#disco elysium riffs
eleemosynecdoche · 5 months
You stare at the woman who has accosted you in the street. She's blonde, with black eyes that something urges you to call "obsidian orbs" or "two limpid puddles of ink" or "gates of the abyss".
[CHECK: Cosmicomics Awareness: Easy.]
3 + 4 = 7+3 = 10. Success.
This is a sign of the powers of Chaos when unconstrained by the discipine of the Way.
YOU: The purple prose?
COSMICOMICS AWARENESS: Yeah. It's a warning sign. Like an electric dosimeter in a nuclear power plant. You can't check your film badge, but you can check the little beepy thingy around your neck.
TRIVIALORE: Oh, it's Send Valu. One of your fellow demigodesses, though of uncertain origins and a party-hard demeanor. Many people refer to her as the "Eighth Problem from Dorastor".
YOU: Not to her face, I hope.
[EXTRO-EMPATHY: Challenging]
EXTRO-EMPATHY: That look on her face... she's torn between impulse and responsibility, and it's a new feeling for her. She doesn't like it. She seems vulnerable.
HEROINE OF THE RAZOR: You could lift her with one hand and place the other just under her chin, ready to jab inward and collapse her throat. Might not kill her, but if you ever wanted to shut her up...
SEND VALU: I heard about your amnesia, Jar-Eel. I... if there's anything I can do to help, then...
The air of a question hangs over the scene.
Thank you for the offer. I shall have to think about it.
I know what your "help" is like, and I'm nasally ready to snort lines off of you, Sendie.
No. Not now. Likely not ever.
[HEROINE OF THE RAZOR: Trivial] I thirst, Sendie. Without the comfort of memory, the yearning grows too strong to control. [Break her arm with one hand.]
[EXTRO-EMPATHY: Impossible] I know what you want, sweet Send Valu, sent here as tempter and mocker. Gimme sugar, baby, and if you're good I'll fold you in half later.
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prokopetz · 2 years
Thesis: Disco Elysium riffs on other fandoms become increasingly funny the further from any plausible resemblance to Harry Du Bois the character in question is, but only if you keep the voice of their internal narrator exactly the same.
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kramerblogrealgood · 3 months
Possible genre names for games that are kind of like disco elysium:
Follows the naming scheme of "roguelike"
Sounds cool, but very confusing to newcomers ('disco' as in disco music?)
Downplays the influence of Planescape Torment
Follows the naming scheme of "Metroidvania"
I know I just made this one up but it sucks so bad
Talking Simulator
Riff on "walking simulator"
Too vague
Dialogue-Based Isometric Check-Heavy Computer Role Playing Game (DICC RPG)
lol dick
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taggedmemes · 1 year
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ DISCO ELYSIUM / Part 1 always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
'did someone say *prybar*?'
'i'm not *protective* of my tools. like some men are...'
'if you don't mind me asking -- how did this get in the trash?'
'it must have been cramping my style.'
'i don't know, man. sounds like an order. i don't take those.'
'they're not going to get it. they're going to think an idiot and a cock finger were on this case.'
'shut up, nose. i don't need your help -- i don't need *anyone's* help!'
'velocity was FUCKING MAX!'
'bullets have bitten little pieces out of him.'
'i arrived at this conclusion through the *psychic arts*.'
'you will die if you drink -- you know that, don't you?'
'if someone has decided to die on top of a tree, then how is it my concern?'
'they say your guy was a killer.'
'you want to put a dead *corpse* into my fridge, right?'
'i will not turn this place into some kind of *macabre* circus.'
'you're a man with a fork in a world of soup.'
'stop grabbing your arse like it's a girl.'
'i'm a god of track and field. why would i have a problem with anything?'
'i'm an old man, not a coward.'
'the daily business of the riff-raff no longer concerns me.'
'should've fought dirty. like they did with their suicide sex cult propaganda and *mad anarchist women* strapped to bombs.'
'i *don't* think. i just *do*.'
'you were still in daddy's balls when it happened.'
'he's trying to sweet-talk you into buying trash!'
'could you take off your sunglasses? i'd like to check your eyes.'
'there is only one explanation. she must be one of my rabid fans.'
'you just *slurp* it up, like an oyster! c'mon! slurp it!'
'this isn't working at all. you lied to me, golden mouth man.'
'what are you... fucking eighty?'
'came round talking about cows or some shit. came around pretendin' like he cares about cows.'
'i've heard amphetamines make you a really good detective.'
'would you mind if i helped myself to some meds?'
'i am scared i will never be held or loved in the world again.'
'i don't *sit*. it's kind of my thing.'
'it's not like you left it loaded. you didn't lose a *loaded gun*.'
'i'm sure they've done plenty of criminal shit, they have *that look*.'
'sport is the most wholesome thing known to man.'
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alphawave-writes · 3 months
Ao3 Ask Game
Thanks @changethecircumstances It's been a while since I've done one of these ask games (BTW I am always down to do more if people send them my way)
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 80
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 1,073,622.
That's...that's 13k er story roughly.
That's a lot.
3. What fandoms do you write for? The fandoms I've written for are varied but are almost exclusively video game fandoms. Currently I write for Alan Wake/Control (despite only playing Control) and Overwatch, but before that I was writing for the Yakuza/Like a Dragon/Ryu ga Gotoku fandom, Detroit: Become Human, Apex Legends and Dynasty Warriors.
4. Top five fics by kudos Oh god, I'll go in order.
DPD (Detroit: Become Human: Reed900) — What started as my riff on Brooklyn99 romance comedy mixed with police procedural became this beast about trying to make a difference and belonging. My most popular by like DOUBLE second place.
Pain and Pleasure (Disco Elysium: Harry/Kim) — It's an NSFW fic about consensual choking. Fun fact, I had NOT played the game at this point nor do I even OWN it, I just saw bits of a walkthrough and no one had written about the obvious kink so I took it upon my mortal hands. You're welcome
Sparks fly (Disco Elysium: Harry/Kim) — Fun story: so remember last paragraph where I said I hadn't played the game? I won't reveal why but I got gifted a copy of Disco Elysium by a kind then-stranger and I had to pay back with 10K words worth of smut on a niche kink. It was fun though, I do still love this fic.
Drinking games (Detroit: Become Human: FOUND FAMILY PLATONIC HankCon) — My first DBH fic. I showed this one to my dad because I figured the story was cute and not romantic and comedic enough that he would enjoy it. Then he thought Connor was a literal child, and then a child robot, and that Hank was an abusive dad.
Safe to say after having that fic misinterpreted so badly motivated me to try and make my stories relatively standalone (and also never show even my SFW stuff, because it's one thing if family don't like or get what you write but it is ANOTHER thing when they completely misinterpret it LOL)
Experimental design (Sonic movie: Stobotnik) — Abandoned but not forgotten. I had big plans for it exploring Stone's origins,
5. Do you respond to comments? Usually. Sometimes I forget and sometimes I worry about spamming people with 'Thank yous' when I can't think of anything else to say, especially on repeat commentors, but in general yes
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Depends on your definition of angst. If you want a sad cry angst where literally everybody dies, that will have to be my Harry/Kim fic Despite everything. If you want angst in a more messed up horrible sense, that'll be my recent Zaneling fic CONFIDENTIAL: Burning and drowning. I don't typically write angst endings though.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Aside from the smut? I think that will have to be the everyone reunites and is a family together ending for my Sigrold fic, Evil actions and good intentions.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Never directly, and almost never directly. Apart from one instance where a very particular shipper made a vague post suggesting I was orientalist (despite BEING HALF-ASIAN MYSELF) everyone seems to like my works! Which is nice, I hope it means my stories are good.
9. Do you write smut? A fair bit, but it is admittedly not easy for me to write. When I do, it's never PWP. At the very least, I like to play on the buildup, the foreplay if you will. Set the scene. It's easier to say I write plot with porn LOL
10. Craziest crossover? I never actually write crossovers, but one unfinished WIP I had based on a tweet was going to be Austin Powers x Bayonetta, which basically had Austin Powers replace Luka. This was before Bayo 3, so I was gonna play it semi-serious and have Austin Powers be revealed to be a Lumen Sage himself. Play it like Austin Power 3 kinda.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of. Hopefully never happened. Most likely never happened since I tend to write for either obscure ships or obscure fandoms.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? A few times, always with permission which is nice.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? The only time I think I co-wrote a fanfic specifically it wasn't quite a co-write since the other person did a normal fanfic and I did a TWINE TEXT ADVENTURE. I'm just crazy like that.
14. All time favourite ship? I think by just sheer amount of time and energy put in, at this stage it's Sigrold (Sigma x Dr Harold Winston for the uninitiated). Maybe it's because Dr Harold Winston has changed so much he's basically my glorified OC, maybe I like old men yaoi where at least one of them is a scientist, maybe it's the fact I'm currently writing an original novel that features two characters that are essentially OC-fied versions of Sigma and Harold. Whatever the reason, they just have a grip on me that I'll never let go of.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? The aforementioned Experimental design. I had quite a few plans for it, but I think Disco Elysium kinda took over the brain and I could only focus on one fandom at a time. While I still love the Stobotnik ship, I don't think I'll have the motivation to finish this fic.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think personality and tone are my strengths. I like to inject a bit of humour into conversations and add some of my own original flair into all my works, but I also try to put the character's personality into the internal narration even when it's 3rd person. Last thing I want is for my work to be mistaken for the writing style of another.
I also try and play with the tone where I can, have it be fun and then tense. I hope I'm funny in some of my writings.
I've also been told by some people from non-English speaking backgrounds that my writing style is easy to read? That one, I cannot claim to be the authority on, but I hope people like it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Spellchecks and grammar checks, for one. If I had beta readers I might be able to catch it but alas I don't, so any errors I make often goes unnoticed. I also have a bad habit of repeating words within paragraphs. It annoys me when I see them and it annoys me when I read it.
As for my stylistic stuff, I like my run-on sentences. I can't help it, it has to go on and on and on.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Coming from a multicultural background, I don't mind dialogue in another language. I usually try and keep the raw original sentence or phrase, and either use context narration or worst case leave a footnote as to what it translates to.
19. First fandom you wrote in? Dynasty Warriors of all things. My longest fic by far is in that fandom. I liked Liu Shan, nobody else did, so I had to take matters into my own hands. Is it any good? Probably not, but you have to look at your old stuff and be amazed at how far one has come since then. Also I might wanna revisit that fanfic for an original piece, who knows?
20. Favorite fic you've written? God where do I begin? For my recent works, I have to say my Zaneling masterpiece Kill your Darlings since it's got a little bit of everything and it sets up a nice little AU I've been currently chipping away at. I was in a frenzy, I planned everything out and aside from minor changes I got almost everything written as I planned. A first for me!
On the more somber side, in Disco Elysium I'd say Ghost within nightmares as a character exploration of Kim Kitsuragi and Harrier du Bois (and in the game's style too).
NSFW-wise, it's a toss up between the Disco Elysium Sparks fly and the Overwatch Not my fault for different reasons. Mostly because I feel like I played with some unconventional kinks in a fun way.
And I can't forget the fic that started it all, the Liu Shan/Xingcai Dynasty Warriors fanfic A marriage written in the stars. Definitely have to revisit it one day in the future.
I tag anyone who sees this to do it if you haven't already
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jupiterverso · 2 years
why does the beginning riff of dicke titten sound like something out the disco elysium ost
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mercyisms · 2 years
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dusts off the “what if mercymorn had a disco elysium skillset” riff (inspo) and and some other sketches
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nearer-than-the-eye · 3 years
question…what IS french called in disco elysium?? do we know?? i’ve seen riffs on Revachol in fics….but i’ve also seen Vespertine…..is there a canon answer? a fanon answer?
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sybilius · 3 years
16, 19, and 20 for the fic writer asks!
16. Is there a fic of yours you would absolutely love to see fanart of?
This isn't strictly from a specific fic, but I've thought about commissioning Allin, Punk & AJ hanging out at a diner while Allin & AJ talk about film and Punk is just lowkey zoning out like " :D my partners are talking :D " . Just sounds nice tbh. good poly feels.
19. What’s something you so desperately want to write, but you haven’t gotten around to it yet?
House of Leaves AU/riff on something. I don't...have the narrative skill set for it yet. I'd want to go off as the concept deserves but I keep feeling my skill gaps for not knowing how to cross-medium insanity the way I'd like it done. I think about it in probably every fandom I set up camp in hehe. Almost thought about doing it for Disco Elysium but got side tracked by other projects :)
20. What is something that you know more than you will ever need to because you’ve done copious amounts of research about it for a fic?
Hard to say if this is "for a fic" or "idk man I'm just fuckin fascinated overall" but I'm learning more than I probably need to about wrestling by the day.
Alternatively, ham radio :D
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morgue-xiiv · 3 years
Okay so this was kind of stupid and supposed to be a joke but I’m weirdly pleased with it, so FUCK LOGIC, have it.
Doing a riff / study of my favourite art piece, “this city” by Ruben Ireland... it’s pretty hard NOT TO see a glimmer of Kim in it when he’s so known for saying “this city [... I love it nonetheless]” so I just drew it with Kim.
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Prints of Ruben Ireland’s art cover so much of my walls that isn’t covered in Disco Elysium art prints, lol, this is totally like my walls collided.
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@thecorteztwins: Please accept this small offering that I hope will lift your spirits after that last issue of X-Men.
           Sipping at the last of his margarita, admiring the way the sunlight sparkled on glistening white sand and turquoise waves, Shinobi Shaw reflected that the X-Men really were very, very stupid.  And how fortunate that was for him.  It had been ridiculously easy to fake his own death.  He’d just solidified the parts of his hand outside his head, while keeping the rest of his hand safely phased through his brain. Collapse on the ground with a few convincing death spasms and a touch of fake blood, and the morons had wandered off without even checking for a pulse.  The most difficult part had been keeping a straight face.
           But that was done, and the X-Men would surely spread word of his death, which meant certain parties would cease to look for him.  That took quite a bit of pressure off.  The rest of the Upstarts would have to deal with the consequences of their failure; it was frankly their own faults if they were too stupid to follow his example and escape.  Shinobi had made his way down to the Bahamas, to a very exclusive beach-side bar that catered specifically to people like him.  One had to know the right people to even find the place, and Shinobi, of course, knew all the right people.
           Of course, it was starting to seem like they were letting any kind of riff-raff in lately, Shinobi thought as he looked out at the crowd from his seat at the bar.  One of the patrons was a wild-eyed man with disheveled black hair, and the tackiest outfit Shinobi had ever seen – a metallic silver shirt paired with booty shorts with a cosmic-themed print.  He looked like an alien with gaudy tastes and a poor understanding of human fashion (or possibly a time-traveler from an eighties music video).  He was talking loudly and passionately (ranting was perhaps a better word) to another dark haired man, this one tall and beautifully androgynous, who was clad in a loud Hawaiian shirt, socks with sandals, and a smug expression that indicated he was wearing all of this ironically.  A pendant hung around his neck, with what appeared to be Norse runes, and a tiny pair of gold horns.  From the snatches of conversation that he could hear, Shinobi gathered that the badly-dressed man was named Max, and he claimed to be royalty (didn’t they all), and hated his brother, while the beautiful hipster regarded all this with patient amusement.  The hipster was almost pretty enough to peak Shinobi’s interest, but he couldn’t forgive that outfit.
           Then again, there was a gorgeous Indian woman sitting out on the sand, with a dark waterfall of hair cascading down her back.  She had an aura of sweetness and calm that seemed out of place among the rest of the patrons, as she gazed out at the sea.  As if to complete the Disney-like picture, a bird fluttered down and landed on her outstretched fingers.  Shinobi wondered if she’d maintain that supposed innocence between the sheets.  
           He finished his margarita, and signaled for another.  The bartender was a solidly-built man with brown hair laced with grey, and a weather-beaten face that seemed to put him in his late forties or early fifties.  Shinobi watched for a moment in fascination as the man poured ingredients into a silver shaker, then kept his hand perfectly still as the shaker seemed to vibrate of its own accord.  There was something familiar about the man, but Shinobi couldn’t be bothered to remember. Shinobi was here to drink, fuck, and relax.  Speaking of which….he let his gaze wander back to the Indian woman, wondering how to best approach her.
           “I wouldn’t bother, mate,” came a voice from beside him.  The man was slim and wiry, with a shock of curly blond hair, and a smoother face that seemed to indicate that he was a little younger than the bartender (or, at least, had a better understanding of moisturizer.)  “She ain’t interested.  She’s mostly here to try to get us all to change our ways and see the light.”  The accent was Australian, not as elegant as British, Shinobi thought, but pleasant enough on the ear.
           “She’s got no business acting like she’s better than any of us,” scoffed the bartender as he passed Shinobi his drink.  “She’s here for a reason.”
           “And I’m glad she is,” said Shinobi, taking a sip and nodding approvingly.  “I like a challenge.  People rarely say ‘no’ to me.”
           The blond shrugged.  “She’ll probably just start talking about compassion, and try to convince you to go feed the homeless with her, but go ahead.  Your funeral, mate.”  He winked at Shinobi, and the bartender suddenly scowled.  Shinobi had seen that look many times before, in many bars, parties and high-end clubs.  He just flashed the bartender a dazzling smile in return.  It wasn’t his fault that he was so beautiful.
           “Maybe you could do some actual work today, Johnny?”  
         “What? After I spent all morning working my fingers to the bone slicing limes?  And this is the thanks I get?”  The blond held his hand out to Shinobi, as if to show how he had toiled.  The hands showed no signs of hard work, but there was scarring across the knuckles indicating that the blond, like the bartender, was no stranger to a fight.
           “Oh, yes, I’m sure that was such hard work.  However would I cope without you?”  The bartender rolled his eyes, wiping down the bar.
           “You’d be lost without me and you know it, Dom,” the blond grinned, now winking at him.  “Besides, I am working.  I’m socializing with the patrons, and making sure that everyone is happy.”
           The blond was a potential prospect, Shinobi decided, if the Indian woman responded coldly.  He was handsome, even with the faint pockmarks on his face that resembled old acne scars. And he seemed upbeat and fun, which fit Shinobi’s mood entirely.  The blond had lit a match from one of the books stacked on the bar, and was letting the flame dance across his fingers in the shape of a butterfly.
           “We’re co-owners,” he explained, nodding back towards the bartender.
           “Partners, you could say,” the bartender emphasized.      
           “You could say that, indeed.”
           Shinobi was moderately amused by the man’s little show.  It was nothing special, but still, powers were better than no powers.
           “Why ‘Elysium’?” he asked conversationally, glancing at the matchbook printed with the bar’s name.
           “It’s that place in Hades for the good people, ain’t it?” responded the blond, still letting the fire flutter around his hands.  “And this is a little slice of paradise for those of us who really ought to be in Hell.  I thought it was fitting.”
           “Too pretentious if you ask me,” grumbled the bartender.  “I wanted to call the place Tremors.”
           “Yeah, and I wanted to call it Disco Inferno, but those are both a bit too on the nose, right?  This place only functions if we keep a low profile.”
           “That works fine for me,“ said Shinobi.  “Low profile is exactly what I need right now.  I appreciate your discretion.”
           “We aim to please,” said the blonde, leaning a little closer to Shinobi.  The bartender gave a loud sigh.
           “And now,” Shinobi decided, standing up from the bar, “I’m going to try my luck with that beauty.”
           “Yeah, sure, enjoy the morality lecture,” said the bartender.  
           “I’ll just sit here and watch you fail,” smirked the blond, confiscating Shinobi’s unfinished margarita and taking a swig.
           “Watch a master at work, then, perhaps you’ll learn something,” Shinobi said grandly, striding down the sand towards the Indian woman, mentally pulling up his best pick-up lines.
Shinobi does not sleep with Haven, instead she teaches him meditation techniques, and he has a very calm and restful afternoon. The pockmarks on Pyro’s face are scars left from the Legacy Virus.  He and Avalanche may or may not be partners in every sense of the word.  Maybe Avalanche is just annoyed because Pyro is flirting instead of helping him, or maybe they’re together.  Reader’s choice.  
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melodiaemfrp · 3 years
hey, it's thrall, at thrall on twitter :) it's june 7th. i'd like to reserve kim kitsuragi from disco elysium and the song from the disco elysium OST called "Boat Ride," a riff off of British Sea Power's Want To Be Free, if that matters! i'd also like to reserve misurn from dungeon meshi, and with him the song called "Used to the Darkness" by the Des Rocs. ty!
Hi Thrall!
Kim Kitsuragi from Disco Elysium along the song Boat Ride from the Disco Elysium OST have been reserved for you!
Misurn from Dungeon Meshi along with the song Used to the Darkness by Des Rocs have been reserved for you!
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sybilius · 3 years
wip word game: great, mouse, detective
10k of gamestyle disco elysium fanfiction. I am ALMOST finished my mathematician au. ALMOST. 
PROFESSOR - I thought Thursday’s talks were good, though :) 
ALGEBRA - DeMettrie’s talk on L-functions! It was great to hear about K-Theory again!
ANALYSIS - That had something for everyone! 
APPLICATION - Not *everyone*... 
CLARITY - I’m just glad we were able to follow it, after everything. 
mouse: none!
detective: I’m proud of this riff so you get the full thing under the cut:
Interact with Item: Dick Mullen and the Mistaken Identity
KIM KITSURAGI - “Getting some...hobby reading done?”
- “Wonder what it would be like if I was a detective.”
- “I’m just skimming it.”
- “Sure, something other than math, right?”
JEAN VICQUEMARE - “You pull the shit you do as a cop, someone loses their kneecaps. Or worse,” he taps his fingers in absence of an ever present cigarette, “You’d probably be no worse than the RCM already is, though.”
KIM KITSURAGI - “I thought about joining them quite seriously, once,” Kim’s eyes are focused on the road, his hands shifting the mechanical levers with ease.
JEAN VICQUEMARE - “No shit?” he leans back in the back seat consideringly, “Shadow-shill for the Moralintern…”
KIM KITSURAGI - “I also consider myself a moralist,” he pauses, letting that little bombshell settle, before adding, “For the purpose of grant proposals.”
ADMINISTRATA [Trivial: Success] - Virtually all funding from scientific grants in Revachol is supplied by the coalition. Lucky for you, sweetie, this affects mathematicians a little less than say, people looking to run huge experiments.
JEAN VICQUEMARE - “Don’t we all, Kits,” he snorts. Kim’s eyes flicker to his, but the moment passes. 
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