#jan is the bitch not marya
Jesper: How did you become my favourite person? My defences were up??
Wylan: I listened to you yap
Jesper: Son of a bitch!
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lilisouless · 7 months
Jesper: poppy seeds remind me of my grandma Hilli, she was so sweet
Grandma Hilli : remember,little poppy, your future spouse must love you for you with all your flaws
Grandma Hilli : And if they don’t, you burn the bitch down!
Four yeard old Jesper: Yay!
Colm: Nooo!
Jesper: do you think our grandmothers are looking at us right now from wherever they are? Talking about us?
Wylan: …
Grandma Van Eck : is this supposed to be the prodigy Jan was talking about?
Marya: what? He drew you almost to perfection
Grandma Van Eck : “almost” is not enough , my dress is vermillion and he used crimson
Marya: he is four!
Wylan: ….
Wylan: honestly, I don’t think our grandmothers ended up on the same place
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jazzythursday · 6 days
I'm a sucker for aus. That tangled au has got me curious 👀👀👀👀
Hi friend! Tangled au is a long multi-chap fic that takes place in a canon blend between soc and Disney's Tangled. It has Wylan as Rapunzel and Jesper as Flyn, Jan Van Eck as mother Gothel, and (in some ways) Kaz and Inej as Pascal and Maximus.
The idea is that Marya and Jan were once the ruling monarchs of Kerch, before Jan's betrayal. Marya is still the queen, but as far as she's aware both Jan and Wylan have been missing or dead for around a decade.
Wylan in the au lived as the prince of Kerch until that time, but doesn't remember any of it (so I suppose there's a bit of an anastasia vibe going on there) before the age of 8 because of Reasons™ I won't disclose (not becuase I don't fully know what they are yet... what who said that?) so as far as he's aware, he's lived in the woods with his father his whole life.
Wylan and Jesper meet through pretty much the same circumstances as in Tangled, with Jesper being chased by stadwach and climbing up the tower to hide. Wylan inlists his help in going to see the 'floating lights' while his father is away on business, and insuing adventuring, hijinks, and romance occur.
A big part of how it will branch off from the movie is because of the added connections with Jan and Marya. Gothel in the movie has no relation to the throne, she's just a bitch, but Jan was once king, and even though he brought his exile on himself he blames Marya and Wylan for his lack of power. I guess that the most exciting thing about this au to me is how much I plan on diverging from the set story path. It gives me more problems to solve down the line but also A LOT more to play around with.
also Milo is going to be a horse.
Thanks for playing!
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wildfirehq · 6 months
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CHARACTER AGE/DOB: August 8, 1992
WHERE THEY ARE CURRENTLY LOCATED & ANY IMPORTANT ALLIANCES OF NOTE: Crows. Cannot be physically 6 feet apart from his rootie tootie shootie boyfriend or he’ll explode (this is a joke). Goes between Alexandria and Commonwealth but considering Everything with the Crows, his location is at Kazzle Dazzle’s discretion. 
Wylan has an extreme form of Dyslexia, and therefore it makes reading and writing horrendously difficult for him.
Wylan like to make projectile explosives. Walkers go boom. 
Grew up with a richie rich “STEM adjacent entrepreneur billionaire” father who thought Wylan was useless because of his disabilities. Oh no, the kid can’t take over the family business. How said. 
Insanely talented at playing the flute. Can play the piano, but he’s of the opinion that while it sounds pretty, it’s just not as fun sounding. 
His mother, who was basically the only light in his life, “died” from a “lung infection” when he was about 8 She was locked up in a mental institution, to whom Wylan’s bitch ass father paid a metric fuck ton of money to keep her from seeing the light of day again. 
But why did he do this? Because Wylan’s disability and Jan Van Eck didn’t want any more “defective” children
Marya’s fate in the apocalypse is unknown because Meri hasn’t decided or conferred with Andy and Alice on if this can be a plot later
Remarried a lovely girl named Alys when Wylan was about 16ish. Alys was only a few years older than Wylan. Which. Creepy. 
Alys also had a big ol’ gigantic affair with her music teacher and ran away with him once the apocalypse started and took Van Eck’s new kid with her. Go Alys. 
Meanwhile, Wylan’s dad became involved in Wildfire. 
And, well, Wylan showed promise at science and math. So his dad was content in leaving him alone for the time being. 
Except, well. Around April 2010. When Wylan tries to whistleblow about wildfire. And things turned a tad…. Murder-y. Bad murder-y.
He eventually meets Kaz Brekker. Because sweet little moron Wylan is an idiot little rich boy, he doesn’t realize Kaz already knew exactly who he was. Wylan is placed under protection for some time. 
Spring 2013, Wylan joins the rest of the crows and is irritable when Wylan realizes that Kaz knew who he was this whole time and wasn’t coming to him for his explosives/chemist abilities
He’s still salty. Yeah, it’s been 11 years. And?
Something something simps for Jesper
Wylan enjoys his time with the crows and their slightly more blood robin-hood esque adventures. 
Something something simps for jesper. 
Truly, he starts to have Kaz’s “scheming face” nailed down. It’s a little frightening. 
Something something - you get it. 
He enjoys America. Especially because it put many, many miles between him and the shitshow that his father helped cause. 
………………. Okay fine, he wants a heist too. Fuck off. 
Liability by Lorde
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jackwolfes · 2 years
10, 18, and 29 for “together,” “beautiful,” and “smile”?
10 answered
18 What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
answered here, but i've picked out another below the cut! 👇
29 Send me a word. If it’s in your WIPs, include the sentence and a short summary of the fic.
(NSFW) "together" from the horny office au: The noise Wylan lets out when Jesper yanks his head back makes him sound like a broken toy, shattered into pieces and unable to be put back together into what he was before.
"beautiful" from jesper shoots kaz the fic: Every so often, when Wylan’s clothes come off, Jesper touches the scar on his leg. It’s raised and jagged, worse than a clean shot because Kaz took out a bottle of chemical something or other with his shot. It’s messy, like an exploding star, and not beautiful on its own but beautiful because it’s Wylan.
"smile" from the last chapter of like a secret: Gansey smiles at him when he hands the rings over, and Ronan grins back at him. It’s a surprisingly honest smile, and sharp around the edges, but Gansey doesn’t seem put off even the slightest bit – he just seems distracted.
ok scene commentary from the marya study under the cut (tw for jan van eck and all assorted awfulness)
the below is the scene from the end of the fic, and like! the pacing of this scene is fucking stellar, and i'm so pleased with the beats it has, and it flows really well with a rapid fire pace, and more than anything it was just so gratifying to write. especially the ["Wylan manages both." "Wylan--" "Wylan," she interrupts"] because like, the whole thing is that she's been fucked over and disempowered by how jan views their son, part and parcel with the fact she loves wylan more than anything else? and the whole!! ability to give marya -- a character with i think three or four speaking lines -- a voice that's incredibly empowered and coherent was really really enjoyable. like she's hitting this fucker with cold hard facts!!! and then to end it on the "they will be my grandchild and i will love them", ugh, very fun.
She stands to the chorus of threats and abuse, hurled over her but not about her because what use is she, really? She’s past her sell-by date. Washed up. Just another useless bitch not good for a thing, not anymore. Oh, he is irritating. Maybe she will stop into Church on the way home, and try to remember that retribution is out of her hands. Ghezen and His hand will bring down fair justice as is deserved. Or, maybe, she’ll ask her driver to bring her past the markets. She’s always loved stopping in herself, and if that bread the kitchen girls get is available –
Ghezen, he’s still talking. 
“He will never have an heir, and my legacy will die, and you–”
Marya leans in close to his face, close enough that he leans away on instinct. She is sick to death of hearing him speak. He stops talking, probably startled, and she presses her face closer until their noses almost touch. 
“Your legacy is that of a hysterical man who committed high treason. You are a spineless, selfish man with no one to say a good thing about you. You, Jan, are a laughing stock.”
“At least I am remotely competent.”
“I don’t believe you are,” she snaps back. He baulks, and she stares blankly back at him. “The Council likes him much better than they ever liked you, because you aren’t a likeable man. But that isn’t what matters, is it? Likeable does not equate to good at business. Wylan manages both.”
“Wylan,” she interrupts, still not speaking any louder, “has grown the empire six times over in as many years. Shipping has stretched further across the True Sea than you could have ever managed. He has acquired land across the world and invested in a very clever sounding drug that uses jurda. He has done more than you ever could. When he dies and passes it all down to the child he and his husband will one day raise–”
“It will not be my blood,” Jan snaps. “It will be some insolent, half-breed bastard.”
“They will be my grandchild,” she says, “and I will love them.” 
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