#jadwiga of kaedwen
aljordandraws · 6 months
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There exists in Wyzim many paintings and portraits of Queen Jadwiga of Kaedwen. This one, dated c1245 depicts the Princess of Kaedwen during her betrothal to Prince Foltest of Temeria. Long before the tumultuous quest for an heir that only resulted in Arabella of Temeria began. Some scholars of the arts say you can see the sadness in her eyes even then in her ethereal portrait.
Artist news there's been recent major struggles with my health so I'm fist fighting fatigue behind a Wendy's parking lot to get this out. I hope y'all enjoy it. I want to Paint Sigi and Phil in this style now.
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windflowerofskellige · 8 months
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And a woman is a changeling, always shifting shape / Just when you think you have it figured out / Something new begins to take (King, Florence + The Machine)
[Templates: Revelations, Tarot]
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aljordandraws · 1 year
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Her Majesty The Queen resembled a brigand more than she resembled a noble woman.
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aljordandraws · 2 years
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windflowerofskellige · 11 months
I dont think about modern aus often but it is three am and i have finally figured out modern au Arabella.
Foltest is from a rich and prominent family in Temeria. When he was young he married Jadwiga from a rich and prominent family due to "duty" and "protecting the family interests". He however says fuck that, starts a rock band, gets international fame, and his marriage publicly blows up in the spotlight. He takes their child in the divorce. Adda? Oh yeah that's from an affair at the very beginning of his touring days. He also gains custody of her after a long legal arbitration battle when shes fourteen.
Radobella you might ask? The hottest new press since he's the heir to a rich and powerful estate in Redania and there's already rumours from the way his sisters split from the family that there's abuse in the household. Now he's being seen out in public with the wild child of Temeria's wild child? You bet he is. This boy is 16 and has no comment and a stoic expression down cold.
The press absolutely LOSE it though when they're like "Radovid Radovid! Comment on the rumours that Arabella is dating Stennis?" And he just LAUGHS but quickly composes himself and says no comment.
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windflowerofskellige · 11 months
AYYE it's been revealed.
If you wanna read about Jadwiga of Kaedwen, mother of Arabella, you can read Sweet as Cherry Wine on AO3. It takes place 3 years after her death from the perspectives of the men closest to her.
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Jadwiga of Kaedwen is a deeply problematic character steeped in abhorrent actions in a spiral in making her entire existence based around the expectation that she will marry and bare children.
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Am i the type of person to put quotes from the Iliad as descriptions in OC playlists? Yes absolutely.
This quote specifically is very resonate to me because it is, in desecrating Hector's body, the lowest point in Achilles's characterisation. And he will never recover from it. And it is the epitome of Jadwiga's character.
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windflowerofskellige · 4 months
Suddenly Vernon beamed at her. “Look outside,” he said softly, cradling her hand between his. Peering through the window of the carriage, Cirilla gasped. They were just drawing across the ridge, and beyond she could see white road winding across the hills. Sharp black basalt cliffs formed the background, overgrown and dotted with flowering bushes and trees. Where the capital had been grey and stormy when they departed, spring had already come to these hills. The burst of red and violet bushes in front of the black cliffs were marvelous, and the fragrance of them even made it past the windows of the carriage. “It’s beautiful…” Strong, warm hands squeezed hers. “The garden districts usually have an early spring, because the mountains shield them from the rough sea winds,” Vernon said.
HEY MARINA, CIRCUS IS IN SESSION! Thanks for following directions and coming to my side blog now I must ask, where is this set? I'm so confused, is this supposed to be Nilfgaard the city? Where am I right now Marina? Write your fic I guess I don't care I post Temerian and Redanian content for fun. Do you wanna hear about Radovid? Do you wanna hear about Foltest? Do you want to hear about my OCs? I can give you Jadwiga of Kaedwen, Queen of Temeria. Here you go!
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Perhaps an Arabella? I fixed her face model for her mod so when I get Redkit working on my PC I think I'm going to see if outfit modding is any easier.
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Maybe you'd like an Arabella hugging Roche because thats like a mentor type of scenario going on after her dad's death?
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How may I perform for you in this circus session?
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Are Things Still Burning?
Arabella’s canon universe fic. 
Arabella is orphaned at the siege of la Valette castle, and while this means she can marry who she desires, it also is a downhill descent into war and grief. 
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Gilded Cage
An Arabella of Temeria fic focused on political drama and romance with Villem.
The year is 1274 and Arabella of Temeria is the Northern Realm's most influential menace. Nilfgaard is advancing on Sodden's border and she has to start considering marriage; after all she's already sixteen and alliances aren't going to forge themselves. Finding romance in a court marriage is the name of her plan.
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Your Secret Is Safe With Me
Lyonors and Morvran one shot focusing on a very small subsection of Nilfgaardian Politics.
With the third war raging on and Nilfgaard racing Redania for control of Novigrad the heirs apparent to the Nilfgaardian Empire are faced with decisions as they spend time in the former Temerian Baroness's Novigrad estate.
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A Devil In Disguise Pretending To Be Me
Radovid oneshot focused on my headcanon of how he ascended to the throne
King Radovid the Fifth of Redania is under a regency and aims to overthrow the regency council he's been placed under—violently. Things don't go according to plan, and the witch escapes while he's left with the crown and a newfound moral dilemma.
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How Could I Fear Any Hurricane?
A Oneshot about the Eternal Flame as a god.
Five times Pyr almost died and one times he does.
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Villains Aren’t Born (They’re Made)
Radovid oneshot written for the witcher flash fic challenge!
A storm counts omens as Radovid hunts Philippa Eilhart to stand trial for treason.
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A Shattered Reflection
A Dijkstra/Philippa oneshot written for the Witcher Flash Fic Challenge
There is the sound of shattering glass, a corpse in the courtyard, and a woman on his bed. Dijkstra has been roped into something, again.
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A Coronation, A Beheading, From the Funeral to the Wedding
A Radovid/Arabella oneshot for the Witcher Flash Fic Challenge.
The War is dragging and the Queen of Temeria has an idea on how to lighten the mood now that everything is beginning to wrap up.
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The Wolf
A Radovid/Arabella oneshot for the Witcher Flash Fic Challenge.
Arabella of Temeria has married into the Redanian royal family. Now she must make an impression on Redanian aristocracy. 
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You’ll Persevere, This Is Why You Were Born
A Radovid/Arabella oneshot for the Witcher Flash Fic Challenge.
In the temple of Melitele after the siege of Vizima Arabella must come to terms with what it means to be Queen.
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I’ll Have Something Left For You
An Adda character study one shot for the Witcher Flash Fic Challenge.
Adda and her little sister create a time honoured tradition in Tretogor. Now she is trying to share that tradition with someone new and come out of her shell for her sister's sake.
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And If You Fall...
A Radovid/Arabella political plot for the Witcher Flash Fic Challenge.
Set in the late 1270s there is something afoot in the northern realms. Though with a new generation, perhaps there is something that they couldn't previously manage to do.
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Sweet As Cherry Wine
A oneshot for Jadwiga of Kaedwen after her death for the Witcher Flash Fic Challenge.
On the eve of the third anniversary of the death of the Princess of Kaedwen and queen of Temeria, Henselt and Foltest reminisce on the memory of the woman that once was.
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The Space In Our Bed
A oneshot of Foltest/Dandelion for the witcher flash fic challenge.
Bestie I crackshipped too close to the sun.
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Thick As Scripture
A oneshot of Foltest/Dandelion detailing Foltest’s coronation.
Foltest is to be coronated and wants to invite someone to it.
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I Could Wait For Centuries - Tumblr
Adda Character Study - Tumblr | AO3
Ostrit & Foltest: An Analysis on Love
Radovid Character Drabble - Tumblr | AO3
Radovid Child Drabble - Tumblr
Bloodlust Is The Ticket - Tumblr | AO3
Secrets - Tumblr | AO3
Long Live The King - Tumblr
Words Not Said - Tumblr | AO3
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Arabella of Temeria — Toyhou.se | tag
Jadwiga of Kaedwen — In Progress | tag [stub]
Lyonors Morgause Titiana aep Gareth — In Progress | tag
Calisto of Lyria — In Progress | tag [stub]
Anemone of Arinbjorn — Toyhou.se (in progress) | tag [stub]
Kathrin Sanna de Rosa — In Progress | tag [stub]
Pyr — In Progress | tag [stub]
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Radovid Redesign — Nexus Link
A complete overhaul of Radovid’s character model to fit my redesign of him, focused mainly on making him look 17.
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Morvran Touch Up — Nexus Link
A minor edit to Morvran’s character model to smooth his skin and fix his hairline so he looks more like a 19 year old.
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Radovid Restyle — Nexus Link
A new, slightly more kingly outfit for Radovid. Meant to be used in conjunction with my redesign mod but not necessary as it has an outfit only version.
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Radovid Armour — Nexus Link
A new outfit that's an armour piece more reminiscent of the first two games. Can be used stand alone or with my redesign mod.
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Lore Friendly Philippa — Nexus Link
A new outfit and hair for Philippa Eilhart to give a book inspired look to my favourite sorceress.
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Adda the White — Nexus Link
Modder's resource for screenshots with Adda the White
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Credit for post dividers — Firefly Graphics | cafekitsune | me (heavily inspired by cafekitsune)
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windflowerofskellige · 11 months
[shaking with barely contained excitement]
Please ask me about Jadwiga of Kaedwen tho like this is imperative she's terrible and i love her.
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