#I hope that’s grammatically correct
nondelphic · 9 days
editing a manuscript is like trying to clean a messy room with a vacuum that’s only slightly less broken than your plot
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smolbonbon · 8 months
Whether you like it or not you're stuck with me
Solar/Moon fanfiction (but can be read as platonic)
⚠️TW: past abuse, panic attacks, fever dream (But a lot of comfort and bonding)
I hope you enjoy it <3
It's already been a week after Solar and Moon rescued the smaller jester and as always, Solar was glued to the computer.
He and Moon made a lot of progress on their project, but it's not finished yet. It's one of Solar's top priorities, to make sure Lunar is safe at all times, he has to make sure nothing happens, and that Eclipse won't get their bloody hands on them again.
But for some reason, he couldn't just focus.
He felt a heavy feeling in his body like everything was just pulling him down. Also, he keeps sneezing even though he cleaned his fans a few days ago. Then there was the sore feeling in his joints.
His hands also seemed not to be able to stop shaking. It wasn't unusual that the dark Sun animatronic had problems with his body, but it was worse than usual.
Was it stress? It couldn't be. He dealt with worse, and unlike the past, this was nothing. He even has way less on his plate than before.
Actually, when was the last time he slept? Perhaps it's the need for rest that is causing this.
Solar would normally drink coffee right now, but drinks or food just don't sound appealing at the moment.
The grumpy bot shook his head and tried to focus on the monitor. It needed to be done but when he blinked at the monitor he couldn't make anything out of the numbers, and before he knew, his head was already on the desk.
Oh whatever, a little nap wouldn't hurt. Maybe sleeping for an hour will do, then he will finish it. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.
When Moon was entering the daycare, he had a feeling that Solar was on the security desk.
Moon squinted his eyes and saw Solar was sleeping, but the grumpy solar bot wasn't alone.
The smaller jester was just standing in front of the security desk.
What was Ruin doing? As Ruin could feel the stare bore into him, he suddenly turned in Moon's direction and waved with a smile.
Moon would be lying if that didn't make him feel unsettled. He might look innocent, but Moon knew better than to judge a book by its cover.
Before he knew, his legs moved faster and when he opened the door, Ruin was walking towards Moon.
"Erh hello Moon! I was just about to look for you." Moon raised an eyebrow and instinctively moved to Solar.
"Yes, I'm here. What's up?" Ruin gave Moon a worried glance.
"Y-You see I was looking for Solar first and when I did, I couldn't help but notice that Solar.. uh fans are very loud. And normally, when an animatronic is in standby modus it's not usually that loud."
Moon put his hand on Solar's arm, and he noted how warm the Solar animatronic felt. Moon crouched down and softly nudged him.
"Solar wake up."
Solars fans blasted as he woke up. He groaned as he pulled himself up, and he held his head, everything was spinning.
Moon rubbed his arm gently. "You're doing alright there buddy?" 
Solar blinked at him and then looked at Ruin. "I guess."
Moon moved his hand to Solar's cheek before he knew Solar leaned in. Then Moon moved closer to him and scanned him.
"You're hot." To Solar's response, he only let out a strangled noise and blinked at him confused. 
"You're overheating! Did you overwork yourself again?!" Moon hissed, Ruin fidgeted with his hands and just watched the interaction between them.
Solar leaned back into his chair. "No, I'm sure that I didn't. Also, I was just taking a nap." Solar rasped out.
Moon didn't ignore the fact that Solar's voice sounded strained. Moon let out a sigh as he realized what was happening.
"I think you caught the virus Ruin and I had." Solar raised a brow.
"But I didn't touch the barrier like you two did." Moon opened his mouth but didn't say anything. He was right. Solar didn't, so how did he catch it? 
Ruin cleared his throat to get their attention, with success. "Gentlemen, I don't mean to interrupt, but I have a theory about how Solar did catch it,"
Ruin looked at them with a nervous smile, as if he was embarrassed to mention it.
"perhaps the cause is through the sleepover you two had when Moon was sick."
Solar let out an embarrassed sound and Moon pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a sigh.
"That explains it. Viruses can spread through electricity." Moon spoke softly, ignoring the heat growing on his faceplate.
"C'mon let's get you to bed." Moon said pushy while grabbing his hands.
Solar let out a huff as the Lunar bot pulled him up.
"Alright, alright give me a second." Solar mumbled grumpy, he knew he wouldn't be able to work, he couldn't even stand without holding on to something. 
"Ruin, Earth will be here any second. Can you tell her that I'm with Solar in his room?" Ruin stood straight and saluted. "Will do!" He replied enthusiastically.
Moon and Solar made their way to the room. Solar bumped into Moon every now and again. He tried to focus on walking in a straight line, but it didn't help that his sight was blurry.
"Want me to carry you?" Moon teased, and Solar chuckled.
"What, don't you want me to return the favor from last time?" Moon nudged Solar and rolled his eyes.
"What favor? I only carried you to your room when you passed out. It's the last thing I could've done." Moon shrugged.
"I would rather carry you before you pass out."
"I'll let you know if I want to be carried." Solar said playfully, and when they reached the theater he placed his hand on Moon's shoulder.
"But if you don't mind, I will put my hand on your shoulder, so I can walk straight."
"Sure things will go ahead." 
Solar sat down on his bed and leaned against the wall. The cold feeling of the wall made the Solar bot sigh, he closed his eyes and stretched.
There was a silence for a moment.
"You want to sleep?"
Solar thought about it. Yes, he was tired, but he didn't really want to be alone either, so he shook his head.
Asking him to stay while he sleeps sounds stupid. Moon is a busy guy, and the last thing he needs is to nurse him back to health. Even if he did that for him. Moon is not obligated to do the same thing for him.
The feeling of the mattress sinking under a new weight pulled him out of his thoughts. Solar opened his eyes a bit and saw how Moon crisscrossed next to him.
"You know you don't have to stay here if you're busy." Solar rasped out, but he felt tense at the thought of being alone.
"Nah, I'm good it can wait. Whether you like it or not, you're stuck with me."
Moon simply replied, Solar softly smiled and rolled his eyes.
"Terrifying." He said sarcastically as he felt more heat creeping into his faceplate. Moon chuckled quietly as he leaned back.
Solar felt an annoying ache in his body and his joints were stiff. He pointed to the hip flask next to Moon and Moon handed it to Solar.
"Not drinking alcohol, where are we?"
Solar barks out a laugh.
"Moon, you know there is no alcohol in this thing. But it wouldn't be such a bad idea for the pain." Moon grinned and shrugged.
"To be fair, this thing is not meant for oil."
Solar popped open the flask and dumped oil on his stiff joints. "I don't care for what it's made, as long it's handy." Moon nodded to his response.
Moon started to fidget with his hat. "Honestly, my first thought when I saw Ruin was that he did something to you. He stood in front of you and stared at you menacingly until he realized I was at the entrance of the daycare."
Moon continued to explain.
"He told me he was looking for me, but it didn't look like it." Solar frowned.
"I don't know what to think of that guy. Maybe he is just socially awkward, you know?"
Moon shrugged and glanced over to Solar. "Let's just be careful around him." Moon vocalized.
Solar nodded, and the conservation changed to a lighter topic. Solar doesn't need more to worry about at the moment.
Moon scanned him every now and again. He had to make sure Solar didn't overheat. Despite that Solar didn't tell him anything about how he felt, he could tell that he kept feeling worse. His faceplate was glowing, it almost looked like his old body and his voicebox kept glitching out.
"So that's when I told Lunar 'Soon.' " Solar chuckled at the memory, he explained to Moon what happened that made Lunar so jumpy around him.
"Take off your clothes." Moon bluntly spoke. Solar's eyes widened again, and his orange faceplate turned red.
"Solar, you have to take off your shirt and pullover, so your processor doesn't overheat."
"How about you form full sentences and don't blurt out random things?"
Moon then realized his poor choice of words and let out a little 'sorry'.
Solar shook his head as he took off his shirt and pullover.
Solar grimaced at how vulnerable he felt, even though the most glamrock barely wore any clothes. Glamrock Freddy doesn't even wear pants.
Solar saw that Moon was scanning him again and let out a relieved sigh. He supposed his fans weren't going to blow out any time soon when Moon is around.
"So you're just going to do nothing to get back to Lunar?" Moon asked, remembering the last thing Solar told him about.
He shook his head and smiled, there was a twinkle in his eyes.
"Now I didn't say that, someday I will."
"Oh that's cruel. I love it, what do you have in mind?" Moon's curiosity showed as he got closer to him in the hope he'd tell him.
"To bad I won't tell you." Solar rasped out with a mischievous smile.
"Aw c'mon, I will keep my mouth shut." 
Moon frowned when Solar shrugged and stayed silent. Moon frowned.
"Believe me, when I prank him you will hear him." Solar smiled.
"That's boring." Moon pouted and Solar chuckled. "You're just impatient."
Solar doesn't recall that he fell asleep until he opened his eyes, but he doesn't recall being in another room.
When he looked around, Sun sat next to him and then the busk animatronic realized he was wearing his old clothes.
"Did you hear what I said, Eclipse?" The bright animatronic asked with a soft smile.
"I think you spaced out there." He snickered. Solar blinked at him and cleared his throat.
"Sorry what did you say?" Sun smiled and leaned back into the orange couch.
Solar realized Sun made their mindscape look like the living room.
"Well, I said Moon and I played this weird game about babysitting a baby that is actually a demon." Sun told him excitedly and Solar smiled softly.
Why is this so familiar?
"So your plan to spend more time with Moon is working?" Sun nodded enthusiastically. "He doesn't seem to mind." 
When was the last time he saw Sun so.. happy?
"He still doesn't know about me, does he?"
Sun smile faded, and he fidgeted with his hands while he looked up to the darker Sun. 
"Erh no not yet. But I promise-, pinky promise I will! I just um don't think it's the right time yet."
Solar nodded and looked to the side.
Was he forgetting something?
Sun jumped up and held his hand out to Solar.
"I know you're worried, but I'm 100% sure everything will be okay." Solar took his hand and got up. He could tell Sun was nervous about telling Moon about him simply by his body language. But who was he to tell him that?
He is forgetting something.
"Come on, I want to play this game with you as well!"
"More like you play and I watch?" Solar spoke amused.
"Like you mind!" Sun blew raspberries to him and he chuckled.
"Very mature of you Sun." Solar said, amused.
Sun skipped to the door but when Solar followed him through the never, ending hallway. Sun was already going out through the door. He started to run, but the room was moving with him.
"Sun wait! Wait for me." He rasped out, the panic rising in his chest. When he finally reached the door, everything went dark.
"Sun?" Solar looked around and couldn't see anybody. 
It looked like he was inside an old laboratory. But why was he in there, and where is Moon? Did his processor give out, which is why Moon moved them to fix it?
Solar noted that he was lying on the cold table in an abandoned lab. Wasn't he just in Sun's room?
While he was looking around he noted that the lab had tubes that seemed to be very dirty and dusty. There was a singular bulb hanging right above him, but despite that, the room was dark.
The roof was leaking, spin webs in every corner and the tools which were laying on the table were way too rusty to use.
The room he was in looked way too familiar than he would have wanted.
What was he forgetting?
He started to feel his panic rise and when he sat up, his head was buzzing and there was a icky feeling in his body, like something was missing.
The bask animatronic could see something moving in the back of his eye corner. Solar turned around quickly.
He felt something touching his shoulder and he gasped as he stood up from the table.
"Who's there?!" Solar yelled out, regardless of the feeling of dizziness catching up, he was ready to fight whatever was in there.
Trying to make any sense out of this, he silently waited for some response.
"Are you happy now?" A scratchy voice asked. Solar flinched, he knew exactly whose voice it was.
"Are you happy with the life you have now? After everything you have done to us, Eclipse?" he asked in a sickening voice.
Moon.. his moon but how? He killed him, he couldn't be alive!
Solar backed to the corner as he saw a shadow walking towards him.
"You sick parasite, first off you took my brother from me, and then you shot me! And now you're just living your best life, huh?!"
"Moon.. I'm not-"
Solar's vision blurred when his Moon pulled him down to look directly at him.
Solar wanted to push him away, but he couldn't move his hands. He wanted to scream, move or anything else! Why couldn't he move?
"I should rip you apart, tear every single wire out and make sure you won't come back." Moon's voice was filled with hatred and rage. His eyes were glowing red and his pupils were turning to pinpoints.
Moon pushed him to the corner as he towered him. Solar could only see his glowing red eyes.
"I'll make sure you suffer until your last breath." Moon spoke low and with rage as he forcefully packed Solar's arm and tore him into the working tube.
"Moon- please I'll help you-"
"Shut up!" Moon interrupted him as he closed the tube.
"I'll make sure that you get what you deserve."
Solar panicked as he watched Moon walking towards the computer.
"Please, Moon, don't do it. Please!" Solar yelled with a hint of desperation.
Moon turned to him while he was pressing the button.
Solar screamed as he woke up. His hands were shaking and everything felt cramped.
Solar clutched his chest while he was hyperventilating.
"Hey, hey Solar, look at me." Moon spoke concerned as he got closer to him. Solar turned his head to him.
"Look at me, everything is okay. You are safe."
Solar's breath got slower as he slowly calmed down. Moon is stunned by how fast the sunset animatronic calmed down.
"I tried to wake you, but you wouldn't budge." Moon explained, concerned while reaching out for him. Solar flinched and Moon pulled his hand away.
"You're doing okay?" Moon asked carefully and kept his space.
Solar told him some things that had happened in his old location.
It was more his Moon that caused all the problems. Sure, that British Monty wasn't good either, but his Moon is another story. He also met that guy, when Moon stayed there to build the satellite with Solar.
"I'm.. not good." Solar sat up straight and wrapped his arms around his legs.
"I figured.. Um, you want to talk about it?" 
Solar shook his head and there was a silence. The whole cheering up wasn't Moon's thing. He didn't know how he could cheer up his friend.
Thinking about it, Earth would ask for a hug or something like that, but that involves touching and Solar doesn't seem to like that a lot.
Lunar cheered Solar up with a little puppet show last time, but there was no way he was going to do that. Solar would never let that go and tease him for the rest of his life.
Perhaps showing memes? But that wasn't really suitable at the moment.
Moon thought about it and then an idea came to his mind. Solar's drawing tablet. Maybe he would like to draw or something? The blue celestial animatronic remembered that Solar left it in the drawer by the security desk.
When he got up and walked towards the little tunnel, Solar grabbed his hand.
"Don't leave!" He yelped out and that startled the blue animatronic.
Moon focused on him and noted how panicked he looked. Moon never saw him that scared, he held his hand.
"Do you mind if I sit right next to you?"
"I don't mind."
Moon sat down next to him and watched the darker Sun animatronic.
"I actually just wanted to get your tablet." Moon spoke softly.
"Sorry. I don't know what's with me. I have been sick before, but I have never acted like that."
Moon shook his head. "You're fine. Remember when I had the virus? I couldn't be alone either and you know, normally, I even prefer being alone."
Solar nodded and when he remembered, he let out a soft laugh. "You held onto me like your life depended on it." Moon frowned and felt his faceplate heaten up.
"Shut it."
"You didn't even let me go when I took you to your bed." Solar softly teased and Moon jabbed his shoulder.
"I honestly never guessed you were a cuddle bug." Solar continued.
"I could say the same about you. When I woke up you were the one holding me."
Solar shrugged and smirked. "Well, at least I was the big spoon of us both."
Moon let out a strangled sound and covered his faceplate.
Solar laughed softly and leaned back.
"You are so easily to tease." Solar said amused, and Moon just rolled his eyes.
"If it wasn't for you being sick I would already have shoved the pillow into your face." 
"Oh, horrifying." Solar sarcastically vocalized.
Moon gave him a wry smile and hesitated to move closer to him. Solar huffed and moved his elbow to his.
"I'm not afraid of you." Solar blurted out and Moon tilted his head.
"I was just so caught up in my dream that I didn't realize it was you." The bask animatronic tried to explain.
"Do you often dream about your Sun and Moon?"
"No, just sometimes, but not all of them are nightmares. Believe it or not, I actually have a few nice memories of that place."
Moon nodded and glanced at him. Then the blue celestial animatronic drew circles in Solar's hand and closed his eyes. 
Solar smiled softly at him and then slowly leaned his head towards Moon's.
"I had many dreams about that damn Gator." Solar admitted, and Moon raised his brow.
"I'm pretty sure that Gator had a way to get in dreams because they kept trying to sell their things."
Moon barked a laugh. "How? That British Gator can't even tie a knot. Remember when.."
"Moon that Gator was smarter than they let on."
The blue crescent animatronic chuckled. "Actually you're right, our Monty is similar when it comes to that."
There was a comforting silence and slowly Solar's hand intertwined with Moon's.
They stayed like this for a while and eventually Solar felt sleepy again.
Moon noticed that Solar was about to fall asleep, so he slowly moved him to lay down. When he tucked Solar in, he was about to just sit down on the floor and wait for him to wake up.
Solar grabbed Moon's hand and looked up at him with a slight panic.
"Are you going to leave?" Moon shook his head.
"No, you are stuck with me, remember? I just didn't know if I should lay with you."
"If you don't mind?" Solar mumbled.
Moon smiled softly at him and laid down next to him.
The blue celestial turned around, his back facing Solar and Moon felt Solar's hand move to his chest. He pulled Moon towards him and held him close.
"Calling me a cuddle bug, huh?" Moon mumbled silently and laid his hands over Solar's.
He was happy to have someone like Solar.
It didn't take Moon long to fall asleep, but then again, he could sleep anywhere if the crescent animatronic wanted to.
Hours went by, it was closing time and the celestial siblings, Lunar, Sun and Earth were carrying cookies and drinks.
Moon texted Sun and the other two that Solar was sick and should come if they had time.
Sun and Moon developed a habit of watching movies if one of them is sick. Since Earth, Lunar and even Monty came along, the habit of stuck to them as well. And they had to make sure that solar is also involved in this.
Lunar was the first to zoom through the tunnel and jumped on Solar's bed.
"Solar wake up!" Lunar yelled, that startled Moon and Solar.
Lunar let out a little gasp when they realized that Moon was also there.
"Jesus Christ Lunar. Do you always have to scream when you wake us?" Moon mumbled while sitting up.
Lunar muffled his laugh while jumping off the bed.
"Hey Sun I found Moon! He was with Solar the whole time." He yelled through the tunnel.
Solar groaned and covered his faceplate in his hands.
"Can you not scream? My head is killing me." Solar mumbled grumpy.
Lunar let out a little sorry, then Sun and Earth was climbing through the tunnel.
"Moon, have you been here for the past couple of hours?" 
The bright animatronic asked while holding chips and popcorn.
"Yep here the last few hours, why?"
"Well, we actually needed your help since we had another problem with code.. blue." Sun explained and Moon groaned as he let himself fall in bed again.
"Not dealing with this now, tomorrow." He mumbled while closing his eyes again. Solar rolled his eyes, trying not to be amused by this situation.
"How are you feeling, Solar? Any better?" Earth questioned him.
And Moon seemed to be interested in the question as well, since he sat up straight and waited for his answer.
Solar thought about it and he actually felt better. His body didn't ache, and his fans were also way quieter than in the morning.
"I'm actually feeling better."
"Did Moon nurse you back to health?" Lunar asked with a teasing tone.
Moon threw a pillow at him and when it hit Lunar he let out a little 'oof'.
"I mean if it wasn't for him, I would probably still be passed out on the security desk." Solar joked, but the other celestial animatronics didn't seem to find that funny.
Solar let out a nervous laugh before a pillow hit right in his face.
"What the heck, Lunar?"
"You deserved it." Lunar simply mumbled.
"Well, I'm glad Moon found you before that happened." Earth spoke while placing the cookies down on Solar's desk.
"Actually, Ruin found him first." Moon explained and Earth tilted her head.
"I see, I mean he did tell me you both went upstairs to get some rest."
"Do you guys know where he is?" Moon asked genuinely.
Earth shook her head. "No I wanted to, but he was kinda just gone when I was looking for him."
Moon hummed.
"You look awful by the way, Solar." Lunar shot right out and Solar sighed. "Thanks, Lunar."
Lunar was about to jump on his bed again but stopped himself.
"Wait, are you contagious?"
Solar grinned at him. "Oh, very." Then he started to pretend to cough into his elbow. Lunar seemed to be unimpressed and they jumped on the bed.
"He is kinda contagious," Moon said to Lunar, and he stopped jumping and gave Moon the death stare.
Solar chuckled, as he watched Lunar stepping away from him.
"Wait, is he actually contagious?" Earth asked genuinely and Moon nodded.
"Yeah, if you touch him while he sneezes or is glitching out, the virus can spread to you," Moon explained and turned his gaze to the amused animatronic.
"Is that how you got it from Moon, Solar?" Sun asked while Lunar was stealing a cookie from Earth.
"Yep, I'm very contagious. You better watch out." Solar said sarcastically.
"So why are you sitting right next to him, brother?" Sun asked while keeping his distance. 
"Well, actually me and Ruin are now immune to it since our bodies have already experienced it and know how to kill the virus the second it gets in our body. Similar to the human immune system.. more or less." Moon interpreted.
"Soo what are we watching today?" Earth tilted her head as she glanced at Solar.
"It's my turn to pick the movie?" He questioned and Moon nodded.
"If you're sick you can choose."
Solar felt his faceplate heat up, it was just picking a damn movie. Why did that make him feel so embarrassed? Perhaps because it made him feel like he was currently the spotlight of this room.
"I don't know. I don't care what we watch." Solar mumbled.
"I mean if you don't know, we could give you some recommendations," Earth added while smiling softly.
Solar shook his head. "I know what we could watch. But, um are we going to watch it here?"
"Well, we wanted to see if you feel well enough to watch it in the theater?" Sun explained.
"Why did you bring the food in here then?" Moon questioned while watching Lunar eat the cookies.
"Every time we leave the food alone in the theater, Vegeta just steals it." Earth told him.
"You mean that creation of Monty?" Moon cringed while asking.
Earth nodded and Solar got up slowly.
"We can go to the theater." Solar rasped out while holding on Moon's shoulder.
"But I'm not going to deal with Vegeta if they come around." Solar clarified.
They brought blankets and cushions to the theater. The snacks and drinks were lying on the table and Solar watched how everyone got comfortable watching the movie.
Solar glanced over to Moon when he was sitting down next to him.
"What? I told you were stuck with me." Moon nudged him playfully and Solar smiled softly at him.
He wouldn't want it any other way.
Homies just cuddling
..and they were roommates
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dyke-in-crisis · 9 months
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meant to write an entire essay on this and ended up with a meme. take a wild guess which character provoked this
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karaspal · 3 months
jon’a age up genuinely becomes a good story once you start looking at it as a metaphor. like grant morrison said, superman has normal problems on bigger scales. and this story is meant to represent growing up. there are three angles i’d like to point out.
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nightwing (2016) #103
the first, and most obvious, is the feeling of growing up too quickly. it goes hand to hand with the regret of not doing enough reckless, fun things while you had the freedom to. a lot of people, especially in current years, feel like they’ve missed out on the teen experience. it’s usually due to mental health struggles and not having the energy to - the volcano represents that. a prison that holds jon and stops him from enjoying his youth.
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superman (2018) #7
the second angle is from a parent’s point of view. parents usually feel like the time they spend with their kid flies by too quick. lois and clark saw jon being a happy 10-year-old and just three weeks later, he was 17 years old. this is a representation of the “they grow up too fast”. although, in their case, they do grow up too fast indeed.
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action comics (2016) #1038
the most overlooked and, in my opinion, interesting angle is the portrayal of the distance that grows between the kid and their parents during their teen years. being a teenager is hard enough, but having parents who don’t understand your struggles makes it even worse. those are the years you develop your own self, instead of mimicking your parents. it’s a period of self-discovery. sometimes, parents are understanding and helpful. sometimes, they refuse to accept you are your own person so in their head, you stay the last age they liked you. this disconnect, where parents cling to an idealized version of their child, often leads them to ignore the teenager's struggles. and in doing so, a rift forms in the relationship.
it isn’t exactly like this with clark and jon, of course. had jon grew up with his folks, clark would’ve been more than happy to help his son navigate finding his true self. but jon didn’t. in clark’s eyes, he went from 10 to 17 in a matter of weeks. it’s hard to understand your son when suddenly he isn’t the kid who followed you around all the time anymore. when clark is wounded, he dreams of jon as a kid. it’s how he sees him still. and that’s not fair to jon, who is very much not that kid anymore.
mere weeks before that, jon begged clark to stay, but clark reassured him it’s fine. he couldn’t see how much jon truly was struggling. jon didn’t want clark to stay because he is superman, he wanted clark to stay because he needed his dad.
and clark tries to be a good dad, he does. and jon wants them to be close again, he wants nothing more. but the first step in mending their relationship is to accept it could never go back to the way it was. this is a time long passed, and they have to find a new footing in their relationship.
i’m sure there are more angles to this story, but those are the three i see. it’s not the best story, but once you looked at it as a metaphor and not a literal story, it becomes better.
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Behold, the field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren!
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ink-flavored · 2 months
i actually don’t know if i know about any of your poly ocs! enlighten me with these: 1-5 & 60-64
thank u!! i've talked a bit about TGDW when i answer these, but i want to talk about the (extremely undeveloped) polycules in my anthology/ies. so this gives me an excuse to develop them lmao
one of the prompts involves the halfling member of a 4-person polycule getting extremely annoyed that their Perfectly Organized Kitchen is not, in fact, perfectly organized. they have to have a house meeting about it. I'll call them the Kitchen Polycule because i think that's the funniest name I could possibly give them
1. How many members are in the polycule? How are they related to each other? Feel free to draw a flow chart.
So I made this chart:
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Halfling: Olo Cotton, demigirl, she/they
Goblin: Zinjest (aka Zinny), nonbinary, they/them
Dragonfolk: Raeshlea (aka Rae), cis man, he/him
Catfolk: Ferus, agender, xe/xir
For clarity's sake, Olo is gonna be strictly she/her for this post.
2. Did the relationship start polyamorous, or was it a monogamous relationship that eventually opened?
Technically, it was both.
Rae and Ferus discovered they weren't sexually compatible, and, while they loved each other, neither of them wanted to be in a completely sexless relationship. They decided to explore polyamory instead of breaking up over it, and found Olo and Zinjest, both of whom were poly from the start.
Goblin cultural norms are predisposed to polyamory, since they don't recognize the concept of "individual ownership", either with Stuff or with relationships. Olo grew up with Zinjest in their mixed-culture community, and both were pretty soaked in polyamory all their lives, so it only made sense to keep it that way when they got romantic. Olo prefers to keep things relatively contained, and likes to really get to know someone before adopting them as a partner. Meanwhile, Zinjest has various other sexual partners and lower-stakes romantic partners that aren't "nesting" partners (i.e. they don't live together), and is generally more lax about their relationships.
3. If it started monogamous, how did the process of opening the relationship go?
For Rae and Ferus, it was a bit rocky. Neither of them had tried this before, and had only vague relationships with the idea of non-monogamy in general. Usually, opening a relationship in an effort to save it does... not go well, and when they met Olo and Zinny, they got a bit of a lecture lmao
They had to think about what they really wanted out of polyamory, besides the ability to satisfy their sex lives. It took some hard talks and a lot of vulnerability to finally figure it out. They were able to have their relationship and eat it, too!
4. Are there any mono-poly relationships in the polycule?
None of them are strictly monogamous, but I think Ferus might be the closest to monogamous out of all of them. Xe tends to be extremely picky with who xe dates, which is why it was so hard for xir to accept when xe wasn't sexually compatible with Rae. Right now, the only relationship xe has outside of Rae is a casual sexual relationship with Zinjest, and for xir, that's plenty for now.
5. What “shape” is the polycule? A triad, a “V”, a straight line of metamours, or incomprehensible?
Well, it's not quite a quad, since they're not all dating each other. I don't know what you want to call that chart. A spaghetti polycule?
60. If one of the members gets sick, who takes care of them? Is there a rotation of caretakers lining up, or designated partner(s)?
Olo is usually the one to declare herself the designated house nurse, which can either go really great or really bad. She cooks a mean chicken soup and knows all about potion remedies, but sometimes you just have a minor cold and don't need a bedside assistant or anything more than a Tylenol.
Rae doesn't have the same hands-on knowledge, but he's the one who will always go get you something if you need it, go out shopping when you can't, check your temperature, ask if you want to change the TV channel, that stuff. He's the low-key, "hey babe, you need anything?" kind of caretaker.
61. Has anyone experienced a particularly messy break-up while in the polycule? How did everyone handle it?
Zinjest has gone through their fair share of messiness, luckily not with any of their nesting partners. Plenty of people who don't understand what polyamory is and get jealous, people who turn out to be really bad at negotiating or can't set boundaries, people who they simply aren't compatible with... it comes with the territory. Olo is there for them when something really nasty happens, and Rae likes to organize movie marathons to get their mind off it. And of course, Ferus is here to offer a night to remember if they need it (they usually take xir up on it).
62. Which of the members, if any, would be happy in a monogamous relationship if having a polycule wasn’t possible? Would any rather be single than monogamous?
Zinjest would absolutely never be in a romantic relationship again if it meant monogamy. It just genuinely doesn't make sense for them, and they're positive they wouldn't be happy.
Olo is a bit more lax, but still would rather be single. She wouldn't hate a monogamous relationship on principle, but it just sounds so much more stressful—being the only person your partner goes to, for all their needs? She would have to REALLY love the person to even consider doing something that intense.
Rae and Ferus are kinda on the same page, in that they would have stayed in their sub-par monogamous relationship until it ended if polyamory wasn't on their radar. It wouldn't have been fantastic, but sometimes things just don't work out. They could have done it, and been happy. They probably wouldn't go back to strict monogamy now, but if this polycule somehow crumbled to dust, monogamy wouldn't be off the table.
63. How insecure was each member when starting their polyamorous journey? In what ways?
For Rae, he was very concerned about not being "enough". Because Ferus is so picky, at the start of their relationship it felt like he'd "won" something. When their sexual compatibility didn't work out, that sense of victory got tarnished. When it turned out Ferus got along great with Zinjest and they were great sexual partners too, that feeling turned into jealousy very fast. He was so confused about his place in Ferus' life, and what the state of their relationship really was, but also felt guilty that he couldn't be the "everything you need" that he wanted to be. It was quite a turbulent time.
Funnily enough, Ferus felt similarly when Rae started getting sexual and/or kinky with Zinny and Olo. It was such a whirlwind for xir, especially since xe wasn't used to "sharing". Um, even though we don't fuck, Rae was xirs first, and Zinjest was xirs first, hello?? But then xe had to contend with... no, that's not true. Olo was here first, and Zinjest has like 6 other partners too. So... does xe even have a right to feel this annoyed? Why does it feel so weird that Rae has two partners, but it feels fine for xir to have two partners? Again, turbulence.
For Olo, there's always a little rush of protectiveness that comes with Goblin getting a new partner. She likes Rae and Ferus fine enough, but ooOoOoO if you EVERRRR hurt Zinny it's ON. She is learning to back off on this, because it has, in the past, intimidated potential partners out of Zinny's dating pool.
As for Zinjest...okay, I won't say Zinny is immune to being insecure—especially if it's about being able to give attention to everyone equally, or being present in someone's life the way they're expected to (and vice versa). The difference is they can talk about it openly and nip it in the bud extremely fast. Paragon of emotional maturity.
64. How did each member overcome their insecurities about relationships? Have they at all?
After extensive discussions (mostly led by Zinjest), the whole polycule is much healthier than they started out.
Ferus has been able to let go of the idea of "dibs" and that "being there first" should inherently give xir more power over any particular relationship. Xe's learned to approach things that bother xir from a "negotiation" angle instead of a sweeping declaration of power, which is unfair to everyone. The contradiction of "it's fine for me, but not for you" also stemmed from this idea, so xe's able to be happy that Rae found sexual and kink compatibility, which is the whole reason they wanted to be poly in the first place, after all.
As for Rae, the knowledge that Ferus is choosing to be with him romantically has been a great help to almost all his issues. It's not that he isn't enough, it's that Ferus doesn't want to burden him with expectations he can't meet. Nobody can be everything someone needs, and their relationship would have been poorer if he tried to be that. In a healthy relationship, there are no "winners" there's no "victory" state, and the only way you can "lose" is if you're hurting yourself or someone else. Sometimes he does need reassurance from Ferus, but just hanging out one-on-one is a balm for all of that.
Zinjest and Olo are perpetually in polyamory negotiation land, so they got to high-five about helping these two newbies for a hot second and then continue their years-long conversations about their issues.
[try my 65 Question Polycule Dynamics ask game]
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voshimord · 6 months
Adding to my last two posts: I don't personally think that fantube is canon after this "proposal", they just did voice request, no more no less
But it was just too... Surprisingly to see that they actually did that I was like "WOOOOOWWWW they did WHAT?? Omg the whole fandom is gonna go wild after that..."
We need to remember that there are no canon ships in the II until they are shown in the show itself, that's all.
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gallixie · 1 year
but they're a hero, you know. the strong kind, the hold-up-the-sky kind, the too-good-for-this-world kind. they're a hero, and they don’t deserve this.  because they are kind, too-good-for-this-world kind, and i think that’s what makes them a hero. their heart is too big, and they carry it in their hands and i think it’s as heavy as the sky anyway and even if atlas was never a hero, they are.  and they're a hero, and they don't deserve this, but we all know how this story ends and even if you rip out the last page it doesn’t stop the story from ending.  they're a hero, they are, and one day it’s going to kill them. because their heart is too big, and they carry it in their hands, and no one can hold up the sky forever.
— heroes are only heroes until it takes its toll // p.s. (edit for @1-800-hellyeah)
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asurrogateblog · 8 months
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...sudden radio silence on social media for the last few months i wonder why
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bandomfandombeyond · 10 months
ok but let's talk about how even after socially transitioning i'm still afraid to take up space in a way that makes me feel like the forceful pruning of femininity's shears upon my personal development is, perpetually, externally perceptible as a squelching tar pit that i'm slowly dragging my hunched, grotesque form out of, only to then cower in a damp corner, begging for either exultation or invisibility from those same true arbitrators of the masculine idyll, with little conviction that the situation shall materially improve, regardless of their inclination towards benevolence or disdain, for the sticky strands cling, as they always have, and they shall always still, as inseparable from my ownership of self as the heft of my soul's hollow cage, the flesh.
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xxsakuragirlxx · 5 months
hii i've seen u in my notes and I want to be friends but I would like to know ur thoughts on lgbt+ first if u are comfortable with sharing
Hello, I don't mind sharing, but you might not like my views and that's perfectly fine. I'm being respectful with my words and honestly, you don't have too, because of the sensitivity of the topic.
I don't necessarily support the LGBT community. NOW, that doesn't mean I'm going to go around preaching saying "you're going to hell, REPENT!"., that just means our views are going to contradict, not me hating just because you aren't straight or cis. I have seen in real life and online those who like to make their sexuality or being trans, non binary the most prominent fact about them. Like I said, not going to hate. If you're a nice person, then I don't mind talking to you, but understand when it comes to these topics, your own being, we aren't going to see eye to eye and at least should converse like civil adults. (I had too many situations where I said the same thing and people threw a tantrum). For one, I'm a Christian, or at least trying to become one. Some of my views are based off the Bible and I'm trying to practice them, even if they seem stupid and out of date to the world. (I'm trying to force myself to read the Bible, but Christians don't joke that if the devil can feel change, he gets pissed and fucks with those who aren't in his grasp.) I have friends who are in the community (I know, that's a dumb excuse. That's like saying, "I'm not racist, I have black friends. 😏". Just because I associate myself with a specific person doesn't mean it my views can't affect them.) and I am respectful towards them despite my views. I told a mutual this: God is the epitome of love, but that doesn't mean He wants you to continue living the life you have. That's withholding your true potential for a life that won't even last for long. He's not going to force His way to you though, that goes against His nature of allowing free will and having a relationship with His creation, but actions/descions have their consequences and allowing free will brings that statement into work. I'm not going to condemn or shame anyone in the community because of this. Now to true Christians, that's me walking on eggs shells. That's me "confirming" to the world while trying to represent Christ. Basically, I'm lukewarm and it's a disgusting act towards God. I try to be nice to everyone and sometimes, that makes me a doormat: I say what people want to hear. Well actually, that just makes me a hypocrite. I was like that in the past because I wanted friends. I do my best to never do that again. I try to be blunt, gentle and stern with others because most can be worst. If others chose to respond in the opposite-well, nothing much I can do. I'm not going to grovel and change my beliefs for someone just like how others won't do the same to me, other Christians, and even God. If I choose to change, that's because I chose to and it's the same for everyone else as well; You indirectly helped. In the past, I use to support the community, then I slowly stopped. Did anyone force and belittled me(only ones who would do this are non supporters)? No, it came from personal reflection and was based off of what I read and experience. No one changed me, I chose to think differently and that means everything around me shift.
I also had another mutual come to me about the topic of LGBT because of a personal situation. As I told her, you can't change a person's sexuality. Like conversion therapy. That's you playing God in my opinion. Forcing someone to be something they are not will not only piss them off, it takes away the chance of them trying to love God. If anything, God will come to them. Whatever happens at that point is between Him and the individual.
There are some people who changed from LGBT+ to straight. I don't know anyone personally, but I have seen some state that as a testimony when they became Christian. Is it true, can your sexuality be changed by God? To be honest, probably, but I will personally never go through that journey. I'm straight. Sometimes women do look a little bit more... pretty in my eyes, but I try to stray away from those thoughts.(I fail at times because if you look through my blog, I go crazy over this OC a mutual has. That's only with that particular OC however.) When you see someone change like that, it's offensive and it's hurtful because you are changing who you are for a being most don't want to believe in. Like I tell some, you'll never know until you actually go through the experience, and to go through the experience, you actually have to have faith in God, read the Bible, and humble yourself to understand His perspective and why everything is the way it is.
Anyway, sorry for that. You asked for my views on the community and I'm here going into a different topic. Here's a summary: I may not support the LGBT+ community, but I'm not going to change you. That isn't my job. As a Christian, the job is to preach the Gospel so all that hear can gain a chance of salvation. If you hear and decide to ignore, well-that's you. I can't force you to actually listen. If you do become curious, know what all comes in the package of being Christian. Being lukewarm sucks because the further you go in, the harder it is to leave the lifestyle and it's you walking on extremely thin ice. (I did it again, going off topic, good Lord...)
As I said in another paragraph, I try to be blunt, gentle and stern. If my words offend you, then it does. I can't change how many will view me from this point forward.
I don't know who you are since you're on anon, but honestly if you want to block me or if any of the mutuals I have see this and decide "damn, Sakura actually kinda sucks. I should stop talking to her and block :/", I understand. I have in my bio that if you don't support my views, you are free to block.
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I had it happen before. I'm sensitive to these things, but that isn't your problem, it's mines. That's how it is. I don't expect others to coddle or pity me just because I seem nice in how I explain things. If I ever decide to take Christianity seriously, I'll lose all what I had. I had a vent post saying the same exact thing. However, as the the end goal for most Christians are, they just want to go home. Home as in with God, in a New Heaven and Earth, where everything is the way God designed. If that means losing everything, so be it. They're tired and honestly, I'm tired as well. I just want peace and I'm already in a conflicted state of it I'll ever get that peace.
Anyway, like I said, perfectly fine it you would like to block me. Thank you for the ask and I hope you have a blessed night/day.
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byhees · 7 months
よいいちにちを、zu’ ちゃん ! ^^
ありがとう!♡ あなたも素晴らしい一日を過ごしてください ><
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wildpeachfarm · 5 months
Una di noi
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Okay per correzione io sarei svizzera ma l’italiano è la mia lingua madre (una delle lingue ufficiali della Svizzera, c’ho fatto un post a riguardo), MA VABBENE LO STESSO
AW sei così gentile 😭💕
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Perhaps the only good thing about Percy so far seemingly not having been cast in the show is that -- aside from my fears of what DG and writers would do with him -- I don't have to look at the actor they chose and constantly think how he's not pretty enough to be Percy. 😅
On the other hand, maybe the casting gods would've miraculously blessed us with the perfect amazingly handsome, delicate featured, beautiful-eyed and soft spoken Percy of our dreams and we're being deprived of the pleasure of gazing upon him as we speak...who knows? 😢
Oh, the cruelty of (most likely) never knowing! Sometimes I'm not sure what I want anymore...😭
But I will always love and protect Percy Wainwright, come hell or high water -- that much at least is certain. ❤
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gellavonhamster · 9 months
прывітанне з менска! у вас выдатны блог! жадаю, каб наступны год быў не горшы, чым гэты!🎉🎊🧡
дзякуй, і вас з Новым годам! прывітанне з Рыгі 🎄💜
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nekomas-solaris · 10 months
Na’vi translation needed
ok I’m very new at trying pronunciations for a fictional language I currently have no access to learning but I’ve got 2 OCs in the Pandora world.
Tsu’nayi is a genuine mix between a Na’vi and a human. I got it to theoretically work out if the dna is compatible even if the… natural way doesn’t work. But bottom line she’s a “failed experiment bc the scientists in charge somehow managed to flip the lung intake system so instead of a human dying when trying to breathe on Pandora, she’s suffocating when trying to breathe oxygen. Her name is derived from her experiment number: 293 (at least they’re similar.) Someone else decided to nickname her Tsu’nayi bc it’s similar sounding to tsunami bc Tsunami was typical, but taking out the ‘m’ is so much better! (Lol)
The next one is Kai’ne (I honestly pronounce it ‘Cane’). His I got from a Navi name generator and made a little backstory to make it plausible as well. He was called Adam bc he was the first of his kind. Some lady got her DNA sent in to have an avatar created and she didn’t find out she was pregnant till later. When the first mind link thing happened, the baby was connected as well and the mom died somehow (cause TBD) but the baby could now flip physically between his human and Na’vi form. However it is to be said that the Na’vi form usually shows in like life or death situations, but he could control it as time went on. After escaping from the scientists during one of the last raids before the 15 year time of peace, he changed his name to Kai’ne as a kind of way to “kill his former self.”
I’m honestly just curious if those names are grammatically correct or if there’s a more accurate name to call them. Any advice would be appreciated tho!
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