#jane cosmos tuner
Art Update: I have some doodles, but I dunno where they are. :/
Also, I'm drawing Jane in her D-Runner Suit.
Also, the AU concept was by @oddeyesyuya and @zarc-yuuya, who have given us this blessed gift of an AU idea that should be cared for like a cloud or an Angel, bc it is Heaven.
Also, coming up w/ backstory for Jane, and some culture stuff for the Origin Gems.
Also, I've used also too much.
Also, internet is, like, super wonky. Don't ask why or how bc I ain't that smart.
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queenofcats17 · 6 years
Okay let's take some more "Toon-Like" Jane (super over the top exaggerated movements that would be exaggerated movements to any other normal toon, and hammerspace as well as packing magic) and her ink-bending and shaping capability, and some Leaf, mix it in with a pinch of Viper (you remember her, right?) And also some everyone that worked at JDS living with Henry, and let's put some of the Toon trio in to the mix as well. Fluff and angst, and go! :D
I’ll do my best
They’d all gotten out. They’d gotten out and they were living in Henry’s house. It wasn’t easy, adjusting to life outside the studio, but they were taking it one day at a time. Jane was especially delighted by having the crew of Joey Drew Studios back and mostly in good health. She enjoyed their company immensely. And they liked having her around too. Most of the time. Jane definitely had a mischievous streak a mile wide, one that Leaf had as well. They rather enjoyed playing pranks on the former members of the studio. The pranks were generally harmless, succeeding mostly in annoying the recipients. Sammy was their favorite one to mess with since his reactions were just so funny. They’d just pulled a prank on him and had gone streaking out of the room, leaving clouds of dust in their silhouettes. 
“I’M GOING TO KILL BOTH OF YOU!” Sammy roared, running out of the room behind them. He had a bucket on his head and was completely drenched in water. Most of the former employees had been returned to their human states by this point. 
“Sammy, it’s too early for this.” Wally groaned from the couch. Thomas, who was sleeping on the floor with Grant, gave Sammy a look that chilled the music director to his very core. 
“I’m going to go get some coffee,” Sammy muttered, heading to the kitchen. Upstairs, Jane and Bendy ducked into the room where Alice and Boris were sleeping, both giggling like crazy. 
“Okay, what did you do this time?” Alice asked, sitting up and putting her hands on her hips. 
“Nooothing~” Jane said in a sing-song voice. 
“You’re not messing with Mr. Sammy, are you?” Boris asked, looking much more concerned than Alice. 
“What? us? No!” Bendy waved a hand dismissively. “We’re little angels~” 
“No, I’m an angel.” Alice said. “You’re a demon.”
“America’s favorite Little Devil Darlin’!” Leaf gave her a wink. “And don’t you forget it~” Alice rolled her eyes. 
“I’m going back to bed.” She curled back up in her bed, pulling the covers over her head. “Don’t come crying to me if Sammy kills you.”
“You know you love me~” Bendy sang, dragging Jane out of the room. They went to visit Norman next. Most of the time, Norman didn’t remember anyone or anything. But if they talked to him, sometimes he remembered. Jane peeked into Norman’s room. It was usually kept dark because Norman had a sensitivity to light after having the projector on his head for so long. 
“Mr. Polk?” She whispered, creeping in. Leaf crept in behind her, closing the door behind them. The shape on the bed moved, and Norman sat up. 
“Who’s there?” He rasped. 
“It’s Jane,” Jane said. “Jane and Leaf.” Norman squinted at them, his eyes unfocused. 
“Why are you here?” He tilted his head to the side.
“We just wanted to see how you were doing.” Leaf said. “You hungry?”
“I am a bit hungry.” Norman nodded. Jane screwed her face up in concentration before pulling out a sandwich. 
“Hope you don’t mind ham and cheese.” She handed it over. 
“I don’t mind at all.” Norman nodded, taking a bite. They chatted for a long time, trying to remind him of who he was. Norman listened quietly, nodding to everything. But recognition never dawned in his eyes. They remained unfocused. In the end, they had to leave when Norman grew tired. They’d tried their best. Maybe they’d get some results another day.
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queenofcats17 · 6 years
Random BATIM workers and Jane × Leaf shenanigans fanfic GO!! :D
Sammy would never admit it, but he was rather fond of Bendy, or Leaf as he was calling himself now. The little demon was genuinely very sweet, and it was nice to have someone to help him pull pranks on Wally every so often. Leaf was also his friend and had a really good understanding of music. However,  Leaf also enjoyed playing pranks on Sammy himself. Along with the help of Miss Jane Cosmos Tuner. Since they were friends, Leaf didn’t prank him as much as he pranked others, but there were occasions. Like today. Today, Leaf and Jane were feeling particularly mischievous and they knew they could get a good reaction out of Sammy. Sammy could hear them whispering and he knew they were planning something. He sighed and stuck his head out of his office. 
“Whatever you’re going to do, don’t.” He said flatly. “I’m swamped with work right now. Go bother Piedmont or something.”
“Piedmont?” Jane frowned and looked at Leaf. “Who’s that?” Leaf’s smile widened and he rubbed his hands together. 
“He’s the park designer Joey hired.” He snickered. “And boy is he wound tight.” He explained further to Jane as they headed down to Bertram’s level. Everyone knew Bertram had a stick so far up his ass he coughed leaves, and Leaf was realizing he’d never actually pranked him. 
“He’s such a hardass. You’re gonna love this.” Leaf said. 
“What’re we gonna do?” Jane asked, eyes glimmering. 
“Oh, y’know. The usual bucket trick.” Leaf winked at her. Jane grinned and rubbed her hands together as well. 
However, when they reached Bertram’s floor and got to the room he was usually in, they heard a sound they hadn’t expected to hear. Laughter. Leaf and Jane looked at each other and frowned. They peeked in. Inside, sitting against the octopus ride, were Lacie and Bertram. Lacie had her head on Bertram’s shoulder and was telling some story that had the park designer in stitches. 
“Holy…He’s laughing.” Leaf whispered. “He’s actually laughing!” 
“I feel like we shouldn’t be seeing this,” Jane whispered back. So they left, deciding not to share what they’d found. Bertram could have his secrets.
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queenofcats17 · 6 years
So I just finally looked into my inbox (I do on a blue moon) and I just wanna say,,,,, Could you write some Jane x Leaf,,,,, while they are in the studio?
Alright, so this’ll be a mix of fluff and horror.
The studio was…not how Jane remembered it. Everyone she’d loved to tease was gone. Instead, there were only inky monstrosities and everyone was sad. Jane was honestly a little frustrated. At least she’d found Leaf, though. Well, his name was actually Bendy the Dancing Demon, but she’d started calling him Leaf after a leaf had landed on him.  Leaf seemed perfectly happy with this nickname. It distanced him from the creature Joey had created. It made him different. 
At present, the two of them were on Level S. They’d found the carnival games and were trying to beat each other at the games. Jane had won at the strength game and Leaf had won at the shooting game, which left the milk bottle game. 
“I’m going to beat you,” Jane said, throwing the balls up in the air and catching them. 
“In your dreams.” Leaf snorted. “I’m going to win.” They both stuck their tongues out at each other. Jane went first, managing to knock down every single bottle on her first try. 
“See? Told you I was good.” She said, smirking. 
“Whatever.” Leaf hunched his shoulders. “I’ll do good too!” It was his turn then. His aim was good, but he lacked the strength to knock the bottles over properly. 
“Aw, come on!” He stamped his foot. “This is bull@#$%!”
“You win some, you lose some.” Jane shrugged, hugging Leaf. “I still love you.” Leaf muttered to himself, folding his arms and pouting. 
“You’re so cute when you’re upset.” Jane laughed and kissed his head.
“Of course I’m cute.” Leaf said indignantly. “I’m always cute! I’m the Little Devil Darling!”
“Yeah, I know.” Jane kept hugging him. It was so quiet in the warehouse. The horror of the studio was starting to creep in on her again. The doors around them were opening up, and she knew they’d have to go into them in order to turn on power to the haunted house. 
“Is something wrong?” Leaf suddenly asked. “You got all quiet.”
“I just….” She hesitated, holding him close. “This place has changed so much. It wasn’t like this before.”
“Joey did a lot of bad stuff.” Leaf nodded. Jane stared over his shoulder into the depths of the warehouse. She wished things could go back to the way they’d been before. Things had been better when she could just stop by the studio and tease everyone. Nothing was okay now. 
“We’re gonna get out.” Leaf assured her. “We’ll get out and we’ll save people.”
“Okay.” Jane whispered. 
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queenofcats17 · 6 years
What if, when she spent a night at the studio with her pet phoenix, the toons (and whoever else was there) found out she had some kind of PTSD/PDSD (PDSD is a thing, right?) that affected her in sleep, causing her to have the most vivid and scary nightmares of (dun-dun-dun!) her graveyard shift at the FNAF 2 location (yup, reeling in fnaf as a special welcome to 50/20 mode and ultimate custom night), and could be life-threatening, after her bird squawked everyone awake? (Running out of room bye)
Sleepovers normally weren’t a thing at the studio. At least, not normally. But, like with many things, Joey just couldn’t say no to the toons. So they were in the toy department, all snuggled up in sleeping bags, with Jane and her pet phoenix. After all, despite Joey’s dislike of Jane, the toons really did love her. So Joey conceded and let them have the sleepover. Jane entertained the toons with stories late into the night, chilling tales of the place she’d worked at before she’d come to Joey Drew Studios. The toons were scared stiff of the animatronics Jane spoke about. They’d never liked the Freddy Fazbear restaurants anyway. Things were going fine. Until they all fell asleep that was. With all the talk of Fazbear’s, terrible memories had been dredged up. The toons were woken up by her phoenix squawking. 
“What the #$%! is that noise?” Alice grumbled, getting up and wiping the sleep from her eyes. 
“I just wanna sleeeeeep!” Bendy whined, trying to roll over. Boris, who was sleeping closest to Jane, got up and looked over. Jane was thrashing around in her sleeping bag, her form becoming a bit more demonic with every passing moment. 
“Oh my-” Alice ran over to Jane and started shaking her. “Jane! Jane, wake up!” Jane continued to thrash, her eyes opening and revealing they were pitch black. Alice squeaked and backed up. Jane rose up, looking completely demonic now. 
“Jane.” Boris reached out to touch her arm. Jane whirled around, snarling and with claws raised. 
“Jane, please, you’re scaring us.” He whimpered.
“Boris?” She rasped out, her voice deep and distorted. Slowly, her eyes returned to normal. She fell to the floor, starting to sob. Boris shuffled over and snuggled up to her. 
“Are you alright?” He asked. 
“I’m sorry.” She took a deep shaking breath. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I just…I was having a nightmare.”
“About what?” By this point, Bendy had gotten up, concerned by what had been going on. 
“My time working at Fazbear’s.” Jane buried her face in Boris’ fur. “It was…You can’t even imagine what it was like working there.”
“We’re here for you.” Alice wrapped her arms around Jane as well. Bendy got up and did the same. 
“I’m sorry,” Jane said again. 
“It’s okay,” Alice assured her. 
“We’ve all got issues.” Bendy shrugged. “You don’t need to talk about it if you don’t want to.” 
“We’ll be here no matter what,” Boris said. Jane smiled and let them hug her, crying quietly. She was out of Fazbear’s. She was okay. She was going to be okay.
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queenofcats17 · 6 years
So you know Leaf, right? Well, Jane drags him along to her work (and he get to see Viper, the pet Phoenix) and they do what they normally do, (Like in the teasing and throwing rocks scenarios in the headcanons) and he does actually get Jane with the whipped cream every once in a while. Just some cute fluff, k?
Bendy was rather surprised when Jane showed up with another him. She introduced this other Bendy as Leaf, a friend from her world. Leaf was delighted to be coming to Jane’s work. Joey was surprisingly okay with this sudden intrusion, maybe because it was another Bendy and he wanted to study this new creature.
“You touch him, I kill you,” Jane said coolly when Joey came to her to ask about maybe observing Leaf. 
“I’m not going to touch him,” Joey replied. “Besides, you should remember that you work for me.” 
“Yes, but I also have the power to kill you.” Jane reminded him with a tight smile. “So don’t mess with my boyfriend, got it?” 
“Very well…” Joey said through gritted teeth. Jane left his office to find Leaf waiting for her with the other Bendy, as well as Alice and Boris. 
“Well, what’d he say?” Bendy asked. “Does the new guy get to stay?”
“Yep!” Jane swept Leaf up in a big hug, grinning from ear to ear. “But we can’t cause too much trouble. Y’know, the usual spiel.”
“This is gonna be great!” Leaf grinned as well. “What do you wanna do first? Lock Henry and Sammy in a closet and make them kiss? Singing with the choir? Magic?”
“Let’s go sing with the choir,” Jane said. “We can ship Sammy and Henry later.”
“It will be lovely to have you both to sing with.” Alice lit up. She took them down to the band room where Susie was recording lines. As long as they stayed out of the recording booth they were allowed to sing together. Alice led them, as she always did, but Leaf and Jane both kept up rather well. Once they were done singing, Leaf and Jane broke off and started showing some of the animators their magic tricks. 
“No way!”
“This is great!”
“How are you even doing that?!”
“It takes practice.” Jane leaned back in her chair, smiling lazily. Beside her, Leaf had pulled a can of whipped cream out of hammerspace and was getting ready to spray it under her nose. Without missing a beat, Jane snatched the can out of his hands, emptying it into her mouth before throwing it away. Leaf pouted a little at this. He would get her one of these days. 
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queenofcats17 · 7 years
Mod: Okay, so what if the crew found out about how Jane's part toon and lives in a Toon World, and then demand to see her friends? Jane:...Or I just "accidentally" fuse with like, Freakshow Baby and thus giving the need to control me cuz I get a list for blood. Mod:...What am I going to do with you, child?
“You’d think you would have found out sooner.” Jane didn’t even look up from her phone. Joey was practically short-circuiting. He couldn’t believe this. Jane had been part toon this whole time. How had he not noticed this before? 
“I mean, it makes sense,” Henry said. “She gets along well with Bendy.”
“How were you even created in the first place?!” Joey sputtered. “I HAD TO USE BLACK MAGIC TO MAKE MINE!”
“I’m from a different dimension,” Jane said. She seemed wholly unconcerned with Joey’s entire freakout. Sammy was a little put off by the whole thing but didn’t feel too surprised. Looking back, it made sense. The toons did treat her like one of their own. 
“I TOLD YOU SHE WAS A TOON!” Wally ran out and yelled into the hallway. “YOU OWE ME TEN BUCKS, GRANT!”
“OVER MY DEAD BODY, FRANKS!” Grant yelled back. 
“It’s so good to have another female toon around.” Alice clung to Jane’s arm. “This place can be such a sausage fest sometimes.” Boris gave Bendy a confused look, which made the little demon start to snicker. 
“Do you have any toon friends?” Susie asked. “If so, could we meet them? It would be so lovely!” 
“I mean…I don’t know if I can get them all together on such short notice.” Jane admitted. “But I can try. Joey’s not coming though. He’ll freak them out.”
“I will not!” Joey protested. He had to see her friends. He had to find out how other living toons existed. If he could figure out their secrets…
“Joey.” Henry interrupted his thoughts. “Whatever you’re thinking, don’t.”
“No,” Henry said firmly, putting a hand on Joey’s shoulder. “Just no.”
“Fine…” Joey sighed. “I’ll hold down the fort here. The rest of you can go.”
“We’ll bring back pictures,” Susie assured him. 
“We can take pictures, right?” Wally already had his camera out. “Because I gotta document this.” Norman appeared behind him with his own camera. 
“Only if it’s okay with them,” Jane said. “Some of them can be a little shy.” Wally and Norman both grinned at each other, a high pitched squealing emitting from Wally.
“They’re real great,” Bendy said. “We met them a few months ago.” 
“Oh yeah! Some of them are squirrels!” Boris nodded enthusiastically. Joey groaned. He so wanted to meet Jane’s friends. But she’d said no, so he’d refrain from pushing the subject. He didn’t want a repeat of getting on her bad side. And with that, they set off, leaving him all alone. 
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queenofcats17 · 7 years
So what if Jane find put she can turn herself into a puddle and change her appearance (say turning herself into a spider legged demon like the picture I think I put up, where she has spider legs on her back, separated by ink-tentacles, which are extremely strong and are used as extra arms), and Joey throws acetone at her when she does put of fear? /Or you could just take the Joey part out./
I’ll do my best. :)
The toons were still teaching Jane how to be a toon, which included being able to change her appearance. Bendy, Boris, and Alice were all able to do so, although it took a lot of energy out of them and they mostly only changed for the sake of gags or pranks. Bendy was the one who shape-shifted the most often, generally to play pranks on Sammy. 
“Since you’re a toon, you can probably do this stuff too!” Bendy said after turning back from a demonstration. 
“You can also probably turn into a puddle,” Alice added. 
“Why don’t you try it?” Boris suggested. 
“Alright.” Jane shrugged and closed her eyes, focusing. Bendy had described it as picturing your body as fluid. She could do that, right? She felt her body begin to collapse until she was lying on the floor as a puddle. It was a strange feeling, being a puddle. Alright, now to change her appearance. She’d always wondered what it would be like to have spider legs. So when she reformed it was with spider legs on her back, separated by ink tentacles. 
“Oooh! Nice!” Bendy whistled. 
“This is cool!” Jane flexed her new spider legs experimentally. “And you guys can do this kind of thing all the time?”
“Being a toon’s pretty awesome, huh?” Bendy smiled smugly.
“Hell yeah!” Jane grinned and tried climbing up the walls. She managed to get to the ceiling, much to the delight of her and the toons. 
“This is the coolest thing ever!” Jane hung from the ceiling, smiling as wide as she could. That was when Joey showed up and saw her. His eyes widened and he froze where he was. 
“Hi, Joey.” Jane waved, still smiling. Joey blinked, staring at her. Then he turned and walked away, muttering under his breath,
“Nope. Nopenopenopenope.”
“Bye Joey.” 
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queenofcats17 · 7 years
Hello, new prompt idea! What if some crazy thing happened, probably with the ink machine, that caused her to go demon-mode then a too-short-to-even-open-doors (AKA shorter than Bendy) full on toon?
It had been a rough day. Everyone was on edge. It was deadline week and everyone was running on a minuscule amount of sleep and a shit ton of coffee. Joey especially had been snapping at people left and right. This, of course, did not go over too well with Jane. She was similarly sleep-deprived and even less likely to simply forgive Joey his trespasses. She finally lost it when he yelled at an intern so ferociously that the girl burst into tears.  
“ J̡͞O҉̨ĘY͢,” Jane growled, stalking towards him. Joey immediately realized he’d fucked up and ran. Jane followed after him, her appearance becoming more and more demonic as she gave chase. Joey pushed past employee after employee, muttering curses to himself as he went. He didn’t want a repeat of the last time. It had been far from pleasant. 
“ ÝO̶U̧ C̸A͡͠Ǹ͞҉'͝͞T̴ ̶Ŗ͠͠Ú̸͝Ń̸̸, ̶͡J̷Ơ̧EY.̵̨͞ “ Jane yelled. “ I͠͝'̨҉M̧̀ GOÌ̕Ǹ̛G̴̵ ̶̢̛TO̴̷ ͘͞CA̵͡T̴C͏͢H͡҉ ̸Y̵͜͠O͘͏U̷͜.҉҉” 
“Fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me,” Joey muttered, ducking into the ink machine room. Yes. This was good. He could do something here. He kicked the machine and got it to turn on. He waited until Jane was in the room, looking positively terrifying, and unleashed the ink. Jane was caught under the spigot and got blasted with a torrent of thick black ink. The demonic aura quickly faded. 
“Are you ready to calm down now?” Joey asked. 
“FUCK YOU!” A tiny head popped out of the ink. “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!” Joey had to stifle a laugh. Jane’s demonic form was completely gone, replaced by a toon even smaller than Bendy. 
“You’re adorable.” He said. “I didn’t know toons could even be this small.”
“Hmph.” Jane pulled herself out of the ink. “I hope you know you’re not off the hook for making Celia cry.” 
“I can’t take you seriously. You’re too cute.” Joey giggled. 
“Yeah yeah, I’m adorable.” Jane folded her arms. “Now go apologize.” Joey picked her up, playing with her ears. 
“You are just the cutest thing.” He said. “Would you mind if I incorporated you into the cartoons? We need more female characters and I just know everyone will love you.”
“Yeah, sure.” Jane shrugged. “But seriously! Go apologize!”
“Alright alright.” Joey laughed and walked back out of the room to apologize to Celia. 
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queenofcats17 · 7 years
"Okay, so I have another prompt: Jane sneaks toons out, and takes them to Elena's (from the fluffy one) house, where Jane resides. They run into Henry, Wally, and Sammy on the way there (you can do the detail) and do get to her house which is in a almost-remote part of the next town over, and perfect for running or hiking. You can decide how the night goes and all that." -Jane Tuner
Sorry this took so long. 
Bendy had never snuck out of the studio before. It was exciting like he was in a prison escape movie! It would have been even cooler had it not been the middle of the day. Not even Boris and Alice’s worried demeanours phased him. At present, the toons were being snuck out of the studio by Jane. She wanted to give them a nice weekend at the cabin she was staying at, which belonged to her friend Elena. Jane had, of course, asked nicely if she could take the toons out, but Joey had flatly refused. So, given that she didn’t give a fuck about Joey, she was sneaking them out. She’d given them each a disguise to wear in order to not raise suspicion as she took them to her car.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Alice whispered. “We might get in trouble.”
“I don’t wanna get yelled at.” Boris whimpered.
“Relax, it’s gonna be fine,” Jane said as they reached the car. “Now get in and let’s go!”
“This is the coolest!” Bendy squealed, scrambling into the front seat of Jane’s car.
“Hey! No fair!” Alice said. “I want to ride in the front!”
“You snooze you lose, dollface!” Bendy stuck his tongue out at the angel toon. Alice glared at him, settling in the seat behind Jane. Boris sat in his own seat, whimpering a little bit. He didn’t like doing things that would make Joey angry.
“Hey,” Jane looked back and patted his head. “It’s going to be okay. If Joey yells at me, then he yells at me. It’s okay, big guy.” The drive was fairly quiet. Boris and Alice fell asleep in the back seat while Bendy gazed out the window in wonder. Eventually, though, he too fell asleep. It was a long drive to the cabin, so that was just as well. By the time they actually reached the cabin, it was getting dark. As Jane got out of the car, she heard some faint swearing from the treeline and the sounds of footsteps growing closer. Immediately she tensed, ready for a fight. Fortunately, she recognized the figures stumbling out of the treeline.
“Turner?” Sammy frowned. “What the Hell are you doing here?”
“I live here,” Jane said. “What are you doing here?”
“We’re hiking,” Wally said. “Y’know, exercise and shit.”
“We’re lost,” Sammy said flatly. “Because someone decided he needed to take a leak.”
“You were the one who didn’t want to follow the directions!” Wally shot back. While the other two men squabbled, Henry gave Jane a long-suffering smile.
“Sorry about them.” He said. “Anyway, you live out here?”
“My friend Elena does,” Jane explained. “I just live with her.”
“Jane? What’s goin’ on?” Bendy poked his head out of the car. “Oh, heya Henry! How’s it goin’?” Henry looked from Bendy to Jane, who was smiling innocently, and sighed.
“Joey’s not going to be happy.”
“Screw Joey. They deserve some freedom.”
Sammy and Wally stopped fighting upon hearing the sound of Bendy’s voice, both turning to stare at the toons piling out of the car.
“Anyway,” Jane waved a hand dismissively. “It’s really late and all, so why don’t you guys come in and we can have a sleepover.”
“A sleepover?” Bendy’s eyes lit up. “We’ve never had one of those!”
“Susie says they’re a lot of fun,” Alice said, clapping her hands together. “Can we really have one?”
“Of course,” Jane said, grinning. “Now come on.” She ushered everyone inside. Sammy protested a little bit, but the inclusion of Alice made him a little less volatile.
The night was spent playing a variety of board games and exposing everyone but Jane to the wonders of YouTube. They even got to see some YouTubers play the game that had come out based on their movie. Sammy hummed a little upon seeing the reactions he got from players when his character appeared. He was rather proud of the job he’d done for both the movie and the game. Everyone agreed that Boris was a Good Boy TM and that he deserved all the bones in the game. Boris was quite pleased by this. By the end of the night, they all fell asleep in the living room, sprawled about on air mattresses and the pillow fort Bendy had built. It had been a good day.
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queenofcats17 · 7 years
So Bendy, Sammy, and Joey get dared to be handcuffed together for 24 full hours by a heavily drunk Jane during a truth or dare game, or tell their biggest, darkest secret. //Joey has no problem with the truth because everyone knows just about everything// and Jane took a course on criminal justice, so she knows VERY well when someone is lying. (I plan to do a pick up where you leave off/ Write my own version, I just want to see how you do with this.)
I’m so sorry if I botch your character. ^^”
It was the day of the toon’s birthday party, and things weren’t going at all the way they’d been planned. First of all, Jane had gotten drunk, as she was want to do, and had been playing truth or dare with anyone and everyone who would pay attention to her. Second of all, Sammy and Bendy were also drunk, which made them think it would be a good idea to play along with Jane’s game. It was then that she pulled out two pairs of handcuffs and flashed them an evil smile.
“You two are gonna get handcuffed to Joey for- For a whole day!” She said, speech slurred. “Unless…Unless you tell us your biggest, darkest secret!” Immediately, both Sammy and Bendy paled as much as they were able. Joey wandered over.
“What’s this about a secret?” He asked.
“You’re gonna get handcuffed to those two for a day unless you tell us your biggest secret!” Jane announced, holding up the handcuffs.
“Oh, that’s easy,” Joey said. “Everyone already knows everything.”
“But there’s gotta be something  you haven’t told us!” Jane tugged at his sleeve. Joey frowned, considering this.
“Well,” he said. “I did once take some of everyone’s blood in order to make toon doppelgangers of them.”
“Of course you did.” Sammy buried his face in his hands.
“What’s your secret, Sammy?” Jane asked, turning to Sammy with wide eyes. Sammy only made a loud groaning noise, refusing to remove his head from his hands. Bendy just sat there with a terrified look on his face.
“Come on, you two,” Joey said, laughing. “You don’t want to be handcuffed to me for 24 hours, do you?”
“No, no we do not,” Sammy said. He finally sighed and stopped holding his face. “Okay. I…I sometimes hide in my sanctuary so I can listen to Susie practice after hours.”
“Aaaaw! That’s so sweet!”
“Shut up,” Sammy muttered. All eyes went to Bendy, who reacted with comical surprise and horror.
“None of you want to hear my secrets!” He said, laughing nervously. “Come on!”
“I’m not getting handcuffed to you for 24 hours.” Sammy hissed, grabbing Bendy by his lapels. “Tell us. Now.” Bendy made an upset noise.
“I don’t wanna!” He whined.
“Tell us. Tell us. Tell us!” Jane started to chant, pounding her fists on the floor. Eventually, a lot of other people began to join in. The pressure was beginning to mount, and finally Bendy caved.
“I don’t hate Alice!” He said. “I think she’s a real swell gal and I’m really jealous of her!” Then he curled up into a ball. Jane looked a little disappointed she didn’t get to handcuff anyone together, but she’d gotten what she’d wanted.
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queenofcats17 · 7 years
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Submitted by @inkavixentheinkdemon
For future reference (trust me, in the next print you are gonna need this):
Name: Jane Cosmos Tuner
Back history: She was forced from her home world, where everything was perfect and her mom was the queen of every universe out there. She is the last gem known to the universe. Everyone else from her home is dead. She can’t use her gem, it’s “broken.” She can barely even make a shield. And she keeps that fact hidden behind lies and shit.
Likes: Music and alcohol over everything. Those who don’t know of her capabilities might think she’s Irish. She also likes truth or dare, will do any dare without hesitation, and a LOT of drama, angst, and chaos. And if she finds a device that can handle games, she will never let it go and play on it until you force it from her (or until she has to put it down to charge).
Dislikes: Not having any of the above for more than 6 hours. She’ll get all shaky, end up with at least a migraine, and eventually go NUTS. Like, threaten-to -kill-you-and-actually-do-it crazy.
Habits: Cussing, playing music out loud (mostly Lots of Fun by tryhardninja, All the way (Jacksepticeye remix) or Space is cool (markiplier remix)), flipping the bird at people, and pulling pranks with the toons.
She is also very sarcastic, especially when it’s not needed, and can deliver a foot burn. Her favorite board game is Smart Ass.
I accidentally pressed the post button and now I can’t undo it. ^^”
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New Jane HC: She eats the heart of souls. It don't matter if you're a demon, an angel, or a regular ol' person, if she is starved enough/smells you're blood or "soul blood" (blood of a broken soul), then she will legit go savage demon on yo ass. Also, it hurts like hell to have your soul heart eaten or wounded.
And there. I just made things worse. :D
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Now I'm imagining Leaf proposing to Jane.
This is what I get for listening to As We Are Now.
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queenofcats17 · 6 years
How about some more Jane × Leaf fluff? (And I wanna try and find a ship name for them, any ideas?)
There had been a lot of things that Jane wanted to show Leaf once they got out of the studio. Now they were out, and she had a list. Leaf wasn’t sure about everything she had planned, but Jane assured him that everything was going to be fine. The first thing she wanted to do was go to an amusement park. 
“A proper one.” She told Leaf. “Nothing like that shitshow Joey had going on.”
“I mean, I don’t know.” Leaf said. “What if people freak out? I’m a living cartoon.”
“I’ll be there to step in if something happens,” Henry assured him, putting a hand on the little demon’s shoulder. Jane groaned. She didn’t want to have a chaperone on her date. But she had to admit, having Henry there would be a weight off her shoulders. Henry was good at making one feel like everything would be alright.
“Let’s go to Disneyland,” Jane suggested. Henry and Leaf both snorted, exchanging a knowing look. 
“What? What’s so funny?” Jane asked. 
“Joey would have a fit if he knew we were supporting his competitor,” Henry said, patting Leaf’s head. 
“Let’s do it!” Leaf puffed his chest out. “I’m not afraid of Joey! Not anymore!”
“You’re very brave.” Jane leaned over and gave him a quick kiss, which only seemed to embolden the little demon.
“Bring it on!” He crowed. “I can take on anyone!”
The next day, they headed out to Disneyland. Leaf had been given a hoodie to wear to hide his strange features, which seemed to work for the most part. Jane was so excited, holding his hand and pointed out everything. She dragged Leaf onto every ride, while Henry waited on a bench. He was too old for roller coasters, he said. Leaf, while cautious at first, quickly lost himself in the fun of it.
“This is awesome!” He said as he and Jane got off a roller coaster. 
“I knew you’d like it!” Jane grinned, kissing his cheek. “You wanna get some merch?”
“Boy, do I!”
By the end of the day, both Jane and Leaf were completely tuckered out. Henry carried them back to the car, both of them decked out in Disney merchandise. He knew Joey was probably rolling in his grave, but he didn’t care. The kids were happy and that was all that mattered.
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queenofcats17 · 6 years
Hey if your up to it can you do a prompt over Jane x Leaf, only Jane is with Henry 30 years later (aka in game time) and she's trying to keep Leaf and her a secret, fails miserably causing her to have a panic attack, and when Henry sees how he really does help and he's not all that bad he decides that Leaf is cool and becomes chill? (Also, I'm about to post a picture of Jane with some added explaining for her appearance)
Jane hadn’t been quite sure how to explain to Henry that she was dating a Bendy. After all, Henry had just gotten back from a rather terrible experience with another Bendy who had tried to kill him on multiple occasions. Henry was already rather suspicious of Leaf due to that. The fear was starting to get to her and one day, she broke down and had a panic attack. She couldn’t keep this a secret anymore. She just wanted Henry to know and accept it. Leaf immediately popped up from his seat, running around the table to hold her hand. Henry stood up as well but stopped when he saw what Leaf was doing. 
“It’s okay.” Leaf whispered, rubbing Jane’s back. “Just breathe deeply, alright.” Jane nodded, slowly managing to get her breathing under control. Henry watched with no small degree of appreciation. Once Jane was calm, Leaf helped her back into her seat.
“So, are you two an item?” Henry asked, leaning on one hand with a faint smile on his face. Both Jane and Leaf went bright red and started stammering. 
“So this is why you’ve been so jumpy.” Henry sighed and shook his head. “You know, you could have just told me.”
“I…I didn’t know how you’d react.” Jane avoided looking at him. “After the whole thing with the studio…I thought you’d be mad.”
“He obviously cares about you a lot,” Henry said. “He’s not like the Bendy I encountered.”
“So you’re okay with us?” Leaf’s eyes widened in hopeful optimism. Henry nodded. Leaf and Jane both squealed and embraced one another. Henry couldn’t help but laugh. Ah, the beauty of youth. He was just glad someone else cared about Jane as much as he did. She was a sweet girl.
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