#jacqueline cochran
carbone14 · 4 days
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Jacqueline Cochran, directrice du Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) – 1940's
©Eisenhower Library - 91-4-5695
Jacqueline Cochran, pionnière de l'aviation et détentrice de nombreux records de vitesse, d'altitude et de raids aériens, fut la directrice des Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) pendant la seconde guerre mondiale.
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abwwia · 4 months
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On May 18, 1953, Jacqueline Cochran became the first woman to fly faster than the speed of sound and, at the time of her death in 1980, she held more speed, altitude, and distance records than any other male or female pilot in aviation history. Source
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I have found adventure in flying, in world travel, in business, and even close at hand... Adventure is a state of mind - and spirit.
- Jacqueline Cochran, pioneering aviator and businesswoman (1906-1980)
Jacqueline Cochrane was first woman pilot to break the sound barrier on 18 May 1953. She was the wartime head of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) (1943–44). The the first woman civilian to receive the Distinguished Service Medal (DSM). In the 1960s, Cochran was a sponsor of the Mercury 13 program, an early effort to test the ability of women to be astronauts. Thirteen women pilots passed the same preliminary tests as the male astronauts of the Mercury program before the program was cancelled. Despite her lack of formal education, Cochran had a quick mind and an affinity for business and her investment in the cosmetics field proved a lucrative one. Later, in 1951, the Boston Chamber of Commerce voted her one of the 25 outstanding businesswomen in America. In 1953 and 1954, the Associated Press named her "Woman of the Year in Business".
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valkyries-things · 4 months
“She was an American pilot and business executive. She pioneered women's aviation as one of the most prominent racing pilots of her generation. She set numerous records and was the first woman to break the sound barrier on 18 May 1953. Cochran (along with Nancy Love) was the wartime head of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) (1943–1944), which employed about 1000 civilian American women in a non-combat role to ferry planes from factories to port cities. Cochran was later a sponsor of the Mercury 13 women astronaut program.”
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linusjf · 6 months
Jacqueline Cochran: Risk
Jacqueline Cochran (Photo credit: Wikipedia) “To live without risk for me would be tantamount to death. ” Jacqueline Cochran.
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usnatarchives · 1 year
The Women's Airforce Service Pilots (WASP): Soaring Through Gender Barriers 🛩🐝
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During World War II, while the world battled on various fronts, a quieter revolution took flight in the United States. The Women's Airforce Service Pilots, or WASP, were a pioneering group of female aviators who defied traditional gender norms, proving that women could excel in roles historically reserved for men.
Origins of the WASP
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With many American men serving overseas, the country faced a need to tap into underutilized domestic resources. The WASP program, initiated in 1943, merged two existing women's flying programs: the Women's Flying Training Detachment (WFTD) and the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS). These women, under the guidance of aviators like Jacqueline Cochran and Nancy Love, would play a critical role in the war effort.
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Duties and Contributions
The WASPs were trained pilots who contributed in non-combat roles. They ferried military aircraft across the country, tested planes, instructed male pilots, and even towed targets for live anti-aircraft artillery practice. They fulfilled the non-combat roles formerly occupied by male pilots, so more male pilots were available for combat roles. Women were not allowed to fly combat missions until [many years later, in 1993.. By the end of the war, WASPs had flown every type of military aircraft, logged over 60 million miles, and transported nearly 12,650 aircraft of 78 different types.
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Challenges and Gender Biases
Despite their significant contributions, WASPs constantly faced skepticism and discrimination. They weren’t considered members of the military but were seen as civil service employees. They had to pay for their own uniforms, lodging, and sometimes even their way home after the end of their service. If a WASP pilot died during service, her burial costs fell on her family or fellow pilots.
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Recognition and Legacy
In 1977, after years of advocacy by WASP veterans, President Jimmy Carter signed legislation granting WASP pilots veteran status. Later, in 2009, they were awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for their service, sacrifice, and pioneering spirit. The legacy of the WASP program not only paved the way for women's integration into the U.S. Air Force but also demonstrated the capabilities of women in high-pressure, technical roles.
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aviationgeek71 · 7 months
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Jacqueline Cochran (right) applies makeup while fellow aviator Helen Richey looks on. While Cochran was a record setting pilot, commander within the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP), she also ran a cosmetics business and insisted on always looking good.
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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Jacqueline Cochran was the first woman to fly faster than the speed of sound. In 1980, at the time of her death, Cochran held more speed, altitude, and distance records than any other male or female pilot in aviation history. Read more: s.si.edu/3YRwCze #WomensHistoryMonth 
@airandspace via X
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True North - Sneak Peek (John "Bucky" Egan x Original Female Character)
Ok so after a handful of messages yesterday, I was feeling inspired and a little excited about the possibility of a new fandom and may have binged some of Masters of the Air late last night. I'm not quite sure where it's going to end up, but here's part of the first chapter. Testing the waters (or clouds?) to see if there's even any interest in it. OR if it's just total shit, since it's a new era I've never written for before. (If so, we can just pretend this never happened, hahaha.)
Pairing: John "Bucky" Egan x Original Female Character
Length: 1935 Words
Warnings: Language, military inaccuracies, writer flying by the seat of her pants as she tries to research more about WWII and pilots, mentally cursing herself for not paying closer attention in history class, 18+, MDNI.
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“You’re flyin’ today, Frank!” 
The loud accented voice filled her ears, the brunette squinting her eyes closed tightly as she heard footsteps echoing all around the shared room, the sounds of trunks opening and closing joining in a moment later. She’d just been on the verge of a delicious dream with Gary Cooper’s character from The Westerner when Dorothy Skylar’s voice interrupted their suggestive conversation, her friend rudely butting into the fantasy.
“If you don’t get up, they’ll give your spot to the boys!”
“Ok!” Frank lifted her arm into the air, waving it around to signal she was, in fact, alive, “ok! I’m up—I’m getting up. Keep your panties on.”
“We call ‘em knickers ‘round here, love!” Dorothy’s laughter bounced along the walls, mixing in with the various posters, postcards, photos, and letters pinned above each of the beds, “if you’re going to talk about them, get it right!”
“You are all so irritating,” Frank shifted into a sitting position, the thin strap of her silk tank-top falling over her shoulder as she pressed the heel of her palm into her eye, “does no one like to sleep in anymore?”
“Haven’t had the luxury in years, darling,” Dorothy finished buckling her belt, pausing briefly in the full-length mirror as she adjusted the pins in her curls, “while you Americans have been ignoring what’s been going on across the Atlantic, we’ve been living this nightmare for years.”
“Well—at least it’s a shared one now,” Frank rested the back of her hand against her mouth as she stifled a yawn, “alright, I’m getting up. Where am I going?”
“Thorpe Abbotts,” Dorothy glanced over her shoulder to look at Frank as the shorter woman moved around her bed and over to her trunk, pushing aside piles of unfolded clothing to find her uniform, “should be a quick flight, you’ll be back before dark.”
“Maybe,” Frank disrobed and redressed once her undergarments were secured, Dorothy averting her eyes as Frank changed before messing with her hair, “we’ll see—last time I flew the airfield manager wouldn’t let me off the plane until he’d spoken to at least three men, one of whom was ranked lower than me.”
Dorothy only hummed, both women more than aware of how difficult it could sometimes be ferrying planes to and from airfields and bases, especially if the Americans were involved. It was still shocking to most men that women flew—and while the program in the US was slowly getting off the ground, the British had fully embraced female pilots, the Air Transport Auxiliary allowing women to help ferry new, repaired, and damaged aircraft between factories, plants, airfields, and squadrons. Frank had jumped at the chance to fly, to do something for the war effort that wasn’t working in a factory—she had well over four-hundred hours of flight time in the US, and while the United States Army Air Forces wasted time debating on whether or not you needed a dick to fly, she bypassed the red tape and joined the ATA shortly after Jacqueline Cochran led the first group to England. Fast forward two years later and Frank found herself an active member of the No. 6 Ferry Pool, doing whatever she could, whenever she could. 
“Are you going to see that boy of yours?” Dorothy asked, nodding towards one of the folded letters on Frank’s nightstand, the corner of it peeking out from under one of her journals.
Frank shook her head as she finished buttoning up her flight suit, the material heavy, thick, and too big for her frame before sliding on the sheepskin jacket. That was another thing about being a female pilot—there weren’t any uniforms to fit the female body, the material often baggy on her arms and legs, but tight across her hips. “He went down a few months ago over the North Sea,” Frank mentally scolded herself for not tossing the letter after she heard the news. They hadn’t been that close—a few afternoon dates when she found herself on overnight trips to London and he happened to be there, brief memories of them sneaking around hallways, bodies pressed up against walls as they sought comfort and distraction in one another. He was from Texas and smelled like home, reminding her of easier times when she was away at college, just trying to find direction in life. But like that experience, he was gone and she was left to figure out which way was North once again. 
“It’s fine,” Frank reached for her bag, Dorothy pausing at the doorway, eyes cloudy with regret as she watched her friend pass her, pressing the heavy wooden door open as both women stepped out into the hallway of the dormitory the ATA housed them in, “it’s war.”
“That doesn’t mean it didn’t mean something…that it doesn’t hurt…”
“I thought you were British,” Frank pushed the emotion and tears away, scolding her heart for clenching as she turned to walk backwards, pressing a finger onto Dorothy’s badged chest, “aren’t you supposed to ‘stiff upper lip’ everything?”
Dorothy only rolled her eyes, the girls exiting the building a few moments later, the cloudy gray English sky greeting them as they crossed the pathway towards the waiting trucks, “have I ruined your flight time?” Dorothy asked quietly once they were in the back of the jeep, eyeing her friend as Frank leaned heavily against the side, “you’re not going to be distracted are you? You’re flying a Class 5 aircraft today—you need to be focused.”
“I’m fine,” Frank waved her off, “and even if I wasn’t, I’d be fine once I’m in the air. Trust me, that’s the only place my mind doesn’t wander.”
Dorothy didn’t appear convinced, but didn’t push the matter, the girls sitting in silence the rest of the ride to the airfield. Planes dotted the landscape, the tower looming in the background. Most of the planes would find homes on other bases or airfields, another tool for the boys to use in their battles. For a while it felt like production was stalling, they had so few to ferry around, but it seemed in the last year or so it had definitely picked up, so many different classes of aircraft ready to be delivered to the Allies. Frank hadn’t yet flown into Thorpe Abbotts, the Royal Air Force station just a handful of miles to the east of Diss, Norfolk. It was fairly new, having been built the previous year, but once the United States Army Air Forces took possession of the airfield, it seemed like activity was picking up. 
The boys at Thorpe Abbotts seemed to be going through planes like candy, and Frank was pretty sure this was their fifth ferry to the airfield in less than two weeks. Typically they flew to the smaller satellite bases once a month, maybe twice if there were mechanical issues, but five times in two weeks? Something was definitely going on in East Anglia. She’d heard low rumblings of the amount of planes that went down during their missions from the British pilots—the men criticizing the Americans for bombing during the day rather than waiting until evening. One conversation she overheard at dinner a few weeks ago seemed to be about the recently arrived 100th Bombardment Group and how they kept losing men to dumb tactical decisions. “It’s war,” one of the heavier accented men had said, slumped backwards in his chair as he rested a beer on the table, “you do what you need to survive.”
“...are you listening to a word I’m saying?”
Frank’s eyes snapped back to those of Commander Dorothy Skylar’s, the three gold stripes she wore on the shoulder strap of her jacket seeming to catch in what little sunlight they had today, making Frank’s two stripes seem even less important than they already felt. “Yes, sorry,” Frank shook her head and the memories away, forcing herself back into the present, “I was just thinking about Thorpe Abbotts and some of the conversations that I’ve heard in passing about it.”
“They’re losing men and planes at a rapid rate of speed,” Dorothy nodded, glancing down at the folder of papers Frank just realized the woman was carrying, “I don’t think this will be your last ferry there.”
“No,” Frank turned her head as she watched the massive Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress come into view, eyes slowly taking in the matte green of the plane, white lettering and stars decorating the wings and body, “no, I don’t think it will be either.”
The girls scrambled out of the jeep when it came to a stop, their male driver neither acknowledging nor checking with them before he sped off, Dorothy just barely clearing the rear left bumper as he turned. “Fucker,” Dorothy whispered under her breath as they crossed the tarmac, “we fly planes and he drives a jeep—yet we’re still the gum under his shoe.”
“Men are babies,” Frank said as she approached the plane, left arm extending to slide across the edge of the wing, “they move from one tit to another, starting with their mother’s, until they die.”
Dorothy laughed, shaking her head as she watched Frank move through the checklist she had memorized by now, a few of the engineers hovering nearby if needed. A younger woman, who appeared to be just barely over eighteen approached quickly a handful of minutes later, clipboard pressed tightly to her chest, “Stella Frank?”
“Captain,” Frank corrected her, the girl almost shrinking back in on herself as she looked over at Dorothy for approval, but the higher ranked commander only stared back blankly, “it’s Captain Frank.”
“Yes—yes, Captain Frank,” the woman shuffled a few papers around as Frank came to stand beside Dorothy, both women waiting as she handed over a thin packet of instructions, hand shaking as she did, “here are your pilot notes, I’m so sorry they weren’t delivered sooner.”
“Thank you…” Frank waited expectantly but the girl didn’t appear to catch on that Frank was waiting for her name, and instead smiled politely at both women before scurrying off. 
“Must you be so brash all the time?” Dorothy asked once the girl was out of ear shot, “I think today’s her first day.”
“Then she’s lucky she stumbled across me,” Frank flipped open the folder, eyeing the notes that gave her heading and speed instructions, as well as landing information, “if it’d been Ryan or Phillips she’d be on a plane back to the states right about now with wet knickers.”
“You’re not wrong,” Dorothy squinted up towards the sky, “you better get on with it—you’re due at Thorpe Abbotts in a few hours. You might get held up for a bit after you land, I think you’re ferrying back one of the planes that took heavier fire, so be safe.” Frank saluted her commander and Dorothy only rolled her eyes, “and watch for the fog, alright? I don’t know if Carol put it in the notes, but the fog around the airfield is sometimes incredibly thick. The boys may not see you until you’re landing.”
“And they have seen a woman before, right?” Frank lifted her eyebrows and Dorothy only shrugged playfully, “this isn’t one of the groups where there’s hardly any women on base and I’ll feel like a monkey at the zoo, right?” Dorothy took a few steps back in the direction of one of the metal buildings along the tarmac, a wide smile across her face. Frank only raised her voice to be heard, “right?”
“Don’t fall in love, Captain!” Dorothy called back, “we’ll see you back later tonight.”
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thoughpoppiesblow · 5 months
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The day had been a typical English one, drab and rainy and full of annoying men. Nora had sat outside the Colonel’s office staring down Major Kidd while Jackie held her own inside. She’d been called in to discuss the efficacy of the Women’s Air Service Pilots overseas - in other words, whether or not the WASPs could do their jobs. Nora had been seething at the implication that they couldn’t, but Jackie had only smiled. If there was one thing Jackie Broussard loved, it was the chance to prove someone wrong. After all, she’d joined up earlier than Nora had and had flown with Jacqueline Cochran down in Texas. She’d said that they got on well, and Nora was sure they wrote each other. But regardless, the conversation with Colonel Huglin had ended quickly with Jackie setting her cruiser cap over her dark hair as she exited his office.
Read the rest on AO3!
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gepetordi1 · 2 months
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Jacqueline Cochran, flying her own Lockheed Lodestar, as she campaigns for Congress in California’s 29th District.
Jacqueline Cochran (May 11, 1906 – August 9, 1980) was an American pilot and business executive. She pioneered women's aviation as one of the most prominent racing pilots of her generation. She set numerous records and was the first woman to break the sound barrier on 18 May 1953. Cochran (along with Nancy Love) was the wartime head of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) (1943–1944), which employed about 1000 civilian American women in a non-combat role to ferry planes from factories to port cities. Cochran was later a sponsor of the Mercury 13 women astronaut program.
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chicinsilk · 1 month
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US Vogue August 15, 1963
Wilhelmina Cooper wears a suit in a mix of tweed speckled with smoky blue and turquoise worn with a Jackie Coogan cap in the same tone. By Ben Zuckerman in Litex wool tweed. Adolfo's hat, pigskin gloves by Crescendoe-Superb. Richelieu earrings. Eyelashes fixed on the eyes: Lash-On eyelash build-up, by Jacqueline Cochran.
Wilhelmina Cooper porte un tailleur dans un mélange de tweed moucheté de bleu fumé et de turquoise porté avec une casquette Jackie Coogan du même ton. Par Ben Zuckerman en tweed de laine Litex. Chapeau d'Adolfo, gants en peau de porc par Crescendoe-Superb. Boucles d'oreilles Richelieu. Des cils fixés sur les yeux : Lash-On eyelash build-up, de Jacqueline Cochran.
Photo Bert Stern vogue archive
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Jacqueline "Jackie" Cochran
Pioneer American aviator Jacqueline "Jackie" Cochran in the cockpit of a Curtiss P-40 Warhawk fighter plane. Cochran was head of the Women Air Force Service Pilots (WASP). Date of photo unknown.
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bigglesworld · 2 years
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Aviatrix-Jacqueline Cochran with a Lockheed F-104-G Super Starfighter. In 1953, flying a RCAF Sabre 3, she was the first woman to break the sound barrier, averaging speeds of 652 mph over Rogers Dry Lake.
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wiispywitch · 7 months
Attack on Titan OC - Elijah Kaufman 🗡️🩸🍺
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♡.ToyHou.se | Instagram | AO3
{CW: Mentions of murder, alcoholism, spoilers for Attack on Titan}
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Name: Elijah Kaufman
Meaning: Elijah- Yahweh is my God; Kaufman- merchant
Nickname(s): Eli, Uncle Eli (by the Schuyler kids), Old drunk (by Hange and Levi)
Alias (if any): Officer Kaufman, Alvin Cochran (his fake name he uses in the black market)
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Nationality: Eldian (German descent)
Birthday: September 17th, 814
Birthplace: Trost District, Wall Rose
Current Residence: Interior of Stohess, Wall Sina (location varies)
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: One-sided relations with Jacqueline Chapman
Language(s) spoken: Eldian
Life-Long Dream: To live the high life in wealth and completely forget the past
Goal(s): To keep his business in selling ODM-gear in the black market on top, to manipulate Nathanael and keep him on his side, to get rid of his completion, to avoid running into his moneylenders, to win Miriam’s heart, to forget about the past 
Like(s): Going out drinking and playing, hanging out at the bar with his buds, cigars, taking charge in leaderly roles, playing poker his way, Jacqueline giving him all of her attention, Miriam's baked goods, making a quick buck, hunting
Dislike(s): Being told how to do his job, strong sunlight, children, the wall cultists, his way of work being questioned, snitches, hangovers, backtalk, titans, the Scout Regiment, Dawson
Bad Habit(s): Abuses his position in power, compulsive liar, heavy drinker, gambler, quick to anger, makes promises he can’t keep, bad with money
Hobbies: Going out drinking with his comrades, picking up women, gambling
Fear(s): Dawson’s “ghost” coming back for revenge, mob bosses coming after him for payment, abnormal titans, death
Personality: Manipulative, paranoid, narcissistic, cowardly, opportunistic, charming, greedy, confident, persuasive 
Favorites(not necessary)-
Food(s): Sunflower seeds, deer meat
Color(s): Maroon 
Season(s): Autumn
Activities: Playing poker, hunting
Time of Day: Night time
Extras: Animals- deer; Drink- whiskey 
Height: 6’1” (185 cm)
Weight: 203 lbs. (93 kg)
Hair style: Wavy and greasy, always pulled back into a ponytail 
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Amber brown
Skin Tone: Tan
Body Shape/Build: Broad-shouldered, tall, beer-gut, heavy-built, sunken cheeks
Birthmarks: N/A
Scar(s): He has a large bite scar on his left leg after he was bitten by a titan. Due to how often he wears his ODM-gear harness, his skin has red marks that he has since gotten used to. 
Other: Full beard and mustache, and a mean look on his face
Memory: He has a fairly good memory, but he wishes to forget about his past and does everything he can to try to forget
Sight (do you need glasses?): Slightly normal, needs reading glasses
Mental: Anger issues, narcissism, paranoia
Physical: He walks with a slight limp on his left leg after a titan attack that he barely escaped. He will sometimes walk with a cane when he’s sore, however he mostly uses his cane to gain sympathy from Miriam and her kids and as a means to get out of too much work when he really doesn’t need it as much as he claims.
Sleep patterns (how you sleep and how much rest do you get?): His sleep schedule is completely disorganized. He doesn’t get much rest as he normally should, and sometimes sleeps in during the day
Allergies/Other: He is a heavy drinker and smokes frequently. Because of his excessive drinking, he is easily irritable and is prone to vomiting if he has too much. He becomes addicted to coderoin after his transfer to the Interior and often uses it to frame other potential criminals, whether guilty or not.
Abilities/Statistics (1- lowly skilled, 10- highly skilled and tell why)-
3D Maneuvering Gear: 7.5/10, as good as he is at maneuvering he is easily prone to motion sickness, and over the years his skill becomes more sloppy
Intelligence: 6/10
Martial Arts: 8/10
Battle Skill: 9/10
Agility: 5/10
Strategy: 6/10
Teamwork: 2/10
Passion: 5.5/10
Affiliation: Military Police
Former Affiliation: Scout Regiment; 97th Cadet Corps
Grad. Rank: 6th
Status (Alive, Missing, etc.): Deceased, left for dead and eaten by wolves
Parent(s): Johnny Kaufman (late-father), Edith Kaufman (mother, whereabouts unknown)
Sibling(s): N/A
Other Relative(s): N/A
Love Interest: Miriam Schuyler, Jacqueline Chapman (one-sided relationship)
Best Friend(s): Dawson Schuyler
Friend(s): Miriam Schuyler 
Enemy(ies): Dwight Oglethorpe, Dr. Finch, Matilda Oglethorpe, Taylor Schuyler, Eren Yeager
Hero(es): Johnny Kaufman
Rival(s): Kenny Ackerman, Nathanael Schuyler
“Why don't we just pretend none of this ever happened? You don't tell them what you saw, and I’ll make sure it don’t come back to bite you in the ass—because if I go down, I'm dragging you down with me. Do I make myself clear?” "You've taken everything from me and rubbed it all in my face, and even in death you just can't leave me alone...Why can't you just stay dead!!? Just leave me be!!!” "Please, spare me…You wouldn’t hurt your uncle, would ya, babydoll?”
History/Life: Elijah Kaufman is a close familial friend to the Schuyler family and military veteran. Having formerly served in the Scout Regiment most of his career, he transferred to the Military Police after sustaining a severe leg injury in the front lines. Originally born in Dauper, he lived out in the woods with his father Johnny, who was a con artist taking part in shady businesses involving selling stolen ODM-gear, and his mother Edith left them when Elijah was two. Johnny loved his son more than anything, and much to the surprise of many considering the reputation Johnny had as the local drunk and gambler with blood on his hands, he was very doting towards him. He taught Elijah how to grow up tough and rarely punished him when he got into trouble; this gave Elijah a sense of superiority and why he grew up believing he could get away with anything. To further advance their shady business, Johnny and Elijah fled to Windsor with forged identification cards and to start up a whole new life. Elijah had adapted fairly quickly, but often kept to himself whilst Johnny was running the business, and it wasn’t easy for him making friends with the local children considering he wasn’t the nicest boy. One day as he was exploring the town, he tried to steal some apples only to be caught by the shop owner. Before he was struck, a young boy named Dawson Schuyler witnessed this and quickly intervened and offered to pay, and Elijah was able to avoid getting into trouble. Dawson bought more food for him shortly after and introduced himself, and offered for him to join in on a game of catch with him and his friends. At first apprehensive, Elijah eventually decided to join in, and this began a strong friendship between Elijah and Dawson; he was shortly introduced to Dawson’s friend group, Dwight Oglethorpe, Matilda Windsor, and Miriam Florence. Elijah was infatuated with Matilda and Miriam the moment he met them, and there were times he would act quite flirty towards the both of them—Miriam always assumed he was being friendly and was very soft-spoken so she never spoke up about it, but Matilda immediately made him back off as it made both of them uncomfortable (since then, he never really liked Matilda since she was, in his words, a “loud mouth”)—despite the fact that Dwight and Matilda were already together and that Dawson and Miriam had strong feelings for each other. Dwight and Dawson had to get involved and have a firm talk with him about respecting their boundaries. Despite his unpleasant behavior, his friends have tried many, many times to give him a chance in hopes that he would change for the better, and over time he had begun to change thanks to Dawson's influence.
When he was twelve, Johnny was caught by the Military Police and arrested. Elijah feared he would be put in an orphanage as he had no other family. Dawson convinced his own family to take Elijah in to avoid being taken away, as he did not want to see his friend struggle to survive with no one else to turn to. Luckily, his family was sympathetic enough to take the boy in, and they became practically like brothers. Elijah never had any set goals for the future until Dawson began to tell him about his dream to join the Scout Regiment and go on adventures on the outside. The thought of glory and gaining fortune for such an intense task sparked Elijah’s interest. It wouldn’t be long until the two signed up for the Cadet Corps and graduated at the top of their class, and together they enlisted into the Scout Regiment just as they had promised. The harsh reality of what awaited outside the walls weighed heavily on Elijah, and he had experienced many close calls and had to witness the gruesome deaths of fellow soldiers. But he prospered on being Dawson’s right hand man when he was eligible to form his own squad unit, and he continued to fight on. Over the years, his drinking would become increasingly worse to numb himself of what he had to experience. 
Dawson and Miriam were already married before they joined the Scouts, and he was there with the family for the birth of all four of their children—Nathanael, Jane, and twins Corine and Clovis. Dawson and Miriam considered Elijah as a part of the family, and the kids loved him so much and looked forward to him coming over for their visits, referring to him as “Uncle Eli.”
However, he was not the man the Schuylers’ thought he was. He saw Dawson’s perfect life, watched him marry the woman he wanted and have four children with her. He was oh-so perfect that Elijah envied him for it. It sickened him. 
One rainy day on the 36th expedition outside of the walls, Elijah accidentally separated himself from his squad, and as a result he was caught by an abnormal titan, his horse getting killed in the process. He frantically tried to escape the titan’s firm grasp as it had bitten down on his leg, but before his leg was entirely bitten off, Dawson arrived just in time to rescue him. Despite what he had done, Elijah remembered all Dawson had stolen from him: The woman he desired, letting him have a family of his own, and now getting him in a what he now sees as a suicide mission. Elijah had finally snapped and attacked him, not realizing the titan horde that was quickly approaching their way. He was able to knock him down and choked Dawson so hard that he damaged his larynx so he was unable to scream or breathe. When he realized there were titans coming after them, Elijah stole his gear and left him behind, and didn’t look back as the titans tore his best friend apart. He fabricated what happened when he told his comrades that Dawson died trying to save him. However, anyone who really knew Elijah would know he was a coward, but they could never prove he could have had anything to do with it. 
Elijah transferred out of the scouts and into the Military Police on recommendation. He would often patrol Wall Rose so he could stay close to Miriam and the kids when they were grieving. Because of his injury on duty, he walked with a limp and carried a cane with him. His leg would begin to heal over time to the point where, minus some soreness, he wouldn’t have to rely on his cane, and he would often use his injury as an excuse to spend his day sitting around and not having to work as much and gain sympathy from others. His drinking problem would continue to get worse, and most of his income went into gambling and whatever money he did have left to relieve his needs with women. To make extra cash, he started trading ODM-gear parts in the black market, just like his father had, and taking money from his niece knowing that she wouldn't have the heart to tell him no. It wasn't until after he had lashed out on Tay that the Schuyler family had finally cut all contact with him.
He was one of the MP’s to work alongside Kenny Ackerman in the Anti-Personnel Control Squad and conspired with the kidnapping of Eren Yeager and the true heir of the Reiss family Historia. Considering Elijah has had run-ins with Eren and knowing Jane had feelings for him, he was quite thrilled in taking part in the possibility of getting rid of Eren once and for all. He forced Nathanael to help them with the threat of harming his family if he didn’t. Everything fell apart when Elijah, in his drunken state, had let it slip to Kenny that he left Dawson to die. Nathanael would later betray him and fight back with the Scouts’ aid.
Elijah wouldn’t end up getting away from the sins of his past for very long. For many years, he had hurt and taken advantage of so many people who never hesitated to help him when he was in any trouble. Yet, he still believed that he was owed something and never took a moment to realize what he had until it was too late. In the end, his own mistakes would be his downfall. 
Bonus Facts
-His voice: Japanese- Hidekatsu Shibata (Fuhrer King Bradley, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood); English- Keith David (Dr. Facilier, The Princess and the Frog)
-His design is inspired by the actor Daniel Day-Lewis
-He has a strong scent of whiskey and doesn’t really shower regularly, so his odor is quite pungent 
-He’s a Virgo.
-His alignment is neutral-evil.
-He owes so much money that he knows he can’t pay back and is on the run from loaners so he can avoid being caught.
-Eli will sometimes plant evidence to get a stronger conviction amongst suspects, and as a result many innocent people were thrown in jail all because of him.
-A lot of the new recruits are scared of him and try to avoid running into him as much as they possibly can, especially when they know he’s been drinking.
-In a modern AU, he isn’t much different from his canon counterpart but is more able to get away with his crimes much easier. He and Eren are constantly at each other's throats and when Tay reveals the extent of the emotional abuse, Elijah is thrown out and all contact from the family is cut off for good.
-His spirit animal is a black mamba
OC Profile Creato- AliceCantBeStopped; Divider- strangergraphics
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bartfargo · 4 months
On this day in 1953
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Jacqueline Cochran became the first woman to break the sound barrier
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