#jarco baby
pinkekii · 6 years
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After a long time, I finally finished Celeste’s desing  also i hope i can draw my babies often, or at least upload some messy drawings ;;
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disney-n-stuff · 7 years
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More of this AU!
Fun fact time: Noah makes jewelry! (He also gets bullied a lot hence why Pandora was standing up for him) @stardust-draws
(please do NOT edit/repost/remove caption)
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vanilla107 · 5 years
Jackie, Tom and why I love them
I know that the fandom is a little up in the air with Starco being canon and some people are angry with Jackie and Tom being used as ‘relationship fillers’ but hear me out!
I adore Jackie and Tom and I love that they were part of Marco and Star’s lives. I also love that they were the ones to break up with their respective other.
Remember, Jackie broke up with Marco and Tom broke up with Star.
Marco and Star were the dumpees, not the other way round.
I love that Jackie is quick to call out Marco when he came back from Mewni. He says “You’re my best friend.” And she immediately counters with a laugh, “Oh Marco, we both know that’s no true. Stay amazing.”
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She knows that Marco cares about Star, and after seeing him with the Mewni cape on, she knows that he wants to be with her. She is hurting when she breaks up with him but she does it anyway! BECAUSE SHE’S BADASS AND KNOWS THEIR RELATIONSHIP.
And when Jackie and Marco reunite, she has moved on and tells him to move on and try with Star.
With Tom, it took him a lot longer and I don’t blame him. He hardly saw Star when she was on Earth and he still had his anger issues to deal with. But when he saw how she was acting and delaying their trip, he went on their trip alone and gave their relationship a whole lot of thought.
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Tom didn’t want to break up with Star and you can see how much he’s hurting when he does. THIS BOY IS IN TEARS WHEN HE BREAKS UP WITH HER. He knows that it’s going to hurt but he knows that it’s for the best. He’s seen how strong Marco and Star’s bond is and even after the Blood Moon curse has been lifted, he knows there’s still feelings there.
The freaking day after Tom and Star’s break up, Tom tells Marco that if he and Star were to date, he would be fine with it. Tom is still hurting but he can see Marco and Star together. 
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It also shows how Star and Marco would’ve stayed with Jackie and Tom if neither of them intervened. Marco and Star both didn’t want the break up to happen but they know that deep down, they do have feelings for their best friends. 
The reason I love Jackie and Tom is because the way they handled it, it was so mature. They put their feelings first and avoided more hurt, even though it must’ve hurt to break up with their s/o at the time. It’s difficult and it sucks but they were really well written characters and pushed Marco and Star to be their true selves.
But these two characters are so fucking important, I cannot stress that more.
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They are the reason Marco and Star are together. They had to make a really difficult decision and hurt through it but they held strong. 
Marco would never have gone for Star while she was dating Tom and he says that he was sorry for kissing her in the photo booth. (and Marco tells Tom that he kissed Star because Tom is one of his closest friends. IF THAT’S NOT TRUST AND FRIENDSHIP THEN I DON’T KNOW WHAT IS) and the same thing goes for Star. We see that at the Love Sentence concert she is conflicted and sad but she still leaves so that Marco and Jackie can be happy.
My point is, that even though they are secondary characters and can be viewed as relationship blockers/fillers/ what ever people call them, they are still amazing characters and had a driving force in the show. They hurt, they cry but they still put their feelings first and made a decision. 
And that’s why I love Jackie and Tom.
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jess-the-vampire · 5 years
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my au’s been around since 2015 but the fic i finally made for it is now a year old!!
So here’s a piece to celebrate and thank you for your year’s worth of support that took me nearly 4 hours to complete!!
Thank you all!!
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starry-winds · 6 years
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say helloooo to my jarco babies!!!! last time i drew them was like,,,, super long ago with cringey art (most of ya’ll probably haven’t even seen it hnn) so i decided it’s tiME FOR THEIR OFFICIAL OUTFITS AND STUFF
yeeeeyy look at my babiess!!! did ya’ll notice their kinda like,,, RGB????
i hope you like them hnNnng--
also the design for daniel was done by @makanshoku !!!!! ((gotta tag u the first time hnn))
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molleyc · 5 years
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Before this year ends, I needed to do a quick recap of all my OCs  (mostly for myself)
Some you know, some are new
JILLIAN (TomJackie)  ,  DRAM & VALERIE (GlobgorCelena)  ,  DENEB (TomStar) ,  MADDIE (MarcoStar)  ,  MARI (MarcoJackie)  ,  NEBULA (MoonEclipsa)  ,  ATHREUS (GlobgorEclipsa)  ,  MILLIE (StarPonyhead)  ,  01 (artificial by MinaLoveberry)
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toonsforkicks22 · 6 years
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Sean Vs. the Forces of Evil!
Happy birthday to Josh Sussman, the voice of Sean!
Possible SVTFOE AU. :D
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ailascrbls · 6 years
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a rough sketch of my beautiful starco twins; Stellanovienne and Maurian Butterfly-Diaz in The Mewni Games AU. 
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wolfetori · 7 years
Ok. So I got a brief tomco moment and a beautiful tomstar confirmation. That's nice. But jarco breakup also confirmed. Marco doesn't seem too upset about it. Maybe he's just grown out of Jackie. But also he seems way more imature than he used to, and Star is way more mature??? Idk, but I love eclipsa, still miss Jackie hella crazy, still don't want starco, still like tomstar, and still heart-throb over the littlest tomco moment. My fucking multishipping heart.
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flx-res · 3 years
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A purrfect gift
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FULL HD pages on my DeviantArt
Star helps Jackie find a home for a super rare black and white kitty.
The 2nd story. At first I wasn't sure about doing this comic but I really wanted to do something about my precious Jackie (not just a short appearance like in the episode Britta's Tacos) and I thought it'd be good for my weak heart and for you to do something nice, cute, fluffy and sweet (kind of) before the chaos begins and we all cry.
First of all I wanna tell you that Chloe isn't gonna be in this universe, because of 2 reasons, I didn't want to make 'em break up eventually cause y'know Jarco is canon here, I'm a weak creature, aandd bc if she'd be here the story I planned for this comic couldn't happen... butterfly effect uwur. But I really love 'em together and I'll make them canon in another kind of au owo.
As Jackie loves cats I thought it wouldn't be crazy that Star got Mr. Panda pants from her, aaaaand I was always wondering how I was going to make Tom and Jackie meet, bc they're my babies I wanted it to be special, not some casual occasion like "ooh yes this is my friend Jackie" y'know xD
Well they don't meet here actually but I connected some things to make that happen, the kitty and Starship are the key.
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shacesstarblog · 7 years
Jarco's child
Name: Lauren Diaz
Gender: Fluid
General Appearance: Tall and lanky, dark hair with a blue streak, green eyes, likes wearing overalls.
Personality: Laid back, occasionally competitive, smart, creative, practical.
Special Talents: Good at poetry, likes to skateboard
Who they like better: Jackie
Who they take after more: Jackie
Personal Head canon: She loves staying with her Diaz grandparents he visits for a week every summer. They discovered their gender fluidity at a young age and everyone took it pretty well; Marco was a little worried it might result in Lauren being bullied but there hasn’t really been a lot of problems.
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disney-n-stuff · 7 years
Noah Diaz is a pure boy I love him thank you for creating him
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He loves you too anon! @stardust-draws
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creathechiboi · 3 years
Wow, hey, the rant’s here.
Just a heads up, this is (of course) gonna contain spoilers for everything up to S3 EP11 “Death Peck/Ponynomium,” so yeah, you’ve been warned. As for season 2, i’ll try to count everything but my god, it's a lot to say.
Seeing as i also have all the time in the world to rant, i will try and get into as many goods and bads, but i’m unfortunately as lazy as i am hooked to the show, so i guess i’ll take questions if i missed anything. at the end will be my plans for fanfics and fanart in the future and my last short thoughts.
Yes this is long as hell but deal with it, it’s my post, I do what I want. Be happy i got a spoiler warning on this or else this would’ve clogged your feed a LOT. (2.8k words incoming!)
I think i was nearly 12 when star vs. the forces of evil first premiered on Disney XD and it was one of the best times of my life, especially since i was just a kid who didn’t know jack about anything in life and just wanted to have fun. At the time, i don’t think i’d say that because… idk, what does a kid know about knowing the worth of ‘now?’
So when i am once again pulled into the temptation and great feeling of nostalgia and into the love of western cartoons such as Steven Universe and Owl House (which I will check out btw), i just needed to push away any worries i had and just return to what i loved when i was young. And it ABSOLUTELY did not help that the last episode I watched was Bon Bon the Birthday Clown, which is literally the front door of what i like to call ‘when-the-show-gets-real’ phase. So finally, years after its premiere and fewer after its end, here’s what i got so far about star vs. the forces of evil. I’ll go over what i consider crucial and all above.
(i’m not going back to episodes for a quick reminder, too lazy *after about 20 minutes in, i went against my word, but thank u to alyciadweeb for uploading reaction vids, saved me a lotta time.)
Season 1.
I think the episode list was fairly strong in this one. it nicely showed what it had to offer, what was to be expected going forward and how each character acted. Its ‘left-field’ progress is very charming, refreshing and random with each episode and the subject matter of everything under the list of ‘wholesome’ coming from Star mixed in with exciting and thrilling action and fight scenes is just so good.
Some highlights from this season were (and some are very obvious) Star Comes to Earth since it’s basically season one in a nutshell, Mewberty because i find it to be pretty suspenseful and i like star’s form, The Blood Moon Ball (you know why), Fortune Cookies for introducing Toffee nicely and pushing subtle plot, Marco Grows a Beard for Toffee again and showing off what Star is made of, and Storm the Castle. no words for Storm the Castle.
Considering the starco burn, it was nice and slow while staying pretty unpredictable as to how it would continue and even more conclude. Party with a Pony, Blood Moon Ball, and Storm the Castle were great for the burn because it showed what they were willing to do for each other and even through some rough talks, they can understand that they’re both on the same page of trying to stay alive.
Going over CHARACTERS, i think the main ones have contributed greatly to the season and are layered well. Star is naive but not so much to where it’s irritatingly stupid (imo btw), sweet, and so considerate of those who are in need of help such as in Mewnipendence Day when it clicked that PERHAPS monsters had it badly in both the history and present time.
Marco is cool yet awkward, he’s obviously super cautious being the Safe Kid he is, and the way he lets his concern take control to fight or monitor Star regardless of consequences displays just how much good he has for what he cares for.
Oskar and Jackie were pretty likeable whenever they appeared, their cool nature is relaxing and easy to love, and I understand love interests being an addition to the romantical aspect of the show and I can totally roll with it. I was super into Janna’s traits considering her side being stalker-ish (okay, VERY), forward, and a huge trickster, plus her dynamic with Marco is really enjoyable and I could side with their ship.
Ludo was playing a pretty good antagonist, but not enough for me to root for him. I think the ‘antagonist’ should be well made to where you despise them but at the same time you’re hyped the next time you spot him because the story will be pushed in a direction you didn’t anticipate. Which is where Toffee comes in.
This is pretty debateable; Toffee’s introduction is an antagonist’s introduction done right, at least as far as cartoon shows go. Maybe. At his first appearance, he only seemed off, strange, a character with a very ambiguous mission. Before I noticed, he became the one I wanted to see the most, the one that would bring the show its best colors and deepest moments. And his traits just make it so much better, he is meticulous yet his plans are mysterious, unsettling, unusually still and calm, and just truly evil.
And then the next season arrived.
Season 2.
Entering this felt pretty nerve-racking, but I was also excited to catch up to when I last separated from this show. After breaking through the Bon Bon episode and finishing the season, I can say that season 2 was really, REALLY good. To me. And seeing as this prick has 22 episodes, I will try to mention all the crucials and highlights in a messy mixture.
The first episode/season debut did a great job of starting a new plot with new moving parts and staying somewhat connected with the first season. ‘Dip down’ was a really cool ability to see Star unlock, yet I didn’t catch her continuing with said ability. Ludo’s episode was really entertaining and it got me wondering where the plot was going with Ludo still involved. There’s a moment where you just know when to drop the antagonist, and with Toffee ‘gone,’ I would say that dropping Ludo would’ve been the best choice to move on.
[Ludo in The Wild, Wand to Wand, By the Book, Bon Bon, Is Mystery] Except that it resulted in the best pair of villains for the season. Ludo finally became a menace worth taking seriously, someone who had minions who took him more seriously than his previous, and with Toffee technically ‘in charge’ and corrupting magic, it was the best hint to something huge and dangerous growing in the distance.
[Wand to Wand, By The Book, Into The Wand, Bon Bon, Just Friends, Face the Music, Starcrushed] The corruption of the wands was one of my favorite ongoing points in this season. At first, I would’ve never suspected Toffee was behind it all and that it was a result of destroying the wand (it just clicked how he ended up in the wand, omfg, S3). As it kept going, I understood that the wand was never supposed to work completely for Ludo, that it was all part of a much more complicated plan for Toffee to return and just destroy magic for good. As for Star, it’s...I don’t know. The fact that her emotions, either good or bad, were mostly the ropes pulling the wand to function properly was very interesting, and even more so when Star was distracted by her own jealousy and anger towards the Jarco ship.
(And being the fanfic lover I am, I would’ve loved for the jealousy to kick up the evil magic and anger to Jackie because… ._ . Because I like drama and I’m a weeb who likes yandere moments. All love to Jackie though, great character, I just need drama.)
[Mr. Candle Cares, Friend-enemies] Before hitting the romance portion, I just wanna shove in my appreciation for the bond growing between Marco and Tom. Despite being a pretty short 2 episodes, I think they did a good job of bringing the two to a better spot in their relationship and being able to discuss Star without weird tropes such as Tom trying to keep Marco away from Star (which I guess he did, but whatevs) or Tom trying to get with Star for 11 minutes, which would’ve been pain—ful. Much love to the Tomco shippers !
[Camping Trip, Sleepover, Naysaya, Bon Bon, Trickstar, Just Friends, Face the Music, Starcrushed.] Iiiiii..The triangle was great here. I think these episodes did a good job with progressing the Jarco ship and watching Star having to third wheel or try to suppress her feelings was saddening until she was hit with her own truth, which then led to her being the one verifying it instead of hiding it forever. It was relieving that she had the chance, even if it had to lead to separation because of plot, which was the best and worst cliffhanger to leave on.
[Cont. of above.] I didn’t really see a reason to bring back Oskar in the last episode, especially at the highest point and at the very end of the season. I suppose it was for Star to try and develop a new love, something to pull her away from Marco, but like—there could’ve been many other ways to accomplish distance, no? Maybe I’m wrong, but it didn’t feel completely right when I watched it. Also I only included Camping Trip and Trickstar because I like to wonder how Starco would’ve come closer by being alone in the woods and that line Marco gives when he has his joy sucked out is just so out there. They might have been Marco’s doubts or being insecure of how it would go with Jackie, but it’s also funny to think that it was written in because of its seriousness.
[Running with Scissors.] This is just ‘The Hekapoo x Marco Fanfiction’ episode, plus I think it was one of the best concepts for an episode. One thing that does tick at me is that Marco continues to be himself instead of mentally matured since his mind has aged 16 more years.
(this is becoming longer than I guessed, but let’s keep going. Kudos if you made it here, and more if to the end.)
[Page Turner, Into the Wand, Baby, Running with Scissors, Face the Music, Starcrushed.] The Butterfly’s and the Magic High Commission. I was very hooked to Glossaryck and his connection to what I guessed were some ‘very important people.’  It always felt like he played a much bigger role than just the explainer of the Book of Spells, and that he possibly knew what cards were going to be dealt later on. The members of the Commission were all unique, loveable, and clearly held power that I was excited to see. But even after saying all that, my biggest questions rested on Moon and Eclipsa. Moon coming into the picture was a huge alarm and seeing her involved in the conflict for the safety of her daughter and magic kept me on edge. Having Eclipsa pop up often meant she would most likely meddle with oncoming situations in the next season and Baby comparing Star to her made me want to know what that meant for Star, her desires, and goals.
Season 3.
aaaAHHHHHHH—Okay, let’s make this fast. Season 3 hit me really really hard. So what better way to start than with The Battle for Mewni?
[The Battle for Mewni episodes.] As much as I’d like to peek into the romance, I need to stay organized and follow my own plan. This portion was the best way to resume the plot and I legitimately couldn’t stop until I had finished it and witnessed the conclusion. Moon’s backstory brought much more info for Toffee and Eclipsa and gave her own perspective as to how she acted when she was Star’s age; she wasn’t any wiser than Star was in the present, she made mistakes too.
[Cont.] A part of me was worried that maybe evil would have the last laugh, everything just seemed to appear as if the worst was meant to happen. Glossaryck was gone, the High Commission may never return, Star would most likely stay within the wand forever. And then I reached the battle against Toffee and it was one of the most exciting, most moving moments I have ever seen. Plus, I get to see Star not only ‘dip down,’ but morph into a whole new beautiful yet scary form.
And can I just mention how AMAZING the ending song is?! I’m a big music fan, but even without my studies and without experiencing a pile of diverse music, this ending song would continue to give me shivers and bring a smile to my face.
[Cont.] If it wasn’t for the Blood Moon’s assurance that Starco’s souls are bound together for eternity, I wouldn’t reeeaally see a reason for Marco to arrive at Mewni and become roped into the conflict. I would’ve thought that maybe this would be Star’s fight and Marco would face a much longer wait before deciding to leave and stay in Mewni. With all that said, Marco’s experience with Mewni and then returning to Earth is a good way for him to realize that he couldn’t completely forget and that he truly wanted to live there.
I blame River for a majority of it. Dumb meat cape.
[Moon the Undaunted, Stranger Danger, Lint Catcher, Sweet Dreams.] My god, Eclipsa is so likeable and I absolutely cannot trust myself with the choice of trusting her or not. She is so sweet and understanding when both Moon and Star dumped their personal problems onto her, her attitude is nonchalant and cheeky, and I can totally see where Star’s rebellious side came from, both just have their own ways and plans to get what they need. All knowledge is good knowledge after all.
[Scent of a Hoodie, Lint Catcher, Sophomore Slump.] You know, I’m somewhat glad that Starco’s bond is taking a few steps back and even more awkward than before. It was super cute (and gross) that Star continued to miss Marco to the point where she lied in order to keep a piece of him with her. I don’t fully believe that Marco initially returned to Mewni for Star but more so as a result of his days being cooped up in it. While it meant that Jackie understood fully and tore her ties with him as to make the feeling go away faster, it was a new door for Marco to enter and better enjoy than to be the ‘croissant girl.’
[Cont.] The part where the roles were reversed and now Marco was the one dropping into Star’s life was a new take on a used beginning that I enjoyed, and showed that some time needed to pass before things would return to normal.
[Club Snubbed, Demoncism, Lava Lake Beach.] I almost ALMOST had this strong feeling, this permanent question, which was ‘why the hell would you bring TomStar back?’ If it was for the Starco slow burn, I was completely certain that there were better ways to develop the ship. If I remember correctly (if I’m wrong, this is still good), Star had her attention on trying to be the best princess she could be, so why not have her try and use that as distance and denial while Marco continued as he did, like a squire, just someone by her side?
[Cont.] After about 2 days of thinking, I just decided to drop it into the excuse of Star successfully finding a new love in an old flame (ayy, fire pun). Love is just complicated like that, even Marco faced the same feeling when seeing the two and found himself a breakup buddy in the form of the great Kelly (Kellco is great btw). While this explanation suffices, I still have a pinch of doubt in it.
I am not prepared to drop this show. These characters, this story, all of it just leads me to want more, for the story to continue and it’s what leads me to click the next episode but at the same time want to hold back to make it last longer. Sometimes wanting to feel what you felt before leaves a sharp feeling when it’s all gone. It feels much worse when I’m going through a big part of life, and trying to feel memories just makes you remember that it doesn’t last forever. While the Season 3 ED brings me joy, it constantly reminds me that I’ll have to finish the show soon.
But past the nostalgia, I feel a once dead love for shows return to my heart. This show reminds me that sometimes it’s okay to indulge in entertainment, in great plots and characters that you end up loving forever. I hope that I can find time for shows and bring back the great feeling this show always does when I watch it.
I’m planning to resume my fanfic writing and begin a fanart series based on SVTFOE, but also try and bring and continue other series that I love today and then. And these won’t be WIPS and drafts, I want to go all out.
Thank you for reading all…this. It means a lot. I’ll be back when I finish the whole show. This’ll be a painful, wonderful, great experience, and I won’t take it for granted.
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jess-the-vampire · 3 years
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Participating in my pals @kyotemeru-arts and @fuluv ‘s liil star vs oc month with my characters!
I swapped the last two out cause personally i prefer not to mess with the hekapoo ships with jarco and jankie who were pretty snubbed from the list
enjoy my babies
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Incorrect Recap - S2
Alright @seddm​, Round 2 it is! My first round and his first round. Let’s get it on!
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My New Wand - Star learns wandless magic in order to prevent starco from being canon early because why would we want that? It’s just the only thing everyone wants.
Ludo In The Wild - A nature documentary is the best way to show what Ludo has been up to.
Mr. Candle Cares - Tom does something wrong again and everyone still spends four years trying to convince me that he didn’t, and even if he did, it’s okay.
Red Belt - A Marco-centric story is the best way to catch up on some character development. Also, the Diaz’s are afraid of the store?
Star On Wheels - A car chase through a southern California freeway is the best way to show Star and Marco’s trust deepening.
Fetch - A dog from another dimension tries to fry its own brain to catch a break. I’m sorry, what?
Star Vs Echo Creek - Star runs away from accepting responsibility from a crime she committed and Marco spends all day and all night trying to look for her (but we don’t see that part).
Wand To Wand - Wand to wand, man to man, hand to hand. Both Star and Ludo learn to use their half of the wand.
Starstruck - Star learns the same lesson we all do, never meet your heroes.
Camping Trip - River travels dimensions through sheer force of will to be a third wheel to Star and Marco’s camping trip.
Starsitting - Babysitting is the best way to show how Star and Marco’s dynamic would be married with children.
On The Job - Buff Frog does as any good single dad would do and goes out to try to bring home the bacon...er, corn.
Goblin Dogs - The show beats down the Marco money joke until we’re introduced to a character I slowly start to hate.
By The Book - Glossaryck uses his omniscience to fuck with Star, and we learn that Ludo does know Marco’s name.
Game of Flags - Star makes her own team of two with Marco at a family reunion as they a play a game that everyone is a little too into. It’s like playing football at Thanksgiving in Texas. Even the people who don’t like football are suddenly experts.
Girls’ Day Out - Star and Janna totally become friends as Marco gets a reminder of that Jackie body. I mean, DAMN.
Sleepover - A magic box voiced by Goku forces the characters to develop.
Gift of the Card - Star and Marco act more like a canon couple than most canon couples and my favorite character name is introduced.
Friendenemies - Tom and Marco actually bond over boy bands and karate movies. I’d actually buy into this if Tom fans hadn’t been talking shit to me this whole time.
Is Mystery - Buff Frog goes up the ranks of everyone’s favorite character list by furthering the main plot.
Hungry Larry - An interdimensional terror is the best way to teach Rafael that adult fear is legitimate fear.
Spider with a Top Hat - My eight year old niece turns to me and asks, “Are we still watching Star vs?” because neither one of use could believe the crap we were looking at.
Into the Wand - We learn that Toffee is corrupting the wand and the magic but Star doesn’t figure it out until much later.
Pizza Thing - Pony Head makes everything worse for Marco because she’s Pony Head. It’s kind of her thing.
Page Turner - Star proves that she’s a Gen Z-er by believing that ancient dark voodoo whatever isn’t a big deal.
Naysaya - Tom does something wrong again and again everyone tries to tell me that he didn’t, and even if he did, it’s okay.
Bonbon The Birthday Clown - Star vs pulls a hard Toradora by having Star realize that more Jarco time does mean less Starco time. Ludo steals the book and changes the game for the characters and the plot.
Raid the Cave - Star and Marco pull a Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Star’s parents do what all leaders do and try to downplay the severity of the crisis.
Trickstar - "Weird” Al Yankovic sucks the joy out of people which is the opposite of what he does IRL.
Baby - A cute little cat thing gives Star a reality check.
Running with Scissors - A crazy episode about Marco getting his own dimensional scissors has so many terrible ramifications through the fandom. Like my God I fucking hate all you dumb motherfuckers “He’s 30. He’s 30.” THINK FOR FIVE FUCKING SECONDS YOU PIECES OF SHIT. DID NO ONE THINK WHILE MAKING OR WATCHING THIS EPISODE? AARKDAKL;SDF
I’m sorry. I lost my head for a while there.
Mathmagic - Star almost destroys the multiverse because she’s not good at math.
The Bounce Lounge - Star tries to save her favorite hangout and...that’s really it.
Crystal Clear - There are few things worse than watching a dumbass try to be smart, as Star learns.
The Hard Way - Ludo learns a spell. One spell. Singular. Toffee shows himself again.
Heinous - Marco’s parents will believe anything.
All Belts Are Off - Marco tries to get the approval of someone who really isn’t worth it, and turns out, Star really is a bug.
Collateral Damage - Star learns how crazy the people of Echo Creek actually are and Marco becomes an odd number because he literally can’t even in this episode.
Just Friends - The show pulls a Toradora for the second time but far worse.
Face the Music - Patrick Stump figures out what took everyone else two seasons to learn that STAR BUTTERFLY IS IN LOVE WITH HER BEST FRIEND...and his name is Marco Diaz. Star’s parents face political blowback because they’re just the worst.
Starcrushed - All of my worst hopes and fears come true until that last minute.
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nina-a-pines · 4 years
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I keep not being able to draw. So thank you once more, Picrew, for getting me a way to bring my characters to life!
The baby of the time is Halie Thomas-Diaz, my first (and so far only) Jarco kid <3
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