done, Ari dusted the dirt and ash off of his suit, opened his wings, and flew back to their new French vacation home. Flying into the wide open patio doors leading to the balcony attached to their bedroom.
"Y/N! Baby Angel? Lloyd?" He called wondering where they could be?" He wondered. Walking through the home until he heard Y/N beckoning.
"Ari! We've got something for you..." She sang. Ari chuckled, and amusedly shook his head before following the sound of his girl's voice.
The scene before him stopped him in his tracks, the living room, with a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower, was covered in rose petals, Y/N's horny playlist was playing, the lights were set low to create ambiance, and in the center of it all, his succubus wife dressed in the most sinful of the lingeries he had given her as a gift, sitting on a golden chair, one hand in her hair, the other, slowly and teasingly inching down her thigh towards her center.
"We've been waiting for you, my sweet Angel." Y/N sighed. Her voice hitching up a little as she started to slowly, achingly play with herself.
"We?" Ari asked, before being dragged down to an identical chair directly across from Y/N.
"We, Pigeon. Took you long enough! Our girl has been aching to do this all day..." Lloyd laughed, strutting towards their succubus, and patting the back of her head, giving her lips a soft peck, and unlatching the strappy bra, that was covering he luscious breasts, and giving them each a teasing squeeze.
"You left in such... A hurry... Ah... I knew you'd need release..." Y/N sighed. The stimulation making her lose her breath.
"And so, our clever girl came up with the idea of giving you a show. Working you up to pound her sweet pussy, like there's no tomorrow..." Lloyd finished for her, pulling her up to her feet and bending her over the chair. Exposing her plump ass to Ari, who was slowly pumping himself, before slapping it. Causing Y/N to squeal and tense up, both hands desperately clutching the back of the chair.
"And by the looks of things... I think you'd like the idea..." Lloyd said with finality. Grabbing Y/N, and getting on his knees in front of her, roughly pulling her panties down, and sucking and kissing marks all over her ass, before diving down to drink her seemingly endless flow of juices. Allowing Ari to watch it all unfold, before getting a taste.
Alright you, horny fucks 😆 this is the weirdest way to start it but, eh, it's a process.
🎉Welcome to the start of my Hundred Follower Celebration!!!🎉
Over the next few days, my asks are open for any questions about me or my writings, or even about celeb tea. And while I will answer your asks. I will also be uploading a handful of fics, so stay tuned and let's celebrate!
Because y'all are the best for allowing and helping me to reach this many followers, when a few months ago, I had zero. I'm saying thank you, from the bottom of my heart. And I look forward to growing even more with you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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ddeongies · 4 months
HELLO succubus ryu????? your mind is too powerful
can we please get a sneak peak 🥺🥺
YES SUCCUBUS RYU!!! i feel like it's so easy to think succubus yeji, but succubus ryu feels so right to me...... it's the first ryeji i ever started writing (oops) and a lot of it is like up to change and stuff, but i wrote this bit recently with a magic strap bc it's hot and also gender so here is some of that!
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lilyletham · 1 month
What do you like/dislike about Barbie film?
Oh gosh, well I will say that I didn't dislike Barbie, but I wasn't like as overly-enamored like a huge amount of the fandom. I think it's more because the way I saw it advertised was significantly different than the film turned out to be when I watched it. And maybe this may get me on a few shit lists with the fandom but I kinda thought some of the themes/dialogues to be kinda tired and preachy(and I thought the way the "war" in Barbieland was resolved between the Barbies and Kens was a bit disappointing) so it didn't resonate with me in the way I think the director intended. But that is probably 100% a *me* problem anyway. The things I adored were the things I think Barbie just nailed entirely: the sets, the music, the costumes, the cinematography. The movie itself is so quotable and aesthetically pleasing the entire time. And of course, I think Ryan Gosling just stole the whole movie as Ken lol.
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simplysuccubus · 5 months
can i rizz u up
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You can most certainly try, my love.
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Agent 2 sighs as she lay down and stretches in relief. After a tough day on the job, she could use a break. She left her window open, since she wanted some fresh cool air.
During this time, Verosika was humming as she was looking to step through the living room. She was wondering where her precious cutie was to see something. Agent 2 window was open. Was she home? Excited, she heads up only to look inside through the window.
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munniexinsomnia · 4 months
"I'll take care of you the best I can, okay?" (to any muse~!)
☠ ― 𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠.
"I'll take care of you the best I can, okay?"
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Miyeon looked up to other, trying not to think it naughty way but since she was succubus, it wasn't that easy, and she let out sigh. "Fine... I trust you. As long as you stay with me." She muttered then, tugging on other's sleeve and resting her forehead against other's stomach. She was feeling tired.
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entirelysein-e · 1 month
Restarting Rune Factory 5 bc I forgot how much I love it. Will I go for my half wolf big tits guy again? Stay tuned
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rwac96 · 3 months
Love At First Sight
When Morrigan first meets Spider Man.
Morrigan: "When I caught that cutie in spandex from falling down. Rather an intense first meeting, though...I did feel up those muscles of his~."
Spider-Man: *clears his throat* "No comment."
Morrigan: *giggles* "Oh, don't be so shy~."
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Hi happy has all of your games have become gender locked female like the game about the goddess and final girl and symbiote or not just want to know
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Yup, everything is now gen locked female for both MCs and ROs. This includes cis and trans options.
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