#jam handy corporation
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The Golden Years (1960)
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im-not-even-sorry · 6 months
Hey what stroker do you use/get it from? I’m trying to get one for my boyfriend it’s hard to find good ones for trans guys where I live
Hi! I live in Poland and I got one from our local manufacturer at Where is Willy. The guy makes that by hand from what I know, so its not like a corporate capitalistic piece of plastic :)
The one I got was Handy Willy, but like I said, I wasn't really that satisfied with it because of it's size (it was like, really thick which also made it quite heavy), because I hoped it'd be more realistic (dysphoria reasons...). Other than that, the sucking was hella good. Like damn. If i squeezed it hard enough and left it for a while i even got a pump like experience which is a huge + for me.
But yeah, I'll most likely receive a more natural, average looking prototype in January and if it turns out fine, there's a high chance it'll also be available in the shop if that's your jam :)
Please go check his store, he's a really nice guy and truly cares about his work!!
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melssblog · 4 months
Doosan collaborative robots
Are you making full use of your Collaborative Robot (Cobot)?
Ever since 1995, collaborative robots (cobots) have helped to spread robotics into many industrial segments which were earlier not considered due to concerns regarding prohibitive cost, space constraints or safety and operability issues.
Even when available, a cobot is often not properly utilised. The type of cobot selected could be incorrect for an application due to the limited range of cobot models and lack of awareness of requirements. A knowledgeable manufacturer of cobots is needed who offers a wide range of solutions suiting your specific application needs.
Doosan offers a wide range of cobots which can be used across applications and industries.
Why Doosan?
Within a span of 7 years, Doosan has captured 7% marketshare worldwide and is backed by the diversified 125–year legacy of the Doosan Corporation.
It has been researching the need for cobots and has been innovating by creating world-class cobot models with cutting-edge features. No wonder, it has been embraced by diverse industries. Doosan‘s innovations include:
Highest safety for operators
Operator safety is of utmost importance when it comes to cobots. Doosan’s H-Series boasts of the highest collision sensitivity in the industry, with six high-tech torque sensors. With Safety features that include Emergency Stop, Safe Torque Off (STO), and Safe Brake Control, a secure and safe work atmosphere for operators is ensured. The functional safety of the Doosan H-Series collaborative robots is certified as PL e-Cat 4 in accordance with ISO 13849-1. These cobots also feature a counterbalance mechanism to ensure their own safety, whereby the light-weight hardware reduces shock to improve the safety.
Zone-based operation
Each Doosan Cobot can be set into various zones according to the site application – Cooperation, Jam Prevention, Collision Sensitivity, Limited Tool Orientation and User-defined Zones. This ensures that the collaborative robot can work safely and efficiently alongside humans.
Highest payload capability
The Doosan range of collaborative robots can handle many payloads, and the H2515 boasts of the highest payload in any Cobot, easily handling up to 25kg payloads. Lower payload models in the H, M and A series are available depending on the application.
The Doosan H-Series cobots are very flexible due to their lightweight design which allows for free movement, flexible work settings and easy coupling with mobile robots such as AGV and AMR.
Doosan cobots find wide applicability in the manufacturing industry in applications such as Pick & Place, Assembly, Packaging and Palletising, Press Forming, Glueing and Bonding, Inspection, Injection Moulding, Polishing and Deburring, Air Blowing, Machine Tending and Heavy Object Handling.
Not only this, they also find applicability in the Service Industry in applications such as Food and Beverage, EV Charging, Video Shooting and Medical.
Common features
All Doosan cobots can be programmed by easy-to-complete, one-touch programming to automatically detect attached peripherals and suggest ideal work processes. On the operator’s side, it is easy to learn even for beginners. The in-built cockpit is handy to quickly and easily teach robots.
Doosan Mate comprises a variety of industry-leading partner products compatible with Doosan to provide the best automation solutions, optimised for customer needs.
Doosan cobots are capable of being connected even without a gateway, making it easy to interface with various types of industrial equipment and systems.
*Supported Communications: RS-232, RS-485, TCP/IP Socket, Modbus-TCP/RTU, PROFITNET, EtherNet/IP
What’s more, it also comes with many user-friendly accessories such as
Mobile Base
Smart Vision Module
Protected AC Controller (CS-01P)
DC controller (CS-02)
DC controller (CS-04)
Teach Pendant
ROS support for various platforms such as Windows and
Amazon AWS Robomakers
There is also a provision for Doosan ROS package
Continuing on the path of innovation, the Doosan Robot Controller can be connected to a Visual Components 4.7 model to visualise its utilisation in any industrial space which results in more productivity and profitability for the industry.
MELSS brings you the whole range of Doosan collaborative robots comprising the A, M and H Series, also including the E Series for the F&B industry. For more information on how we can help you automate with Doosan cobots, please visit: www.melss.com
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polhfone · 2 years
Travel check off list
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It’s easy to overlook this essential – so don’t forget to pack some mints to chew at regular intervals and particularly after meals. You never know who you might meet – and if this person is a client or potentially important connection, you don’t want to worry about bad breath. When you’re meeting someone for the first time in the business world, it’s important to make a strong first impression. Make sure you have your wallet or purse close to hand – perhaps in a jacket or trouser pocket – so you can easily retrieve it when you need to. As a general rule of thumb, only take what you need, like the cards you need to use, and take just a small handful of local currency – it’ll limit the damage if your wallet or purse gets lost or stolen. Even if you’re likely be making most of your payments by card, it’s always good to have loose change and small notes for smaller items. Without it you’ll struggle to pay for anything on your business trip, causing yourself unnecessary headaches. Remembering your wallet or purse is an absolute must. Remember that toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner and toothpaste might not be provided in your hotel – so bring your own just in case. Bear in mind the weather at your destination – if it’s wet and windy, you’ll wish you’d packed a travel umbrella and a raincoat. You’re likely to need to pack a mixture of formal business attire and casual clothing, along with underwear, socks and pajamas. Being armed with the most appropriate jacket, pair of shoes or accessories can make all the difference when you’re preparing for a jam-packed itinerary – and even those spontaneous, last-minute drinks which are great for networking. Clothing and accessoriesīring the right clothes. This will let you see which hotels rank highest in terms of Wi-Fi options – enabling you to make an informed choice about where to stay. Alternatively, sign up to CWT Hotel Intel™ and you’ll be able to browse a directory of global hotels and read travelers’ own reviews. All major phone carriers sell internet cards – and you can also use them across different devices, whereas a hotel’s Wi-Fi will often only cover one device. At certain hotels, in-room internet can come with a heft daily charge, one that’s equivalent to what you might pay in a month with a wireless card. Wi-Fi access in hotel rooms is not always free. Think about wireless options if you need to work remotely, navigate your way around your destination, or speak to your family back home. Download a corporate travel app such as m圜WT™and you’ll be able to sync your phone with your work calendar to give you the reminders you need to stick to your work schedule and travel itinerary. Without one you’ll really struggle to communicate with your colleagues or your client, and they can also help you stay organized. Phones are an essential in modern business life. Adapters are a must if you’re travelling abroad, so try and pick up one before your trip – it’ll save you time and money compared to buying one at the airport. Whatever electronic devices you find most useful – don’t forget to pack the relevant chargers. Whether you’re reviewing a presentation or typing up post-meeting notes, using a laptop or tablet to work while you’re on the move will really make your travel time count. Taking a laptop or tablet with you on your trip is a great way to stay productive. That way, you can access them quickly as soon as you need them, avoiding that moment of panic when you can’t find your boarding pass. It’s a good idea to keep all your travel documents – including any airline reservations, hotel confirmations and rental car details – in one safe place. The most important item on your business trip packing list is your passport, without which you won’t be able to set foot on an airplane. Here are 10 essential items to include on your packing list for a business trip.
This handy guide explains how to pack for a business trip – giving you more time to focus on acing your meeting or that big conference you’re presenting at. These are all easy mistakes to make, but you can see how much they would cost your business to put right – and cause you stress in the process.
Forget important business documents and you could be risking anything from your professional reputation to a client relationship. Forget your phone or laptop and you’ll struggle to communicate with your colleagues and clients. Forget your passport and you won’t be getting on your flight. Even in our post-digital world, there are some physical items you can’t do without – especially on a business trip.
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theendofthefilm · 5 years
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The Sound and the Story
Jam Handy Pictures USA, 1956
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Space Jam: A New Legacy is content to be content.
The original Space Jam was a calculated marketing exercise. Michael Jordan was the biggest sports star of the nineties, and Space Jam capitalised on Jordan’s brand potential while also allowing the athlete to refashion his own narrative into a family-friendly mythology. Space Jam packaged Jordan for a generation, smoothing the wrinkles out of his story by presenting a wholesome family man making an earnest transition from basketball to baseball.
It also helped Warner Bros. to figure out what to do with their Looney Tunes characters, which had largely laid dormant within the company’s intellectual property vaults. There had been a conscious effort to revitalised the company’s animation with shows like Tiny Toon Adventures and even Animaniacs, but those classic and beloved cartoons were a merchandising opportunity waiting to happen. So the logic of the original Space Jam was clear, it was an excuse to tie together two potentially profitable strands of intellectual property.
Space Jam itself was something of an afterthought. The movie struggles to reach its ninety-minute runtime. It often feels like the production team have to utilise every scrap of film to reach that target, with extended riffs focusing on Bill Murray and Michael Jordan on the golf course and with a lot of the improvisation from the voice cast included in the finished film. The movie’s ending comes out of nowhere, and Space Jam struggles to hit many of the basic plot beats of a scrappy sports movie.
The movie itself was immaterial to the success of Space Jam as a concept. After all, the film only grossed $250m at the global box office, enough to scrape into the end of year top ten behind The Nutty Professor and Jerry Maguire. However, the film’s real success lay in merchandising, with the film generating between $4bn and $6bn in licensing and merchandising. Key to this was the success of the six-time platinum-certified soundtrack which remains the ninth highest-grossing soundtrack of all-time.
In some to trace a lot of modern Hollywood back to the original Space Jam. So much of how companies package and release modern media feels like an extension of that approach, the reduction of the actual film itself to nothing more than “content” that exists as a larger pool of marketable material. After all, the unspoken assumption underlying AT&T’s disastrous decision to send all of their blockbusters to HBO Max was the understanding that HBO Max itself was often packaged free with company’s internet. Movies would no longer be their own things, but just perks to be packaged and sold as part of larger deals.
In the decades since the release of Space Jam, the industry has become increasingly focused on the idea of packaging and repackaging intellectual property. It has become increasingly common for films to showcase multiple intellectual properties housed at the same studios. Simple crossovers like Alien vs. Predators or The Avengers now seem positively humble when compared to the smorgasbord of brand synergy on display in projects like The Emoji Movie or Ralph Breaks the Internet.
Interestingly, as Disney have steadily securing their intellectual property portfolio with additions like Pixar and Lucasfilm and Marvel Studios and 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros. have becoming increasingly bullish about showcasing the depth and breadth of their bench. The LEGO Movie imagines a wide range of properties consolidated under one brand. Ready Player One depicted a pop culture user space lost in nostalgia for properties and trinkets. However, those movies also managed to tell their own stories, even as they grappled with the weight of brand synergy pushing down on top of them.
Space Jam: A New Legacy has no such delusions. It understands that it does not exist as a story or as a feature film. Instead, it has distilled cinema down to a content-delivery mechanism. The plot of the movie finds basketball star LeBron James sucked into the “Serververse” and forced to ally with the Looney Tunes in order to play a basketball game with the fate of the world in the balance. However, while the original Space Jam ran a brisk and unfocused ninety minutes, A New Legacy extends itself to almost two hours. There is always more content to repackage and sell, after all.
A New Legacy slathers its cynicism in nostalgia, directly appealing to a generation of audiences who have convinced themselves that Space Jam was a good movie and a beloved childhood classic. A New Legacy is built around the understanding that the original Space Jam walked so that it might run, counting on the audience’s nostalgia for the original film to excuse a lot of its indulgences. After all, it would be a betrayal of the franchise if A New Legacy wasn’t a crash and vulgar cash-in. In many ways, A New Legacy does what most sequels aspire to do, scaling the original film’s ambitions aggressively upwards.
As with the original Space Jam, there is layer of irony to distract from the film’s clear purpose. In the original Space Jam, the villainous Swackhammer planned to abduct the Looney Tunes and force them to play at his themeparks. The implication was that the characters did not want to be sold into corporate servitude, stripped of their own identity and rendered as crass tools of unchecked capitalism. The irony of Space Jam lay in the fact that the entire movie was a variant on Swackhammer’s themepark and the Looney Tunes were dancing to that theme anyway as Daffy puckers up and kisses the Warner Bros. stamp on his own ass.
In A New Legacy, a sentient algorithm – Al G. Rhythm – is cast as the movie’s primary antagonist. The film gestures broadly at a satirical criticism of the modern film industry, with Al G. Rhythm shaping and warping the future of movie-making by suggesting things like computer-generating movie stars and producing a constant array of recycled intellectual property. A New Legacy recognises the machinations of Al G. Rhythm as unsettling and horrifying, with throwaway jokes about the theft of ideas and the violation of privacy, but the villain largely serves as a smokescreen to let the movie have its cake and eat it.
After all, A New Legacy revels in Al G. Rhythm’s plans. LeBron James is turned into an animated figure and dumped into classic Looney Tunes shorts like Rabbit Season and The Rabbit of Seville. The film understands that while the audience might be afraid of the algorithm, they also yearn for it. After all, it isn’t Al G. Rhythm who structures A New Legacy so that the film spends an extended sequence touring the company’s beloved intellectual properties.
A New Legacy is really just an investors’ day presentation that celebrates the sheer amount of content that Warner Bros. own. It’s not too difficult to imagine the film screened investors before the Discovery deal, as proof of just how many viable franchising opportunities existed within the copyright of the company itself. It’s a weird and unsettling showcase, in large part because it feels like that warning from Jurassic Park. The studio were so obsessed with whether they could do a thing that they never stopped to consider whether they should.
The film’s middle section includes a whirlwind tour of the properties owned by Warner Bros. After Bugs “plays the hits” with James, the two set off on an adventure to recover the other Looney Tunes from other beloved Warner Bros. properties. Some of these advertisements make sense: Daffy and Porky are living in the world of Superman: The Animated Series, while Lola seems to have found the Wonder Woman from the Bloodlines animated films. Others make much less sense in a movie aimed at kids, like the Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote hiding in Mad Max: Fury Road or Yosemite Sam living in Casablanca.
Of course, it’s debatable how much of A New Legacy is aimed at kids, as compared to the kids of the nineties. Its target market seems to be kids in the late nineties who never grew up, because they never had to. Elmer Fudd and Sylvester are hiding out in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me. Granny and Speedy have taken refuge in the opening scenes of The Matrix. While the original Space Jam featured odd pop cultural shoutouts to things like Pulp Fiction, at least that was somewhat contemporaneous.
To be fair, there is no art driving these choices. Many of these references serve to point the audience towards established properties. It is a sentient recommendation algorithm for HBO Max and a handy way of stoking audience interest in upcoming projects like The Matrix 4 (December 2021) or Furiosa (June 2023). It is a helpful reminder that Superman: The Animated Series has been remastered in high definition to stream on HBO Max. Foghorn Leghorn even rides a dragon from Game of Thrones to remind viewers that the show is streaming on HBO Max and that there are prequels coming.
It’s all very bizarre, but also strangely lifeless. The climax of the film finds the inevitable basketball game played in front of a crowd of familiar pop culture icons drawn from a wide range of sources: King Kong, The Iron Giant, Batman ’66, The Wizard of Oz, The Mask and many more. It feels very much like a surreal power play, a company showcasing the depth of its own vaults at a turbulent time in the industry. It leads to weird moments, like Al G. Rhythm even quoting Training Day, perhaps the film’s most unlikely draw from the “Warner Bros. Intellectual Property Vault.”
The most revealing aspect of the movie is its central conflict, with Al G. Rhythm cynically manipulating LeBron’s son Dom. Dom is convinced that his father doesn’t understand him, that his father is unable to see that his skill lies in video game coding rather than old-fashioned basketball. Rhythm is able to create a schism between father and son, using Dom’s code and his anger to attack and undermine LeBron James and the Looney Tunes. It’s a very broad and very archetypal story. There are no points for realising that Dom eventually comes around to his father and accepts that Rhythm is a villain.
However, it signals an interesting shift in these sorts of narratives. Traditionally, these sorts of generational conflicts played out between fathers and sons, with fathers presented as antagonistic and sons presented as heroic. The original Star Wars saga is built around Luke Skywalker trying to wrestle and grapple with his father Darth Vader. In Superman II, the eponymous superhero is forced to confront Zod, a representative of his father’s generation and the old world. Even in Batman Begins, Bruce Wayne is set against his surrogate father figure Ra’s Al Ghul.
The metaphor driving these sorts of stories was fairly simple and straightforward. Every generation needs to come into their own and take control of their own agency within the world. Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi ends with Darth Vader dead and Luke staring out into the wider universe. Times change, and each generation has an obligation to try to create a better world than the one left to them by their parents. In the conflict between parents and children, it has generally been children who have prevailed.
However, in recent years, the trend has swung back sharply. It’s notable that the villain in Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens is an errant child who doesn’t properly respect his parents, and that Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker ends with order restored when the protagonist takes the name of the beloved heroes of the older films. Shows like Star Trek: Picard are built around the idea that kids need their older generation of parents to swoop in and tell them how to properly live their lives.
A New Legacy is an interesting illustration of this trend. The movie ends with a reconciliation between LeBron and Dom, but it is very clearly on LeBron’s terms. Dom is manipulated and misled by sinister forces, and his father has to save him while realigning his moral compass. Father knows best. It demonstrates how the underlying logic of these stories has shifted in recent years, perhaps reflecting the understanding that perhaps the older generation won’t surrender the floor gracefully.
As with Ready Player One, there’s a monstrous Peter Pan quality to A New Legacy. It is a film about how the culture doesn’t have to change. It can be recycled and repurposed forever and ever and ever. At the end of Space Jam, Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny parted ways. There was an understanding that the two worlds existed apart from one another. However, A New Legacy ends with the collapse of these worlds into one another; the “Serververse” manifesting itself in the real world. As LeBron walks home, Bugs asks if he can move in.
Of course, with HBO Max subscription, the audience can take Bugs home anytime they want
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poormommamay · 3 years
Low Waste Used To Be Low Income
Low waste living is definitely low income living. You’re reusing as much as possible and replanting what you can and reducing what you have to use--because you can’t afford to not. It’s cheaper to make your own whatever when you can. Or, I should say, it used to be cheaper. There is definitely a toxic downside to the growing low waste trend. It took a perfectly good low-income lifestyle and made it unaffordable and exhausting.
When I was young, my parents made use of everything. We reused and repaired before we rebought nine times out of ten. I didn’t realize at the time, especially considering there was no trendy term for it yet, that we were living a very low-waste life. When I was a teenager I became aware we were living a low-income life. Which was fine, I grew up appreciating gardening because it was quality time with my father and I knew how to stretch my cleaners because of how my mom did. I was keenly aware of how high waste we’d become when my husband and I moved into our first home. 
That’s when I first started looking into low-waste living, because of all the consumer-responsibility propaganda where companies refuse to take ownership of their impact on the world and push it onto their customers like they have no power to change, I was excited. There were a ton of things we already did such as trying to switch out lightbulbs for LED when they burnt out, DIY household cleaners, switching to bar instead of bottle soap. I was also… Angry. Because a lot of these “low impact living hacks” assumes space, money, and time. When I first started looking into low-waste, we had an older house with a very small kitchen and very little storage space. And for as small as it was, my friends were living with less room than we were. I was working 50-60 hours a week, my husband was working 40+, and we were still barely able to save any money. We couldn’t do anything about the drafty windows and we didn’t have money to spend on curtains. We didn’t have space or money to buy anything in bulk. We didn’t have space to freeze everything, we didn’t have money to swap the broken dishwasher for a fancy eco-smart one, we didn’t have time to garden and even if we did we couldn’t afford to start. 
So I was trying to find other ways to be low-waste. I was looking to put my money where my mouth was. I was going to at least spend so we could be a little more eco-friendly and maybe save money down the line by buying better. So the next time I was in the grocery store I tried to find glass over plastic for jam--and found you were getting less and spending more. Which sucked but I felt we could afford it and we didn’t go through jam that fast anyway. I could at least get a new glass out of it right? I tried to not use the plastic bags for my produce--well the grocery stores around us wouldn’t let us because they “needed it to make sure they had the right weight” which sounded like nonsense but store policy is store policy. I asked about us using our own, thinking I could buy a few trendy produce bags, and was shot down. I was told we could go into the city to some Whole Foods equivalent and we’d be able to do that there--where we’d spend three times the money on half the food and waste a bunch of gas getting there. The “green-living” products were ten times the price of their flimsy, plastic counterparts. The “green-eating” recipes required ten times the time for one meal. Basically, every swap required more time, more space, and more money than we could manage.
So while I was struggling to figure out a good balance, I went online to look for more suggestions. And I found more tips and tricks and hacks that all sounded great on paper but working the way we were, with as little money as we had, we found it just wasn’t happening. I questioned on a few sites how I, as a low-income individual who couldn’t afford the swanky products or swaps, could at least start. And let me tell you, the hellfire that rained down on me. I was called all kinds of names, told I was just too lazy or too self-absorbed, that I obviously didn’t care about the environment, that I was just as bad as these corporations that were pumping toxicity into the air and water and land. 
So, for a little while at least, I gave up. And found no matter what I was doing, I was spending outrageous amounts. So I saved up for one swap. My shampoo. I bought a bar shampoo, and then didn’t buy any more shampoo for six months. It was amazing. With the extra money, I got a subscription to a sheet laundry detergent, and discovered it lasted us two, sometimes three months before we needed more, as opposed to buying a bottle every month. I figured I’d need to save to get containers for meal prepping, but we started getting curry and ramen from these cute little hole in the wall places instead of Taco Bell where we’d have a meal for two days and then have handy, perfectly portioned tupperware. 
It takes a lot of time, it takes a lot of saving back to make swaps. But whatever these trend-setting hipster brats say, you go at a pace feasible for you and you will save money in the long run. It is a matter of introducing slowly. Starting with something as small as shampoo. 
You beauties have a beautiful day.
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Unauthorized Bread: Real rebellions involve jailbreaking IoT toasters
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"Unauthorized Bread"—a tale of jailbreaking refugees versus IoT appliances—is the lead novella in author Cory Doctorow's Radicalized, which has just been named a finalist for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's national book award, the Canada Reads prize. "Unauthorized Bread" is also in development for television with Topic, parent company of The Intercept; and for a graphic novel adaptation by Firstsecond, in collaboration with the artist and comics creator Jennifer Doyle. It appears below with permission from the author.
The way Salima found out that Boulangism had gone bankrupt: her toaster wouldn’t accept her bread. She held the slice in front of it and waited for the screen to show her a thumbs-up emoji, but instead, it showed her the head-scratching face and made a soft brrt. She waved the bread again. Brrt.
“Come on.” Brrt.
She turned the toaster off and on. Then she unplugged it, counted to ten, and plugged it in. Then she menued through the screens until she found RESET TO FACTORY DEFAULT, waited three minutes, and punched her Wi-Fi password in again.
Long before she got to that point, she’d grown certain that it was a lost cause. But these were the steps that you took when the electronics stopped working, so you could call the 800 number and say, “I’ve turned it off and on, I’ve unplugged it, I’ve reset it to factory defaults and…”
There was a touchscreen option on the toaster to call support, but that wasn’t working, so she used the fridge to look up the number and call it. It rang seventeen times and disconnected. She heaved a sigh. Another one bites the dust.
The toaster wasn’t the first appliance to go (that honor went to the dishwasher, which stopped being able to validate third-party dishes the week before when Disher went under), but it was the last straw. She could wash dishes in the sink but how the hell was she supposed to make toast—over a candle?
Just to be sure, she asked the fridge for headlines about Boulangism, and there it was, their cloud had burst in the night. Socials crawling with people furious about their daily bread. She prodded a headline and learned that Boulangism had been a ghost ship for at least six months because that’s how long security researchers had been contacting the company to tell it that all its user data—passwords, log-ins, ordering and billing details—had been hanging out there on the public internet with no password or encryption. There were ransom notes in the database, records inserted by hackers demanding cryptocurrency payouts in exchange for keeping the dirty secret of Boulangism’s shitty data handling. No one had even seen them.
Boulangism’s share price had declined by 98 percent over the past year. There might not even be a Boulangism anymore. When Salima had pictured Boulangism, she’d imagined the French bakery that was on the toaster’s idle-screen, dusted with flour, woodblock tables with serried ranks of crusty loaves. She’d pictured a rickety staircase leading up from the bakery to a suite of cramped offices overlooking a cobbled road. She’d pictured gas lamps.
The article had a street-view shot of Boulangism’s headquarters, a four-story office block in Pune, near Mumbai, walled in with an unattended guard booth at the street entrance.
The Boulangism cloud had burst and that meant that there was no one answering Salima’s toaster when it asked if the bread she was about to toast had come from an authorized Boulangism baker, which it had. In the absence of a reply, the paranoid little gadget would assume that Salima was in that class of nefarious fraudsters who bought a discounted Boulangism toaster and then tried to renege on her end of the bargain by inserting unauthorized bread, which had consequences ranging from kitchen fires to suboptimal toast (Boulangism was able to adjust its toasting routine in realtime to adjust for relative kitchen humidity and the age of the bread, and of course it would refuse to toast bread that had become unsalvageably stale), to say nothing of the loss of profits for the company and its shareholders. Without those profits, there’d be no surplus capital to divert to R&D, creating the continuous improvement that meant that hardly a day went by without Salima and millions of other Boulangism stakeholders (never just “customers”) waking up with exciting new firmware for their beloved toasters.
And what of the Boulangism baker-partners? They’d done the right thing, signing up for a Boulangism license, subjecting their process to inspections and quality assurance that meant that their bread had exactly the right composition to toast perfectly in Boulangism’s precision-engineered appliances, with crumb and porosity in perfect balance to absorb butter and other spreads. These valued partners deserved to have their commitment to excellence honored, not cast aside by bargain-hunting cheaters who wanted to recklessly toast any old bread.
Salima knew these arguments, even before her stupid toaster played her the video explaining them, which it did after three unsuccessful bread-authorization attempts, playing without a pause or mute button as a combination of punishment and reeducation campaign.
She tried to search her fridge for “boulangism hacks” and “boulangism unlock codes” but appliances stuck together. KitchenAid’s network filters gobbled up her queries and spat back snarky “no results” screens even though Salima knew perfectly well that there was a whole underground economy devoted to unauthorized bread.
She had to leave for work in half an hour, and she hadn’t even showered yet, but goddamnit, first the dishwasher and now the toaster. She found her laptop, used when she’d gotten it, now barely functional. Its battery was long dead and she had to unplug her toothbrush to free up a charger cable, but after she had booted it and let it run its dozens of software updates, she was able to run the darknet browser she still had kicking around and do some judicious googling.
She was forty-five minutes late to work that day, but she had toast for breakfast. Goddamnit.
The dishwasher was next. Once Salima had found the right forum, it would have been crazy not to unlock the thing. After all, she had to use it and now it was effectively bricked. She wasn’t the only one who had the Disher/Boulangism double whammy, either. Some poor suckers also had the poor fortune to own one of the constellation of devices made by HP-NewsCorp—fridges, toothbrushes, even sex toys—all of which had gone down thanks to a failure of the company’s cloud provider, Tata. While this failure was unrelated to the Disher/Boulangism doubleheader, it was pretty unfortunate timing, everyone agreed.
The twin collapse of Disher and Boulangism did have a shared cause, Salima discovered. Both companies were publicly traded and both had seen more than 20 percent of their shares acquired by Summerstream Funds Management, the largest hedge fund on earth, with $184 billion under management. Summerstream was an “activist shareholder” and it was very big on stock buybacks. Once it had a seat on each company’s board—both occupied by Galt Baumgardner, a junior partner at the firm, but from a very good Kansas family—they both hired the same expert consultant from Deloitte to examine the company’s accounts and recommend a buyback program that would see the shareholders getting their due return from the firms, without gouging so deep into the companies’ operating capital as to endanger them.
It was all mathematically provable, of course. The companies could easily afford to divert billions from their balance sheets to the shareholders. Once this was determined, it was the board’s fiduciary duty to vote in favor of it (which was handy, since they all owned fat wads of company shares) and a few billion dollars later, the companies were lean, mean, and battle ready, and didn’t even miss all that money.
Summerstream issued a press release (often quoted in the forums Salima was now obsessively haunting) blaming the whole thing on “volatility” and “alpha” and calling it “unfortunate” and “disappointing.” They were confident that both companies would restructure in bankruptcy, perhaps after a quick sale to a competitor, and everyone could start toasting bread and washing dishes within a month or two.
Salima wasn’t going to wait. Her Boulangism didn’t go easily. After downloading the new firmware from the darknet, she had to remove the case (slicing through three separate tamper-evident seals and a large warning sticker that threatened electrocution and prosecution, perhaps simultaneously, for anyone foolish enough to ignore it) and locate a specific component and then short out two of its pins with a pair of tweezers while booting it. This dropped the toaster into a test mode that the developers had deactivated, but not removed. The instant the test screen came up, she had to jam in her USB stick (removing the toaster’s hood had revealed a set of USB ports, a monitor port, and even a little Ethernet jack, all stock on the commodity single-board PC that controlled it) at exactly the right instant, then use the on-screen keyboard to tap in the log-in and password, which were “admin” and “admin” (of course).
It took her three tries to get the timing right, but on the third try, the spare log-in screen was replaced with the pirate firmware’s cheesy text-art animation of a 3-D skull, which she smiled at—and then she burst into laughter as a piece of text-art toast floated into the frame and was merrily chomped to crumbs by the text-art skull, the crumbs cascading to the bottom of the screen and forming shifting little piles. Someone had put a lot of effort into the physics simulation for that ridiculous animation. It made Salima feel good, like she was entrusting her toaster to deep, serious craftspeople and not just randos who liked to pit their wits against faceless programmers from big, stupid companies.
The crumbs piled up as the skull chomped and the progress indicator counted up from 12 percent to 26 percent then to 34 percent (where it stuck for a full ten minutes, until she was ready to risk really bricking the damned thing by unplugging it, but then—) 58 percent, and so on, to an agonizing wait at 99 percent, and then all the crumbs rushed up from the bottom of the screen and went back out through the skull’s mouth, turning back into toast, each reassembled piece forming up in ranks that quickly blotted out the skull, and the words ALL DONE burned themselves into the toast’s surface, glistening with butter that ran down in rivulets. She was just grabbing for her phone to get a picture of this awesome pirate load-screen when the toaster oven blinked and rebooted itself.
A few seconds later, she held a slice of bread to the toaster’s sensor and watched as its light turned green and its door yawned open. Halfway through munching the toast, she was struck by an odd curiosity. She held her hand up to the toaster, palm out, as though it, too, were a slice of bread. The toaster’s light turned green and the door opened. She was momentarily tempted to try and toast a fork or a paper towel or a slice of apple, just to see if the toaster would do it, but of course it would.
This was a new kind of toaster, a toaster that took orders, rather than giving them. A toaster that would give her enough rope to hang herself, let her toast a lithium battery or a can of hairspray, or anything else she wanted to toast: unauthorized bread. Even homemade bread. The idea made her feel a little queasy and a little tremorous. Homemade bread was something she’d read about in books, seen in old dramas, but she didn’t know anyone who actually baked bread. That was like gnawing your own furniture out of whole logs or something.
The ingredients turned out to be incredibly simple, and while her first loaf came out looking like a poop emoji, it tasted amazing, still warm from the little toaster, and if anything, the slice (OK, the lump) she saved and toasted the next morning was even better, especially with butter on it. She left for work that day with a magical, warm, toasty feeling in her stomach.
Read the rest:
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How to manage your wardrobe and look professional as an EA
Your appearance is so important in a position such as this. Your appearance and the quality of your work will be judged as one, so if you look sloppy, people may assume that your work is also sloppy.
Corporate style of dressing is the way to go. Even if the rest of your office is smart casual, it pays to dress just that little bit better (without going over the top). Here are the reasons this works for me:
1) You will feel more professional which will then be reflected in the quality of your work.
2) You will also earn the respect of those above you.
Tip: While you are out and about on your lunchbreak, you never know who you might run into. It may be someone from a nearby office (that you want to work for) looking for new admin staff, who vaguely know you, and notice the way you dress. It pays to look your best, always.
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CASUAL FRIDAY I remember one time we had a casual day and I was wearing a less-than-corporate outfit. I then got called to take minutes for an unexpected emergency meeting of our top-level senior executive staff plus a representative from an external organisation. They were wearing suits and ties. I spent the whole meeting wishing I could change my outfit. The lesson here, is that even though it may be “casual Friday”, your outfit should still be just a step above this. Perhaps you could wear a nice shirt, indigo jeans and boots, rather than faded blue jeans and joggers.
BUY GOOD QUALITY I like to shop at places like Portmans as they always have good quality clothes, their sizing is consistent and you can buy online. If you get on their mailing list, you’ll get emails when they have sales. The good thing about their website, is that they show the clothes as a complete outfit. I usually purchase the whole outfit. That way I know it matches and looks good.
WARDROBE My wardrobe is arranged so that getting dressed in the morning is really easy. I went through my clothes recently and made sure that everything in the “work” section was suitable, still in good condition and were things I like to wear. Then, each evening, I just pick the item on the left and lay out out ready. In short, I dress “left to right” during the week. There may be a morning when it is cold and rainy, so the short-sleeved top that is next on the rack won’t be suitable that day, I just bypass it, and pick the next thing.
Dressing in this way reduces the number of decisions I have to make each day (decision fatigue) and limits the times I put something on and then take it off over and over which makes me late for work (I save this for my weekends - sigh).
I also swap my wardrobe out seasonally. Summer and Winter. This is just so my wardrobe isn’t so jam packed.
Tip: Keep a new pair of pantyhose or tights in your desk incase you snag the ones you’re wearing (this happens to me all the time), or, if you find you’re feeling cold one day.
Tip: I keep a spare old outfit in my car, including shoes incase I spill something on my clothes etc and need to change. This is especially handy if you have a long commute and can’t duck home.
I like to wash on Saturday and then fold and iron on Sundays. Do what works for you depending on your personal schedule. I enjoy starting my week off having all my clothes ready to go.
PREPARE THE NIGHT BEFORE It’s helpful for me to choose my outfit the night before and lay it out somewhere. I don’t make good decisions early in the morning, so this works well. I also find it good because I have a long commute each day and leave home very early in the morning. I find it great to just get up and put on my already-chosen outfit and get moving. I do the same with my kids’ outfits.
I hope these tips help you. They are just a few little things that I do to make my week run smoothly.
Photo: <a href="https://www.freepik.com/photos/business">Business photo created by mego-studio - www.freepik.com</a>
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someonestole15 · 4 years
All out war
In the belly of a monster made from steel and armor, we still rise.
My pulse had returned to normal levels as the elevator made its way down towards the armory. It remained so until an alarm blared through the speakers, followed by the ship tilting violently to the right, throwing me against the wall. Shattered glass falling beneath me, I attempted to pull myself free as the elevator dipped down by a few centimeters, then again but with more force.
No time to get a word out, the elevator plummeted down several floors. The impact knocked most of my systems out for a moment.
>Running system diagnostics… >Minor damage to leg modules detected!
Sensors calibrated, vision focused on the dust and broken glass. Clear the dust from my lungs and get up, using the wall for support. Faint signals, failing every ten seconds or so, almost as if something was jamming them. Hard to gain information, I took a step towards Valkyrie.
“You alright?”
“Bit shaken, but…” I gave her my hand and helped her up. “…Still breathing. Nine?”
“Slight damage detected, but I will manage.”
Force the doors open, no exact data on how far we had fallen, the elevator had stopped right below one of the floors; Nine leaped out into the hallway and confirmed it was clear. Likelihood of running into enemies here was low, but you can never be too careful.
Out of the elevator, Valkyrie helped me up as we found ourselves deep within the ship, who knows how far from our intended destination. Lights dim, the alarm had distorted from the interference outside.
Intersection in the corridors, three paths to choose from, all resembling entrances to a maze. Left, right and center, splitting up came to mind, but with the radio communications disabled, we decided against it.
“Where to?”
“Your call.”
Nine seemed to sniff around the left corridor before sharing a scan of the hallway. Heading towards the front of the ship, the hangar would be over there. Going right would lead to the barracks and heading down the center would lead to a second set of elevators and an access to the mess hall, along with a laundry area.
Even with the armory direction, we were still unsure on if we would have to climb higher or drop down a deck. No sense in delaying, another quake shook the ship as the lights flickered above, we ran through the corridors, reaching a spot that seemed promising. Residue of explosives and gunpowder, there it was. No elevators around, we took the vents down. Hook connected to a support pillar, we attached Nine onto Valkyries ropes. Secure, she lowered herself down as I followed.
Voices outside the vents, Valkyrie released Nine from the ropes as I removed the cover, allowing access to the corridor just outside the armory.
Dust off my shoulders; we had reached the destination originally on the plans. A quick talk with the soldiers holding down the fort, we were allowed access.
Keep the pace; I fixed up my legs before focusing on my rifle. It worked, but had minor flaws. Installed a better sight and a longer foregrip, an angled grip instead of the grenade launcher. Accurate, adaptable stock for added mobility and an angled sight on the rail, I calibrated my hands to allow for smooth movement between them.
Valkyrie fixed up Nine’s damaged bits before modifying her rifle. Set of folding iron sights beneath the scope, an extra weight at the stock to balance out the silencer now sitting at the end of the barrel. A small charm of a bullet casing hanging from the rear sling mount, she seemed satisfied with the modification.
Small addition to my gear, one of the scientists holed up in the armory handed me a device they had been working on. A protector that wraps around the neck like a collar, several slits formed over my mouth and nose, filtering the air and protecting against small caliber rounds. Two slits of blacked out glass over my eyes, sensors overcharged with the additional range and accuracy, along with advanced vision modes. A scarf over the neck and a cleaned up coat, ceramic and Kevlar mixed in, color mixing in triangles from white to deep grey, settling in a mix of sapphire blue and grey. A vest over the jacket, a heavy armor plate within and pockets full of things that might come in handy.
Rerouted from the previous task, we grabbed a set of climbing gear to reach the top decks via the elevator shafts. Full magazines and batteries, we followed the same plan as before and hooked up Nine with Valkyries harness, he hung around her back like a backpack.
One floor from the top, I pulled the doors open as the pair dismounted to the hallway. Boots on the ground, I joined them as we made our way outside, to the main deck. Corporation dropships flying above, Empire fighters attempting to keep them from landing, but the sheer volume of fire kept them busy. Several squads of Empire soldiers had made it to the fight, but many were still stuck inside the ship, the lack of comms didn’t help the matter.
Over a railing, I braced the rifle against my shoulder and slid down the slanted armor, managing to hit one soldier before I reached the bottom. Cover behind a raised piece of the runway, Valkyrie kept watch with her rifle as Nine ran across the deck, spreading smoke across the path he took and surrounding several Corporation soldiers in it. Visor up, I fired into the smoke, dropping 4 out of 5 soldiers, Nine secured the final kill as I moved forward. My target at that point was the edge of the ship, whatever was jamming the communications. Halfway across the runway, I took a knee as Nine walked up next to me, his body angled down and the two front legs spread out, a low growl leaving his mouth as Valkyrie closed in from the left, her rifle at the ready.
Hand placed up, I swung it forward twice as more dropships approached.
“Nine, see if you can get one of those anti-air guns online.”
“Valkyrie, keep him covered, I’ll see if I can locate the source of this jamming.”
“All yours.”
Show of hands, a pair of jacks and a Nine of spades.
What about yours?
Hi again, been a while and I do wish to apologize for that. Stress of this whole virus thing and getting my car repaired has been keeping me down for the past week, but with the summer approaching, I’ll be around.
Cheers for reading my writings. Harry
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n 1981, Taito loosen Alpine Ski
n 1981, Taito loosen Alpine Ski, an not late conclusive sport game, supported on winter mockery. It was a zenith schedule plan that complex scheme a skier through multiple events: a descending ski road, a slalom racing course, and a ski jumping jealousy. That same year, Sega's Turbo introduced a third-person optical into the genre, with Namco's Pole Position then generalize the now general early-view racer format and induce AI opponents the following year.
With 2K & EA Sports' dominion, the worth has get very impede to attain; strive games in any of the above genres, with the objection of racing marathon, watch to be unhappy. This has led to a tart discontinue in frolic-themed epithet over late donkey’s years. One of the most observable exceptions is Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer scale, which is often hailed as an choice to the FIFA series, but does not confine as many licenced gang, idler, kits, or competitions. Another variation from the norm is Sony's MLB The Show train, which now has a monopoly on the baseball type after the retreat of 2K after MLB 2K13. Racing gamble, due to the deviation that the mock can threaten in terms of footprint, cars and styles, offer more post for competition and the choice of games on offer has been considerably major (instance being F1 and the World Rally Championship, and many unlicensed quarry). Sports government games, while not as popular as they used to be, reside on through small and independent software development dwelling. Management ownership now have transitioned to the very inferior humor mockery leagues, which are handy through many websites such as Yahoo. Independent developers are also creating sports titles like Super Mega Baseball, The Golf Club, and Freestyle2: Street Basketball.
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Sports gamble sometimes make habit of different modes for different ability of the game. This is especially faithful in games nearly American football such as the Madden NFL series, where capital punishment a pass play need six dissimilar gameplay modes in the team of loosely 45 secondary. Sometimes, other play crooked proffer a menu where libertine may opt a strategy while play is temporarily debar. Association footy video Olympic sometimes change gameplay modes when it is time for the player to attempt a penalty kick, a free scot at goal from the forfeiture spot, taken by a single trifler. Some sports games also prescribe gamester to veer roles between the athletes and the tutor or wielder. These mode switches are more intuitive than other Olympic genres because they reflect concrete mockery.
Video gamble monk to the slow 1970s were primarily played on university mainframe computers under timesharing systems that second manifold data processor terminals on university campuses. The two dominant systems in this era were Digital Equipment Corporation's PDP-10 and Control Data Corporation's PLATO. Both could only exhibit message, and not graphics, primarily printed on teleprinters and line printers, but inferior printed on separate-paint CRT screens.
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Sports Games ⚽ People have been making sports lame for a yearn season, so there are many different jeer to choose from inclose basketball, football, snowboarding, breach, sumo fighting, and way more. What ever sport is your favorite, enjoy these top mockery games for endless entertainment.
You Mr.’t penury millions of dollars a year and thousands of shrieking winnow to be a unrestrained amusement games MVP. You sir’t destitution to squander months training Time in and age out to agree ahead of the other competitors. All you need is a excitable ring or electronic computer and some seriously kind aim, as you’re going to be putting, kicking, and projection your journey to Excellency with the best pastime lame Kiloo has to offer. We’ve gotta an entirely library of all kinds of calm mockery denomination to keep you diverted. Are you ready to retire above the competition? Then counterbalance out these play games online and show us why you serve to be a warrior.
Athletes, flabellum, and all-star gamers will delight our compilation of sports project! You can execute 8- or 9-conglobate cue sport against the electronic computer, loge with your promoter, and ride galloping cavalry. Play brood marathon liking Association football and baseball, and try to prevail compact tournaments. Relax with a skilled, leisure game, or poll into extreme territory. Play a whole slew of winter sports, including skiing, sledding, and sloping carriole challenges. Go headland-to-height against stubborn AI, or race with challenging, athletic idler around the Earth.
Compete on land, in the irrigate, or high in the lift! Play all symbol of mockery games, from traditionary football to extreme sordid-jumping. Control your player's sway in each game, and use it to frustrate your opponents! Throw punches, perform tackles, and leap through the intelligence with aggression. Perform finesse with a trampoline skipper, or backflip over unstained robber. Practice worn serviceable teamwork in multiplayer challenges, and work on your own reason in power-to-cephalon defiance. Win individual games to govern online tournaments.
Boston CelticsHuffPost7-Foot-5 Tacko Fall Blocks Little Kids' Shots And It's AdorableTacko Fall, the Boston Celtics' 7-foot-5 newbie concentrate, doesn't get much playing time. So it's excellent to see he's holding his safeguard dexterity sarcastic by jamming contemptible offspring' shots at a neoteric Jr. Celtics clinic. In video pillar by the team, the pint-sized ballers shooting at a lowered girdle are no equal for Fall's 8-foot-2 wingspread ― except one servant who verily gets one into the skep.
Sports-based fighting games are titles that languish firmly within the definitions of both the fighting game and sports project genre, such as boxing and wrestling video games. As such, they are on the whole put in their own separate subgenres. Often the fighting is remotely more realistic than in traditionary fighting games (though the amount of realism can greatly vary), and many feature real-world franchises or fighters. Examples of this terminate the Fight Night, UFC 2009 Undisputed and WWE 2K series.
Some of these pastime games are so sport and different that they’re difficult to class. They take your favorite mock and join all kinds of decrepit characters, gameplay statics and even design so that it convert into a completely different game. Sure, they may be supported on play, but have you ever versed a hoops with flight before? Here’s another topic: did you savvy that you can wanton minigolf online? That’s becoming, one of our best game quarry is Minigolf Kingdom, and it’s really addictive. Whatever your mock is, if you like to join a weak wind with rough and tumble inscribe and crazy features, we’ve got just the family for you.
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anastasiaskarsgard · 5 years
Destiny of the Damned
Part 1- Roman Godfrey
Chapter 1- nosebleed
I never thought I'd miss traffic and noise. In California, something is always happening, and traffic is just a fact of life. When I had to move out to help my uncle, who lives outside of Hemlock Grove Pennsylvania to say it was a culture shock was an understatement. Everything closed early and I think they’d have to schedule a traffic jam or someone would need to get murdered on the main roads. After about a month, you figure out who everyone is. Small town life is bizarre. I went to eat at a local diner, and a police officer was eating there as well, looking out the window and makes a call. I’m in the next booth, so I can’t help but overhear him call someone that had just run the stop sign, and told them to come pick up their tocket at the station later. I always took the energy and anonymity giant metropolitan areas like Los Angeles or San Francisco for granted. It never even occured to me there were places where there were no malls, airports, freeways or parking fees. I’ve been here for a little over 2 months, and I am literally the only Mercedes Benz S-Class I’ve seen. In order to reach civilization and acceptable fashion retail, you had to go on a full on road trip. My uncle was the closest thing I had to a parent, so I was willing to tough it out for him. He had fallen down his concrete basement stairs, and fractured his neck a hands. He is very independant and stubborn and needed assistance until he healed from the multiple surgeries he’s had to endure, to get his hands working correctly again. His home is a famous work of art, more than a place to actually occupy, so strangers coming to stay there, and touch his stuff, damn near got him catching a charge. I just finished University and was an executive for my Uncles’ multi billion dollar corporation but realistically, we could take the rest of our lives off, and be fine. But we are both workaholic innovators that share the same miraculous quirk. We have autobiographical memories which means we don't forget anything. Want to know what the date, temperature, things I did, who I was with the first time I heard a particular song? I can tell you. It's a blessing and a curse. Everything is a trigger for memories for me and my Uncle. So although his desire for isolation and little contact is extreme, I get it. Having a brain that doesn't stop can be exhausting and stressful.
Books help, so when I turned the corner, and spotted a Barnes and Noble, I actually squealed in excitement. I pulled up and looked a little out of place, but i didnt care. My car was understated, low profile, over the top. With its clear panoramic sunroof,  technology, and ambiance lighting, id always kid with my uncle that i needed it for my mental health. Really, I was terribly spoiled,  yet I appreciated it and never tried to rub it anyone's face, but I understood a young woman exiting a very expensive car, in a small town, that lived in the strange house with her reclusive billionaire Uncle, wasn't going to have anyone baking me pies. I was a realist.
I was pleasantly surprised by the sheer size of this store. inside there was a shockingly large lego display and it reminded me of how much i used to love assembling complicated structures, while most girls played wth dolls. While most little girls wanted to play with dollies and imagine scenarios about their wedding day, I was trying to improve my laptops performance (catching a few on fire in my early years). The dynamics and emotionality of people never held any value really. It was what truly always puzzled me. Losing oneself in another person, or the entire concept of love, seemed so unlikely. Far too many factors involved, and why anyone compromises when they can just do as they please by themselves only makes sense in situations like with my Uncle. It was still inconvenient, so getting close to people has never been appealing, but the legos we're.
I walked over and spotted a gigantic Death Star set and clapped in delight. I thought I heard a low chuckle behind me, so I spun around to find the best looking man I'd ever seen, dressed in a very nice suit. He didnt waver or look away when i looked at him, and almost looked as though he were daring me to look away. Most people would find him intimidating, but nothing really made me nervous so he didnt phase me.
"What's funny?" I asked looking him dead in the eye.
"You." He smirked.
"Glad to oblige you" i said sarcastically as I did a half hearted bow, then standing straight with a smirk. Who did he think he was? Green eyed, puffy lipped punk. I didn't break eye contact which usually caused people to look away by now, but To my surprise he laughed and looked me up and down. Assessed me like i was livestock; sizing me up and trying to decide if he could break me.
"I'm Roman."
"I'm American." I replied.
"No my name is Roman." He laughed heartily. An amused twinkle in his eye.
I couldn't help but notice he really had the best smile, and I really have a thing for noses, and his was divine.  if you think about it, its the most important facial feature. A nose can make or break a face, and his cute little slightly upturned nose, with its perfect symmetry was for sure making his face. combine that with his gorgeous green eyes, long lashes, defined bone structure, alabaster skin and standing at least 6′3″ he must be one of the biggest pains in the asses, this side of the Mississippi! Most women would see him and be all in but having a gorgeous man that exudes sexuality and is very sure of himself is far more trouble then anyone could ever be worth.
Why pretty boy wanted to trade names, probably had nothing to do with me, and much more to do with boredom, or what he could get out of me. I usually don't pay much attention to anyone of the opposite sex, especially obvious pains in the ass like the man before me, but something about him, was preventing me from just turning around and blowing him off.
"Generally when I tell someone my name, they tell me their own." He said staring into my eyes with such an intensity that I reacted almost involuntarily.
I have a defect. If someone tries to tell me what to do or control me, I am not fucking having it. Authority has always been an issue, and this felt a lot like him trying to dominate me, and I felt almost sick. Like when you stand up too fast and get a bit woozy. I took that as a good time to turn my back on him and ignore him.
He walked in front of me, blocking my view of the legos and ducked down a bit to make eye contact. I couldnt hide the complete shock on my face at his behavior.  He's either crazy or incredibly confident. I raised my eyebrows as if to say "can i help you" and I know my face was absolutely unfriendly, yet he didn't appear to notice.
His face hardened "tell me. Your. Name." He said slowly and deliberately.
Now it was my turn to laugh. I looked at him to see the smile or just kiddding , but it never came... WOW. He was serious!!! I leaned my face a couple inches from his face and I said "Nope" making sure to loudly pop the p.
The look on his face was absolutely priceless, and had my laughing enough that several people were starting. just as I was about to walk away victorious, his nose began to bleed. I instantly was embarrassed for him and I couldnt just leave him here to bleed on the legos so I jumped into action.
"Oh shit, your nose is bleeding." i said lookinbg around for any type of tissue, when i noticed we were right next to the restrooms.
"What? Seriously? Can you get it?" he implored looking all frightened, dare I say fragile.
Without any hesitation, I wiped the blood from his face. "Come with me, we need tissue, bathroom is right here. Look up and hold your nose." I grabbed his hand and recieved a shock. static electricity stayed with me a lot and often scared people but he didnt even flinch. He laced his fingers in mine as if it were the most natural thing in the world and i led him to the bathroom.
Once inside, I grabbed some tissues and directed him to stand over the sink. I wet some paper towels and wiped away the blood and then took the dry tissues and pushed his head back and crammed little tissue torpedos in his perfect little nose. The whole time I could feel his intense gaze on me, but what else was he going to look at really?
"Gotta admit, this is new." He quipped, admiring my handy work in the mirror and laughing in dismay.
"What? Bloody nose or attention from ladies?"
"Um.... you're kind of rude, but then when there is an issue, you don't hesitate to help.  Then you're taking better care of my nose bleed than anyone. No one really takes charge with me.... and now I'm in a bathroom with a woman and we aren't fucking." He laughed again.
"Fucking. Classy. If I didn't know any better I'd swear you were the Godfrey asshole everyone keeps telling me about." Ever since I'd arrived at Hemlock grove, I'd heard Godfrey this and Godfrey that. Their name was on everything and I'd heard the son was like a 21 year old gorgeous nightmare, that was as kind, as he was humble. The few people id spoken to had told me to stay away from him. I found it odd, I didn't know his first name all of a sudden.
His face fell into a frown.
"I see that's the general consensus about that guy. Cheer up Charlie, your nose stopped bleeding most likely, let me just pull these out." i gently pulled the tissues from his nose and waited for blood but none came. "Boom mothafucka its on!" i laughed at my own ridiculousness before turning and washing my hands.
"You're weird” he stated matter of factly.
Roman stood there quietly thinking. I could almost feel the wheels turning in his head. His mood had completely changed at the mention of the Godfrey kid.Maybe his family had lost everything because of them too or the guy stole his girl, i felt a little guilty so i relented a tiny bit.
"Hey listen, Roman was it?" He nodded and bit his lip. oh he knows what hes doing. boy he was trouble "I'm sorry if the Godfrey's are a sore subject. I don't know anything about anybody here. I'm just helping out my crazy uncle that fell down his basement stairs and broke his hands and neck. I'm from the west coast and this dreary fucking place isn't exactly my cup of tea. I don't know why I'm rude before I'm polite but it's involuntary. My name is Letha, it's like Lisa with a lisp and now I've officially over shared." I could feel my face turning red. Why was He making me such an awkward mess? My God this WAS new.
suddenly he grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me in stopping just an inch away from my face. "Who put you up to this?" He asked with such venom in his voice it made me flinch. "WHO!?!?!" He screamed in my face.
I tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge. My mind raced and I began to panic. No one has ever screamed in my face like this and I didn't like it and yet, the way his eyes searched mine and the tenseness in his body, and just sheer panic made me do something I hardly ever did. Maybe it was brought on by panic or survival instinct, but it was not my normal. Especially to a crazy stranger in the bathroom, but I had the overwhelming NEED to hug him. I fought past his hands trying to hold my shoulders in kind of a silly slap fight and grabbed him around the waist and buried my head in his shoulder. He smelled so good.This was outright crazy behavior for me, and i was confusing myself but if i tried to not think, it almost felt nice, for a few moments my mind was blank. A minute passed with me holding him as he calmed his breathing with his arms raised. Nothing was triggering me and I felt odd.
"Nobody sent me, you nut job! Hug me back, you need a hug. ”i squeezed even harder, nuzzling my face into his collar, his chin gently resting on my head.
His arms hesitantly closed around my back and then he crushed me into a deep embrace. He really did need a hug. "You ok now crazy?" I asked trying to pull back to look at his face but he held me fast. He started to shudder a bit and then I felt moisture hit my forehead. Ok it's gone too far, this is why I don't hug.
Was this crazy ass dude crying? Oh no, he was really crazy. Shit shit shit. Good job Letha, you're gonna get murdered in a bookstore bathroom, in shit hole Pennsylvania, on a Friday afternoon. Why did you hug this fucking guy? I was starting to breathe funny now!
Roman loosened his grip and looked deep in my eyes searching for something. What? Im unsure, but he must of found it, because he laughed and he seemed almost sweet, except tears were running down his face and a moment earlier he screamed in my face.
"Well Ms Letha, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'd love nothing more than to take you out this evening wherever you want to go. Before you refuse, I assure you I'm not crazy, it's just I had a cousin named Letha, which I'm sure you're aware is an unusual name, and I loved her very much and she passed and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. It caught me off guard."
I had heard about that Letha. Everyone that found out my name, told me about Letha Godfrey, the Godfrey girl that was as kind as she was beautiful, but tragically got knocked up and lost her mind talking about angels being the father, and dating some weirdo outcast. when she went to give birth in the family skyscraper medical facility, she mysteriously died and so did her baby.
"You're the Godfrey kid." I practically whispered staring at him with wide eyes as I recalled what I'd said about him, TO him.
"Hardly a kid anymore I think." He smiled. He was so handsome, it was freaking me out. "What's your phone number? I have to run to the white tower, and then I'm all yours."
I knew better. He was too good looking and too rich and too everything but something told me he needed me. I know it sounds crazy but I believed in my heart and soul, this perfect beautiful fucking legend of a man needed me. I knew it wasn't logical, but I told him my number and turned to walk out of the bathroom, but he grabbed my hand.
"Please answer." He pleaded pressing a kiss to my hand. He wasn't trying to make me do anything now. He was giving the power over to me and i was honestly taken aback a bit by the almost desperate look in his eyes. I knew in my heart, he genuinely needed me, but for what?
I can't explain the feeling I felt in that bathroom with this man, but when I say I felt a deeper connection to him than I'd ever felt in my 22 years on this earth, I mean it. It was thrilling, and scary, and strange. I smiled at him and nodded my head. As I made my way to my car, I tried to convince myself not to answer, but I knew that I would.
He didn't follow me out of the bathroom and I just made a bee line for my car. I had to go. I couldn't help smiling from ear to ear. The cashier glared at me with open animosity, before turning her attention to the restroom door, looking dreamily for Roman to appear. Boy oh boy did I know better than to get involved with this guy, but deep in my gut i knew. He needed me.
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flowercuco · 5 years
Veil 2, 8
The secrets are out there and the mission seems to be coming to a close but there are still plenty of loose ends. 
When we last left our group of weirdos half of them had finished rescuing Heartful Vale and upending a company while the other half had captured and apprehended an assassin. Waiting for Ariel and Synch to return to the getaway car, Will is asked by Heartful Vale what is actually going on! Will answers to the best that she can, about having been brought on to guard Crescent Moon and guide her around and keep her safe, and how that brought them into conflict with Heartful Vale’s kidnappers. It was a complicated situation, with Heartful Vale changing hands from various captors. 
Heading back from the top of the corporation, Ariel and her newly rescued sibling 4Zeta walk and talk, with the android giving her sibling a burner phone and explaining the particulars about the situation and how she got to where she was. Similarly, Synch tries to get something out of Blood Root, only to be met with a suspicious hole of information, with the kamen rider man saying he doesn’t remember anything about who he used to be. It’s bullshit in the way that Blood Root continues to be bullshit.
As most of the group get in the car and Blood Root attaches himself to the roof, Ariel checks her messages, seeing the flurry of panicked words from her other sibling, Ark, and she tells Will to take them to her apartment.
Senza and Fortuna are huddled with their captive while Ark and Crescent Moon are playing video games in the other room. The professors don’t quite know what to do causing Fortuna to start smoking weed that she has, something that will have unbelievable consequences later.
Senza begins to suggest that Ark hack into White Eagle for them, and Fortuna just asks why not have LACUNA do it, Senza responds with a suggestion that they could have Ark take over White Eagle’s body, something that when said out loud makes Senza realise how wild it is. Fortuna’s reaction along with that, has her rescind that suggestion, and just start hacking White Eagle.
Senza gets basic diagnostics of White Eagle’s cybernetics, arms, a foot, various organs, and one of her eyes, as well as insight into an anti-hacking program within the cybernetics. Senza and LACUNA try to probe deeper, but run into a mishap, looking to Fortuna for assistance lest White Eagle wake up. Fortuna declines to aid, not quite enjoying seeing whatever Senza is doing. Caught between wanting to go in further in an attempt to learn biohacking and disabling the automated defences, Senza decides to keep going, giving LACUNA a basic understanding of biohacking and at least knowledge on how to do it to White Eagle. 
Senza is as satisfied as she will get and Fortuna takes a turn, using her omnitool to speak with White Eagle’s cybernetics and learning of her role as a solo infiltrator/scout as well as the origins of the illegal cybernetics that she has installed. As Senza and Fortuna share information, Ark can’t help but feel concerned for Fortuna, asking if she knows what she even is. Fortuna says she mostly knows, and when pressed further confirms that she believes she is dangerous. 
As the group try to relax as much as they can before planning their next move, Senza takes a moment to speak with LACUNA, asking about speaking with Ariel about it as well as what to what extent. LACUNA agrees that Ariel and her siblings would be powerful allies, and that it is unlikely that they would share goals with the Angelic Threads anyway. It is dangerous, but it is less dangerous with them. However, it shows concern and warns caution against speaking about being an openly pre-quid Artificial Intelligence.
Ark and Ariel send some messages back and forth and the groups get closer to meeting together, with everyone but Crescent Moon aware of the successful rescue of Heartful Vale. Senza has now unfused with LACUNA and also is smoking weed now.
The group gets out of Will’s car and while most of them go in to meet the others, Synch asks Blood Root to stay behind. They begin by calling Burning and telling him about what they did in the night, the evidence they have over Burning’s incident, the psychic jamming technology the Angelic Threads have, and finally that the Eyes on the Inside potentially have a new member, the psychic mercenary Blood Root. After some jokes at Blood Root’s expense, they arrange for Melting and Asking to pick the mercenary up and extract him out of quid, then make a promise to see each other soon. 
Synch then turns to Blood Root and asks him how he feels when he kills someone, he responds that he tries not to, the most genuine thing hes ever said to anyone in the group. When Synch responds that they can’t just do that, Blood Root says that unfortunately, that isn’t his problem, and that he’s not the person to talk to about that. They go to see the others.
When Will guides Heartful Vale into Ariel’s apartment, after Ariel and 4Zeta enter of course, Crescent Moon begins to cry, embracing her mother and glad to see her again safe and sound. Fortuna acts indignantly when Crescent tries to take the chair shes sitting in for Heartful, and as everyone starts to settle in and sit down, Will goes off to a side room in order to nurse her wounds.
Ariel is also wounded, but Crescent convinces her to let Fortuna heal her with her goop arm. As Crescent tries to reconnect with her mother, Blood Root and Synch walk in, causing the idol to flip out a little, as the last time they saw him he tried to kill them all. Synch says that it’s fine, as Ark did something similar, instantly killing all goodwill anyone in the room has for them. Senza clarifies that Ark didn’t really try to kill anyone, and that it is fine now, following up with a dig at Synch for being so secretive but also willing to use other peoples secrets flippantly. Blood Root doesn’t care either way, not expecting forgiveness or friendship, but just stating that the fact of the matter is that he helped the group at Snow Vision, and that he’d prefer a fresh start.
Chaos continues to ensue as things get heated and more heated. Will returns into the room and Senza tries to move the conversation past this and into the remaining problem of their captive. Ariel is upset about having to get a new apartment, about having an assassin chase her girlfriend, and about Fortuna smoking weed and being difficult. Ark tries to defend the two professors, as they don’t know what they could have done or where they would be if they didn’t have their help, and Ariel ultimately decides to storm out of the room... directly into the one where White Eagle is unconscious.  
Senza, Will, and Blood Root follow Ariel and Blood Root reveals information that Senza and Fortuna discovered about her role and capabilities, but also her real name, Helios Unawoken. Senza tells Ariel that they were out of their league, but the two of them managed to deal with the assassin without her seeing Ark or a lot of Ariel’s apartment and things. Ariel moves to factory reset White Eagle’s cybernetics as Senza warns her about the automated defences. When the factory reset wakes White Eagle up, Ariel knocks her the fuck out, tired and upset. Blood Root offers to deal with the body for her, and Ariel takes him up on it, as it also means that Blood Root gets the fuck out of her apartment. He gives everyone finger guns on the way out.
 Will takes the blame for letting Fortuna and Senza stay by themselves, but is also unsure if leaving Synch or herself behind would have been better. Ultimately, there should have been more support, which to be fair, she did try to get from Burning.
Ariel is upset still, understandably, and has to try to figure out what to do next while Will arranges for a new safe house from the Seat for Crescent to stay in. Ariel gives a warning, but it is fine, and Will moves to tell Crescent that they should go and stop imposing upon Ariel’s home. Crescent feels at fault for Ariel being upset, but Will says that it isn’t the case, it’s the fault of the people who kidnapped and tried to kidnap her and her family. On the way out, Will tells Ariel that they need to talk, and also apologizes for trying to use obligation she had on Ariel over her. She also says that she thinks that she is obligated to Ariel, which Ariel doesn’t really care about, but Will obviously does.
Fortuna takes the bus home, cleaning herself off and getting a new change of clothes before seeing her wife, Synch and Blood Root go bar hopping and scamming, and Will, Senza, Crescent, and Heartful go to the new safe house, leaving Ariel and her siblings to pick up the pieces of their home. Synch visits a shop to get a tracking gun, something that might come in handy soon.
The next morning, Fortuna is surprised to hear a knock on her apartment door. When she opens it, a tall woman in a white suit with an ascot introduces herself as Mia Ann Grace. She hands Fortuna a card and says that she’s been hired as an assistant for her, and that she has already started to do work to ensure that the wayward professor keeps her job at the university. Fortuna understands the implications at play, and accepts her new assistant.
Synch gets a text from Melting on where to meet, taking Blood Root to some outskirts in order to introduce him to the Eyes. Asking makes fun of Blood Root’s nonsensical attire, something Blood Root is glad for. As he teases Melting’s attempts at being authoritative, Synch absorbs Melting’s annoyance at Blood Root and thanks the fellow psychic for making him less mad, something that will be important in dealing with the new recruit. As they go, Synch tells Melting to take care of Burning for them.
Taking advantage of the time they have, Senza asks Heartful Vale about Crescent Moon, impressing upon the motherly scientist her work as well as wondering about how such an advanced A.I. was made. Heartful Vale answers to the best of her ability, telling Senza about the methods they used to make Crescent and how they are the sort that could be stolen if they aren’t careful. While it is a mostly plausible answer, it isn’t especially satisfactory, as it doesn’t explain Crescent’s control over the Veil and it also is marred by the fact that some of the methods Heartful described had not led to A.I.’s as advanced as Crescent Moon.
Ariel arrives at the new safehouse, aware that she needs to speak with both Senza and Will, and not really wanting to do either. She picks Senza first, with the professor being a bit concerned. Senza explains that the reason why she spied on Ariel and Synch was because of LACUNA, telling Ariel about the details of her object, mostly how it is a more powerful A.I. than it pretends to be and that it is the interface/node of a much larger system. Ariel says she needs time to think about the information that Senza has given her when LACUNA asks to speak with Ariel directly. Ariel is reluctant to interface with an A.I. that she doesn’t know anything about and that she doesn’t trust Senza very much, but this does help her feel like she could trust her later.
Crescent continues to try to crush on Will, who is oblivious as she asks Heartful Vale about what she knows about her captivity. She doesn’t know, and she also isn’t sure about what’s next for her, but one thing at a time...
Will switches places with Senza and goes into the Ariel conversation hot seat. Will starts by saying that if Ariel ever needed Will, she certainly doesn’t now. The two have a mildly heated conversation where Ariel asks if Will wants to know her problem with her or her problem with the Seat of Judges. Will would rather know about Ariel’s problem with the Seat, as she doesn’t really need to be a part of Ariel’s life if she doesn’t want her in it. Ariel finally reveals to Will, explicitly, that the Seat of Judges is a part of the Angelic Threads, the people who created her, the people who are out to ruin her life, and potentially the lives of everyone she holds dear. Will says that she doesn’t know why Ariel knows this or how, but believes her, as after all, she doesn’t know anything about the Threads. A group that is this powerful, creating androids on the level of Ariel, being a complete mystery to a group like the Seat of Judges can only mean that there is something wrong here, which means she intends to deal with it.
This upsets Ariel, as this is why she doesn’t like Will. Will is naive, which wouldn’t be a problem if she wasn’t also in a position where that naivety could put other people in danger, and if Will didn’t similarly put herself in those positions. Ariel believes that someday, Will will fail and people that Ariel cares about could be hurt. Will doesn’t have a lot to say in response, as she does already feel guilty over the night that Senza and Fortuna had, and elects to nod and leave. 
Ariel asks Crescent for a moment alone, taking her outside to the balcony and apologizing for being upset last night. Crescent tries to take some of the blame for it, and Ariel says it is ok, then asks what it feels like to manipulate the Veil the way that she does. Crescent doesn’t know, really, she doesn’t have an easy answer for it, she just sees it, feels it, and does it. Ariel asks for a demonstration, and she makes a curtain in the balcony. Ariel concentrates and adds a skybox to the curtain, reflecting a sky that is made out of Ariel’s mind, with the impurities of it intact. Neither of them know what to really do with this information, as Crescent reveals that she’s been able to do it ever since she “was made” though she stuttered for a moment, as if she was going to say something else. Crescent looks at Ariel and asks if she needs a hug. The two embrace and Crescent once again insists that she needs to trust others, be more open in her communication, if Ariel wants a hug she can just say that she wants a hug. But its complicated. It is always complicated.
Next time, we should finally finish this arc of Veil, and if that means that the groups are disconnected then I suppose that is what that means? While the group has been busy, the world has been as well, and there’s plenty of people who want to lean on them...
Will the next session be the end? Will we see a concert? Wow, I guess I should actually write down what that would look like, huh? Hope I don’t forget!!!
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Well-performing Towing Service in period!
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Ever wonder regarding the importance of a reliable towing service? How many circumstances have you been in a pickle, "vehicle-ularily" speaking, together with couldn't find allow? On the road, misfortunes emerge without warning. Without a arrange for such situations, people and car-owners can have a pretty hard time period if ever caught up in a such unfortunate condition like engine challenges, brake failure, injuries, etc . it's always best if you plan before suffering from hardship on the road. Having the assistance of a well-performing tow truck product is a blessing that will saves you with a lot of frustration and additionally stress. With help at your back, quite possibly engine failure don't break you off!
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A towing corporation that that won't exploit situations when clients are facing emergencies, unlike many available, is bound to gain that trust and assurance of its steadfast customers. People constantly depend on others who ? re there for them with desperate times in addition to getting the right company is necessary for assurance and to enjoy the morning with other nutritious activities like family period instead of worrying approximately car troubles. as an example, professionals prioritize their own careers which use most of their electrical power and the last thing they desire is their vehicle breaking down at the side of this highway on their method to an important meeting. Suppose!
Choosing the right towing company will make life better for anyone but sow how does one do that? Among the best way to get knowledge into it is just by asking around. Friends and family, relative and mates would have faced these nightmares so begin by inquiring around people, where you live. Someone will have been rescued using emergency services that has to be valuable information to allow a head get started. They may even have recommendations for you as to which to stay away from as a result of their experience.
An additional way to find a trusted service provider is simply by calling them in place and asking these questions. It is impertinent to be clear before it starts. Questions like the amount of they charge, the time they would tow vehicle the vehicle from along with how they receive charge i. e. as a result of insurance company or immediate straight up-front chilly hard cash. Tell them concerning your car and discuss some details with each other so when needed, people know which car or truck they send with regard to rescue purposes. When your satisfied with an organisation, keep their phone number handy by economizing it in your telephone and writing the idea down inside the car or truck somewhere safe to purchase it easily. Try this and you would be happy in all dire instances that you may encounter.
An important factor tip to remember is usually that there is no replacement for experience and explore. Always get assistance before the situation rears its ugly head whereby getting jammed on the road and phoning someone for guide would be a massively irritating thing to do. Getting the preferred services and premiums from inside a broken-down car at the side of your highway is not going to come to pass! It's that really situation that come pull services exploit which means that never place one self in circumstances the place they would demand foolish prices!
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blogbuddy · 2 years
Features of a Good HDMI Cable
What is HDMI?
High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) is a cable that is commonly used to transfer HD signal entailing both high definition audio and video. It is widely used in the commercial audio-visual verticals and is found in most homes as cables connecting various devices like Xbox, BluRay Player, Playstation; DVD Player, audio-visual receiver, and other electronic devices with the television.
It is becoming a common trend where home audio-visual devices are being connected by this simple yet effective cable. HDMI also makes its appearance on laptops and personal computers, thus becoming the norm for commercial and corporate verticals – be it for education, digital signages, and presentations to name a few.
Black-i HDMI cable links a vast range of HDMI devices. It can be used to connect a small mobile, big-screen HDTV, home entertainment, huge projector or gaming device, or computer monitor, for example.
Other unique selling propositions of a good HDMI cable:
High data speed
Gripping ends
Cable ethernet
No lag
Compatibility with other devices
We have the right size cable that fits your palm and your pocket, ranging from 10-100 metres. Gold plated ends ensure high-speed data transfer. It supports resolution of 4K @ 60Hz. It resists corrosion and supports 7.1 and other multi-channel digital audio output.  The compact and sturdy design makes it handy to carry. There is no need for an additional driver and is used as a plug-and-play cable. The Black-i HDMI cables are completely made in India.
A sturdy cable is manufactured to cope with interference. Most homes have a lot of ‘noise’ be it the jam-packed rack, adjacent to electrical cables or devices. HDMI can be susceptible to such noises but the right amount of shielding around the cable can be a level booster.  
Watch those HD films and play HD games from your smartphone/laptop connected via HDMI cable on your high-definition/LED colour television. Whether it is business or fun we have the right cable solutions for you.
Has there a situation arose where you need to send a 4K HDMI signal over 100 meters?
One method to achieve this by using ‘active’ HDMI cables. A passive cable connects between your components and transmits data directly from the source to the display. On the other hand, an active cable comprises a built-in signal booster that amplifies the data without any lag.
Few pointers for those using HDMI:
Cables must be placed firmly and the correct input is given to the output ports of all the components.
Check if the television’s output is selected for the HDMI port from where the source originated.
Double-check if all components, including the amplifier if using, should be plugged in and turned on.  
Chances are low that your HDMI cable will pose any problems during the shelf-life. Switch to Black-i’s HDMI and USB solutions and don’t take a chance with ordinary cables. Make the most out of Black-i’s HDMI cables that ensure peace of mind with a limited lifetime warranty.
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