#jared lynburn
funnybookquotez · 2 years
Kami: You’ve got to dance like nobody’s watching, Jared.
Jared: Have you considered that perhaps nobody’s watching because they’re too embarrassed for you?
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bookcub · 2 years
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quotes from the lynburn legacy by sarah rees brennan (1/2)
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displayheartcode · 1 year
Listen my dream special edition of The Lynburn Legacy books would include
Hardbacks! Pretty new illustrations for the covers!
Kathleen Jennings with the chapter title illustrations and interior artwork
Endpapers would be something like patterned foxes and daggers (book one), lakes and pens (book two), bonfires and newspapers (book three)
Embossed stamps on the naked covers, maybe a silhouette of Kami (book one), Jared (book two), and Angela (book three)
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lariablog · 4 years
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New pic for the Lynburn Legacy serie :)
As for Kami, I have always been in love with Jared and his sense of humor, just thinking about some of his conversations with her or Ash makes me burst into tears with laughter!
And I think that the best part is that he should appear from the outside as one of the darkest character with all of his “bad boy” vibe (with the exception of his “manly” brown leather jacket!).. as they say, never judge the book by its cover!
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goodgrammaritan · 4 years
Favorite lines from Untold by Sarah Rees Brennan
p31: “Don’t think of it as a present. Think of it as a bribe for your silence.” -Kami Glass
p62: “He’s a good kisser. He kisses like a minx. Like a minx on fire.” -Kami Glass
p158: Kami picked up a pen from the desk and put it in her pocket, because she was now a kleptomaniac for great justice.
p206: “I will overcome temptation, no matter how temptacious.” -Rusty Montgomery
p192: “Why is it always saucy o’clock for tavern wenches, that is what I want to know.” -Kami Glass
p211: Kami had never liked Aurimere. There was something about the way she had been insulted and assaulted there a bunch of times that had really put her off.
p227: “Being able to depend on someone doesn’t mean you’re dependent on them.” -Jared Lynburn
p260: Kami patted Dad on the arm to console him for Lillian Lynburn’s entire personality.
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hari-elric · 5 years
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Books Read in 2019 (8/?)  » Unspoken (The Lynburn Legacy #1) by Sarah Rees Brennan
“Well. Yes. Someone's trying to kill me. But you don't have to make such a big deal out of it.”
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undyinq · 5 years
I said once that my idea of happiness is to always be with you, and it is. I’m always going to think of you as the source of everything. To me, the sun rises and sets on you. You make all things true. I am in love with you, and I cannot imagine being in love with anyone else. It would be like becoming someone else. Your name was the first word for love I ever knew.
Sarah Rees Brennan, from Unmade
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bookseraph · 6 years
Jared: "Your mom's not the boss of you."
Ash: "My mom's kind of the boss of me."
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dlightwoodbane · 7 years
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Kami and Jared (Unspoken)
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elizabethbcnnet · 7 years
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L y n b u r n   L e g a c y // S a r a h  R e e s  B r e n n a n
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thebestoftimes · 7 years
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25/ ??? Favorite Book Characters Jared Lynburn from The Lynburn Legacies by Sarah Rees Brennan
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funnybookquotez · 4 years
Ash: We have some important stuff already.
Lillian: What do you mean?
Jared: He wants to know you love him more than that stupid house.
Lillian: It is a very nice house. Your ancestors are buried in the crypt of that house.
Jared: Sure. Okay. We’ll get our lovely creepy house back. When they bury me in that crypt, I want “Jared, very inbred, deeply uncomfortable about it” on my tombstone.
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bookcub · 6 years
Kami and Jared have one of my favorite fictional romances and I always forget how MUCH I love them until I am reading the books again.
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bleepabloopa · 7 years
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drew kami and jared being happy together cos im a huge sap
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lariablog · 6 years
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The Lynburn Legacy serie was the very first one that I started drawing and wanted to show... it all began from little sktches that I made while reading the books using just little pieces of paper and pencils. 
It then evolved into those colourless drawings that I posted, where I really wanted to focus just on the main features of the characters, like the hair and the eye colour, because those were the distinctive points that I used to recognized all of them from.
But now I’m starting to watch to all of them again and realizing something’s missing, something that makes them all more real.
That is why I chose to retouch them, finishing them with this more colourful version!
Hope you like it! :)
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goodgrammaritan · 4 years
Favorite lines from Unmade by Sarah Rees Brennan
p41: Rusty hesitated, and fear crawled through Kami’s body, lacing her blood with ice. It felt, she thought wildly, stupidly, like someone was trying to make a margarita of dread in her veins.
p106: “Oh, come on,” said Holly. "What’s that thing you say? The past is another country. You make out with different people there.”
p140: “I didn’t achieve you. You are the greatest achievement of your own life. And you are great beyond my imagination.” -Jon Glass
p146: “Don’t waste time blaming yourself when you can spend time planning how to destroy our enemies.” -Lillian Lynburn
p182: “I hear girls like bad boys. I hope that’s true,” Jared said. “Because, baby, I’m bad at practically everything.”
p183: “I am so sad about my underwear,” Kami announced, and Ash looked as if he regretted all of his life decisions.
p201: Kami saw why so many teenagers who had adventures in books were interestingly tragic orphans. Parents were a real buzzkill, adventure-wise.
p236: “If I show consideration for others,” Lillian Lynburn said grumpily, “will you tell me again about how you shot my husband?”
Jon rolled his eyes. “Yes, Leigh, if you manage to approximate human behavior for half an hour, I will tell you your favorite story again.”
p238: “Hey, Kami. I was wondering if I could get a dance with the best-looking girl in the room.” (Ash)
“Sure,” Kami said. “Go ask Angela, but I’m going to give her an alibi for the murder, because that’s what best friends do.”
p319: “My baby girl has a way with words,” said Jon. “You’re wasting your talent on journalism, though. You should write the text for video games.”
p368: “Your courtship methods of arrogance, self-loathing, and then telling me how beautiful other girls are is pretty unique,” said Kami. “I like it. I don’t know what that says about me.”
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