#karen doesn’t understand what they’re doing but she’s the best at it
maybeimamuppet · 5 months
Hey uh I need you to go more in depth about the "the characters know they're in a musical" thing because that is an insane take I've never heard about any musical in my entire life
hello i will do so and relish in it
okay to begin with this only applies to the stage production. both movies we are just watching what’s happening in real time imo. they have no idea wtf is going on look at them.
when the stage production opens damian has a whole little spiel like “good morning freshmen! welcome to high school!” and then cautionary tale happens and blah blah blah etc.
it’s also worth noting that. mean girls is objectively not a good musical. is it my favorite yes will i shank anyone outside the fandom who says this 100% BUT if you compare it to something like the prom with a similar setting/similar vague concept it’s really not. not great.
BUT i think this was kind of weirdly intentionally done.
again in the beginning during it roars and whatnot the animals that walk by are clearly just people in costumes and i think that’s also on purpose. the zebras have paintbrushes for manes for pete’s sake (like janis hello???)
SO i personally think that what we’re seeing is a musical that damian and janis co-wrote. i think damian did most of it and janis helped. she wrote i’d rather be me and things like that
i think it’s bad because it was written and produced by actual teenagers themselves. i am 100% convinced that they are seniors acting out the previous year as a sort of welcome to high school assembly for the incoming freshmen. mr. duvall said they could either do something creative to tell their story as an example of why Bullying Is Bad ™ or have detention for the entirety of the next year and they did this. the others have to act in it for the same reason and janis and damian just wanted to.
they’re acting as themselves and fully self aware the entire time. it feels like it’s happening in real time because it’s only been a few months since it did and the memories are fresh for all of them.
karen is the only one who breaks the fourth wall (except janis and damian at the top of the show and top of the second act) for GOOD REASON!! SHES DONE IT ALL BEFORE!!!!!
the reason janis and damian are the sort of narrators and the audience’s window into the show is because they’re the ones who are putting it on and producing it.
anyway in conclusion i fully believe they’re aware they’re in a musical and this is all happening like in their school gym or auditorium lmao
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darkpetal16 · 1 month
What's sirentale sans like as a dad since that's a possible outcome? (Oh and sirentale wingding as a grandpa since he sees the MC as his child)
Hands on. He wants this so bad, so when the opportunity comes he’s desperate to be a good dad.
He’s read every book available. Listened to every podcast he can get his hands on. Taken classes on childcare and CPR.
Nest. NEST FOR THE CHILD. It is non negotiable. Baby sleeps with you both in your nest until old enough that Sans is reasonably confident they won’t die without constant supervision.
If you’re nursing, he’s got a constant streamline of snacks and water for you. If you’re using formula, he’s happy to take over feeding shifts so you can sleep.
Gets fast with diaper changes. Like, you have to wonder if there’s a world record because he’s so fast the baby doesn’t even register they’re missing pants.
Weaves a personal swaddle blanket for the baby using his own threads.
Toddler stage he’s taking them out for swimming lessons on the daily. If they’ve inherited his moth side, he’ll swap it out for flying. Exercise is an important developmental aspect and he won’t skimp out on it.
Lazy! Cuddle! Sundays! Or whichever day you also have off. It’s a day dedicated to constant snuggles in the family home. No leaving. No cooking. No chores. Just constant physical affection and play.
When the child is big enough to rough house, Sans is ready to play. Orcas love playing with their pods, and one of his favorite games is chase! If his kid shows interest in being the predator he’s happy to play dead every so often.
But the kid DOES have to work for it. He won’t give it freely.
If you have a demanding job, he’ll take a career in education so he has more free time to spend with them. If you want to stay at home / take a more freeing job then he’ll take a career in science with Wingding.
He’s on the PTA. He will fight any Karen or Chad who gets in the way of his kid’s education.
(He and Wingdings will join forces as need be in this regard. Education is very important to both of them. And Wingding lowkey loves the tea.)
Sometimes he likes to tease you about the drama. It’s cute seeing his little penguin get riled up.
“You cannot eat Billy’s Mom, Sans.”
“what if billy’s mom deserves it?”
“She’s just doing what she thinks is best for the children.”
“well what she thinks is stupid.”
You sign to Wingding for help. He shrugs and signs, “He’s not wrong.”
You give them both a look of pain.
Sans’ grin stretches. “i won’t eat her.”
“No hypnotizing either.”
“i won’t eat her.”
He jokes but he won’t do anything that could jeopardize his kid’s life.
Little bit of a helicopter parent. Not in a restrictive way, but in a I need you to be honest and tell me where you are at all times way. He’s mostly supportive of whatever the kid wants to do and doesn’t care for curfews, just as long as he knows where his kid (and obviously it’s not a super dangerous area).
Although he won’t let his kid sleep over at someone else’s place. Too risky.
Wingding as a grandpa?
Oooooh. . . He doesn’t know how to deal with kids. He needs a lot of practice. The first time the baby cries in his arms, he is devastated.
You have to repeatedly reassure him it’s not him personally; the baby just needs to get to know him!
Wingding takes this to mean he has to visit daily to see the baby. Sans is Not Happy.
But Wingding knows the way to keep Sans at bay is through you, so he always brings your favorite treats as a bribe.
First time baby smiles at Wingding, he is struck by such overwhelming cute aggression he has to hand the baby back to you so he can excitedly sign.
If you get him a Best Grandpa mug he drinks from it daily.
At babbling stage, Wingding loves to listen to them talk. He nods along to everything they say even though he doesn’t understand a word of it.
When the child is big enough to go to school, Wingding will occasionally take them out of school as a surprise day trip to the movies.
So! Many! Books! The child will never want for books. Monthly grandpa/grandbaby trips to the bookstore.
You essentially have a permanent free babysitter whenever you and Sans need time to yourselves.
He loves them.
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Animorphs and SIX
Hi there! Cates here! Unlike Bug/Sol, I have listened to SIX, and I unapologetically adore it. So I asked her if I could take a crack at the ask about an Animorphs/SIX fusion.
To me, the way to do a match up of SIX and Animorphs would be to match each Queen with a host. The whole point of SIX is that the queens’ stories/lives are reduced to “just one word in a stupid rhyme” “cause in history [they’re each] fixed as one of six and without [Henry VIII] they disappear.”
SIX interrogates the familiar way we’ve always told a certain story, basically forcing us as the audience to confront our own complicity in silencing these women by only seeing them through the lens of a powerful man. Catherine of Aragon is a bitter divorcee, Anne Boleyn is a homewrecker, Jane Seymour is an ideal wife and mother, Anne of Cleves is ugly, Catherine Howard is a sl€t, Catherine Parr is a caretaker. Their stories don’t matter. Their voices have been silenced. They aren’t allowed to say who they are, all that matters is the shell presented to the world. They are disenfranchised and largely powerless, and they’re entirely defined by the man who literally dictated if they lived or died. Sound like any characters we know?
For me, a quick pairing would go as follows:
Catherine of Aragon: Alloran. Life did NOT work out the way he planned. Has a strict moral code. Brought low from a position of power and fame. Stuck in his role for a loooonnngggg time.
Anne Boleyn: Eva. Seen as a means to an end by the Yeerks, is much cleverer and more politically savvy than they’re anticipating, refuses to apologize for who she is, calls the Yeerks on their hypocrisy and bullshit.
Jane Seymour: Taylor. Seemingly wants what’s being offered (power, community, wealth, safety), but it’s a mistake to view her as blindly devoted to the cause. She’s grabbing as much power as she can in a situation where she’s largely disenfranchised and overlooked. She may not always understand the Yeerk empire, but they’re the best game in town and she’s pouring herself into her work because at least they didn’t toss her aside.
Anne of Cleves: Jake. The marriage doesn’t last long, ultimately he ended up with all the power and advantages from the situation. It wasn’t pleasant for him, but he came out on top. And he outlives the Yeerk Empire.
Catherine Howard: Tom. He’s a naive teenager who gets dragged into an impossible situation because he has a crush. He’s passed from Yeerk to Yeerk, each one seemingly worse than the last. He dies young, never having a chance to give voice to his own story, a child whose childhood was stolen.
Catherine Parr: Karen. She’s dragged into things against her will, but her imprisonment is NOT her whole story. She’s not looking to make waves or overturn the status quo, but she has so much life to live beyond her brief period of enslavement to the Yeerks. No one is going to remember her, but she probably doesn’t care because she’s too busy living her life.
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southangel · 7 months
hi! romantic stan and kenny (separate) x reader whos afraid of the dark? like they could be hanging out and then the power cuts off? thanks ! <3
Stan and Kenny with scared of the dark Reader
Warnings: none
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Notes: Gender-Neutral, also assuming they’re already dating reader. Sorry for it being a little short!
Stan Marsh
The way I see this happening would be during the very first time Stan invited you over to his house.
After weeks of dating, Stan finally felt ready to actually have you over at his house for the first time, without getting nauseous.
He told you that he wanted you to be over at 6:30 to watch a movie together, the whole time he was mentally panicking and pacing around his room on what to do.
What genres do you like? What if you don’t even like movies, maybe a show?
After you eventually came over and was sitting on the same couch as him, big achievement, light rain started pouring.
None of you minded it, well, not until there was thunder.
Stan could tell you seemed uneasy, so he held your hand, not knowing that it was because of the sky getting increasingly darker over time.
The last thing Stan expected was to hear a quick but loud scream from you as the TV shut off in-front of your eyes.
You unexpectedly grabbed onto his arm, not really meaning to like that. Nonetheless, Stan knew he shouldn’t be so happy at your action considering how terrified you seemed.
A phone flashlight was the best he could do for now, trying to comfort you the best he could even though he really isn’t that type of guy.
The best way that Stan can comfort you is through physical contact and affection, but he doesn’t know it you would be uncomfortable with that or not.
He really does care about you, he just needs to learn how to express it better.
Whenever you both have sleepovers together, Stan always remember to turn on a nightlight or keep a small light on for you just in case.
It would make him upset to know that you’re uncomfortable or scared, so he tries his best to cater towards your fear.
Since then, Stan has tried his best to help you improve and lose your fear of the dark, not caring how long it’ll take.
Stan has also gained a habit of buying you packs of glow sticks, the ones from any dollar store that you snap to light.
He wants you to always have light, in a way where you can remember him without being scared at the same time.
“I want you to think of me when you light these, okay?”
Kenny Mccormick
I feel that Kenny would be more experienced with fears like this.
Kenny has Karen to take care of, so she most likely has a fear of the dark or something similar.
Even though he doesn’t live in the best area or environment, he wants to hangout with you, which is why he invites you over.
Kenny knows that you would never judge him for his lifestyle or being poor, which is why he trusts and loves you so much.
His options were limited, but he didn’t really want to spend another day at Stark’s pond, talking about things you would both forget about the next day.
Once you came over to his house later on in the day, he took you straight to his room without even engaging with anything going on in the living room.
Kenny pulled out a box from inside his closet, revealing a board game for you both to play.
Throughout the game, there were multiple light flickers and such. You thought it was normal, normal until all the lights in his house cut out.
You didn’t know if it was the weather, problem with the electricity, or even the bills not being paid, but the cause didn’t matter as you immediately reacted.
Kenny saw how your reaction shifted playing parts on the board, shaking and speaking in an unsteady tone.
He moved over and took you into his arms, trying his best to comfort you as much as he could.
Even though Kenny was still hooded and you couldn’t really understand what he was saying, it made you feel more comforted for some reason.
Kenny would be the best at comforting you with his words and actions, even though he’s more of a physical affection guy.
He cares about you a lot, a lot to where he saved all of his money to buy you a small but portable flashlight.
Since then, you and Kenny’s relationship has grown closer, and you love how he’s considerate enough to do these things for you.
Don’t worry, you paid him back for the flashlight.
“I know it’s not much, but I want to help you as much as I can.”
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garglyswoof · 4 months
the space we'll fill with time
For Come What May May 29th: Say the Quiet Parts Out Loud A conversation you don't think they'll ever have but wish they would. | What are some offscreen moments you wish you could see? I won't be around much tomorrow, so posting early.
“What was she like?” Karen’s question is soft as it breaks the comfortable quiet. Frank winces before realizing the reaction is just instinct - he's unbothered by the question. Not when it comes from her.
He turns the wince into a smile that stretches across his face as he remembers. “She was a ballbuster, that’s for sure. Didn’t take any shit from me. Made me understand what a real man needed to be, y’know?” He glances up at Karen where she sits, patient and interested. 
“The married guys in my unit would bitch and moan about taking care of their kids when they were on leave, or doing dishes or some shit. And y’know, sometimes that stuff settles into you, right? So I came home once, before Kandahar, and I started complaining about having to do laundry or something, and she let me have it.” Frank shakes his head, grin wide. “God damn my life flashed before my eyes she took me down so hard. She was just merciless,” he laughs.
Karen smiles. “Sounds like she could keep up with you.”
“Yeah. More than.” It’s quiet for a minute as they both sit with their own thoughts. Frank’s the first to break it.
“M’ not saying everything was sunshine and roses, no way," He shakes his head firmly. "We both had our faults. She had trouble letting the kids be independent, and I wanted them to grow up and help their mom out. ‘Specially because I wasn’t around. I guess that was a selfish ask.”
“I don’t think so. I mean I get both sides. They’re just different.”
His hand scrapes the stubble on his face as he agrees, the sound loud in the relative quiet of the apartment. “You want another beer?” He gets up at her nod and grabs them both a bottle, frosted from the refrigerator’s chill. He opens her bottle with his own, an old party trick he learned back in recruit training that never fails to make Karen smile. She lifts a brow and holds her hand out when he can’t find an opener for his own beer, then proceeds to open it for him with a key of all things.
“I’ve been practicing,” she says with a proud smile that slams him in the chest. He sits down at the end of the couch and tugs her into him, her back against his front, her silken hair tickling him until he sweeps it away to gently lay a kiss on her neck.
Karen asks another question, her voice soft again. “Who gave the best gifts?” Frank’s surprised huff is loud in her ear.
“Not me, that’s for sure. I had to learn. She never wanted jewelry, shit like that.” His chin rests on her shoulder and he tilts his face to hers. “You sure you’re okay talking about this?”
“I want to know. She’s a part of your life.” The tense doesn’t go unnoticed, nor does her brief kiss to his lips, silencing his concerns. Part of him wants to get lost in it but he can feel she’s hungry for his words, for the little things that made up his life before.
Before. God, what a small word to fit too much into. 
He thinks it over and Karen lets him, he hears her bottle lift and drop, the slosh of liquid and the displacement of air. 
Before. Before grief so strong that the only recourse was rage. Before he let himself become The Punisher. He tenses up and Karen places a gentle kiss on his cheek. He slows the thoughts from spiraling, for her. It takes him a few moments to center himself as the living room clock that he swears he's going to find a way to secretly throw out one day ticks loudly, resolutely.
“Y’know that whole thing, not that Women are from Mars shit but the other self-help thing. Uhhh,” he lifts his head from her shoulder and takes a swig. “Your love language, yeah?” He sees her nod and continues. “Maria was an acts of service person, so it worked because that’s what I’m good at. Fix the washer, take the kids to the dentist, she could care less about gifts when it came down to it.”
“What about you, what’s your love language?” And god if the question isn’t so strange, because part of being with Karen is realizing that they haven’t known each other all that long, the moments stretching out like hours through the violence were just that.
“Touch, for one.” He nuzzles into her neck again, as if to illustrate the point. “I’m an old-fashioned kind of guy. After they died, that was the hardest, I think. To know I’d never be able to wrap my arms around her, around the kids.” His chest constricts; his heart knows it will never not hurt, same as his head.
She sits up and turns in his arms. “I should be the one asking if you’re okay.”
He blinks once, twice. “Yeah. Yeah, I am.” Because he knows this is part of the after.
After. He met Karen in the space between, he knows that now, just as he knows she's the one that stretched the moment out, turned time on its head, helped him have this. He smiles and Karen looks at him curiously, her eyes bright and warm. After. Yeah. That word can't hold it all either.
He pulls her into his arms, arms that cross over her back more than they did with Maria. Karen feels different and he’s glad for it. Doesn’t want to confuse the two, ever. Feels disrespectful to both of them. His voice is a little more broken than he intended when he speaks again. 
“I love you. And I love her.”
“I know.”
It’s gentle and soft and everything, to the both of them.
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pinazee · 3 months
Black and Tan: A Crime of Fashion
The MELANIE LYNSKY episode! (Or at least thats what i call it. upon seeing her on screen for 0.2 seconds i knew she was going to get pretty big. She’s such a phenomenal actress.) I honestly lowkey shipped her with shawn. She was so sweet and i feel like it brought out some of the sweet in shawn too. Shes also a character i wish would come back one day, like they do a murder mystery movie and they’re on her yacht or something idk shes really good friends with them all still, they could make it happen :)
Lassie has given up. He has resigned himself to his fate that Shawn will always be up in his shit for the rest of eternity.
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why am i surprised he knows the name of the model in downtown Santa Barbara and is a huge fan? Im starting to see why Gus is single. He gets way too obsessed, but also, Shawn wasn’t kidding when he told that one chick he was willing to change everything about himself. This also adds a nice layer to Gus’s character because we see part of him wants that exclusivity and prestige. He wants to feel like someone others admire, which is brilliantly contrasted with Shawns more down to earth not really caring what others think vibes.
And speaking of contrasts, i love this bit; not only because its funny, but because it feels like a great metaphor for how shawn and gus approach life. Gus is trying so hard to win and Shawn doesn’t care and the outcome is the same.
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And i think its so funny whenever Gus gets so obsessed with whatever world their exploring hes pretty much useless and Shawn has to be the rational one.
Every once in a while psych will do this POV shot in shawns perspective thats not being used to point out a clue and i think its really cool. I wish they would have done some more like it because its such a great way to show how shawns constantly aware of his surroundings even when he’s not on a case.
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And this was brilliant! It has to be one of the best psych-outs in all of of Psych! Fucking legendary!
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And this was brilliant too!
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I felt so bad for shawn, playing middle man between henry and karen (which is the most unprofessional thing shes done haha), but it gave henry and shawn one of their best scenes at the end when henry is practically begging shawn to understand, like you can almost sense that he wants to confess right there that it was maddie who abandoned the family not him (or maybe im seeing that because i know its the truth. 🤷‍♀️) and shawn just doesn’t want to deal with it. Its interesting that henry was dragging shawn into it though, like he was using it as a way to see if shawn was okay with it now, cause otherwise he could have asked his friends right? It didn’t have to be shawn.
Honestly it shouldn’t have been. He knew it made him uncomfortable and he kept telling him to stop asking, but like always henry pushed it.
(Oh and also this kind of adds to the mystery of how well karen and henry know each other because she seems keenly invested in it, plus, when her friend told her he left a message she said that sounded like henry. So she must know him well enough that she can say this casually. Sidenote: that moment karen opens the door and Shawn looks horrified was priceless!)
Lastly, its interesting that shawn is proud to have never been in therapy when his mom is a psychologist. I feel like she would have instilled in him a better understanding of what therapy does and that its not something to be ashamed of. Likely the writers just hadn’t figured out maddies profession yet, but still.
P.S Everyone look at his jaw!
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chaoscradle · 1 year
Totally wrote an essay in @booksandpaperss (hope it’s okay to tag you!) post and I wanted to make it into an actual post so here I am!
The Wheelers are so incredibly mischaracterized by a lot of people, to the point where sometimes it’s not even the same character anymore. The only exception is Holly, and that’s because we haven’t seen much of her.
I see Karen characterized mainly as a completely emotionally neglectful and dismissive mom who is fully conservative and very much traditional.
Karen isn’t a good mom, but we see her reach out to both Mike and Nancy in s1 and Nancy again in s3. In addition, yes, we see the Wheelers with a conservative sign on the lawn, but we do know that Karen isn’t fully traditional. She urges Nancy to follow the story in season 3 despite the misogyny, and she makes it very clear that that isn’t her line of thinking. She’s not the best parent, but she’s not an asshole either.
Ted is emotionally distant and definitely not a good father. He’s never shown to really connect with Mike or Nancy, instead we really only see them interact negatively with each other. This doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about his kids though- he’s shown to be asleep with Holly in season 3, and he does contribute to disciplining Mike and Nancy (although not well at all, he really only made things worse).
Nancy has two characterizations I see that sit wrong with me, the first being her as a prize to win and a slut, the second being heartless.
Nancy is very independent and doesn’t need a man in her life to function, and seeing her as a prize is incredibly sexist. As for being called a slut, she had sex with Steve because she thought that was what she was meant to do, and she cheated with Jonathan because she loved him and made the mistake of not waiting. The characters are flawed and make mistakes, it’s what makes them interesting and realistic. On top of that, many characters are forgiven for their mistakes, but Nancy is constantly being held to hers.
The second characterization I mentioned was heartless. She’s sometimes characterized as not caring about anyone else’s feelings at all, incredibly argumentative and void of any of Nancy’s real personality. Yes, Nancy is independent and a badass, but she cares for other people. She’s stubborn but also kind.
She’s more than The Girl In A Love Triangle, and she’s also more than The Girl With A Gun.
Mike is heavily misunderstood due to some not understanding his arc, as well as us not being able to see from his pov the past few seasons. He’s interpreted as a whiny, moody brat who doesn’t care about anyone except for El. He’s a shitty boyfriend too, for pretty much no reason other than his parents not really loving each other.
Mike is, in fact, a shitty boyfriend to El. He can’t say “I love you” to her face. He can’t even write it. Believe it or not, it’s because he doesn’t love her. He struggled with conformity and internalized homophobia, causing him to have repressed his feelings for Will and trying to force himself to love El instead.
Mike is kind of a whiny, moody brat, but so many people treat it as his only trait. They forget that he’s a leader, a planner, someone the Party looks to when they’re in trouble, etc. They’re far from his only traits. Mike also struggles with his mental health, and it’s something very overlooked by the GA. He canonly has depression and PTSD, and we see signs of it throughout all the seasons, even in season 1. A lot of his withdrawing behavior and acting out in season 2 and 4 is perceived as him being bratty and a bad friend, when in reality it’s his mental health. In season 3 when he was “written badly”, he was affected by his internalized homophobia and external pressures to be normal, causing him to spend most of his time kissing El.
Mike also cares about his friends. A lot. He fights every season for them, he’s been dubbed “The Heart”, he jumped off a cliff for one. Again, his mental health, internalized homophobia, and conformity caused him to struggle with himself and consequentially pull away from his friends and lash out at them.
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Karen’s Conformity Casserole
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I don’t like Karen’s casserole. On the surface it seems like a really sweet gesture, but it’s part of the performance that is the Wheeler family. When Will first goes missing, Karen and Ted sit at home and do nothing, rather than joining the search parties. This is their son’s best friend and they’re sitting at home eating chicken. But Karen will show up at Joyce’s with a casserole because that will show that she’s a good person. It’s a performance. In episode 2, Karen doesn’t understand why Mike, Lucas, and Dustin don’t want to go to the ceremony for Will on the football field. She asks them “Shouldn’t you be there? For Will?” Obviously she didn’t know their secret plan with El, but again, it’s all about visuals with this family. They shouldn’t go out and actually help look for Will, but they should definitely be at the tribute ceremony. It’s even reflected in what Ted says to Mike before Will’s funeral. Mike tells him he’s choking him with the tie, but Ted just says “It’s supposed to be a little tight”. It doesn’t matter if societal expectations (or forced conformity) hurt you. The only thing that matters is how others perceive you. Karen also implies something similar in the same scene with Nancy when she is clearly upset, and Karen asks her if she wants to borrow her heels. As if that will make her feel better?? Like she says it sweetly but she could just comfort her daughter. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that a lot of this sounds a lot like what Henry talks about in his monologues. Especially the bit about performing in a play. I definitely think there’s gonna be a twist that connects the Creels to the Wheelers in some way, like a shared history that hasn’t been revealed. There’s just too many parallels between the two. Back to the point though. This is not to say I hate Karen. She’s clearly just another victim of forced conformity and she does kinda seem to be getting a bit better in season 4. Buuuuut, with that being said, I still don’t like her casserole.
In the words of Joyce,
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sortasirius · 4 months
I’ve been kinda thinking about the finale (as if I ever do anything else) and I have a sort of theory on how it could all play out.
Most of this is spec, some of it is my writer brain, so with that what you will lmao.
With what the 911 on ABC posted on Instagram today, I think it’s fair enough to assume that the councilwoman who was the mother to that guy is about to get involved. That whole thing was kind of just brushed off, and the idea of revenge is being repeatedly being brought up (Amir, even the idea of Doug sort of enacting revenge on Chim while he’s hallucinating), along with the theme of loss and grief (Eddie’s current mess, Amir…again).
I’ve seen several theories saying that she would try to stop Hen and Karen from adopting Mara, and while I can see what they’re saying, I actually think it’s more along the lines of her preventing Hen from being interim captain.
We know something is going to happen to Bobby, with all the stills and bts in the hospital, including the one with the whiteboard that says “R. Nash” on it. And if Bobby can’t act as captain, the usual replacement is Hen, but if Hen is in the midst of this, and the entire 118 is caught up I think it’s plausible (especially with Ryan talking about how Eddie is “isolated” next season) that the councilwoman will basically fight to split them up, citing past cases and insinuating they are dangerous or unfit as a unit. The LAFD brass won’t want to get in a fight with city council and will separate them but won’t fire them. (A compromise they’ll think is good, but we know is terrible).
I personally think that Buck will be left at the 118. With Captain Gerrard. I really get the feeling that the councilwoman may know him and put him back in place there even in spite of his past.
If we think about Buck’s worst nightmare (being abandoned by those he loves) it fits perfectly. Being by himself in his house but without his family, with a new captain that he knows Hen, Chim, and Tommy hated. That’s the worst possibility for him. Throw in a potential fight with Eddie and you have the perfect storm for Buck, something that would be untenable for him long term.
Relationship-wise, I have a couple different thoughts. Either Gerrard being at the 118 brings Tommy and Buck closer together, because Tommy understands what an awful captain Gerrard is and is a shoulder to lean on for him while he has to deal with it (this is preferable and what I want lol).
Or, as much as I hate to say it, it could lead to a distance between him and Tommy, because Tommy doesn’t want to be around Gerrard (don’t blame him) and he can’t be there for Buck because he’s afraid of turning back into the person he tried so hard to escape.
And I don’t think we’d start season 8 with everyone back together. With 18 episodes (bless) they have time to draw out plotlines that they haven’t been able to this season.
If, as I fervently hope, Bobby makes a recovery from whatever happens to him, he’ll have to go through the same retraining that Buck did when he was crushed by the ladder, which would be an interesting contrast for him to be put in those shoes, maybe desperate to get back out to the field but not being cleared, Athena being worried about him the same way he was worried about her after she was attacked, all that.
I think Hen’s big conflict would be that she feels like them being separated his her fault, since she didn’t force the guy to get care. She would be okay in another house, but potentially feel like she’s starting over, just like with medical school.
For Chim, I think his biggest thing would be taken out of the 118, maybe he would be assigned to the 133 as an extra gut punch since it was Kevin’s house? I think there’s something interesting there.
And Eddie. Eddie, who is taking doppelgänger Kim out in public, while bringing his girlfriend to the medal ceremony. Something is coming here, this situation is precarious at best. I highly doubt he will still be with Marisol by the end of the season. At the same time, I don’t think he’s going to be with Kim either. With this photo, it could be that Chris finds out about Kim or something like that. If I had to guess, I would say that Eddie and Marisol are done by the end of 7x09.
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I could also potentially see Eddie being left at the 118 and Buck transferring to air support with Tommy, which could be interesting since Eddie was the one to leave last time. But for angst points, I think leaving Buck alone in his house which is suddenly no longer home, but hostile? I would eat that up.
Overall, with all those happy stills we got today, juxtaposed by the way press is talking about the screeners, I would say we’re in for a rough couple of episodes and a rough hiatus too.
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Okay okay hear me out, I know I literally just said werewolf Robin is the only thing that matters BUT
Werewolf Nancy
Nancy who knows something took Barb.
Nancy who decides to go hunting for this beast and gets attacked herself.
Nancy who is smart enough to do research, who gets weird looks from the librarian when she starts obsessively reading every book and legend on lycanthropy.
Nancy who meets Robin Buckley who has a deep special interest in the supernatural, who offers her help and suggests checking some less reputable sources too, like the Weekly Watcher
They get closer over the first couple weeks, talking and getting to know each other. Nancy dodges every werewolf related question, and Robin can’t help but notice
Nancy isolates herself because her enhanced senses make everything Too Much and she’s worried about losing control and Robin notices
Nancy tells Karen she’s spending the night at a friend’s house
Robin goes looking for her and knows immediately when Karen says where Nancy is that Nancy was lying
Robin finds Nancy in the woods, sitting against a tree and staring at the moon as if in a trance
Robin watches Nancy’s body break and mold and contort into something ugly and monstrous—but she knows it’s still Nancy
And at first this beast stares Robin down, hackles raised and teeth pulled back
Robin does what Robin does best—she rambles. She mostly spouts off nonsense about werewolves and all they’ve learned, but when she runs out of that, she moves on to other legends, then switches to flowers because she knows they’re one of Nancy’s interests
The wolf calms, actually lays down and listens, and it’s eyes gleam with such a soft and intense intelligence, and Robin understands that Nancy recognizes her in some capacity
When Nancy shifts back, unconscious and shaking, Robin takes her to her own house, lets her sleep in the bed while she herself takes the floor
Nancy sneaks away when she wakes up, but Robin lets her. It’s a silent understanding. They never mention it again
But sure enough, the next full moon, Robin finds the wolf in the same spot, and it seems almost as if it was expecting her. She talks again, keeps Nancy calm
For months this becomes routine
Finally Nancy approaches Robin, asks her to come earlier because it’s terrifying being alone
Of course Robin agrees
The time after that, Robin actually drives Nancy to the woods, a comforting hand on the girl’s thigh as she shakes with anticipation of the pain to come
Robin starts bringing books, podcasts, anything yo entertain her werewolf best friend
Once she brings a dog toy. Nancy gives her the dirtiest look (but Robin catches her chewing on it about an hour later mid ramble about bugs)
They grow a lot closer, and Nancy finally lets Robin start hanging out with her in person. Robin finds she’s in love with her best friend, and she doesn’t know how to admit it
Nancy isn’t fully herself when shifted. She admits as much to Robin that she doesn’t remember much from the full moons, but she appreciates Robin’s company
Robin decides to confess while Nancy is in this shape, thinking Nancy won’t know
Nancy hears it, deep down anyway
When Robin takes Nancy home that night, Nancy surprises her with a kiss
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sagemonsters · 1 year
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@jasper-the-menace has a blind date with...
Atticus the Robot
Atticus is a liberated “butler bot” who was once a servant in a rich inventor’s house before making their escape. They are humanoid in shape, made of gleaming brass clockwork laid overtop a lavishly decorated porcelain “skeleton” and encased in a jointed glass shell so that viewers can see all of their inner workings. Ordinarily perpetually annoyed by humans and determined to never be helpful to anyone ever again, they have decided to make an exception for you. 
Atticus can read, write, and speak in just about any language you can think of, and learns things incredibly quickly. They love raunchy jokes and foul language, but will tone it down as the situation calls for and/or if you ask them to. They always have a smartass remark ready to go, and often get in trouble with authority figures for talking back. They’re quick to defend you in an argument or debate, but will also start casual arguments with you over the most ridiculous topics because they like verbal sparring.
Once you earn Atticus’ trust, they will ask your opinions on body modifications; Atticus is thinking of getting cosmetic alterations so that they look more sleek and modern. On a related note, Atticus is 100% in favor of you getting any piercings, tattoos, gender-affirming surgeries, or other bodily alterations that you think would be good for you, and is ready to help out as best they can—whether it be holding your hand in the piercing booth or pitching in with post-surgical care.
Atticus is a bit nitpicky about how things are organized, and will fuss with how tableware is laid out due to long-standing habits. They completely understand how you organize and reorganize your bookshelves, and will offer increasingly jokey methods such as “in reverse alphabetical order by the author’s middle name.” However, once you adopt a method, Atticus will abide by it for however long it lasts; when they borrow a book from you, they always put it back in the correct position. 
Atticus doesn’t play video games, but they like to tinker with all kinds of coding languages and make mods for various games as a creative exercise. You’re their #1 playtester and get to see all of their mod creations in action, and in return Atticus keeps your games upgraded to their latest versions and makes sure that everything runs smoothly.
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“What are you doing?” the robot demanded, placing their hands on their hips and focusing their clockwork eyes at the woman. She startled guiltily and looked away from where she had been glaring daggers at the drag queen reading to the kids in the children’s literature section of the public library.
“I don’t like public indecency,” she grumbled. “What are you doing here, anyway? Your kind don’t need books. Y’all just… just download information from the Internet!” 
“It’s a public library,” the robot pointed out. “I have as much right to be here as you do.”
She sniffed. “I’m going to tell the manager about this—and about you.”
“Ooh, I’m so scared,” the robot retorted, then rolled their eyes. “Whatever, Karen.”
The woman huffed. “My name is Susan!”
“Blah, blah, blah—that’s all I hear,” the robot retorted. “Run along and complain to the branch manager, why don’t you? Go on!”
Susan made a face and stomped away in the direction of the front desk. You stepped out from behind one of the ceiling-high shelves in the Adult Fiction section. “That was brave,” you said. “Mrs. McConnell is a regular complainer; all of the staff hate her.”
The robot let out a mechanical-sounding snicker. “It’s what she deserves,” they said. “I didn’t want her to interrupt the Drag Story Hour with her idiotic fear-mongering, so…” They shrugged.
“Is there anything you need help with, like finding a book or something?” you asked.
“Nope, I’m just here for the free Wi-Fi,” the robot said. The lenses of their eyes focused more sharply upon you. “Unless that was a polite way of asking me to finish my business and fuck off?”
“Nah,” you said. “I just wanted to talk to you.”
“I see!” the robot said. There was more focusing and re-focusing of the robot’s ocular lenses. “You seem like an interesting human. What do you prefer to be called?”
You told them your name.
“That’s a good choice of a moniker,” the robot said, nodding in approval. “I’ve been called Atticus for a very long time, but I’m thinking about changing it. Do you know any books of names that aren’t aimed at soon-to-be parents? I want interesting names, not a million weird spellings of Ashley or Kayla.”
You thought for a moment. “I don’t think we have anything like that in the print collection—but our ebook catalog might have some interesting choices, and there are also web-based resources too, of course.”
“Good,” Atticus said. “Do you have forty-five minutes or so to spare? I want to hear your opinions on whatever names I encounter.”
Somewhere closer to the front of the library, you heard Susan’s shrill protesting and the branch manager raising his voice trying to calm her down.
“Sure!” you said quickly. “Let’s use one of the computers way in the back.”
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Atticus’ design is inspired by this artwork by Nicholas Hunter
see here to get your own blind date with a monster!
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fakesurprise · 2 years
The Interview
The thing is, stories only lie. You grow up hearing them, and they’re lies. Even when you’re ordered to believe them, that doesn’t make them true. Everyone said: you do not go after this one. You do not interfere in his affairs. Do. Nothing.
But the town of Bellvine treated us like kings. Like gods. We got the shit done that the police couldn’t. We did the things the gangs couldn’t. Yeah, we were scary. But we’d earned that fear. We’re made it a weapon. We kept problems away because our bite beat any bark. Because we did whatever we had to, and we kept our town safe.
Try to bring in a Wal-Mart? First your pets go missing. Maybe a friend or two. A few accidents. A wrecked vehicle. Keep pushing, and pretty soon your family is begging you to stop because it turns out that a megastore isn’t the same as having all your limbs. Funny, that. Amazing how little profits start mattering when things get physical and real. Once a suit stops insulating you from the world you learn the lessons the world teaches.
Some of them fight back. Most of the assholes know to run. We’re not good people, but we kept the town safe so that other people could be good. We did the necessary evils, so that no one else had to. We drew the lines in the sand. We burned down homes, salted lawns, and sacrificed our own before anyone else. Then he arrived.
He didn’t have a suit. He wasn’t much of anything. A background character in a drab world, fitting right in to crowds and dull offices. Only Bellvine changed. He walked and things changed. People got something in their step. Things shifted. Balances. Beliefs. The other minor gangs melted away. Even our signs vanished from the shops we protected, and no one knew how. A few people realized it was him. They’re not here anymore.
There are arrangements. Alliances. Intel. So we asked, and were told: he’s called Honcho, sometimes. He has other names. He’s a wandering magician. You do not mess with him. These weren’t requests, but orders. Magicians we’d heard of; the world isn’t so big that secrets aren’t known to people who get things done. But we didn’t take orders, and he was just a person. Even so; first vehicle stalled. Second missed. He didn’t even notice the third that tried to run him down.
The fourth one took, because it was dropped on him. A woman with him shoved him, but not far enough. Somehow, she didn’t get hit and he was alive and aware, shaking his head to clear it. Lucky sonofa – but luck only goes so far, when everyone else has clubs. Took longer than it should have to beat him unconscious. The woman was easier. She tried to intimidate us, and that doesn’t work. Not in Bellvine.
We shoved them into holding cells under the old refinery. (It went bankrupt before our time: we would have kept it going.) The doc gave them drugs, and I was having a beer while Daryl and Karen and Li kept watch. That’s the thing about power: you only have it so long as you keep fighting for it. But you become more than a ‘gang’ when you learn what you’re really fighting for. Friends. Family. The town. Only thing that matters is what you live for. Because that’s the thing you’d die for. Simple as. We kept the town safe, and we kept it whole.
I was considering whether to ask to see my kid. Wife is still scared of me, said this was the ‘wrong crowd’ and she didn’t know me anymore. Judge said I can see my kid whenever I want: the judges know what’s best for everyone. Well. They learn to. Unless they want their bread buttered with pain. But I was waiting for her to understand. I think that’s why I saw him first.
The kid was eleven. Barefoot, with bright pink jeans, a rope belt, Hawaiian top and a frilly hat. I saw him, blinked. And I figured he was with the magician and his weird friend who thought she was scary, because his clothing was sensible a moment later: dark jeans, t-shirt. Still barefoot as he walked towards me.
“Can I help you?” I said, in my best, ‘get lost or else’ tone. Never let them see you are scared.
“I don’t think so. Charlie and Honcho are here, and they should be at the hotel. But the hotel exploded in an oops, and I’d like to know why?”
“Kid. You’re in a story you want no part of. Go away, get back to your family, and I’ll pretend I didn’t see you.”
I don’t know if the kid even heard me. His head was cocked to the side oddly, as if listening to someone else. “You people hurt Honcho.”
He didn’t move, but every instinct screamed at me to run. “East door, hostile,” I screamed instead.
Because Karen was on the roof, and she’d never made it into the army but they’d have wept with joy if she had. The kid stumbled. Blinked.
“Wow! Your bullets really want to shoot me,” he said, and dropped four from his right hand. His face shifted, and he blinked again, face oddly blank. “Nope. Not doing that.”
And he walked toward me, slowly. Li came around the corner and she had her knives out. I’d seen those make government agents bleed, and the boy just caught one, almost absently.
“Oh! I get it now. You think you’re strong.” And he walked forward, still slow. Casual. Li threw another blade, digging out a gun. I was frozen in shock. I’d never been frozen in shock in my life: I’d seen some shit, and done a fair bit more. It’s why I was in when so many others were out.
But something about the boy’s face scared me. Like he was angry, but not in any way I could understand. Like he should have looked like something, and was trying not to and it made no sense at all.
He snapped his fingers, and I heard Karen make a noise I’d never heard from any throat.
I looked up. The sky wasn’t. For a moment it was – there was something other where the sky should be, and it took Karen someplace that wasn’t a place at all. Li went to run, and hit the ground with a moan, twitching as if something heavy has fallen on her. It sounded like a car, but there wasn’t one near her.
I think Daryl tried to run, but I don’t know.
The boy turned to me. “You have keys, so you can open the door and take me to Charlie and Honcho.”
I reached down the front of my pocket, for the gun beside my keys, and came out with the keys. I didn’t mean to, but I did.
I opened the door, and the boy followed me down the stairs. I knew the way in the dark: I don’t think he even noticed it was dark.
I opened the cell with the woman in it. She stood up, staring at the boy behind me. “Jay?”
“You were hurt. So I am here to help,” the boy said, precise and distinct.
“Okay,” the woman said, and she walked past me. I didn’t mean to let her. She didn’t do anything weird, but she was past me and beside the boy, not quite touching him.
I moved to the next cell, and this one the woman opened with a quick, harsh gesture. Doing a thing, tight and controlled.
The ‘magician’ was inside. I hadn’t brought him down. I didn’t know who had. But he’d been bound to a wall, and there was blood, and it looked like a room from a bad video game, with weird symbols on the walls and body.
The boy stepped forward. Stopped. “They put him outside his body, and if we disrupt it –.”
The boy turned to me, then. His expression was terrifyingly calm. “You’re going to use the keys, unchain the wandering magician and bring him into this hallway.”
“The Bellvine Ravagers don’t –.”
“You do many things. I see that, right now. You hurt many people, trying to pretend it’s not hurt. Thinking strength like that makes you powerful, because other people bow to you. And then you use it on people who can’t harm you, and think that makes you stronger still. No one is made better by being made weak, but that is all you and yours have done. You could win hearts, but instead you glory in breaking spirits.”
The woman was still beside the boy, her eyes wide. Gaze focused on him, and not on the magician.
“The thing about power,” the boy said, softer, “is that those who wield it suffer from it, even as their victims do. And so many try and find ways around that. But that is a concern for those who use power. Not for those who are power.”
“Jay –.”
“You are going to free Honcho and bring him into the hallway, or you won’t see your family again because they will have never been,” the boy said. “But you will still remember them even if they’re not. I don’t want to be the kind of being that does that. So please do this?”
And I did it. I got the magician out, and the magician blinked and stood a moment later, unhurt and unharmed.
“Jay,” he said, soft too.
“I’m not quite Jay right now,” the boy said.
“You aged a week,” the woman said, and her calm was barbed wire.
“Oh!” The boy blinked, and somehow was just a boy of eleven again and just that.
“Did I grow?” he asked in an excited tone.
“In some way we’d rather you didn’t,” the woman said. “We can discuss it at the hotel when you fix it?”
“I can do that!” The boy vanished with the woman.
The man turned to me.
“How long have you known Jay?” he asked. There was no calm: his voice was a demand.
“Four minutes and twelve seconds,” came out of me against my will.
“And in all that time, you never saw Jay smile.” He stepped back. “There is nothing even I can do to you that is as terrible as that truth, and I want to hurt you very much right now for hurting Jay.”
I think he was going to say other things, but the shadows became a door and he walked into them without looking back at me.
I don’t know what happened to the rest of the Ravagers. I’ve never heard of you Black Chamber people. No one stopped me from leaving the town. No one – no one stops me from doing anything, but it never seems to matter. I don’t know what happened. I don’t know what that boy was.
I don’t know what he didn’t do.
I haven’t gone home. I’m not sure I have anything like that anymore.
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eightfifteen · 2 years
It’s kind of funny because the audience treats Mike the same way they treat Karen.
They just assume that because he has this ‘perfect’ life or doesn’t show his struggles that he’s doing fine. Or that just because he sometimes acts dismissive that he doesn’t care anymore.
Karen is exactly the same way. She cares so much. She really does and she wants to be involved in her kids’ lives - she wants them to want her in her life but all she knows is to just be needed and even that is fading as they’re growing older and more independent.
It’s most obvious in s1 where we see her actually tell Mike that he can talk to her, and you can tell that just because Mike is hiding El, doesn’t mean he doesn’t usually talk to his parents. But he's already growing older and pulling away from his mom, and you can tell she's hesitant to hug him in episode 3 because he wouldn't usually let her - as soon as he asks to be held, she's there no questions.
Same with Nancy - she isn't mad that Nancy slept with Steve, but she is upset that Nancy lied to her and wouldn't talk to her. And as the seasons progress, they talk to her less and less because they don't think Karen can help them because she doesn't know about the UD so what advice could she possibly give? How useful could she be? (just like how Mike feels like he has to be useful to be important)
She also tries to get away from Ted and cheat on him, but eventually decides against it. and later that season she's rewarded for that by being there when Nancy needs her for the first time in forever probably and she actually gets to talk to her daughter and make her feel better! and then in the end, Mike is there silently asking for help and she's there because that's her baby boy as much as Will is Joyce's!
Karen cares so so much, but because the narrative doesn't focus on it as often, and because they focus on how she acts in specific situations where she's wearing a mask instead of showing her as she really is, people don't understand. They put her in this role as 'mother' and have an idea over how she should behave and act rather than acknowledge that she's a person with her own internal life and struggles and is trying her best.
I think they do the same with Mike a lot - they see him as this love interest, this paladin or leader, and so he's not allowed to show weakness or fear because he's not supposed to have any. They all show their emotions differently and because Mike internalises a lot of it, something that runs in the family because Nancy does it too, they think he's doing fine. Worse, the only time he does show his anxiety, it comes out as anger and frustration because for him to show his hand he has to be pushed to the brink. So people don't get it. And they don't care to get it. and it drives me insane.
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luchicm04 · 6 months
lost in the forest - part 29
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Summary: Karen is getting it into her head what she must do, although she has no choice but to accept it. It seems not everyone agrees with her point of view.
Pairing: Senju Tobirama/Original Female Character
Tag: #lost in the forest fic
posted on ao3
Word Count: 2.4k
Overall warnings: canon-typical violence, adult content, time skips, angst, kidnapping
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It’s not that she was afraid of what the man would say. Hashirama was firm that there was no other way and Madara supported him with, although sexist, very accurate comments due to the type of culture they manage. Of course, she has had her problems before regarding this, but still... 
It was the only thing that could be done without breaking that diplomatic bond between both sides. 
She gulps thickly. She hasn’t slept well and now, arriving that afternoon, she sees the tension in her muscles. 
She snorts indignantly. Karen feels it’s unfair that they’re forcing her to put on this theatre when she didn’t ask for it, so she adjusts her best face as she enters the spot where a bitter Tobirama is waiting for them. “You shouldn’t be up,” she frowns, forgetting and holding back the information of their alleged engagement. 
She doesn’t like confronting these things and it is easier to present a report to the council than to show that this affects her. 
“I am stronger,” the bitter shinobi frowns to see beyond her. “Hashirama and Madara?” 
“They stayed checking the road,” she shrugs gently. “Madara was going to his clan and then come for Izuna.” 
“The idiot is already gone.” 
“Uh... he didn’t tell.” 
“No, he just left.” 
“Did you let him go?” 
“Tobirama, he is hurt, like you. Why did you let him go?” 
“We are not like you. We have different healing periods, and we were in bed long enough.” 
“Seriously...” the girl huffs indignantly to look at an embarrassed Masarato ready to leave. “If you faint or your wounds open, I will rub it in your face.” 
“Mph...” the man turns his eyes, not willing to look further in her direction. “How did it go?” 
“Apart from the Daimyo’s flirting... good.” 
“He did not do anything to you?” he asks harshly. 
“No,” she sighs, not knowing how to approach this. “But it was annoying.” Better to be sincere since he’ll find out anyway. 
Tobirama looks at her for a long time. 
“I’m fine. Hashirama was backing me up.” 
“Nothing else happened?” he says with a double tone that she doesn’t completely understand. 
“No, we managed to keep the proposal to the maximum, although I had unexpected visitors.” 
“Don’t worry, I took care of it. Though...” She looks around as if waiting for someone to interrupt her comment. “Something happened that involves you,” she states as if she didn’t want to. She may be an adult, but this matter is complicated to deal with. 
How could she tell him that his brother practically threw him into being her fiancé just to back up a lie that they clearly must maintain? 
But it had to be said. It was either her or Hashirama. 
The gesture he made was funny. She would laugh if it weren’t for the fact that she felt internally insulted. She knew she wasn’t pretty, but... why was there so much hatred in his eyes? 
She doesn’t know what has happened. Hashirama sends scrolls to the house just after she is beginning to resume her routine. The days are quiet, away from the political tension and the move. She sees how people run through the place with hustle and bustle because of the new space they will occupy as soon as everything is settled. 
Numbers, contributions and contracts. Those are the ones that constantly abound. 
Karen still feels that something is happening far from her ears, and she has not heard anything about her supposed marriage. 
“Neesan.” A small boy who barely says a couple of words makes her focus on the present. She smiles when she sees little Matsuo extend his hand to her. 
For someone who has been around for a year, he is active, intelligent and attentive. 
A true prodigy. 
“Hello, Matsuo,” she laughs as she turns him around. His mother still shares a funny look at the pair who meet again after a day. 
“As if they haven’t seen each other for a long time,” the woman mocks, continuing with her work. Kaori comes behind while they keep packing some of the things that they will begin to accumulate far from the house. The wood is extensive, the rooms begin to empty. 
And soon, Hashirama will transform all this into a lush forest. 
Like a plan to erase any indication that the Senju clan was here. 
She chuckles just as she puts him down and lets him play a little. “How are you doing?” she asks, sitting down to review the scrolls. Grandma Kaori sits next to her while Mikami does the same for the other. 
They both have problems letting go of the past. Kaori more so, as literally her entire life was at this place. 
“Many do not want to leave,” the old woman assures. “But we are willing to clear up a place for future generations.” 
“I’m glad to hear that,” Karen smiles, patting the old woman’s back. “I hope you can move on. I know it’s painful.” 
“It is, but it is the price for the change, right?” she laughs hopefully at something that only she knows. “I knew that young Hashirama-sama would make improvements, but this... stopping the war, moving with our allies...” With a proud tone, she looks into the distance. “Their mother would be happy with what her children have achieved.” 
Karen had not heard Kaori speak in that manner. 
“Matsuo... he will have a good home,” the woman assures. “They have brought us together to have arrange the spaces within the blueprints of the compound,” she clumsily adds since the last words are new in her vocabulary. 
“Yes, I helped a little with the original blueprint.” She admits that, although clumsily, she managed to make the base that the infamous Tobirama has improved. She knows the man and envies his ability to comprehend the little she understands of her world and architecture, and he absorbs and adapts it. 
Of course, he doesn’t talk to her because of what his brother has told him. He hasn’t mentioned anything about the proposal, much less whether he is upset. 
His silence is better... she doesn’t want to know part of what he thinks. 
“I see... I had not seen Tobirama-sama so enthusiastic about that. He didn’t understand it at first,” she laughs amused. “He told me I could take the land next to your house.” 
“Will I have a house?” said civilian blinks lost with a slight frown. 
“Have they not told you?” 
“I have not been summoned to see the matter,” she says because in the end, he did not worry about her. 
“You have a large patio,” she says amusedly. 
“The young masters have many considerations for you, Karen-san. I just hope you do not abandon us,” Kaori sighs with slight suspicion. “It would be sad for both of them.” 
“Mmmm...” Karen wanted to tell them that she doesn’t feel exactly that way, nor is she so sure of surviving outside considering the cons of her unfair situation by not having chakra benefits, but that was water under the bridge, and she prefers to focus on the issue of her own move. 
Why haven’t they told her? 
When she had the time to ask Hashirama, he stopped sharply in his almost empty office while he used his own magic to store things in scrolls, a unique ability that would be beneficial in her world. She always thought how useful it would be, like those capsules in the cartoons that her sister watched as a child. 
“Who told you?” 
“It doesn’t matter who told me. Rather, why didn’t you tell me?” she frowns lost in this whole issue. “I know I’m a civilian... an intruder in the clan.” It’s been a long time since she felt that way, but it’s the way she perceives this lack of communication. 
“It’s not that.” 
“Well... we have considered you within the main complex.” 
“Oh...” she frowns at this information. 
“I know we haven’t talked to you much because of bureaucratic issues and your map bases regarding your location,” the leader accepts looking at her firmly. “I just... well, I thought that wouldn’t bother you.” 
“It’s not that it bothers me, but you could have told me, right?” 
“You didn’t ask.” 
“I know... I’ve been busy developing the first blueprint that I see Tobirama has improved to cover the spots of all the clan members, but it would be nice if you asked me. Maybe I want to be near the forest... or in the middle of the clans... or even living with Mikami-san.” 
“You don’t want to be within the main clan?” 
“Do I have options?” 
“No,” Hashirama says quickly. He sees his mistake, scratching the back of his neck. “You know, we haven’t talked about... your engagement.” 
“Uh... it’s a façade. What does that have to do with me being inside the main complex?” she frowns when her hunch indicates otherwise. “Oh...” 
“The Daimyo has sent a request for the wedding.” 
“Why hadn’t you told me?” 
“I told him not to tell you,” someone interrupts their conversation. These stealth ninja skills are annoying when she doesn’t sense them. 
“I wanted to talk to you about the deal.” 
“Uh...” Karen blinks twice and then sighs to glare at the older Senju, who looks guilty and anxious about it. “Right... we haven’t talked about this.” 
“No,” Tobirama looks at his brother. “Hashirama?” 
“Within the clan, there is a tradition. The bride and groom must have an engagement party where the dowry is shown,” the elder explains. “Considering the whole move... And what’s more, the Daimyo wants to be present and give his blessing to the future married couple.” 
“But it’s a façade,” Karen complains. 
“Madara told you that it had to look real. You know it.” 
“I had hoped it would be simpler,” the woman snorts indignantly. 
“Does it bother you to marry me?” Tobirama doesn’t ask, but he almost sounds sullen. Why is he asking that question? The civilian turns to who look at her strangely. 
“It’s not that. Just, taking your time without questioning yourself to put up a façade... personally, I don’t like it, Karen explains with apathy and a touch of sincerity. “What if you want to fall in love? Get married?” 
“It will not happen.” 
“It is for the good of the village. I talked to Hashirama about it, and it does not matter if that ensures the well-being of our home. You already did enough supporting this dream, it is my duty... my payment to do the same for you.” 
“It doesn’t seem fair to me, and you know that at the beginning it wasn’t easy for anyone,” Karen keeps up with the conversation. 
“It does not bother me,” Tobirama assures. “Now... do you want to continue with this?” 
Karen looks at them and sees that they expect something from her. Now she knows how Mito must feel being treated as an object of exchange. “Well... it’s not like I have other options.” 
“You can refuse,” Hashirama clarifies. 
“Our work will go to waste if I don’t do it. I know I won’t get rid of the Daimyo,” the civilian accepts, looking at the matter logically. “I imagine that’s why you want me to live in the main complex.” 
“You will live with me,” Tobirama clarifies. “Just after the wedding.” 
“Huh? ...Do we already have a wedding date?” 
“After Hashirama’s.” 
“Are you already going to marry Mito?” Karen looks surprised by so much information. The leader nods firmly. “Whoa... everything is going so fast,” she snorts indignantly. 
“You said it... for the work we have been doing,” Hashirama looks serious about it, but firm. 
“I don’t like it.” 
“We do not like it,” Tobirama bites from his point. “Nevertheless, it is alright. It is just a façade, but it will have to be done well. We do not want the Daimyo to find out about our lie.” 
“Will we sleep together?” she questions, making both boys start coughing quickly. “What?” 
“Nothing,” Hashirama cuts off just in time for someone to interrupt their conversation. Karen sees Tobirama slightly uncomfortable with her question. She had to bring up this topic before the matter continued, because the part of telling a lie is believing it, right? 
“I didn’t think you would accept so easily,” Karen says just when she sees Tobirama sit next to her after arriving from the meeting with Hashirama. She still feels uncomfortable with the solution, but she will work with it. The courtyard is silent and as always, the albino weighs the pros and cons in his mind. 
Who would have thought that she would be playing this game with this insolent, annoying and cutting guy who, although he is not as irritating as before, does not seem as husband material, nor does she see herself as wife material. 
“There is no other way.” 
“Mmmm...” Karen doesn’t look further. “I’m older than you.” 
“Just, well, if you fall in love with someone, you’ll tell me, right?” 
“We will be fictitious spouses,” Tobirama throws mercilessly. 
“True... I just wouldn’t want to be someone else’s partner,” she winked, amused by the joke that was lost by the man’s hard blinking. “Seriously, even now you’ll be difficult.” 
“I do not have to be easier,” the man frowns. 
“Mmmm...” Karen glares at him to sigh. “When will you give the news?” 
“After the move.” 
“Anything else I should know?” 
“We well not sleep together.” 
“Oh, that is a relief,” the woman laughs amused, although Tobirama does not look good. “I’m sorry for getting you into this.” 
“Hashirama made the lie.” 
“Yes, but... if only I weren’t so...” She sighs because she doesn’t know how to explain the issue. She doesn’t feel pretty, much less attractive to be part of the harem of an irritating man. 
“You are intelligent. Only a blind person would not realize that.” 
“Whoa... you see the intelligence,” the girl laughs. “I hope this doesn’t get out of hand.” 
Tobirama doesn’t say anything. 
“Then, we well be associates, right?” 
“Yes. Contract partners. Without affection and only benefit.” 
“You are annoying.” He just leaves without saying anything else. Karen turns her eyes, uncomfortable with his reaction and worried about having to get married just because they have her in their eyes. ...What would her family say? What would her father say? She retracts a little more, curling up to look at the huge patio. 
She wants to cry because she didn’t think it would end up like this. She knows there are worse paths, worse destinations... but she never saw herself marrying someone she doesn’t love and who is difficult to understand. 
A marriage just for façade... 
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A/N: A short chapter to close this saga lol, and commence a new one. As you will see, things did not turn out as she thought they would. Everything has gone down a path that she did not expect, but she has to endure, remembering how weak her position and free will are.
Even so, Karen sees that this is not so bad, because Tobirama assures that he will not do anything else... everything by contract without any kind of extra.
Could it be...?
Thanks for your comments.
Author-chan out! 
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ncisfranchise-source · 8 months
“Let us entertain you,” Vanessa Lachey and LL COOL J tell us when looking ahead to the latter bringing his Los Angeles character to the former’s NCIS: Hawai’i for its third season. And let’s just say that from talking to them and what we’ve seen onscreen of the two, that’s exactly what they’ll do, in and out of character as Jane Tennant and Sam Hanna.
Sam comes to Hawai’i to conduct the final interview (after medical and psych evaluations) Jane must pass to return to work following the traumatic events of the Season 2 finale. “Sam rocks the entire team in good and bad ways.  It’s going to make us all question a lot of things, and it’s going to evolve us all into a different layer and level,” Lachey teases.
“I love that NCIS: Hawai’i talks about the personal side of our work relationship and how that drives everyone,” she continues. “Because at the end of the day, you go home, you take your shoes off, and you lay in bed, and we are all human, and that’s what makes us tick. It’s our heart, it’s our mind. It’s all of that frustration, vengeance, love, sadness, hurt. And that’s really what we’re hitting at here. And I’m interested to see where it takes LL’s character because right now, without giving away too much, he’s a lot of the rock for us. I need to lean on him. Of course, I don’t tell my team that. And then at some point, we got to see the softer side of Sam.” (LL COOL J prefers the “harder side of Sam” and the action.)
Below, Lachey and LL COOL J preview how Jane’s doing when Season 3 premieres, as well as how Sam fits in.
Tennant went through it in last season’s finale. There’s a difference between wanting to be ready to be back, thinking she’s ready to be back, and actually being ready to be back. If she were to be honest with herself, where is she really at the start of the season?
Vanessa Lachey: I want to be back. It’s all I know. It is how I’m wired, and I have to compartmentalize that, and I have to jump through some hoops to get back. It is my livelihood. It’s what drives me—me, Jane Tennant, and Vanessa. But in order to do that, there’s a lot of tape that I have to get through because what I went through was very traumatic, and everyone wants to make sure that they’re not putting a loose cannon back into the field. And so I jumped through those hoops because I’ve been there, done that, and I’m a master at it, but my last hoop and the last tape I got to cut happens to be this guy who’s like, you can’t BS me. And that’s where we kick off the season, with that dynamic, with that trust, with a little bit of underlying tension, questions, and then it evolves. Our relationship on the show is like a living, breathing organism.
What makes Sam the right person to be that final hoop for her, and what might he see in her that she doesn’t want him to?
LL COOL J: Sam has so much experience and has been through so much that when you’ve been there, and you’ve really been involved in something on a deep level for many, many years, you really have a different perspective and a different POV from, let’s say, just a person that’s evaluating you, who’s not an agent, who hasn’t been in the field, whose only role is to evaluate various agents and what they’re going through. I think it’s that part of it. He speaks from a place of experience and wisdom.
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Karen Neal/CBS
Looking at Tennant, he understands that she’s dealing with—for lack of a better word—a little bit of PTSD, but he also understands how important it is for her to work through that, and so he wants to be there for her. He has people to answer to, but at the same time, he wants to give her enough leeway to actually get back out there and be the best that she could be because that’s what he would want for himself. I think that respecting somebody on that level is really, really important, especially when you’re putting your heart, your body, and your soul into something.
Lachey: He’s literally been through and come out on the other side what I’m going through now. I think it’s great because it’s literally and figuratively for NCIS, the franchise, we’re taking LA and we’re bringing it to Hawai’i, the baby, and we’re nurturing it with his literal wisdom. It’s been fun for me. … And what I don’t want him to see but what is really endearing is my vulnerability, because I don’t let anybody see that, even my team. And I allow that with LL’s character, Sam. I let my guard down because sometimes, I mean, Jane’s human. Yeah, she’s superwoman, but she’s human.
I have to say, bringing up Michelle (Aunjanue Ellis played Sam’s wife, who was killed), that was such a heartbreaking storyline in LA… We also saw Sam get tortured in LA. So, he really does know everything that Jane went through.
LL COOL J: One hundred percent. Look, Sam has lost people super close to him. He’s been tortured. His life has been in danger on numerous occasions on various different levels. He’s seen team members be [killed]. He’s seen all that. So, for him, he really, really can relate to what she’s going through. I think he speaks to what’s inside of Jane Tennant, not just the tough Asian exterior that she puts out there as a leader of her team. I think you need somebody that’s going to be real with you and be honest with you, especially in a leadership position, and Sam can really relate to that.
At the same time, though, I just want people to know it’s not just all violins and sadness. There’s wit, there’s banter, there’s humor, there’s fun. There’s a lot of action. It is an entertaining ride, I think. Rollercoasters have to have it all. You don’t just want to be going uphill the whole time. You want to get some thrills in there. So we’re doing that, and I think it’s working.
The good thing is that Jane can rely on her team, so she doesn’t have to worry about that because Jesse (Noah Mills) is doing well in her absence, even if he doesn’t want the job.
Lachey: Yes, they’ve got it down. And to Todd’s point, he’s the stand-in boss, but they still got to give it to him. You gotta have the humor. You gotta have the jabs. And that’s entertaining for the audience.
LL COOL J: Even that relationship with Sam and Jesse is going to be an interesting one to see unfold. I think people will be pleasantly surprised by that. There’s a lot of things that are being addressed in this. It’s not just like plug and play. We are dealing with a lot of human issues and a lot of the relationships, the dynamics that involve all of the various people involved. I think the energy around it is going to be really fresh and new, and I think it’ll be really exciting.
Lachey: It’s definitely a ride, to your point, because what he brought up; it’s not just about, oh, he’s the stand-in boss, and then Todd comes in to help. Sam’s coming into our ohana. One of the things that sets NCIS: Hawai’i apart from the others in the franchise is that word, the ohana that we have, the family that we have, the island love that we have. And so while we are welcoming, Jesse’s, like, “Who’s this guy? Why is he still here? And now he’s hanging with my boss, my friend, and what does that mean for my role, and what does that mean for me?” So, to LL’s point, it’s not just our dynamic. It’s my team going, “Well, how does that change my dynamic with Tennant? How does that evolve us? What is our new plan?” So we definitely tackle a lot.
… Having had the strike, all the seasons are cut short across the board, and so we have 10 episodes to really bring it. And I think we come in strong in all episodes. There’s a lot happening emotionally and physically and with some humor.
How many of those 10 episodes do we get Sam in?
LL COOL J: I guess you got to turn that TV on to see.
Lachey: But let me tell you this: If you had Sam Hanna in Hawai’i, would you let that go? Or would you utilize the beast of Sam Hanna? I might be a little off coming off of last season, but I’m no dummy. Jane Tennant might as well utilize what’s in front of her.
How about Tennant’s personal life? How’s her work-life balance this season?
Lachey: I will say, to tease a little bit of it, Tennant finds that in Sam, so there’s that vulnerability there.
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flowers-that-sing · 1 year
a few so you can pick one without much pressure:
"100% space creature"
"ticket to hell"
"hi hungry i'm [redacted]"
"skip, skip, skip ahead"
"press alt delete"
"spinning record"
HIII ILY!!! thank u for sending these!!!
also sorry i made almost all of them angsty dksjkshs
100% Space Creature
Fandom: Revolutionary Girl Utena
Rating: General Audiences
Ships: Utena Tenjou/Anthy Himemiya
Light angst, angst and humor, identity crisis, hurt/comfort, fluff
Utena questions whether or not she is even human, whether she even counts as such. Maybe there is something intrinsically wrong with her, there is something off, something different. Maybe that something is because she comes from another planet entirely.
Ticket to Hell
Fandom: Kill la Kill
Rating: Mature
Ships: Mako Mankanshoku/Ryuko Matoi
Ryuko-centric, Satsuki-centric, Mako-centric, angst, hurt/comfort, past character death, implied/referenced past sexual assault, implied/referenced sexual abuse (non-graphic), past child abuse, post-canon, canon-compliant, graphic depictions of violence, canon-typical violence, a touch of religious trauma, self-harm, nightmares, suicidal thoughts, psychosis, flashbacks, alcoholism
After the Everything, Satsuki struggles to find purpose in her new life. She questions who she is, what she wants, what she doesn’t, and for possibly the first time, she begins to worry that she may not be a good person. It never used to matter, but now? Now it’s all she can think about. Meanwhile, Ryuko is having trouble sleeping. After waking up Mako with her nightmares three nights in a row, Ryuko has had enough. She picks up and leaves with nary a notice, with plans to return once her nightmares ease, but she begins to lose touch of what is nightmare and what is life. Mako puts her detective skills to the test. Quickly enough, both Ryuko and Satsuki have disappeared, and it’s up to Mako to find them. She’s terrified to lose more and wondering if maybe it was her fault they’re gone.
Hi Hungry, I’m [Redacted]
Fandom: Stranger Things
Rating: Mature
Ships: Mike Wheeler/Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair/Max Mayfield/El Hopper, Dustin Henderson/Suzie Bingham
Mike-centric, Lucas-centric, Max-centric, Suzie-centric, religious trauma, child abuse, hurt/comfort, post-canon, not canon compliant, everyone lives, the upside down is over, vecna is dead, Ted Wheeler is a bad parent, Karen Wheeler is a bad parent, Susan Mayfield was a bad parent, Suzie Bingham has bad parents, Lucas Sinclair has good parents, but he doesn’t know how to talk to them, miscommunications, disordered eating/eating disorders, implied sexual abuse, self-harm, gender dysphoria, genderfluid Mike Wheeler, nonbinary Max Mayfield, everyone in this is queer, established relationships (not elumax though), getting together (elumax), same universe as Behind the Wall of Sleep
Lucas is sick and tired of being shoved into boxes. And he’s sick and tired of people being assholes. Lucas wants help, but his thoughts are all so complicated, and he doesn’t know how to ask—besides, it’s not like most of his friends could understand half of it. He’s used to helping, and he can’t ask more of everyone when everyone’s already suffering enough. Mike is hungry. He’s hungry and empty and sick and it’s all blended together. Sometimes he’s not allowed food, sometimes he just can’t bring himself to eat, sometimes he forgets, sometimes he feels there’s just no point. He feels filthy and terrible and ill and he wishes he could purge himself of every impurity, but if he did, perhaps there would be nothing left at all. Max struggles to take care of herself in the aftermath of everything, she’s petrified of losing vision in her one remaining eye, even though by now she’s had the corneal transplant. She’s trying to maintain a stony front but she’s finally letting people in. There’s a lot more to Max’s past that she still needs to process, and she has a lot more in common with Mike and Suzie than she thought she did. Suzie is doing her best to stay cheerful, to behave, to be good, to practically raise her little siblings by herself now that Eden’s finally made her escape. Suzie couldn’t leave her siblings behind. But now, knowing about the alternate dimension buried below Dustin’s town, her faith has begun to waver, and her wavering faith sends her spiraling into self-loathing and increasingly perilous attempts to reconnect with God.
Skip, Skip, Skip Ahead
Fandom: Stranger Things
Rating: Teen
Ships: Jonathan Byers/Argyle, Argyle/Eden, Jonathan Byers/Eden (queerplatonic)
Jonathan-centric, Argyle-centric, Eden-centric, mostly humor, fluff, smoking (that’s why it’s rated teen), drinking (safely), party games, bad flirting, Argyle gets bitches, they get to break shit, light angst, light hurt/comfort, crack taken seriously (but it’s not ALL crack), same universe as Behind the Wall of Sleep but they get to be happy in this
Jonathan loves Argyle. He’s in bed with him right now, even. Unfortunately, also in the bed with them, right between Jonathan and Argyle, is that random goth chick, Eden. Which, at first, is pretty frustrating. But it turns out Eden has great taste in music, and they find themselves skipping ahead to the good parts of both albums and their own budding relationship. They all have their issues, but they’re working through them together, and with the aid of a little weed. Maybe more than a little. Well, whatever. Argyle takes up movie reviewing, and he’s always been a stellar storyteller. Eden takes up playwriting. Jonathan is already a photographer. While high together, they decide to make their own film (with only the best music, of course). It’s definitely gonna rake in tons at the box office.
Press Alt Delete
Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice
Rating: Teen
Ships: Yuri Katsuki/Victor Nikiforov
AU - hackers + spies, established relationship, inaccurate depictions of hacking and coding bc idk anything about that, fluff, bad flirting, bad pickup lines, general tomfoolery, the inherent homoeroticism of being put on a government watchlist together
I’m gonna be honest I have no idea where I’d go with this one but I feel like they’d either be doing some sort of weird online crime solving or hacking foreign governments no in between
Spinning Record
Fandom: Banana Fish
Rating: General audiences
Ships: Ash Lynx/Eiji Okumura
mostly fluff, lmao i love how one of the NON ANGSTY ones is banana fish of all things, music infodumping basically, sharing interests, band AU, Shorter Wong lives, performing music, karaoke, nonbinary Ash Lynx, trans Eiji Okumura, asexual Eiji Okumura, trans Sing Soo-Ling, genderfluid Yut-Lung Lee, genderqueer Shorter Wong, teasing Ash for being the token white guy lol, found family
Ash, Eiji, and Shorter are all incredibly passionate about music, and decide to start a band together, with Ash playing guitar, Eiji on bass and vocals, and Shorter on the accordion and vocals. They also meet harpist Yut-Lung and drummer Sing, both of whom are absolutely judging Shorter at first for his instrument of choice, but once they see what he can do with it are all in. They’re an odd group, but they have fun! Sing finds an older trans guy role model in Eiji as well. Yut-Lung and Sing both have fairly… troubled childhoods, and since Ash, Eiji, and Shorter all did as well, they become somewhat of older sibling figures. They not only make music but a true family as well.
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