#jan Ele li toki
phrootsnacks · 2 years
Language Self Studying 12/01/22
Hello! I’m studying Spanish, Toki Pona, Arabic, and ASL this coming month, so I’d like to share what resources I’ll be using and what goals I have :)
also this is a long post, so I’ll add my requests for info here too:
If you have suggestions on how to use the Toki Pona Dictionary, I would like to hear them! I know the point of Toki Pona is to come up with ways of saying things on your own, and I’m not really interested in... studying a dictionary... but it is a resource I have, and I would like to know some good ways to use it!
Also, I’m lacking in resources for ASL. There are a lot of ASL resources, especially on YouTube, however I’m having trouble finding ones from Deaf teachers / creators. Language is inextricably tied to culture, and that definitely applies to signed languages and Deaf culture! So if you know of Deaf ASL teachers / creators, or ASL resources created by Deaf people, please let me know!
Estoy estudiando español en escuela, y porque es el término del semestre tengo algunos exámenes - en concreto tengo un examen escrito, un examen oral, y una presentación. Por eso voy a concentrarme primero en ellos. Después, voy a leer Short Stories in Spanish de Olly Richards:
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Siento que mis habilidades de hablar y de escuchar son mejores que mi habilidad de leer. Aunque creo que el nivel es bastante fácil para mí, de verdad encuentro la lectura difícil.
Al tiempo que quiero mejorar mi habilidad de leer, ¡otras habilidades también son importantes! Me gusta mucho el canal Hola Spanish con Brenda Romaniello:
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la enlace: https://www.youtube.com/@HolaSpanish
Estos vídeos me gustan porque son completamente en el español. Para practicar el discurso, posiblemente voy a hablar con mis amigas de El Salvador.  No hemos hablado en un rato, entonces espero que charlemos pronto :)
toki pona
pakala a. mi toki e toki Epanjo la, mi ken ala toki e toki pona.... 0_0
tenpo lili la mi sitelen e lipu suli pi toki pona... mi kama lukin!
nanpa wan: mi jo e Toki Pona Dictionary tan jan Sonja:
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mi sona e ni: toki pona li telo a. ijo suli li jo ala e nimi wan. nasin seme la mi kepeken e lipu ni? sina sona la, o pana sona tawa mi!
nanpa tu: mi wile sona e ni: nasin seme la mi kepeken e nasin toki pi toki pona? tenpo ni la mi sona e nimi, taso mi sona ala e nasin toki. ni la, lipu pi ilo Yutu tan jan Kekan San li pona tawa mi. sitelen tawa ni li jo e sona mute!
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nasin: https://www.youtube.com/@gregdan3d
I’m a bit excited because I’ve have inherited a lot of resources for learning Arabic - textbooks, reference books, children’s books, and a book of Arabic stories with a CD! However because I’m a beginner, I’m just starting with these pamphlets from BarCharts Inc:
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They are very neatly organized and chockfull of information. Because I also want to learn how to read and write in Arabic, I don’t believe I’ll get very far in either of these pamphlets this month. But that’s ok! The rest of the language will still be there when I’m ready!
I also want to focus on the Egyptian dialect, and for that I’ll be using the Egyptian Arabic for beginners course playlist on YouTube from the channel Speak Like an Egyptian:
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link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ9CWldzdmFU-rtgJPdO_cg_IwZFS5SO7
Unlike Arabic, I do not have a lot of resources for this language. I really want to learn from Deaf teachers, but I’m having trouble finding resources (at least, ones that are free / cheap enough for a broke college student). I’m considering getting The ASL App:
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It is made by Deaf people, so that’s a plus, but there are some reviews that have me skeptical and I would prefer to not learn on my phone. However, I will take what I can get!
If you have any opinions on this app or recommendations for ASL resources (especially by Deaf people!), please let me know!
... and that’s it! Wow, you made it all the way to the bottom! Congrats!
Thanks for reading, I hope you have a nice day :)
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kamasona · 1 month
ante toki mi 8
lon suli suli pi ma ko la jan tawa wan pi nimi jan Mikelo li kama sona e tomo majuna lon tenpo pimeja. wawa ala en telo lili la ona li tawa insa li alasa e tomo awen. lon insa la ona li kama lukin e lupi ma majuna lon sipin. lupi ma ni li pana e ma pi lupa telo len. wile mute tan telo la taso sitelen tan ike pi lupa telo lon lipu ma la jan Mikelo li tawa e nasin pi lipu.
tenpo suno la jan Mikelo li tawa lon nasin pi lipu ma. tenpo mute pi tawa lon suno pi seli mute la ona li kama lukin e lupa telo. ona li lon poka tawa moku e telo la ma li kama tawa mute. pimeja suli li kama tan anpa. ona li jan awen pi lupa telo li soweli pi awen pona pi telo lawa. soweli ni li utala ala e jan Mikelo la soweli li lukin wawa e lukin pi jan Mikelo li sona e pilin wawa ona li pana e ken moku tawa ona. wile moku telo ala en insa pona la jan Mikelo li toki pona tawa soweli. awen sin e nasin weka la kasi ale en len ona la jan Mikelo li kama jo e nasin olin tawa ona.
nimi pi linja ala la mi ante toki ala kepeken sona mi; taso mi alasa e ante toki kepeken ilo
En Esperanto: En la grandeco de la dezerto, soleca vojaĝanto nomata Miĥaelo trovis malnovan kabanon vespere. Elĉerpite kaj kun malmulte da akvo, li eniris serĉe de ŝirmejo. Ene, li trovis antikvan mapon sur la muro, montrantan lokon de puto antaŭ longe forgesita. Malespere por akvo, li decidis sekvi la instrukciojn de la mapo la sekvan matenon, malgraŭ la avertoj skribitaj apude de la mapo, kiuj parolis pri danĝeroj kiuj ĉeestis tie.
La sekvan matenon, Miĥaelo foriris, sekvante la mapon. Post horoj da marŝado sub la varmega suno, li trovis la puton. Kiam li alproksimiĝis al ĝi por trinki, li sentis la grundon tremegi, kaj grandega estaĵo eliras el la profundo. Ĝi estis la gardisto de la puto, mita estaĵo kiu protektis la sanktajn akvojn. Antataŭ ataki lin, la estaĵo fiksrigardis la okulojn de Miĥaelo kaj, rekonante lian kuraĝon, permesis al li trinki el la akvo. Kun la soifo malaperinta kaj la koro malpeza, Miĥaelo dankis la estaĵon kaj daŭrigis sian vojaĝon, ekportante kun si la lecionon de respekto al la naturo kaj ĝiaj misteroj.
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hourafterdawn · 2 years
God unpa should not be as funny of a word as it is. mi unpa. sina sitelen e unpa? unpa pona?
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jansegers · 5 years
toki luka
toki luka lon tenpo moku Marek Blahuš | 20 Oct. 2015
[toki pona:] tenpo suno 2015 la jan mute pi toki pona tan ma mute li kama kulupu lon ma tomo Pono li musi mute kepeken toki pona. sitelen tawa ni la jan Male en jan Wena li moku li toki e toki pona kepeken toki luka. toki luka ni li tan pu.
[eo:] De la 26-a ĝis la 28-a de septembro 2015, naŭ homoj el kvin landoj kunvenis en Brno (Ĉeĥio) por kune amuziĝi lernante kaj uzante la lingvon Tokipono. En tiu ĉi filmeto, Marek Blahuš kaj Václav Zouzalík komunikas dum manĝado per signata tokipono. Temas pri la signolingvo instruata de Sonja Lang en ŝia oficiala lernolibro de tokipono.
[en:] On 26-28 September, 2015, nine people from five countries met in Brno (Czech Republic) to enjoy studying and using the Toki Pona language together. In this video, Marek Blahuš and Václav Zouzalík are using Signed Toki Pona to communicate while they eat. It is the sign language version of Toki Pona that Sonja Lang teaches in her official Toki Pona book.
#TokiPona #toki_luka #TPSignLanguage #janMale #MarekBlahuš #SignLanguage #anno2015
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phrootsnacks · 2 years
Language Self Studying 12/31/22
🌟 reflection time baby 🌟
So this past month I’ve been studying Spanish, Toki Pona, Arabic, and ASL... How did it go? What worked? What didn’t?
In summary: it could’ve been better, but it could’ve been worse! I could beat myself up for not doing more, or make excuses for why I didn’t do more, but I’m simply Not Going To. The progress I made is the progress I made, and the progress I didn’t make is the progress I didn’t make, and that’s that. My Worth Is Independent From My Productivity.
...anyway I’m glad I decided to share a bit about it on tumblr! it’s nice to have some sort of record of my studying, and all you all fellow language studiers are cool B)
Also! Long post! So requests for info are here too!
Corrections are welcome! Like don’t be rude about it but for all of the languages I’m studying, if I’m messing something up let me know!
Also, practicing speaking and conversation is good and something I’d like to do more! If you wanna chat, let me know! I’m also available to answer questions / give advice for English :]
Lastly, if you know of a good Arabic dictionary, let me know! Preferably one that is online, has audio, and has the Egyptian dialect. Is ReversoDictionary or DictionaryReverso or however it’s called reliable? I like that they have audio and example sentences, but I don’t know much about it.
specifics on each language below! 
Mis exámenes de español fueron bien (de verdad recibí un A en todas mis clases !!), y creo que mejoró mi habilidad de leer. 
¡Me encanta el libro Short Stories in Spanish de Olly Richards! No soy muy cómodo con las formas de vosotros, pero todo está bien. El nivel es un poco fácil para mí, pero aún así es bueno para reforzar los básicos. Sin embargo, ¡hay algunas palabras y algunas formas que son nuevas para mí! También puedo leer con fluidez más o menos, entonces leerlo es relajante.
A veces encuentro una palabra nueva, y la aprendo en el contexto. Pero, encuentro la misma palabra de nuevo, ¡y me olvido el significado! Quizás comience a escribir las palabras nuevas y crear tarjetas para recordar mejor.
Desafortunadamente no hablé con mis amigas de El Salvador :( ¡Somos tan ocupados durante este tiempo del año!
El semestre que viene tengo dos clases de español, una clase de conversación y una clase de lectura! Estoy animado para ellas, y me siento que estoy listo para ellas también :3
Además, hay hispanohablantes en tumblr! Hola! Las correcciones son bienvenidas, y me gustaría mucho charlar con ustedes :]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------toki pona
toki pona li pona, taso li wile tenpo tawa kama sona e toki pona. mi kama sona e toki pona la mi kama toki telo... (sona mi a a a). 
sitelen tawa tan jan Kekan San li pona mute a! ona li jan sona pona a. sitelen tawa ni la mi kama sona mute. mi kama sona e nasin toki pi toki pona. tenpo pini la, nasin toki mute en nimi lili li pona ala tawa mi. sitelen tawa ni li pona e ike ni tawa mi!
kin la, mi lon ilo Siko: li lon ma pona pi toki pona, li lon kama sona, li lon ma toki pona VR. ilo Siko la mi jan Kilili. tenpo mute la jan sin li pana e monsuta tawa mi a a a. taso mi wile toki mute e toki pona, la mi kama lukin! o toki tawa mi a. wile mi la mi jo e jan pona pi toki pona :)
I feel decently comfortable with the alphabet-- recognizing letters, sounding out words, and writing a bit as well. Obviously it’s not perfect and these skills could be faster and smoother, but I know that will come with time with the language. 
The Egyptian Arabic for beginners course is decent enough, however I haven’t been using it as much because it doesn’t include words / phrases in the Arabic alphabet, just the romanization. It means I have to do a bit more work when taking notes on these videos, trying to figure out how something is spelled and looking it up in a dictionary. But it’s ok! Because in my investigations I happened across some other nice resources, like Arabic Khatawaat:
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I've been using these videos to learn / practice writing the script, and there's a lot more content on this channel that looks promising!
I also found some ~free~ online textbooks! Here’s a link to Msulib’s textbook catalog, which includes Basic Hindi, Basic Khmer, Basic Urdu, Elementary Arabic I and II, and Elementary Chinese I and II. Of course, I’ve been looking into the Arabic textbooks:
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I really like that it includes audio, and transcription, and how it’s written in the Arabic script! I’ve been using this textbook to make flashcards in Anki, and I like being able to include audio with my flashcards so I can get better at pronunciation / hearing :3
I definitely want to continue studying Arabic, which is good because I already have the resources for it! I want to start using the textbooks I have (both physical and digital) and continue making flashcards for vocab. However as I mentioned I like making them with audio, so if you know of a good Arabic dictionary, specifically with audio and with the Egyptian dialect, please let me know! I usually use wordref but they don’t have audio for the Arabic dictionary.
I’m happy with the progress I’ve made so far, and I’m excited to continue with this language and see where I go with it in the new year!
Ooh boy ASL is very fun and rewarding! I mean, maybe this is true for any language that is new to me, but I’m really enjoying learning ASL. I feel like if I put in the effort, I can progress in this language pretty quickly.
Also thank you to all the recommendations for resources! I had already saved some of Bill Vicars’ YouTube videos to my watch later playlist, but I wasn’t sure if it would be good because there’s a lot of not great ASL content on YT.
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And you know what? Bill Vicars’ videos are really good! He's an engaging and funny teacher, and I feel like I understand a lot more compared to all those YT videos that are like ~learn 50 essential signs in 10 minutes!!!~ ...
However, it is kinda difficult to take notes. I’ve just been writing in a notebook how to sign something but it’s kinda difficult balancing the amount of detail to describe the sign. I want to make flashcards, but that seems kinda difficult for ASL. However, ...
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The ASL app is kinda good as a way to do flashcards!! I wasn’t exactly enthused about learning on my phone, but it’s actually pretty convenient to cover up half the screen, then go thru the signs.
I might also make flashcards for ASL using photos from Bill Vicars’ website. I worry about using photos for flashcards tho, (like will I associate what is in the photo with the concept instead of the sign with the concept?) but maybe I’m overthinking it. I think generally I waste time worrying about the best way of doing something instead of actually doing it... so... it’s probably fine...
It’s interesting to see the subtle differences too! Like for questions, Bill Vicars teaches that the question sign goes at the end, where in the ASL app they put the question sign at the front. It makes more sense to me to put it at the end, but I don’t know why there are these differences. I wonder, like how American English isn’t the same all over the country, is American Sign Language the same way? Are there, like ASL regional dialects? I have much to learn. 
I’m definitely going to keep studying ASL. It’s very interesting to me and scratches a different part of my brain. I think I will join my university’s ASL club, too. I’m a little unsure, because I’m hearing and don’t personally know any Deaf people (but also,,,,, I believe my university’s ASL professor is also hearing? so...) But! I didn’t know any Spanish speakers before I learned Spanish! I don’t want to invade in people’s space, I just hope to meet some Deaf people, learn and practice ASL, and learn more about Deaf culture :3
Speaking of which, I put in a request at my library for Introduction to American Deaf Culture by Thomas K Holcomb. I’m excited to learn more!
... and that’s all they wrote! Congrats on making it to the end, I hope you have a happy and healthy new year :]
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phrootsnacks · 2 years
Spring Semester Language Study Plan 🌸
so... you wanna study four languages while taking 22 credits and doing extracurriculars, hm?
just me? ... ok
tbqh im a lil nervous for this coming semester, because my schedule was already busy and then it suddenly got busier, so... 
The gist of it is I’m going to focus on Spanish (because I have to) ((because I’m taking two Spanish classes this semester)), but also consistently review my other languages (Toki Pona, Arabic, and ASL). I can spare 10 - 30 minutes each day going thru flashcards, reviewing notes, and for Toki Pona writing a little bit. Then, on the weekends, I’ll take more time to learn new content and to practice speaking, listening, reading, writing, signing, etc.
(as per, longish post so...)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- español
Ya tengo dos clases de español este semestre, y por eso voy a concentrarme en el español. Fuera de mis clases, quizás leyere este libro que recibí como un regalo de Navidad, Parallel Text Short Stories in Spanish...
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El libro contiene cuentos de autores diferentes y una traducción en cada dos páginas. No sé si tendré el tiempo para leerlo, pero si lo leo, voy a cubrir el lado ingles con una hoja de papel. 
Aparte de eso, hablé sobre mi problema con recordar palabras nuevas en mi publicación anterior. Entonces cuando encuentro una palabra nueva (en este libro o cualquier contexto), voy a escribirla y crear tarjetas. 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- toki pona
tenpo pini la, suno ale la, mi sitelen e toki pona lon ilo Snapchat (mi sona ala e ni: nasin pi toki pona e nimi “Snapchat” a a a). ken la mi sitelen e toki pona lon ilo Tanpa? mi lukin e toki pona lon ilo Tanpa mi la, mi pilin pona. sona mi la, jan ante li pilin sama. mi wile toki e toki pona mute. taso, tenpo awen la ilo Siko li pana e monsuta tawa mi a a a. tenpo kama la, mi lukin kepeken ona.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- العربية
For Arabic, I really just need to learn more vocabulary and how to form sentences. I’m still going thru Arabic Khatawaat’s Arabic Language for Beginners playlist, as well as MSU library’s Elementary Arabic I textbook. As I mentioned in a previous post, I also have quite a lot of physical Arabic resources as well...
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I’ll be honest, the textbook A Textbook for Beginning Arabic Part One is kinda intimidating (what with it being so big and so red), so I’m supplementing with the book Arabic Verbs and Essentials of Grammar (which is much smaller lol). 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- American Sign Language
I’m still following Bill Vicars’ YouTube videos and taking notes as I go, and I might also make flashcards as I see fit. I’ve also started reading Introduction to American Deaf Culture by Thomas K Holcomb...
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Despite it being a textbook, it’s not dry or boring or difficult to read at all. I really appreciate the inclusion of art, poems, and personal stories. I’ve already learned a lot about both Deaf culture and hearing culture.
and that is all! let’s hope I make it thru the semester in one piece :,)
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kamasona · 1 month
ante toki mi 4
jan Malijana li meli lili li pali kepeken jan lukin awen pi tenpo pimeja lon tomo pi tenpo pini. tenpo ale la ona li jo e lon pona. taso tenpo pimeja la lukin awen nasin la ona li kute e kalama lili nasa tan tomo pana. pilin nasa la jan Malijana li tawa kalama li kama lukin e sitelen. tenpo ala la ona li lukin e sitelen ni. wawa en nasa li lon lukin pi mije sitelen. kin la jan Malijana pilin e ni: mije li lukin wawa e ona.
tenpo kama la jan Malijana li kama sona e ijo nasa lon tomo pi tenpo pini: ijo li lon ma ante, pini lupa, sitelen mije li pilin lon mute. tawa poka tomo pi sitelen mije la ona li kama sona e ni: sitelen mije li lon ma ante li sewi e uta. jan Malijana li kama wile e ni: kama sona e tenpo pini sitelen. ona li kama sona e ni: tenpo pini la sitelen ni li tan jan jo pi tomo pi tenpo pipi; tenpo pini sike mute la jan jo ni li weka. jan Malijana li kama sona e ni: tomo pi tenpo pini li jo e len monsuta.
En Esperanto: Marianino estis junulino kiu laboris kiel noktgardisto ĉe muzeo. Ŝi ĉiam havis bonan vivon, sed, iunokte, dum ŝi faris kutiman ĉirkaŭmarŝadon, ŝi aŭdis strangan murmuron el la elmontrejo. Konfuzite, ŝi sekvis la sonon kaj vidis portreton kiun ŝi neniam antaŭe vidis. Estis portreto de viro de intensa kaj enigma rigardo, kiu ŝajnis atente rigardi ŝin.
En la sekvajn tagojn, Marianino komencis rimarki strangajn aferojn en la muzeo: objektoj moviĝis for de sia loko, pordoj fermiĝis mem, kaj la portreto de tiu viro ŝajnis pli viva pli kaj pli. Iutage, preterpasante la elmontrejon, ŝi konstatis ke la viron en la portreto ŝanĝiĝis sian pozicion kaj ridetis en stranga maniero. En timo, Marianino decidis esplori la historion malantaŭ tiu pentraĵo kaj eksciis ke ĝi apartenis al malnova muzeoposedanto, malaperinta antaŭ jardekoj. De tiu momento, ŝi konstatis ke la muzeo konservis timigajn sekretojn.
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kamasona · 1 month
ante toki mi
anpa pi ma kasi pona lon la, kasi suli suli li lon. lipu kasi ona li suno poka suno mun. jan toki e ni: jan li alasa e kasi suli ni la, jan ken pali e wile ona. jan wawa nanpa wan pi jan pi nasin pi weka musi li kama alasa e ona. anpa pi ma kasi lon la, ona li kama sona e ni: sewi musi lon li lon nasin. sewi musi lon li lon ala wile.
Esperante: En la profundo de la ensorĉita arbaro, estis antikva arbo kies folioj brilis kun la lumo de la steloj. Oni diris ke, kiu ajn trovus la arbon, tiu povus plenumi deziron, kaj la plej kuraĝa el la aventuruloj ekiris serĉe de ĝi. Alveninte en la koron de la arbaro, li konstatis ke la vera sorĉo estis en la vojaĝo, kaj ne en la deziro.
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phrootsnacks · 5 months
una lista de canciones que no están en inglés para hoy 🎵
holitas,,, para "speak your language day" me gustaría compartir algunas de mis canciones favoritas en idiomas diferentes :)
hay una variedad de géneros entonces no sean sorprendidos por los cambios en estilo / vibra lol
Síguelo Bailando - Ozuna
formas de volver a casa - ataquemos
El Barzón - Maldita Vecindad
toki pona
sina - jan Usawi
pilin Weliko - jan Usawi
poki li eliki - jan Sepulon
مصطفي حجاج - والله ما ينفع
سعد لمجرد - مال حبيبي مالو
سميه الخشاب وعمر كمال - أوعدك
From 1992 - CHAI
時間がない - KIRINJI
私を解決しないで - フロクロ(Frog96)
Ohne Benzin - Domiziana (alemán)
Bosorkanya - Alina Pash (ucraniano)
Garde Le Pour Toi - Paradis (francés)
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hourafterdawn · 2 years
jan ale li toki ni, o li kute e toki mi: mi olin mute e sina. sina pona. sina jo e lon suli. sina li awen.
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hourafterdawn · 2 years
Toki! mi jan Ton. Or Dawn, whichever one is easier.
Welcome to this absolute shitshow of a blog. I write this because I want anyone coming here to know what they’re getting into. Then again, I have one (1) mutual and a pornbot follower , so chances are no one reads this. Here you’ll find shitty jokes, even shittier not-jokes, and like 29 fandoms mish-mashed together with no real sense of cohesion. In other words, this place is a pretty accurate representation of me. I’m gonna edit this post as I end up using more tags, so there’s some sense of curation.
#dawn talks: my original posts, not reblogged from anyone. Very much a minority of my posts, but the content is interesting. Hopefully.
#jan Ele li toki: for my posts talking in toki pona instead of about it. mi olin e jan ale!
#christian memes: went on a reblog spree with these a while back. I don’t really remember why.
Peace be upon ye!
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