the-gershomite · 1 year
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Animaniacs #20 -December 1996-
writers: Sean Carolan & Jennifer Moore
artist: Omar Aranda
inked: Scott McRae
letterer: Teresa Davidson
colors: Jahrome Youngker
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dailyrugbytoday · 4 months
Super Rugby Pacific Brumbies face to Rebels on May 24 in GIO Stadium
New Post has been published on https://thedailyrugby.com/super-rugby-pacific-brumbies-face-to-rebels/
The Daily Rugby
Super Rugby Pacific Brumbies face to Rebels on May 24 in GIO Stadium
Super Rugby Pacific Brumbies vs Rebels on May 24 in GIO Stadium. This Friday, May 24, at GIO Stadium, the Safeguard Global ACT Brumbies will play their final home game of the regular season against the Melbourne Rebels kickoff is set for 7:35 p.m. AEST.
Only three changes have been made to head coach Stephen Larkham’s starting lineup since the team’s pivotal victory against the Crusaders in Round 13.
Hooker Billy Pollard, who has recovered from a knee injury, goes back into the number two jersey to join James Slipper and captain Allan Alaalatoa in the front row.
Super Rugby Pacific, Nick Frost, Jahrome Brown, and Tom Hooper, who is back in the starting fifteen, provide support in the second row of the scrum following their respective performances last week. Rob Valentini, who scored a try in Round 13, and fellow lock Darcy Swain, who lines up as number eight, complete the scrum.
The halves will start at Super Rugby Pacific GIO Stadium with the same lineup as their previous game, with Ryan Lonergan playing scrum half and Noah Lolesio continuing to have a significant impact in the number 10 shirt.
Flyer Corey Toole, who has been sidelined for the last three weeks due to an ankle injury, is also back on the sidelines, rejoining Andy Muirhead as the team’s wingers. Len Ikitau and Tamati Tua, the team’s centres, round up the backline, Super Rugby Pacific with Tom Wright hoping to build on his outstanding fullback performance from the previous week.
Super Rugby Pacific Brumbies face to Rebels
Larkham has relegated Ollie Sapsford and Cadeyrn Neville to the finishing squad in order to accommodate Hooper and Toole, the returnees from the starting side, without fear of a 5-3 split on the bench. As of game day 23, Liam Bowron, Rhys Van Nek, Sosefo Kautai, Luke Reimer, Harrison Goddard, and Jack Debreczeni are the only six players who can still have an effect off the bench. News for Rugby The Daily Rugby
This Friday, May 24, at 7:35 p.m., at GIO Stadium, the Safeguard Global ACT Brumbies play the Melbourne Rebels in Round 14 of the Super Rugby Pacific.
2024 Super Rugby Pacific – Round 14
Safeguard Global ACT Brumbies v Melbourne Rebels
Friday 24 May, 7:35PM AEST
GIO Stadium, Bruce
Starting XV
James Slipper (Queanbeyan Whites)
Billy Pollard (Uni-Norths Owls)
Allan Alaalatoa (c) (Uni-Norths Owls)
Darcy Swain (Tuggeranong Vikings)
Tom Hooper (Tuggeranong Vikings)
Nick Frost (Queanbeyan Whites)
Jahrome Brown (Gungahlin Eagles)
Rob Valetini (Wests Lions)
Ryan Lonergan (Tuggeranong Vikings)
Noah Lolesio (Tuggeranong Vikings)
Corey Toole (Gungahlin Eagles)
Tamati Tua (Queanbeyan Whites)
Len Ikitau (Tuggeranong Vikings)
Andy Muirhead (Canberra Royals)
Tom Wright (Wests Lions)
16. Liam Bowron (Canberra Royals)
17. Rhys Van Nek (Uni-Norths Owls)
18. Sosefo Kautai (Canberra Royals)
19. Cadeyrn Neville (Uni-Norths Owls)
20. Luke Reimer (Wests Lions)
21. Harrison Goddard (Queanbeyan Whites)
22. Jack Debreczeni (Uni-Norths Owls)
23. Ollie Sapsford (Uni-Norths Owls)
After the Brumbies defeated the Crusaders, they made three changes to their starting lineup, including the return of former sevens standout Corey Toole. The Brumbies take on the Melbourne Rebels at Canberra’s GIO Stadium on Friday night in an attempt to maintain their aspirations of finishing in the top two.
Super Rugby Pacific Brumbies vs Rebels Match in GIO Stadium
Super Rugby Pacific, Following his knee injury recovery, hooker Billy Pollard has returned to the No. 2 jersey, and head coach Stephen Larkham has welcomed Toole back into the left wing run-on lineup.
Wallaby In the second row, Tom Hooper also makes a comeback to the starting lineup. Hooper will be in the middle row with lock Darcy Swain, who is headed to the Western Force.
The remaining starting forward group consists of Rob Valetini, Jahrome Brown, Allan Alaalatoa, James Slipper, and Nick Frost, all of whom are still in the First XV.
Tamati Tua, a centre born in New Zealand, joins Wallaby Len Ikitau in the midfield with Ryan Lonergan, who once again partners with Noah Lolesio in the halves.
Andy Muirhead begins on the right wing, Super Rugby Pacific Toole on the left, and the highly effective Tom Wright at fullback will aim to repeat his two-try heroics from the previous Saturday. Read more about Super Rugby Pacific Brumbies vs Rebels
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gonzalo-obes · 6 months
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Día Internacional del Rosa, Día Internacional de la Homeopatía, Día Mundial del Síndrome de West, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
San Terencio.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2019
Por primera vez en la historia de la astronomía, un grupo de 200 científicos de varios paises publican la foto de un agujero negro. El fotografiado es el que se ubica en el centro de la galaxia Messier 87 situada a 55 millones de años luz de la Tierra. La imagen se ha logrado sincronizando 8 radiotelescopios durante cinco días, actuando como una sola antena parabólica del tamaño de nuestro planeta. (Hace 5 años)
Cerca de 4.000 personas mueren en un gran terremoto en el sur de Irán. El epicentro del temblor se sitúa en las cercanías de la localidad de Ghir, una ciudad agrícola ocupada por alrededor de 7.000 habitantes, que resulta totalmente arrasada junto a unas 60 aldeas situadas en su inmediaciones. La cercana ciudad de Jahrom también se ve afectada, y los temblores se sienten también en la antigua ciudad de Shiraz, a 160 km de distancia de Ghir. (Hace 52 años)
Aunque la banda tiene problemas desde hace aproximadamente un año, es en el día de hoy cuando Paul McCartney, que ha intentado por todos los medios mantener unido al grupo, emite un comunicado de prensa publicado en el diario británico "Daily Mirror" en el que anuncia la separación definitiva de "The Beatles". Con la muerte del grupo, nace un mito. (Hace 54 años)
En las cercanías del puerto de Wellington, Nueva Zelanda, a primeras horas de esta mañana, un frente cálido tropical choca con una masa de aire frío originando una de las peores tormentas que ha sufrido este país, dando lugar a gigantescas olas y vientos de más de 160 km/h. Al tratar de entrar a puerto en estas inclementes condiciones meteorológicas, el ferry Wahine se ve empujado contra los peligrosos arrecifes Barrett, que dejan inutilizado el sistema de radar del buque, zozobrando a continuación con el trágico balance de cincuenta y una personas fallecidas. (Hace 56 años)
En Austria tiene lugar un plebiscito controlado, tras la invasión de Adolf Hitler el 12 de marzo, donde el 99,7 por ciento de los austríacos mayores de 20 años aprueba el Anschluss (en alemán: "Unión") para la unificación política de Austria y Alemania. Cabe destacar que el voto no es secreto y los votantes han tenido que cumplimentar la papeleta delante de los miembros de las SS sin poder introducirla en la urna directamente. (Hace 86 años)
Con inusitada expectación zarpa el lujoso trasanlántico Titanic desde el puerto de Southampton (Reino Unido) con destino a Nueva York. El buque está comandado por el veterano capitán Edward John Smith, el más experimentado y prestigioso de la compañía White Star Line, quien va a realizar su última travesía antes de ser jubilado, para "pasar más tiempo junto a mi esposa e hija", según ha manifestado. Lamentablemente, poco antes de la medianoche del 14 de abril, el trasatlántico colisionará con un iceberg en las gélidas aguas del Atlántico Norte. Por desgracia, al pensar sus constructores que el buque es indestructible, no se halla preparado para una emergencia de este tipo y, por ello, no cuenta con suficientes botes salvavidas para el pasaje y la tripulación. Dos horas más tarde, a primeras horas del 15 de abril, el barco se hundirá definitivamente dejando un trágico balance de 1.513 personas muertas y 705 supervivientes que jamás olvidarán esa fatídica noche. (Hace 112 años)
El Archiduque Maximiliano de Habsburgo es coronado Emperador de México en la Catedral de Ciudad de México. Su imperio será breve y agitado debido a los choques entre la guerrilla republicana y los ejércitos imperiales de mexicanos y franceses. En 1867, el avance republicano hacía el centro del país será imparable. Finalmente, el 19 de junio de aquel mismo año, Maximiliano I será fusilado en el Cerro de las Campanas (Querétaro), junto a Tomás Mejía y Miguel Miramón poniendo fin al Segundo Imperio Mexicano. (Hace 160 años)
En este día, durante las primeras etapas de la Guerra de Sucesión de Austria, se libra la Batalla de Mollwitz entre Prusia y Austria. Es la primera batalla del nuevo rey de Prusia Federico II, en la que ambos contendientes cometen numerosas equivocaciones militares aunque, al final, Federico II el Grande obtiene la victoria. Esta batalla consolida su autoridad sobre el territorio recién conquistado de Silesia y le da una valiosa experiencia militar. (Hace 283 años)
Se crean compañías para colonizar el Nuevo Mundo y así Jacobo I rey de Inglaterra concede a dos grupos ingleses, la Compañía de Londres y la Compañía de Plymouth, permiso oficial para colonizar la costa este de América del Norte entre los paralelos 34º y 45º de latitud norte. Tras esta autorización, el primer embarque de colonos partirá el 19 de diciembre de este mismo año. (Hace 418 años)
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gfreedmaximusus · 7 months
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rugbylovers · 1 year
Mass changes for playoffs, coaches sweating on injured stars, Sharks gun pushing for early return Kalyn Ponga, Jackson Hastings, T... #funny #memes #sports #live #tweets #win #twitter #tweet #bet #manchester #rugbymen #rugby union #irish rugby #super rugby
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cricketfun · 1 year
Wests Tigers defeated by South Sydney Rabbitohs, Melbourne Storm defeat Parramatta Eels, kick off time, updates, Round 22 news; Billy Slater praises Jahrome Hughes and Harry Grant in dominant performance It's becoming a dominant game for the ... #usa #uk
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Monster refuses to sign Dolphins for $4 million Storm extension
“But when you think about the way he’s playing, he’s probably had his best season and all year long we said to him, ‘Whether you stay or you go, you’ve got my support. “It’s a fantastic result for the club and he’s a fantastic man in a storm.” Monster’s retention sees him join a star-studded, long-term cast that includes Ryan Papenhausen, Jahrom Hughes, Harry Grant and Christian Welch as the core of Melbourne’s roster. Monster has praised coach Craig Bellamy and the club for staying with him during the off-field scandals that left him fearing his contract could be torn this time last year. “I’ve always wanted to be a player for one club,” Munster said. “The storm has given me a chance to play NRL and the club has become a second home to me since I started my first game. “The club has always been so supportive of me, even during some of the most difficult times, and I appreciate that [the Storm] Giving me the time I need to think about the decision with Bianca and my family.” Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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the-gershomite · 2 years
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Animaniacs #14 June 1996
“What’s The Holdup?”
written by David Cody Weiss
pencil art by Leonardo Batic
inked by Scott McRae
lettered by Bob Pinaha
colored by Jahrome Youngker
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Went with Tyran Wishart for my pick of Members Player of the Year but I can see why Jahrome is the popular vote. Wishy just has done such an incredible job filling in for different positions when players have gone down, especially during a game but Jahrome has had an incredible year.
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dailyrugbytoday · 4 months
Super Rugby 2024: Crusaders team to face ACT Brumbies
New Post has been published on https://thedailyrugby.com/super-rugby-crusaders-brumbies/
The Daily Rugby
Super Rugby 2024: Crusaders team to face ACT Brumbies
The Brumbies have been emphatic that they would not take the 11th-placed Crusaders lightly when they meet the struggling reigning champions in Canberra in round 13.
This week, the 2004 heavyweight champions will gather to commemorate the 20th anniversary of their final victory against the Crusaders, with some special guests expected.
Crusaders v ACT Brumbies
Kickoff: Saturday 4.35pm at GIO Stadium.
The team is enthusiastic about the possibility to add another positive chapter to their battle with the perennial champions.
Fergus Burke will become the Crusaders’ fifth first-five-eighth when he makes his season debut against the Brumbies in Canberra.
It is one of several roster alterations, with Scott Barrett (back), Dallas McLeod (adductor strain), Levi Aumua (knee), and Tamaiti Williams (personal) all out.
Antonio Shalfoon starts as a lock, David Havili returns to second five-eighths to partner Jone Rova in the middle, and Joe Moody starts as a loosehead prop. Tom Christie also returns to the starting lineup as an openside flanker, with Corey Kellow out and Ethan Blackadder (thigh) also unavailable.
Brumbies team to face the Crusaders
James Slipper
Connal McInerney
Allan Alaalatoa (c)
Darcy Swain
Cadeyrn Neville
Nick Frost
Jahrome Brown
Rob Valetini
Ryan Lonergan
Noah Lolesio
Ollie Sapsford
Tamati Tua
Len Ikitau
Andy Muirhead
Tom Wright
16. Liam Bowron 17. Rhys van Nek 18. Sosefo Kautai 19. Tom Hooper 20. Luke Reimer 21. Harrison Goddard 22. Jack Debreczeni 23. Ben O’Donnell
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hrphotogram-blog · 7 years
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قرار نیست همیشه شکار کنی ، یه روزی هم‌ خودت شکار ‌میشی . با‌تشکر از دوست خوبم شهاب کارگرفرد هیچ کس به اندازه آینه از دل عکاس خبر نداشت.... روز جهانی عکاسی رو تبریک میگویم به تمام کسانی که پنهان شدند تا خاطرات دیگران پیدا شود. #photographers #photography #photographyday #climbing #picoftheday #pic #nature #landscape #hunting #canon #lgv20 #river #mobilegraphy #jahrom #camping #mood #lifestyle
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gfreedmaximusus · 2 years
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rugbylovers · 1 year
Several stars racing the clock to be fit for playoffs, Kris crossed out with lengthy spear tackle ban ... #funny #memes #sports #live #tweets #win #twitter #tweet #bet #manchester #rugbymen #rugby union #irish rugby #super rugby
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toonarama2 · 2 years
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The Real Footballers of TOONARAMA
Favourite Player 2022
Winner: Sam Draper AFL - Essendon BOMBERS
Runner-up: Jahrome Hughes NRL - Melbourne STORM
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DO NOT Write Off The Melbourne Storm In 2022!!!
DO NOT Write Off The Melbourne Storm In 2022!!! #RugbyLeague #NRL #RFL #SuperLeague #IntRL #Rugby #BBCRugby #Podcast #Radio #Sport
The Melbourne Storm will never recover from losing Brett Kimmorley. It is one of the funny, ongoing themes in Rugby League. A new season begins and it is clear that the Melbourne Storm and its incredible 20+ year run of success looks like its about to end. Its at this point I head to an australia online casino and throw some money on the Storm to win the minor premiership! The Storm have an…
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