themultiversemercs · 26 days
"You want me to what now?" Jade asks, looking over the man in front of her.
(...I can't figure out an actual full starter but hopefully this is enough to get a ball rolling?)
"Get those civvies out of the bloody firing line! You've got some spice in your veins, I can feel it! So go, I'll cover you!"
Arch should've known the one time he turned up to an easy security gig for a change of pace would the one time that shit would indeed rocket fanward. He had managed to take out a few of the rapidly approaching terrorists, their leader rambling on the loudspeaker about American indulgence or mutant heresy or whatever. Arch had heard it all before, and was tuning it out to ensure he kept up his accuracy. He turned a corner and threw a wicked haymaker at the assailant threatening Jade, sending him flying.
But something felt different with her, and that's when he barked the order at her, drawing his very unique Walther 2000 sniper and darting forward to take up a position overlooking the lower stands where some civilians had become trapped.
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garfarf · 24 days
{ @jadehowlettthewolf }
It'd been a couple of weeks since they've settled into their home. They being himself and the company he found not incredibly long ago, that is. Luck would be that Gar happened upon her - er, more like she happened upon him when she did. He'd be far more than just incredibly lost if they hadn't met each other, that's for sure.
The reason for this is because the world around him is entirely foreign. Once upon a time he might have been free as a child, but those memories are almost entirely lost to him at this point; Abducted at a young age and experimented on. His captors are what Gar had escaped from before bumping into his company, Jade. No surprise he wasn't quick to trust her though he'd gone along with her anyhow. She was just about his only chance to getting as far away from that place as fast as he could. Otherwise he would have been walking. Hoofing it for miles and miles isn't exactly his idea of a good time. Getting caught isn't either.
As time passed, Gar allowed himself to ease up around her. He couldn't help but to find her genuine enough to be able to trust her, traveling with her until they ended up in a place called Hawkins. There they seemed to be setting up what would be their home. A wild and foreign concept to him as part of him still felt the need to keep running, but unable to deny the fact it'd be nice to just settle somewhere.. he stays with her.
"Do you go to 'work' today?" He's still wrapping his mind around the concept, really. Things normal to most like the concept of a job and what it was were completely lost to him. Well, before they got here and Jade began job hunting, anyway. "Or are you gonna hang around?" It'd be nice if this was one of those 'days off' things she'd mentioned.
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he11fireclubtm · 1 month
"I hate when people ask me to explain my thought process. Like hell if I know! There's too much going on in here at once."
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"But jumbled up thought processes are the most fun. Everything's a mess and then you just gotta go with one of the above like answering a multiple choice question on a test. That's also when the most fun adventures happen. I will never allow my thought process to be a normal one." Eddie replied, grinning over at her. He was absolutely not going to be any kind of help in this situation, nor in explaining it. Just adding to the confusion.
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fatalframez-archive · 7 months
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{ @jadehowlettthewolf liked for a starter }
Is it even a surprise that the two have been stuck together like glue since he made it known he's alive? It's just her for now, unable to keep himself away from her when she was so close now. He'd tell the others soon, but not now. Not when he's still not sure whether or not he has a complete handle on this changed body of his.
Speaking of, he's hungry, soft groan not from pain, but the annoyance of hunger bringing him to make the sound. How annoying - having to go and hunt for his own food. Sure, he could eat people food and it did sate his hunger, but only slightly. As though it was missing something. Nothing sated his hunger truly aside from blood. Jade has brought up the idea of letting him feed off of her, but part of him worries despite his clear control otherwise. It's not like he's ever gone on a frenzy out of his thirst for the crimson liquid thus far. Thankfully so.
"Fuck this hunger, man." He audibly complains, pushing himself up to sit in his spot on Jade's bed while she was on the other side of the room doing.. something. Truthfully, he hadn't been paying attention. Instead, simply zoning out as he stared up at the ceiling. He's not doing that now anymore, of course. "It'd be a real pain if sunlight killed me, you know. Thank fuck for that at least." Having to wait until nightfall would have been a pain. A big one. That didn't mean he didn't still need to be careful though. The deaths of Chrissy and the others may have been shifted off of him and onto Jason, but that didn't mean people didn't still think he was dead.
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crawledoutofmordor · 1 year
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@jadehowlettthewolf asked; Would you stop staring at me?
Eddie pretended to consider her words for a few moments before smirking, "no, I don't think I will," he said before resting his chin on his hands and staring intensely at her.
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thxemazingem · 2 years
@jadehowlettthewolf cont. from x
Jade was shaking, glancing around the empty room. She could still smell the blood, the... Gore, she knew had hurt people. And by God, did everything hurt, more than before. Like her bones and muscles had been thoroughly shredded apart.
"I... I don't remember..." The older mutant muttered, her eyes squinted as she tried so hard to think back. Last thing she remembered was the rage she felt after...
"I-I don't. I don't remember. What... What happened? Are... The kids alright? Are you?"
"Don't hurt yourself," Em soothed. "Long story short: Those bastards did something to you, you wolfed out and freed all of us from our cages, the other prisoners helped the kids escape, the shitty people all got their just desserts, and we're the only two left alive here."
Was Em okay? Not entirely. But it wasn't anything Jade had done.
"I think you're in worse shape than I am. They were doing scientist shit to me before you busted me out."
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{ @jadehowlettthewolf liked for a plotted starter with Connor }
Things in the revolution were getting heated as the very existence of androids is being threatened; His people being deactivated and destroyed left and right. Once upon a time, Connor wouldn't have thought about the situation in this way. He would have simply gone on and accomplished his task, succeeded in what he was meant to do without question. However, things have not turned out that way. Connor is slowly realizing that he, too, is deviant.
The fact that the human currently in questioning is involving themselves in android affairs. At least that's what she's suspected of. She's already gone in for questioning by the time Connor has arrived and Hank has given him the gist of it. Currently, he's alone with her, keeping an eye on her while others step out. Though it wasn't that the RK had to stay. He'd made up some sort of excuse, choosing on his own to stay behind. It's obvious to Hank what's going on and the lieutenant seems to go along with it go buy Connor some time to do whatever it is he's going to do.
Except Hank is suddenly punching Perkins. This is his idea of a distraction? Well, it'll work as good as any. "If you want to get out of here, I suggest we get a move on." Connor is speaking to her, tone hushed and a key to her cuffs that Hank slipped to him is brought into view. In no time, he's working on removing the handcuffs; Skillful hands doing so quickly and with ease. "Stick close to me."
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imprettybitchin · 7 months
El heard a knock at the door and pressed close to Jade's side.
"Who is that?" she whispered. "Should I hide?"
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hellfireconcert · 2 years
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@jadehowlettthewolf​ asked;  🚑
Send 🚑 to find my muse after they have been stabbed through the gut.
Eddie couldn’t remember what had happened, one minute he was just hanging around outside his trailer smoking a joint and saw some of the jocks from school, the school Eddie no longer attended. The next thing he knew he was curled up on the ground holding his hands over his stomach, he would heal fairly quickly but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt, nor did it mean there was no risk of bleeding out. “Jade!” He practically screamed for her, he knew her routine and that she was home in her trailer, “Jade!” He screamed for her again, trying his best not to cry, he knew it would only make it hurt more.
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woednesdayaddams · 2 years
♱ starter for @jadehowlettthewolf
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rumors spread about paranormal sightings near an unattended lab and she cannot help it, the urge to indulge once more into the supernatural and all that it brought in the world — the chaos, the mayhem. she gathered some supplies from the addams inventory, from ouija board to dowsing rods, she was ready to interact with the departed. there’s a grotesque fascination that’s boiling within, whenever she thinks about it.
hand hovers to grab the DO NOT ENTER band which she snatches out of the way, as she entered the premises of the once famous and functional lab. wednesday chooses to try the dowsing rods first, clasping them with a tight grip as she takes a deep breath. “spirits from beyond, i’m calling upon you. is anyone here? if so, move these dowsing rods inward.” she utters, voice resonating in the hallways, creating an echo reverberating inside the walls.
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devildungeondm · 2 years
@jadehowlettthewolf​ | continued from here
This chick was not like the others, that was obvious. “Jade, huh? Definitely new here.” It was cemented when she suggested his own name.
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Clapping, he grinned. “Guess my reputation precedes me,” he mused, shaking his head. “Let me guess, you heard that I am the right hand man of the lord and savior, Satan?” He stuck his tongue out to emphasize the lie, before laughing. “I prefer the one of me sacrificing babies in rituals to help my hair grow.”
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themultiversemercs · 9 days
Random Starter for @jadehowlettthewolf
"So I hear you've met the boss."
The voice came from the door behind Jade as she sat in a room not dissimilar to an interrogation room, a fiery redhead stepping into room with a handgun clearly visible in a holster on her hip, moving to sit down at the opposite side of the table to Jade.
"Firstly, you're not in any trouble, we just don't really have soundproofed rooms for a chat, but I made sure you can see the other side of the mirror." The redhead gestured to said mirror, with a bright light visible from the other side of it, proving her point. "We just want to know what you're capable of, any connections to persons of interest, that kind of thing."
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w-o-r-d-s--f-a-i-l · 2 years
🏺Demigod AU? Your choice
Ceresus, in passing called the Queen of Night, had earned her title twofold in being the daughter of the goddess of night Nyx herself, and in doing most of her work in the night. She seemed to meld with the shadows themselves at night, as if one with them at times, proverbially ruling the night and its denizens. Perhaps it was because of this that she was tasked with a quest and with that was out to assemble her own team of Argonaut- adjacent women to prove themselves as heroes worthy of fame and glory as Heracles, Orpehus, Achilles, and the like. There were a hoard of men who were demigods and heroes known for their bravery, but the amount of known demigoddesses was much smaller number and it seemed they hadn't as many opportunities to prove themselves to their parents or their people.
It was because of this that she sought out Jade, another powerful woman who could aid her on a quest for divine glory. She stole towards Jade's home in the dead of night, baring a sword as a gift to her and knocking on the door thrice to get the other demigoddess's attention.
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old-man-wolverine · 2 years
🎁"What do you want, old man?"
“Hmf, nothin’ special, kid. A fuckin’ break from all the chaos.. or just a cheap bottle of beer.”
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fatalframez-archive · 6 months
{ @jadehowlettthewolf continued from here }
She can't help but to panic at the fact she's suddenly being picked up by Jade. It was unexpected, but also the way she's being held doesn't help either. "I mean - we all know how much of a klutz I am." She pouts a little through her being so frazzled. But it's true! They probably shouldn't have gone this way to begin with. "It hurts like hell though."
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ebbiemunson · 2 years
"....do I even want to know what the hell is going on?"
(In response to dash shit, Jason is... She doesn't like Jason)
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"Jason is sending me unsolicited pictures of his whole dick."
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