#jah writes fanpoetry
jahaliel · 5 months
My Friend, Jonathan
a poem a "day" inspired by Daily Dracula May 3rd - Always on My Mind I find my thoughts linger with thee though the distance between us grows as I journey far and away I could not forget you even if I wished and I never would wish such foolishness when I sit down to eat I think of you when I fall to sleep, I dream of you Stay close to me, always
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jahaliel · 2 months
My Fried Jonathan (pt2)
Aug 1 - Fog and Fancy running along with the wind into endless danger the lies that lay above the sealine reflected like a light amongst the fog; a thousand dancing glimmers of the lost among the ocean's waves and yet it be perhaps just stories
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jahaliel · 1 year
the voyage is done
how many times can a heart break in the middle of a war
as you watch them fight like they never fought for you your rose tinted glasses shattered when you were young
(at ten fighting someone else’s war at fourteen, sixteen, fighting to live)
they still wear them standing strong acting like nothing’s wrong how many times can a heart break in the middle of a war?
@stereden  <3
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jahaliel · 2 years
my love its been a long time coming
white wolf and the worlds ending
but im glad that youre by my side
its been a lifetime dear of loving
we're going to go down swinging
and im glad to have you by my side
there may be grey at our temples
but our weapons are well maintained
and we fight to live we fight to love
we stand firm against the falling veil
(going back to my roots for this one lol)
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jahaliel · 2 years
she can rescue herself
but it means a lot
that he comes to find her
the sound of his sword
singing through bone
harmonises with the
mortal song she wields
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jahaliel · 2 years
where’s your “greater good”
in the aftermath of curse and horror and what have I done you fail still to see of those who’d like justice for loved ones lost to machinations there are of these plenty all your plans crumble now to pieces adoration soured; you fall down defeated @deadcatwithaflamethrower
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jahaliel · 2 years
we are one
the universe breathes and between each star
a thousand mysteries spin out in light unsung
we are with each other together all and one
carrying hope's flame in our hearts
breathing loving living despite painful pasts
and we are not alone we are together bound
by the stars by the force by the song without a sound
happy may the 4th
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jahaliel · 2 years
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time is a circle
death and life
but family
<3 @deadcatwithaflamethrower
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jahaliel · 2 years
never let me go; I'll burn the world for you
my life in your hands rests safe and secure
and i will shelter you in turn from the world
fuck them; we need only each other to hold
save me and I'll save you
and we can sail together
call me and I'll be there
family is forever
through all the years through all the nights
we have each others backs in the fights
and after all is said and done as we set sail
we drink together - lift our bottles high
save me and I'll save you
and we can sail together
call me and I'll be there
family is forever
@stereden for your incredible fic - watashitachi wa Roger kaizoku, the buggy and shanks relationship gives me life 💖💖
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jahaliel · 2 years
compassion lies dying breath shared, hope faded tender blood-red hands and it all is lost to shadow and it all fades out to grey burning; flames roar compassion lies dying the shadow wolf hunts and it all goes down in flames and it all burns down to ash iron melts, the waters run gentleness a distant memory compassion lies dying @justawayfan
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jahaliel · 2 years
sharp edged
sometimes the monster likes to show its teeth wild and dark - a storm raging unconstrained (sometimes regret is all you have left when you save them but they look at you with fear) sometimes you revel in destruction, in pain in the clash of weapons sparks flying bright (sometimes you cannot hide away the dark and all you can do is offer them a way to run) always you are grateful that you are not alone
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jahaliel · 2 years
The Raging of Fire
Isshin!Shura AU turned out in poem-story because i could.  love you and your enabling @justawayfan   cw: Major Character Death, death of children, ANGST
Blood and shadow, ruin's calling a song that drums in the hearts of men shura shu-ra shu-ra.
It calls like a siren sings of power, and on that day in that world, pushed to raging by an old foolish bird Shura breaks free.
He arrives to see his granddaughter fall - born to war the fire rages, the shadows stretch out and he lays her so gently gently down. Whirls then, the song of steel sparks, sings, comes alive; cutting down an Owl still caught up in gloating.
Shura sees Shura and the world trembles. (Monster sees monster as the city burns.)
Shadow and flame burn in eyes that meet and join to accord - a fierce dance, a firestorm that seeds ruin to all the land.   As one they stalk out from the rooftops hunting down a black blade to match the red.
They don’t see the child holding his breath, though the younger at least has not yet forgotten him.
There is no pain of loss, no mourning tears for this second foolish grandchild slain by red blade even before he drew breath to argue his old mans choices. One-armed wolf presents the sword, an offering to the demon, a gift to a Lord. And together they hunt vermin within the walls, soldiers tired and running, hunt all who remain as shadows and bloodlust cloud their minds, until only ghosts are left.
In the high mountain a dragon mourns, and the tears mix with the rivers flow, falling down into the lands below. A barrier faint and shimmery of air and light and water surrounds Ashina’s borders; it will not let Shura out, but can be passed by regular humans.
The demons destroy the temples and cleanse the forests of bandits and the streams of their ghosts. They devour a platoon of inner ministry men and red-sword laughs as black-sword pulls them back to life and kills them again and again for their trespass on his land.   Smouldering ash is on the breeze throughout Ashina; charred bones and broken dreams. Fire and shadow meet a demon of hatred and swallow him whole
A quiet boy meets a barefoot girl who shares rice and dried persimmons as they flee. Quiet, quiet as only those who are young and hunted can be they head to the borders and seek to be free.
Alas the wolf of shadow seeks them still wishes to keep them always safe in the flame of his soul. Leaving him is not allowed, no-one will abandon him again - he is fierce, he is powerful, he has the tengu pacing by his side treating him as an equal.
They aren’t far from the border can see its misty glow when a red sword cuts through the evening aimed at the boy.  
The girl screams, pushes him aside, takes the mortal wound. But that’s alright, a black blade swings in a silence that shrieks and the boy falls down too.
They will not abandon these lands. They will not leave him. They die holding hands, bleeding and burning as the shadows monsters move onwards to where they hear a platoon marching in.
They die steps away from freedom - but in their blood spilled a promise lays. They will not be brought back by black blade that can cut space and dimension and time If they are to die and they will, not even dragon's blood can save them then the land owes them peace and the divine owes them peace
and they will have PEACE.
(At the edge of the  lands of Ashina two small corpses lie burned beyond all recognition two young ghosts warn travelers who care to listen turn back and take another road.)
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jahaliel · 3 years
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Hey, @deadcatwithaflamethrower Here’s an Awaken the Stars fanpoem for the ultimate family of badasses. You are amazing and very dear to me.  <3 Transcription below a cut
Holly ~ Zinnia ~ Thyme Pride bursting, family restored - now the Storm is breaking, the war horns sounding Time gifted to heal a little, to rest and Learn safe from prying eyes, then sail home Even after giving all away, the trade is Worth it - soft hands and true smiles Hold your breath; you are not alone And soon you will find your way Though there have been trials you haven’t Faltered - for family you would do more She is alive, and you pray her sleep is Undisturbed by nightmares bleak For years longed for, now reunited and There is nothing like hugging your twin And nothing is impossible when you Are one family, together against all odds Together you have fought, and run, and Someday you know that you will return
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jahaliel · 2 years
they fear the red haired slaver queen whisper of her ship the Goldeneye but they buy her wares branded with the bird weighed down with chains and they don’t see at midnight, Diamond Solaire sails free delivering home lost family on the tides that beneath the demure and tired eyes steely Will forged in star-fire flame burns they don’t hear waves whispering of the med-bay that far outstrips any on the seas the secrets on the ocean breeze of those who hide the truth behind golden eyes
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jahaliel · 2 years
if your conviction be so unyielding
that you have no mercy to be found
if you in your rage and fury choose
to cut even our innocent ones down
then a curse be upon you til death
that conviction you hold, hold to
your last breath and may you drown
under the weight of your sin and your sword
let your Choice remain unchanged ever forward
and let it by the blood you shed be sworn
may the stars hear this prayer of its children
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jahaliel · 3 years
Hello Mother, How are you?
this pull at my bones where you carved me out aches despite it all but when the world is crashing down around me, well i'll still call because you were never mine; and yet and still the fragile lines between us are a debt owed protect yourself and farewell - survive we will and go back to strangers in the same world so i will speak a relationship; exchange calm words of hidden truth then i'll run with hell at my heels and hope the warning was enough
(for @deadcatwithaflamethrower because I'm still in love with Ashlesha and always will be - title's a line from the book scene that inspired the piece <3)
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