#jar-eel the razoress
eleemosynecdoche · 5 months
You stare at the woman who has accosted you in the street. She's blonde, with black eyes that something urges you to call "obsidian orbs" or "two limpid puddles of ink" or "gates of the abyss".
[CHECK: Cosmicomics Awareness: Easy.]
3 + 4 = 7+3 = 10. Success.
This is a sign of the powers of Chaos when unconstrained by the discipine of the Way.
YOU: The purple prose?
COSMICOMICS AWARENESS: Yeah. It's a warning sign. Like an electric dosimeter in a nuclear power plant. You can't check your film badge, but you can check the little beepy thingy around your neck.
TRIVIALORE: Oh, it's Send Valu. One of your fellow demigodesses, though of uncertain origins and a party-hard demeanor. Many people refer to her as the "Eighth Problem from Dorastor".
YOU: Not to her face, I hope.
[EXTRO-EMPATHY: Challenging]
EXTRO-EMPATHY: That look on her face... she's torn between impulse and responsibility, and it's a new feeling for her. She doesn't like it. She seems vulnerable.
HEROINE OF THE RAZOR: You could lift her with one hand and place the other just under her chin, ready to jab inward and collapse her throat. Might not kill her, but if you ever wanted to shut her up...
SEND VALU: I heard about your amnesia, Jar-Eel. I... if there's anything I can do to help, then...
The air of a question hangs over the scene.
Thank you for the offer. I shall have to think about it.
I know what your "help" is like, and I'm nasally ready to snort lines off of you, Sendie.
No. Not now. Likely not ever.
[HEROINE OF THE RAZOR: Trivial] I thirst, Sendie. Without the comfort of memory, the yearning grows too strong to control. [Break her arm with one hand.]
[EXTRO-EMPATHY: Impossible] I know what you want, sweet Send Valu, sent here as tempter and mocker. Gimme sugar, baby, and if you're good I'll fold you in half later.
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Hiya there, I moved to aspiring-awesomeness (https://aspiring-awesomeness.tumblr.com/) :D
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hamsandlich · 5 years
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JarEel the Razoress, defeating and sundering the God-King Belintar, from Chaosium’s Runequest setting Glorantha.
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downwithpeople · 5 years
now that i’ve played sekiro i’m ready to beat dark souls with a dex build honestly i’m done fucking around jar-eel the razoress is back
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commander-ledi · 7 years
oh my god. i just realized that i avoided really narrowly an awkward disaster yesterday.
so basically Jar-Eel the Razoress was staying in pavis and my character went to bother her, because what is better activity than discreetly bullying super important lunars. but our gm was tired of me shitting my way through everything by seducing and manipulating half of the npcs we encounter so... he had Jar-Eel seduce my character and then manipulate him to go apologize for the lunar we bullied earlier and she succeeded (she is not as pretty as my character but she comes very close) and my character instantly developed massive crush on her.
as some sort of final desperate attempt to avoid having her make my character go do stupid shit, my character pulled off his mask and attempt to seduce her back. thankfully she resisted and instead of having both of them suddenly passionately drooling for each other, which would be really unfortunate considering that we enemies with lunars and my character is married, my character just obeyed her and went to apologize for the lunar lawyer. he even returned the 5L we took from him.
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eleemosynecdoche · 5 months
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Some people might mock the spelling of "bloodspillers", but rest assured, it is very important to remind everyone that Jar-Eel the motherfuckin' Razoress has at least one (1) pillar along with a thousand-plus violent, unhinged women competing to join her polycule.
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