#jaime will comfirm
imabadhabit · 2 years
my back is crunching. <3
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Sometimes I remember that I’m only 2 years older then the Jaime x Brienne ship. I’ve been waiting 4 years for them to become canon and I feel like I can’t physically wait any longer and yet there are some veterans who have been waiting 19!!! Honestly F in chat, when Jaime x Brienne finally become canon this season I’m raising a glass to you guys.
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the-blackdale · 3 years
Not to scare y'all or anything but-
*clears throat*
All the princes of hell
Serial killer Janus
Whatever the hell will go down in Tbvotd
Livvy turning to the dark side
Lily's betrayal
Ty's necromancy's price.
Shadowhunter population is pretty low now.
Kit and Ty og angst because "why the hell did u left me !"
"Thule!Kit may want to befriend Ty" my foot, I can see that love triangle coming !!
Also Dru's lil crush on Jaime, we dont know what is the status of that.
Plus jaime checking out Kit or Ty, we have that
Whatever Ash and Dru have going on with "love at first sight" thing.
CC comfirmed that Ty knows about Kit and Livvy's Kiss, so he might draw conclusions from that.
Anush and Ty, no one's sure about Tynush, but we have plenty theories .
Where is Thule! Simon ?
Manuel has a vial with ash's blood in it, what will he do with it ?
Kit's fairy powers ?
Ash's fairy powers ?
What is Dimmet tarn and what are its mysteries ?
Where is the black volume of the dead ?
Is the seelie queen dying ?
How will shadowhunters protect themselves outside of idris' wards ??
Sister Emilia (from learn about loss) said she was going to make a weapon to kill Belial ?
And this is all before the first book even came out !! In conclution - how in the name of hell is all this supposed to be cover in only 3 books ??
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forsakingonevow · 5 years
Cersei x Jaime Shipper Ask Game || @lannisqueen sent me all the questions, how greedy
1. What first made you start shipping them? At first, it was because of this quote: “I crossed a thousand leagues to come to you, and lost the best part of me along the way. Don’t tell me to leave.” I really feel for Jaime each time I read it. They both were separated for so long and he comes back to her at an awful time but you can see he loves her. He just wants to marry her and for them to be together, of course he’s kinda selfish, he knows she’s vulnerable and will need him, but in a way so is he because he lost what he thought defined him and it’s all a mess but a beautiful mess. After that, rp happened and they became my OTP.
2. Do you prefer Cersei or Jaime? Jaime, he’s my muse for a reason. I liked him since day one when he pushed Bran out of that window. He appears to be arrogant, impulsive and careless, which he is, but looking deeper into his blunt remarks and his ruthlessness, he's not the dishonorable and disloyal man everyone in that world thinks he is, sure, he can be questionable but he has his own code to act on (eve if he saw all the knighthood ideals he believed in shattered), and that is love. Love is his main fuel and that is something I relate with. He operates in this really grey area where he can do some good things or some really terrible ones for love, and he's aware of it, he knows what he’s done and why, and he’s not sorry for any of it. His POV is the one I enjoy the most too.
3. Do you prefer Cersei and Jaime’s relationship in the books or in the show? They’re so different I can’t pick just one! It’s a bit unfair because now their story is complete in the show and I loved every second of it, specially the end.
4. What other fictional couples remind you of them? Lucrezia and Cesare from The Borgias. I haven’t finished watching BUT I know the important bits and a friend of mine always talked to me of how alike they were.
5. Do you read fanfiction? If so any favs/recs? From time to time and only because two people I know wrote these x x 
6. Do you enjoy fanart? If so, any favs/recs? I do but I don’t really have them saved anywhere public to share the links. I’ve already shared my faves with you.
7. Fav Cersei x Jaime edit or gif set? There’s the Jaime & Cersei husband/wife references from the books and this He will come. I know he will. He must. Jaime is my only hope.
8. Have you writen fanfiction or drawn fanart of them? Not yet but I’m in the process of writing my first fic.
9. Name one headcanon you have of them. :) Jaime got his appendix removed when he was eight and Cersei couldn’t sleep that night he was at the hospital, she was feeling the pain he was in too. 
10. Fav alternate universe setting for them? I’m trash for all the modern stuff and I know it was crack but I sort of love our changed at birth au.
11. What star sign do you think they are? I pick Leo as canon, for reasons, but Aries works too.
12. What MBTI type/types do you think they are? Jaime is ESTP and Cersei is probably ESTJ, I’m not 100% sure about her.
13. Who do you think takes control more in the bedroom? Jaime does have more control, he likes to dominate more often than not there but they tend to switch.
14. Should Cersei and Jaime have fled to the free cities together at any point and if so when? When they were younger and Cersei wasn’t as ambitious about the throne.
15. What songs remind you of Cersei and Jaime? Already replied.
16. Genderbent Cersei x Jaime, yes or no? Nah. If Jaime was a woman he’d be Cersei and if Cersei was a man she’d be Jaime, so what’s the point?
Show specific:
17. Fav Cersei x Jaime show scene? This scene from season 6
18. Fav show kiss? That tongue while they’re kissing 
19. Fav show quote regarding their relationship? “Fuck prophecy. Fuck fate. Fuck everyone who isn't us. We're the only ones who matter, the only ones in this world.”
20. Did you like their ending? I LOVED IT. LOVED IT. So satisfying in many levels. I need a brand new post to explain each point, because I love it for both, separately too for different reasons and then together.
21. Do you think Nik and/or Lena ship Cersei x Jaime? I don’t know if they’d use the word “ship it”, I think they’re really great and professional actors who really understand their characters and their motivations, and know the importance of their characters’ relationship. BUT THEY SHIP IT, OKAY?
22. Fav cast quote about their relationship? Nikolaj:  It’s the end of the movie, there’s been a big, big battle. Go to dark. It’s black for ten seconds… and comes up this sign that says “20 YEARS LATER”. There’s a small cottage, Jaime and Cersei are sitting there. “Finally, my love. Finally”. And the music
23. Do you believe that Tommen would have accepted their relationship if he had known? Eventually, after a looooooot of time and space to process things. He’s too young and I think what made Myrcella accept it as fast as she did was the time she spent in Dorne, it gave her a different perspective of things, and Tommen’s world is not as open and accepting.
24. What would they have named their baby if they had lived? As cliche as it is and its everywhere already, Joanna for a baby girl, and don’t kill me, but Tyrion for a boy just because they owe him their lives.
25. What would have happened between them if Jaime would have stayed in Kings Landing in season 7? I think it would have been harder for Cersei to concrete that alliance with Euron but other than that not much. Cersei was right about what was going to happen once the fight in the North was over. I know one thing that wouldn’t have happened though lol
26. Why did Jaime sleep with and have a brief relationship with Brienne? I need an entire one-shot to describe what happened there.
27. Do you think Cersei really ordered for Jaime to be killed? It wouldn’t be out of the ordinary. I have a thread with one Qyburn where he insinuates that Jaime siding with the enemies presents a vulnerability to their strategy and Jaime’s a traitor betraying the Queen, so he makes me suspect Qyburn is the one behind the order. He’s very smart. But who know?
Asoiaf specific:
28. Fav Cersei x Jaime book scene? The altar sex! I found this post I need to reblog about the importance of that scene. It’s a symbolic union, the comfirmation of their love in front of all the gods since they can’t make it public. She’s his home. Also what we talked about, how it proves wrong those who says she was disgusted by his stump and how he still is her champion and Cersei’s the first one to remind him he still has another hand, also “I am not whole without you”.
29. Fav book quote regarding their relationship? “Come at once. Help me. Save me. I need you as I have never needed you before. I love you, I love you, I love you."
30. Do you think Jaime is the valonqar? Yes, I wish he wasn’t but it’s possible. GRRM makes me doubt about all prophecies.
31. Do you think Cersei and Jaime will die together? Yes!!! To infinity.
32. Do you think Jaime will have any sort of romantic or sexual relationship with Brienne? I don’t think so, I see their book relationship more based on respect than actual romantic feelings.
33. Do you think Cersei will meet and have any sort of romantic or sexual relationship with Euron? I think the vision of Aeron Greyjoy about the kraken like figure with tentacles on the Iron Throne and a woman by its side is a foreshadowing of Euron and Cersei. I don’t see them involved romantically, no, but in a sexual way, could be.
34. Will Cersei and Jaime have sex again? I wish, Jaime will always be attracted to her and feel that desire, but it’s hard to find the right time and for him to forget about the other men she’s been with.
35. Do you think Jaime will return to Cersei in Winds of Winter or not until A Dream of Spring? Already replied
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sansa-qitn · 8 years
Silver & Gold (2)
Ever since returning home, before taking it back with Jon, Sansa hadn’t been able to sleep. She can’t remember the last time she was able to sleep a full night, was most likely the day before she found out the Lannisters had taken her father to the dungeons. Or the night before her dear sweet Lady was taken away from her much too soon.
It’s no surprise that Sansa awakens quite early from the fitful short sleep she was having. Somewhere deep down she thought the nightmares and panic would stop, having taken back her home under Stark banners was supposed to help bring her a little bit of peace in a messy, messy world.
Instead ghosts were to haunt her in every corner. Sometimes Sansa would swear she’d catch a glimpse of her lord Father or Lady mother watching her down the corridor. Or maybe even Robb, a man grown, watching her with the same Tully eyes she had.
She couldn’t even find peace in her room. Sometimes, when she closed her eyes her poor dear sweet Rickon would stand in front of her. Not in the body that they had buried in the crypts, but in the body of her last memory of him. So small, so little… arrows still plastered all over.
Sansa sighs and shakes her head. She brings her hands to her face and runs them down, the coolness of them bringing a little comfort.
I must live for them She thinks. Just like Jon said, we live for them now.
It is a mantra she repeats to herself constantly. Especially when she awakes from her nightmares of a bloodied Ramsey Bolton, reaching for her and taunting her ‘There’s still a part of me that will never leave you Sansa Bolton’ He says as his hands leave bloody trails all over her body, pinching her and grasping at what little flesh he can.
She says it to herself when she wakes up with sobs racking her body. Her lungs, full of panic and heat, gasping for a proper breath.
“I must live for them.” Sansa whispers to herself before sitting up in bed.
Ghost, who lays beside her as her constant bed companion, raises his head to look over to her. She manages a small smile and reaches out to pet his head. Thank the Gods Jon left you with me.
“Good boy.” She says before turning over to stand up off the bed.
The room is chilled and she is in her small clothes. She walks across the room to pull a blue wool dress out. She’s quick to lace herself in it, her fingers working from years of practice, and once down she reaches for her cloak and furs.
Once dressed she pulls her hair into a quick braid and runs her hand down it. Once satisfied she pulls it over her left shoulder to dangle in the front.
“Ghost,” She calls. “To me boy.”
The direwolf is silent as he gently steps off her bed and together they leave her room.
She’s relieved to see her Lady Knight vacant from her usual spot in front of her room. It had taken some convinving from herself that Ghost was more than enough protection and that Brienne needed her rest.
The castle has been on constant alert since Jon’s departure almost 4 moons ago. Jon had sent a raven, asking for all fighting able men and women to accompany him and the large army he’d been able to gather with the Dragon Queen’s help to fight against the Long Night.
Jon’s raven had also requested a small handful of men be left to guard the castle and to have Winterfell ready for whatever awaited them.
Her brother Bran had told her more stories, horrific images flashing in her head. Jon fighting such an evil made her sick, no she couldn’t handle to lose more kin… not when she just found more.
Bran and Arya’s arrivals had given Sansa a small token of peace. She was positive she and Jon were the last two Starks alive in the world. With their return home, it had doubled the Starks name of survival.
Bran arrived first.
It was the middle of the night, Sansa tossing and turning, when she heard a commotion outside. She clutched at Ghost in fear, had the Night King made his way to Winterfell?
Was this the night she was to truly die?
Ghost removed himself from her grasp and ran to her door, scratching at it like he was under some spell.
Sansa reached for her cloak and furs and wuickly threw them on. She opened the door and Ghost dashed out, running as fast as she could remember her Lady running down the halls. She gave a gulp and stepped out of her room, scared that Lady Brienne considered the wommotion downstairs dangerous enough to leave her post at Sansa’s door.
She clutched her cloaked tighter around herself, aware now that she only wore her smallcothes underneath. Before she could make her decision on whether or not to turn around to change one of her ladies, also still in her smallclothes, came running around the corner.
“Lady Sansa!” She exclaimed, her face red from running. “It is your brother!”
“Jon!?” Sansa exclaimed, fear striking in her heart. “What has happened?!”
“No! Not Jon, your Bran!”
She was truck by shock. “Bran?” She heard herself whisper.
“Yes, my lady. He says he is Brandon Stark of Winterfell.”
An imposter Sansa thinks. Her heart is beating fast and adrenaline is begins to course through her veins. “Where is he?” “They’ve brought him to the Hall.” Her lady maid replies.
Sansa turns around and walks back into her room. Her lady maid follows and Sansa reaches for a random dress, throwing it on, not bothering to lace completely. Her lady maid holds her cloaks for her and helps her replace them on her body.
“There’s something else my Lady…” Her lady maid, Lyssa says.
Sansa stops and looks to her. “What is it?”
“He is not alone.” Lyssa whispers. “He brings a girl claiming to be Meera Reed… and another.”
Sansa’s brows come together in confusion. “Who?”
“The Kingslayer.”
Sansa walks into the Great Hall with her shoulders squared and her chin up. She was the Lady of Winterfell now, Sansa Stark, the last surviving child of Eddard and Catelyn Stark. Her brother was the King in the North, and this was her home.
Her facade broke when she walked in.
Seeing her brother Bran, sitting in the middle of the hall with a girl to his left, Ghost to his right and the Kingslayer standing off in the corner with Lady Brienne, it had broke her walls.
Forgetting her role, Sansa went running towards her brother, so small sitting on the floor.
Tears ran down her face and she reached for him, pulling him close and holding him closer. “I can’t believe it” She kept repeating, holding tighter.
“I can’t believe it.” She pulled away from him, her face wet with tears, to look at him. It was Bran. Gods above, it was Bran.
He was nearly a grown man now. His face, lost all of his child and baby fat. His eyes, the very same Tully blue her and Robb shared was shared also with her younger brother. He wore dirty furs, but she didn’t care, for she pulled him closer to her again.
“Oh Sansa,” She heard him choke. “Sansa, there’s so much to tell you.”
Sansa pulled away from him and nodded, unable to put together a proper sentence for fear of losing herself completely to tears.
She managed and smile and choked out, “Yes. Brother, we have so much to talk about.”
Sansa had Bran brought up to his old rooms, his lady friend Meera followed, despite not saying much to anyone. She nodded to confirm she was indeed Howland Reed’s daughter
“Why would I lie about that?” She asked, and Sansa believed her.
Sansa called for Bran and his companion to each have a bath and was almost mortified when Meera said she’d have one in Bran’s room as well. She almost spoke up to tell her it was hardly proper but decided against it. The world was clouded with impending doom, who was she to decide what was proper and improper anymore?
She left the room to allow the two to bathe and rest, promising Bran she would return at first light and then they would talk.
Sansa had just began her walk back to her room when she was suddenly reminded of Jaime Lannister. There he stood, side by side with Lady Brienne, in front of Sansa’s doors. Ghost, who had followed her throughout the whole ordeal, took a step in front of her and she saw his shoulders bunch up high, appearing even bigger than he already was.
Brienne’s shoulders tensed and she took a step in front of Jaime. “Lady Sansa. It was Lord Jaime that saved Bran and Meera from death with White Walkers. He’s told me the story himself and I believe him.”
Sansa was quiet, her eyes flickering back and forth between the two.
“He is a man of honour.” Brienne said. “I’ve seen it.”
“A Lannister.” is all Sansa says.
“Yes, but my Lady..”
“I would remind you Lady Brienne, it is his sister who sits on the Iron Throne. She knows Westeros is at war with the Night King, yet she sits pretty on that chair and leaves us.”
“Yes my Lady, but his actions have proven otherwise. He is a man of honour. Please, my Lady.”
Sansa is staring at the Kingslayer who has remained silent. He stares back at her and Sansa can’t help but feel Brienne is telling some truth. It is a stirring in her gut, a comfirmation stirring within.
“He is not to be seen in these walls. He can stay with the Freefolk, outside.” Sansa says, grabbing Ghost by the scruff and pulling. Ghost releases the tension in his shoulders and together they walk past the two and into her room.
It was no surprise that Lady Brienne stood at her door the next morning, pleading with Sansa that the Kingslayer had changed. He repented for his sins by saving Bran, making up for the evil deed he’d caused her poor brother.
Sansa dismissed Brienne in her cold voice and told her to not speak of such a thing when she’d only just gotten her brother back. “I’ve done all I can, that man is not welcomed in Winterfell. He can stay with the Freefolk or go and fight with the rest.”
Brienne nods and leaves Sansa as she and Ghost go to Bran.
They talk for many hours, each sharing their stories of their pasts. Bran’s leaves her confused and full of doubt. She had little thought of magic as a child, but what can she say now? Her own brother was brought back from the dead, dragons fly high in the sky and a man turned cold is fighting the living.
“Arya will come home.” Bran says, snapping her out of whatever thoughts she was having. “I know it.”
Sansa mutely nods, refusing to completely believe her sister were alive.
“Sansa… there’s something else.”
It is then that Sansa’s world is tilted once more.
She is told that her bastard brother is not her brother at all, but her cousin. Her Aunt Lyanna ran off willingly, the stupid girl, to be with Rheagar Targaryen. Together they made a child, the last Targaryen in Westeros, before Daenerys sailed over.
Her father harboured such a dark and deep secret for so long. Keeping his word to his dying sister’s last wish. He saved and protected Jon, raised him Stark. A breathing dragon, here in Winterfell, who knew.
True to his word, Arya returns home to Winterfell a fortnight later. She is grown, not as tall as Sansa, but womanly none the less.
She arrives on horseback in the early morning. Sansa is standing where she Jon stood, looking over the yard. She feels her heart crack at the sight of her younger sister and quickly runs down the stairs and over to Arya.
Arya jumps off the horse and into Sansa’s arms. Her shoulders shake with quiet sobs and her grip is tight around Sansa.
She’s not sure how long they stand together, in the yard, crying and holidng one another, but it is her lady maid, Lya, who find them and bring them back to Sansa’s room. Arya bathes there and after they walk, together arm in arm, to Bran’s room. Together the 3 Starks lay in Bran’s bed, Meera sits at the end of the bed. They don’t leave for the day.
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the-blackdale · 3 years
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All credits for the planning goes to @revvs-trash,I could never have thought a better plan.
♡︎ 𝑑𝑎𝑦 1- 𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑚 𝐻𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑙𝑒 (28/6)
♡︎ 𝑑𝑎𝑦 2- 𝑇𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑦 (29/6)
♡︎ 𝑑𝑎𝑦 3- 𝐽𝑒𝑚 𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑠 (30/6)
♡︎ 𝑑𝑎𝑦 4- 𝑊𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎 (01/7)
♡︎ 𝑑𝑎𝑦 5- 𝐽𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎 (02/7)
♡︎ 𝑑𝑎𝑦 6- 𝐻𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑠 (03/7)
♡︎𝑑𝑎𝑦 7- 𝐻𝐸𝑅𝑂𝑁𝐺𝑅𝐴𝑌𝑆𝑇𝐴𝐼𝑅𝑆 !! (04/7)
Any and all type of content is allowed, edits, fics, quotes anything you feel would make the herongraystairs tag more beautiful is appreciated. 💕
Tag your posts as #herongraystairs even if it is about only wessa or jessa and tag me in all your posts pwease 🤗
We can probably trynna get it on trending on the last day ?? Up tp you, no pressure, I just think it would be great to piss off a certain annon 👀
Tagging everyone who responded to my first post about herongraystairs week ,hope the dates and rules are ok with you -
@hardlymatters @clarys-heosphoros @ghafa-dale @coffee-fandoms-and-chaos @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @im-a-sleep-demon @thelastfunctioningbraincell @mauvehedgehogsandrosie @gods-shadowsandcrows @herondalesunsetcurve @kitandtyarelife @clockworkprincess19 @niastormsanctuary-bolastairkanej @the-swordwielding-carstairs @inejghafasupremacy @khaleesiofalicante @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @pjo-tsc-trc-otherthingstoo @queenlilith43 @theenchanteddreamer @icycoolslushie @shadowhuntingdemigod @willothewhisper @this-beautiful-mess-tonight @22herondale @shadowhunting-hooligans
144 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 08:14:48 GMT
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬
𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚛.
𝙸 𝚝𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕 𝚎𝚏𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜, 𝚙𝚕𝚜 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚙 𝚐𝚞𝚢𝚜 ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Dont repost
Characters belong to @cassandraclare
Tagging some moots @ghafa-dale @niastormbolastairkanejsambucky @jurdan-my-beloved @pink-party-dino @queenlilith43 @blackasmysoul @gabtapia @clarys-heosphoros @autumnangel20 @neo-lightchild-decafineator @fortheloveofthecarstairs @mauvehedgehogsandrosie @fanficreader435 @darkshadowqueensrule @ninacarstairss @kitandtyarelife @hardlymatters @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood @youngreckless @icycoolslushie @willothewhisper
Also guys, I have like no idea if dragons will be there in TWP but a gurl can dream.
176 notes • Posted 2021-07-10 04:06:36 GMT
Not to scare y'all or anything but-
*clears throat*
All the princes of hell
Serial killer Janus
Whatever the hell will go down in Tbvotd
Livvy turning to the dark side
Lily's betrayal
Ty's necromancy's price.
Shadowhunter population is pretty low now.
Kit and Ty og angst because "why the hell did u left me !"
"Thule!Kit may want to befriend Ty" my foot, I can see that love triangle coming !!
Also Dru's lil crush on Jaime, we dont know what is the status of that.
Plus jaime checking out Kit or Ty, we have that
Whatever Ash and Dru have going on with "love at first sight" thing.
CC comfirmed that Ty knows about Kit and Livvy's Kiss, so he might draw conclusions from that.
Anush and Ty, no one's sure about Tynush, but we have plenty theories .
Where is Thule! Simon ?
Manuel has a vial with ash's blood in it, what will he do with it ?
Kit's fairy powers ?
Ash's fairy powers ?
What is Dimmet tarn and what are its mysteries ?
Where is the black volume of the dead ?
Is the seelie queen dying ?
How will shadowhunters protect themselves outside of idris' wards ??
Sister Emilia (from learn about loss) said she was going to make a weapon to kill Belial ?
And this is all before the first book even came out !! In conclution - how in the name of hell is all this supposed to be cover in only 3 books ??
214 notes • Posted 2021-06-07 04:31:18 GMT
Kit Ty
Just Kit and Ty holding hands :)
250 notes • Posted 2021-06-04 10:21:23 GMT
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Beware memes about yesterday, because thats what im gonna do today !!
284 notes • Posted 2021-06-05 04:45:06 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
Ahsga ly @have-a-holly-jolly-angstmas and melkeh @fortheloveofthecarstairs ur my #8 and #9 top tags lmao !! <3
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