saltybenchday · 4 months
Please don't take these beautiful things that I've got...
(Special thanks to @lordjohnwgrey for making this possible ✨)
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userkayjay · 11 months
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John & Jamie + hands
Outlander 3.03 | 3.04 | 7.02
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by Heathermac
Modern-day. Jamie Fraser and Claire Beauchamps run into one another in a bar in Brasilia one night, and sparks fly. He can't get away fast enough from the woman who ruined his life.
Words: 5027, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Outlander Series - Diana Gabaldon
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Jamie Fraser/Claire Beauchamps, Claire Beauchamp/Frank Randall, Jamie Fraser/Lord John Grey, Annalise de Marillac/Jamie Fraser
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I didn't need to spend half an hour on this. But I spent half an hour on this.
But I'm not sorry.
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kithri00 · 10 months
Okay friends, I had an idea about this fic and I'm wondering if it already exists or if I need to write it. I was thinking about Jamie at Ardsmuir, and how desperate he was for someone to touch him, to love him (he and Claire discuss this, I think in ABOSAA). He rejected John because he was afraid - because of Black Jack and because he thought it was wrong, and also probably because he was afraid of putting too much distance between him and the men he felt obligated to protect - we already KNOW that he was conflicted about spending time with John. But surely part of him would have loved to accept John's offer. There must have been internal conflict. So I want to get inside his head about it, I want to know what he was thinking, and I don't even care if the story ends with him accepting or rejecting John like he does in canon. I just want to see what it feels like in his head.
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tomacabre · 2 years
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i've been formally diagnosed with john/jamie brain rot
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anderwater · 11 months
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“A pimp, a prostitute and a drug dealer walk into a bar.”
Jamie Foxx & Teyonah Parris & John Boyega THEY CLONED TYRONE (2023), dir. Juel Taylor
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loverjareau · 3 months
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a hockey player bleeding sluttily can be so personal...
in order: calle jarnkrök, zdeno chara, yanni gourde, evgeni malkin, travis konecny, tye kartye, ryan lindgren (x2), jack drury, tom wilson, john marino, nathan mackinnon, matt rempe, jamie drysdale, nicolas deslauriers, trent frederic, anders lee, patrice bergeron, morgan rielly, anders lee, connor mcdavid, charlie coyle, kris letang
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saltybenchday · 2 months
Birthday Kisses Pt. 3
The rise and fall of Jamie’s chest indicated that he had indeed fallen back to sleep. Most day’s he’d be long gone by now, at the still or tending to the animals, accomplishing more before breakfast than many did all day.
But today wasn’t most days, as John had reminded him. It was his birthday and he was allowed to be lazy, if that was what one called sleeping past dawn. Jamie rarely allowed himself any such luxury and so when he had consented, falling back into the bed and John’s arms, John had taken full advantage.
The memory made him smile and he turned, pressing his lips to Jamie’s chest, listening to the strong, steady heartbeat that was more familiar than his own.
Another year. Another long winter filled with nights by the hearth, holding each other tight against the cold. Another spring of planting and preparing, of wildflowers growing in colorful waves across the hills. Each summer brought its own challenges, each autumn new worries. But through every change of season one thing was always certain.
“Ye look lost in thought, my love,” Jamie mumbled, still half asleep.
“Just thinking how grateful I am,” John said, nestling in closer, “For every year with you."
“Ye dinna think me an auld man now? I’ve a good deal more white hairs that I did last year.”
John laughed, looking up at Jamie. His beard did have more silver, and the red of his hair was tempered now, a little, with strands of white.
“Well you’re definitely an old man,” John grinned, “But I adore every hair on your head. I always will.”
“Mmm, is that so?” Jamie said, pulling John to him. “Tell me again."
“I adore you,” John said with a kiss.
“Again,” Jamie whispered, his eyes sparkling, “After all, it is my birthday.”
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userkayjay · 11 months
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OUTLANDER 5.08 [+deleted scene]
inspired by the beautiful mind of @saltybenchday -> [x] <-
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by christinawithav Jamie and John see each other again and Jamies thoughts on William in uniform. Fill for prompt Mutual Pining on Outlander Bingo. Words: 588, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Outlander (TV), Outlander Series - Diana Gabaldon Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Jamie Fraser, Lord John Grey Relationships: Jamie Fraser/Lord John Grey Additional Tags: Angst, Unrequited Love, Friendship
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I can't help but love them so much. John and Jamie are sharing this special love and every time they appear on the show my heart skips a beat. EVERY scene with the two is wonderful. I love their love! (however you want to define it 💛) Ep 2 was beautiful and absolutely awful to me at the same time. I know what's going to happen with John in the future books and I'm really terrified of seeing it all made into the show. I want them to be able to cherish what they have and be close forever, but if it happens like in the books, Jamie's actions will hurt John badly.😭 Poor John. What do you think, will it be very hard? Or will they let Jamie come to his senses faster and apologize to John because the two are so popular with the fans? But will John be alle to forgive him? And: will Jamie be honest about everything (why he overreacted so badly). I can't wait and it's killing me! 🙈😭 Sorry for my rambling! I love your blog AND your fanfiction. Thank you. 💓
Oh, dear sweet nonnie, if you were hoping for a reassuring prediction, I was probably the last person you should have gone to 😂.
But in all seriousness, the show so far has made Jamie/John less queer than in the books, and toned down Jamie's violent temper in relation to John (although I do see it coming back around this season, like they're revving him up to be an asshole). They've also set him up to chill out about stuff like the Beardsley polycule sooooooo 🤷‍♀️ Your guess is as good as mine.
Either way, it's gonna hurt like a BITCH.
😘 Take care.
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kithri00 · 2 years
I just finished @lordjohnlander episode 6, Rant Part 2. What stood out to me was the discussion about not getting things from Jamie's point of view. This is SO true! Every important moment between Jamie and John is from someone else's viewpoint, usually John's but also sometimes Claire's. John touching Jamie's hand at Ardsmuir, the big fight at Helwater, the retelling of Jamie offering John his body, the moment they see each other again in Jamaica, the night playing chess in Drums, Claire and Jamie's conversation about John and Bobby Higgins, Jamie asking John for a gem, the big fight and punch in the eye, Jamie and Claire discussing the "carnal knowledge" events, and Jamie in Bees being afraid of thinking of John in bed. None of it is seen through Jamie's eyes! The CLOSEST we ever get are some bits in Scottish Prisoner, a little of Ardsmuir in Voyager, and a few of Jamie's thoughts after he punches John in the eye. I want to know what he's thinking in all of this! Of course, it's probably for the best this way, because he can be thinking whatever we want.
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classichorrorblog · 8 months
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Halloween (1978)
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giddyaunt425 · 5 months
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in-love-with-movies · 3 months
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Halloween (1978)
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