#jan turns to nace very slightly >
jaarijani · 10 months
a little jance moment during proti toku yesterday :)
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luluxa · 24 days
a tiny Jance fic 🤭
I knew he was the one
“I knew he was the one,” Jan says, sneaking a glance at Nace and getting a shy smile in return.
They gloss over it quickly, just like they gloss over Jan’s claims about his ‘celebrity crush’, keeping him in check before the camera. It’s not like Jan’s about to volunteer every detail of his private life and sexual preferences but evidently, he’s being embarrassing enough. He has an excuse, though: he’s slightly tipsy and head over heels in love and it’s a dangerous combination.
Jan very pointedly doesn’t react when Nace uses Jure’s absence to change seats. He doesn’t react when the Live is over and Jure pats his back fleetingly and Bojan gives him an eyeroll.
Later, it’s his turn to go get everyone coffee and snacks and Nace tags along, very transparently, causing another wave of muffled sniggering. They probably think they’re being clever.
Outside, he throws his car key at Nace, who catches it easily and giggles to boot.
“So you knew I was the one?”
Jan shrugs, torn between defensiveness and making eyes at him. “Yeah.” The latter urge wins and as Nace stops by the car, smiling, Jan slides up to him and sneaks his palms under the coat and away from the freezing air. “After all, I am a genius.”
Nace huffs but nods readily, his soft gaze warming Jan faster than his coat. “You are. But you know, I’m not an idiot either cos I knew you were the one too.”
When they kiss, Jan feels entirely too hot from his toes to the tips of his ears and has to shift away before his palms sneak somewhere else on their own volition.
“The guys don’t know any of that, though, do they?” Nace asks once they’re in the car, raising an eyebrow at him. “You said you will tell them a month ago!”
Now Jan feels entirely defensive. “It’s an awkward conversation to have. I thought it would be easy to figure out without any explanations.”
“Apparently, we’re too sneaky. If I kissed you in front of them, would that help, you think?”
Jan makes a contemplative face. “You’d need to use your tongue and grab my ass. We’re all too casually gay with each other, that’s the problem.”
“Or we could use words,” Nace offers pointedly, sounding way too grown up and reasonable. Serves Jan right for falling in love with a pensioner.
Jan sighs. “Fine. You should kiss me and grope me anyway, though. I wanna see the reactions.”
Nace shakes his head with exasperation but doesn’t argue. Sometimes Jan wonders if he’s being treated like a silly child and if Nace will get fed up with it eventually – he is a sensible grown up after all, while Jan has never had a proper relationship, never lived with anyone, never had plans and goals and always said he wants nothing but fleeting hook ups. He wonders whether he can have a proper relationship – it seems to be going well so far, but what if he fucks it up tomorrow somehow, by holding back, or being too much, or too weird, or too infantile? Yes, he knew Nace was the one, he was ready to place his heart in Nace’s hands right there and then and trust him to keep it safe, but who said he’d be any good at holding Nace’s heart in turn?
“You want me to tell them now?” he asks quietly before they go back to the studio, Jan loaded up with the coffees and Nace holding the door open for him.
Nace eyes him for a second and Jan uses that second to get scared he will remain unaccountable. “Sure,” Nace says though and Jan nods, breathing out. He can be a grown up and use words. If he wants Nace to stay, he fucking should be grown up enough.
Jan gets more smirks and winks thrown at him behind Nace’s back and all of a sudden, instead of making him amused, it makes him annoyed as fuck, mostly at himself.
“If I could use a second of your attention,” he says before they get preoccupied with the food, causing three pairs of similarly round eyes. What do they think he’s about to say? Deny his every ambiguous phrase and every flirty glance? Jan waits for Nace to climb upstairs and gets an encouraging nod and a smile. “Nace and I are dating and have been dating since October,” he says in one breath and feels immense relief right away. It was also a lot easier than he thought.
“We are,” Nace confirms when the round eyes travel from Jan to him.
As they still gape, Jan picks up his own cup and removes a guitar from the spot he wants to sit in. “That’s it, you can drink your coffee now,” he lets them.
Before he sits down, Nace pokes his side with a pout. “No kissing though?”
“That’s just childish,” Jan informs him happily.
Coffee in one hand and guitar in the other, he lets Nace snog him thoroughly and giggles when his ass receives a firm squeeze.
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saucyjothoughts · 2 months
Okay this might be slightly filthy and maybe uncomfortable but how the guys would feel about having period sex
(Absolutely in love with this account, keep it up🫶)
Sweet Anonyboo, there is nothing filthy or uncomfortable about this!
(nsfw under the cut)
Bojan: thinks you smell incredible when your body is menstruating. He doesn't consciously realise what it is that's turning him on and you notice the pattern before he does. He'll be clingy for days, not wanting to leave your side, craving skin-on-skin and being unbearably hard more often than usual. If you do let him smash, he comes too soon (always inside) and won't stop cuddling afterwards. Sometimes he'll be all over you a few hours before you come on, like some kind of medical alert dog. You don't even need to use your app anymore, it's actually quite useful.
Jan: is pretty casual about it, but respects that you probably want more space during that time because that's what a previous girlfriend preferred. But he isn't good at explaining his intentions, so for a long time you assume he's backing off because he doesn't want you. Until you actually talk about it.
"I thought you found it gross."
"I don't care. We've literally had our tongues in each other's assholes - gross is not a problem."
"Then why don't you want to?"
"I thought you wouldn't want to."
"Wrong - hornier than ever."
"Wanna go and fuck?"
Nace: calls it 'bottom week'. If anyone in the world can understand complicated body feelings and changing boundaries and working around insecurities, it's Nace Jordan. He hopes one day you'll be comfortable enough to let him inside when you're feeling weird and vulnerable but until then (or even if it never happens at all) he'll have a great time letting you do him instead. He'll smother you with kisses and make sure you both get off while he's riding the strap and you don't have to worry about getting blood everywhere. Everybody wins.
Jure: Has always loved to make a mess. He also loves a quickie and being physical when you're menstruating means he can skip the foreplay because you're already wet. That's not to say he won't look after you when you need it, though. He'll cancel plans when you're craving a little extra attention - though he doesn't always remember to actually cancel. You still haven't forgiven him for the time he answered the door half-naked with blood all around his mouth when the boys came looking for him, claiming "Boo isn't feeling very well."
Kris: loves how sensitive you become when you're on. Will dote over your sore chest and tender nipples, will rub your back for you and let you cry on him and bring you whatever little treats you desire. You always come so much harder and how loud and quivery you get drives him wild. He always wants to torture you with overstimulation (it's so easy when you're like this) until you're begging and shaking and slapping him away. He doesn't even need to be inside you, he just gets off on rubbing your hypersensitive clit until you're a mess under his hand. If you do ask for his cock, the clean-up afterwards seems to be a sacred experience for him, joining you in the shower and helping you with your body lotion.
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anxious-witch · 11 months
Okay, I think I mostly gathered my thoughts. So
My personal highlights from the second Zagreb concert (11/11/2023)
Meeting my friend's friends in the queue and us sharing snacks while freezing outside
Managing to get to almost exact middle of the stage in the third row
4 of us playing "finish the sentence" for an hour while we waited and two girls joining us and laughing so much because we kept fucking up
I know I said Jan's magnetism is fascinating, but now that I was closer, I definitely see why sm ppl recorded primarly Bojan. When he meets your gaze for a second it's like. Okay, let me just breathe for a second
Experiencing Kris on the stage too, since I could bareky see him yesterday! I know he was feeling unwell but he still had that ethereal glow to him
Getting to see irl how differently Jan and Kris handle guitars? Like, I am absolutely no expert but Kris seems much more controlled and precise and Jan just...goes to twon with his guitar 😂 love them both it's just interesting how different their styles are
I finally got to see Jure omg. His drum solo was so good and I don't think I realized how much force he puts in his movements before. He is panting because his entire body is moving constantly while he plays the drums. Insane. I love him
A friend's friend throwing a bra with Umazane Misli on it and Bojan picking it up and showing it off
Also, during Umazane Misli, Bojan sending a microphone to one girl who had a sign, another girl taking it and Bojan looking like a disapproving teacher(dw they both got to sing in the end)
Bojan hitting his titties with his hand. 10/10 no notes
Bojan and Nace interacting on several ocassions
Bojan giving Jan the rose and Jan literally holding it with his teeth while he plays
Jan doing his guitar solo. Kris looking extremly bored and like he just wants Jan to stop showing off 😂 Nace looking at Jan like he hung sun and the stars in the sky
Jan falling(on purpose or not idk) on the floor and still playing his guitar
Bojan circling around Kris and Kris moving away before he can touch him 😂😂 legit got the vibe of "we are having an argument" couple
Bojan kneeling in front of Kris at the end of the second SSOL and Kris smirking slightly while Bojan was turned to the audience
Like. Bojan hugged him first after the announcement and Maks was very clearly flustered and turned to leave the stage. And then Kris pulled him into a hug from the side and then everyone took turns hugging him
Again, I am probably forgetting things but overall, both concerts were an amazing experiences and I am just floored. I looked forward to this for so long I thought real experience couldn't compare to how I imagined it but boii, I was wrong. I am so thankful I got the change to experience them live
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thegengarprincess · 3 months
Baking cookies for my love! , I stir and mix~❣️
Pairing: (❤️💜) Jan Peteh x Nace Jordan (🐈‍⬛💞🐕), (💖💙) Bojan Cvjetićanin x Jure Maček/implied (🎤💕🥁), (🧡🖤) Kris Guštin x Damon Baker/mentioned (👑💗📸)
Warnings: (‼️) minor depictions of a character throwing up off-screen (Bojan fr eats raw cookie dough like the chaotic puppy he is) , RPF! don’t like, don’t read. Just a whole lotta fluff N gay pinning from here on out :3 (❕)
Word count: (👾🗒️) 1.3k/roughly (📝😭)
Tags: (🎁🐱) tooth-rotting fluff/baking as a love language/pinning/very, very gay pinning/author can’t tag to save their life/flour fights/Bojan’s only purpose here is to look pretty and be a lil shit /just two kitties and one puppy being chaotic and in love/Igor being his dad’s no.1 wingman/the inherent eroticism of making bear-shaped cookies for ur crush as a birthday gift/obligatory heart to heart while ur other best friend is throwing up raw cookie dough in the toilet (🍪🧸)
Summery: (🧈💘) Nace’s birthday is only a week away and Jan still hasn’t been able to find a good enough gift for the older bassist that he *just* so happens to have a not so small (read: big fat) crush on, and with the other 3 getting increasingly more sick of both boy’s *obvious* homoerotic pinning, 2 of them decide to help him out a little (🤮😽)~
~ @ * , • > . 🎁 . < • , * @ ~
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• > * . + , ^ ~🐱 ~ ^ , + . * < •
{5 hours prior}
“Why don’t you try baking him some gluten-free cookies or something ”? , Jure suggested — it’d been atlest three hours since band practice ended for the day. But with a certain turtle owning, Pokémon loving, big brown eyed brunette bassists birthday coming up a week from now, one of their guitarists may have had an internal crisis over what to get him which leads the four boys to their current situation. Brainstorming ideas back and forth till something finally clicks. Just like how they’ve always done when it comes to their music…
Except working on a new song or playing around with different beats and cord progressions is currently the last thing on their minds right now. Instead having to help out their permanently tired, cat-like main guitarist who oh so coincidentally had sorta gained a “teeny tiny baby (read: incredibly giant ass ) crush ” on the soon-to-be birthday boy.
“Jure, ur a genius “! , the guitarist in question quipped. Signature smirk tugging at his lips then whipping out his phone and googling the best gluten-free cookie recipes. As the youngest of the three let out a sigh of relief then muttered a quiet “finally ” while jumping off their rehearsal spaces infamously worn-out couch and gently taking his guitar of it’s stand. Their frontman following suit. ”maybe if Janči can get his shit together with Nace by next week, you could finally score a date with Damon ”~ , “yeah yeah, shut up Bojći ”. He shot back playfully, only a slight pink tint dancing across his cheeks from the other’s teasey comment.
{present time}
Plopping a stick of softened butter into one of the many bowls layed out on the counter as another set of hands belonging to their shortest bandmate passed the caster and light brown sugar to Jan for mixing into a large bowl as he began stirring all the dry ingredients together while the older of the two started cracking an egg then stirring it thoroughly till it’d had combined with the butter/sugar mixture. Handing over another set of ingredients and sift to his boyfriend, Bojan attempted dipping his finger into the flour bag then booping Jure’s nose. Electing a giggle out of the taller drummer who retaliated by butterfly kissing Bojan’s nose till a white, powdery mark appeared as the younger flashed his iconic smile from the sudden movement.
One flour fight and change of jeans later, Jan went back to mixing the batter until they were left with a soft, slightly sticky dough for shaping. Hoping they had enough leftover to make bear ears to decorate their confection with, only turning around when they all heard a faint sound of a meow and Bojan cooing over the fluffy creature while simultaneously keeping his little paws from getting prints all over the counter and adorable little head into the butter tub.
While Jure was spooning the dough onto a baking tray and helping Jan mould them into their desired shape, the blonde’s lover sneakily curled his fingers around the rim of the mixing bowl and stole a few bites of the (raw mind you) batter. Sure, he may of eaten more than the recommended amount. BUT it’s not like it’s HIS fault cookie dough is one of the greatest foods ever invented. Only pulling away when their guitarist turned around to check on Igor and give the cat some pets, chin scratches and letting him sniff his dough coated fingers. Until Jure noticed the bowl’s rim was suddenly clean and the only person closest enough to stick a hand in it other than him was Bojan.
“Bojan, did you just eat raw cookie dough straight from the bowl “?-
“Bojćiiiii ”.
“If raw dough isn’t ment to be eaten, they why does it taste so good “!
“I swear if you get sick again, Kris is gonna have to lock you in the apartment so you’ll actually rest for once “-
And as if his friend had been gifted the power to speak anything he merely desired into reality right then and there, Bojan’s face contorted into a grimace and darted to the toilet. After both boys let out equally disgruntled twin sighs, they began placing the batter filled baking trays into the oven and cleaning everything up. (And maybe playing a round or two of rock, paper, scissors to see who’s on dish duty), while Jan kept a watchful eye on the cookies so they wouldn’t burn to bear-shaped crisps. Igor strutting over and sitting next to the dark-brunette guitarist, curiously gazing at the sweet treat rising from the sheer heat his dad’s oven provided.
“What if he doesn’t like them at all “? — the second youngest bandmate spoke all of a sudden. Tone sounding a hybrid between unsure and questioning. Drying the last of the spoon’s and abandoning it on the rack, Jure appeared next to him and crouched down infront of the oven as Igor started pawing at the blonde’s shoes. Staring Jan dead in the eyes while he deadpanned “were talking about the same man who made turtle shaped gingerbread cookies with mini Christmas hats and ugly sweaters on. Why wouldn’t he like them “?!
He asked with a look of “ I knew you weren’t always the most aware, but Jesus fucking Christ “.
Shuffling around to face the other boy, Jure placed both hands on Jan’s shoulder’s with a fond sigh and said matter of factly “have you seen the way Nace looks at you when we’re playing infront of a crowd? Like you literally hung every single star in the sky single-handedly just for him to look up at every night before he goes to bed, or how he smiles when you smile back him, even if it’s only for a couple of minutes ”.
“he’s just doing that to be polite Muca! And knowing him, he’d probably take the cookies and say thank you then flash that stupidly perfect dimpled smile he has then throw them in bin as soon as he get’s inside or he’ll think their stupid but won’t say anything cuz he’s too nice and sweet for his own good or, or “-
“Or he could like them sooo much, he invites you over the next day to say thanks and then kisses you and say’s he loves you like we all know he wants to ”! , a familiar voice chimed in from the bathroom out of the blue. The same voice then resuming the gagging noises and grotesque sounds it’s been making for over an hour now. It’s owners lover rolling his eyes fondly then scrambling to pour a glass of water and hurry upstairs to help their frontman. So much for being the one who’s severely allergic to any sort of health and safety.
The sudden ping of the oven made a beeline straight to Jan’s ear’s, pulling him out of his trance as the Slovene fitted a pair of oven gloves on and gently pulled the tray of cookies out from the machine onto the counter closest to it. Leaving them to cool for a couple of minutes before sticking the pre-made bear ears on and throwing on some finishing touches, finally transporting each one into a box they (read: Jure and Bojan) decorated from head to toe in rainbow confetti, turtle stickers, Pokémon drawings, violet candles and a big purple ribbon neatly wrapped around the box’s lid.
“You think he’ll like them, Igor “? — He whispered to his furry friend who was currently lazing around underneath one of the stools, only getting a slow blink and yawn in return.
“Thought so “…<3
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mogoce-nocoj · 10 months
München, 04.12.23
okay! now that I've actually managed to arrive home from Munich and had the day to calm down for a bit, I'm just gonna link xia's munich report here (because it includes most of the important bits) and add some of the stuff that I keep thinking about
Watching the Khäärijä OF videos during queueing was so funny because everyone was caught between feeling slightly embarrassed and really interested
I arrived later but apparently Kris and Jan (I think) walked through the wrong door and the queue had to show them where to go into the venue
the queue system worked perfectly and I can't thank all the people responsible for it enough for implementing it
I know people have been talking about how Nace has this energy when he's right in front of you and I get it now. I do. When he was close I had my own "oh." moment about him. like, wow.
Bojan was in such a good mood, joking around and telling stories and really looking like he was enjoying the concert and being close to the crowd
Bojan during plastika holding a pride flag “don't be plastic, be fantastic”
During queueing I jokingly suggested that I was gonna clap the rhythm to vem da greš which they did during the nordic tour but stopped doing afterwards; what I didn't consider was that I was so close to the stage that Bojan actually noticed me doing it and proceeded to give me the softest smile. I can't tell you what having his full attention does to a person because, phew. don't think I'll ever recover
When Bojan caught the bracelets people were admiring him for it and he very loftily said “so does anyone want to throw a baseball?” before being bombarded by other gifts. his face really changed from being suave to slight panic in only a few seconds, that was a really funny thing to experience (it wasn't a bad panicked face, no worries)
there were a bunch of Slovenian people in the crowd and Bojan really enjoyed bantering with them
I think someone said it already but I want to stress how funny it was that they only made it to Munich because the organiser booked their flight to Memmingen. like why would you do that. it did save them though
Okay, just a bit of bokris stuff (because they are always in my heart after all, even if they decide to bully me whenever I'm in the crowd)
yes kris didn't sing ngvot (that's my curse, apparently) but in contrast to wrocław there was an actual conversation going on where Kris told Bojan to sing it which was cute
Bojan caressed Kris's chest at some point and I'm so sad I didn't get that on video because it was really soft
I think after Vienna Bojan's convinced that “Zugabe” is a literal translation of “one more” because he kept repeating it so often lol
after the encore Bojan apparently took the wrong exit and had to bolt across the stage to the other door making everyone turn around in confusion
I know this report is very Bojan focused but he really just draws you in, in particular in the middle. like you just have to give him your attention and while I also enjoy being at the back, being at the front and having no choice but to be focused on him is also really an experience
(I can't thank xia enough for buying the jo sweater for me because for one second i forgot that I was in Germany and could only pay in cash and nearly had a breakdown thinking I couldn't get it. I'm living in that sweater now, btw.)
the crew were really trying to get us to leave after the show like repeating “what are you standing around here, the band is gone” and while I get it, it was very funny considering that we weren't actively waiting for them and just got caught up in conversation (and Bojan and Nace posting the Hojan shirt)
... this might've turned out longer than I expected, I think Turku will always be my favourite because it was my first Joker Out gig but this one is getting pretty pretty close. thanks to all the people I met and got to talk to and who made this gig such a wonderful experience ❤️
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ana-chronista · 9 months
I have to be honest, I love all those ideas so my apologies.
Bojere: 2, 3, 5, 7, 8
Jance: 1, 4, 6, 9, 10
Only if you want to answer, of course
Are you joking? I love these sort of things! (At least you remembered to include numbers, unlike me! 😂)
Bojere 2. The popcorn at the cinema – 
They would both insist that they’re the best person to hold the popcorn, and would try to come up with increasingly elaborate ways to take custody of it. Eventually they would be banned from multiple cinemas for all out popcorn fights. 3. The baby, when it cries – 
Bojan, but only marginally – both seem to be very good with children. I think though maybe Bojan has slightly more patience to sit with a crying baby, while Jere would eventually be thinking “OK, maybe if I Lion King the baby it’ll quieten down”. However, Jere’s the best at coming up with stupid games to keep toddlers occupied for hours on end. 5. The remote, when they sit down to watch a movie – 
It would depend on who is in charge of the choice. Both would want to show the other some ‘must see’ movies from their own countries and would take control for those occasions. (Whether they make it all the way through each and every movie without getting distracted? Eh, who can say!) 7. The door, on dates – 
Bojan would do it seriously in an attempt to be really smooth, but Jere would do it in the most exaggerated way possible to make Bojan laugh (it would work 100% of the time). 8. The other’s hand, most often –
Jere would initiate it the most often, as he’s the least likely to give too much of a shit what anyone else thinks. Bojan would love him for it and, over time, would become more confident in initiating it himself when he wants to. Jance
1. The umbrella, when it rains – 
Nace, after much debate (and competition) about who’s the tallest. Jan is a bit put out at first, but eventually comes round to the idea when he realises it’s the perfect excuse (as if he ever needed one) for burrowing into Nace’s side to make sure he doesn’t accidentally end up drenched. 4. The ice cream cone, when they share – 
Nace again. After the one time Jan tackled an ice cream by biting the bottom off the cone straight away and sucking the ice cream through it, Nace hasn’t trusted him to take responsibility for this. His mind may or may not wander to that incident fairly frequently, often in horror at Jan’s weird eating technique, but not exclusively. 6. The basket, when they go shopping – 
Jan. Nace is more organised and in charge of the list. Jan is quite happy with this, because as soon as Nace’s back is turned, he can sneak gluten free snacks into their shopping to make sure Nace doesn’t miss out at practice. 9. Their breath, upon seeing the other on their wedding day – 
Given how they look at each other on a regular basis just on stage, I’m going to have to go with both. It would probably take a moment to actually get the ceremony started what with the amount of heart eyes going on in that room. 10. The camera, when they take pictures together – 
I still maintain Jan’s photography specialism lies somewhere between “random shit I saw out and about today” and “have 200 photos of my cat”, but I think getting together with Nace would open up a third category of just photos of him. However, taking photos together would probably be Nace, as I think he’d want to document their dates and the time they spend together (even if the trampoline park photos come out ridiculously blurry).
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sister-pianist-chan · 4 months
14 jance kiss ☺️
Thanks for your ask! :)
14. Casually
Nace and Jan were out on their date in Paris. They had initially gone out with the guys plus Kiki and Vita, but little by little, the group broke off, starting with Kiki and Vita wanting to go explore some tourist spots together. Then Bojan, Jure, and Kris broke off somewhere, leaving Jan and Nace alone. Nace was happy as he had been craving some alone time with Jan. No one was fully aware that they had really been in a relationship. Except for Bojan. Nothing gets past him. They weren't out yet and kept the best parts of their relationship a secret because Jan wasn't ready to come out.
Jan and Nace went to a quaint little bistro and had lunch and ice cream. Nace was admiring his boyfriend's handsome features and was longing for his touch, a kiss, anything. As they walked outside of the bistro with their ice cream, couldn't help but lean in for a kiss. Jan was slightly taken aback, and when he saw that they were alone, he kissed Nace back.
He sensed that Nace was hungry for some attention and affection. Jan got on his phone real quick and after two minutes, they walked, Jan leading the way.
Jan took Nace to a nice park. He found a nice willow tree and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"I'm sorry Nace, I know that this is hard for you. I promise you that some day we'll be able to share or love with the world. Please wait for me." Jan said as he held Nace.
They spent the entire day exploring Paris- the city of love together. They went to the Louvre, and as it got dark, they went to see the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower was lit up. Ironically, the other band members, and Vita and Kiki found their way to Nace and Jan. Jan noticed that Kiki and Vita were very happy and were cuddling. Bojan was on a video call with Jere and he looked happy. Jure was happy smoking, and Kris and Damon (Damon was there too) were cuddling. And then he turned around and saw Nace, who had smiled awkwardly after saying hi to Jere. Jan felt that Nace deserved that happiness too, so he walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the neck, the cheek, and then the lips. Damon noticed, the band noticed, Vita and Kiki noticed, and even Jere noticed. Nace felt his heart warm up from the sweet gesture.
Everyone's mouths dropped. Damon had the biggest smile on his face.
"What?! Is it illegal to kiss Nace?" Jan asked.
Nace was wondering why Jan finally kissed him. It felt pretty random, but he was not gonna complain.
Jan could read Nace easily.
"You're wondering why I kissed you all of a sudden, right?" Jan asked.
Before Nace could answer, Jan looked him in the eyes.
"Because I can." Jan said non-chalant.
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ravvenheart · 1 year
fifi here, sparklative thong left a trace in my head (and since I’m occupied by other works, idk if I write it) so I’m leaving a prompt with a usage of those:
Roleplay in bed - SW and client, idk something along those lines. Feat SPARKLATIVE THONG. And maybe slight femininization (switching pronouns??? A bit of makeup)
A scene before - “lets try something new” talk with negotiation and boundaries, bc it’s good to talk abt trying something new
"Why this has been so has been sparkling?" jan asks, no one in particlar. In hindsight, the footage of him drunkenly wondering about this piece of fabric was slightly embarassing. With grammatical skills of the english language completely lost on him, Jure and Nace passed him after some time. The drummer chuckled along but ignored him ultimately but Nace, best boyfriend one could ever have, paid attention to him and listened to his ramblings. the battery of mark's battery conviently gave up, so he left for his bag inside, promising hed return in a moment.
"nacko, look at it, its so pretty"
The older nodded along and looked him up and down with dark eyes jan always got lost in. "Yeah, very pretty"
"But why so sparkla-, sparkly-, sparklative?" he rambled on, completely focsued on the thin fabric with deliacate lace and shining rhinestones.
Totally oblivious to the dark gaze his boyfriend is sending him, nace leaned in and whispered "Reds always been your color Janći. think youd look breathtaking"
Jans head whipped around at the words, trance abrubtly ending as he finally met naces mischevious eyes. something in his stomach fluttered as images flew around his head and his breath stopped for a second.
Lace across his pelvis, rhinestones framing his hips and fabric barely fitting his dick with the head peaking out to the side. Nace between his legs, kissing hickies onto his inner thighs and hands, gripping tight, leaving bruises on his hips. He felt himself shifting away from the hot breath on his sensetive skin but then again moving back, needing more, more stimulation, more touch, more nace. he was breathing hard as the bassists large, calloused hands caressed his sides and spread on his stomach. Goosebumps all over his body-
Jan felt the blush on his ears but the footsteps of marc made him return to the present because jesus christ, where did these thoughts come from? this was definetely neither the right time nor place to dive into this newly developed-, kink? Preference? interest? Well, whatever it was, nace chuckled meanly at jan, apparently fully aware of the crisis he started in the younger man. the bassist planted a short but hot kiss under his ear, making jan shiver and freed himself from his grip and turned back to walk back to the venue just as marc started filming again. quickly realizing he needed to get his act back to the "why is this so sparklative?", he rambled on again and yelled back at nace, though the older mans words reverberated in his mind. The vision even more.
Guess who returned with a little treat!?
Dear fifi, you are so correct about the sparkative thong and there has been a vision in my head I cannot get rid of and I've been writing whenever I had time this week (in between working 40hrs and getting sick lol) and I am not even remotely finished but I really really wanted to share this with yall!
I'll try to get this done in the next few days, I think I am at 2k right now but I won't promise anything, because I never fulfill my promises anyway lol but I offer this as a little tasting, teasing you for what is about to come (and who!)
Excuse the typos, I haven't betad this yet and I'll be going on a trip to brugge tmr and I am very tired, I promise the finished version will be better!
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