#jake marshall wtf
z3ny44 · 1 year
Spoilers for Fionna and Cake Finale Double Episode Post
-Alright, episode 9 started of with a scare! That nightmare really seemed real for a second, and Marshall looked like Shoko when she fell into the radioactive river....
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Thank god it was a dream honestly, but the main even of this episode... The Lich begging for Golb to acknowledge his achievements, his success in ending all life on his reality, only to be denied of any form of gratification and to be stripped of his own reason and turned into a tetris block...
I really liked this bit, I think Fionna and Cake had the best moments of Lich alongside his speech in the Citadel episode. His expression, his posture, his rage alongside his struggle... How can a character so inherently impossible to kill, be absolutely finished by no more than a look from the one whom he called his scholar.
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Also Simon kicked him that's funny,, poor Jerry
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And Now, from the 1000+ years Ooo, we get to see Shermy and Beth again! They are vandalizing Gibbon's kingdom, that, in case you don't remember or don't know, he's the son of Charlie (Jake's daughter that played Card Wars)
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I really like 1000+ years Ooo. In a way its cozy but at the same time uncanny cuz you really don't know anyone... (I mean Marcy and PB are canonically alive but still they only appear in the Come Along with Me Intro) I wish it was a miniseries itself!!! Simon got TP'd to Shermy's head and still is trying to find a crown. They went to the library which is now ruled by the paper guys, and a robot in a turtle shell? uh,,, okay?
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And yeah basically the Scarab is back cuz Ellis P freed them,,, bruh.
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Okay but in all seriousness, the episode continued F&C dealing with the Scarab, and they just threw him all the guys that he imprisoned, which shows us what we already had a feeling since he caught Kheirosiphon: the Scarab just caught outlaw, independently if they are good or bad, most of these guys are reformed and have started a new life... he's just so shitty... like, look at these little Big guy :')
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Anyways, to get done with the F&C story, basically Prismo tp's the Peppermint tank, alongside with Jay, little Destiny and BABY FINN!! WHICH IS HUGE?! Finn is going to grow up in Fionna's universe, and if the series continues, we might even see a normal world grew up Finn (with grew up I mean like 15, lol) ALSO WE SEE TIFFANY
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Simon's side on the other hand,,, jeez I feel like I was synced with Simon in a way that I never really acknowledged Betty's sacrifice... She really did put everything on the side to be with Simon, and for his happiness.... not that it went by unnoticed, but it bugs me to think... what if they did it differently? What if he went on the trip with Betty... I mean to be fair we have the answer... he dies to vampires a couple years after, but how was the time he spent with Betty? What did they change? How did they change and grew even if it did not last forever....
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and if you think that this was the part that hit the hardest... buddy..
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Yeah,,, I think Betty isn't even there anymore, this was a goodbye... It wasn't explained but I think it was implied that she is gone... That Golb is back to his normal form... i don't know if this will have repercussions in the future? Maybe reform Lich and fuse with him?! I'm just throwing random ideas at this point.
-Final Opinion: This series was amazing, I'm always happy to have more Adventure Time content, it being my main artistic inspiration makes it so much more fantastic to see new characters, places and stories. It was definitely the best mini series so far. The funniest, the most interesting, and the prettiest visually. The epilogue was so heartwarming, Fionna being able to talk with Simon via sms, he's having therapy with Minerva, and PRISMO! Prismo now has the Scarab with him in the Time Room, they are going to make stories together hehe.
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(also there was a frame in which prismo's head was flipped? idk if it was an error wtf)
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thedetectiveofinaba · 6 years
Rise From the Ashes has proven to be an interesting case to crack and admittedly it has similar vibes to Turnabout Goodbyes (I mean a direct connection to the previous case which caused dilemmas years ago and which had same people in it) :D I can hardly wait for the following court trials!
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hugispuso-archive · 4 years
the cowboy you saw was jake marshall (from ace attorney he's a patrol officer with a cowboy obsession i think HAHAHAHA) and he shaves his beard with a machete :)
wtf he uses a machete to shave?? sir-
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magicgrrl · 3 years
TACAC rambles
Had someone who didn’t know Ace Attorney RP was a thing talking about how “novel” the idea was, and it got me thinking back to TACAC stuff, so I went back to re-read some stuff.... Just... I will always cherish early day TACAC stuff, but holy cow, re-reading the stuff that came with the short revival honestly has me in tears RN... Just... RNG went OFF on us during this period and we had some real ‘WTF’ moments that just -chef kiss- Just for an idea of some of the things that happened that honestly still make me laugh...
Became accepted that the apartment complex was an absolute mess given everything that had happened there-- including stubborn blood stains. Bobby Bright and Simon Blackwell come in, sees Godot cleaning the walls, y!Klav throws him under the bus because he doesn’t want to clean, and Bobby tackles Godot and tries to arrest him.
Mold Monster-- just... what do you expect from that apartment complex? Mold took over the kitchen (RNG, Why did that have to be the choice?), and rather than help Godot fend off the beast, y!Klav and Rou run off to investigate an alleged crime scene that Diego lied about (Guess what, RNG ninjas struck those two again). Not too bad, right? WRONG! RNG dictated that mold monster abducted Godot, pulled him into the fridge and he spent the night there because no one checked the cries for help. RNG decided that mold monster bit Godot, that y!Klav unleashed ANOTHER MOLD MONSTER to fight the current mold monster, and they had a kaiju battle in the kitchen that formed into one which they walled off with Ikea furniture that was being built in the lobby. Thanks, RNG! Oh, but wait... it gets better... y!Klav, Bobby(?), and Wocky decide to save the kitchen and that was going baaaaad according to RNG... It was not looking good, and then Jake Marshall comes strolling in and RNG decides that the mold monster is going to be the perfectly behaved pet with his rolls... Sit, stay, rollover... Jake tamed a mold monster and it moved into the air vents.... Rolls for Jake’s mold monster are legendary.
So the Iron Infant was a thing... rando just comes in and decided THAT was the character they wanted to play and it was fantastic... kinda... My hats off to Iron Infant mun... they ended up living IN the couch for like... a month... and when we were joking about “What’s that smell? Is something dead?“ like... Iron Infant LEGIT comes out of hiding after a month of silence and just like, “He had been living off moisture in the cushion and crumbs falling in and had grown weak, but with them pulling him out of the couch he was stuck in, he was able to flee!”. Absolute legend!
Another rando we called CIA man... Played JoJo-ish characters... but like... they were feds with Metal Gear tech, bionics and cyborgs, ora ora ora punch with Dragon Ball level fighting... They waltz right in and right off the back, “y!Mia! The CIA wants you to take this case, we will make you a multi millionaire for taking this case.”.... “What’s that y!Klav? You have a friend sick in the hospital? We will give him bionic eyes to make him better!”.... Arrests Kay Faraday the moment she says her name “We know you! You’re under arrest!” ... Legit Dragon Ball Z fight in their room with their cyborg brother, and a few days later, cyborg brother decides to force y!Klav and Godot to prosecute... never mind that neither one are actually prosecutors here... Godmods right out of the gate a fight with the two, and when Godot RNG just like, “Na, fam... ya aint throwing me through a wall”, continued to Godmod breaking Godot’s body into tiny pieces before hunting down y!Klav who tried to escape... Don’t worry, they ended up find in the hospital in the end, but the cyborg’s brain and body exploded.... Always an insane time when CIA man is around...
Lana telling o!Ema about Gant’s virility in the bedroom
All the Klavs... it’s not TACAC without 50 Klavs...
New Klav that moved into the complex gets dubbed “Cosplay Klav (CK) because he thought the two Klaviers he saw were cosplayers and called them such... CK has HORRID RNG...
Dr.Night installed a safe in the lobby to lock up his booze because.. ya know, people can’t keep their hands off of it. Hobo wants into the safe (naturally). First time, Trucy RNG’s the door off the safe.
Second safe? It’s hidden behind a picture... it’s not safe because Hobo has Amnesia!Krissy take down the painting and tries to make him open the safe. CK, A!Krissy’s brother just like, “Brudder! Don’t let this criminal influence you! Hobo, you so bad!” -fist slam animation-
Hobo RNG’s for CK.....
Safe door opens because of CK....
CK gets y!Klav a date with Franny! He’s acting as a wing man... gets the tickets for a concert for them, arranged the dinner and date... should be PERFECT, right? No... RNG hates CK...
RNG decided that their bikes were demolished by bears (of course it’s bears).
RNG decided that y!Klav didn’t just not make it back to the complex, but that he had been kidnapped.
RNG decided that the car that CK punched in anger exploded and set the street on fire while Franny walks off all cool like
RNG decided that Gumshoe was a hero that saved the day.
All of this of course was apparently broadcasted on TV for the complex to pick up (New TV means we got things other than Law and Order).... Polly was horrified....
I’m still back reading in doses... just... holy cow, been a while since I’ve laughed loudly so much. I know I’m likely just talking into the wind, but still....
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penny-nichols · 4 years
Rating all the Ace Attorney characters (Game 1)
Inspired by @fuck-i-love-ace-attorney-girls :)
Phoenix Wright: I love game one Nick! Game one Nick is OUTSTANDING 10/10
Mia Fey: Can you go through the stages of grief for an anime girl? 9/10 (1 point off because she's not alive anymore)
Cindy Stone: I like her hair but also she broke up with Larry and didn't even bother to tell him 4/10 her hair is still cool
Winston Payne: Less annoying than his brother but awful to voice, stupid voice that sounds nasally in my head 5/10
Larry Butz: The later games SLANDERED him. Here he is just a cool dude who drinks respect women juice and only got angry at his gf post-mortem because he found out she ditched him and was with other guys 8/10
The Judge: Annoying old man. Would say Okay Boomer to 3/10
Frank Sawhit: his name always makes me think of sawmills. Does NOT have a fun villain voice in brain. 3/10
Maya Fey: SHE!!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 20/10 I'm love her
Redd White: Shit person and killed Mia but is very, very fun to voice 5/10
April May: Probably the reason that one of the reasons the trilogy is T is for sexual content or something. I do not like her face. 4/10
Gumshoe: LOVE THIS FUNKY MAN 20/10 also
Edgeworth: Did not peak in game 1, 9/10
Jack Hammer: Nathan Fillian, is that you? 2/10 he tried to frame Will for murder
Wendy Oldbag: no. -7/10
Penny Nichols: She is LITERALLY my phone background. 100/10 she has watered my crops and cleared my skin
Will Powers: Your Honor, the defendant is Babey 10/10
Sal Manella: Hm. Don't like that he gets the closest thing to a full blown f bomb the series has (he says wtf at some point). Is probably a brony. -12/10
Dee Vasquez: I like her. Solid 7/10, not higher because she's another reason the game is T (for tobacco usage)
Random Mafia People: infinity/10 AYYYYYY ITS THE BOYS
Robert Hammond: Kinda a jerk tbh 0/10
Manfred Von Karma: No. Petty bitch. -8/10
Lotta Hart: Would fuck Mothman 7/10
Yanni Yogi: I... Don't care about him and he's one of the big characters in the big case. 5/10 I don't have anything against him
Marvin Grossburg: 3/10 he doesn't talk about his hemhorroids this game
Missile: good boy/10
Polly (Parrot): DL-6/10
Gregory Edgeworth: To Kill a Mockingbird Bad End 9/10 point deducted for dead
Ema Skye: She's just a Maya clone in game 1. 8/10
Lana Skye: I don't care. 5/10
Bruce Goodman: Makes me think of Sully from Monsters Inc 5/10
Angel Starr: I literally do not care about her 3/10
Jake Marshall: Stupid cowboy man gives me anxiety he's just rubbing his face with a goddamn POCKETKNIFE 1/10
Neil Marshall: Dead 2/10
Joe Darke: Serial Killer, does not have a face. 1/10
Billy the Cactus: 10/10 succulent friend
Mike Meekins: Cringe. -2/10
Blue Badger: Least terrifying of its kin 10/10 superb undulating
Damon Gant: Best bad guy of game 1. He's fun. I like dramatic villains. 10/10
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vro0m · 3 years
vro0m’s rewatch - 67/288
2010 Singapore GP
Recap + GIFs!
Let's talk WDC for once! Webber is leading with 187 points but Lewis is just 5 points behind. Alonso is next with 166, Jenson has 165, Seb 163. It's still very close. Same with the WCC : Redbull leads with 350 points followed by McLaren with 347.
Quali report : Massa had a gearbox failure minutes into Q1, he starts last on the grid. Petrov spun in Q2, with not too much damage. Hulkenberg struggled and got angry, throwing his helmet in the garage. Schumacher literally drifted into 9th. Webber wasn't fast enough and starts 5th. Lewis is 3rd and Jenson is 4th, but they think they have a chance in the race with their current pace. Seb brushed against the wall and lost the pole because of it. It's Alonso who starts in the front.
Ugh they spent quali day with Horner so we get a segment on that : no thanks. They talk to Nicole on the grid because Lewis doesn't like to have to do media duty when he's getting ready. Nicole says she surprised Lewis last night, he didn't know she was coming for the race. She says he's in good spirits as his mom and his sister are here.
Formation lap. All the teams are tense.
And they're racing!
Not a great start for Lewis, Jenson gets ahead of him but he quickly regains his position. Heidfeld is there? He got someone's seat I guess? Massa pits on lap 2 which makes sense strategically given he started 24th. Safety Car deployed! Ah Liuzzi is parked on the side of the track. Of course as it's a street circuit with walls and shit it's an issue. Loads of pit stops then.
The hard tyres are NOT working well.
10 laps in, Seb is told to look after his brakes... That's early for such a message...
Nothing much happening... Lewis is 1 second down on Alonso’s pace. This is so boring. We're halfway through. Lewis might pit ? Yeah he does. He's 6th now. No, he's 8th!!! Wow that wasn't a good stop. Now Alonso and Seb pit. Seb stalled a little... Jenson also pits. He's in front of Lewis? Damn. Wtf McLaren. Oop. 2 cars in the wall. Safety Car deployed. It's Kobayashi and Senna. Two separate incidents somehow even though they're stuck in the exact same place.
The race is back on on lap 36... Lewis comes on the inside of Webber! THEY TOUCHED! LEWIS IS STOPPING NO FOR FUCK’S SAKE. NOT AGAIN.
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Ooooh I'm getting angry all by myself rn. This is so frustrating. He's too rash. Too impatient. It's his mistake again he closed the space on Webber.
It's almost the end of the race and there's contact between Buemi and Kovalainen. A car is on fire?? It's Kovalainen’s. Jesus. He's driving around and his car is ON FIRE. He stops.
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Wow. Holy shit. That's a serious fire. He gets an extinguisher from a marshal and starts putting the fire out himself.
And it's the end of the race!
Alonso wins, Seb is second. Webber is third.
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Lewis says he doesn't know what happened, he was in his blind spot and he didn't know he was there. The stewards aren't going to further investigate it. Lewis says he doesn't know if it's a racing incident, he hasn't seen the replay, he doesn't know what happened.
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He hadn't seen anyone inside of him and next thing he knows his tyre’s blown and that's it. Lee asks if he can still be WDC this season (he's now third) he says it's a tough call, there's four races to go but he couldn't have expected a worst two races especially at this point of the year, he’ll do what he can, but let's just hope at least himself or Jenson will do it.
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It surprises Jake to hear him say such a thing. Jordan thinks it's a way to pay his respects to Jenson for bringing points home for the team. He calls him magnanimous.
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davidisen · 8 years
NYC Music I Like Mar 8-14
...trad jazz, Gypsy, swing, bluegrass, choro etc. w/ folk roots & virtuoso ensemble playing... Explanation/disclaimer.
[Caution! Please verify with musician, venue, etc. before going. Send updata here.]
Allied music listings with overlapping tastes: Jim's Roots and Blues Calendar.  Eileen's Lindy Blog - This Week in Swing.
This Week
Wednesday, March 8, 5:30 PM: David Ostwald's Louis Armstrong Eternity Band, Birdland (Most Wednesdays.) 6:30 PM: Margi Gianquinto (vocals) & the Aaron Johnson Quartet w/ Aaron (clarinet/sax), Sam Raderman (guitar), Kyle Colina (bass). Vaucluse, 100 East 63rd. 7 PM: Dan Levinson (reeds), Mark Shane (piano), Kevin Dorn (drums) play the music of Benny Goodman. Shanghai Jazz, Madison NJ. 7 PM: Jeanne Gies (vocals) w/ Bruce Edwards (guitar). Andanada.   8 PM: Bill Scorzari. At Finley's of Huntington, Huntington, NY. 11 PM: Avalon Jazz Band hosts Hot Jazz & Gypsy Jam. The Keep. (Most Wednesdays.)
Thursday, March 9, 7 PM: Olli Soikkeli (guitar), Julien Labro (accordion), Alex Wintz (guitar), Shawn Conley (bass) Labella Showroom, Brooklyn. 7:15 PM: Julian Lage & Chris Eldridge (guitars). Rockwood Two. 8 PM: The Blacktail Songbirds w/ Molly Ryan (vocals), Dan Levinson (reeds), Mike Davis (cornet), Terry Waldo (piano). Blacktail. (Most Thursdays.) 8 PM: Andy Statman Trio w/ guest Pete Rushefsky. Charles Street Synagogue. 9 PM: Sam Raderman Quartet w/ Sam (guitar), others. Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill. 9 PM: Jason Prover and his Sneak Thievery Orchestra. Radegast. 8:30 PM: Gene Bertoncini (guitar) and Josh Marcum (bass). Ryan's Daughter, upstairs, 350 E. 85th Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues. (Most Thursdays.) 9 PM: Gypsy jazz jam, Fada. (Most Thursdays.)
Friday, March 10, 7:15 PM: Julian Lage & Chris Eldridge (guitars). Rockwood Two. 8 PM: Tony Trischka (banjo) & Territory. The Emelin Theatre, Mamaroneck NY. 8 PM: The Crimson Ragdolls w/Lisa Liu (guitar), Ellie Goodman (violin), Lauren Hendrix (bass), Zoe Christiansen (accordion/clarinet). The Diana Center at Barnard College. 10:30 PM: Fridays at Mona's, this week The Megg Ryan Jass Bandw/ Sweet Megg (vocals), Ryan Weisheit (reeds). Mona’s, 14th & Avenue B.
Saturday, March 11, 11:30 AM: Tara O'Grady Quartet w/ Tara (vocals), Michael Howell (guitar), Trifon Dimitrov (bass), Dan Pratt (sax). Tanner Smiths Tipsy Tea Jazz Brunch. (Most Saturdays.) Noon: Sweet Megg & the Wayfarers w/ Sweet Megg (vocals), Sam Raderman (guitar), Jim Robertson. Brunch at Row House, 2128 Frederick Douglass Blvd. 12:30 PM: Amos Rose jazz duo w/ vocals. Jules Bistro. (Most Saturdays.) 1 PM: Garden Party Quartet frequently with Emily Asher (trombone). (Most Saturdays.) Fraunces Tavern. 2 PM: Lisa Liu's Gypsy Jazz Experience w/Lisa Liu (guitar), Andrew Louis Willens (bass). Rosamunde Sausage Grill. 4 PM: Roy Williams & Friends. The Shanty. (Most Saturdays, personnel varies). 8 PM: Eddie Barbash & his Orchestra w/ Eddie (sax), Roy Williams (guitar), Duncan Wickle (fiddle), others(?). The Roxy. 8 PM: Celtic Appalachian Celebration w/ Mick Moloney, Athena Tergis, and The Green Fields of America, w/ Billy McComiskey (button accordion), Liz Hanley (fiddle and vocals), Jerry O'Sullivan (uilleann pipes and whistle), Brendan Dolan (piano), Niall O'Leary (dancer) and special guests Erynn Marshall (fiddle), Carl Jones (guitar, mandolin, banjo), Sheila Adams (singer), Megan Downes and City Stompers (dancers), Haley Richardson (fiddle), Jake James (fiddler and dancer). Symphony Space. Info/tix. 10 PM: Alash (Tuvan throat singers). Barbes. 10:30 PM: Sweet Megg & the Wayfarers w/Sweet Megg (vocals), Ryan Weisheit (reeds), Jason Prover (trumpet), Rob Adkins (bass), Rich Levinson. St. Mazie's.
Sunday, March 12 11:30 AM: Tara O'Grady Quartet w/ Tara (vocals), Michael Howell (guitar), Trifon Dimitrov (bass), Michael Hashim (sax). Tanner Smiths Tipsy Tea Jazz Brunch. (Most Sundays.) Noon: Megg Ryan Jass Band w/ Sweet Megg (vocals, guitar), Ryan Weisheit (reeds). House of Yes. (Most Sundays.) 1 PM: Chris Thile. Rockwood Two. (Sold out.) 1:30 PM: Koran Agan (guitar), others. Radegast.  (Most Sundays.) 6 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Tony Scherr (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). 55 Bar. 7 PM: Alex Simon's Gypsy Swing Ensemble. Radegast. 8 PM: The EarRegulars w/ Jon-Erik Kellso (cornet), and this week Scott Robinson (miscellaneous wind instruments), Matt Munisteri (guitar), Patrick O’Leary (bass). The Ear. (Most Sundays.) 8 PM: Glenn Crytzer Trio w/ Hannah Gill. Blacktail. 9 PM: Stephane Wrembel & his band. Barbes. 10 PM: Baby Soda Jazz Band w/ Jared Engel (banjo), others. St. Mazie. (Most Sundays.) 10 PM: Sweet Megg & the Wayfarers w/ Sweet Megg (vocals), Ryan Weisheit (reeds), others. The Wayland.
Monday, March 13, 6 PM: Phoebe Hunt (violin, vocals), Dominick Leslie (mandolin). Porchlight. 7 PM: “Ella is Present” w/ Terri Lyne Carrington (percussion), Casey Benjamin Charenée Wade (vocals). Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Info/tix. 7 PM: The Brain Cloud, the full band w/ Tamar Korn (vocals), Dennis Lichtman (clarinet, mandolin), Andrew Hall (bass), Raphael McGregor (lap steel guitar), Kevin Dorn (drums) and Skip Krevins (guitar). Barbes. (Most Mondays.)  7 PM: Baby Soda Jazz Band. Hofbrau Bierhaus. 8 PM: Mike Davis (cornet) and friends celebrate Bix Beiderbecke. The Bickford, Morristown NJ. Info/Tix. 8 PM: Vince Giordano & his Nighthawks, with an array of the best traditional jazz musicians in New York, Iguana. (Most Mondays). 8 PM: Sweet Megg & The Wayfarers. The Belfry. (Most Mondays.) 9 PM: Svetlana & The Delancey 5 - Svetlana (vocals), Jon Weber (piano), Mike Hashim (reeds), Charlie Caranicas (trmpt), Rob Garcia (drums), George Delancey (bass). Back Room Speakeasy - 102 Norfolk Street. (Most Mondays.) 10 PM: Mona’s Bluegrass Jam, Mona’s, 14th & Avenue B (Most Mondays.) 10 PM: Terry Waldo & The Rum House Jass Band w/ Terry (piano), Jon-Erik Kellso (cornet), Jim Fryer (trombone), Eddy Davis (tenor banjo) and frequently Dan Levinson (clarinet) & Molly Ryan (vocals). The Rum House. (Most Mondays.) 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Tony Scherr (bass) & Josh Dion (drums) plus Margo Valiante. Rockwood Two.
Tuesday, March 14, Noon: Gotham Jazzmen. New York Library for the Performing Arts. 8 PM: Vince Giordano & his Nighthawks, with an array of the very best traditional jazz musicians in New York, Iguana. (Most Tuesdays).  8 PM: Tara O'Grady & the Black Velvet Band w/ Tara (vocals), Michael Howell (guitar), Trifon Dimitrov (bass). Winnie’s Jazz Bar. (Most Tuesdays). 9 PM: Brother Roy w/ Roy Williams (piano, vocals). Rockwood Two. 9:30 PM: Mama Juke w/ Amos Rose, others. East Village Social, St Marks @ Ave A. (Most Tuesdays.) 10 PM: Michael Daves (guitar). Rockwood One. 10 PM: Svetlana & The Delancy Band. Brooklyn Speakeasy at Bedford Hall, 1177 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn. (Most Tuesdays.)  10:15 PM: Michael Daves' Wax Lion. Rockwood Three. (Most Tuesdays.) 11 PM: Jordan Tice & Horse Country w/ Jordan (guitar), Dominick Leslie (mandolin), Zoe Guigueno (bass). Rockwood One. 11 PM: Trad Jazz Jam hosted by Mona’s Hot Four. The Hot Four house band is Dennis Lichtman (clarinet, etc.), Gordon Webster (piano), Nick Russo (guitar, banjo) & Jared Engel (bass). Mona’s, 14th & Avenue B.
March 15, 8 PM: Phil Lesh & Friends. Capitol Theatre, Port Chester NY.  9:30 PM: Gordon Webster Band CD Release w/ Gordon (piano), Charles Turner (vocals), Danny Jonokuchi (cornet), Danny Lipsitz (reeds), Rob Edwards (trombone), Ricky Alexander (reeds), Danny Zieman (bass), Kevin Congelton (drums). Joes Pub. Info/tix.
March 16, 8 PM: Phil Lesh & Friends. Capitol Theatre, Port Chester NY.  9 PM: Gordon's Grand Street Stompers. Radegast.
March 17, 8 PM: Phil Lesh & Friends. Capitol Theatre, Port Chester NY.  5 PM: The Glenn Crytzer Quartette. Broadway Lounge in the Marriott Marquis in Times Square.   8 PM: Leann Rimes. Patchogue Theatre, Patchogue NY. Info/tix.
March 18, Noon: Glenn Crytzer Quintette. Brunch at Minton's. 8 PM: Rhonda Vincent. Ramapo College, Mahwah NJ. Info/tix. 7:30 PM: Margi Gianquinto and the world famous TBD band featuring TBA (wtf) and TBA (ftw). J House, Riverside CT. 10 PM: Brain Cloud Trio w/ Dennis Lichtman (mandolin, clarinet), Tamar Korn (vocals), Andrew Hall (bass). Fox & Crow, Jersey City.
March 19, 12:30 PM: Brunch with w/ Hilary Gardner (vocals) plus Greg Ruggerio (guitar) & Joel Forbes (bass). North Square. 4 PM: The Stride Piano Jam w/ Terry Waldo (piano) & Ehud Asherie (piano). Fat Cat. 4 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Chris Morrissey (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). The Greenwich Library, Greenwich CT.
March 20, 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Chris Morrissey (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). Rockwood Two.
March 21, Noon: Gotham Jazzmen. New York Library for the Performing Arts.
March 22, 7:30 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 7:45 PM: Chris Eldridge & Julian Lage plus Aoife O'Donovan. Fairfield Theatre Company, Fairfield CT. Info/tix. 9 PM: Emily Asher's Garden Party. Radegast.
March 23, 7:30 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 9 PM (unconfirmed time): Jon-Erik Kellso Quartet. Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
March 24, 8 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 8 & 10 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli  (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Larry Fuller (piano), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Kitano. 
March 25, Noon: Glenn Crytzer Quintette. Brunch at Minton's. 2 & 8 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 8 & 10 PM: Stephanie Nakasian (vocals) & Veronica Swift (vocals) with the Tardo Hammer Trio. Kitano. 9 PM: Noam Pikelny. The Bowery Ballroom. Info/tix.
March 26, Noon: Women of the Guitar w/ Sheryl Bailey, Jiji Kimm, Kaki King & Ann Klein. 92nd Street Y. Free but limited seating. Info 2 & 7 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. Time?: The Peewee Russell Memorial Stomp w/ Midiri Brothers Quintet, Peter and Will Anderson Quintet, Dan Levinson's Russell of Spring Band & Professor Cunningham and his Old School. Birchwood Manor, Whippany NJ. Info/tix. 4 PM: Roy Williams & The Human Hands. Skinny Dennis.
March 27, 7 PM: “J’adore Ella,” w/ Les Nubians (sisters Hélène and Célia Faussart). Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Info/tix. 10 PM: 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Chris Morrissey (bass) & Josh Dion (drums) plus Adam Levy. Rockwood Two.
March 28, Noon: Gotham Jazzmen. New York Library for the Performing Arts.
March 29, 12:30 PM: Jayme Stone's Lomax Project. UBS Atrium, Weehawken, NJ.
March 30, 9 PM: Glenn Crytzer Trio w/ Hannah Gill. St. Mazie.
March 31, 5 PM: The Glenn Crytzer Quartette. Broadway Lounge in the Marriott Marquis in Times Square.   7:30 & 9:30 PM: John Pizzarelli. The Emelin Theatre, Mamaroneck NY.
April 1, 8 PM: John Prine. NJPAC. Tix. 8 PM: Acadia Swing w/ Svetlana & The Delancy Five, Sweet Megg & The Wayfarers, others. Connollys on W. 45th. Tix.
April 3, 7:30 PM: Richard Dowling (piano) & Jeff Barnhart (piano) play the music of Scott Joplin. Bickford Theatre, Morristown NJ. Info/tix. 7:30 & 9:30 PM: Danilo Brito Quinteto. Dizzy’s. Info/tix. 10 PM: 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Chris Morrissey (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). Rockwood Two.
April 10, 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Chris Morrissey (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). Rockwood Two.
April 11, 6 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
April 17, 8:30 PM: Frank Vignola's Guitar Night w/ Frank (guitar), Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Gene Bertoncini (7-string guitar), Olli Soikkeli (guitar), Vinny Raniolo (guitar) and Nicki Parrott (bass). The Iridium.
April 20, 9 PM: Frank Vignola & Vinny Raniolo (guitars). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
April 21, Doors open 7 PM: Squirrel Nut Zippers. Brooklyn Steel w/ Ozomatli. Info/tix. 8 PM: Del (McCoury) & Dawg (David Grisman). Ridgefield Playhouse. Ridgefield CT. Info/tix.
April 24, 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Chris Morrissey (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). Rockwood Two.
April 28-30, Brooklyn Folk Festival. St Ann's Church. Full Line-up here.
May 9, 6 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
May 13, 7:30 PM: Rhiannon Giddens (violin, banjo, vocals). Alice Tully Hall. Info/tix.
<<<SPECIAL>>> May 15-21. New York Hot Jazz Camp directed by Molly Ryan & Bria Skonberg . Info & registration info here.
May 18, 8 PM: David Crosby. Westbury Theatre. Info/Tix. Tix on sale February 3.
May 27, 7:30 PM: Battle of the Big Bands. Info/tix.
June 6, 6 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
July 12, 9 PM: Pokey LaFarge. Bowery Ballroom. Info/tix.
October 13-15, Jeff & Joel's House Party, Branford CT. Info.
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the-daily-wtf-blog · 8 years
Day 20: Nevertheless, she persisted.
Source: https://whatthefuckjusthappenedtoday.com/2017/02/08/Day-20/
Updated: 02/08/2017 02:32:50 PM PST
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1/ Republicans vote to rebuke Elizabeth Warren for impugning Sessions’s character. In an extraordinarily rare move, Mitch McConnell interrupted Warren’s speech in a near-empty chamber, as debate on Jeff Sessions’s nomination, saying she had breached Senate rules by reading past statements against Sessions. (Washington Post)
Silencing Elizabeth Warren backfires on Senate GOP. Warren went straight from the Senate floor to a call-in appearance on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC show. Adding fuel to the backlash, supporters noted the apparent hypocrisy that Warren’s male colleagues were able to read from the letter uninterrupted. (CNN)
“Nevertheless, she persisted” becomes new battle cry after McConnell silences Elizabeth Warren. If the Republican senators had intended to minimize Warren’s message, the decision backfired — severely. (Washington Post)
Jeff Merkley reads Coretta Scott King’s letter about Jeff Sessions on Senate floor. Uninterrupted. (The Oregonian)
2/ Appeals Court panel appears skeptical of Trump’s travel ban. The appeals court judges seemed taken aback by the assertiveness of the administration’s position, which in places came close to saying the court was without power to make judgments about Trump’s actions. (New York Times)
Trump decries “disgraceful” opposition as appeals court weighs immigration order. Trump also repeated claims that politics plays a role in the challenges to the travel ban and questions about his authority to implement it. (Washington Post)
Gorsuch calls Trump’s tweets about the judiciary “demoralizing” and “disheartening” to the independence of the courts Gorsuch took exception to Trump calling a federal judge in Seattle a “so-called judge” after blocking the President’s travel ban. (CNN)
Homeland Security chief admits travel ban was rushed. People caught up in the confusion after the ban was imposed were denied access to lawyers, held in detention for hours without food, and in some instances coerced into signing away their entry visas. (New York Times)
3/ House Republicans voted to eliminate the only federal agency that makes sure voting machines can’t be hacked. In a little-noticed 6-3 vote, the House Administration Committee voted along party lines to eliminate the Election Assistance Commission, which helps states run elections and is the only federal agency charged with making sure voting machines can’t be hacked. (The Nation)
4/ Trump invites sheriff to “destroy” Texas state lawmaker who opposes asset forfeiture, a practice by which law enforcement can seize the cash and property of individuals suspected of committing a crime without a guilty verdict. Proponents of the practice argue that allows law enforcement to effectively combat terrorism and the drug trade, while opponents, including some conservatives, argue that it allows police to seize assets without due process. (Politico)
5/ Leaks suggest Trump’s own team is alarmed by his conduct: an impulsive, sometimes petty chief executive more concerned with the adulation of the nation than the details of his own policies ― and quick to assign blame when things do not go his way. (Huffington Post)
6/ Yemen withdraws permission for U.S. antiterror ground missions after the raid, in which just about everything went wrong, killed several civilians, including children. It was an early test of Trump’s national security decision-making. The White House continues to insist that the attack was a “success.” (New York Times)
7/ US military to rent space in Trump Tower. Military support for a president, including the military staff assigned to keeping the “nuclear football” nearby, requires close proximity to the commander in chief, which is why the Pentagon needs to rent a more expensive space closer to the penthouse where Trump resides when he’s in New York. The floors available to rent cost about $1.5 million a year. (CNN)
8/ Trump faults media while lying about murder rate. Trump has suggested that the national news media suppresses bad news about violence. He has implied that this is for ideological reasons. (CNN)
Trump says his critics “pull out the racist card” when they characterize him or his policies as anti-Muslim or anti-black. Trump also defended himself against criticism that he makes comments without factual evidence to support them, such as his unsubstantiated claim that millions of undocumented immigrants voted illegally. (Washington Post)
Conway clashes with CNN’s Jake Tapper on air. Tapper pressed Conway sharply on Trump’s false claim that the U.S. murder rate is “the highest it’s been in 45 to 47 years.” Conway then tried to shift the conversation to the criticism she has received from media reports, while asserting that she’s “the most open press person in the White House. (Politico)
9/ Democrats to plot anti-Trump strategy in Congress and at the polls. Democrats are thinking about how to capture the fast-growing wave of resistance to the Trump administration, as seen at congressional town halls, congressional offices, and airports since Trump was sworn. Trump is polling poorly across the country but stronger in swing seats. (Washington Post)
10/ White House weighs terrorist designation for Muslim Brotherhood, targeting the oldest and perhaps most influential Islamist group in the Middle East. Officially designating the Brotherhood as a terrorist organization would roil American relations in the Middle East. (New York Times)
11/ Spicer: Nordstrom dropping Ivanka Trump’s line is “direct attack on Trump. Spicer told reporters during his daily press briefing that the decision – which Nordstrom said was a result of poor sales, not politics – was because of the clothing company’s displeasure with Trump’s executive orders and his policies. (Talking Points Memo)
Nordstrom’s shares up nearly 5 percent after clash with Trump. (Vox)
T.J. Maxx backs away from Ivanka Trump as President assails Nordstrom. T.J. Maxx and Marshalls stores sent a note to employees telling them to throw away signs for Ivanka Trump products. (New York Times)
12/ Republicans push carbon tax at White House. A carbon tax, long favored by economists as the most straightforward way to address climate change, could gain traction as part of a broad tax overhaul. (Bloomberg)
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-Matt Kiser
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thedetectiveofinaba · 6 years
Me after finding Marshall's bloody fingerprints: CALLED IT. I KNEW YOU WERE INVOLVED YOU SNEAKY WANNA-BE COWBOY OFFICER.
Now I just need to prove it and figure stuff out. (If it isn't obvious I'm enjoying this case to the fullest)
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