#jan looks back at nace >
jaarijani · 10 months
a little jance moment during proti toku yesterday :)
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lovvecherrymotion · 4 months
shoulder kiss and messy hair 💕
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guggi04 · 4 months
Jure is out on an adventure through the mountains of Slovenia on a motorbike and Nace is cuddling with Jan at home on the couch, liking and sharing Jance fanart.
All is as it should be again.
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arctixout · 3 months
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– And we're gonna see you on Ruisrock.
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 1 year
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livestream 12/09/23
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I’m thrilled to say that…
Based on this video, Kris was present in today’s early rehearsals! 💙💙💙
(That is, unless Kiki somehow grew several inches in height and got rid of his tattoos…)
Also, the saga of Bojan refusing to wear short shorts this summer continues. Very demure, very mindful, very cutesy. 👀
Source: kazinasvetplesa on IG
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radioactive-cloud · 11 months
you know what's important? nace's hair in this photo
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source: x
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mitamicah · 3 months
Wip time again :3
It looks like a family photo I can't :'D <3
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maximumdante · 6 months
Not gonna lie, there's something different in Nace and Jan's interactions since they came back to London.
London truly changed something.
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gasstationpopcorn · 9 months
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the way this image is sending me on an orbit rn
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jokeroutsubs · 2 months
[ENG SUB] Jan and Nace at Hitradio Center, 23.07.2024
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Photo source: Hitradio Center FB
Jan and Nace were guests at Hitradio Center in the morning on Tuesday, the 23rd of July 2024. They talked to Vesna Ponorac and Melani Mekicar about, among other things, 'Šta bih ja' and what to expect from the new album, who snores on the tour bus, and what they like best about each other.
Translation and captions by a member of Joker Out subs, English proofreading by IG GBoleyn123, video graphics by X pastellibianchi.
Full translated transcript under the cut!
Melani: Good morning from (Radio) Center, it's 7:36 AM and Vesna Ponorac and Melani Mekicar are keeping you company, and now, we've been announcing and waiting for them for two days,and we listen to them every day anyway, and we're always happy to see them. With us in Center's studio are Joker Out, or, well, two fifths of them. Nace and Jan, welcome!
Vesna: Good morning.
Jan: Greetings.
Melani: Good morning. I know that... well, thank you for taking the time, I know you've been "on the go" recently, literally. Where were you over the weekend? Most recently, or...
Nace: Go ahead, Jan.
Jan: Oh, thank you. Most recently, we were in Germany, at the Deichbrand Festival.
Melani: Was it good?
Jan: It was good. The only bad thing was that it took us 12 hours on the plane...
Melani: Oh, great.
Vesna: A ride.
Jan: In each direction.
Vesna: Yes, this European tour of yours is pretty varied. How many cities have you already done and how many are still ahead of you?
Melani: Is anyone keeping count?
Nace: Oh, you keep count. I know that we've done most European countries.
Melani: Okay.
Nace: Or, we will, what we haven't done yet, we will.
Melani: You will.
Vesna: Such sweet problems.
Melani: Yes, nice.
Vesna: How many cities you've already done, the best. Are you tired at all? What does it look like? Jan, you are now...
Nace: Do we look tired?
Vesna: Ah, Nace. Right, you're approaching the threshold of a new decade.
Melani: You've actually crossed it already, the first one.
Vesna: Ah, you already did. Oh, okay, I didn't know yet, okay, sorry.
Nace: No, I did.
Vesna: Well, but after sleeping in the tour busand on planes, does your back hurt already? Your lower back? Any issues yet?
Nace: Sleeping on the tour bus is betterthan sleeping at home.
Melani & Vesna: Really?
Vesna: Do you have a waterbed in there?
Nace: No, I don't know what happens, but when... Like, when you're tired after a gig and lie down in your bunk and the bus starts to move...
Melani: And you're there... A baby in a stroller.
Nace: As if someone were rocking you. Noise cancelling earphones, we've already learned that. And then you just fall asleep. We've also got used to it on planes, to... Earphones and that thing for the eyes...
Melani: I was just going to ask who snores the most on the tour bus.
Nace: No one.
Melani: No one? Or do you just not hear it because you have earphones?
Nace: I mean, no one from the band. Well, that too.
Melani: No one from the band.
Nace: No one from the band, but... Usually it's so that the band is on one side of the bus, and the crew is like... It just happens to be that way.
Melani: Fair, fair. Well, enough about tiredness, no rest for the brave, or however you say, you're here to tell us a little more about your new single 'Šta bih ja'.
Vesna: An awesome song.
Melani: Do tell us,you're leaning towards the microphone.
Nace: We have to speak close to the microphone.
Vesna: That's true.
Melani: Well, Bojan, the songwriter, is not here right now, for us to ask him who he can't do without in a black night, but okay. Tell us when this song was made, because people have been singing it for a while at gigs, right, but you only released it just over ten days ago.
Jan: Yes, um... That was actually the first song that we started working on in London, where we went in January. We went to London, among other things, with the intention to have maybe a more... cosmopolitan sound and... to perhaps get new experiences, and the first song that was made turned out to be the most nostalgically Balkan.
Melani: That's right.
Jan: So yeah, you have to go somewhere to start being aware of...
Melani: Your roots.
Jan: Exactly.
Melani: Nice, nice.
Vesna: The song is very ex-Yugo, just like you were in Sarajevo, maybe... looking for inspiration. But can we then expect more like that on the new album, any similar songs, or...?
Melani: Which languages are waiting for us and so on?
Nace: I mean, the album definitely has a common thread, and there will be at least three languages.
Melani: At least three, okay.
Nace: I mean, there will be three.
Melani: Okay, nice. And speaking of the new album, come on, we want to know all the details. When will we hear it, where will we hear it live, we already said three languages, spill the tea, everything you can.
Jan: You know what, I'd like to know that too.
Melani: Really? Who does know?
Jan: Honestly, no one really does right now, but in October, it'll be out in October. I can say that.
Melani & Vesna: Okay.
Melani: Okay, nice.
Vesna: Well, we will be back, because...
Jan: Or, in September.
Vesna: In September? Okay, that's very soon. Anyway, we'll be back exactly two hits later, because there were a lot of questions submitted for you.
Melani: On our Instagram, yup.
Vesna: Exactly. And we got calls as well, so we're looking forward to it, stay with us, it'll be a good time.
(music break)
Vesna: 'The Sound of Silence', good morning, you're at (Radio) Center.
Melani: Morning!
Vesna: We are Melani Mekicar and Vesna Ponorac here with you, and Jan and Nace from Joker Out are here as well. Good morning!
Melani: Morning.
Jan & Nace: Good morning.
Vesna: Well, we already spoke about the tour and the new song earlier, and now it's time for our listeners to get their turn.
Melani: Yes, if you only knew how many questions we got on our Instagram. Instagram exploded, as well as the calls, so let's start.
Vesna: Let's start with the calls.
Melani: Let's start with the calls.
Vesna: First up, a question from Mateja.
Caller: I really want to know how many girls from primary school write to you now? Like, female classmates, and maybe male classmates too, look, you never know.
Melani: Well?
Vesna: Well?
Jan: For a few years, I've been in contact with maybe...
Melani: Hey, you have to come closer, you know. Yes, yes.
Jan: For a few years, I've actually only been in contact with two female classmates.
Melani: Were you already in contact before?
Jan: Yes, regardless of the band, so...
Melani: They weren't like, "Oh, what's up, Jan?"
Vesna: Have any others piped up from before? No?
Jan: I mean, no, actually they haven't. Not much has changed, honestly.
Vesna: They don't dare to. Nace, is it any different for you?
Nace: A classmate called me if I could get her an autographed shirt.
Vesna: Your autograph or someone else's?
Nace: No, like for the whole band to sign.
Vesna: Ah, the whole band.
Nace: Everyone then always says, "Yes, you know, it's for my nephew."
Melani: Yes, the classic. For relatives.
Nace: "Which size? Ah, ah." It's always like that, always.
Vesna: Okay. The best. Great. The next question is from Petra.
Caller: Hi, boys. Going to Sziget, that is, well, how to say, an achievement, an achievement. I'd like to know if you're excited yet? And I'd like to know which other artists will you watch, listen to?
Melani: Sziget. Tell us.
Jan: Yes, we're very excited. This is... That was definitely one of our biggest goals, which... which didn't seem conceivable at all, years ago. But yes, this year we're on the main stage. I don't know if we will... Will we be able to watch anyone?
Melani: If you could.
Nace: Well, I hope so.
Melani: Who would you like to?
Nace: I don't know exactly who's on that day.
Melani: Who it is. But you'll watch someone for sure, if you have the chance, right.
Vesna: Well, you will hang out in the backstage, isn't that even better?
Melani: Yeah, they don't need to watch.
Vesna: You don't need to watch, man. You can watch from the back. Well, the next question is from Matej.
Caller: Hey. I'd like to know if you have any advice for young musicians who want to make it the way you did. Thank you for the answer!
Melani: Alright, music advice.
Nace: Music advice. Yeah...
Vesna: A little closer to the mic, Nace.
Nace: I will say it very close to the microphone. Just practise a lot, a lot, a lot, practise a lot, and practise a lot. What else do they need, to be persistent.
Vesna: What about the mindset?
Jan: And have a good mindset.
Nace: Yes.
Vesna: What does that mean, a good mindset?
Nace: Well, to have a good mindset while practising.
Vesna: To already imagine yourself at Sziget.
Melani: To not give up.
Vesna: Or?
Jan: Was that question for young musicians?
Vesna: Yes, yes.
Melani: Exactly, for those who want to... I mean, young, that's relative, but yes.
Vesna: But like, bands that are just forming and don't know what to do. What's your advice for them?
Jan: Have a charismatic and likeable frontman.
Melani: Bravo, bravo. Okay, we still have good number of questions on Instagram, which we will ask you after a few minutes, and yeah, that's it, speak to you later.
(music and news break)
Vesna: Good morning, you're listening to (Radio) Center, Vesna Ponorac in Melani Mekicar are here.
Melani: Hello.
Vesna: As well as Nace and Jan, two fifths of Joker Out. You submitted so many questions to our Instagram that the boys had to stay a little longer so we can answer everything, and let's go ahead and start.
Melani: Well, first up: what is the most Slovenian or Balkan thing that you like? Accordion, ajvar¹, I don't know.
¹Ajvar is a typical Balkan condiment made from roasted bell peppers.
Vesna: Prekmurska gibanica.²
²Prekmurska gibanica is a traditional Slovenian dessert from the Prekmurje region in the north-east of Slovenia. It's made from several layers of phyllo dough and cottage cheese filling, poppy seed filling, walnut filling and apple filling.
Jan: Clean air.
Melani: Clean a– oh, nice. Fair enough. Nace?
Nace: What do we have... No, I want to think of something that is... There must be something that, when we're out there...
Vesna: Idrija lace.
Nace: Idrija lace. I mean, we always have that with us, so I don't miss that.
Melani: Fair, fair. But like, that's a very Slovenian thing that you love a lot.
Nace: Yes, definitely.
Vesna: Exactly. That's it. Okay. Moving on, a big concert in Slovenia, when?
Melani: Again.
Jan: How big?
Vesna: Stožice big.
Melani: As big as possible.
Jan: Not this year.
Vesna: No?
Melani: Okay, but how about, let's say, something a little smaller than Stožice?
Jan: That's coming this year.
Melani: Coming this year. Okay, you heard it here. Okay, your favourite thing about each other. If you were all here right now, this would be even more fun, but alright.
Jan: What, my... Mine, about Nace?
Melani: Your favourite thing about Nace, it can be his personality, it can be that he has a really awesome hairdo, whatever, and vice versa.
Jan: Nace is a very considerate person. Like, if he feels that... that you're not feeling okay, even if you're feeling totally okay, he'll ask you and be like...
Vesna: "Are you good, man?" Awesome.
Jan: "Jan, are you okay? You don't look okay."
Vesna: Nice. What's your zodiac sign, Nace?
Nace: Cancer.
Vesna: Aw, of course.
Melani: Nice. That's a very nice trait. Nace, what about Jan?
Nace: Jan's guitar playing. I mean... I'm sorry, that's...
Melani: That's true.
Nace: When he grabs a gui– just yesterday, we were at the studio, and I didn't tell him this, but when he started messing around and making weird sounds with the guitar, I said... I'm glad he's my guitarist.
Vesna: How nice, man.
Melani: Come on, stop it. Very nice.
Vesna: What a cute moment.
Melani: Okay, let's move on from this cute stuff to problems for a bit. Someone wants to know what the biggest problem you face as famous musicians is?
Vesna: And young ones.
Melani: Yes. So, I don't know, is it that girls are running after you, I don't know, is it that you can't just publish everything on the internet anymore? What's the biggest, like...
Vesna: A long deliberation, but take your time.
Melani: Well, is everything nice?
Jan: At one point, I had a bit of an... internet overdose. So... ever since I've distanced myself from scrolling Twitter every hour, I've...
Melani & Vesna: You've been much better.
Jan: I've spared myself a lot, yeah.
Vesna: I'd say so.
Melani: Okay. Nace?
Nace: Shoot... I always... maybe it's not like that here, but when we're somewhere abroad, and fans gather around our bus that we travel with, sometimes, when you're tired and because you're in a hurry to move on, it's kind of hard to go past these fans without giving them any attention.
Vesna: Especially because you're a Cancer, and so thoughtful, you'd probably like to give everyone there attention. Well, nice. Okay, this is it, boys. Everyone go listen to Joker Out's new song, 'Šta bih ja'. Thank you for being our guests and may your keep being successful.
Jan: Thank you very much for inviting us.
Vesna: Yes, gladly. Bye bye!
The subtitles in the video have a few slight differences from this transcript; they spoke very fast, so some sacrifices had to be made for the subs.
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lovvecherrymotion · 3 months
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once i got past how good jan looked (and how cute he was resting his arm on jure's leg) i started wondering why exactly he had placed his left arm like that and came to the conclusion he reched back to hold nace's hand
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luluxa · 11 months
...ok, bear with me... or not, i may be just sleep-deprived
Jere = Bojan (lead singers, adhd through the roof, charming sluts, need babysitting)
Jesse = Martin (very tall, chill, lovely, usually behind the scenes, childhood friends that take care of Jere/Bojan)
Jukka = Jan (quiet, meme-able, guitarists, kiss Jere/Bojan on stage)
Allu = Kris (serious, organized, do back vocals, bitch please attitude at all times)  
Jaakko = Nace (hop around the stage, look menacing but are actually sweethearts, also do back vocals)
Häärijä = Jure (too fucking cute!)
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 11 months
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fruitybashir · 2 months
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I'm re reading holidate for the second time and im finding all these little notes that I left in the epub last time, and honestly i think me of the past was inspired for this one
oops, my hand slipped 😗
“Red please!” Bojan declares cheerfully as he slaps down a “+4” with a colour wheel. “And I am down to my last card.”
There’s a collective groan around the table and Bojan bounces up and down on the couch next to Kris, a big, happy grin on his face. Kris is fuming. He stares down at his fan of cards. Lots of green, some yellow, not a single red one. He grinds his teeth and draws another card.
“Aw, no reds? I’m sorry bejbi,” Bojan coos and presses a quick peck to his cheek. Kris feels like he might actually start biting.
Jure reluctantly lays down a red four, Jan follows with a red zero, defeat already painted on his face. Nace hesitates for a second, then a smile spreads on his face and he puts down a blue zero. There’s a collective Ooooh around the table and Kris feels a sense of righteous satisfaction that almost borders on concerning.
He turns to look at Bojan, expecting to see disappointment, annoyance even at having his win stolen from him for at least one more round, but instead what he sees is a wide grin, teeth shining, eyes wide. Victorious. Oh no.
Bojan lays down a blue six.
Everyone tosses their cards on the table in frustration while Bojan giggles happily, already shuffling the cards for another round. Jure lights himself another cigarette, offering another to Jan. Jan puts it between his lips with an appreciative noise, then presses it against Jure’s to light it as well.
“I’m out,” Kris grumbles and slumps back into the couch. Jan shoots him a sympathetic look and bumps his foot under the coffee table. Kris’ patience for losing to Bojan usually doesn't last longer than five or six rounds.
“How did you even– but you asked for red.” Nace stammers, staring down at Bojan's blue six as if it held the answers. Bojan shrugs.
“I'm just that good,” he grins. Kris groans.
“You're so full of yourself.”
Jan pats Nace's thigh in consolation. “You did the best you could.” He takes a drag of his cigarette, then leans in and lets the smoke ghost over Nace's lips as he speaks. “I'm still proud of you.”
Kris wrinkles his nose as he watches them unashamedly make out right in front of all of them. Jure deals out new stacks of cards as if he doesn't even see them.
“Kris, you sure you're out?”
“Yeah, I need a break.” Kris says and Jure nods, skips his spot as he hands out the cards.
“You can be my cheerleader,” Bojan suggests, leaning close into Kris and with a giddy uplift to his voice that makes Kris want to drag him home, push his face into the pillows and shut him up. He takes a deep breath.
“Sure,” he says and turns to Bojan with the brightest fake smile he can manage. “Because you definitely need cheering on to win.”
“If I win the next game for you,” Bojan starts and does an unfortunately very good job at looking at Kris sweetly from under his eyelashes. “Do I get to kiss the cheerleader?”
Kris flexes his jaw.
“You know what?” he smiles and he rests his elbow on the backrest of the couch, reaches up to tuck a strand of Bojan's hair behind his ear. “If you win the next game, I'll wear the blue set tonight.”
There's a choking sound from the other side of the coffee table, then coughing as Jan and Nace's little shotgunning session comes to an abrupt end. Jure whistles.
Bojan's face lights up like the sun.
“Easy!” he declares, already reaching for his new stack of cards. “Fastest win of my Uno career.”
Jan shoots Kris a disbelieving look, deep betrayal written on his face. Kris just shrugs. He has a plan.
Kris leaves his arm on the back of the couch as the rest of the guys start the next round. He traces his fingers along the neck of Bojan’s shirt, just barely grazing the skin enough to cause a light shiver.
He lets Bojan enjoy his feeling of safety for two turns, then he lets his fingers wander up into Bojan’s hair. He twirls a few strands around his fingers, toys with them, then runs his fingers down again, along the side of Bojan’s neck and over his collarbones.
“Kris…” Bojan mumbles and his shoulder twitches, trying to shrug off Kris. He puts down a red seven, concentrating on the cards in his hands and closely watching what colours the others follow up with.
Kris has no intention of letting up anytime soon. He’s barely even started. He dips his hand under the hem of Bojan’s shirt, pressing his palm flat against the other’s chest and letting his fingertips brush over the dusting of chest hair there. Bojan sighs, but other than that, shows impressive restraint. He counters Nace’s yellow zero with a green one. Kris moves in closer.
He presses a kiss into Bojan’s hair, then brings his hand up further a little, to the base of Bojan’s neck. He doesn’t press down, but Bojan still tenses against him, and Kris can feel him swallow under his fingers. Bojan has to draw two cards.
Jan raises his eyebrow at Kris across the table, lips twitching with a barely suppressed smile. He’s definitely figured it out by now.
Kris grins, and draws his hand back. Bojan instantly lets out a breath that he probably wasn’t even aware he was holding, and Kris thinks it’s almost a little cute that he thinks he’s safe now. He runs his fingertips over Bojan’s back, along his spine and down, until he can lift up the other’s shirt enough to touch Bojan’s skin again.
“Kris,” Bojan makes, again, and there is a warning in there, but Kris knows that tone well. He leans down to press a kiss to Bojan’s neck. Bojan shivers. He hesitates, then places a green five.
Kris runs his fingers along the waistband of Bojan’s sweatpants to his sides, let’s his fingertips dance up and down, drawing patterns over the skin and he feels Bojan’s muscles twitch under his touch, his breath hitch when Kris traces over a spot that he knows drives Bojan crazy.
“Bojan?” Jure asks and there is audible amusement in his voice. “It’s your turn.”
“Huh?” Bojan startles, then he suddenly sits up straighter, letting out an annoyed noise as he rolls his shoulders to get Kris’ mouth off his neck. There’s a snort from Nace as Bojan places his “Skip turn” card and Kris is sure that if he could see Bojan’s face right now, he would find that the other is blushing.
He keeps his hand on Bojan’s side for another turn, showing at least a little bit of mercy before he brings his hand back around, rests his fingers against the base of Bojan’s spine. He lets his eyes wander over the table. Jan is only holding two cards now. Bojan is still holding four.
Kris dips his fingers under the waistband of Bojan’s pants, then the waistband of his briefs. Bojan tenses. Kris doesn’t stop. He pushes down a little further, his middle finger now resting over the dip of Bojan’s ass.
“One card left.” Jan announces on his turn.
“What- How?” Bojan stares down at his own cards, his finger worrying the corner of a “+2” card he’s holding. He’s trying so hard to stay focussed. Kris dips his middle finger between Bojan’s cheeks and Bojan straightens his back like he’s got hit by lightning. When Kris keeps shooting innocent looks around the table, he can almost see the pity on Nace’s face when the other places down a red “+2”.
Kris’s finger finds Bojan’s hole and Bojan’s breath hitches. He shivers. Kris pushes down, just lightly, but it’s enough for a small noise to escape Bojan’s throat, quiet enough that Kris is sure he’s the only one to hear it. Bojan draws two cards. Kris grins victorious.
Jure places a red four, Jan follows with a red zero.
“Uno!” he declares and the table cheers. Kris pulls back his hand and leans back on the sofa, away from Bojan.
Bojan gapes at Jan’s last card on the stack, as if they had somehow personally betrayed him. His head flies around to glare at Kris.
“You-” he starts and Kris shrugs.
“Well, that’s a bummer,” Kris says, purposely nonchalant. “I always thought the blue one really compliments my eyes.”
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