#the after courtroom apartment complex
noyzinerd · 28 days
Sterek Rival Lawyers AU
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It's A (Court) Date
Imagine, high-class, Ivy League, hot-shot, attorney Derek comes back from New York to the family firm to take over as partners with his sister after his parents decide to step down. He may not be on the level of his mother yet, but he's cut his teeth against Wall Street wolves and ruthless white-collar sharks. Derek's more than proved himself, so he just can't fathom these small criminal court cases his family is making him take "before he's truly ready" to be a part of the family business.
Enter in his first case. Right out the gate, the state assigned defense is, not only late to court, but also arrives in a flurry of limbs and papers, tripping all over himself, and profusely apologizing to the room as a whole. "Sorry! Sorry! Car trouble!"
The guy is out of breath, tie crooked and hair a mess. It makes Derek wrinkle his nose at the unprofessionalism and the blatant disrespect to everyone's valuable time.
The presiding judge, the Honorable Ms. Lydia Martin, only sighs a heavy sigh, as if this sight is nothing new, and says "Mr. Stilinski, I suggest you don't let it happen again."
Derek is honestly getting annoyed by how easy this is going to be. He could've been doing literally anything else right about now rather than being here going against a common rent-a-lawyer with some Podunk community-college degree. The opening statement for the defense is laughably inept. Full of nervous stuttering, backtracking, running tangents, and babbling. He's still apologizing, trying to assure the jury that he's just having an off-day today.
It's embarrassing to watch.
Nonetheless, Derek goes through the motions, practiced and poised. Examines all the evidence, presenting times and dates, prior arrest records, the works.
During this time, Mr. Stilinski is frantically (and VERY LOUDLY) flitting through a cartoonishly large stack of papers and whispering to his client. Derek has to fight to grit his teeth through his presentation.
Finally, it's time for Mr. Stilinski to cross-examine Derek's client and, unbeknownst to him, the beginning of Derek's long, long spiral of madness for the rest of his career.
"Judge Martin, I would like to move to have this case thrown out."
"Oh?" asks Judge Martin. For some reason, there's an amused smirk, almost fond, tugging at her lips "On what grounds?"
A giddy, almost manic, grin takes over the defense attorney's face just then. "On the grounds that the prosecution's client is full of bullshit."
The judge rolls her eyes and an exasperated "Stiles," slips from her lips, seemingly against her will. (Derek's not really surprised by the familiarity between the two of them. With how often state-assigned lawyers are called to the courtroom on small cases, it wouldn't be too big of a leap to suggest they might be chummy.)
"Respectfully, of course." Mr. Stilinski--er Stiles?--winks back at her.
"Objection. Your honor, this is ridiculous."
"Overruled. Make your point, Stilinski."
"Mr. Davis says he saw my client at 12:30 P.M., on August 4th, attempting to take his back-right hubcap outside his apartment. Mr. Davis' apartment complex at that time, on that particular day, would have cast a huge shadow over the back lot as evidenced by the gaudy sundial-art-installation outside the courthouse. Meanwhile, my client's picture, when taken in for questioning, has a sunburn on the entire right side of his face. This would corroborate Mr. Lyle's story of walking home alone, down the upper, unshaded side of Elmore Street, during one of the hottest days of the year, for an hour straight. Also, the fact that Mr. Davis has no realistic idea how long it would actually take a person to steal a hubcap should be evidence enough."
"Uh-huh. And this wouldn't happen to be something you've ever had any expertise in, would it, counsel?"
"I plead the 5th."
And just like that, Derek's case is thrown out so quick, he's still reeling about it all the way home.
For the next two years, this becomes Derek's life. This man, this Stiles Stilinski, keeps showing up like a whirlwind and absolutely puts him in his paces.
Stiles, as he insists Derek call him, is a powerhouse. Relentless and unstoppable. That mouth can filibuster for literal hours (which, for those unfamiliar, is when someone legally cannot be forced to give up their time on the floor as long as they can keep talking), that brain quick as a whip, with a hunger for research, a mastery of the English language svelte enough to trip up even the most well-rehearsed lie, and an attention to detail like nothing Derek has ever witnessed before. It's like he knows every law inside and out. Lives it. Breathes it. It's like he had been raised on the law his whole life. Not only that, it's like Stiles enjoys it. Every case is a new game to get excited about.
All of it makes Derek's blood boil.
However, it's not always about losing to Stiles all the time, because, honestly, that might be less humiliating.
In truth, when faced against Stiles, Derek's bound to win about 60% of the time. Out of that 60%, only 5% of those wins actually feel earned. As for the other 55%?
He knows Stiles is letting him win.
Derek can't prove it, but he knows the asshole is holding back on purpose nearly half the time. Knowing that Stiles could have beaten him if he wanted to, but didn't, is somehow more frustrating than just losing.
He hates Stiles.
He hates that the guy is so chipper and playful all the damn time. He hates that Stiles could probably work at any firm he wanted, could make enough money to get a decent car that doesn't shit out all the time, could buy a proper-fitting suit, but instead CHOOSES to stay here "watching out for the little guy", as he so put it.
He hates that facing Stiles in court is the most challenged, the most motivated he's ever felt in his entire life. He hates that Stiles brings out in him the spark of passion and drive Derek had long thought had died. He hates that Stiles always tries to banter with him during recess or whenever they have to exchange evidence.
He hates finding out that Stiles only loses cases on purpose when his endless amounts of research points to the defendant actually being guilty of horrendous crimes, because Stiles is a good fucking person.
He hates Stiles' constant teasing and he hates that Stiles is somehow able to bring Derek down to his childish level to tease back. He hates how much he looks forward to court-dates with Stiles now. He hates being invited out by Stiles over and over to grab a bite together after a long day, as if Stiles hasn't been wiping the floor with him on this case for the last month. He hates it even more that he always accepts and that now they have their own designated booth at the diner across the street. Derek's so unbelievably frustrated, it makes him want to bite Stiles at the neck just to hear that smartass mouth squeal.
"Hey, I ever tell you I was thinking of quitting before you arrived?" Stiles asks one night as they're walking to their cars.
Derek's head immediately snaps to him at that. "What?"
Stiles smiles distantly at the thought. "Oh, yeah. Things had started feeling like being trapped in a cubicle, y'know? There wasn't any challenge in it anymore."
"What made you stay?"
"Well...you did. You were the first, serious competition I'd faced in a while. It wasn't a matter of winning just to win, anymore. Going against you always reminded me of the reason why it was important for me to win. It gave me stakes, because now there was an actual chance I could lose and an innocent person could go to jail. You, I don't know, kinda reignited my passion for fighting the good fight, I guess."
Derek can feel his heart thumping hard in his chest. He wants to say 'You did the same for me!' He wants to tell Stiles that he didn't think his life could ever be this fun or happy or messy or chaotic or exhilarating or challenging or fulfilling before coming to Beacon Hills.
But just as Derek goes to open his mouth to sing Stiles' praises, he instead finds himself roughly shoving him up against the Camaro and biting hungrily at that mouth and tongue that's been the bane of his existence. There's a surprised little squeak that Derek quickly swallows up, but it isn't long before they're both tearing at each others' clothes and fucking each other dirty in the backseat of Derek's car.
What's crazy is, after they get together, nothing in their careers really changes. The only difference is now they get to fuck each others' brains out after an intense battle in court (and the sound Stiles makes when Derek bites him is exactly what he always imagined it would sound like). They still face against each other on opposite sides in court. They still give it everything they got, no conceding even if they are dating now. Not to mention, Derek wouldn't dream of tempting Stiles over to his firm. Not when he knows Stiles is at his best staying where he's at.
The day Derek's family finally decides it's time for him to take over the firm with Laura is the best day of his and Stiles' lives.
Not only does Derek tell them he's declining, he hires Stiles as his attorney to negotiate terms against his entire family of well-seasoned lawyers.
The entire month-long negotiation results in Derek, not saying a single word, but absolutely beaming as he watches his boyfriend run circles around his mother, his father, his uncle, and both of his sisters on contracts. It's so unbelievably hot, they're banging on whatever flat surface they can get their hands on every time they leave the boardroom. There's even one very memorable blowjob in the empty hall outside the boardroom when Stiles somehow manages to get Peter to agree to a (most likely illegal) clause dictating the firm will pay Stiles a finder's fee for any pro-bono case Stiles takes on outside of Beacon Hills that strikes his fancy.
And, no one says it, but they all know Derek definitely, 100%, dragged his own firm through this negotiation just to show off how incredible Stiles is to his family and preen about it.
Fast-forward, Derek is going to be in the audience for the first time for one of Stiles' cases.
While waiting in the hall, Derek sees a familiar face from his New York days. The prosecution has hired the eighth best lawyer money can get, Jackson Whittemore. He's sporting a Rolex, sunglasses indoors, and the face of someone who thinks he's above literally every other person in town.
Well, at least until he sees Derek.
For some reason, Jackson seems to think Derek is all the way out in the middle of nowhere to 'watch a master at work' (which...well...is technically true...).
As Derek goes to sit in the audience, Jackson tells him in passing, "This'll be over so fast, probably won't even get a chance to learn the other guy's name."
Derek chuckles and says back, "Ooh, buddy, you have no idea."
Before Jackson can think more on that, a whirlwind of limbs and papers suddenly hurls through the doors.
Derek sits back, gets comfy, and waits eagerly for the show to begin.
My first moodboard. Hope you enjoy. AU based on a discussion with @casually-eat-my-soul (I suggest checking out their version). This was kind of like a divergence from that (the brain juices just started flowing).
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janeyseymour · 6 months
Won't You Be... My Neighbor?- pt 3
Part 1. Part 2.
Summary: You head to Melissa's to celebrate the big victory.
WC: ~2.05k
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After leaving the court room, you promise the Schemmenti family that you’ll be over to their apartment to celebrate. First though, you do have a bit of business to get done while you’re technically still within the parameters of your workday. Just because one case doesn’t mean that you get to slack for the rest of the day- there’s always more to do.
“I’ll have dinner made by the time you come,” the redhead promises you.
You smile warmly at her. “I’ll see you around six. What kind of wine should I bring?”
“Champagne,” she tells you. “We’re celebrating tonight.”
The rest of your workday is boring and tedious, much more so than they usually are. All you want to do is go home, change out of your stuffy courtroom attire and into your comfortable clothing, and celebrate the huge success that happened today with two of your favorite people.
Finally, 5 o’clock rolls around, and you don’t think you’ve ever run out of your office faster. Your boss actually shoots you a dirty look as you scurry past her in order to leave. You stop at the liquor store to pick up a bottle of wine before you set off in the direction of your complex.
Once you’re parked, you notice an old car that isn’t usually there, but you figure it’s just a visitor for another tenant in the building. Older, more beat up cars aren’t necessarily uncommon in this area. You shrug and grab your bags before heading up to your apartment. 
You’re quick to change into your comfortable clothes and take off all of your makeup, and you swap out professional Y/N for a more casual you. After today’s hearing, you absolutely deserve to just relax. You give yourself a once over in the mirror, ensuring that while you’re more comfortable you’re still presentable enough for the beautiful woman just two doors down. Grabbing the bottle of champagne and your nice champagne flutes, you head down the hall and knock.
Melissa is quick to open the door with JJ on her hip and a smile that competes with the bright lights of center city. The little boy is immediately squirming to be held by you instead of his mother, and you chuckle as you take him into your arms.
“Miss Y/N!” he squeals with delight.
“Hi, sweet boy,” you chuckle as you take in the sight of him. He’s practically drowning in one of your sweatshirts from your old university, and he looks absolutely precious.
“Mister wanted to wear his favorite person’s sweatshirt to celebrate the fact that we won and he gets to stay with Momma,” the redhead tells you with a chuckle. Then she conspiratorially whispers, “He refused my Abbott sweatshirt when he told me he was cold.”
You giggle at that little fact before tickling JJ’s stomach. “Silly boy. I’m sure your momma’s sweatshirt is way more cozy.”
He shakes his head adamantly. “Nope. Miss Y/N’s.”
The teacher rolls her eyes at her son’s antics. “Well, come in. Dinner’s ready and on the table.”
Melissa had whipped up chicken cacciatore, and it is heavenly as usual. The little boy insists on sitting between the two of you as he eats happily, wiggling in his seat and giggling at the silly faces you make at him.
“Oi,” the redhead huffs playfully. “You two need to eat, and stop making funny faces.” She glances to you. “I swear you’re just as bad as him.”
“But you still love me, Momma!” JJ exclaims, throwing his fork (his very full fork) up into the air with emphasis. It comes plopping down onto the table, and you can’t help the fit of giggles that you dissolve into as you grab a napkin to start cleaning it up. 
“JJ,” Melissa sighs, exasperated. She pinches the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger. “Bud. We talked about how you can’t throw your arms all around during dinner because then this happens.”
The little boy shrivels, but only slightly, as a guilty smile appears on his face. “Oops?”
“‘Oops’ is right, my dear,” the mother rolls her eyes playfully as she picks up his fork and hands it to him.
“But you do still love me, right?” he asks a bit more quietly.
“Of course I do, hun,” Melissa smiles down at him, any frustration already left behind. She leans over to pepper his face in kisses, her smile only growing at her son’s full-out belly laughter.
After dinner is cleaned up, the three of you settle in on the couch for a movie- The Lion King, to be exact. Once JJ had learned that you had never seen his favorite movie, he absolutely insists that the three of you watch it all together. He acts out the beginning, even going as far as grabbing his stuffed lion from a previous trip to the zoo and holding it up like Simba, but by the time Mufasa falls he’s curled up in your lap and asleep.
“There’s a reason I never saw this movie,” you mutter to the redhead next to you as your head lazily falls to her shoulder. “I knew the Dad died, and I was terrified.”
“Oh, hun,” the woman chuckles a bit sleepily. She reaches for the remote, but you stop her. 
“It’s fine,” you laugh. “I guess I should watch it if it’s your son’s favorite movie.”
You watch the movie in silence, allowing the redhead to rest her head on your shoulder as she lets the events of today wash over her and the tiredness takes her from the waking world.
As the movie credits roll, Melissa stirs just slightly, but her son stays dead to the world and remains in his dreaming state as he snuggles into your chest impossibly further.
“Sorry,” she blushes. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.”
You chuckle softly. “Not a problem at all. I actually did enjoy that movie.”
She sits up just slightly to look down at the little boy still sleeping. “He’s out?”
“Like a light,” you tell her.
“I guess I should get him to bed,” the redhead smiles softly. She reaches for him and gently pries his grip off of you. “My sweet boy.”
“I suppose I should head back over to my own apartment,” you say a bit sadly.
The mother gives you a look. “Stay?” she requests softly. “Just for another glass of wine, and maybe an adult show?”
She looks hesitant and nervous. At your nod though, those emotions written into her face melt away. “Just give me a few minutes to get him tucked in, and I’ll be out.”
“You want another glass of champagne, or would you rather me pour you a glass of red?”
“Champagne,” she replies softly over her shoulder as she heads for the back hall.
While she’s putting JJ to bed, you pour two more glasses and then settle back into the couch cushions that squeak just slightly due to the plastic covering them, reaching forward to change the channel. 
When she returns, the redhead slips onto the couch right next to you, and due to the two cushions joining where she sits, the two of you dip just slightly, and you’re hip to hip and shoulder to shoulder. You both let out just a small chuckle before sobering slightly.
“Congratulations,” you say softly as you raise your glass.
She raises her own, clinks it with yours and takes a sip. “I really don’t know how I can ever repay you.”
You smile to yourself knowingly. Melissa is not going through a messy divorce anymore- she’s a newly single woman who has been flirting with you throughout the preparation for her case. She has in fact told you in confidence that she is bisexual, although it’s been quite a while since she’s been with a woman due to her marriage to Joe (even though he at one point tried to convince her to participate in a threesome with her sister- that should’ve been the first telling point that he was going to turn into a dirty, rotten cheater, she would tell you). And… she’s not your client anymore. You won her case, she gets to keep JJ, and she specifically asked you to stay later just to sit and spend time with her. “Go out on a date with me.”
“What?” the sleepiness that was just in her emerald eyes disappears in a flash, and her jaw is slightly dropped in shock.
“That’s how you can repay me,” you tell her. “Go out on a date with me.”
She bites her lip nervously. “Are you being serious right now?”
“You know when I’m messin’ and when I’m being serious,” you tell her. “I’ve had feeling for you since I first saw you, and I’m fairly certain that you have feelings for me if you’re flirting is anything to go by. I just never acted on it because you were in the middle of your divorce, and you were my client. But now… none of those things are a problem.”
“Wh- why would you want to go on a date with me?” Melissa asks, and you can see in her eyes that she’s genuinely shocked you’ve taken up an interest in her. 
“Why would I not?” you ask her back.
She quirks her lips up a bit before letting them fall, and her eyes go to her hands in her lap. “I’m… me. You’ve seen me when I’m tired and stressed, not with a face full of makeup on, a mess. I’m a mess, really.”
“Melissa, you just went through an extremely tough time,” you tell her gently, laying a hand over hers. “And through it all, I’ve seen you be wonderful with JJ. And besides… I’ve already seen it all. I know what you look like when you’re tired and overwhelmed, I know you have a four year old- who I already adore. I know the little quirks you have and how to handle them… those are all of the tough parts of a relationship to find, and I’ve already found them and love them.”
The redhead looks back up at you, and this time her eyes shine brightly with tears. “You do?”
You nod and smile at her warmly, trying to convey just how much you genuinely mean your words. “So?”
“I think I’d like that,” she whispers. “I can have Barb watch JJ tomorrow if you wanted to try to go out tomorrow? If not, over the weekend, my sister can take him.”
“I’ll pick you up at seven tomorrow,” you tell her. “Be ready.”
“I will be.”
The two of you sit there for a bit longer, just sipping on your champagne and enjoying each other’s company when she reaches over and takes your hand in hers. Her fingers absentmindedly twiddle with the ring that sits on your middle finger as you watch whatever program is on the television.
After a short while, her movements stop. An arm gets slung around your waist and her head hits your shoulder. You look down, and she’s fallen asleep again. With the softest lips, you press a kiss to her hairline. You suppose you’re stuck here now that she’s asleep- you aren’t going to disturb that. So, you maneuver the two of you so that you’re laying down on her couch, reach up to grab one of the blankets draped over the back, and then you close your eyes yourself.
It’s around two in the morning when Joe slips in, ready to get his revenge on the redhead sleeping on top of you for taking his son away. It’s amazing that he’s able to enter nearly silently given the amount that he’s had to drink.
But then he catches a glimpse of the two of you sound asleep on the couch, Melissa’s arm draped over your stomach, your arms holding her protectively.
He knows his ex-wife always keeps baseball bats around for self-defense, and he easily spots the one that’s right under the couch the two of you are sleeping on.
You’re woken up to Melissa’s absolutely earsplitting scream. 
TAGS: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson
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thesakuragarnet · 4 months
But What If You Were Mine Until Our Breaths Gave Out
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Summary: After successfully closing one of his cases at work, Touya Todoroki comes home to find his partner recovering after being hit with a lust Quirk.
DabiHawksWeek2024 Prompt Six: Multiple (rounds)
Word Count: 3,334 words
AO3 link
Tags: DabiHawks, multiple rounds, smvt, DHWeekNSFW24, DabiHawksWeek2024, swearing, s3xual content, switch DabiHawks, multiple 0rgasms, lust Quirk, Civilian Social Worker Toya X Pro Hero Hawks, making out, over$timulation, aftercare, a n a l s3x, gay s3x,
Touya Todoroki feels like oxygen is filling his lungs for the first time in his twenty-six-year-old life as he walks out of the Musutafu Child Safety Services Agency. This case has taken months for him to fully tie together, but, once again, he’s gotten a child out of an abusive situation and into a much more loving environment. For most of his childhood, Touya was in a darkly similar situation, being a witness to horrific violence against his mother and youngest brother. After his dream of being a Hero was shut down when his parents had him prescribed medication to quell his Quirk, Touya chose another path…social work. He studied his ass off, and it took years of grueling courses, but he did it. He’s been in the field since he was twenty-two years old, and he wouldn’t change anything. Most certainly…he wouldn’t change anything…because then…he might not have met his partner…Wing Hero: Hawks. If he hadn’t been up late working, he wouldn’t have almost gotten mugged in that alleyway taking shortcuts to his apartment in the city…until a certain winged Hero came to the rescue. Whether it was to Touya’s rescue or the mugger’s could be argued…considering that was a day Touya missed a dose of his meds. 
He and Pro Hero Hawks had recently gone public, staying out of the eyes of the press for the early parts of their romantic relationship after being friends for a year. Touya still wasn’t used to having all of the paparazzi outside of the courtrooms whenever he testified. They dogged him with questions he didn’t care about answering…he wished they would ask him about his role in his work rather than “why did Hawks choose you ”. The only backlash has been Hawks’ fanbase…which was to be expected. Whenever they went anywhere out in public, Touya always felt eyes boring into him…jealous and analytical. Hawks, on the other hand, wasn’t fazed whatsoever. Hell, he’d reassert his love for Touya with subtle squeezes of his hand, chaste kisses on the cheek, and sweet whispers. 
In truth…their relationship has been…utterly wonderful. Recently, Hawks moved into Touya’s apartment with permission from his handler at the HPSC under the condition that he would report weekly. Finally, after years of being touch-starved, Touya didn’t spend night after night alone…even when they both worked late, eventually, he could find peace with the fact that he would never go without seeing his partner for too long. 
Touya can’t wait to see Keigo. Kei had been working an overnight mission, and he didn’t come back from work until after Touya had already left this morning…which probably means he’s been bored out of his mind, lazily scrolling through Touya’s Netflix account that he shares with his siblings. Touya flips through his phone as he walks to the bus stop, waiting for his ride to the apartment complex. He leans against the pole beside the bench before he presses Kei’s contact information, and the phone starts to ring. 
“Heyyo,” Keigo Takami’s syrupy sweet voice sings through Touya’s speaker, making his heart flutter. 
“Hey, Kei. Everything’s wrapped up on the Kaneda case today. The twins are back with their biological mother,” Touya recounts as the bus pulls up. He promptly boards it, sitting in one of the unoccupied seats after giving the driver his change. 
“That’s awesome, T! I’m so damn proud of you,” Keigo grins into the phone, and, once again, Touya feels his heart soar. Touya thrives on praise…emotionally and sexually. He was a shining example of the burned-out-gifted-kid-to-praise-kink pipeline, and Keigo unintentionally took advantage of that. He was always complimenting Touya, adoring the blush that would rise into his pale cheeks and the way he would shuffle his feet. 
“Thank you,” Touya whispers, genuinely appreciative of the recognition he barely gets from anyone else. “What have you been up to all day?”
“Oh, y’know. The usual. Lounging around, waiting for my beautiful boy to get home. Can’t get you outta my mind today,” Hawks trills with a mischievous smirk on his face. Touya rolls his eyes. 
“You could always go out and do something,” Touya points out, watching the trees whizz by the windows. 
“Oh, I’m gonna do something alright. Just waiting for you to get home,” Keigo sneers breathlessly, making Touya raise his eyebrow as the bus rolls to a stop. He nods to the driver as he steps off and walks into the apartment complex. He walks up the stairs, listening to the suspicious silence on the other end of the phone line.
“You still there?”
“ Yeah ,” Hawks’ voice sounds strained through the speaker. “How far away are you?”
Touya promptly puts his keys into the lock of his apartment, and the line goes dead as he walks inside, closing the door behind him as he slips off his shoes. 
“Kei?” Touya calls into the darkened apartment, taking note of the dimmed lighting cautiously as he walks toward the bedroom. 
“Oh… oh ,” Touya’s cheeks flush beet red as he stands in the open bedroom door, taking in the sight before him. 
“Hey, baby,” Keigo sighs, covered in sweat, spread-eagled and naked on the bed, propped up at an angle sitting up against the pillows. His hand is lazily wrapped around his cock, fully erect and gushing. 
“You didn’t sound like you were jerking off,” Touya murmurs; this is a first for him to come home to. 
“You know I’m trained to keep cool under pressure,” Hawks winks with a sarcastic chuckle, and Touya would’ve rolled his eyes for the eighteenth time today if he wasn’t hypnotized by Keigo’s inhuman erection. He looks painfully hard, and it’s glistening with precome. 
“ Fuck. I’ve never been this horny in my life . Villain last night had some sort of lust Quirk…got hit with it. My HPSC doc said it should wear off by tomorrow,” Keigo grunts, tears welling up at the corners of his eyes as he bites his bottom lip. “I wanna fuck your brains out, Touya,” Keigo uncharacteristically moans, “I know you just got off work but I need you…so bad .”
Touya gulps, sweat beading at the back of his neck. He can’t help but think this is attractive…how blatantly Keigo craves him…it’s mesmerizing. Sure, their intimacy is usually supercharged, but this…this carnal need that’s pulsing through Keigo’s veins…it’s different. It’s animal. It’s…unbelievably sexy. Touya’s dick twitches half-hard in his pants, arousal slowly growing the longer he stares at his partner. An orgasm or two doesn’t sound like a bad way to end the day, especially when he’s already on a dopamine high from his success at work. Touya starts unbuttoning his shirt, and Keigo’s pupils practically swallow his irises, a lewd groan leaving Keigo’s lips as his eyes drag down his partner’s body. Touya’s build is average, going from in and out of shape due to his lackluster routine, scrawny in some places and softer in others, but Keigo has always thought he’s gorgeous. The winged Pro almost moans when Touya’s belt and pants hit the floor, giving him a full view of the tent in his boxers. It isn’t long before Touya’s completely naked, crawling into bed.
As soon as Touya’s within reach, Hawks pounces , overcome with desire. The breath is knocked from Touya’s lungs as the Pro grabs him by the shoulders and rolls, pinning him to the bed and looming over him. Before he can blink, their lips are crashing together, desperate and messy, Keigo’s tongue exploring Touya’s mouth. Touya gasps into the kiss, eyelids fluttering, hands roaming Keigo’s muscled form as he succumbs to his lover’s barrage. 
“Gonna make you see stars , baby,” Keigo chuckles darkly between sloppy kisses. Touya gasps again when he feels cold, lubed fingers prodding against his hole, gently massaging and kneading the tight ring of muscle. Touya hums in pleasure, muscles tensing as Keigo keeps whispering in his ear for him to relax. Keigo leans back from pinning Touya to the bed, taking his unlubed hand to massage Touya’s ass cheek as the other slowly presses a finger inside. Touya’s back arches ever so slightly as one finger turns into three, gently scissoring him open to Keigo’s delight. It isn’t long before his fingers are replaced with Keigo’s throbbing, hot tip, catching Touya off guard as it catches on his rim. 
“ Shit , Kei,” Touya hisses through gritted teeth as the winged Pro slowly pushes in inch by glorious inch until they’re skin-to-skin. Keigo feels like he’s on fire, the greedy lust surging through his body and mind from the after-effects of the lust Quirk. He wants nothing more than to just fuck Touya senseless, but his resolve and concern for Touya are stronger than whatever spell he’s been put under; he doesn’t want to hurt him…not unless he explicitly wanted it. 
Touya sighs and curses as Hawks slowly begins rocking his hips, the soft sounds of lovemaking echoing off the walls. Keigo’s panting hard , breaths coming out hot and heavy and strained…like he’s clawing at the walls for more friction. Each thrust is that much harder…that much deeper…that much faster…until he’s bucking his hips at a brutal pace. Touya’s whole body rocks back and forth, the sheets bunching underneath the small of his back and his head just barely avoiding hitting the headboard. Hawks looks like an angel above the white-haired man, wings spread out, feathers curling, the dimmed light of the bedroom enveloping him in a halo. The view for Hawks is almost as captivating, watching the sweat bead on Touya’s brow…the way his face contorts into pure ecstasy…the way his muscles twitch with every touch. It’s too much. Keigo’s gonna come early.
“ Fuck ,” Hawks’ voice cracks as his vision blurs and he comes… hard . Touya groans at the feeling of the hot ropes coating his insides, whimpering as Keigo continues grinding, cock still massaging his walls. Keigo carefully slips out with a whine, cock still rock-hard to Touya’s shock, smeared in white. Before Touya can complain, Hawks speaks up. 
“Touya,” He whimpers pitifully, which takes the white-haired man aback. Usually, he’s the one who’s submissive during sex. Yet, it seems like Keigo’s walls have suddenly crumbled to the ground in such a way that he’s pleading.
“Fuck me… please ,” Keigo begs like a bitch in heat, and it awakens something deep in Touya’s gut. 
“You…hah…want me to top?” Touya stammers, catching his breath from the rampant sex session. Keigo nods vigorously…embarrassingly needy. 
“Please,” Keigo mumbles, cheeks flushed and eyes wide. 
“Will it…will it hurt you?” Touya speaks slowly, the thought of burying himself inside Keigo sounding remarkably thrilling…and his body is still screaming for release, muscles twitching. 
“I’ve done it before, and I fingered myself earlier. I’ll be fine,” Keigo hurriedly blurts, seemingly impatient. Touya gulps, trying to process what he’s about to do. He’s blushing like a virgin, which isn’t anything new considering Keigo was the one who took his virginity. 
“Okay,” Touya grunts, “On your back. I wanna look at you.”
Keigo complies before grabbing his ankles and spreading his legs, making the heat rush to Touya’s cheeks as he sees his lover in such a vulnerable position. Touya swallows hard once more as he grabs the bottle of lube from the nightstand, wincing from the motion. His ass is still sore, and he can feel the cum leaking between his legs. He shakes the thought away; they can wash the sheets in the morning. He shudders as he fists his dripping cock with the lube, prepping himself to fuck Hawks into next week. The Pro Hero waits, saliva pooling on his tongue at the thought. Touya inhales sharply when his tip tenderly rubs against Hawks’ hole, and a long, low moan bursts from his lips when he slips inside almost effortlessly. It feels so fucking good. Definitely better than Hawks’ mouth or his hand. Keigo clenches down deliberately, squeezing Touya’s dick in a way that makes him groan, and he squirms to get deeper inside. Keigo pushes back down against Touya’s cock, helping him plunge further into his guts. 
“Fffuck…you feel good, Kei,” Touya whimpers before he starts languidly thrusting. Each movement is like a lightning strike through Touya’s cock…he’s not gonna last long either.
"Yeah…hah…fuck me like you mean it, T,” Keigo groans, laughs bubbling between lewd sighs as his cock bounces against his abs. Touya doesn’t need any more encouragement before his hips snap against Keigo’s ass. Touya’s chest heaves like he’s running a marathon, jackhammering wildly into his lover.
“Yes…yes… yes, Kei~fuck !” Touya comes with a choked sob, the climax wracking his brain as his hips stutter; Hawks writhes beneath him, whimpering as he attempts to get more friction. 
“Don’t worry,” Touya gasps, “I’m gonna make you fucking come.” 
Touya takes deep breaths, bending down to kiss Keigo as his cock twitches, slowly rehardening inside him. The winged Pro melts beneath his touch. In one burst of strength, Touya pulls out and flips Keigo, grabbing his hips and jerking them, slipping inside him once again. Keigo yelps, facedown in the pillow as Touya traces his hands up his back, fingering through the feathers in his wings and stimulating him. Keigo’s muffled wail of pleasure is music to Touya’s ears, and he reaches around to wrap his hand around Keigo’s throbbing dick. 
“ Touya ~ ah !” Hawks moans, drooling onto the pillow as Touya starts rutting his hips and jerking him off simultaneously. The lovers groan and pant, heat coiling in the pits of their stomachs as they’re overcome with pleasure. Touya shivers at the overstimulation, gritting his teeth as it overloads his senses. Hawks can’t take it anymore. It’s all so much all at once.
“I’m-I’m-I’m~” Hawks stutters, voice pitching higher and higher as his cock twitches, and Touya cuts him off with a breathy “me too” before abruptly leaning forward and latching his teeth onto Keigo’s neck. Hawks comes all over the comforter, cock convulsing in Touya’s hand, and Touya grunts as his own orgasm floods his senses. He bites hard enough to bruise, teeth sinking into Keigo’s flesh, and Keigo mumbles something unintelligible as Touya releases his grip, pulling out his flagging erection. He collapses on the bed beside Keigo, who shudders, feathers flexing as he attempts to sit up. 
Touya’s out of breath, staring up at his lover with a bleary-eyed expression, overwhelmed and overflowing with the orgasmic high. However, he sees the guttural need in Keigo’s eyes, and realizes that he’s still raring to go another round. 
“ Fuck , man,” Touya sighs, exhausted and yet confusingly aroused at the thought of being enough for Keigo to be absorbed in his libido.
“One more, baby… please …just one more I promise. Lemme fuck you. You can just lay back and feel good,” Hawks croons, tracing Touya’s jawline with one hand and cupping the side of his face lovingly. He bends down, pausing inches away from Touya’s lips…and Touya’s psyche practically implodes, overcome with nothing but desire as he grabs Keigo’s face, colliding their lips together. Keigo moans Touya’s name into his mouth, tasting sweeter than honey on Touya’s tongue.   
“I want you.” The words rumble in Keigo’s throat as he breaks the kiss, staring into Touya’s eyes with pure worship.
“Do your worst, Daddy,” Touya snickers mockingly, eyes flirtatious and full of the azure flames being held back. Hawks’ face contorts into a sultry smile as he grabs hold of Touya’s calves, pushing his legs up and out, pressing his knees to his chest.
Keigo pushes into Touya’s hole, swollen and still leaking cum from the first round, but Touya doesn’t seem to mind. Especially with the way he cries out, toes curling and legs quivering. 
Touya can see the bulge from Keigo fucking him, and it makes his cock twitch that much more as he leans his head back into the pillow. 
“Last one, baby. Fuck , last one,” Keigo pants, breath hitching and voice pitching higher and higher as he pounds into his partner. Touya’s screaming Keigo’s name now, pain and pleasure mixing so beautifully, forgetting for a moment that he has neighbors. 
“ Touya …oh fuck…oh fuck , fuck, fuck !” Keigo wails, balls slapping against Touya’s ass faster and faster with every rock of his hips as his arousal consumes him. Touya’s cock bounces pitifully against his stomach, reddening into a purple as wanton moans are punched from his lungs. The sounds of the lovers echo through Touya’s apartment, sounding like a porno connecting to a Bluetooth speaker. Touya’s crying now, emotions absolutely destroying him, and, if he wasn’t medicated, he’d be bursting into flames. He’s crying from the pleasure, crying from the pain, crying from the overstimulation…but he doesn’t want it to stop. Not yet. Not until they’ve both reached the earth-shattering high that they’re chasing so intensely. 
“Fuck me, Keigo , fuck me~!” Touya slurs, mouth hanging open, each exhale releasing as a lewd whimper. Hawks’ wings flex behind him, feathers puffing up as heat coils in the pit of his stomach, tremors rolling through his body. 
“Take it, baby. Take it all. Take all of my fucking seed, baby,” Hawks hisses fervently, nails digging into Touya’s calves as he keeps his legs pinned to his chest, up and apart so he can reach the deepest parts of his lover.
Hawks comes with a sudden cry out, panting and groaning as he keeps fucking Touya through his own orgasm, painting his insides white. The sensation sends Touya over the edge, and he gasps, choking on his own sobs as he comes so hard that some of it hits his chest. The air is thick with their huffs and puffs of air, gasping for breath after drowning in pure pleasure. Their chests rise and fall as Touya’s hands weakly grasp for Keigo, who immediately slides his hands to Touya’s shoulders and presses a deep, longing kiss to his spit-slicked lips. Touya whimpers pathetically into Keigo’s mouth, arms shaking and draping around the back of the hero’s neck as they embrace. 
After everything, Keigo’s finally blissed out, balls empty and aching.
“Gonna pull out,” He whispers as he breaks the kiss, and Touya nods, sniffling from the tears that are still making their way down his flushed and sweaty face. Tenderly, Hawks pulls out of Touya, sighing in relief before he presses his lips to Touya’s forehead. Feathers swirl, haphazard and slightly uncoordinated as they go into Touya’s bathroom and bring back warm rags. Hawks helps Touya sit up, both of the lovers quivering and sore and out of breath as they each take a rag and gently start to dab at one another’s skin. Keigo blots away the tears streaking down Touya’s face. Touya wipes at the bruise he made from biting into Keigo’s neck. They finally clean the come off of each other before the feathers throw the rags into the laundry basket in the corner of the room. Keigo wraps his wings around his partner, pulling him close as Touya draws the covers over the both of them. They indulge in the feeling of one another’s warmth, skin still buzzing from the overstimulating orgasms, oxytocin and dopamine still pumping through their veins. The relief is palpable. Their love pollutes the air…pollutes their souls…they’re drowning in devotion for one another as they hold each other. Touya’s ear is against Keigo’s chest, listening to the steady thump of his heartbeat. 
“That was…something,” Touya laughs sleepily, yawning as his eyelids grow heavy from the sensual workout. 
“Mmmhm,” Keigo hums sweetly, running his fingers through Touya’s fluffy white locks. 
“I love you, Keigo,” Touya murmurs, catching a final glimpse of the hero’s gorgeous golden eyes as he closes his ocean blues.
“I love you too, darling…Get some good rest,” Keigo whispers, nuzzling into his forehead as they both drift into dreams.
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metaphorical-goblin · 2 years
Everything you need to know!
Hello! Welcome! This is the database for everything you need to know about this page.
I will probably share stuff about my interests! You may see cooking, crafting, art, games/gameplay, and other things like this.
I might also share stuff about my fandoms! I'm interested in a few different things, but the primary ones as far as "content" goes include Ace Attorney (prob 90% Narumitsu-related content lol), Dungeons & Daddies, Spy X Family, Legend of Zelda, and Over the Garden Wall, to name a few. (Some things MAY occasionally be NSFW; I will label accordingly, and obvs minors DNI)
I also want to let you know! I will literally answer any question you have about one of my fics (or other things, really) in excruciating detail; feel free to reach out!
Finally, here's a collection of my public works and a brief description if you're interested in reading!
Completed Works (Alphabetical)
And I Will Stay With You Through Spring - (EXPLICIT/NSFW). Fandom: AA; Word Count: 16,242. A fantasy AU involving Phoenix's "adventures" with a mysterious half-elf named Miles and an uppity bookkeeper named Edgeworth.
Cleaning House - Fandom: AA; Word Count: 2,988. Trucy's look into how her father's behaviors have changed over time, particularly in regard to how they keep the house clean. Family fluff with Maya and Pearls!
Egg on the Wall - Fandom: AA; Word Count: 2,962. A "character study" of Miles and Franziska's relationship and their growth in the absence of MVK. (Full analysis can be found here!)
The Essential Guide to Avian Development - Fandom: AA; Word Count: 63,163. The first fic I ever posted on AO3! A view of Miles's childhood through the context of an Avian AU.
An Essential Kitchen Supply - (EXPLICIT/NSFW). Fandom: AA; Word Count: 5,944. Married Wrightworth enjoying an evening alone together (and getting a bit messy along the way).
Haircuts - Fandom: AA; Word Count: 2,928. Phoenix gives Miles a haircut, and they bond a bit over that.
if I was a worm - Fandom: AA; Word Count: 2080. Maya and Franziska ask a few questions (does something have to have a purpose to be loved?).
Scaly McFishboy - Fandom: D&Dads; Word Count: 5,584. A Mermaid Henry Oak AU that explores a bit into how Barry's influence impacted Autumn's decisions and Henry's childhood.
Taking the Lead - (EXPLICIT/NSFW) Fandom: AA; Word Count: 4,338. Miles has a complex set of needs, and Phoenix can read him like a book.
Transitive Reasoning - Fandom: AA; Word Count: 70. A teeny tiny glance into how Miles's opinion about defense attorneys changed after Gregory's spirit lied.
WIPs (Alphabetical)
Kindergarten Cop - Fandom: AA. Gumshoe has a lot of work to do when five children show up at his apartment (four of them being the biggest names in defense and prosecution in the courtroom).
The Things We Agree to Believe Are True - Fandom: AA. They love each other, of course. Everything is fine. An amnesia-fueled acid trip where Miles and Phoenix must collaborate to solve the mystery.
What I'd Give to Have Your Name - Fandom: AA. A 1920's rural farmer AU about caring for one another (and learning to accept that care when it comes).
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nerdywizardflower · 1 year
Movie Review: GEETHASAKSHIGA (2023)
After RRR, Baahubali, Pushpa and Saaho, Tollywood has produced another gem in 2023. This time, it's an emotionally charged, feminist courtroom-drama called Geetha Sakshiga. Directed by Anthony Mattipalli, written and produced by Chetan Maisuria, the movie recently hit the theatres on 7th April 2023 and is available in Telugu and Hindi languages. The movie has Aadarsh, Chitra Shukla and Rupesh Shetty as its primary characters.
Here is the synopsis of the movie:
Arjun is a DJ in a popular pub in hyderabad. He falls for Amoolya. Things change when the police arrest him for allegedly raping and killing an innocent girl. After five years, ACP Roopesh reopens the case to find out the truth behind the heinous crime. Did Arjun really commit the crime, or was he framed by someone else?
I recently went to a theatre and watched this beautiful, feminist courtroom-drama. The movie is about Arjun, who is a DJ at a pub in Hyderabad, played by Aadarsh. Arjun is an emotional, sensitive and caring young man. His kind-heartedness is visible in his behaviour- he is a doting son to his mother, a fun teacher to his students- whom he teaches music for free and is responsible towards his family. His family decided to marry him and being a devoted son, he agrees. Soon however, he realises he isn’t in love with the person his family chose for him. His dilemma grows as he falls in love with a beautiful young woman- Amoolya (played by Chirtra Shukla). His life completely changes when he gets convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for brutally raping and murdering a girl. Despite being innocent, he gets wrongly convicted and has to accept his fate. However, 5 years down the line, the case is reopened by ACP Roopesh, Played by R. Shetty. He once again has to prove his innocence in court, in front of the same people and the media who wrongly accused him and condemned him five years ago. The only change this time around is that he has a saviour- a good lawyer. I wouldn’t spoil the movie for you guys but do know that it isn’t who you think it is.
The movie is an empowering tale of a man who is shunned by society and media for a crime he didn’t commit and how he is saved by the women in his life. The movie is a realistic reflection of society and the world in general. A lot of times innocent people are wrongly accused for heinous crimes, what ensues is a media frenzy and open trial, a narrative gets formulated and the real trial gets affected. Meanwhile, the culprit roams free to commit more crimes. The movie shows how even the law is subject to the influence of power and money. It beautifully handles and depicts power dynamics that run the society.
In addition, crimes such as rape are extremely common, women face violence everyday and the law fails to provide justice to the victim and their family. The movie depicts this sad reality with great sensitivity.
Arjun is a good character but the thing that makes this movie special for me is its female characters. Females in popular media are stereotypical, helpless, and fit certain moulds, present only to charm the audiences and be the male lead’s love interest. This trend has plagued the tollywood industry and other indian industries in general. This movie however, not only has plenty of different types of female characters, it shows how these females have agency over their own lives and possess the power to change the narrative. These women contribute to the narrative and add value to it. Amoolya is not merely the love-interest of Arjun, she is also a driver of the plot, she is the hero, the saviour of the story.
The real hero in this movie is a female, not a male and that is what makes it special.
Apart from having complex themes, the movie is a majestic cinematic experience and a great entertainer. I definitely recommend you all to watch this movie ASAP, it is available in your nearest theatres.
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bilbobagginshome · 2 years
A Deadbeat’s Journal 16
A Jotaro Kujo x blackfemreader fic
March 18 20XX,
The interview went great. Despite it being a done deal, I still felt compelled enough to show my capabilities to my other supervisors. Mutua displayed an encouraging smile whilst reading through my CV, and to be fair, the resume is nothing less than a spectacular display of a mentally unstable girl dependent on academic validation for her god complex so it definitely is one to be proud of. I was shown around the recently renovated hotel by a lovely woman named Catherine. Her warm toned skin complemented her yellow and orange lesso print maxi dress and maasai flip flops. She had her hair in black braids, an updo as the scorching heat made her sweat . I asked her where she got the dress, it seemed almost tailored for her  full figure and she mentioned an obscure boutique that I can’t seem to even remember the directions to. Which is sad as she explained it so joyfully yet diligently.
Looking around, I could help but notice how huge the place was. Even the swimming pool seemed to take up the size of our apartment complex compound. However the Swahili and Middle Eastern infused architecture aided in making the area seem less open . The geometrical patterns of varying shades that occupied any area, the use of bright colours in larger areas and cool toned shades of white and grey in more smaller areas was definitely a proper premeditated thought . I suddenly gained an appreciation for interior designers because their interest in making areas as alluring as possible should be classified as an art form in itself.
I was so ecstatic to the point of pleading with Kate (As she prefers to be called) to take me to the management offices. Practically syncing , she willingly elevated me to the management rooms and she showed me my room. It was stunning . I was shocked to see a sea blue absorbed within the entirety of the walls and a persian mat that kept the mahogany wooden desk and a comfy white office chair. The sliding windows, a  moucharaby inspired one , opened up to a freeing balcony where you could see the glistering swimming pool and breathe in the salty smelling ocean breeze. With a few personal touches, the place would be my dream office.
To celebrate my new employment, mom Holly and gramps wanted us to have dinner at Marina English Point and I called Jotaro up to meet us there. We had a fantastic dinner especially since the place was not as packed as it usually is. I’m genuinely so excited , I’ve been reading up on the minor land transferring issues that need to be solved as the company is not Kenyan based and if all goes well , by May we can begin opening up the gates. I encouraged grampa to lower the prices for domestic tourists and he was open to the idea. 
It is somehow disheartening that I may not be in a courtroom as I formerly aspired . I loved the adrenaline but hated the pressure. It is a known fact that lawyers take their court cases seriously, even the ones that are pro-bono. In that world, the amount of cases you win are equivalent to your value and superiority over your other colleagues. It’s tough competition and to be honest, I’d rather remain a consultant as much as possible despite the tuts my professors would have given me.Moreover, grampa is heavily compensating me despite being entry level and who would not take a six figure job with health insurance covered over eating Indomie and added depression?
Jojo was happy for my confirmed employment though there was a glimmer of something in his faraway eyes that I could not tell. He certainly kept up the happy facade well, I didn’t even notice it cracking up till we were at home and I was showing the pictures of the hotel. He gave me a tight lipped smile and after realising that he wasn’t as enthralled as I am , I went to my room with Samosa in tow.
I mean why could he be annoyed? He must think I’m still not ready to start working and he has mentioned so before but it's not like I’m doing these high intense jobs . I won’t start an argument though my mouth is practically itching too especially since he’s been a crappy friend as of late . I can literally feel my infatuation dimming as I begin to remove my rose tinted contacts. I mean he’s pretty, a wonderful housemate who doesn’t mind doing ‘womanly duties’ unlike most men in my patriarchal society but his flaws are not one that can be painted over. Ms Khadija has encouraged me to not pursue romantic relationships and I can see why now because I’m approaching Jotaro as an object and whatever flaw he makes tends to put a sour taste in my mouth. 
I’m aware that I shouldn’t do that but I can't help it.
Third Person Narration.
‘Will she leave me ?’
That was the question that infiltrated Jotaro’s mind and resisted him from showing any full appreciation for y/n getting her job . He liked taking care of her , he liked when she began depending on him for everything when they started living together. I mean he was the only one for her when even her mom couldn’t be. As he made breakfast , his heart pangs at the thought of her completely becoming self reliant ,as he strained the tea, his throat constricted at the possibility that she could find someone else in the office who can cherish her better than him . But even as he set the breakfast table he contemplated on who would be good enough for her ? He certainly is trying despite not being good enough but no man can recklessly give her their heart like he has. 
He loathed the thought that she may decide to move out after gaining financial stability. Should he discourage her from leaving? According to him ,she isn't mentally stable enough to take care of herself. Only Buddha knows that she needs him to keep her in place . 
“Hey, morning , Wow you made vitumbua from scratch?”She says thrillingly as she sits down. Her black dera and bonnet combo was seriously doing things to his mind.
“Yeah.Wanted you to have a warm breakfast.”He replied. He stared as she munched into one.After a gulp, she looked up , a smirk of confusion noticing how he wasn’t even attempting to sit alongside her.
“Are you not eating Jotaro? It’s almost time for work?” She questioned whilst pointing at the clock.
“Yeah .I’ll be out soon. When do you start your job?” He questioned as he took a seat , apron undone and neatly placed on the chair’s arch. 
“Next week, I’m psyched!”She gleefully said whilst drinking. Suddenly the fridge’s slight buzz stopped ringing. The usual murmurings of the electronics still and everything was eerily quiet. For a moment,it was far too silent.
Y/n goes up, an unamused frown set on her face, she attempts to switch on the light. The bulb doesn’t shine its usual artificial golden lustre and she slightly stumps. Soon the apartment doors are open, a knock . Jotaro opens the door, confused at the slight commotion overtaking the entire complex.
“Hey , are your lights gone?” He questions and Jotaro nods in approval, he shuts the door after mutual complaints about the state of Kenya Power as per custom whenever the electricity suddenly goes out.
“Yo, apparently the major cities in Kenya have an electricity problem. It's like a country wide blackout. This happens on the day I decided not to charge my phone at night.Really?” Y/n groans out as she slumps to her dining chair. 
“Well that means I can’t go to work till they fix the issue.” Jotaro gleefully says , already heading to his room to change to some loungewear.
“We can go fishing . You mentioned you wanted to do that!” Y/n jumps up already thinking of the overalls she is planning on wearing.
“No,let’s sleep off the breakfast.Please, I just want to rest for today.” Jotaro pleads, surprising y/n because he is usually demanding and two he said it as though they were sleeping together. They haven’t shared the same bed since he stopped being sick . She assumed that she must be jumping to conclusions, I mean he didn’t even mention that they’d sleep on the same bed. 
She nodded in agreement and alongside Jotaro, helped clean up the dishes. Afterwords, she stayed in the sitting room , Samosa on her lap as she read an Agatha Christie murder mystery. Deeply intrigued ,she didn’t notice the towering mass behind her sofa and was suddenly tossed on his shoulder.
“Hey! I’m not a sack of potatoes for you to just grab and go.” She admonishes as her chuckles echoed in the hallway.
“You started reading again , and I said we are going to bed .” Jotaro retaliates, tossing her onto the cotton bed sheets.Rather than bickering, she set up Samosa’s fluffy blue pillow bed which stayed on the left bed drawer and watched Samosa , who had followed them, lie there . Jotaro, after closing the doors and curtains, hugged y/n from the back , arms around her lower waist , face buried on his neck and after a deep gruff that set y/n’s insides tingling , began to slowly drift off to sleep. Y/n , who wasn’t tired at the time, decided on counting his heartbeat and too began falling into the netherworld.
After a while, Jotaro slowly blinked , despite seemingly tired, he felt the most refreshed he has been in weeks, the nap had an added rejuvenation and with a few more like that , he won't have to constantly rely on the under eye masks that were already useless to begin with. He checked up on Samosa.The lazy furball was still dead asleep despite her doing nothing but breathe.Y/n too was sleeping , the darkness of the room let him only see her face. She looked calm . He decided on cooking lunch and dinner , and as he got up after staring at her for an unfathomable amount of time, she clung on his shirt and he felt his heart strings pulled alongside them .
He let her cling to a pillow instead,saddened at the thought of not being able to cuddle with her anymore but duty calls and a nap as long as her’s is surely to end with a rumbling tummy .He decides on rice with chicken katsu and by the 40 minute mark ,he’s done.
As he sets the table , she comes out , bonnet slightly askew , rubbing her eyes.
“You already made food?I planned on making something already . Sorry.” She sleepily says as she sits next to him on the wide sofa. 
“I don't mind cooking.” especially for you 
“Awww , don’t coddle me too much .You will be setting unrealistic expectations for my future partners .”she jokes .Jotaro suddenly begins tickling her , aware that her feet are ironically her Achilles’ heel in the ticklish sector and her heaving almost breathless laughter fills the house as she attempts to scoot away from him.
“Say ‘I only need you Jotaro ‘ then I’ll let you go” he says as he grabs her ankle.
“No, that's cringe.”
“Say it!” He responds , now tickling her tummy 
“OKAY, okay , ‘I only need you Jotaro.”She heaves out and he lets go.
“Yeah, that was cringe.”He says as slightly scowls in mock second hand embarrassment . He helps her get up and they eat lunch midway through Samosa strolls in to have her own lunch
The day is filled with casual discussions ranging from Samosa's next check up to the social economics that are in Kenya based on what they have read . Jotaro casually mentions he wants to learn Swahili and y/n shrieks to the shock of her roommates. 
“Oh my Goodness , don’t play with me , I have a fragile heart, are you serious?” She excitedly questions.
“Yeah, I like the language and it's as phonetic as Japanese so I hope not  to struggle too much.”he says whilst looking away, the eagerness could literally be seen in y/n’s eyes and she said.
“I’ll tutor you.”Jotaro refutes saying that she’s a horrible tutor (which isn't wrong) but largely because the idea of y/n being so eager to teach him every lesson would make him distracted.
“But aren’t you like jam packed with work?” She worriedly questions unconsciously brushing her hand on his arm in comfort. He gently takes in her hands, and says.
‘Good thing I’m almost done with drafting the paper. Actually now that we are on the topic, I want you to read it for me.” He stands up and quick patters down the hall to the study room .He returns with his laptop, already powered on and opens the google docs app.
She scoots closer to him , peering over the open draft . Once it opens Jotaro passes the laptop to her and looks as she scrunches her face in variations of confusion , intrigue and amazement. Realising that it may take a while, she sits back as she scrolls through the work and Jotaro takes to his phone, snorting at some twitter jokes.As she reaches the end, the birds have gone to their nests  and the waters are eating up the shoreline. 
“It’s wonderful, It almost felt like a thesis but even for me it never felt snobby . I felt comfortable reading through it and it remained engaging.”she says. She then proceeds to hand him the laptop, encouraging changes in certain words and making the tone more constant. Jotaro eats up the responses given and by the time the night sky envelopes their side of the world, He is done with cleaning up his errs.
“Reading it now makes it even less uncomfortable.Thank you for helping.” He says as she shuts the laptop placing it on the side. She gives a small smile in response and heads to the kitchen for supper . Just then, Holly calls Jotaro.
“Hey….yeah we are good…….you did?....oh….that’s great I guess…..Do you think that's a good idea?....no I’m not being controlling ...fine I’ll ask her …bye …love you too.”
“AWWWWW you say I love you to your mommy ?”Y/n jesters in a sickeningly sweet tone and Jotaro sticks out his tongue in response.
“Anyways, what did mom Holly want from me?”She questions as she places the candle onto the table, slightly annoyed at how long the lights are taking to come.
“She wants you to see mom Faith.” He replies , looking over at y/n who chews over her food . 
“Okay, when?”
“I’ll go.”
She gradually finishes eating without Jotaro attempting to converse . He has so many questions. Why now? If she does, will she decide not to come back? As she goes to wash her dish, Jotaro follows her and sits on one of the kitchen island stools.
“Are you comfortable with going to her ? What if she hurts you again ?” He asks , taking in her hand to ensure she looks at him .
“She’s not that bad, These things happen .Parents are imperfect humans too.”She tightly holds onto him , discouraging negative thoughts.
“I won't be there to help you.”
“I know”
They stared at each other, he considered encouraging her to not go . He thought it was unfair, he worked hard to ensure y/n is changing , always encouraging her growth and Faith gets to bear the fruits? She can even convince y/n to go back home. 
“Just promise you’ll come back home. You should not rekindle the toxic codependency you two had.” His tone is deep yet meek . She looks down at him with a promise and he slowly inches closer to her face, she looks at him , unresponsive yet does not attempt to look away .
The white light illuminates the entirety of the kitchen.Shrieks of joy surround the complex.The power is back and they scoot away from each other.
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freenewsreport · 4 days
Andrew Green KC: A Legal Mind with a Reputation for Excellence
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Ever heard of Andrew Green KC? If you're into high-profile legal battles or just fascinated by the world of law, this name might ring a bell. Andrew Green KC (King's Counsel) is one of the most respected barristers in the UK today. But how did he earn this prestigious status, and what makes him such a sought-after legal mind? Let's dive into the life and career of Andrew Green KC, and discover why he's a heavyweight in the courtroom!
Who is Andrew Green KC?
Andrew Green KC is a top-tier barrister who specializes in commercial litigation, regulatory investigations, and media-related disputes. His expertise has been shaped over years of handling complex cases that require not only a deep understanding of the law but also tactical brilliance. When businesses and individuals need the best legal representation, they often turn to Andrew Green KC.
The Path to Becoming a KC
So, how does someone become a King's Counsel, or KC, in the UK? It's no walk in the park, that's for sure! To earn the title, a barrister must showcase outstanding ability, legal knowledge, and advocacy skills in a wide range of cases. Andrew Green KC, with his sharp legal mind and strategic approach, undoubtedly ticks all these boxes. But it’s not just about winning cases—he also mentors junior barristers, helping shape the next generation of legal talent.
Key Cases that Define His Career
Andrew Green KC has been involved in some of the most talked-about cases in recent legal history. From representing high-profile clients in defamation cases to handling corporate litigation, his legal acumen is second to none. Notably, Andrew Green KC played a significant role in a landmark media case that drew national attention. His ability to navigate through legal complexities while keeping his cool is what makes him stand out.
Why is He in Such Demand?
You might be wondering, what makes Andrew Green KC so sought after? It’s a mix of his legal prowess, professionalism, and, of course, his ability to stay calm under pressure. When your reputation is on the line, you want someone who knows the ropes, right? That’s why clients put their trust in him—he delivers results, every single time. Plus, his knack for making complex legal jargon sound simple? A total game-changer!
Andrew Green KC’s Approach to Media Cases
In today's world, media plays a massive role in shaping public perception. Whether it’s newspapers, television, or social media, what gets said and how it’s presented can make or break someone's reputation. Andrew Green KC understands the nuances of media-related law like the back of his hand. When clients need protection from libel or defamation claims, he's the one to call.
Media Cases on the Rise
With the rise of social media and online news outlets, defamation and reputation management cases have surged. It seems like everyone’s a keyboard warrior these days, huh? Andrew Green KC’s expertise in media law has made him indispensable in these high-stakes scenarios. His clients know that with him on their side, they stand the best chance of safeguarding their reputations.
What Sets Him Apart?
There’s no shortage of talented barristers out there, so what makes Andrew Green KC different? It’s his uncanny ability to think on his feet! Whether he’s cross-examining a witness or delivering closing arguments, he’s always one step ahead. His courtroom presence is commanding, yet he maintains a calm, respectful demeanor—a rare combination that wins over judges and juries alike. And his quick wit? Oh, it’s razor-sharp!
Balancing a Demanding Career
With a career as intense as Andrew Green KC's, you'd think he barely has time to breathe! But balance is key. When he’s not arguing a case in court, you’ll find him enjoying some downtime, likely indulging in his favorite hobbies. Despite his busy schedule, he’s known for being approachable and down-to-earth—a refreshing quality in the legal world.
Andrew Green KC’s Legacy
If there’s one thing that’s certain, it’s that Andrew Green KC will leave behind an impressive legacy. He has not only shaped the legal landscape in the UK but also inspired many aspiring lawyers. His approach, dedication, and unshakable belief in justice have made him a role model in the legal community.
Andrew Green KC is more than just a barrister—he’s a legal powerhouse. From tackling the most complex cases to mentoring future generations of barristers, his influence on the legal field is undeniable. His expertise in media law and commercial litigation has made him a household name in legal circles. If you’re ever in need of top-tier legal representation, there’s no doubt that Andrew Green KC is the barrister you want in your corner. His ability to break down complicated legal issues into digestible pieces is just one more reason he’s in such high demand. So, what’s next for this legal mastermind? Only time will tell!
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masterofd1saster · 21 days
CJ current events 5sep24
re Pavel Durov
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Does the word "disorder" include mean tweets?
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Killing a reporter for that?
A jury found Robert Telles guilty of first-degree murder for killing Las Vegas Review-Journal investigative reporter Jeff German nearly two years ago, and determined he will spend life in prison with the possibility of parole for the crime. “I’m just so relieved, overwhelmed and relieved,” current Clark County Public Administrator Rita Reid said through tears, after the verdict was read to a crowded courtroom on Wednesday afternoon. A panel of seven women and five men found Telles, the former Clark County public administrator, guilty in the September 2022 slaying. The jury spent nearly 12 hours over the course of three days deliberating until reaching a guilty verdict, and then deliberated for just over an hour before determining that Telles should spend his life in prison with the possibility of parole in 20 years.*** Prosecutors said Telles, now 47, fatally stabbed German over articles the journalist had written about his conduct as an elected official, including allegations he created a hostile work environment and had an “inappropriate” relationship with a staffer. The state also alleged that part of the motive for the killing was to prevent German from writing about Telles again.***
Importing crime
Mayor Mike Coffman of Aurora, Colorado joined America Reports on Thursday after surveillance footage showing armed Venezuelan gang members in an apartment complex went viral online. Coffman confirmed that at least two apartment buildings within the city limits have been overtaken by Venezuelan gangs. The mayor also admitted on-air that "Cookie Monster," a Tren de Aragua gang leader, "has been apprehended." "This is an organized criminal effort. Whether it's trend, a drug war, that remains to be to be seen," said Coffman. ***
Female Body Inspectors
The Justice Department’s internal watchdog has found continued shortfalls in the FBI’s handling of tips about child sexual abuse despite a series of changes put in place following the bureau’s bungled handling of the Larry Nassar scandal. Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s office examined 327 cases between October 2021 and late February 2023. It says it found no evidence that FBI employees complied with mandatory reporting requirements to local or state law enforcement in nearly half the cases. “It’s critically important that the FBI appropriately handle all allegations of hands-on sex offenses against children,” Horowitz said. “Because failure to do so can result in children continuing to be abused and perpetrators abusing more children.” In one of the cases examined in the audit, the inspector general’s office found that a registered sex offender allegedly victimized a minor for a 15-month period after the FBI initially became aware of the abuse allegations. In its response to the audit, the FBI said in a letter to the IG that it takes seriously the “significant compliance issues” outlined in the report, and will “continue to work urgently to correct them.” The latest inquiry follows the inspector general’s examination of how the FBI handled sexual abuse allegations against Larry Nassar, the longtime USA Gymnastics doctor who sexually abused gymnasts—including members of the U.S. women’s national team-—for years.***
FBI had promised to change.
Can we throw the podcast in prison?
BALTIMORE— Maryland's Supreme Court has upheld an appellate court's decision to reinstate the murder conviction of Adnan Syed, whose case gained national attention in 2014 when it was featured on the first season of the "Serial" podcast.   The ruling says the case should be sent back to a lower court for a new hearing on whether it should be thrown out entirely. The decision reverses a lower court's ruling that had cleared Syed's name two years ago.  Syed had served more than 20 years for the 1999 murder of his ex-girlfriend, Hae Min Lee.  He was freed from prison in September 2022 after Baltimore prosecutors found flaws in the evidence presented at trial and a judge agreed to vacate his conviction.   However, Lee's relatives appealed the decision, contending they didn't receive sufficient notice to attend the hearing that set Syed free. In March 2023, the Maryland Appellate Court agreed and reinstated Syed's conviction and ordered a redo of the hearing. Syed appealed that ruling, bringing the matter to the Maryland Supreme Court. Friday's ruling comes 11 months after arguments were made. Justices found the circuit court violated the rights of Young Lee, Hae Min Lee's brother. "In an effort to remedy what they perceived to be an injustice to Mr. Syed, the prosecutor and the Circuit Court worked an injustice against Mr. Lee," the court said.***
This is typical of podcasters and netflix in cherry picking evidence and listening to only one side in case. Read the every-loving record of trial like the appellate courts.
You may be tough, but you aint bulletproof
SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- 49ers rookie receiver Ricky Pearsall was shot in the chest Saturday afternoon in downtown San Francisco during an attempted robbery. In a statement released Saturday evening, the 49ers said Pearsall is in "serious but stable condition" after sustaining a bullet wound to his chest. The suspect, a 17-year old male from Tracy, California, has been arrested, according to San Francisco Police Chief William Scott. Pearsall's mother said Sunday in a social media post that the bullet exited out her son's back and missed his vital organs, adding that he is "extremely lucky."*** San Francisco Mayor London Breed confirmed that Pearsall is in stable condition. Scott added that Pearsall had been alert enough to speak to police about the shooting but there would be further dialogue as Pearsall recovers. District Attorney Brooke Jenkins said a charging decision on the suspect, whom she noted is a juvenile, will be made Tuesday or Wednesday.***
Legacy of DA Chesa Boudin? He's the son of two terrorists. Why wouldn't he try to disable society? Voters recalled him.
Why DUI is a crime
NHL star Johnny Gaudreau and his younger brother Matthew Gaudreau were struck and killed by a drunk driver while riding their bikes in Salem County, New Jersey, the night before their sister was set to be married, police said. John Gaudreau, 31, and Matthew Gaudreau, 29, were riding their bikes north on County Route 551 in Oldmans Township on Thursday at 8:19 p.m. At the same time, Sean Higgins, 43, of Woodstown, New Jersey, was driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee north on County Route 551, according to investigators.*** New Jersey state troopers responded to the crash and spoke with Higgins on Pennsville Auburn Road, investigators said. One of the troopers noticed Higgins' breath smelled like alcohol, according to the criminal complaint. Higgins allegedly admitted to drinking five to six beers prior to the crash. Investigators also said Higgins failed a sobriety test. Higgins was arrested and charged with two counts of death by auto and is currently lodged in the Salem County Correctional Facility. Higgins was an employee at Gaudenzia, a nonprofit drug and alcohol treatment center, at the time of the crash. He has since been placed on leave by the organization, officials said in a statement on Facebook.
If 7/11 needs armed security, maybe the town has a crime problem
A 7-Eleven security guard shot and killed a man Saturday night at a store in Aurora in what police are calling self-defense. A 36-year-old man approached the security guard from behind and pointed a gun at his head at the convenience store in the 12000 block of East Colfax Avenue just after 9 p.m. Saturday, according to an Aurora Police Department news release. The two men fought over the gun, and the security guard drew his firearm and fired one shot at the attacker. Aurora police officers treated the man who was shot when they arrived on scene but he later died at a hospital, the news release said.***
Western water law is different from common law - eastern states
An 83-year-old Colorado fisherman has resurrected his 12-year fight for public freedom to wade in the state’s rivers, seeking arrest and risking conflicts with landowners by returning to a contested bend in the Arkansas River. Roger Hill hiked across federally managed public land to enter the river, donned his straw hat, and cast his dry-fly line along that privately owned stretch last weekend without incident. This week, he urged other anglers statewide to replicate his civil disobedience and assert a public right to fish and float on navigable rivers  — a freedom established in other western states.Roger Hill, right, fishes in the Arkansas River near Cotopaxi along with Don Holmstrom co-chair go backcountry, hunters, and anglers on Saturday, Aug. 24, 2024. (Photo courtesy of Cody Perry)
Free speech
X, formerly Twitter, is now banned in Brazil. As of last Friday, the Elon Musk–owned platform is no longer accessible in the largest country in South America. And if any of the 22 million Brazilians with X accounts are caught attempting to log in via a VPN, they face fines of $8,900 per day.  This crushing blow to free speech has been met with universal condemnation here in the United States. In a White House statement, Joe Biden denounced the clampdown on the U.S.-owned platform as an illiberal and unjustified attack on a sacred freedom. America’s leading liberal newspapers issued full-throated denunciations of the move, warning that a once healthy liberal democracy had taken a big step toward autocracy. Large crowds gathered outside the Brazilian embassy to express their disapproval.  Just kidding.  Joe Biden hasn’t said anything about what’s happening in Brazil. (Not that he says or does much about anything these days.) The editorial boards at The New York Times and The Washington Post have been quiet. Crickets too from once-proud institutions like the ACLU, Amnesty International, and PEN, places nominally committed to protecting free-speech rights.   The silence from right-thinking Americans has been deafening. But to anyone who has followed debates about free expression over the last decade or so, entirely unsurprising. *** And in France, the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in France last week has many sounding the alarm about increasing state interference with online speech. Durov has been charged with an alarming list of crimes, including the distribution of child pornography, with French prosecutors arguing that Durov is complicit in criminality that took place on his platform. ***
Sometimes Tumblr won't let you paste text, so there's more than one way to skin a cat.
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Ooh, yuck!
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A former Arkansas local district court judge was convicted of making false statements to the FBI on Friday.    According to court documents and evidence presented at trial, Thomas David Carruth, 64, of Clarendon, Arkansas, served as an elected Monroe County district court judge. In that role, Carruth presided over criminal and civil matters. In April 2022, Carruth solicited sex from the girlfriend of a defendant in a criminal case pending before him. The jury found that, when questioned by the FBI, Carruth lied to agents about the incident, including by falsely stating that he did not “request,” “ask,” “offer”, make “overture[s] about”, “insinuate,” or “even [think] about,” sex with the girlfriend.   The jury convicted Carruth of one count of making false statements. Carruth was acquitted of charges of bribery, honest services fraud, and violations of the Travel Act. A sentencing hearing will be scheduled at a later date. Carruth faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison.***
KARK provided the photo.
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ainfinitewonder · 25 days
The Vital Role of Electrical Forensic Expertise in Modern Investigations
In today's technologically advanced world, where electricity powers almost every aspect of our lives, the significance of electrical forensic expertise cannot be overstated. From residential homes to massive industrial complexes, the integrity and safety of electrical systems are paramount. When incidents occur—whether it's a mysterious fire, unexplained equipment failure, or even cases involving potential sabotage—the role of an electrical forensic expert becomes crucial in uncovering the truth and ensuring justice.
Understanding Electrical Forensics
Electrical forensics is a specialized field that involves the investigation and analysis of electrical components, systems, and incidents to determine the cause and origin of failures or accidents. This discipline combines principles of electrical engineering with forensic science to provide insights into what might have gone wrong in an electrical system. Whether it's identifying the source of a fire in a building or understanding why a piece of electrical equipment failed, electrical forensic experts play a critical role in piecing together the puzzle.
These experts are often called upon in the aftermath of catastrophic events, such as fires, explosions, or electrical malfunctions, where the cause is not immediately clear. Their work involves meticulous examination of electrical components, wiring, circuit boards, and other related materials to identify faults, defects, or external factors that may have contributed to the incident.
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The Expertise of an Electrical Forensic Investigator
Electrical forensic investigators possess a unique blend of skills that set them apart from other forensic experts. Their deep understanding of electrical systems and components, combined with their investigative prowess, allows them to approach cases with precision and accuracy. Here are some key areas where their expertise is invaluable:
1. Fire Investigation
One of the most common scenarios where electrical forensic experts are called in is after a fire. Electrical fires can be caused by a variety of factors, including faulty wiring, overloaded circuits, or defective appliances. Identifying the exact cause of a fire is crucial not only for insurance purposes but also for preventing future incidents.
Electrical forensic experts examine the fire scene, looking for telltale signs of electrical faults, such as arc marks, melted wiring, or damaged circuit breakers. They also analyze the remnants of electrical devices to determine whether they malfunctioned or were the source of ignition. Their findings can be instrumental in legal cases, helping to establish liability and ensuring that justice is served.
2. Equipment Failure Analysis
When critical electrical equipment fails, it can lead to significant financial losses and, in some cases, pose serious safety risks. Electrical forensic experts are adept at analyzing failed equipment to understand what went wrong. This could involve anything from a simple circuit breaker to complex machinery in an industrial setting.
By examining the components, wiring, and overall design of the equipment, these experts can identify whether the failure was due to a manufacturing defect, improper installation, or external factors such as power surges. Their analysis not only helps in resolving disputes between manufacturers and consumers but also provides valuable insights for improving the design and safety of electrical products.
3. Forensic Analysis in Legal Cases
Electrical forensic experts are often called upon to provide expert testimony in legal cases involving electrical incidents. Their ability to explain complex technical details in a clear and concise manner makes them invaluable in courtrooms. Whether it's a case of product liability, wrongful death, or property damage, their expertise helps judges and juries understand the technical aspects of the case, leading to more informed decisions.
Their reports and testimonies are based on thorough analysis and are often backed by scientific evidence, making them highly credible sources of information. In many cases, their findings can be the determining factor in the outcome of a trial.
The Process of Electrical Forensic Investigation
The process of electrical forensic investigation is methodical and systematic, ensuring that no detail is overlooked. Here's an overview of the typical steps involved:
1. Scene Examination
The investigation begins with a thorough examination of the scene where the incident occurred. This could be a fire-damaged building, a malfunctioning piece of equipment, or any other location where electrical failure is suspected. The expert carefully documents the scene, taking photographs, collecting samples, and noting any visible signs of electrical faults.
2. Evidence Collection
Next, the investigator collects evidence that may be relevant to the case. This could include charred wiring, damaged circuit boards, or remnants of electrical devices. The evidence is carefully preserved to prevent contamination or further damage.
3. Laboratory Analysis
The collected evidence is then analyzed in a laboratory setting. This involves using specialized tools and techniques to examine the electrical components in detail. For example, the expert might use a scanning electron microscope to look for signs of electrical arcing or thermal damage.
In addition to physical examination, the expert may also conduct tests to replicate the conditions that led to the incident. This could involve recreating the electrical fault in a controlled environment to understand how and why it occurred.
4. Report Preparation
After completing the analysis, the electrical forensic expert prepares a detailed report outlining their findings. The report includes a description of the evidence, the results of the analysis, and the expert's conclusions regarding the cause of the incident. This report is often used in legal proceedings or by insurance companies to assess claims.
5. Expert Testimony
In cases where the investigation leads to legal action, the electrical forensic expert may be called upon to testify in court. Their ability to communicate technical information in a way that is understandable to non-experts is crucial in helping the court reach a fair and informed decision.
The Importance of Continuous Learning
The field of electrical forensics is constantly evolving, driven by advancements in technology and changes in industry standards. As new types of electrical systems and components are developed, electrical forensic experts must continuously update their knowledge and skills to stay at the forefront of the field.
This commitment to continuous learning ensures that they are equipped to handle even the most complex and challenging cases. Whether it's understanding the latest developments in smart home technology or keeping up with changes in electrical codes and regulations, staying informed is key to their success.
The Positive Impact of Electrical Forensic Expertise
The work of electrical forensic experts has a far-reaching impact on society. By uncovering the causes of electrical failures and accidents, they help to prevent future incidents, improve safety standards, and contribute to the development of more reliable and resilient electrical systems. Their expertise also plays a crucial role in ensuring that justice is served, providing clarity in legal cases and helping to resolve disputes fairly.
Moreover, the insights gained from electrical forensic investigations often lead to innovations in product design and manufacturing processes. For example, identifying a common cause of failure in a particular type of electrical device can prompt manufacturers to redesign the product, enhancing its safety and reliability. This not only benefits consumers but also strengthens the reputation of the industry as a whole.
Electrical forensic expertise is a vital component of modern investigations, providing invaluable insights into the causes of electrical incidents and helping to ensure that justice is served. These experts possess a unique blend of technical knowledge and investigative skills that enable them to uncover the truth in even the most complex cases. Their work not only helps to prevent future incidents but also contributes to the advancement of electrical safety and reliability.
As technology continues to evolve, the role of electrical forensic experts will only become more important. By staying at the forefront of their field and continuously updating their knowledge, these professionals will continue to play a critical role in safeguarding our increasingly electrified world. The positive impact of their work resonates across industries and communities, making electrical forensic expertise an indispensable part of modern life.
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scoopflash · 29 days
Alicia Case: How Atlanta's Legal Maven is Shaping the City's Future
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Alicia Case Atlanta is a name synonymous with power, influence, and innovation in the city's legal landscape. When it comes to significant legal transformations in Atlanta, Alicia Case is the driving force behind the scenes. A seasoned attorney, she's not just practicing law—she's revolutionizing it. With her unparalleled expertise, unwavering dedication, and visionary approach, Alicia Case is shaping a future for Atlanta that is more equitable, just, and progressive. But who exactly is Alicia Case, and how did she climb to such prominence? Get ready as we explore the life, career, and impact of this legal powerhouse.
Who is Alicia Case?
Alicia Case isn't your typical attorney. Born and raised in Atlanta, she carries the city’s spirit in her heart and its future on her shoulders. Her journey to becoming a legal maven is as inspiring as it is impressive. From a young age, Alicia was driven by a passion for justice and a desire to make a difference in her community. This motivation led her to pursue a law degree, and she quickly distinguished herself as a top student with an innate understanding of the complexities of the legal system.
After graduating from one of the country’s most prestigious law schools, Alicia returned to Atlanta, determined to use her skills to benefit the city she loves. And she’s done just that—if not more.
Alicia Case’s Legal Journey
Alicia's legal journey is marked by hard work, perseverance, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Starting her career at a well-known Atlanta law firm, she quickly earned a reputation as a sharp, insightful, and compassionate attorney. Her early cases often involved advocating for the underrepresented, a cause that remains close to her heart.
As Alicia gained experience, her focus shifted towards more complex legal issues, including corporate law, civil rights, and criminal defense. Her ability to navigate these diverse areas of law with ease is a testament to her versatility and deep understanding of the legal landscape. But what truly sets Alicia apart is her approach—she doesn’t just apply the law; she challenges it, pushes its boundaries, and reimagines its potential.
Landmark Cases and Legal Milestones
Throughout her career, Alicia Case has been involved in several landmark cases that have not only shaped her career but have also had a significant impact on Atlanta's legal system. One of her most notable cases involved defending a high-profile client in a complex corporate fraud case. Against all odds, Alicia secured a favorable outcome, demonstrating her unparalleled legal acumen and earning her the respect of her peers.
Another milestone in Alicia's career was her work on a groundbreaking civil rights case that sought to address systemic discrimination within the city's institutions. Her successful litigation in this case led to substantial policy changes, making her a true champion of justice and equality.
These cases, among others, have solidified Alicia's reputation as a legal powerhouse capable of handling the most challenging legal issues with grace and precision.
Impact on Atlanta’s Legal Community
Alicia Case’s influence extends far beyond the courtroom. She is a mentor, a thought leader, and a driving force in Atlanta's legal community. Her commitment to fostering the next generation of legal professionals is evident in her involvement with various mentorship programs and her frequent lectures at local law schools.
Alicia’s impact is also felt through her advocacy for legal reform. She is a vocal proponent of initiatives aimed at improving access to legal services for underserved communities. Her efforts have led to the establishment of several pro bono programs that provide legal assistance to those who need it most.
In addition, Alicia is an active member of several legal organizations, where she continually pushes for improvements in the legal system. Her influence is shaping not just the present but also the future of law in Atlanta.
Shaping the Future of Atlanta’s Legal System
So, how exactly is Alicia Case shaping the future of Atlanta's legal system? It’s all about vision and execution. Alicia believes that the legal system should be a tool for progress—a way to address not only legal issues but also social challenges. To that end, she is involved in numerous projects aimed at modernizing the legal system, making it more accessible, transparent, and responsive to the needs of all citizens.
One of her key initiatives is the push for digital transformation within the legal field. Alicia is a strong advocate for using technology to streamline legal processes, reduce costs, and improve outcomes. She’s working on several pilot programs that aim to bring these innovations to life, setting the stage for a more efficient and effective legal system.
Alicia is also focused on diversifying the legal profession. She believes that a diverse legal community is essential for ensuring that the law reflects the society it serves. Through her advocacy and mentorship, she is helping to pave the way for a more inclusive legal future in Atlanta.
Alicia Case’s Vision for the Future
What does the future hold for Alicia Case? If her past accomplishments are any indication, the sky's the limit. Alicia envisions a future where Atlanta’s legal system is not just a model for other cities but a beacon of justice and innovation. She is committed to continuing her work on legal reform, particularly in the areas of technology integration, diversity, and access to justice.
In the coming years, Alicia plans to expand her efforts to address systemic issues within the legal system, advocating for changes that will benefit all of Atlanta’s citizens. Her vision is one where the law serves as a foundation for a more just and equitable society—a vision that she is well on her way to realizing.
Alicia Case is much more than a legal expert—she's a visionary leader shaping the future of Atlanta’s legal system. Through her groundbreaking work, dedication to justice, and commitment to innovation, she is setting new standards in the legal field. Alicia's influence will undoubtedly continue to grow, and her impact on Atlanta's legal landscape will be felt for generations to come.
As we look to the future, one thing is clear: with Alicia Case at the helm, Atlanta’s legal system is in good hands. Her story is a testament to what can be achieved through hard work, vision, and an unwavering commitment to justice.
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lcstkey · 3 months
Trigger Warnings: burned skin, arson, poison, illness, murder, death mention, character death, hospitalization, long post
It had begun with the screams and harrowing accusations of the phantoms clinging to the detective. Screaming “Guilty!” and to end this farce of a court deliberation. 
When Selena does open her tired eyes to see the burns of the victims of that apartment complex fire which her memory cannot recall, the scents or smoke and burnt flesh causes her to shakily cough into her own burnt hands.
Accused of arson and the murder of her own boss she is. With the motivation of being slowly poisoned by him and the recovered video footage of the detective’s silhouette not only shooting him point blank but also setting his body on fire with a lighter and a jug of flammable liquid inside the apartment lounge then running up the stairs, the odds are stacked against her and Lady Luck is not on her side.
The faces of the prosecutor and her defense lawyer in their shouting match are blurred. She raises a trembling hand to rub her eyes only to find that her sight is still blurry. She couldn’t recognize who is behind the defense stand. For a moment, Selena could remember the prosecutor’s last name. It is “Paine” wasn’t it?
The detective violently shivers as if the temperature suddenly dropped and coughs into one hand, the other gripping onto the witness stand knuckle-white tight.
She recalls her own illness and calling in sick early before her shift and falling asleep soon after ending the call. Then waking to Umbra barking into her ears and jumping on her as smoke filled the apartment complex. The window leading to the fire escape locked from the outside.
Her dog pulling her sleeve, leading her out and when they reached the stairs, a sharp pain on the back of her head which prompted her to black out and injure herself on the stairs. She firmly believed it had been falling debris that caused the event.
Was this illness really the result of a slow poison that was supposedly found in the coffee he had regularly given her day to day as the prosecutor says? The detective wasn’t even aware until it had been brought up in the court room and appeared visibly shocked by the betrayal.
It takes a moment to acknowledge to deafening silence which now occupies the courtroom. Selena slowly perks her head up to see that the prosecutions and the defense’s mouths were speaking as if they were on mute. The apartment ghosts which once haunted her have suddenly disappeared. Her chest grows uncomfortably tight.
The loud “thud” from behind startles her. The detective slowly turns around to find herself on the floor, lying motionless. Morbid curiosity brings her to cautiously step around to crouch down and study herself, eventually poking her body in the cheek with her finger phasing through the clammy flesh. With a loud yelp, Selena immediately pulls herself to her feet and takes a few steps back out of shock and fright. 
“Am I really...Wait, they’re still arguing.” She stares at both benches for a moment, trying to discern words from their now not-so silent voices, “How long until they notice...?” 
The answer is fifteen seconds. The courtroom becomes chaos. 
Spectators scrambling from their seats in the gallery to leave. The Judge screaming for order and one bailiff giving her body chest compressions. One of the bailiffs rush out, presumably to call emergency services. “Paine” yells, accusing her of taking “the coward’s way out” which earns a scoff from her ghost. 
“And to think that cup of tea was supposed to help keep me awake...” Selena mutters sarcastically to herself, “Then about fifteen minutes later, I drop dead. Literally.” She pauses, as a piece of a puzzle clicks.
“Wait…Wasn’t there an existing poison that once ingested takes fifteen minutes to kill…?” The ghost whispers to herself, beginning to pace, “If that is the case then they wished me dead…I must have known something if they wished for my silence this badly.”
“I want to know how my trial ends. The truth of it all. I hope that they wouldn’t mind if stuck around a bit longer to find out…” The medics rush in with a gurney, immediately taking over. She watches momentarily as if contemplating whether to follow then turns her head.
The trial will be resumed the next day to determine Selena Wolfsong’s verdict in the murder of Chief Warden and the unfortunate souls of the Twilight Complex arson.
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familylawsolicitor · 6 months
How To Find a Reliable Legal Partner For Child Custody
In the intricate landscape of legal battles, few matters are as emotionally charged and complex as those involving child custody. Whether you’re facing a divorce or grappling with issues of parental rights, having a trusted legal advisor by your side is paramount. If you’re searching for a “child custody lawyer near me” in Perth, look no further than Reliant Legal. With a deep understanding of the nuances surrounding child matters, Reliant Legal is your dependable partner in navigating the legal intricacies of custody disputes.
Understanding the Importance of Legal Representation
When it comes to matters as delicate as child custody, emotions can run high, and rational decision-making can become clouded. This is where the expertise of a seasoned child custody lawyer comes into play. A skilled attorney not only provides legal counsel but also serves as a voice of reason, guiding you through the process with empathy and professionalism.
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The Role of a Child Custody Lawyer
A child custody lawyer plays a multifaceted role in your legal journey. From offering strategic advice to representing you in court, their expertise extends to various aspects of family law. Here’s how Reliant Legal can assist you in your custody battle:
Legal Guidance: Navigating the intricacies of family law can be overwhelming, especially for those unfamiliar with legal proceedings. Reliant Legal provides clear and concise guidance, ensuring that you understand your rights and obligations every step of the way.
Negotiation: In many cases, reaching an amicable agreement outside of court is the preferred outcome. Reliant Legal excels in negotiation, striving to find common ground between parties while prioritizing the well-being of the child.
Court Representation: In situations where litigation is unavoidable, having a skilled litigator on your side is crucial. Reliant Legal boasts a track record of success in the courtroom, advocating fiercely for their clients’ rights with unwavering dedication.
Post-Divorce Support: Child custody matters extend beyond the courtroom, often requiring ongoing support and legal guidance. Reliant Legal remains committed to assisting you even after the final verdict, ensuring that your child’s best interests are always upheld.
Why Choose Reliant Legal?
In a sea of legal firms vying for your attention, Reliant Legal sets itself apart through its unwavering commitment to excellence and client satisfaction. Here’s why they should be your first choice for a “child custody lawyer near me” in Perth:
Experience: With years of experience in handling child custody cases, Reliant Legal possesses the knowledge and expertise necessary to secure favorable outcomes for their clients.
Compassion: Dealing with child custody matters requires a delicate touch and a compassionate approach. Reliant Legal understands the emotional toll that such cases can take and strives to provide support and empathy to every client.
Personalized Attention: At Reliant Legal, you’re not just another case number. Their team takes the time to understand your unique circumstances and tailor their legal strategies to suit your specific needs.
Proven Track Record: Success speaks volumes, and Reliant Legal’s track record of achieving positive results for their clients speaks for itself. When you choose Reliant Legal, you’re choosing a partner dedicated to securing the best possible outcome for you and your child.
When it comes to matters as sensitive as child custody, the importance of having a reliable legal partner cannot be overstated. If you find yourself in need of a “child custody lawyer near me” in Perth, look no further than Reliant Legal. With their unparalleled expertise, unwavering dedication, and commitment to client satisfaction, they are poised to guide you through this challenging time with compassion and integrity.
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legal2001 · 6 months
Unveiling the Best Criminal Lawyers in Delhi High Court: Sharks of the Legal Realm
When it comes to navigating the turbulent waters of criminal law, one needs more than just legal expertise; they require a seasoned guide, a relentless advocate who can steer them through the complexities of the justice system. In the bustling legal landscape of Delhi High Court, amidst a myriad of legal practitioners, there exist a select few who stand out as the epitome of excellence – the best criminal lawyers in Delhi High Court. These legal luminaries, often referred to as the sharks of the law, possess an unparalleled blend of experience, skill, and tenacity, making them the go-to choice for individuals seeking formidable defense or prosecution in criminal matters.
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1. Name One
With a career spanning over two decades, Name One has earned a reputation as a stalwart in criminal litigation. His strategic prowess combined with an unwavering commitment to justice has led to numerous landmark victories in high-profile cases. Armed with a razor-sharp intellect and an exhaustive knowledge of criminal law, Name One leaves no stone unturned in crafting a compelling defense for his clients. His courtroom presence exudes confidence, often leaving adversaries in awe. Whether it's white-collar crime or heinous offenses, Name One's track record speaks volumes about his unparalleled legal acumen.
2. Name Two
Renowned for his astute legal strategies and meticulous attention to detail, Name Two is a force to be reckoned with in the realm of criminal law. His ability to dissect complex legal issues and present cogent arguments has earned him accolades from clients and peers alike. With a deep understanding of procedural nuances and a knack for anticipating the prosecution's moves, Name Two has emerged victorious in some of the most challenging legal battles. His relentless pursuit of justice, coupled with his unwavering dedication to his clients' cause, makes him one of the most sought-after criminal lawyers in Delhi High Court.
3. Name Three
A trailblazer in the legal fraternity, Name Three combines legal expertise with a passion for social justice. His illustrious career spans over three decades, during which he has championed the cause of the marginalized and the oppressed. Fearless and resolute, Name Three fearlessly takes on the most formidable opponents, challenging injustice at every turn. His courtroom demeanor commands respect, and his persuasive advocacy leaves an indelible mark on judges and juries alike. Whether it's defending the wrongly accused or prosecuting the guilty, Name Three's unwavering commitment to upholding the principles of fairness and equity sets him apart as one of the best criminal lawyers in Delhi High Court.
4. Name Four
Widely regarded as a legal virtuoso, Name Four is synonymous with excellence in criminal litigation. His unparalleled track record of securing acquittals and favorable verdicts attests to his mastery of the legal craft. Armed with a keen analytical mind and a relentless pursuit of justice, Name Four leaves no stone unturned in his quest to safeguard the rights of his clients. His courtroom theatrics coupled with a deep understanding of case law make him a formidable adversary for any prosecution. Whether it's navigating the intricacies of bail hearings or mounting a robust defense during trial, Name Four's legal prowess shines through in every case he undertakes.
In conclusion, the best criminal lawyers in Delhi High Court are more than just legal practitioners; they are the guardians of justice, the champions of the oppressed, and the vanguards of the rule of law. With their unmatched expertise and unwavering dedication, they continue to uphold the principles of fairness and equity, ensuring that justice prevails even in the face of adversity. So, the next time you find yourself in need of formidable legal representation, look no further than these legal sharks who prowl the corridors of Delhi High Court, ready to sink their teeth into the toughest of legal challenges.
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bestdefenselawyers · 6 months
The Best Defense Attorneys in California: Champions of Justice
In the diverse and dynamic legal landscape of California, individuals facing criminal charges rely on the expertise and advocacy of defense attorneys to safeguard their rights and navigate the complexities of the legal system. With a plethora of legal professionals practicing across the state, identifying the best defense attorneys can be a challenging task. In this article, we'll explore some of the top defense attorneys in California, their notable achievements, and the qualities that set them apart in the field of criminal defense.
1. Mr. Rodriguez
With over 13 years of experience as a Senior Deputy District Attorney and 20 years of criminal defense law experience, Ambrosio E. Rodriguez understands what you are up against: “the system.” The government has unlimited resources to come after you.
As a former prosecutor, Mr. Rodriguez does not only know the system, he was the system. Mr. Rodriguez will aggressively represent you to achieve the best possible outcome. When you hire Mr. Rodriguez, you tip the scales of justice in your favor.
Contact our law office today for a free consultation. Our team handles all criminal law matters including Los Angeles domestic violence cases, drug crimes, federal crimes, homicide cases in Los Angeles, sex crimes, DUI, assault, and more. We assist clients throughout Los Angeles County. We offer virtual consultations for your convenience. Call our criminal defense law firm at (213) 204-4977 for immediate assistance.
2. Gloria Allred
A trailblazer in the legal profession, Gloria Allred is not only a fearless advocate for victims' rights but also a highly skilled defense attorney with a long history of success in California courts. With her sharp legal acumen and unwavering dedication to her clients, Allred has secured favorable outcomes in numerous high-profile cases involving sexual assault, harassment, and civil rights violations. Her tireless pursuit of justice and unwavering commitment to her clients make her one of the top defense attorneys in California.
3. Tony Serra
Renowned for his passionate advocacy and unwavering commitment to social justice causes, Tony Serra stands as a legendary figure in the field of criminal defense. With a career spanning over five decades, Serra has established himself as a formidable opponent in the courtroom, known for his fearless defense of the accused and willingness to take on challenging cases. His dedication to defending the rights of the marginalized and his relentless pursuit of justice have earned him a place among the best defense attorneys in California.
4. Mia Yamamoto
Mia Yamamoto is a trailblazing transgender defense attorney whose groundbreaking legal work has made a significant impact in California's legal landscape. With her compassionate advocacy and unwavering commitment to her clients, Yamamoto has earned widespread recognition for her tireless efforts in the pursuit of justice. Her innovative approach to defense, coupled with her deep understanding of the law and dedication to her clients' causes, has solidified her reputation as one of the top defense attorneys in California.
5. Harland Braun
With over five decades of experience, Harland Braun is a highly respected defense attorney known for his sharp legal mind and tenacious courtroom presence. Throughout his career, Braun has successfully defended clients in a wide range of criminal cases, from complex white-collar crimes to high-profile murder trials. His strategic approach to defense, coupled with his unwavering commitment to his clients' interests, has earned him a place among the best defense attorneys in California.
Qualities of the Best Defense Attorneys
While each of these defense attorneys brings their unique style and approach to the practice of law, they share several qualities that set them apart as the best in their field:
Experience: The best defense attorneys in California possess extensive experience in criminal defense law, honed through years of practice and successful case outcomes.
Expertise: These attorneys have expertise in various areas of criminal law, allowing them to provide strategic and effective representation tailored to the unique circumstances of each case.
Track Record of Success: A track record of success is a hallmark of the best defense attorneys in California, with numerous victories in high-stakes cases to their credit.
Effective Communication: These attorneys excel in effective communication, ensuring that their clients are informed and involved in every step of the legal process.
Strategic Thinking: The best defense attorneys are strategic thinkers who can anticipate challenges, identify opportunities, and develop creative legal strategies to achieve their clients' goals.
In conclusion, the best defense attorneys in California are distinguished by their experience, expertise, track record of success, effective communication, and strategic thinking. Through their unwavering dedication to their clients and relentless pursuit of justice, these legal professionals have earned their place as champions of justice in the Golden State. Whether defending clients in high-profile cases or advocating for those facing unjust treatment, the best defense attorneys in California play a vital role in upholding the principles of justice, fairness, and due process for all.
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freemanattorney · 7 months
Unrivaled Representation: GARY M. FREEMAN, Leading Car Accident Lawyer in Houston
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When it comes to navigating the complex legal aftermath of a car accident in Houston, you need a seasoned professional by your side. At GARY M. FREEMAN, INJURY TRIAL ATTORNEY, we pride ourselves on being the go-to destination for those seeking unparalleled expertise and unwavering commitment in their pursuit of justice.
Expertise in Car Accident Cases
Car Accident Lawyer Houston: Your Trusted Legal Partner
At GARY M. FREEMAN, we understand the challenges victims face after a car accident. Our experienced Car Accident Lawyer Houston, providing expert guidance and personalized attention to each client. We diligently work to secure the compensation you deserve, navigating the intricacies of insurance claims and legal proceedings with precision.
Comprehensive Services
Vehicle Crash Attorney Houston: Navigating Legal Complexities
When it comes to vehicle crashes, our attorneys at GARY M. FREEMAN, a Vehicle Crash Attorney Houston are at the forefront of legal advocacy. We offer comprehensive services that extend beyond the courtroom, addressing the physical, emotional, and financial repercussions of a crash. Our commitment to thorough investigation and strategic representation sets us apart in the legal landscape.
The GARY M. FREEMAN Difference
Unparalleled Legal Representation
What distinguishes us from other law firms is our unwavering dedication to each case. GARY M. FREEMAN, as a renowned injury trial attorney, brings a wealth of experience to the table. Our meticulous approach to legal strategy, coupled with a client-centric ethos, ensures that every aspect of your case is handled with the utmost care.
Personalized Attention in Every Case
We understand that each car accident is unique, and so is every client. Our commitment to providing personalized attention sets us apart. From the initial consultation to the resolution of your case, we prioritize clear communication and transparency, ensuring you are well-informed and confident throughout the legal process.
Success Stories
Notable Case Resolutions
Our track record speaks volumes about our ability to secure favorable outcomes for our clients. GARY M. FREEMAN has successfully resolved numerous car accident and vehicle crash cases, earning the trust and gratitude of those we’ve represented. Our commitment to achieving justice is unwavering.
In the realm of car accident and vehicle crash cases in Houston, GARY M. FREEMAN, INJURY TRIAL ATTORNEY stands as a beacon of legal excellence. With a focus on personalized attention, comprehensive services, and unparalleled expertise, we are committed to being your trusted legal partner. If you or a loved one is seeking justice after a car accident, don’t settle for less. Contact GARY M. FREEMAN today for the representation you deserve.
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nextlegal · 8 months
NextLegal: Crafting Happily Ever Afters with Bangalore’s Finest Matrimonial Lawyers
In a city that pulsates with the energy of modernity, Bangalore is no stranger to the complexities that sometimes weave their way into the tapestry of love and relationships. When vows are tested, and the path to happily ever after seems uncertain, it’s comforting to know that the best matrimonial lawyers in Bangalore the business are right here in the heart of the Silicon Valley of India – NextLegal.
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1. Navigating the Maze of Matrimonial Challenges Love, they say, conquers all. However, real-world challenges often find their way into the lives of couples, testing the strength of their commitment. NextLegal, with its team of seasoned matrimonial lawyers, understands the nuances of these challenges and excels in navigating the intricate maze of matrimonial issues. From divorce proceedings to alimony disputes, the firm approaches each case with empathy, discretion, and a commitment to achieving the best outcomes for their clients.
2: Expertise That Speaks Volumes What sets NextLegal apart is the unmatched expertise of its matrimonial lawyers. These legal eagles possess a deep understanding of family law, ensuring that clients receive comprehensive and informed guidance throughout the legal process. Whether it’s issues related to child custody, property division, or spousal support, NextLegal’s team is well-equipped to handle every facet of matrimonial law with finesse.
3: Personalized Approach to Each Case Recognizing that every marriage is unique, NextLegal adopts a personalized approach to each case. The firm believes in building a strong attorney-client relationship, where open communication and trust form the pillars of success. Clients can expect a dedicated lawyer who not only understands the legal intricacies but also empathizes with the emotional toll that matrimonial issues can take.
4: Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution While litigation is sometimes unavoidable, NextLegal values the power of mediation and alternative dispute resolution methods. The firm strives to find amicable solutions that preserve relationships and minimize the emotional toll on all parties involved. By offering mediation services, NextLegal showcases its commitment to fostering a more harmonious resolution to matrimonial disputes.
5: NextLegal’s commitment to excellence extends beyond the courtroom. The firm is dedicated to staying abreast of the latest legal developments and continuously enhancing the skills of its matrimonial lawyers. This commitment ensures that clients receive top-notch legal representation that is not only effective but also reflective of the latest legal standards.
Conclusion: In the city where dreams are nurtured and relationships are celebrated, NextLegal stands as a beacon of hope for those navigating the often tumultuous waters of matrimonial challenges. With a stellar team of matrimonial lawyers, the firm is rewriting the narrative, transforming legal battles into opportunities for growth, understanding, and ultimately, a renewed chance at happiness. NextLegal: Crafting happily ever after’s, one case at a time.
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