#japan printing money
savage-rhi · 1 month
#the tiny house i based my own blue print off of is for sale at 110000 across the country#if my ass weren't broke id hop on that and drive all the way over to get it#but also 110k for a tiny house on wheels is pretty outrageous especially when these things were originally marked at a cap of 65k#once upon a year now no one can afford them#i do want a home someday and I'm also finding I'm nomadic by nature#dream would be have a “home base” with land thats permanent#but as soon as winter comes i can pack up and move south or wherever is warmer for several months before returning#that would be great for minimizing fibro flares getting away from the cold#heck if remote work ends up getting me good money after i pay off a huge chunk of medical debt i wouldn't mind#being a digital nomad for a few months out of the year#go see people i like across the pond see pompeii see rome see ireland see spain see australia see japan#so many....#theres people that want to hear the pitter patter of tiny feet before they die#then theres me that wants to see all the cool ancient human things before it disappears or before i leave earth and go home#one of the few big fears i have is it wont happen in this life#but hey i didnt think i was gonna make it past 23 let alone make it to 32#i didnt think i was ever gonna get out of my abusive household and out of my old shitty life#but im here so who knows what could happen right?#not magenta or fuchsia but some other pink variation#i just need to roll out a pink color palette and start assigning emotions to them at this point 😂#magenta is my vent word#fuchsia is my vent word for good things#idk wtf this is its a combo
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aonomiki · 9 months
discotek also needs to be dropping those physical detective conan licenses like. c'mon. I need to at least hold all the detco movies in my hands. give them to me.
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whatevergreen · 1 year
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3 silver momme, 1861, Japan. Ouminokuni Koshu Tea bill, used in exchange for the delivery of tea. The Shichifukujin (seven gods of fortune) are depicted at the front-top
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machiavellli · 2 months
so the japanese economy is collapsing and soon the usa economy will enter recession?
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diremoone · 10 months
written in fine print | r. sukuna
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moving to japan to get a breath of fresh air was supposed to be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made. it still may be, but now you’ve got a problem and you don’t know what to do about it. the problem? ryomen sukuna, one of the wealthiest men on the planet, being… enamored with you. you’ve come fairly far with him as “friends” while keeping him at bay, but after you both spend christmas together, you know that things have changed. and come the first day of the new year comes a surprise that forces you to face your bottled-up truth.
[ Ryomen Sukuna Masterlist ] | part three
w — slowburn, age gap, modern au, older man/younger woman, fluff, mild? angst, this time we get reader’s pov bc it’s time ;3, insecure! reader, self-indulgence, A KISS (but just one for now sorry y’all), reader and sukuna lay their feelings on the table (I’m sorry I couldn’t help but finally get to this part), sukuna gets kinda prose-y lmao, slightly unsatisfied with this fic but I hope y’all enjoy anyway, sprinkle of bittersweet at the end
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God, have mercy upon my soul.
The dozens of text messages from your cousin have you sitting on the edge of your bed in absolute disbelief. You haven’t even had any coffee yet, or any sort of something in your stomach. It’s sheer willpower keeping you from throwing up the stomach acid in your belly.
But you do need something. You make your way into the kitchen and nab the biscuits you made yesterday from the bag they were in. You shouldn’t, but you eat all four of them anyway. Then you drink something.
You were wondering why everything was going too good, why life had been so… easy as of late. Now you understood why. It was the calm before the storm. It was the universe allowing you to have some semblance of peace before it decided to throw you into the pit of mental and emotional turmoil that you’d been so great at avoiding.
Why in the world did the universe decide to put Ryomen Sukuna into your life?
That’s the question you have been asking yourself over and over again ever since you decided to take him up on the offer of a first date six months ago. Even worse, why did you even think it was a remotely good idea to get involved with someone over ten years older than you? Universe aside, you should’ve had the good judgement to keep Sukuna away. Your good intuition was something you’d always prided yourself on, so why did you decide to even let Sukuna keep coming around?
You go back to your room and get the phone, rereading over the messages. One in particular your eyes stay on:
A benefactor has paid for nana’s care and set her up in a really fancy, upscale care and rehabilitation facility here. They came and got her this morning to transfer her. When I asked about it, someone from registration said it was a gift for you. Who the fuck did you meet in Japan? 5:16 am
And you know, deep within your soul and in your gut that Sukuna was behind this. There’s no one you know that has the money to pull off something like taking your grandmother from where she was to a facility where she’s going to get more constant help, cleaned, proper rehabilitation. No one else but him.
The coffee maker suddenly beeps, beginning to brew a fresh pot of coffee. You almost jump out of your skin from it. You wait until it’s done before digging out one of the banana nut muffins Shoko brought over two nights ago to pre-celebrate the new year.
You truly don’t know what to feel. You’re unsure about everything. Coming to Japan to get a breath of fresh air from the strain your old life was supposed to be one of the best choices you’ve ever made. But now, all it’s become is a whirlwind of even more, even deeper emotional confusion.
Meeting Yuuji was great. Meeting his older brother? The entire source of the emotional confusion.
You lean against the counter and gaze outside. The snow has finally ceased and you’re sure dozers are out clearing the roads. You can’t help but fall into your thoughts.
For awhile, you’ve had… feelings. You’re not quite sure what they are, but you know that they revolve around the older, rich man you’ve befriended. You know that whenever he’s around, you feel more… open, lighter even. You know he makes you feel flustered, to which you’ve learned to seal said fluster inside of a bottle and remain indifferent in his presence. Every time he looks at you or speaks to you, it makes you feel… giddy. Happy, dare you say it.
And it’s something you swallow down and hide every time it bubbles to the surface, fearing that it’ll be nothing more than the same story as your mother: a heart broken by the letdown of not ever being enough, not being what the man actually wanted, and not being genuinely cared for.
The mug of coffee in your hands grows hot, almost scalding against the skin of your palms. It brings you out of your own mind, just in time to hear your phone vibrate with more text messages, all still from your cousin.
Because apparently fate dropped a man in your lap that was more than ready to give you anything and everything you’ve ever wanted: unconditional love on a gold platter; fate decided that you finally deserve a break from strife and grief, that you deserved to stop eating humble pie, because lord knows you’ve done choked and damn near suffocated on that shit; that you deserved to be cherished and loved and made to be someone’s number one in their life.
You know. You fucking know what Sukuna does to you, how he makes you feel inside. You also know how he wants to treat you and the things he wants to do to you. And perhaps with you, if your gut instinct is right and he wants more than a body to warm his bed.
Who are you kidding? You know you’re right.
But it’s unfortunate for you that all you’ve learned to do is bottle up your feelings and act like they don’t exist. Because you’ve never been loved, not romantically anyway. Especially not like this, from someone like this.
How were you supposed to love? What did it really mean to be in a relationship? You’ve never been in one. Not one that ever really was going to go as far as this. Was what you were feeling all temporary? And if you did get into a relationship, what if he didn’t like you when you got comfortable? What if he didn’t like it when you laughed too hard, or any of the habits you have? What if he was just wanting to play savior and ended up leaving you a few months from now?
You toss your head back and groan. Why? Why was this happening to you?
You opt to spend the day inside, rather than go out like you had planned. You have to text Shoko and Utahime, letting them know that you’re not going to be able to participate in their plans of going out and visiting shrines for the new year. The latter is reasonably mad, but Shoko calms her down in the group chat. Although she does make an innuendo about spending the day with someone else “cozied up in bed” rather than them. You send her a side eye emoji in return on her personal thread.
You change out of your pajamas and into some casual clothes — a dark red long sleeve and some black sweatpants, switching to house socks to regular socks — despite not intending to go out for the day. You do end up on the couch for most of the day, switching your attention from the TV and the messages on your phone more than you care to admit. You hardly eat, and don’t realize it until you can feel your stomach against your spine each time.
All day is basically wasted in front of the television, trapped in your own mind. Trapped in the whirlwind that Sukuna has made of your heart and emotions.
You graze through your entire stock of sweets in less than a day, uncaring if it was unhealthy. Dusk settles on the horizon before you know it and you’re anything but tired. In fact, you’re wide awake.
“What do I do…?” you ask into the open air. You feel stupid doing it, but apparently fate has a response for you.
It’s 9:18 at night when several strong knocks rap at your door.
It’s 9:20 when you decide to finally answer the door.
It’s 9:24 when you realize you’ve got a guest at the front door, the very same man who’s been making you question yourself and your whole life ever since coming to this country.
It’s 9:30 when you question to yourself why you let him in. You didn’t think it through, that much you’re sure of. How could you be when he’s thrown your heart all topsy-turvy and mushed it into goo?
Just looking at him from his back floods your mind and makes your heart race, something you hope you’re able to hide by what you hope is a face of indifference and calmness. You can see the tattoos peek out from his turtleneck, and you have to gulp down your nervousness.
The large mug of fruity tea you’ve poured has now chilled, the ice just barely clinking in the glass. You quickly open the cookie jar on the counter and shove two snickerdoodles in your mouth to stress-eat being prepared for what was coming next.
“I…” you begin, and embarrassingly realize you have to swallow the cookies to talk. “I wasn’t expecting you to… show up.”
Sukuna’s silent for a moment, then replies stoically, “Neither was I.”
You gaze at him longer than you intend to. Your attention is mostly on his tattoos, the little bits that are peeking out from the deep crimson of his form-fitting turtleneck. You watch him readjust the watch on his wrist, partially revealing the tattoo inked onto his wrist. To your surprise, Sukuna actually doesn’t like showing off his tats. He used to in his younger years; he’s still proud of them, but he isn’t as much into flaunting them to the world nowadays.
Sukuna’s deep voice cuts through the air. “Have you… gotten my gift?”
You bite your lower lip. You nod even though he can’t see you. “Yeah… If you mean the one involving my grandmother, then yes.”
“I do apologize if I crossed any lines doing such a thing,” he says. “But I don’t regret it.”
“I can imagine you don’t,” you reply, knowing full-well that him regretting anything was a very rare occurrence. “But… Why? Why would you do that? Go through such trouble to help me… and my family? Just… Why?”
His ginormous frame turns to face you to look into your eyes and answer with nothing short of honesty, “Because I want you to be cared for. I’ve seen happiness in your eyes and I want to keep you happy. I want to be the one making you happy.”
“Buying my love will only get you so far,” you say.
“I know. I want to do more for you. I want… to be more for you. Not just… this. Whatever we have going on,” Sukuna admits casually, crossing his burly arms over his chest. But he doesn’t make eye contact. In fact, he keeps his eyes to the floor, away from your gaze. “I know what I want, although I’m not quite sure how to describe everything I feel… when I’m with you and when I think about you. It’s… I know what it is, I’m pretty sure, but at the same time… I don’t.”
“It’s new for you,” you mumble. Surprisingly, he actually hears you and nods. He doesn’t lie. Not with you.
“I’ve been with many women over the years, all for the same reason. I’ve never felt like falling in love or that it would ever matter. I know lust, I know what comes with that. With you, it’s anything but. At first, yes. But your immediate rejection, you continuing to keep your distance from me and your distaste known made me stop and think.”
You raise your brows. “All it took was a girl with some strong boundaries to make you realize you can’t live off being just horny for then rest of your life?”
Sukuna laughs. He actually laughs. A bright smile crosses his handsome face as his shoulders shake with laughter. He tries to cover it up with a hand, but all it does it muffle it into loud chuckles. It takes a good couple minutes before his chuckles finally fall into a simple smile of amusement. That’s when you admit your own truths. If you were going to be hurt, you might as well get it over with.
“In a way,” Sukuna admits. And then he admits even more, opening his heart and putting it on his sleeve. “You’ve reminded me that there is more to life, that I can be genuinely happy beyond office walls and red light districts. You have made me remember what feeling excited, what being on my toes feels like. You make the air lighter… happier, every time I see you. You… I care for you.”
Sukuna’s last words of admission are watered-down and you both know it. Then again, he says he is new to these kinds of feelings. And at this point, you believe him. You wonder if he knows that you’re just like him — exactly the same: that you’re new to the feelings of love, what it means to be in love. It’s confusing, really. You’re not sure where to begin when it comes to saying the things that Sukuna has seemingly had no problem admitting to you. You can’t just say, “Ditto” and make out with him.
Well, you could, but that’s beside the point.
You swallow the frog in your throat and look at him. He isn’t looking at you but at the ground, almost like he’s unsure of himself.
“You’ve made yourself a cozy place inside me, too,” you speak softly. Your hands don’t leave the mug as you set it on the counter. “We’ve only known each other for barely half a year, you know? You make me wonder if what I’m feeling is love, most of the time. I enjoy you; I enjoy your company. I enjoy the thrill you bring into my life. I… enjoy how weightless you make the world feel. I… I like the thought of being… prioritized. I’m just… confused on whether or not these feelings are rooted in love or something else entirely.”
“And I apologize for making you feel that way,” he replies. “That isn’t my intention.”
You’re quick to your words before he can continue. “Don’t apologize. Please. It’s not your fault. I… I’ve never been in a relationship. I don’t know what love is or what it’s supposed to feel like. I’ve never been loved, and I’m not quite sure how to reciprocate it. I’m afraid I’ll fuck up. Say the wrong thing, not do something right.”
Sukuna’s brows furrow. “There is no right or wrong way to be in a relationship — just yourself.”
“I’ve heard that, just as much as I’ve heard otherwise.”
Silence fills your apartment. You tap your nails against the glass mug, little tinks! resounding. You can’t look at Sukuna now. Not after just admitting to having never been in a romantic relationship. Now, you must seem more of your age than you ever have in his eyes.
“Any insecurity you have is not invalid. I would never disrespect them,” Sukuna finally says, sheer conviction making you shiver.
The giant man stands to take his place not even a foot from you. Magnetism draws you to his face and you cannot look away. His hand comes up and brushes his large fingers across your cheek.
And like an open book, he reads you from the front cover to the very last word, reading off your exterior cover and the interior pages you’ve hidden away. “You’ve carved yourself from early maturity, into someone that your loved ones have needed you to be. You’ve never been able to truly be yourself, be free. You’ve always had to be the rock that everyone has needed, when no one has been for you. You desire to be loved, but not at the expense of heartbreak nor sacrificing the person you’ve molded yourself into for the people you love. You desire to be free above all else, not wanting to be loved unless there’s someone who can love you and give you your freedom at the same time.”
You gape, eyes almost as wide as saucers with your eyelids lined with burning tears. You dip your head and sniffle.
“I want that. I want that for you. I want to be the one to give that to you,” Sukuna continues. “The time we spent together not even a week ago, I want more of that. I no longer want to live the way I’ve been living. I want to live with you, do those kinds of things with you. That sounds corny as fuck coming from me of all people, but that’s the truth.”
You can’t help but laugh. His tone of exasperation at himself was just too funny not to.
“And what happens when you give me those things? Will you be done with me? Move on to the next person?” you ask. “Once you’ve played the part of the savior, won’t those feelings end?”
“I’ll never be done with you,” he answers instantaneously, like it was nothing short of law. “You’ve captivated me, all of me. I’ve already tried pulling myself away a multitude of times. But then one little word of anything about you and you’re all I think about for the rest of the day.”
You sniffle again and laugh. “Did you practice this? You sound like a poet.”
“I can be one if you’d like.” You giggle at that. It’s silly, but you feel like Sukuna would oblige you if you said yes. “But I mean it, every word.”
You nod and whisper, “I know you do.” Because it’s the truth. He’ll never not mean anything he says. Brutal honesty is apart of Sukuna.
The emptiness of your apartment is deafening, it’s silence almost palpable to the point where you feel like you might being to suffocate. But large, firm hands cup your cheeks and bring oxygen into your lungs again.
His hands are warm, so warm. The feeling of being touched like this, so intimately, makes all the blood flow to your cheeks to the point where you think you’ll overheat.
“May I kiss you?” he asks, tone quiet, voice deep and baritone that makes shivers roll up your spine. “At least once?”
You can’t help but bite into your lower lip. The suffocating feeling has returned, just for a different reason. But your instinct goes first — action taking the initiative over the brain — and you nod once more, mumbling out a small “yes” that you chastise yourself for being so meek.
Sukuna’s free arm wraps around your waist and gently pulls you to your tippy-toes. You’re running on instinct, one hand resting on his chest, the other circling behind his neck, eyelids slowly closing as he dives in for the kiss you’ve allowed. And when his hand cradles the back of your head, his lips meet yours, and you swear to everything from heaven to hell that you’re about to explode and die in this man’s arms.
Everything feels like it’s on fire… until it doesn’t. That fire slowly simmers down to a gentle flame, one that brings a sense of contentment.
Sukuna tilts his head, moving your lips and deepening the kiss. You allow it, and it feels like the kiss has sunk to a new depth of desire. Dare you even think or say it be devotion. His lips are warm and sweet on yours; his kiss isn’t one of urgency, but perhaps the desperation of longing. It’s not slow and controlling, not greedy. Whatever this kiss is and all the emotions contained within, you know it makes you at peace and content.
Everything feels perfect.
You both part for air, lips slow to disconnect. You can’t help but feel slightly embarrassed being so out of breath, but hearing the slight heaviness of breath coming from the large man makes you feel less awkward.
“Thought you said you hadn’t been in a relationship before?”
Your reply is breathless, “Never have.”
“Then you must be a naturally good kisser.”
That makes you laugh. You press your head to his chest and giggle away, to which you hear what you think is a chuckle from his throat.
It’s 11:20 at night by the time you look at the clock again. It’s too late for Sukuna to go home. That’s the excuse you use anyway. He’s seemingly more than happy to use the excuse right along with you to spend a night with you.
Come morning, however, things shift back to the way they were before: confusing and lonely. The couch was just as empty as the apartment. Under you was not Sukuna’s body, but a stack of pillows from your bedroom.
The note on the counter about being called in for an important meeting doesn’t do his absence justice either, instead sending every one of your walls back up, twice as high and just as thick as they were before.
Your phone dings with new messages. Utahime and Shoko, both of which declare they’re coming over to drag your ass out of your apartment to go shopping like you should’ve yesterday.
You text them back, telling them you’ll meet them at the mall, that you’re going to get ready and this time you aren’t going to miss out.
You don’t know what to do or what to think. You don’t know if one night of vulnerability means anything more than just being open with another human being. All you know is that you need a break, from yourself, your confusion, from life, and especially from Sukuna.
You need the clarity of a shopping trip and good friends for company, because your hopes for what’s coming next are getting far too high and you’re beginning to really fall in love with Sukuna Ryomen.
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taglist: (no longer adding)
@vagabond-umlaut | @poe-daydreams | @heresan @thedovahqueen | @lotus-n-l0ve | @chiyoso | @miraclecherryblossomsblog | @unbreakableblueheaven | @marscatbutler | @vanillabloo | @wo-ming-bai | @visionsofmagic | @tohsri | @yuujispinkhair | @lilacliliess | @bub-ss
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strawberrymochin · 5 months
Springtime Fushiguros♪
Context-: exploring the memories of childhood of fushiguros, marking the spring time of you and satoru gojo.
Lost-: satoru loses Megumi while you all visit the firework festival
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Your lips form a satisfactory smile as you finally finish tucking Megumi in a kimono with blue dragonflies printed all over, which once belonged to gojo.
Tsumiki was twirling, wearing her new yukata, adorned with sakura prints on the pink fabric, you guys brought her back shopping. You bought one for Megumi too, which was what he supposed to wear today— on Hanabi— the firework festival celebrated in Japan during the summer season.
He would have looked so cute in the kimono you initially chose for him, even with that grumpy face, like a squishy mochi, if not for gojo who threw out the shopping bag containing megumi's kimono mistaking it for trash.
"Aww! Megumiii!!!! He looks just like mee!!!" Gojo squealed in joy, coming into the kids bedroom to take a look at kids. "And oh my gawd! Miki!!!! You look like an angel! Just like—"
"Like me?" You cut gojo's sentence, grinning at him.
"Nah, I was talking about my self!"
"Wha— you're such a sucker!" You scoff at him, while tsumiki giggles.
"Oii no swearing infront of the kids. Wasn't it a rule you made? Who's breaking it now?"
"Shut up!"
"Hey gumi, never thought you could pull off my kimono huh!" Gojo remarked, bending his torso down, to the kid's level to look into his eyes.
"Do you really have to throw it away?" Megumi grumbles, seemingly uninterested to respond to gojo's compliment.
"I told you, i thought it has trash in it."
"Who keeps trash in a shopping bag?" asks Megumi bitterly, turning his head away, noticing you picking up their now-discarded dresses into the laundry basket. However there was a faint blush tainting your plush cheeks, as your eyes crease shyly, excusing yourself out of the room.
"I do. It's basically saving money yk. You don't have to buy trash bags." Gojo says cupping his face, back to him, squeezing his cheeks.
This was just a while ago, before gojo messed up. He's damn sure you would never forgive him for this. Nor tsumiki would. The sounds of people passing by; sounds of childrens laughing, running around; sounds of announcements buzzed through his ears.
He had lost Megumi in the crowd.
Now there are only two options:-
1. Tell the truth and beg for your forgiveness
2. Wander around trying to find Megumi
Before he could decide which option to choose—
"How long do you have to take to buy one lemon soda?" Gojo turns around to find you along with tsumiki, sucking on her popsicle.
"Oh...um—" gojo hesitates, panicking inside, as your eyebrows form a frown.
"Where's Megumi?"
"You see— he's....umm—
A lost kid has been reported named Fushiguro Megumi, age 7 years, wearing a blue kimono with dragonfly prints along with a blue belt. His guardians are requested to gather near the lost and found centre near the main entrance. Thank you.
"Wow! I see how it is..."
"Have fun doing the laundry the entire week!"
Gojo sighs in defeat, knowing better not to provoke you anymore following you on your way to rescue Megumi.
When you reach the lost and found centre you see Megumi, grim faced, clutching the lemon soda tight in his hands, among the bunch of other lost kids.
His eyes perk up with relief as soon as he saw your silloute, running to you ignoring gojo's existance.
"Next time don't loose my hand." Gojo says, getting hold of him again. " Or maybe next time you don't loose my hand trying to pose for those aunties simping over you."
You dart your eyes at gojo, upon hearing megumi's words, "what?"
"No..no babe. He's lying. I swear." Giving you his innocent pouty victim look trying to melt your heart with his cuteness. "I love you."
"Yeah?" However, his cuteness didn't work melting you this time.
"Have fun doing the laundry and sleeping on the couch this entire week."
Gojo - (⁠ノ⁠ಥ⁠,⁠_⁠」⁠ಥ⁠)⁠ノ
Back home, you were helping megumi, take off his kimono, an unconscious smile tugged on your lips. Megumi tilted his head to the side as you unwrap his belt taking it off.
"Why are you smiling?" He asks.
"am i? Just remembered something sweet yk...." You reply, folding the belt taking in a deep breath.
"What?" You looked at Megumi, eyes glistening with curiosity. It's rare to see him with such soft expression except when he's asleep.
"This kimono you're wearing holds a precious memory to me." You smile, before continuing, "This was the kimono satoru was wearing when I saw him for the first time. You know that day he saved me from getting killed."
Megumi's eyes widened a bit as his lips parted in a small 'o'.
"It's strange how you're so similar to him. Yk, when he was of your age, this guy barely smiled. God he would have such terrifying blue eyes that kids would stay a mile away from him. Lol."
"Weren't you terrified?"
"Yes....but what I was terrified of was the sheer loneliness that lied behind his eyes, which were devoid of any emotion."
"Oh" Megumi didn't know what else to utter. It's hard for him to imagine gojo as someone who would stay dead serious.
"Though don't tell your sensei about it. He doesn't remembers that incident."
Megumi nods coming closer to you as you take off the kimono from him.
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sanrielle · 1 year
Amazing fanart by Joanacchi! Posted here on tumblr with their blessing. Each one is based on a style that reflects a particular ancient culture's art history. (See below for descriptions provided by the artist!)
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Aang: Tibetan Thangka
"Thangkas are traditional Tibetan tapestries that have been used for religious and educational purposes since ancient times! The techniques applied can vary greatly, but they usually use silk or cotton fabrics to paint or embroider on. What you can depict in a Thangka is really versatile, and I wanted to represent things that make up Aang as a character."
Zuko and Azula: Japanese Ukiyo-e
"Ukiyo-e is a style that has been around Japan between the 17th and 19th century, and focused mainly in representing daily life, theater(kabuki), natural landscapes, and sometimes historical characters or legends!
Ukiyo-e was developed to be more of a fast and commercial type of art, so many drawings we see are actually woodblock prints, so the artist could do many copies of the same art!
I based my Zuko and Azula pieces on the work of Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1798-1861) one of the last ukiyo-e masters in Japan! He has a specific piece which featured a fire demon fighting a lord that fought back with lighting, and that really matched Zuko and Azula's main techniques!”
Toph: Chinese Portraiture from Ming and Qing Dynasties
"Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) was one of the longest in China! It was also a period where lots of artistic evolutions were happening, especially when it comes to use of colour! There was not a predilection for portraits during this time, but there are a lot of pieces depicting idealized women and goddesses from the standards of the time. For this portrait of Toph, I imagined something that maybe their parents commissioned, depicting a soft and delicate Toph which we know is not what she is about ♥️
Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) was the last Chinese Dynasty to reign before the Revolution. One of the most famous emperors of this period was Qianlong, and he really liked Western art! He commissioned a lot of portraits of his subordinates, and I chose a portrait of one of his bodyguards as a reference for the second Toph portrait, which I believe is much more like how she would want to be represented! The poem on top talks about the bodyguards' achievements during a specific war. I had no time to come up with a poem for Toph, so I just used the same one for the composition!”
Sokka and Katara: Inuit Lithograph
"For a long time, Inuit art expressed itself in utilitarian ways. The Nomadic lifestyle of early Inuit tribes played a huge part in that: most art pieces are carved in useful tools, clothing, or children's toys, small and easy to be transported, and depicted scenes and patterns representing their daily lives!
That changed a lot during the colonization. Since the settling of the Inuit tribes, many art pieces began to be created in order to be exported to foreigns, so they started to sculpt bigger and more decorative pieces.
Lithography, which is a type of printmaking, was introduced to Inuit people by James Houston, that learned the technique from the japanese. The art form was quickly embraced by the inuit, as part of the process is very similar to carving. Prints that are produced by inuit artists are still being sold today!
As lithography is not an old art style and it's still commercially relevant to the Inuit communities, since creating these in 2021 I have been donating regularly to the Inuit Art Foundation, not only all the money I get from selling some prints of these but a bit more, at least once a year. Hopefully, I can increase donations this year!”
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Having no money is SO frustrating because I want to go to London Paris New York, I want to take a cruise to Antarctica, I want to dance to reggae in the Caribbean, I want to be a weeaboo in Japan!
But no I have to go to work for slave wages and piss away my 20s printing out letters for old men and filing reports on other ugly old men!!! This is hell on earth. Being young and too broke to enjoy your youth.
Stuck seeing lame boomers twice your age every fucking day who order you around instead of sitting in Parisian cafes reading poetry and living a life of romance like Jean Pierre Leaud in La Maman et la Putain 🥲 I wish life were a French Nouvelle Vague movie but instead it’s a nightmare simulator controlled by rich old reptilians
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usafphantom2 · 10 months
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Blackbird pilot recalls when his SR-71 Flew so Fast that he and his RSO Landed at Beale AFB almost a Day Before They Took Off from Kadena AB
SR-71 Pilot tells the story of when his Blackbird flew So Fast that He and his RSO arrived at Beale AFB almost a Day Before They Left Kadena AB
The SR-71 Blackbird
The SR-71, the most advanced member of the Blackbird family that included the A-12 and YF-12, was designed by a team of Lockheed personnel led by Clarence “Kelly” Johnson, then vice president of Lockheed’s Advanced Development Company Projects, commonly known as the “Skunk Works” and now a part of Lockheed Martin.
SR-71 T-Shirts
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CLICK HERE to see The Aviation Geek Club contributor Linda Sheffield’s T-shirt designs! Linda has a personal relationship with the SR-71 because her father Butch Sheffield flew the Blackbird from test flight in 1965 until 1973. Butch’s Granddaughter’s Lisa Burroughs and Susan Miller are graphic designers. They designed most of the merchandise that is for sale on Threadless. A percentage of the profits go to Flight Test Museum at Edwards Air Force Base. This nonprofit charity is personal to the Sheffield family because they are raising money to house SR-71, #955. This was the first Blackbird that Butch Sheffield flew on Oct. 4, 1965.
The Blackbird design originated in secrecy during the late 1950s with the A-12 reconnaissance aircraft that first flew in April 1962 and remained classified until 1976. President Lyndon Johnson publicly announced the existence of the YF-12A interceptor variant on Feb. 29, 1964, more than half a year after its maiden flight. The SR-71 completed its first flight on Dec. 22, 1964.
The Blackbird was designed to cruise at “Mach 3+,” just over three times the speed of sound or more than 2,200 miles per hour and at altitudes up to 85,000 feet.
Blackbird pilot recalls when his SR-71 Flew so Fast that he and his RSO Landed at Beale AFB almost a Day Before They Took Off from Kadena AB
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David Peters in SR-71’s cockpit
The incredible speed of the SR-71 Blackbird
So, it comes as no surprise if, thanks to its astonishing flight characteristics, the aircraft has set numerous speed and altitude records throughout its career.
To give a real perspective of the incredible speed the iconic Blackbird could attain, SR-71 pilot David Peters tells the following, fabulous story.
‘We were TDY to Det. 1 at Kadena AB, Okinawa. One of the birds was scheduled for swap out and my back seater, Ed Bethart, and I were to fly it home. The replacement came in on Friday and we were to leave Saturday morning. So, in true Habu tradition we welcomed the incoming crew and went to happy hour Friday evening at the officers’ club.
SR-71 Pilot tells the story of when his Blackbird flew So Fast that He and his RSO arrived at Beale AFB 17 1/2 Hours Before They Left Kadena AB
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David Peters and Ed Bethart
A true story
‘We got up Saturday morning and got ready to go home. Departure was scheduled for 1000. Everything went well and we departed right on time. Headed out to do a pass through the Korean DMZ then into the tankers in the Sea of Japan. Good refueling and climb out headed for the Sea of Okhotsk and the Kamchatka peninsula of Russia and from there to more tankers off of Adak in the Aleutian Islands. Another good refueling and on to Beale AFB California.
‘We arrived with a low approach pulled up into a closed pattern and landed. Following de-suiting and debrief we deposited our classified flight documents jumped in a car and arrived at the officers club for Friday night happy hour at 1630 17 1/2 hours before we left Kadena.
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SR-71 print
This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. SR-71A Blackbird 61-7972 “Skunkworks”
‘Try that in any aircraft other than the SR-71. Besides this is actually a true story.’
Be sure to check out Linda Sheffield Miller (Col Richard (Butch) Sheffield’s daughter, Col. Sheffield was an SR-71 Reconnaissance Systems Officer) Twitter Page Habubrats SR-71 and Facebook Page Born into the Wilde Blue Yonder for awesome Blackbird’s photos and stories.
Photo credit: David Peters and U.S. Air Force
@Habubrats71 via X
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Another big stop in Tokyo for me was Jimbocho Book Town! It is a neighborhood of, depending on who you ask, up to 400 generally-secondhand bookstores flanked by some of the major universities in Tokyo. The local government even prints out maps of the stores to help people find them all:
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Which, you will note, is not 400 stores, because the process of becoming an "official" Jimbocho Town Bookstore is an intensely political operation run by local stakeholders with tons of fights over what should qualify and what rights that entails - never change humanity!
"Book Towns" used to actually be quite a common thing, and they peaked during the literary boom of the late 19th century. Figuring out "what books existed" was a hard task, and to do serious research you needed to own the books (you weren't making photocopies), so concentrating specialty bookstores in one area made sense to allow someone to go to one place and ask around to find what they need and discover what exists. It was academia's version of Comiket! Modern digital information & distribution networks slowly killed or at least reduced these districts in places like Paris or London, but Jimbocho is one of the few that still survives.
Why it has is multi-causal for sure - half of this story is that Tokyo is YIMBY paradise and has constantly built new buildings to meet demand so rents have been kept down, allowing low-margin, individually-owned operations to continue where they have struggled in places like the US. These stores don't make much money but they don't have to. But as important is that Japan has a very strong 'book collector' culture, it's the original baseball cards for a lot of people. The "organic" demand for a 1960's shoujo magazine or porcelainware picture book is low, but hobbyists building collections is a whole new source of interest. Book-as-art-collection powered Jimbocho through until the 21st century, where - again like Comiket - the 'spectacle' could give it a lift and allow the area to become a tourist attraction and a mecca for the ~cozy book hoarder aesthetic~ to take over. Now it can exist on its vibes, which go so far as to be government-recognized: In 2001 the "scent wafting from the pages of the secondhand bookstore" was added to Japan's Ministry of Environment's List of 100 Fragrance Landscapes.
Of course this transition has changed what it sells; when it first began in the Meiji area, Jimbocho served the growing universities flanking it, and was a hotpot of academic (and political-polemic) texts. Those stores still exist, but as universities built libraries and then digital collections, the hobby world has taken over. Which comes back to me, baby! If you want Old Anime Books Jimbocho is one of the best places to go - the list of "subculture" stores is expansive.
I'll highlight two here: the first store I went to was Kudan Shobo, a 3rd floor walk-up specializing in shoujo manga. And my guys, the ~vibes~ of this store. It has this little sign outside pointing you up the stairs with the cutest book angel logo:
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And the stairs:
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Real flex of Japan's low crime status btw. Inside is jam-packed shelves and the owner just sitting there eating dinner, so I didn't take any photos inside, but not only did it have a great collection of fully-complete shoujo magazines going back to the 1970's, it had a ton of "meta" books on shoujo & anime, even a doujinshi collection focusing on 'commentary on the otaku scene' style publications. Every Jimbocho store just has their own unique collection, and you can only discover it by visiting. I picked up two books here (will showcase some of the buys in another post).
The other great ~subculture~ store I went to was Yumeno Shoten - and this is the store I would recommend to any otaku visiting, it was a much broader collection while still having a ton of niche stuff. The vibes continued to be immaculate of course:
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And they covered every category you could imagine - Newtype-style news magazine, anime cels, artbooks, off-beat serial manga magazines, 1st edition prints, just everything. They had promotional posters from Mushi Pro-era productions like Cleopatra, nothing was out of reach. I got a ton of books here - it was one of the first stores I visited on my second day in Jimobocho, which made me *heavily* weighed down for the subsequent explorations, a rookie mistake for sure. There are adorable book-themed hotels and hostels in Jimbocho, and I absolutely could see a trip where you just shop here for a week and stay nearby so you can drop off your haul as you go.
We went to other great stores - I was on the lookout for some 90's era photography stuff, particularly by youth punk photographer Hiromix (#FLCL database), and I got very close at fashion/photography store Komiyama Shoten but never quite got what I was looking for. Shinsendo Shoten is a bookstore devoted entirely to the "railway and industrial history of Japan" and an extensive map collection, it was my kind of fetish art. My partner @darktypedreams found two old copies of the fashion magazine Gothic & Lolita Bible, uh, somewhere, we checked like five places and I don't remember which finally had it! And we also visited Aratama Shoten, a store collecting vintage pornography with a gigantic section on old BDSM works that was very much up her alley. It had the porn price premium so we didn't buy anything, but it was delightful to look through works on bondage and non-con from as far back as the 1960's, where honestly the line between "this is just for the fetish" and "this is authentic gender politics" was...sometimes very blurry. No photos of this one for very obvious reasons.
Jimbocho absolutely earned its rep, its an extremely stellar example of how history, culture, and uh land use policy can build something in one place that seems impossible in another operating under a different set of those forces. Definitely one of the highlights of the trip.
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aquatark · 8 months
My previous post made me realize that not a lot of people here are aware of Endless Ocean's bowmouth guitarfish glitch fiasco, which I think is a shame because 1) it's an interesting look into this game's history, and 2) I find it really funny... long-winded explanation incoming!
So! you see this guy?
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You can place him in the game's aquarium, right? I bet if you've played the game, you've done it without even thinking twice!
...Well, in the initial Japanese release of Endless Ocean (known over there as Forever Blue), you couldn't. In fact, attempting to place this little scrimbly in the aquarium crashes your game.
Now this isn't too bad, since you can just press the reset button and continue your game normally, right? well... if you happen to leave the aquarium and save the game after having opened the creature placing menu, selecting a bowmouth guitarfish, and then closing the menu without placing anything... then congrats! you can never use the aquarium again, because it autoplaces whatever you left in that menu on your next visit! :D
In case you're wondering what this looks like in action, this video taken around the game's launch showcases it well, while also using the game's MP3 playback feature to put some anime music in the background, which I think adds to the experience:
So... how does this happen? How could something like this make it into the final game?
Turns out, this is due to how Endless Ocean categorizes creatures internally. Each creature in the game falls into a category, depending on the movements and behaviors the developers wanted to give them. For example, "migrate" type creatures follow a set of coordinate points creating a route around a stage, whereas "swim" type creatures simply swim around the area in which they are placed within a certain radius. Think of a whale shark's movements versus that of a butterflyfish - they have very different AI telling them how to behave.
Now, trying to load a creature of one type as a creature of another... does not make the game happy, to put it lightly. It doesn't know how to handle the request, and so crashes to prevent further weirdness from ensuing. There is only one byte (literally the second smallest unit of digital information storage you could use) per creature responsible for telling the game what type to load the creature as, and this includes when placing creatures in the aquarium. A slip of the keyboard caused a dev to type the wrong number in this byte, making it attempt to spawn bowmouth guitarfish placed in the aquarium as "swim" type rather than their correct "migrate" type. Literally one wrong number caused the game to crash, and for ears to bleed across Japan.
Since the aquarium is unlocked so early in the game, people discovered this on day one, in their first play session... and since Endless Ocean was a launch game for the Wii in Japan, that's even worse. It's not exactly a great look for your brand new console to have a game break so bad you can't use a mechanic anymore. And Wii game crashes are not pretty. So, Nintendo put out a statement on the day of release, notifying people of the problem, how to avoid it, and saying that a recall would be put in place. A week later, they released another statement, which stated people could apply to have their games replaced with an updated version, which would be mailed to them free of charge, by either phoning in or filling out an application online. This service continued up until 2020, over ten years after release! They really didn't want any copies of the broken version around... good thing we have archives of it!
The updated version even has different box art, with an added blue bar at the bottom, showcased in this incredibly crunchy image:
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I love picturing Nintendo executives freaking out after a humble diving game causes such a mess they have to print the game again, losing them a lot of money and causing the game to get a lot of negative press...
I've seen old forum threads talking about the game as if it's garbage before it even came out internationally, because this situation was pretty much the only major news coming out about it. Can't have helped sales, at least...
Anyway, the game was patched to fix this glitch, along with a few other minor tweaks, and it was this version of the game that got translated worldwide. Japanese fans love joking about the whole ordeal, and I can see why! For example, on the bowmouth guitarfish's Niconico Pedia page (for which the closest equivalent in English would be something like Know Your Meme), this is recounted comedically as "...probably the most notable moment for the bowmouth guitarfish in the history of the internet", which is probably true! There's even image macros about it!
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So yeah. The bowmouth guitarfish's reputation was forever tainted, and some Nintendo execs to this day probably wince when they see one.
tl;dr - A developer for Endless Ocean typed one number wrong in the code, making the game explode if you place a bowmouth guitarfish in the aquarium. Nintendo had to recall the game, and that specific fish has lived on in infamy among Japanese fans ever since.
Next time you use the aquarium, try putting a bowmouth guitarfish in there, and be grateful you can at all!
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andrewnef · 2 years
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Cyberpunk Potography by ANDEWNEF
I’ve always been inspired by photographers like Liam Wong, Noealz, and Steve Roe who became famous for doing cyberpunk and street photography in Japan and South Korea.   I wanted to see if I could capture Taiwan in the same way...
However unlike them I’ve never been able to gain much of a following for my work —let alone sell any prints or make money.  I don’t know if it’s because my work just simply isn’t that good, or I haven’t made the right connections with the right people... or a bit of both.
In response people often tell me to, “Just shoot for fun, or quit crying and figure out a way to turn your photograpahy into a successful business.”
Perhaps they’re right.  Or perhaps not.  Maybe if I just fully embrace who I am instead of trying to compromise to meet the expectations of society then things will work out. Or maybe I’ll be forced to face the harsh reality that my failure to conform, adapt, and improve will result in me being a complete failure who must now fade into the great abyss and join the mass graveyard of failed artists no one ever heard of. I guess the results of this ad will be a good indicator of what’s to come...
 👉🏼 See more photos and buy my prints here.
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whatevergreen · 2 years
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1 momme hansatsu note from the old Buzen Province of Northern Kyushu, Southern Japan. 19th century.
Depicts Hotei, the semi-mythical Chinese Buddhist monk, revered as a god of contentment and happiness, guardian of children, and patron of bartenders.
The back figure is presumably a farmer.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
In Japan you can make a living selling fan comics (doujinshi) it’s kinda sad how against it Americans are. I guess the laws and culture are different around art.
It's less the laws and more how they're enforced. People do get in trouble for doujinshi occasionally, but it's much less common than in the US or some other countries.
I also think this is largely a fantasy of being able to live off of a Cool Fan Job™ rather than a realistic assessment of what's going on in Japan.
Just like in the West, the vast majority of doujinshi artists only just cover their printing costs and maybe the cost of a table to sell at or, in many cases, routinely lose money. A few make a little pocket change. A tiny, tiny handful at the top with big production, content that always focuses on juggernaut fandoms/ships, and fully professional-level skills can actually make real money at it... and most of them just go pro after a while.
Thinking that Japanese fans are routinely making bank this way is like thinking that Agent With Style was normal for US zine publishers instead of a lone, wanky outlier.
There's probably more money in it in Japan in general, but it's still only for a select few. Here are some numbers in English. Bear in mind that even the people at that high end are needing to pay for transportation to and table fees at Comiket, and that annual earnings of $3k might be going to one person or ten.
One income tax scandal does not a viable job opportunity for the fan masses make!
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the-old-mayhem · 7 months
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Morbid: Has your demo sold well?
Euronymous: We’ve sold some, but most people prefer to wait for the record, I think. We’ve sold a couple of hundred records, even before it’s out!
Morbid: Are any record labels interested to make a deal with you?
Euronymous: I don’t know. We haven’t tried to get a deal yet. We recently got a letter from some label called Thunder Records. They wanted a demo so I sent them one. But except (for) that we haven’t sent out any demos to record companies at all. A lot of people have told us that we’d get a deal easily, but we hate record companies. If we’d sign a deal, we’d lose all control. Now we do everything ourselves, distribution, promotions and stuff, on our own label called “Posercorpse Music, Inc.” If we sign a deal, we might get much better distribution and more money, but still we prefer to do things ourselves. I mean, which record company would print our lyrics? However, if we one day do sign a deal, I doubt that it will be more than a one or two record deal.
Morbid: Where do people that buy your demo come from?
Euronymous: From all of the world. We’ve even got a lot of letters from strange places like Japan, Australia, Poland, Chile and Peru!” - Euronymous in Morbid magazine, 1987, before Pelle joined the band (Kittil and Torben from Vomit were members) 🕯️
@the.old.mayhem on instagram
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rinniemybeloved · 1 year
Can you do Bokuto/Iwaizumi as a father like Kenma?
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notes : sorry for being inactive for almost like 2 months :)
warnings : pregnancy idk if that's a warning tho
pairings : dad!bokuto x mom!reader,
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dude has baby fever all the time I swear
"y/n it would be so cute!!" "y/n it wouldn't be that hard!!"
he's nagging you 24/7
so you just had to give in 🤷‍♀️
during the pregnancy he would be so worried
you could literally like cough or something and he'd call a doctor to make sure everything's okay
VERY overprotective
once, a small child came up to you and asked you if there's a baby in your belly and he was glaring at the kid the whole time 😭
but he honestly really likes when little kids come up to you two, he just wants to make sure they don't hurt the baby or smth
he talks to your belly so much
he's so convinced that the baby is understanding and responding too
it's honestly adorable to see him calm for once in his life
bokuto's determined that it's a boy, like literally DETERMINED
I mean, having a girl wouldn't hurt, but like it's just like his sixth sense telling him he's gonna have a boy
he gets so impatient to find out the gender too!!
he's gonna pay any amount of money to find out as fast as possible
… and boom boom his assumption sadly turns out to be true
this is loosely related to this piece I wrote a few months ago, girls or boys?
when the baby's born, he almost drops his son, but thank God he's okay
he probably wanted to name him something like buster 💀
"this is our son, not a dog, kotaro!"
"but people love and play with dogs, and we'll love and play with him, so there isn't a difference!"
yes, that was indeed a real conversation between you two.
but you ended up naming him Ichiro, leaving kotaro whining about why he couldn't name him buster.
but the absolute first thing he's gonna do is take a countless amount of pictures and send them to the whole msby group chat as well as the Japan national team group chat
can't blame him, he's always given off Instagram dad vibes
and when I say Instagram dad, I mean, like, Instagram dad.
he will post the smallest things lil Ichiro does, and bokuto's a pro athlete, so it's gonna get some attention 🤷‍♀️
his son is gonna do something as simple as point at the tv and giggle when his favorite character comes on the screen, and he's gonna post that.
his friends are supportive of it too, especially my baby Shoyo <3 <3 (I'm trying so hard not to make this about him but my Shoyo phase is coming back rn)
shoyo_msby21 it's like I saw him as a baby just yesterday !!
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matching outfits.
kotaro has never been the best with fashion, but with the help of you and his teammates, he has gotten better at dressing his son up
like imagine there's just a whole section in the closet just for matching father-son outfits.
He's gonna spend thousands on clothes for the family. sometimes all of you go out wearing the same colour outfit or something
matching jerseys too, little Ichiro always goes to his father's games wearing an identical, but smaller jersey <3
his son is gonna be a total daredevil, sometimes even kotaro surprisingly gets worried.
the kid is gonna have little star printed bandaids all over his little hands and legs, but I guess people learn from their mistakes, don't they?
he's gonna love being the center of attention, clinging to his dad whenever he's getting interviewed. He just wants the world to know that a star player like his dad has a star son like him!
overall, Bokuto gets an A for being an adept father.
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