Truce? (Jared Kleinman x Reader)
Earlier you posted a "Send me a prompt and I'll write a fanfic about it." so my prompt is, Getting out from the water you muttered an angry, " 'Come with us' he/she said. 'It'll be fun' he/she said." You can use any character and any gender. I don't mind what gender the reader is as long as it's a character x reader story. (Sorry if I'm asking for too much.)
Note: I did Jared Kleinman x reader (bc this prompt is from when I was strictly deh imagines lol) but they aren’t exactly together or get together, just really flirty ig lol
“No, no, no, Jared, I swear to fucking god if you throw me in that water I will end you, do you hear me Kleinma-“ your pleas were cut short by water surrounding you as your best friend threw you into the pool, despite your begging and pounding on his back with your fists once he had lifted you. You immediately stood from the cold water and gasped for air, rubbing water and your now drenched hair from your face. You could hear Jared’s obnoxious laughter to your right, along with your other friends, Zoe, Alana, Connor, and Evan chuckling slightly.
Getting out from the water you muttered an angry, "’Come with us' he said. 'It'll be fun' he said." You calmly walked to the chair you had claimed at your arrival and grabbed the towel laying on it, drying the water off your face. You heard the laughter die down as could feel the groups eyes burning into your back as they waited for your inevitable attempt at revenge, but you did nothing. Nothing yet, at least. You simply dried the rest of your body and sat back on the chair, opening your book to continue where you left off. You remained quiet and calm for the rest of the night, until eventually everyone seemed to forget the incident.
“I’m gonna go get another Coke, I’ll be right back,” you said to your friends, before going inside to do just that. You watched out the window as Jared told some elaborate story to the group, which he had been telling before you came inside but you were only half listening. You were too distracted by the way his nose crinkled whenever he was laughing at something particularly funny in his story and then had to readjust his glasses again and again, or how he talked with his hands so without sound he looked like he was flagging down something far away. He looked just as ridiculous from behind, but also just as distracted. So he didn’t notice when you creeped back out the door, or when you put a finger to your lips to your friends that could see and anticipate your ever movement. In fact, he didn’t even noticed you had come back out until he had shrieked when you pushed him to the side into the water, which was likely even colder than before since it had gotten significantly darker since he threw you on.
He came up gasping for air and rubbing his eyes under his glasses, “Holy shit, Y/N!” He laughed out. You laughed hysterically back at him.
“Yes,” you cheered, “victory at last! I win, Kleinman!” You danced around a bit, oblivious to the adoring smirk on the soaking boys face as he watched, despite the water dripping from his glasses.
After you had finished celebrating and Jared had dried off and finished cursing you, the group sat around the fire pit. It was quiet, but comfortable. Blankets were draped around your shoulders, you and Jared sharing one. Zoe and Evan sat on either side of Connor, both leaning into him and both dead asleep. Connor was fighting sleep clearly, keeping watch over the two, while Alana had had to go home a little less than an hour ago. You and Jared, the notable night owls of the group, were left, watching the fire burn peacefully.
“Hey, truce?” He whispered, breaking the silence and holding out a hand for you to shake. You giggled softly and shook his hand, mumbling a ‘truce’ back to him in agreement. You both leaned back against the cushion of the loveseat you sat on. Yawning, you let your head rest on Jared’s shoulder as you drifted to sleep, but you hadn’t fallen asleep just yet when Jared placed a gentle kiss to your damp hair and let his arm wrap around your waist, tightening the blanket around you. You smiled and allowed yourself to nuzzle into him more before finally falling asleep.
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heyo1itz3alex-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
"That's an awful lot of details.. Jared are you gay?" (Y/n) tilted her head. He scoffs, "no! I'm bi" he stated. (Y/n) snorts, "you're telling me you think George is a attractive?" "Yeah, and you don't?" He raised an eyebrow. " - from Jared Kleinman X Reader (SLOW) (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/UGi25X8nUI
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evanhansenwho-blog · 7 years
Sincerely Three x Reader Getting a pet
okay ive just been watching a lot of jennas videos and i watched the video from when they got their hamster and i just started thinking about these and im so in love oh my god okay anYwAyS
this is the first thing im writing for a while and the first deh related thing ive written so ??? sorry if its trash
CONNOR -Has a weird relationship with animals -theyre just not his thing so he was really confused when you asked him to get one -“Babe can we get like a pet”
“A fucking wha t”
“A pet”
“What why” -Would be reluctant at first but would eventually cave -he was much more excited than you, despite his disinterest earlier -eventually Connor would get lost and youd find him crying holding a cat -“Babe whats wrong”
“I love him can we get him plEasE”
“of course” -you get a small orange kitty and name him a weird name thats not really a name like fielding or some shit -but its okay because he makes Connor smile -also he sleeps in your bed and gets much more cuddles than you do -Connor often takes Fielding to the park and he weirdly lives it and he rolls around in the grass with Connor -Fielding gets so much attention and love from you Connor and anyone who comes to visit and he claws at you when he wants attention -You get a tortoise and Fielding just stares and sniffs her and Connor cant stop laughing -You love your boys
EVAN -Is sort of uncomfortable with getting a pet because of his anxiety -“Okay but what if we go out of town we cant take them with us what are we gonna do theyll die”
“Babe Alana and Zoe have three dogs im sure they wont mind watching another pet” -Before leaving to get a pet you do lots of research on what kinds of animals help calm anxiety -you end up getting a baby boxer (if you get a baby of a bigger dog it will help people with anxiety bond with them before they get big and theyll trust them more) -you name her aspen after Evans favorite type of tree -Evan is distant from her at first and never even goes near her -One day you convince him yo pet her and he has the biggest smile on his face its so cute -occasionally youll come home from work or the store and theyll be cuddled on the couch or the bed alseep or watching tv -Evan makes the bold decision to buy two canaries just out of te blue and you come home like what the fuck ??? -“Babe why are there birds”
“I didnt buy them”
“Wait then who did ???”
“Connor he talked me into it their names are Cornelius and Poppy and i love them very much” -You also end up getting a Bernese Mountain dog and name him Bernie
JARED -jumps at the idea of getting a pet -seriously he doesnt even wait for you he just leaves and starts driving away -“dude are you serious”
“dude lets just get a fucking dog” -is more excited than you -the pet store has so many animals its like overflowing and Jared just wants them all -he points out a gorgeous french bulldog and you instantly melt -you decide to name her Annie -“but the question is are we just getting one dog”
“ummmm no wtf” -you pick out a small Yorkshire terrier -“oh my god she looks like a fucking brownie Jared”
“oh my gOd” -Brownie always has a little bow on her head and you try to put bandanas around Annies neck but she just eats them so you found it best to just not put them on her anymore -whenever you have people over Jared introduces them as your daughters an even include them in family pictures -Annie and Brownie stay with Jareds parents when you guys go camping for two weeks (it seems long but oh my god you both need the break) -you come back and Annie is considerably lazier and starts eating way more (she starts eating from Brownies bowl too) -“damn babe Annies acting like shes fucking pregnant”
“Jared istg if your moms dog got my baby pregnant” -You take Annie to the vet while Jared is working one day and turns out yup Annies pregnant -you two being super extra have a fucking maternity shoot for her -Zoe and Alana take three of the puppies and you give the other to your parents
(okay so Jareds is really extra but i love him okay fcking fite me)
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Video Games (Jared Kleinman x Reader)
Anon request: “A song fic jared x reader based off the song "Video Games" by Lana Del Rey (or maybe they sing it together drunkenly at a karaoke night idk)”
Lana Del Ray has such a sexy and sensual sound I can’t not do a loving sensual smut to her song so here you go this is kinda smutty but also fluffy
Warnings: kinda smutty, alcohol usage, underage drinking,
Swinging in the backyard
Pull up in your fast car whistling my name
Y/N sat in the old, creaking swing-set in her backyard. Phone in hand, she looked up to the swaying trees and branches and pushed herself on the ground so she swayed calmly with them. She felt the nostalgia of trying to see how high she could swing on this set when it was first built for her third birthday, and the joy it brought her throughout the years. Who could know why a simple wooden swing-set would give Y/N enough joy to last a childhood. She thought of it until she heard the rumble of an engine get louder and louder before stopping abruptly at its park. The newest source of her joy opened his car door and closed it after him, locking the door and crossing around the side of the house to the partly rusted gate surrounding her backyard. He leaned against it and let out a low, long whistle, catcalling the girl that stood from her swing and sauntered over to him at the gate. She cut off his whistle with a peck on the cheek, leading to another on his lips. She smiled when she pulled away, him following suit after his eyes had drifted down to catch a glance of her contagious smile. He nodded towards his car in the driveway behind him, opening the gate for Y/N and watching her go to the passenger side door, admiring her beauty that’s still evident and clear from behind. He blushes and chuckles to himself before hopping into the drivers seat and pulling out and heading towards his own house.
Open up a beer
And you say get over here and play a video game
He leads her to his room, as he usually does, stopping to grab a few beers from his fridge that his parents won’t notice are missing. He swings the door shut and sets the cans on his desk, keeping two in his hands and tossing one to her on the place she’s already adopted as her own on his bed. He opens his own and takes a swig, watching as she does the same. This pattern goes as such for a few hours, until the beers he grabbed are long gone and the two of them have switched to passing a bottle of wine back and forth between the two as they sit cross legged on his bed. They’re both significantly tipsy and giggling at every remark the other makes. He stands and grabs an Playstation controller, turning on the gaming system and starting up whatever game was already in the disk slot.
“Get, get over here and, uh, play a v-video game,” he slurs through his words before he sits himself back on his bed, this time behind her. He pulls her back against him to lay on his chest and lap as she giggles.
I'm in his favorite sun dress
Watching me get undressed take that body downtown
“Did I ever, uh, did I ever tell you I fucking love this s-s-sundress on you?” He stutters and slurs his ‘s’ but the meaning is there and she blushes regardless. “It’s probably my favorite, you look so hot when you wear it.”
She wriggles her self out of his lap and stands in front of him. His eyes look between the screen and her in front of him, until she leans forward and whispers in his ear.
“As good as I look in it, I’m sure you prefer when I take it off,” she says seductively, nibbling on his ear a little before standing up and walking further from him. She slowly slips the straps on her dress off her shoulders, one by one, and pulls it down until it’s pooled at her feet and she’s left in a lacy black bralette and matching panty. She smirks as his gaze travels her body and he can’t pull his eyes away.
I say you the bestest
Lean in for a big kiss put his favorite perfume on
“Baby, you’re the bestest,” the boy giggles out in his tipsy state. She giggles in response and saunters over to him, leaning down to using her hand to guide his chin upwards and planting a light kiss to his lips, filled with as much passion as an intoxicated, lust-filled teenage girl can manage.
Go play your video game
It's you, it's you, it's all for you
Everything I do
I tell you all the time
“Play your video game, baby, I’ll be here when you’re done, all this for you, baby, everything I do’s for you.” She slurs sensually as she crawls onto the bed on her knees, setting herself behind him and resting her arms across his shoulders so her hands lay on his chest and her head cuddled up to his neck, leaving light kisses there occasionally.
Heaven is a place on earth with you
Tell me all the things you want to do
I heard that you like the bad girls honey, is that true?
He pauses his game and tosses the remote to the pile of clothes on the other side of his room.
“Baby, you make it feel like heavens on earth and I’m there when I’m with you.” He grabs her hand and turns to face her more, pulling her closer to him.
She leans forward and whispers in his ear again, “tell me all the things you wanna do, baby. I heard that you like bad girls, baby, that true?”
It's better than I ever even knew
They say that the world was built for two
Only worth living if somebody is loving you
Baby now you do
“Damn right it is, baby,” he leans into her lips and takes them with his own, laying back and she straddles him now. “Baby you’re so much better than I ever even thought before I knew you. This world was built for two and isn’t worth living unless someone’s loving you, and baby, you got a reason to live now.” She giggles and blushes as she remembers what a sap Jared is when he’s drunk, and leans down to kiss him again, gravitating her hands to the hem of his shirt and breaking the kiss to pull it off. She runs her hands across the chubbier boys stomach, whispering about his beauty against his lips.
Singing in the old bars
Swinging with the old stars
Living for the fame
Kissing in the blue dark
Playing pool and wild darts
Video games
He holds me in his big arms
Drunk and I am seeing stars
This is all I think of
Many hours later and the two lay naked, slightly more sober now, under a blanket. Jared with a game controller in his hand and his eyes fixated on the screen, and Y/N with her head on her boyfriends chest. Her eyes are fixated upwards at him while her hand plays with his hair. He pauses the game and sets the controller down, looking down to her laying on his chest. He wraps both arms around her and kisses her head.
“Baby,” she says softly, “whenever I’m drunk, so drunk I can only see the stars and my minds a fucking mess, I’m gonna make sure to remember this; moments like this.” He kisses her head softly once more while she nuzzles into his chest.
Everything I do
I tell you all the time
Heaven is a place on earth with you
Tell me all the things you want to do
I heard that you like the bad girls honey, is that true?
It's better than I ever even knew
They say that the world was built for two
Only worth living if somebody is loving you
Baby now you do (Now you do)
Now you do (Now you do)
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Omegle (Jared Kleinman x Reader)
Warnings: none
Request: Idk if this is stupid or not but I randomly thought of Jared x reader where they're both bored so they go on omegle and end up being put together and they're surprised at first but then they really get to know each other more than just people who go to the same school ya know and fluff fluff fluff!
Another Friday night at home, alone, with no plans or friends to hang out with. You scrolled through Snapchat and watched stories, seeing the parties happening right now that you weren’t cool enough to be at and seeing which friends of yours were hanging out at the moment without you. Closing out of the app you sighed and pulled your laptop into your lap, pulling up YouTube and going through your subscriptions, even though you already did that an hour ago and their were no new videos uploaded since then. You clicked through your bookmarked tabs in an effort to find something to do when you were brought to Omegle. It’s been a while since you’ve messed around on here, you’ve decided, so so start typing in tags for different artists you liked and video games you played. Grabbing your headphones and plugging them in and setting them comfortably on your ears, you clicked the start chatting button and adjusted your laptop’a camera angle and the mic on your headphones. The first person you met was a kid who looked to be about seven. You exited from talking to him, not wanting to spend your night talking to a random kid who’s parents don’t monitor their computer time enough. Another video chat was generated, and you were met with an acne-faced girl with cliche blue fringe. You saw you had an interest in All Time Low in common. The two of you chatted for a while until she left out of nowhere, leaving you to move on to another stranger. The next stranger didn’t have a face, and so the camera was panned to his fully erect dick. You clicked to exit that chat quicker that you had for anything. Hesitantly, you gave it another shot and the camera opened to a familiar face.
“Hey, do I know you?” You said immediately. The boys face twisted in confusion before lighting up slightly.
Stranger is typing...
Hey! Yeah, bio class, Mr. Whitney...
Stranger is typing...
Gimme a sec and I’ll get my mic on
He left the screen for a moment as he reached down to grab what you assumed was a pair of headphones with a mic attached. You were correct, as you watched him unplug his earbuds and replace them with the bulkier headphones, adjusting the mic angle before pressing a button on his computer before you heard the subtle static and the sound of his high pitched voice.
“Hey, can you hear me?” He asked, you confirming by giving him two thumbs up.
“Yup, Hey, it’s Jared right?”
Jared nodded, “Yeah, and your name is... Y/N?” You nodded, too enthusiastically you decided and cringed slightly. “So, no big Friday night parties or orgies you have planned?” He asks, laughing somewhat evilly afterwards.
You giggle, “Not this Friday, I’m not much of a party gal anyway, but next Friday I do have an orgy so if you planned on coming back every Friday at the same time in order to find me again, you’re out of luck,” you shrug and grin at him while he laughs again and sarcastically slaps his knee and snaps.
“Well damn, there goes that plan, guess I’ll have to just stick with seeing the back of your head in bio class every day.”
“What a shame, I know you were really looking forward to seeing me every Omegle trip and getting a break from the faceless dicks.”
“I mean your face is an upgrade after the micropenis I just ran into.” You giggle and blush slightly despite knowing it was just a simple joke, not that Jared could see your blush anyway through the crappy webcam.
“So what about you, Mr. Kleinman, no parties for you on this Friday night?” You tease back to him.
He shakes his head, “I don’t know if you know this about me, but I don’t really get invited to parties. I think it’s because they know I’ll be too wild for their middle school level parties anyway.”
“Oh I’m sure that’s the reason,” you chuckle back.
“Are you doubting that I’m a badass, hardcore, part goer!?” He speaks with mock offense.
“I don’t know, am I?” You reply with a similar mocking tone, “Now, would I do such a thing?”
“Yes, you most definitely would do such a thing!” He lets out an obnoxious laugh, “I’ll have to show you a good time someday, show you that I am a party animal.”
You smile back to him through the screen, “I think I’d like that, tiger,” you giggle, questioning where ‘tiger’ came from but rolling with it anyway. He growled and pawed with his hand in response, cringing at his own actions as you had your words. The both of your burst out in laughter afterwords, doubling over and wiping tears from your eyes.
”Man, that almost makes my calling you ‘tiger’ not cringy.“
”Oh, shush, that was still cringy.“ The two of you laugh and talk for what feels like minutes but is in actuality hours. Your conversation doesn’t stop until you notice the sky changing colors outside your window and check the time.
”Holy shit, did we talk all night? It’s like four in the morning, god I’m gonna be tired all day,“ you groan but still giggle at the fact that the two of you had a conversation about memes for the past hour.
”As much as I really would love to stay and chat,“ you say reluctantly, ”I really should get at least a couple hours of sleep before it’s too late and I have to go through my Saturday with no sleep.“ Jared face drops slightly in genuine disappointment.
”Okay, but at least give me your number, we can continue this conversation sometime.“ He’s awkward when he asks, and it’s clear that he’s making an attempt to flirt but you’re oblivious to it. You read off your number to him and he takes it down in his phone, yours dinging a moment later.
You give him a tired grin and yawn, ”Good night, Jared, or, good morning, rather.”
You both giggle, ”Good night.“ he replies and you close out of the site, shutting your laptop and placing it on your desk before crawling back into bed. You grab your phone to open the message you got from Jared, seeing it was a meme that you declared was one of your favorites earlier in the evening. You smile, adding his name to a new contact under the name Jare with a robot emoji and a blushing smiley face emoji.
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