aldezofhyrule · 7 years
Pale streetlights (Modern AU)
(Closed starter for @janofthedesert)
It was an unpleasantly hot and humid evening when she entered the gun shop on the end of the street. One of those days where you could not tell if your shirt was wet from the thick air or your own sweat. Of course she still had a job to do, even on such days. Sometimes especially on these days: the unbearable temperatures tend to make silent birds sing.
She knew she was a rare sight in shops like these. Anywhere she would have been a rare sight with her unnatural pale skin and the light swallowing long black hair. But seeing her in a place like this was a completely other thing. She was pretty, and a pretty face was what made her job the easiest and hardest in the world. She never seemed to fit in the shady areas this town had to offer and was always visibly an outsider. Women who would visit this shop would’ve looked like the cigarette smoke had eaten through their hair and skin and colored it in an ashen tone. Or they would have visible scars or injuries, looking for a way to protect themselves from the next late night attacker.
A small doorbell rang as she entered the store and she took a look around. Of course, the walls were plastered with everything a gun fan could hope for, the real dangerous stuff locked away behind easily breakable glass showcases. But she was not here to arrest the owner for his sloppy safety arrangements. She was looking for someone and this guy might know where to find her. Aldez took a glance over to the counter to find it empty. Maybe he was in the back of his shop. She decided to take a walk through the room, checking out the wares, then slowly walking up to the counter, leaning over and looking through the open door behind it. He was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he prepared everything for closing the shop for tonight. It was, after all, only half an hour til then.
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@janofthedesert “Heh…Thanks. Been doing it most of my life. So, I have to be good at it. And yeah, I can tell ya, for sure. Hell, you can watch if you’d like. But, I’m not doing it right away.” Jan smiled softly to the other, giving her a slow nod. “Kinda glad I stumbled upon you. The company is nice.”
“What did you do before that?” She was curious about what the blacksmith had done in his life besides forging armor. When he proposed that she could watch she leaned forward a bit, but placed her chin in her palm.
“I’m glad I stumbled upon you as well, to be honest it gets a little lonely traveling alone.” Not that she wasn’t used to being alone. The few companions she had in her life had pretty much been assigned by elders who wanted her to turn out a certain way. A princess just couldn’t run around on her own.
“How long have you lived alone?” 
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kitterahsdollhouse · 7 years
janofthedesert started following you
welcome back lol 
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shift-shaping · 7 years
Haven't really had an interaction yet, but, she seems neat.
Omg thank you xD I love her a lot
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vervainandwolfsbane · 7 years
“I may or may not also be drunk.” The knight slurred a bit, looking over to the strange woman, having just a bit of trouble focusing. (For Amelia!)
Looking over at him a frown appeared on the brunette’s face, unsure if he really meant what he said. With a roll to her eyes she moved closer holding the man up. She was hardly going to let him just fall over in this state. “...you are drunk, and very much in a you can’t walk home kind of way. Can I call you a taxi or something?”
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👤 Body features 
“Your hair is very...red and...fiery. Makes you look real...handsome?Anyways, nice hair.” 
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aldezofhyrule · 7 years
[From this meme]
Send ➳ for your character to receive mine as a gift/spoil of war.
She did not put up much of a fight when they lead her here. They had bound her with chains, almost as if they feared a simple tie would not be able to hold her. She was calm, she held her head up high, proud as ever. It was only when they stopped right in front of him that she lowered her guard to speak to him.
“Coward” was the only thing she said.
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╔ ╩ ╦ Continued from ask - here ╔ ╩ ╦
The more that they both went along exchanging pleasantries back and forth, the Twili decided that she was quite fond of the blacksmith. He was among the few light worlder’s whom hadn’t assumed the worst of her. It was a pleasant change from the prejudice she was used to as her kind was different.
“I’m sure I’ll run into them eventually, and until then I can just stick with you, if you wouldn’t mind.” It might have been seen as forward, but the other posed no threat to her just yet. If he even would in the future.
“Where exactly were you headed?”
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thelastofatribe · 8 years
rest of thread here
Sheik almost visibly shook himself from his thoughts. “Yes, of course. You’re right.” In addition, the palace couriers had brought the supplies that the Queen had found for them. She looked as though she longed to pull the Sheikah warrior into a hug and never, ever let go.
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salesmanofhappiness · 8 years
Dungeon Crawling
The merchant never made a habit of dungeon crawling. After his first encounter entering Ikana’s Stone Tower Temple, facing off against and narrowly escaping traps set up by my his ancient ancestors- not to mention angering and simultaneously disappointing The Goddess of Time. He would rather not to placed in that sort of situation unless it was absolutely necessary. However, when he heard of a particularly dangerous mask, while not on the level of Majora, could still posed a threat. He prepared for departure. He heard the dungeon had been looted enough that most of the traps and monsters were taken care of. It would have been easy for someone to just waltz in and take it. 
However, even with this information, he made plans to hire some help on his adventure. No telling if all the traps or all the monster were really taken care of. Most of the guards wouldn’t dare go with him, and the few that would were busy to say the least. Though, a few of them recommended a certain knight that the merchant had met before. Jan seemed to be rather on board with the idea. The dungeon also seemed to be in a place Jan knew about, which was a bonus for the old merchant. The trip took days, maybe even a couple of weeks, before their toes kissed the steps of the dungeon. Finally they had arrived. A nervous excitement fulled the salesman’s body as he looked at the grand, imposing structure. “This definitely seems like a place that would hold an ancient evil,” he mused to trying to ease his nerves. 
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scarredassassin · 7 years
(●ω●✿) — A starter, maybe?
Send me one! | Accepting.
Might be a little while before I get to it but I’ll try and come up with something for us!
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noctiluca-amatrix · 8 years
The return. (closed with Janofthedesert)
It has been a long time since Jan had left his shop in castle town, snow resting on the streets and the rooftops. A pair of signs were hanging outside, one spelling the word “closed” in Hylian and one in Latin letters. Judging by the number of footsteps in the snow, not many people had visited the shop. Of course, people knew that the owner and smith, Jan wasn’t there and thus they did not bother that much about taking a look inside.
Inside of the shop, Kaiakumi formerly known as Miri leaned her head on her arm, fiddling a piece of metal between her fingers. “If it weren’t for my wealth I couldn’t even afford the rent for this shop with the current income. This place isn’t the same without him.” The demoness sighed and her head slowly slipped down from her hand and onto the table, followed by a thud came a groan and she remained there, not expecting anything to happen.
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dethl-blog · 8 years
"Found you." (Heey! Long time no see!!)
Tumblr media
“Are you expecting applause? Or maybe a metal of honor? Unfortunately I have neither for a has-been knight.”
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Maybe it hadn’t been a good idea for the three of them to take a short trip to Snowpeak after all. Gina could barely get up after all those snowballs.
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Demon in the Desert [ Closed w/janofthedesert ]
[ @janofthedesert ] A woman walked alone in the blasting heat of the blinding sun... On the right side of her face her cheek and jaw was mauled… Splits in the skin showed off her back teeth and gums… The woman had slightly pointed ears, and under her volumed hair, were two small horns side by side… Her right arm was covered and wrapped in heavy bandages. She wore a simple black tank top with an upside down crimson pentacle. Her jeans were ripped at the knees and a deep black in colour. Her hair earth brown at present, shaved both sides and long on top… Her eyes a unnatural bright aqua blue. The woman stretched and let out a slow sigh... She seemed unaffected by the scorching heats and almost burning yet beaten track beneath her bare feet; her shoes tied around the back of her neck... Her ear twitched slightly... The action followed by her eyes darting around; and then spinning on her heel, a dagger drawn from concealment and pointed in the direction of the noise...
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aldezofhyrule · 7 years
"No, they ripped you into pieces - I recognized you!"
She could not help but smile at his shock, and the smile turned into a grin and the grin into a laughter of a thousand suffocating voices.
“… I died and I was reborn as a god.”
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