#janis did set design
maybeimamuppet · 5 months
Hey uh I need you to go more in depth about the "the characters know they're in a musical" thing because that is an insane take I've never heard about any musical in my entire life
hello i will do so and relish in it
okay to begin with this only applies to the stage production. both movies we are just watching what’s happening in real time imo. they have no idea wtf is going on look at them.
when the stage production opens damian has a whole little spiel like “good morning freshmen! welcome to high school!” and then cautionary tale happens and blah blah blah etc.
it’s also worth noting that. mean girls is objectively not a good musical. is it my favorite yes will i shank anyone outside the fandom who says this 100% BUT if you compare it to something like the prom with a similar setting/similar vague concept it’s really not. not great.
BUT i think this was kind of weirdly intentionally done.
again in the beginning during it roars and whatnot the animals that walk by are clearly just people in costumes and i think that’s also on purpose. the zebras have paintbrushes for manes for pete’s sake (like janis hello???)
SO i personally think that what we’re seeing is a musical that damian and janis co-wrote. i think damian did most of it and janis helped. she wrote i’d rather be me and things like that
i think it’s bad because it was written and produced by actual teenagers themselves. i am 100% convinced that they are seniors acting out the previous year as a sort of welcome to high school assembly for the incoming freshmen. mr. duvall said they could either do something creative to tell their story as an example of why Bullying Is Bad ™ or have detention for the entirety of the next year and they did this. the others have to act in it for the same reason and janis and damian just wanted to.
they’re acting as themselves and fully self aware the entire time. it feels like it’s happening in real time because it’s only been a few months since it did and the memories are fresh for all of them.
karen is the only one who breaks the fourth wall (except janis and damian at the top of the show and top of the second act) for GOOD REASON!! SHES DONE IT ALL BEFORE!!!!!
the reason janis and damian are the sort of narrators and the audience’s window into the show is because they’re the ones who are putting it on and producing it.
anyway in conclusion i fully believe they’re aware they’re in a musical and this is all happening like in their school gym or auditorium lmao
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cheesysoup-arlo · 4 months
(not yet) Naked (but) in Manhattan (pt. 1)
Janis x reader
A/N: some of the words in here are exactly what it says in the song so full credit to that I did not come up with those parts
Turning your phone off of airplane mode and you had a few notification, one stood out to you at the bottom, a voicemail?
*voicemail from “Art cutie🎨”*
You decide to pop in your headphones to give it a listen
“Hey it’s Janis I know you just landed and I know you’re probably busy but I would love to see you so call me when you can”
Janis…your mind drifts back to your first time meeting her, exactly two months ago at the art exhibition back in California, it was a college student art exhibition for a few chosen students from different states to display their art. Getting the email that you were chosen and getting a free trip to California was awesome. You met so many amazing artists and you met this one person, Janis ‘Imi’ike. The prettiest person you’ve ever met, she was nice and helped you set up your display. After the event you to exchanged contact information to stay in contact given the fact you lived in different states from each other. Over the two months you two had gotten close, it felt different than any other friendship or even relationship you’d ever been in. She sends you good morning texts and good night texts which makes you have this warm fuzzy feeling that’s totally not a crush. You had a trip to New York planned for about 5 months now, when you made the plans you only knew one person living there, Damian Hubbar, you met him when you were working on set design on your last trip out here which was a work trip, he told you about his friend and shockingly you ended up meeting her without Damian, you’re snapped out of your trip down memory lane when you bump into someone “oh my gosh I’m so sorry” you say picking up your phone from the ground and you look up to see “Damian! What are you doing here man” you say a little surprise to find him at the airport “girl I’m here to pick you up, did you not get my text?” Damian said a little confused “oh shoot yeah sorry I saw it” you say remembering that Damian had sent to a few text “well let’s go bitch, we’re gonna head to my place to drop off your stuff and I was thinking we could maybe surprise Janis at her new studio, you know with the opening being today” Damian says grabbing one of your bags “oh yes absolutely” You said as you both continued to walk to the exit of the airport.
You guys made a quick stop at Damian’s apartment it was really nice, you dropped off your bags and Damian’s boyfriend decided to join you guys to go see Janis.
The drive was pretty short. The studio was absolutely beautiful, there was a mural at the entrance that you assumed Janis made. “All right we are about 5 minutes early so we can get out and hang out at the front before more people come” Damian said parking the car. There are a few people already there, “Damian omg what took you so long” the shorter of the three girls asks “I’m sorry Gretch I had to pick this one up from the airport” Damian says referring to you, you had seen these girls before but only in Instagram posts and stories “oh is this the famous y/n Janis won’t shut up about?” the tall blonde asks “um uh yeah? It’s nice to meet you guys” you say a little awkward “I’m Regina, this is Karen and-“ “I’m Gretchen” Gretchen says when Regina points at her to introduce herself “Regina, Karen, Gretchen, got it” you say giving them a thumbs up. The doors open to reveal a mildly stressed Janis “psst D, I need your help” Janis whisper yells causing Damian to rush over to her “I can’t reach the pamphlets” she says frustrated “it’s ok tiny gay I’ll save the day” he jokes, Janis rolls her eyes as he hands her the box “thank you, now you have to help pass them out” she says sticking her tongue out at him, you let out a small laugh observing their interaction. “Hey everybody welcome to the official opening of my art studio, thank you all for coming we have a lovely array of art and drinks” winking with the last word “please grab a pamphlet on your way in, they have descriptions of each art piece that I have currently up, when my next few art related events are, and my contact info for commission and other things” Janis says with a smile on her face followed by applause from the people attending. You go in and mingle for a while grabbing a drink and enjoying how amazing the art is, you’re especially drawn to her mix media pieces.
“Y/n? You-you made it? You actually came” Janis says as tears start to well up in her eyes “surprise? I told you I’d be in Manhattan, why wouldn’t I come to your opening?” You say pulling her in for a hug “I don’t know I thought maybe you’d be too tired to come you know jet lag” she says a little embarrassed “you’re right the jet lag is crazy but I wouldn’t want to miss something so important to you, you know I even moved to an early flight for you” you say with a small slightly embarrassed smirk “what! really?” Janis says genuinely surprised “yeah” you say with a nod. You and Janis mingle around and meet some new people until around 6:30pm. “Y’all wanna get tacos and then head to the nice gay bar” Regina suggests “oooo fuck yeah it’s the one by the theater right?” Janis asks “yeah and the really good taco place across the street” Regina says with a nod. You guys head to the taco shop, order and sit down together, you become the topic of conversation “Soooo how’s life, do you have a boyfriend or…girlfriend?” Gretchen asks “Boys suck and girls…I’ve never tried…” you say a little embarrassed about the last part “ooo ok but girls interest you?” Gretchen asks just out of curiosity “Yeah I guess you could say that” if you wanted to be completely honest you would say there’s one girl that interests you and she just so happened to be sitting right texting to you while your lovely new friend probes you with questions “Gretchen?” Regina says “I think you’re scaring her just a little” Regina says in the nicest way she can with a bitchy under tone “oh sorry, I just get excited” Gretchen says “it’s ok” you say forcing a small smile then picking at you chipped nail polish
You guys eat then head to the gay bar. “It smells like glitter and-“ you say “vodka?” Janis interrupts “yeah” you say with a laugh and smile “wanna go dance?” Janis suggests seeing Karen and Gretchen over there already “drinks first then absolutely” you say walking over to the bar you tell him your order and he hands it to you as your about to pay Janis slips him her card and says “put it on my tab” winking at you then ordering a drink herself “you know you didn’t have to do that right” you say “yeah but I wanted to” Janis say looking into your eyes with a kind smile, your face feels a little warm maybe it’s just your drink maybe it’s Janis (it’s definitely Janis) god why did this girl have such an effect on you. You decided to give yourself the limit of one drink, it was a new space with people you didn’t know well yet. Regina pulled you on to the dance floor, “heyyy” Regina said “hi” you said with a small laugh noticing her semi drunk state. You two were dancing close, your back pressed up against your front dancing to the music. Janis watches from the bar, her eyes trace your body from your face all the way down, biting her lip, she looks up at your face again to see that you’ve been watching her too, slightly embarrassed she blushes and looks away. “You know you two would be really cute together” Regina whispers right into your ear, her warm breath startling you slightly “what” you say quickly looking away from Janis “I said you two would be cute together, she talks about you a lot and I’ve never seen her look at someone like that so you’re definitely special” Regina says turning you around to look at her “how long are you here for” Regina ask “well um honestly I don’t have a return date and long as I go back eventually…for like my stuff” you say looking down at your hands, you’ve officially finished college and you honestly aren’t sure what you’re doing next “you really like her don’t ya” Regina says with a giggle “yeah, I do I really do fuck but I’ve never done anything with a girl before like not even kissed” you say embarrassed and realizing this is the first time you’ve admitted your crush on Janis “Y/n you’ll be fine, just be honest with her she love communication” Regina says putting her hand on your shoulder then turning you in the direction of Janis with a small push. “Hey y/n do you um wanna get out of here?” Janis asks “yeah um that would be nice” you say with a small smile “yo D, we’re gonna head out I got us an Uber” Janis says giving Damian a hug “byee see y’all tomorrow” Damian says followed by the rest of the group exchanging farewells. Janis grabs your hand and pulls you outside “we’re heading to my place, do you need anything?” Janis asks “no I’m good” you say fidgeting with your rings, she slides her arm around your waist looking at you to make sure you’re ok, you smile and blush creeps up on to your cheeks “it’s really nice to see you again” she says leaning her head on your shoulder, your breathe becomes a little unsteady, she had such an effect on you and she was barely doing anything. You two got into the Uber and headed to her house the ride was quiet and her hand rested gently on your thigh the whole time, you two would make eye contact often but not say anything.
Finally arriving at her apartment “welcome to my slightly messy home, make yourself comfortable sit literally anywhere” she says as she picks a few things up off the floor, you admire all the art around her house, the finished and unfinished projects “thirsty?, I’ve got water and iced tea” she says opening the fridge “water please” you say, she grabs two bottles of box water (I feel like she’s a box water drinker) “thank you” you say looking up at her from where you’re sitting on the floor (floor is the best place to sit not up for debate) she plops down next to you “how are you?” She asks “I’m really good…I’ve missed you a lot if I’m being honest” you say fidgeting with the cap of your bottle “I’ve missed you too, even with the calling and texting, I really like being around you” she says looking at you with her hand gently resting on your thigh, your skin feels like it’s on fire but in a good way, a light pink dusts your cheeks. You two just look into each other’s eyes for a moment, “um do you wanna stay over?, you can borrow some of my clothes and I have an extra toothbrush” Janis offers “yeah that’s sounds fun, finally hanging out after two months, just the two of us” that last part you say a little more quietly “wanna play a game?” Janis suggests “um sure what do you have in mind” you say a little hesitant “uh I got a couple Nintendo games or I got Jenga and Uno” Janis says “ooo do you have mariokart?” You ask “um yeah of course I have Mariokart” Janis says with a small laugh getting up to turn on the TV and grab the controllers “thank you” you say as she hands you a controller, she sets up the game, you pick your character and car (I’m personally a yoshi person most of the time) and she picks hers. You guys play a few rounds you won twice and Janis has too so now you’re doing a tie breaker “oh I’m totally gonna beat you” Janis says biting her bottom lip to focus, you let out a scoff “you said that last round and lost” your tongue peeking out the side of your lips as you focused on trying to beat her. You win “HA I BEAT YOU” you say standing up and getting close to her, Janis is sitting on the couch, she pulls you close by your belt loops, you get flustered and lose your balance falling on top of her causing her to lay down with you on top of her “woah” you say blushing at how close your face is to her’s “hey cutie” Janis says with a wink
A/N: pt. 2 coming soon (it’s smut lol) also let me know if you want to be added to the tag list <3
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celluloidstyle · 1 year
pump up the volume (1990)
director: allan moyle
costume designer: michael abbot
production design: robb wilson king
set dec: tina treglia (peterson)
cinematographer: walt lloyd
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BEING WEIRD ISN'T ENOUGH not sure why i like this pin, but i like it.
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this film takes place on the cusp between the 80s and the 90s, but i loved that these kids drove these 60s/70s(?) cars, i think to signify that they were low income and couldn't afford modern cars? but i love the atmosphere in this shot.
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not the greatest screencap, but i adored everything janie (lala sloatman) wore. the cat-eye glasses, the oversized pink pearl earrings, the ponytail scarf. even though i related to nora's artsy side, i wanted to be janie.
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mark (christian slater) is like two different people. at home, he wears cool retro bowling shirts embroidered with the name "dick" and sasses his parents, but at school he wears bland clothing (like he wants to blend into the background) and acts all shy.
i also just really loved mimi kennedy as mark's mom, marla, using a teacup to ash her cigarette into, i just thought it was so posh!
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again, loving janie's dangly statement earrings, and the colour combo with her floral bolero (?) and sweet pink dress. i didn't love nora's (samantha mathis) outfit as much, but i was intrigued by the piece she wears over her dress. it ties at the back of her neck, and i think again on her lower back, so it's like a... halter vest? the turtle necklace is pretty dope, and though you can't see it in this shot, she is also wearing purple and white striped tights.
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paige's (cheryl pollak) bedroom is a dream! the floral wallpaper and the white bed are so lovely, but the seafoam green radio really makes the colour scheme pop.
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man i wish i had a teacher this cool! ellen greene as jan emerson (do they call her miss emerson in the movie? i can't remember), wears the coolest outfits, and she is introduced in this amazing mustard suit accessorized with a turquoise bolo tie! the look is amazing, but it also alerts us that this film takes place in arizona.
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paige, doing her WASP thing in an oversized sweater over a blouse, with a string of pearls. it's the necklace that does it for me.
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i mostly just wanted to see how many celebrities i could identify in this shot: keanu reeves, johnny depp, george michael, kirk cameron, corey haim, richard grieco... (stole this image from imdb as it was much clearer than my screenshot)
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i forgot that plaid wallpaper was a thing and i think it's due for a comeback. particularly loving the plaid (shirt) on plaid (wallpaper) in this scene, so cozy, like a cabin!
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so many things to love in this scene: number one, the heart curtains; number two, the kitten sweatshirt (the kittens look like they might be puffy and i can feel it in my mind); number three the "homework causes brain damage" sign on the wall--classic! number four, the clear lamp filled with gumballs? and the cow hanging from it! number five and six, the blue radio and the clear phone! i want one!
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did you notice that the tissue box in the highschool staff room is the same as the tissue box in the depressed student's room? do you think it was the same box?
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nora's room reminded me of my own room in highschool-- walls plastered with images, and plenty of candles. i think nora might have been one of the prototypes for the manic pixie dreamgirl.
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Believe It Or Not I Care
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mazz's (billy morrisette) denim and leather look is good.
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an example of one of mark's drab shirts, but also nora's completely adorable velvet blouse with a peter pan collar! also, i'm learning that the next time i wear a collared shirt, i need to add a long statement necklace.
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so this scene is near the end of the film, and i loved mark's shirt here. i also realized that it's more of a cooler, bolder look than he has previously worn to school, so i think it's supposed to symbolize mark coming out of his shell and revealing more of his true self at school/in public. look at me, i get things.
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finally, loving this floral blouse and braided leather suspender on miss emerson. i would probably wear this.
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BONUS here's a picture of drew barrymore at "an event" for pump up the volume (according to imdb), i'm assuming it's the premiere, just looking cool and badass. i need that jacket.
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another bonus: this adorable promo photo of christian & samantha <3
anyways, most of these pics are my own screenshots, but you should check out higher resolution images on imdb. i couldn't find any articles about the wardrobe in this film, but i did find this 30th anniversary article that was interesting.
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justforbooks · 1 year
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“He’d kill us if he got the chance.” Those words, spoken by a bespectacled, beige-suited young man (Frederic Forrest) as he wanders through Union Square in San Francisco with his lover (Cindy Williams), are secretly recorded by the surveillance expert Harry Caul (Gene Hackman) in The Conversation (1974). Their meaning, mulled over at length, becomes vital in unlocking the story’s mysteries. One of the key thrillers of its decade, Francis Ford Coppola’s film was also an eloquent expression of paranoia in a country reeling from Watergate.
Forrest, who has died aged 86, was the ideal actor to throw certainties into doubt. In The Conversation, he is bookish, furtive and opaque. The audience never becomes properly acquainted with him, though recordings of his voice and image are repeatedly offered up for our scrutiny so that the act of studying his expressions and intonations becomes central to experiencing the film. Without realising it, we channel a good deal of energy into deciphering his motives.
If we are never quite successful, that may explain why Forrest did not become the star that some predicted he would. He was a consummate character actor, too complex and mutable to be limited to any persona. This seemed to be a source of mild frustration to him. “I would like not to have to fit into somebody else’s story and have my scenes cut because I’m too strong,” he said in 1979.
It was in that year that he was seen in the two films which brought him closest to stardom. Working again with Coppola on the Vietnam war epic Apocalypse Now, based on Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, Forrest played Chef, member of a platoon led by Willard (Martin Sheen), which ventures into Cambodia to kill the wayward Colonel Kurtz (Marlon Brando).
Forrest’s role here was nothing like his one in The Conversation, demanding instead a raucous, baffled bluster which is seen most demonstrably when he suffers a breakdown after a nocturnal encounter with a tiger. His wide, startled eyes, soup-strainer moustache and floppy hat with its upturned brim lent him a goofy, knockabout air. Even amid the film’s widespread carnage, his grisly eventual demise was strongly felt.
Also in 1979, he starred in The Rose, directed by Mark Rydell, whom he credited with teaching him how to “personalise” his acting through looseness and spontaneity. Bette Midler played a hard-living rock star based on Janis Joplin; Forrest was the sunny-eyed, straight-shooting Texan chauffeur with whom she connects emotionally and romantically. He received an Oscar nomination for the performance.
Coppola used him in two further projects. He was cast – or, arguably, miscast – as the dreamy romantic lead, a mechanic at the Reality Wrecking Company, in the ill-starred musical One from the Heart (1981). The movie was shot at crippling expense on glitzy sets designed to evoke a garish, heightened Las Vegas. He also played an automobile engineer in Coppola’s Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988).
He was at his most winning in Martha Coolidge’s intelligent teen romcom Valley Girl (1983), in which he was the adorably laidback manager of a health food restaurant whose daughter (Deborah Foreman) is dating a Hollywood punk, played by Nicolas Cage. That young actor, who happened to be Coppola’s nephew, may have stolen the show, but seeing the two men together made it feel as if Forrest was passing on the mantle of risk-taker to a new generation.
Born in Waxahachie, Texas, he was the son of Virginia (nee McSpadden) and Frederic, who ran a furniture business and owned greenhouses from which he sold plants to local shops. Frederic junior was educated at Texas Christian University, in Fort Worth. His acting ambitions led him to New York, where he studied under Sanford Meisner. After a stint in the army, he made his stage debut in the off-Broadway show Viet Rock in 1966, then had small parts in both the 1968 stage version and 1969 film adaptation of Futz, a comedy about a farmer in love with a pig.
His first major screen roles were in When the Legends Die (1972), in which he starred as an 18-year-old Native American rodeo rider – though Forrest was 36 at the time – who is mentored by a seasoned veteran (Richard Widmark); and the crime drama The Don is Dead (1973). He played the title role in Larry (1974), the factually based story of a man wrongly admitted to a psychiatric institution for 26 years.
He also appeared in The Missouri Breaks (1976), a western with Brando and Jack Nicholson, and played Lee Harvey Oswald on television in Ruby and Oswald (1978). He was twice cast as the novelist Dashiell Hammett, first in Wim Wenders’s wryly speculative Hammett (1982), which proposed that the writer was caught up in a real-life mystery that inspired him to pen The Maltese Falcon, and later in the TV movie Citizen Cohn (1992), where he suavely resists the efforts of the virulent lawyer Roy Cohn (James Woods) to intimidate him into naming names during the anti-Communist witchhunts.
Other films include Abel Ferrara’s Elmore Leonard adaptation Cat Chaser, Costa-Gavras’s war-crimes drama Music Box (both 1989), the tardy Chinatown sequel The Two Jakes (1990), directed by Nicholson, and Trauma, a rare US excursion for the Italian horror maestro Dario Argento. In the thriller Falling Down (also 1993), Forrest had a scene-stealing turn as a cartoonishly villainous racist in a Los Angeles military surplus store.
On television, he starred in Stephen Frears’s Saigon: Year of the Cat (1983), written by David Hare, and was part of the sprawling ensemble in the acclaimed western Lonesome Dove (1989). In the BBC2 series Die Kinder (1990), he played a private detective hired by a woman (Miranda Richardson) whose children have been kidnapped by their father. John Frankenheimer directed him in the US civil war drama Andersonville (1996).
He also starred in The Brave, the only film to be directed by Johnny Depp, and Wenders’s The End of Violence (both 1997). His final appearance was alongside Sean Penn and Jude Law in All the King’s Men (2006), a political drama adapted from the Robert Penn Warren novel previously filmed in 1949.
His two marriages, to Nancy Ann Whitaker (1960 to 1963) and the actor Marilu Henner (1980 to 1983) both ended in divorce.
🔔 Frederic Fenimore Forrest Jr, actor, born 23 December 1936; died 23 June 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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you-know-honey · 11 months
Curse of Twins
Papa Nihil x Oc (you)
Chapter I: Sisters
Summary: Death is close to knocking on Sister Imperator's door and she knows it, it is time to tell the truth.
Word count: 1711
Note: bad English, this is all from fans to fans. creative freedoms.
"Are you sure about this, Sister Imperator?" A sister of sin asked hurriedly as she walked next to Sister Imperator who, given her age, was walking faster than normal.
"Of course, sister. I wish to end this as soon as possible, it is only a formality for the Clergy." It wasn't like that, the Clergy didn't care that much about his life.
"But it's your private life Sister Imperator!" The young sister of sin begged her not to expose herself to everyone like that, perhaps by knowing her as the human person that she was, everyone would lose the respect or rather the fear that she instilled in everyone under her charge.
Sister Imperator's heels clicked in the cold and lonely hallway of the fourth floor, three floors below, a biographer was waiting that she had hired for this very important work. Every moment mattered because as time passed the memories in her mind began to become cloudy and she could not allow that in any way.
The Clergy had warned that they could not tell anything about them. Fuck them, she wouldn't talk about them, she'd talk about her, both of them. Of his life and he would let only a few people read it, because he was incapable of saying such things in the face of the people he had deceived all his life.
The young nun's mouth opened once more, trying to convince her of something she herself was ready to do, a last tribute.
"Sister!" I called his attention rudely "The decision has been made, I would appreciate it if he would stop trying to change it and get out of here. It's an order." He stopped walking just to look at her face and give her those looks that chill anyone's blood.
"As you wish, Sister Imperator" the young woman said in a whisper and she left quickly until she disappeared around the corner of a hallway.
Sister Imperator sighed and continued on her way. 50 years ago she did not set foot in that place, everything seemed to have been preserved in time, she could breathe and feel back in her 20s, hear the laughter and footsteps of the children who were now grown men in the service of the Clergy. A nostalgic tear escaped her cheek as she continued walking with her eyes closed, imagining that she was returning to the good times, before everything was so complicated and twisted.
Her legs carried her to an old wooden door carved with the 9 rings of hell, she touched the tattered old wood, remembering times where was bright and firm. She grabbed the doorknob and turned it, the old and stored air filled her lungs accompanied by immense clouds of dust that covered her clothes and hair. As if that were nothing he took a step inside.
It was portal in time, to the beautiful 60s. The windows decorated with translucent curtains with psychedelic flowers that reflected their designs on the floor, the record player on the carpet in the center, the vinyl records of Nancy Sinatra, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin, the favorites of the moment, the beaded curtain on the bathroom door, the music festival posters hanging on the walls, the rugs at the foot of the beds with a pentragram, the nightstands full of books and cigarette butts, the overflowing closet of clothes, dressers with makeup spread and red lipstick kisses on the mirror, perfectly made beds, one of them with a goat doll that I used to remember calling Baphy…Those were the good '60s.
Time had taken its toll on the place as well as itself, nothing was like before and only shadows remained of what that room was, its memories were covered with dust until they were devoured by moths.
She approached the dresser, the white wood was unpainted and at the slightest touch it would fall to dust, on it there was a framed photograph, its glass was opaque and with several thick layers of dust. Sister Imperator could see herself, a tall, slender blonde girl in a black dress and platform heels, a malicious and knowing smile between her and her reflection in her mirror. However, her reflection had a sweet touch in her gaze.
She took the painting and clutched it to her chest, wishing she had more than a photo to hug, but it's all that was left.
They had such happy smiles, she could even remember the night of that photo, it was her first "mission" for the Clergy, they looked so happy and excited. If she had known the ending, she would have burned him and the place without thinking.
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The young woman in the chair was totally nervous, perhaps it was because of the huge painting of Lucifer behind the chair behind the desk, the atmosphere of the place or the person who had hired her.
Two weeks ago he had received a strange email from a woman who called herself Sister Imperator offering a fabulous amount of money for her services. At first she did not take it seriously, she was a recent graduate and the well-paying jobs that come from nothing were always obvious scams. After a few days that same woman had called her, she had been tempted to say no but something in her tone or perhaps in the way she said it made her accept.
A van that had all the earmarks of kidnapping children on Halloween had picked her up 2 hours ago, the driver had been very friendly, a boy with a kind smile. When he arrived he saw the facade of a huge religious institution.
She was left alone at the entrance, where a very kind and cheerful girl took her to the office where she was now.
I expected to see large crosses, suffering saints, Bible paintings and nuns with an extra habit covered, but that was clearly not the case. He found himself in a satanic ministry, although he knew that they were generally down-to-earth people, the more paranoid part of she feared that would end up as a human sacrifice in some kind of ritual.
She pressed her briefcase against her legs as she turned in the chair, she was beyond nervous and she could feel the sweat on her forehead. She had brought what was necessary, a recorder with a USB connector and your laptop, in addition to the classic notebook and several pens.
15 minutes had passed and the woman who had hired her still had not appeared at the door, nor had she been allowed to go to the bathroom as she had requested, not because she had any need, she wanted to wash her face and freshen up first but it was a denied request. She couldn't even go out to take a look at the hallway because she could see the shadow of feet behind the door and long blonde hair behind the opaque glass window of the door, so that wasn't an option either.
The office was decorated as you would expect, with the slight difference of satanic figurines and Luciferian painting. The shelves were full of books, there was a kind of small living room, with comfortable navy blue velvet sofas, a small table with some stains from coffee cups and a fireplace with some somewhat strange photos, perhaps the least strange was the of a young blonde kissing the cheek of a boy with face paint, they looked deeply in love, their white clothes were stained with what looked like blood. The window overlooked the center of the abbey, a fountain, some people passed by, nuns with revealing habits and even the boy with the pretty smile passed by that place.
The young biographer sighed, looking at her watch, while her nervous leg tapped the ground. The blonde hair behind the door moved and she could hear the murmur of voices outside. It opened and a small, gray-haired woman walked through the door, with a lively, mischievous smile. The young woman quickly stood up and extended her hand towards the woman.
"There's no need." she told him as she sat in her chair, behind the huge painting of Lucifer.
The young woman kept her hand and sat down again looking at the woman, the nervous play of her hands gave her away in front of Sister Imperator, who smiled, her nervous movements reminded him of her dear Cardinal Copy .
"I'm Sister Imperator," she said, moving her chair closer to the table. "Do you know why she's here, young lady?"
"He hired me to do her biography, lady" the girl responded quickly.
"That's right, I need you to put everything I'm going to tell you on paper. Can you do that?" Questioned, the young woman got nervous and just nodded her head several times. "But let's not forget the formalities" the woman took out a sheet of paper from one of her drawers and slid it to the young woman "It's a contract, read it."
The girl took the sheet of paper in her hands, feeling like she was dealing with the devil himself, she read it a couple of times, before putting it back on the desk.
"Have you read it yet?" Sister Imperator's tone was sweet, but in the young girl's heart it was like finding a razor in an apple.
"Everything that happens in this room is something that only you and I should know. I only want 6 copies, I will take care of the printing myself, you only have to give me the final copy. Will you sign?" Sister Imperator extended a red pen with cute gold carvings, it must be valuable.
The young woman reached out with her trembling hand and took the cold pen in her hands, she removed the cap and with Sister Imperator's gaze on her, she slid the pen across the paper, the red ink formed her signature and she felt an enormous shiver run through her ribcage along with a delicious feeling of peace.
The deal was done here and in hell.
Hello! I mean I hope you like this little fic, there's something about the young Papa Nihil that just makes him irresistible in my eyes.
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backjustforberena · 2 years
Do you think the necklaces are like family jewels worn by the lord and lady of the house or that it's a Corlys and Rhaenys thing? They have the same jewel but the chain and the golden part of the pendant are different. I really love that they have matching outfits AND jewellery ❤ Rhaenys also wears some gold pieces on her hair, especially her braids, like Corlys. Even some of her braids are done with 2 strands of hair instead of the typical 3 and they kind of resemble Corlys' dreads from a distance 😊
Oh, nonnie, I don't know and I want to. So badly.
I do know that Jany, who did the costume design, put a lot of thought into the journey told through clothing and the character arcs being present in them. You can especially see that in Rhaenys, who moves between Targaryen and Velaryon colours, as well as different shades of blue dependent on her emotional state. Corlys and Rhaenys tend to match when they are in lockstep; complimenting him, but then striking out on her own on other occasions. So when they're at the tourney, they wear the similar shades of pale blue. At the wedding, they're both in gold. Heck, their nightgowns are complimentary. I'm just waiting for a peek at the monogrammed matching towels ;)
So, with that in mind, I can't imagine that the jewellery had a lack of thought. Most of the women's jewellery comes pre-made, from Ottoman's Hands. This doesn't look like that, this looks a bit like Corlys's chains, in that it's made for the show. And it's in Velaryon colours, as you say. So... who knows? Is it the same stsone but re-set? Is it a matching set? Is it something ceremonial or is it personal? I'd slightly want to go with personal over ceremonial, simply because I can't find any particular stand-out reason for Corlys to be wearing it at some points and not in others, within his role as Lord of the Tides. But the only way to know for sure is for someone on the cast or crew to tell us, and that's likely not going to happen.
Rhaenys does wear gold pieces in her hair. And braids it like Corlys does, a little. Again, I can't imagine that being a coincidence. I don't know who did Rhaenys's hair and came up with the concepts, but I would like to speak to them because there definitely seems to be a story there. I'd much rather get the gossip about Rhaenys's hair than whatever length Daemon is picking for his blonde locks this year. I know some crew have released pictures of hairstyles taken for references; like Alicent's wedding hair, Rhaenyra's wedding feast hair, various Daemon looks. I'd like to see one of Eve. Especially the back of some of them! I mean, the wedding hair alone...
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daysofsamdandtime · 3 months
Day 17
Another bakery, another bus and a second trip to Greenwich. Heading back to check out the Maritime Museum this time and The Queens House.
The maritime museum was interesting, and had a lot of information. There was a lot on the slave trade and British shipping which isn’t really of the most interest to me. The models were pretty cool though, and the naval battle history was rather interesting. The layout was very confused as part of the museum is under renovation, I seemed to enter every gallery at the end.
I then went basically next door to The Queens House, a now gallery that has the Armada portrait of Queen Elizabeth I. A beautiful building with the Tulip Staircases, and the original setting for the Gentileschi roof panels with a new Richard Wright design. Quite a striking interior with a view right down on to the Thames.
Kathy and Stella Solve a Murder was a lot of fun, the less than ideal leg room was tough but the show was great. A high energy new musical with a cast of 7, the score was catchy and with clever staging and minimal set, the ‘chairography’ was great. The story was two true crime podcasters get embroiled, voluntarily, into their idols murder in their local town. It was nice to see a show that focused on the relationship between friends and fame.
After a quick few slices of pizza it was off to Mean Girls. A slightly altered version of the show for this new production, some of the changes worked but I did miss a few of the original numbers that were reworked or cut. The choreography was still a highlight as it really fit in the world that they were creating. My main let down was the actress playing Janis, her voice was awesome, but she looked to be nervous or uncomfortable the entire time often slipping back into British quite a bit. The show still hits the good spot between being a movie adaptation but not being just the movie on stage.
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xivanxiety · 4 months
The First & Worst FC (Approx June 2019 - May 2020)
As previously mentioned in my last blog entry, a long time RP friend reached out to me mentioning that he'd started playing XIV and had started an FC. And by started an FC, they'd just started. I was the fifth person to join this FC, so I was officially the first member. This FC eventually grew to consist of people from two different RP communities from two different platforms, so there was a lot of familiar and new faces for everyone. I will need to use names, so I will be naming some of the people in this story after the cast of Mean Girls. Anyway, back to the beginning:
I'm typically pretty shy with groups at first, I like to sit and observe and get a feel for the vibes, I'm also just a quiet person in group settings as other people tend to dominate the conversation. So making friends doesn't come quick for me... typically. However, it didn't take long for Janis to befriend me. I'd say we were pretty attached at the hip. She found a lot of joy in witnessing me go through the MSQ and hearing my reactions to all of the major plot points. She also helped me through a lot of dungeons, trials, etc.
One thing I will note is that Janis did warn me about one of the members in our FC, Regina. She told me that Regina was Aaron's (our FC lead, and my friend from Tumblr) best friend, she had feelings for him, and their characters from their RP community were in a romantic relationship, so she was quite protective of him (I think she meant possessive).
One day, our small group decided to go hang out in Mordona. It was me, Janis, Aaron, Regina, and Glen. We were just shooting the shit and taking screenshots while hanging out in voice. And then as we were sharing the shots we took, Regina blurts out "Katy, why are you staring at Aaron??" I was caught off guard by this, so I simply responded, "I'm... not?" She then hissed at me and said "You're looking at him in all of your screenshots!" I was actually targeting Janis who was standing behind me, so it looked like I was targeting Aaron. I told her "I don't know what to say, I wasn't targeting him." She then let out a deep breath and said "You know what? I just need to chill the fuck out." And left the voice chat. It would appear that either she caught herself in the moment, or someone privately DM'd her telling her to stop which wouldn't have surprised me given future incidents. However, I do believe from that moment on, I was Regina's public enemy #1.
I don't recall a single civil interaction between the two of us and I maintain to this day, I was definitely not an instigator.
Example #1: One day in voice chat, I was helping Janis with pronouncing Korean foods and words. I was talking to Janis but at some point Regina griped, "I know, Katy! I already study Korean so I don't need you teaching me!" Girl, I wasn't even talking to you!
Example 2: She was quick to assume or claim I was being antagonistic in Discord when I was simply engaging in discussion, she'd tell me to calm down and drop it. She was quick to disagree with me in any group chat and treated me like I was being aggressive and antagonistic. ie. I was stating that I wished the Valentione dresses came with petticoat layers in the design because otherwise, it makes no sense why they'd be so poofy. She got on me about complaining over nothing and said they looked fine the way they were. What is wrong with a little critique? I swear, I wasn't allowed to be critical of this game and Yoshi P even in the slightest.
Example 3: One day, another sprout in the FC asked in FC chat what materia they should use for SCH. Regina chimed in telling them not to worry about it, they're not at level cap, much less ready for raids. I asked if she could hypothetically answer the question because I was curious how similar it was to WoW, because a lot of the stats were quite similar and I was a healer main in WoW. Also, Regina was a SCH main at the time. She repeated, "I said not to worry about it!" I then went to Google and looked it up myself and repeated what a few sources online were saying. She responds with "LOL no!" and logged out. The other sprout thanked me for speaking up and answering their question because Regina was starting to scare them.
The final incident (for some time) occurred when I logged into the game one day and dove right into working on the MSQ. I was finally in Shadowbringers and I was eating up the story. Mind you, I was still very much so a sprout. I'd been doing almost nothing but MSQ since I started playing. I do believe this was about... August-ish after SHB came out. We had a new member in the FC, someone who wasn't from either RP communities so we especially wanted to make him feel welcomed. I was running into an issue where I couldn't get past a fight with a few NPCs and was playfully teasing myself in the FC chat. I then quickly realized it was because I hadn't repaired my gear in some time and some of it was broken. Rookie mistake, I know. Regina sees me talking in FC chat and tells me to just go buy some gear off of the market board. I tell her that's too expensive. She then barks back telling me "No it isn't" I then explain I am still leveling so I don't want to waste gil on gear I am going to either replace quickly or can get for free through the MSQ. She then appeared to get fed up and told me to just buy the damn armor. I then went onto explain that it wasn't for a need of armor, I just forgot to repair and now everything is fine. She took it as an opportunity to crack jokes at me and shame me for forgetting to repair my gear. I think she then went and looked me up on the Lodestone or something because then she continued, "WTF are you doing in lvl 82 armor when you're lvl 88?? Go buy higher level gear!" and once again the back and forth about her telling me to go buy armor continued, I told her that even though I'm lvl 88, I am in lvl 82 content (I started SHB at about lvl 86ish, the exact numbers are fuzzy). She continued essentially yelling at me in FC chat but then grew silent and then eventually logged off.
I was then informed by Janis that Regina has been complaining to her and Aaron about me in DMs and they were getting tired of it. Janis told Regina to stop coming to her with her complaints about me as we were friends. And apparently, Aaron had gotten onto her for making a scene in front of our new member and told her she needed to give me a chance or leave. She logged out, and wouldn't log back in for a long time.
The thing is, this character in the FC wasn't Regina's main. She had a main on a completely different DC and tbh, she hardly ever did any content with anyone in the FC except for when Aaron needed help. Otherwise, she'd log in, seemingly check if Aaron was online, maybe say a few things in FC chat, and then log out. She was mostly active in the Discord server.
And for some time, there was peace. We were building structure within the FC. I had become the 'HR' of the FC so to speak and I was also one of the house decorators, having used my own gil to furnish and decorate the place. I felt quite liked by the community. I helped run events and people often confided in me and seemed to feel comfortable coming to me with their issues with the FC. I genuinely liked being there for everyone and playing my part. That was not going to last and it all changed overnight.
I woke up one morning to find that Janis had stepped down as co-FC lead and had promoted Regina to co-lead. And Regina had gone through all of the roles and changed their permissions, and which one received the most lockouts? Mine. I was essentially demoted to just being a member. I couldn't do jack shit, I even lost the ability to drop furnishing items into the FC house. I was not happy and reached out to the admin chat in Discord stating that I couldn't even drop furniture when I was the one who was investing their gil in the furniture. Aaron wasn't happy as he hadn't authorized those changes, to which Regina replied "How was I supposed to know?? I've been gone for months!" Yes! Exactly! You weren't even active with us to begin with. You used your gil you got from your MSQ and level boosts to help pay for the FC, and that was that. She didn't know a damn thing about the community other than when she'd pop into the Discord server and boast about her achievements on her main.
Meanwhile, Janis had started to avoid me. I knew that running the FC was beginning to take a toll on her. She didn't like running an FC, she just wanted to play with her friends. I never got to confirm what her issue was with me, but she never spoke to me again. I do believe Regina had something to do with it because the timing was too coincidental. It became painfully awkward and uncomfortable for me being in the FC. Regina was on a power trip, Janis wasn't talking to me, and Aaron wasn't doing a damn thing to help. Janis and Aaron had been my closest friends. I was quite vocal to Aaron about my dislike for the changes to the FC and I was often the voice for other members who were too afraid to speak out because they too were afraid they'd become Regina's punching bag. We had these farming plots placed in the FC yard, but only Regina was allowed to use them. We were told not to mess with them. One day, one of the members saw that her crystals were ready to harvest, so they gathered them and mailed them to Regina. Her response? She threw a fit in FC chat, told us "Don't touch my stuff!" and removed all members abilities to harvest from the plots.
Meanwhile, Regina continued bullying me, always making passive remarks about me. Anytime I shared a screenshot, she would post 2-3, bumping my screenshot out of view. She always had snide remarks in response to anything I said. I once mentioned that my partner at the time had ordered us Jimmy Johns for dinner, and Regina proceeded to shame me in voice chat claiming I support a man who hunts wildlife in Africa... just because my partner bought me some Jimmy Johns. I had to set myself to DND and turn off notifications on my phone because just any sound related to Discord was giving me anxiety.
Then the Valentiones event came around, the one with the obstacle course you have to run with a partner. A friend of mine, Karen, joked that she and Aaron should run it together. Their characters canonically did not get along, so she thought it would be amusing, besides... it was a joke. Regina did not like this. She pitched yet another fit telling Karen absolutely not, and asked her how would she like it if Regina approached Karen's partner and asked him to run it with her? Regina was constantly forgetting one of the major rules (at that times). Our character's canons did not exist in the FC. There was too much overlappage and we didn't want to deal with petty jealousy. Basically, Aaron's character was actually in a romance with a few characters in the FC. Funny enough, my character was not one of them, and yet for some reason Regina was Hell bent on pushing me out. And this rule apparently did not apply to Regina because she just assumed that Aaron and her character were going to get married and assumed she was his partner in the game. However, over on Tumblr, Aaron's character was starting to eye mine in their story. So it kind of came to no surprise when Aaron decided, due to how Regina was behaving, he was not going to run the event first with her, and instead, asked me to run it with him. I saw no big deal in it, Regina already hated my guts, so I may as well, I otherwise didn't have anyone to run it with. In the moment, I hoped maybe he decided to run it with me because I was not behaving like a brat, but I kind of wonder if he did it to ruffle Regina's panties. Funny enough, Regina didn't have a damn thing to say about it. I assume Aaron had a word with her in private.
But things continued going downhill from there. I had extended an olive branch to Janis asking if we could just talk about why she wasn't talking to me. It was becoming painfully awkward and uncomfortable being in an FC where 2/3 of the people on top did not like me. People I considered friends were beginning to become questionable. Gretchen had once upon a time confided in me because she too felt Regina was on a power trip and she didn't like seeing someone who was so inactive suddenly in control of the FC, meanwhile, she too had been making all efforts to help the FC and felt like she wasn't appreciated. But even Gretchen was starting to hang out with Janis more and speaking to me less. My only two friends left were Karen and Damian, or so, that's how it felt at the time (there were definitely more people on my side in the end). They'd even arrange FC events in secret, definitely without my knowing. I'd be logged in only to check the FC roster to see that most of them were in a group together running maps or FATEs. No mention of it in FC chat or the Discord. But seeing as Janis was often involved in these runs, I was clearly being purposefully excluded, Karen as well. We found comradery in each other as the rejects of the FC. When Karen first joined the FC, Janis asked me to not RP with her as all she liked to do was ERP. She made it a point to say this to everyone she saw getting close to Karen. I took her suggestion with a grain of salt. Yeah, Karen had her flaws, but she was by far the least problematic in the end. This was when I began to wonder "Why the fuck am I still in this FC??"
That was when Karen, Damian, and I discovered it... Balmung. People in the FC had always badmouthed the server, stating it was filled with degenerates. And you definitely don't go to the Quicksands. Well, we wanted to see it for ourselves, so together we went to Balmung. We took a liking to people-watching in the Quicksands. Karen had a thing for a certain race, so she liked to try to chat them up, flatter them, etc etc, never anything serious. One day she spotted a fellow in the distance whose character design she really liked, like... really liked, but she was too shy to say anything. So, I offered to talk to him for her. I sent him a tell letting him know that my friend next to me liked his character design. He took the compliment in stride, but did not appear to take any interest in talking to Karen, but instead chose to talk to me. No, he didn't start hitting on me or anything creepy. In fact, he too was just there to people watch and see who sends him tells.
My time on Balmung encouraged me to start considering diving into RP in XIV. I was beginning to feel more comfortable with just going out on my own and expanding my social circle outside of the FC. Meanwhile, every time Karen and I were spotted on Balmung, people in the FC had things to say, there was a lot of slut shaming going on. I'd swiftly call people out on their hypocrisy because there's no way in Hell some of these people hadn't ERP'd. Aaron especially had art of his character and other people's characters in the act. So what is wrong with Karen, Damian, and I hanging out on Balmung??
Another mutual on Tumblr reached out to me and said I should make a character on their DC and join their FC. They were an RP FC and there was no pressure to make the character my main. So I started a second life on this other DC. It was there that I made one crucial change to my character: Her race. I'd kind of sped my way through character creation the first time around and wasn't 100% happy with her initial design. However, the race and clan I really wanted to be was the exact same as Regina. And I just knew if I changed my character, I'd never hear the end of it. But when I finally made her into what I truly wanted her to be, it was hard to go back to her original design. She was just so cute and my other FC absolutely adored her. They encouraged me to just bite the bullet and fantasia my main, who cares what Regina thought? That FC clearly no longer gave any shits about me. So I did. And sure enough, as soon as I posted a screenshot of my character in the Discord server, Regina had things to say. "Looks like I need to fantasia, one too many (race/clan) in this FC."
The more time went on, the less fucks I gave, and the more I distanced from this FC. I finally decided to have a talk with Aaron. I asked him if there was some issue that people had with me. He tried spinning it onto me and said "I don't know, it sounds more like it's you who has a problem with other people." I asked him to clarify what he meant by that. He then told me I need to be more careful about talking about others behind their backs. To this day I don't know what the fuck he was talking about, because everything I complained about in private to others I told to Aaron himself. I had no qualms about expressing my concerns to him. But I also posed the question, wouldn't that mean there's a great deal of hypocrisy going on then? I never vented to anyone who didn't verbally agree with me. I'm not the type to just dump onto someone without mutual expression of feeling the same way and without valid complaints. I never have problems with people unprovoked. I genuinely never had any issues with Regina in the beginning, it was she who had problems with me and I was beginning to believe that Regina had somehow flipped the narrative. So either way, he was allying with someone who had no issue acting two-faced, and does anyone really want to be friends with someone like that? I later learned that Gretchen had been repeating things I said to Aaron and Regina. I was officially done with this FC. I just needed to wait for a good opportunity and for Balmung to open up.
Meanwhile, I just spent most of my time on Balmung. One fateful day, I was sitting in the Quicksands when some guy started sending me tells. It quickly escalated (on his end) and the dude was asking desperately for my attention and was not taking no for an answer. The guy I'd spoken to for Karen noticed me and asked if I was having any issues. I told him that the other guy wouldn't leave me the fuck alone. He then told me to tell the guy that I needed to go meet with my friends. He then lead me to a different part of Ul'dah where there was a little group of people just sitting and chilling. They were friends and FC mates of his. They weren't RPers, just long time Balmung residents. They were the chillest group of people I'd ever met, and still to this day, remain some of the chillest people I know. They took me in and I began hanging out with them every day. My birthday came around and they showered me with gifts and celebrated with me.
I finally made the move not long after my birthday. Over night I abandoned my house, exited my FC room, said goodbye to anyone who happened to be online at the time, and transferred to Balmung.
Balmung was such a silly place, I don't think it's as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. Upon logging in after transferring, a little lalafell walked up and gave me a hug. I then stepped away from the aetheryte and stumbled upon two people who were in character. One of the characters appeared to be mute and was acting bashful toward my character, like he thought she was really cute, meanwhile his friend was expressing disapproval in me, shaking her head no at him and gesturing that he stop before approaching me and pointing as if telling me to walk away. They didn't really speak to me after that so I assume they were just goofing around. But it was quite the welcome to Balmung.
Aarson of course DM'd me the next day expressing his disappointment in me. He said he wasn't bothered by the fact that I left the FC, but why did I have to go to Balmung?
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Years of friendship, dedicated writing partners, invested so much time and energy and gil into your FC, and that's what you have a problem with?
Thank you, next.
The Aftermath
So, I had another character in the FC who I forgot I'd left in there. And I logged in on that alt the day after I left to remove her and also say my goodbyes to people who I didn't get to say goodbye to. Regina was not aware of this. While I was logged into said character, Regina logged in and said in FC chat "Finally, I can breathe in my own FC!" Bitch please.
I'd learn over time that I had more allies in the FC than I initially thought. A number of people reached out and stayed in touch with me, including Gretchen who I ended up softblocking. Another member of the FC tipped me off and told me she was likely just in contact with me to give the FC leaders tea on what I was up to, probably hoping I'd be miserable on my own. I wasn't.
Sometime later, Damian and Karen ended up getting pulled into a voice call and was yelled at by Regina for continuing to associate with me, treating them as though they were guilty of some crime for fraternizing with the enemy. Aaron also sided with Regina on this matter. They then left the FC and went off and started their own.
I was also told that Regina was never physically active within the FC ever again, only in Discord. And Janis eventually took over her position as co-lead again.
Basically, anyone who was a friend of mine in the FC ended up leaving. Besides Gretchen. I named her Gretchen because of the pick-me nature of both individuals. Even Janis left the FC recently. Honestly, I feel as though Aaron was far more antagonist than most would've given him credit for. I think he found joy in how much Regina adored him and how possessive she was and how quick she was to bow down to him. He liked stirring the pot. The RP community that they all came from (I was in the minority from Tumblr) was almost cult like in my eyes. They all placed him on a pedestal and a lot of people develop crushes on him. I'm told he ended up getting together with someone else and married them in-game and of course everyone attended but Regina.
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bollywood143114 · 2 years
Isha Ambani viral New Image : Isha looks as beautiful and stylish
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Isha Ambani viral New Image: Mukesh Ambani and his wife Nita Ambani are always in the news. Like Mukesh and Nita Ambani, their three children Akash, Isha and Anant Ambani have also been in the media spotlight. Akash and Isha are handling business responsibilities alongside their father. Isha Ambani learned from her father. Following in her father's footsteps, Isha Ambani is also trying to make it big in the business world. But today, we're not going to talk about Isha Ambani's business skills, but about her fashion. Yes, like mom Nita Ambani, Isha Ambani's fashion sense is amazing. Isha Ambani, who became the daughter-in-law of the Piramal family, is even loved by Bollywood heroines. Isha's life is just like that of a princess. Even when she chooses her clothes for herself, she always takes care not to be seen in the eyes of others. Whether it's a formal look or a party look. Whether it's a fashion event or a family gathering, Isha always admires her fashion. Tarak Mehta’s Anjali Bhabhi lives a luxurious life and the actress became an actress to fulfill her father’s dream Isha's wardrobe contains many dresses designed by many Indian fashion designers such as Manish Malhotra, Sabyasachi, Abu Jani-Sandeep Khosla and many famous international designers. Isha looks as beautiful and stylish in ethnic outfits as she does in western outfits. When actresses in the 60s and 70s became brides, their beauty as if the moon was rising, confirmed by undisclosed photos Isha's performance is indicative of the fact that the Rajkumari gown she wore at the Princess Slap 2019 Met Gala took 350 hours to create. In particular, while Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone's dresses were heavily mocked by Indian fans, Isha Ambani's work received rave reviews. Isha Ambani wore a designer gown by American fashion designer Prabal Gurung to the Met Gala 2019 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Isha's mauve gown was a floor-sweeping ballroom gown. This gown is made using blended fabrics such as tulle and shimmer. Isha's gown featured beading, ostrich feathers, sequins, and crystal hand embroidery. Isha complemented her look with a diamond set and statement ring. Anyone seen in this princess avatar by Isha couldn't live without compliments. It is said that Isha's gown took '350 hours' to make. As beautiful as this gown was, it was also expensive. According to reports, the princess dress worn by Isha Ambani cost only Rs 265,800,320. Apparently, this gown was worn by none other than Isha Ambani. Then it had to be special. Isha's appearance was discussed not only in Korea but also in foreign media. At her wedding ceremony, Isha did a truly amazing job. At her wedding reception and housewarming party, Isha wore a lehenga designed by international designer Valentino. This is the first time Valentino has designed an Indian outfit. Valentino made this history only for Isha Ambani. From Rajasthani cuisine to classic Awadhi and royal Rajputana food, check out Kiara-Siddharth’s special wedding menu. This custom-made golden lehenga was very beautiful, adding beauty to the beauty of the new bride, Isha. DISCLAIMER Thanks for visit our website bollywoodofindia.com . We have taken all measures to ensure that the information provided in this article and on our social media platform is credible, verified and sourced from other Big media Houses. For any feedback or complaint, reach out to us at [email protected] Read the full article
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