#shura AU
rinseveryday · 1 year
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AoNoSummer 2023 Day 2: ENEMY
Enemy spotted! It's a surprise reunion between brothers. Could they ever get along again now that they are on opposite sides?
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kamiko1234 · 8 months
Angelic Legion trio in the Big Bro AU anyone ?
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hajizomenoise · 1 year
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ask-sota-urameshi · 6 months
"Your family will be mad!" Shura warned Sota as she started to climb over the balcony. "It's their fault for taking too long!" Sota snipped, shrugging her shoulder. "We'll get married at your fathers, and when everyone stops having a fit, we'll have a big wedding for them." Shura grinned at Sota charmed as always. "For them." Sota grinned, "Our wedding is tonight."
(also by @kazimakuwabara as part of her YYH regency au)
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gale-dragon-writer · 3 months
Random Fun Facts from Quirks of the Cosmos.
The Tsukauchis are family friends of Yagi Toshinori, so both Camus and Hyouga see Yagi-san as Toshi-oji (an uncle-figure). To the two young Saints, their Toshi-oji is a sweet guy with a few health issues that needs to be protected (😅).
Milo, Ikki, and Shun’s parents are well-known Heroes that have made it to a few Top Ten lists; The Venomous Hero, Sasori (or Kardia to his friends and allies) and The Temperature Hero, Dégel. They also work at UA as teachers, as the Combat and Literature Teachers respectively.
Deathmask and Aphrodite are actually friends with Koda, who they met because of Deathmask’s father when they were 7. They get along surprisingly well despite the obvious personality differences. (And on that note, NO Deathmask and Aphrodite don’t bully Koda. Yes, they tease him occasionally but no bullying).
Shaka has an albino cat named Lotus, who is rather protective of her. Lotus has a Quirk by the name of “Phantom”, which gives him the same abilities as the namesake. Lotus can also be a mischievous little shit to those he dislikes and also has the unwanted habit of following Shaka to school w/o her knowing until he does something. Aizawa is one of the few teachers Lotus actually likes.
Mu has a Pigmy Goat named Kaiju that has the Quirk called “Macro and Micro”, which allow him to change his size. Kaiju doesn’t use his Quirk often, but he is very handy in most situations. Just don’t do anything to make Kaiju mad.
Dohko and Shiryu have two dogs. The first is a service dog nicknamed “Pal”, he’s a rather intelligent purebred poodle. The other is a Jack Russell Terrier named Wishbone. Both have Quirks that developed a year after they became part of the family.
Aldebaran is oddly observant due to his Mum being a Psychologist. His Father works in construction with Ochoco’s family, so he’s been friendly with her long b4 UA. Ochaco’s nickname for Aldebaran has always been “Kuma-kun” while his nickname for her is “Coco-kun”.
Shura’s folks are employed in jobs that oddly conflicts with their personalities yet they’re good at their chosen careers. So Shura knows a lot of “OoC Facts” about those things.
Aioria and Aioros have gotten better at telling their parents apart over the years, but they never enjoy explaining their family dynamics to others. Poor Seiya still has trouble telling his Dad and Uncle apart.
Saga and Kanon get a lot of strange admirers that they like to keep at a distance. Momoma accidentally ends up in that category after the Twins “caught” him with a rather “specific” doujinshi about them. Momoma has been trying to explain that situation to them since then but neither Saga nor Kanon want to be near him long enough for him to try.
Inko is relieved that Izuku has so many friends that care about him even though he doesn’t have a Quirk.
Izuku has been trying to get the hang of his “Wisdom of Athena” Quirk since it manifested. Hasn’t had much luck until a certain event b4 UA.
Until the Story comes out.
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nunsh0 · 6 months
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Lesco and Shura as meister and weapon from soul eater lalala
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ariaofsasha · 1 year
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A little sapphic sparring with @selnyam
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everyryuujisuguro · 1 year
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kaioken16 · 1 year
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AoNoSummer2023 Day 18 - Forest 🌳 💐🌺
The princess of the forest prepares for an upcoming festival and the arrival of her dear friends. (Fantasy AU)
I was inspired by elements from Princess Mononoke, RPG settings, and other fantasy-style settings. In this AU, Shiemi serves as a princess of the forest region and Amaimon is her protector and bodyguard as promised to her family, like the bond between him and Shiemihaza in the manga.
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fhwriting · 4 months
My grandma is the funniest beta reader ever.
I'm currently writing a Silas/Corrin/Shura love triangle, and when I told her there will be one, first she was like "no!! Poor Silas, he is so sweet, poor boy :c" but when Shura makes his appearance, she completely switch side and was like "but what if Shura becomes her bodyguard? What if... he actually has some royal blood or at least noble blood? Like that, they could get married 👉👈" LMAO
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starrabbitmedia · 1 year
Since we know the human characters ages in Star Palace what are all their heights?
In order from tallest to shortest:
Dimitri: 6'4"
Zachary: 6'3
Shura: 5'10
Felicity: 5'9"
Milton: 5'5"
Tiago: 5'3"
(and Ery if she's included: 4'11")
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kamiko1234 · 8 months
First Meetings
Arthur and Shura's first time meeting eachother in the Big Bro Arthur AU. -One Shot- ~crossposted on ao3~
~OG Fic~
Shura walked down the path to the monastery, slightly annoyed at having to come all the way from her dorm at True Cross to some shabby church. If it was up to her she'd much rather spend her Thursday afternoon going around doing whatever with her friends. 
She still dutifully came when her mentor called on her for a visit though, even if she didn't spare a single opportunity to complain about it. 
Then again, she was planning on stopping by Fujimoto's at some point sooner or later anyway. 
Rumors travel fast if you are in the right circles, the sorts of circles that Shura just so happened to be apart. And rumors like the paladin having a new mysterious charge and pupil ? Well , those sort of rumors never take much time to burn their way through a class of teenagers. 
Now usually she wouldn't pay too much mind to those. She knew that old man, and she knew that if he'd ever take another student she'd be one of the first people to find out about it. 
But then she got the call from Fujimoto asking her to come by, that there were some news that he wanted to tell her. And suddenly this rumor she overheard didn't seem so unrealistic. 
Shura.... wasn't sure what she thought about this. She didn't think her teacher would ever take another student, or not for some time atleast. The disaster now named the Blue Night was barely a few months ago , and she knew for a fact that Fujimoto had adopted a pair of newborn twins not too long ago. 
She simply doubted that her teacher would have the time.
Then again, maybe those rumors really just were rumors. Maybe this mysterious new student never existed to begin with and her teacher called for a different reasons. 
Shaking her head, Shura knocked at the door to the small monastery. Behind the door she faintly heared a voice which sounded like Fujimoto's yelling something. An unfamiliar one responded something she couldn't make out before there was some rustling and steps. 
Shura took a step back when the door opened as to avoid being hit by it. Upon seeing who opened the door however she wasn't met with her teacher like she expected. 
Instead of an old priest, a teenage boy was standing before her. The teen in question had relatively long blonde hair which was worn open and reached his shoulders. His eyes were blue, and bore a  neutral expression. 
"Uh- hello ?" Shura greeted him. 
"Greetings, I'm Arthur Auguste Angel. I assume you are Shura Kirigakure ?" 
"Y-Yeah ?" 
Normally Shura would most definitely not have stuttered like that. She wasn't some crybaby too shy to properly talk- but something was just off about this guy. 
Be it the way he talks which definitely wasn't normal for someone their age. (Who the hell unironically says "greetings" these times !? That's not even old timey anymore, it's straight up ancient !)  
Or maybe the thing weirding her out was the neutral, almost monotone pitch of voice the other had ? 
And was going on with that name !? Arthur Auguste Angel- it sounds like some sort of bad joke or something. 
Shura didn't have much more time to dwell on these various topics however. Arthur simply nodded, and took a step to the side to allow her inside. 
"Fujimoto-sensei mentioned you'd come by today." 
Swallowing, the teen nodded and entered. It was the first time she'd seen the monastery from the inside. 
It would be lying to say that it wasn't homey. Still empty in some places in terms of decoration- but that was to be expected when one considers how freshly the inhabitants had moved in. 
Arthur was walking infront of her, leading her through halls of creaking wooden floors and ivory walls. The atmosphere was still weird, and Shura felt that the tension was so thick she could cut it with her sword. 
After what felt like an eternity of silence, the two teenagers finally entered a room that looked like a mix of a living- and dinning room. There was a playpen in the room, and next to it a play mat. 
There were toys scattered on it. Probably having been played with not too long ago. "Fujimoto-sensei has to finish some work first, he'll be here in a second" Arthur informed her suddenly. 
Shura just nodded, still not sure what to make of this. 
The uncomfortable silence was broken by a high pitch coo sounding from the play pen. While Shura was starteled at first Arthur immideatly walked over to it. 
"There, there. No need to be lonley, I'm still here you see ?" Arthur said as he leaned into the play pen, when he came back up the teen was holding a young infant in his arms. 
"Look at that, Rin. Your brother's already fast asleep, seems like tummy time powered him out quite a bit, eh ?" The blonde commented, slightly rocking baby in his arms. 
"That's Rin, by the way." Arthur suddenly introduced as he turned to Shura. 
"He seems like a lively kid." 
"He is ! Rin's always smiling and grabbing stuff. Yukio is quieter." 
"And Yukio is......."  
Arthur just nodded his head into the direction of the play pen. Taking the hint, Shura approached it to find a second infant sleeping soundly inside . 
"I assume these are Fujimoto's kids ?" She asked, to which Arthur shook his head ‘yes’. Rin, as if he understood what she'd said, cooed another "ahhh" as if he agreed. She could even observe the infant weakly pushing himself off the chest of the older. 
He was quickly stopped by Arthur's hand coming up to stop the baby from accidentally falling. 
The blonde made no move of putting the infant back down, and ironically Shura found it a bit easier to talk to Arthur now that he was holding a child. 
Maybe it was because suddenly, Arthur didn't seem as robotic as before. You can't really give up the same vibe of neutrality and monotony when you hold a cooing baby in your arms. 
"So, I assume you're Fujimoto's new student ?" The girl asked, which earned her a nod from Arthur. 
"And you've been here since...." 
"Two weeks. I've arrived about two weeks ago." 
Shura eyed Arthur as he gently readjusted his grib to better support the baby while keeping him out of grabbing range from his hair. "Well, someone got attached fast, '' she thought to herself. 
"You're Fujimoto-sensei's first student, right ?" The boy suddenly asked. 
"Yup, I was the first. So I'm sort of your senior in that aspect I suppose" 
"Really ? I thought I was older than you......" 
Now that she thought about it- what age was Arthur ? She assumed he was around her age. 
"Well, how old are you ?" 
"I'm fifteen. How old are you ?" 
"...... Twelve." 
That caused a head tilt from Arthur. "You are only twelve ? That's....... young." 
"Excuse you !? Twelve is a perfectly normal age to be in ! Especially if you want to be an exorcist you gotta start young. Don't pretend that you haven't trained when you were twelve years old!" Shura exclaimed it like she had been insulted personally. What followed was a beat of silence before Arthur. 
"I- I can't remember."
The tone of voice was sad, lamenting almost. It was obviously something personal for the older teen.
That piqued Shura's interest. "What do you mean with 'I can't remember' ?" 
"I've got amnesia. Can't remember anything before the Blue Night- but.... from what I've been told I should have been training at twelve already...." 
Well, that got awkward. 
Shura was no stranger to sob stories about the Blue Night. Everyone lost someone- everyone was affected in some way. 
She simply didn't expect it to jumpscare her like that. Luckily for her however, Arthur changed to topic rather quickly. 
"Still though..... twelve is pretty young, I think. I wouldn't want them getting involved with demons that young, it's dangerous" 
The fact that the other pressed the infant in his arms closer to his body and let his gaze wander to the play pen gave Shura a pretty good idea of who Arthur meant with "them". 
In response she shrugged, but before she could get any answer in form of words out, another voice rang out. 
"Shura ! Sorry for letting you wait- I see you've met Arthur already ?" Fujimoto greeted him. Arthur respectfully bowed at the sight of his mentor. The girl on the other greeted him with a simple nod and “hey”. 
"I'll go put the twins down for their nap, if I may. It's about time." The blonde piped up behind Shura as soone as she finsihed greeting the paladin. Fujimoto frowned a bit, but gave his permission nonetheless. 
Fujimoto thanked Arthur for taking over putting the babies down as the teen picked up Yukio. Shura watched the mob of blonde hair disappear into the hallway. 
After the other teen fully vanished and is well out of earshot, Shura let out a breath and gave her thoughts on her new acquaintance. 
"What a weirdo."
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rikan-oo · 2 years
So, it's my hcs about Blue exorcist characters and who would they main on genshin based on their personality and my totally "unbiased" opinion because I need to get this outta my system.
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Rin Okumura: At first, he struggles with choosing between the twins. Lumine is attractive and makes him think of Shiemi, but he is torn between the two because Aether is a big brother and he can relate to him. Ends up forcing Yukio to play as Lumine, while he chooses Aether. Rin usually plays for Ae, up to Xiangling's story quest and Abyss. But, oh boy, she becomes his favorite then. She is a great cook, with cool fire powers, a sweet Guoba, and a good dad. What else do person needs in a character, anyway? In the squad, Rin still uses Aether, although these days he mostly plays for Xiangling. To get her a Catch, he definetely speedruns fishing. He enjoys collecting for food ingredients while playing the game. Rin is most likely to be the guy who will attempt to make these dishes in person and post receipts on the Internet.
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Yukio: He loses a bet to Rin. His twin surprisingly passes the test and earns a decent grade, so Yukio now has much less sleep and the game he needs to play. Unexpectedly, he realizes how many of his coworkers — primarily Mephisto and Shura — are also playing, and that it has now spread throughout the entire office.
He chooses Lumine and, yes, he seems to relate to saving his brother from chaos involving demonic forces. Unlike Rin, Yukio sticks with his main character. I believe it's because he reads too many comments about Traveler's WEAKness, and his perfectionism won't let it go. He has built Lumine to maximize her potential in each game element. To achieve perfection, Yukio farms extensively for the best artifact stats. Sara is another character he respects in terms of personality, and he enjoys playing for the archers, but her loyalty to Ei turns him off because Shura mains her, and he now has a bad association with her. He likes Keqing as well, but he still can't get her out of the banner.
Also, he likes investigating Teyvat's lore and then explaining various theories to Rin in the middle of the night, while his twin falls asleep to this as it is a bedtime story. Nevertheless, Yukio will uncover the truth.
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Shiemi: begins playing after Rin and Yuki to accompany them. After getting Noelle from the beginner banner, she practically always uses her. She enjoys her hangouts and completes them all. She keeps using her till Sumeru and Nahida show up. Shiemi still loves Noelle, but Nahida has won her heart in every way. And Nahida's talent is a blessing, given how much she enjoys collecting flowers.
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Mephisto: Venti. I will not elaborate. Those who know, know.
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Shura: starts earlier than most and continues for a long time. She plays video games in the start of the series, so it's reasonable to say she frequently tries different games. She starts with Beidou as her main character before switching to Raiden Ei. The crucial factor in it is the booba sword, although she also enjoys the way she looks and her two-tone hair. I believe she can relate to all of the ideas, such as eternity, time, and stillness.
P.S. She regularly bullies Timmy, Hillichurls, Fatui and Yukio.
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Kamiki: Played in secrecy, but pretended not to care about it; it didn't last long (thanks to Renzou). It should come as no surprise that she adores Yae because she enjoys and collects attractive charas with animal-like features. Izumo simply could not ignore the cunning and charming kitsune character. She often makes fun of Shima for not getting her in gacha. Also, she would look after the teapot and create thematic elements for the characters. Obviously, she recreated Narukami shrine for Miko. She additionally encourages Shiemi to create a lovely garden inside her teapot.
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Suguro: Because of Renzou and Rin, he begins to play. At first, mains Chongyun because he likes his design, cultural references, and animations. And last but not least, Chongyun is an exorcist. As Suguro learns more about his character's backstory, he sympathizes with him and finds it ironic, but he also admires his desire to help others and his ability to handle Yan's energy. He's interested in lore as well, thus Yukio is no longer alone in that area since he's found a new victim for his theories.
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Renzou: Starts playing at the same time as Rin and Yukio for hot ladies, so he mains Lisa in the beginning. Then he tries and fails to get other ladies. Shima diligently gathers wishes for Yae Miko. However, he gets banners mixed up and ends up with Childe by accident. That single fact serves as the basis for all of Kamiki's jokes and taunting. Despite his devastation, Renzou chooses to continue reading to see how Archon's quest is finally resolved. Unexpectedly, he finds Childe to be a likable character. He starts his quest and after everything goes blurry. He regains consciousness and has a completed mission, Childe lv90 c1, and a polar star. He believes that is Kamiki's revenge for sharing her secret, but in reality, Shima has just become Childe's kinnie, and it's already a diagnosis. Get better soon.
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Konekomaru: As his friends play, he eventually joins in. Also a fan of animal-like characters. Sucrose, with its adorable design and endearing nature, is his favorite overall. He is intrigued by the fundamentals of alchemy and considers the game's Albedo quests to be among the most interesting. He tries to get him as well, but he loses 50/50 on his banner. He hopes that the following time, he will at least lose to Tighnari and add him to his collection.
He's also interested in lore because it's related to alchemy. Sadly, he had the imprudence to mention it in front of Yukio. So now he is sitting with Rin, who is sleeping, Suguro, who is listening and thinking about everything, and Yukio, who hasn't had even 3 hours of normal sleep and is only still alive because of 4 cans of energetics, and now is explaining his third theory about the Abyss. Press F for Koneko.
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ask-sota-urameshi · 6 months
"Little Shura and Sota have been betrothed, and ordered as commanded from King Enma, to Unite the households. Neither child is happy about this, least of all their parents! But maybe things will turn out alright. After refusing to hold Shura's hand in public, the two were found stealing a cake together. Perhaps the two will be able to find at least friendship, if not romance."
(part of @kazimakuwabara 's YYH regency au)
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That dress was kinda cute >w>
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selnyam · 1 year
Been having a lot of fun talking with @shishido-shiho about our FFXIV characters being awkward gays and having a crush on each other so here's a little thing I wrote about them!
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The room was dark still when Flidais opened her eyes.  She'd been dreaming of attempting to paddle a giant Namazu down a river made of apple juice and her mouth was now dry and incredibly thirsty.  She reached out for the cool jug of water she kept near the Void Ark coffin she slept in.  That's not right. It wasn't there.  Hang on. The room came into focus more as her vision sharpened in the dark.  This wasn't her bed chamber.  Was she upstairs? And on the floor?
The tall Viera shifted, sitting up under the small pile of blankets.  Usually when she fell asleep on the couch reading she didn't have a blanket.  She also didn't end up on the floor.  Shaking a floppy ear from her vision she wiped her cheek, trying to force the sleep fog from her mind.  She'd had company over? Maybe?  Moving her arm she felt rough scales next to her.  There on the floor under the blankets, where she must have been laying in the Viera's arms, was an Auri.  The sight of her dark haired friend brought the memories back and Flidais beamed. 
Shura had come to visit.  It had been a wonderful evening, late into the night and when Shura had been visibly tired, Flidais had offered for her to stay the night.  They'd fallen asleep together, Flidais's Ananta roommate bringing them blankets.  The jug of water was just out of reach, and she carefully extricated herself to solve her dry throat.  
In the dark she smiled, feeling her heart swell at the sight of her friend sleeping peacefully.  By Menphina, Shura was gorgeous and Flidais loved every moment they had together. Metrina, Flidais's wife had been teasing her over her obvious crush.  Pushing her to go for it.   In the morning maybe.  This seemed a pretty definitive "yes I like you too" step.  
Thirst refreshed but still tired, Flidais twitched her fluffy tail and carefully lay back down.  She had barely reached the floor before a strong arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her close.
"Sssssssoft..."  Shura mumbled.  Flidais covered her mouth the stifle a snort at the action, then placed a gentle kiss on Shura's head before settling back to sleep, held in her friend's arms.
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ariaofsasha · 1 month
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Bad End AU Theatre: Grand Marshal Kuroyanagi
In another timeline, Shura's pursuit of strength clashed with her physical limits - unable to truly keep up with her friends' strength, she threw away her morals and fell under the wing of a burgeoning primal-powered authoritarian ruler, eventually becoming her right hand in total subjugation.
"Shadows are rising on the horizon And red will color the sand Is it a treason, what is the reason? The truce has come to an end"
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