#jarpad photos
addicted-obsessed · 6 months
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J2 @ AHBL12 Melbourne, Australia 🤍
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drasticemotions · 6 months
yall im saying fuck it n face revealing cause I still haven’t recovered from my photo op with jared and I just have to share it on a place where I know it’ll be appropriately respected and so I can finally yap about my full experience with j2
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so hey dats me
I died dead
I refuse to believe that that is actually me in the photo cause what do you mean?? I was in jarpads arms??
He was so nice I was low-key losing my shit after meeting Jensen, we took the photo with him first (just a normal side hug with me and my sister on each side) and exiting that going straight in line for Jared. I was shaking there was a pause in the line for a bit and then Jensen just appeared next to me??? Walking past and I was just confused Pikachu looking back and forth across the room to my sister and back to Jensen, I didn’t have my phone on me and didn’t know what to do cause he just appeared (all he did was walk past but that’s enough for me).
Anyway I was very much shaking and was so nervous, I felt like I looked like a wreck and didn’t know how the photo was gonna go since ahbl12 was my first con, but guys I shit you not it became my turn and I stared right into this gorgeous man’s eyes said hi…I think I blacked out cause he had his arms slightly opened and I just walked into them, I genuinely don’t remember what happened I think my eyes started watering cause it was such a genuine hug and just looked at the camera and smiled.
I don’t think I could’ve ever asked for a better photo I’m so genuinely happy in that moment and life has been a lot as of late and it felt like that all disappeared, I don’t usually smile with my teeth showing anymore but it just appeared naturally, Jared is such a genuinely great guy and I’m so glad I leaped at the chance of getting the ticket and going.
He was so incredibly nice at the autographs too, Jensen as well but I could tell both of them were absolutely beat they looked so tired, Jensen is intimidating and I was rendered speechless when I got him to sign my Dean funko pop, I was also the only one in line everyone else at that point was waiting in Jared’s line so I felt extremely isolated and awkward 🫣 like what do I do what do I say. Jared I gained some of that courage back and went for it, I was able to thank him for just generally being amazing and how much meeting him meant for me, which I haven’t really told anyone it feels like one of those moments I just had to keep to myself. He put his hand on his heart and I didn’t wanna get in trouble for continuing on so I wished him a good night and left. I don’t know how I got through the day without crying (I am a very emotional person especially when it comes to my fandoms), I cried in the hotel room after lmao
It was really just the best day ever and I’d do it a million times over. I rightfully have that photo on fucking everything, I won’t shut up about this until the next con and even then I still won’t shut up about it. Just meeting the cast and doing something like this, I’ve wanted to do something not even relating to supernatural but just conventions themselves seem like some of the coolest things to be able to attend (America obviously having the better half of that spectrum over Australia but I’ll take what I can get).
I will hopefully be back next year to see Misha and Jensen, if my bank account doesn’t run away from me
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positivexcellence · 11 months
Creationent: This is your sign to purchase a photo op with Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles at an upcoming convention! 😉
(Also make sure to follow us on TikTok!)
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supernaturalconvert · 6 months
Just SPN fandom musing
Like I saw a particular account on Twitter calling themselves SPN cons something something (I don't want to actually name this individual)... Defending Jensen about the whole merch signing thing on Airport with the statement ending in Go To Cons. Obviously some people rightfully didn't like that with some saying it's on him to say no or how that's abelist both of which I agree with.
Out of curiosity I scrolled through their account where they were apolozing for initially indulging in drama and how people think they hate Jared coz their pfp is only Jensen. Obviously their account rarely features Jared except for pointing out to Jared fans how they may not have given photo credit on the pics that they are posting or on some other generic J2 posts at the most. It's heavily skewed even then. You know it's still perfectly fine with me that you have a preference and you show it to the world.
Then suddenly they have a post complaining how they don't have friends in the Fandom and how things are perhaps not going that great. Guess what the next post is;
@/jarpad I love you and I could use some words of encouragement
Couple of more similar ones after that. For some reason that irrationally pissed me off. You don't talk about the guy at all except for inconjunction to Jensen. You don't support his projects. Not one comment about milestones in his life but D gets a birthday post but yeah when you are having a bad day, you remember Jared and AKF.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
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@warrillow_chloe So grateful to have had the opportunity to meet @jarpad at @walescomiccon and to be able to thank him in person for the always keep fighting movement, sharing that moment with him was...unreal. Thank you so much for your time and trying to make every fans moment memorable #AKF
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@buckysdisneydevil Finally got my Jared hug! Completed my J2M set!
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@deathcursecosplay @walescomiccon is now done Time to show off the first of my many photos with guests
And what better way to start it off than Jarred Padalecki a.k.a Sam Winchester from Supernatural
Of course he’s also been in Gilmore Girls and The Friday the 13th Reboot
I showed him my Supernatural tattoo as seen in the photo, he asked if it hurt and when I replied only a little bit, he burst out laughing 😂
Definitely the highlight of the whole weekend 😁😁
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@phoenix__394 Had the most amazing experience at comic con and can't thank @jaredpadalecki enough, if you ever get the chance to meet him you definitely should! ❤
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@auttxx Jared was lovely, despite being so overbooked and being on his feet all day, he was so friendly, had a laugh and gave an immediate cuddle 🤗
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@davidspellmanbaker Love this huge tight hug from the handsome Jared Padalecki @jaredpadalecki on Saturday.
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Jason Hall
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Becca Daniels Jared Padalecki…never thought I'd say it but I've met him, hugged him and spoke to him 😍🥰❤
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Gavin Park Great to meet and hjave a quick chat with Jaroed Padalecki what an absolutely lovely guy . Highlight of the day #Supernatural
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Gary Phillips Had an absolutely amazing Saturday at the Wales comic Con - 3 more stars from Supernatural added to my collection including the awesome Jared Padalecki
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The photos just keep coming! (Which happens when Jared does over 900 of them!)
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scripted-downfall · 1 year
OK so I have to ask... Why is Jensen and Jared MaxiPadalecki's PR teams so adamant about trying to convince everyone that they still are like brothers when they're clearly not? And trust me, it SHOWS. They can honestly just say "Yeah we don't hang anymore." And I'm sure there will be some fans (like us) who will not be surprised. Friends drift apart, it happens. It's not the end of the world. Tho we all know why J2 isn't not a thing anymore and it's bc of Jared's abysmal behavior. Matter of fact, notice how anybody who gets close to Jared drifts off and away from him after a period of time except for a handful of people...
Hello!  Welcome back :)  I’ve been off Tumblr — or at least spotty — for a bit now myself, so good timing on your return!
Yeah, I don’t really know.  I mean, I confess that I don’t spend much time on the real-life bits of Supernatural (or any show) and that most of what I hear stems from those around me — especially my closest fandom friend… whose name I’m not dropping as a line of defense against stan harassment (those who spend much time on my profile can probably guess who I mean though) — but J2 really doesn’t come across as genuine friendship, much less brotherhood.  I’ve never had much taste for bts stuff, and I’ve lost most of the little I did have.  
I have, however, seen some of their con photos, conversations, etc, and those don’t seem very natural; similarly, much of what I hear about their interactions in general is very… performative?  I guess?  I’d expect much more closeness if they were actually friends.  The most recent example is from that string of show renewals and cancellations: if I were close friends with someone who just got big news like that — whether positive or negative — I’d respond to that with either congratulations or commiserations well-nigh immediately.  (I’d certainly not wait almost a week — that is, from 11 May to 16 May — before posting a save-the-show hashtag.  Maybe that’s just me.)  And nor is this the only example of the performative closeness, natural distance to which I refer, so the argument that “eh, they’re busy, it doesn’t mean anything” doesn’t hold much water long-term, even if it’s accurate in this particular case.
Pragmatically, I’d wager that the brother dynamic is an attempt to play to the show’s perceived fanbase, and that’s why the bts brotherhood is being played up.  It doesn’t make much sense to me — from what I’ve seen, it feels like most of the fandom is fractured between them anyway; I recognize that this is only my experience and not true in its entirety, but I only ever run into people who love Jared and those who hate him, and there’s rarely a middle ground — but that’s the impression I’ve gotten from the PR.
I honestly think it’s backfiring though.  I mean, it just comes across as fake and duplicitous, and I feel like they should both just cut their losses and, as you described it, drift apart.  It happens, and I tend to feel that trying to avoid that just makes things worse for all involved.  (And yeah, I certainly cannot defend JarPad’s actions and I don’t even know him/have any stake in it, to the point that I can just ignore him for the most part; I can’t imagine having to deal with him in close-quarters like a “brotherhood”, friendship, or even just as colleagues.)
Anyway… I feel like I’m rambling at this point, so I’ll wrap it up… It was good to hear from you again, and thanks for the ask!  I hope this answer was decent enough, and all the best until next time!
However, before I completely wrap up, a message to any stan who might be reading this… I recognize that much of the above is freely admitted to be speculation.  All of those statements are marked as such.  Don’t come at me about stuff I outright admitted myself.  I also recognize that I’m posting this and not being the kindest person ever to JarPad.  This is because I dislike him.  You are not going to change my mind with threats or slurs.  You are definitely not going to change my mind by cowering behind the anonymous ask feature.  I will report anon asks of this nature if I have to.  Cheers :)
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sapphyreopal5 · 3 months
Do you think Jarpad is attractive?
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. I'm not sure if you're asking about merely his looks, personality, or what. I do believe he is a beautiful man inside and out overall. I remember the first time I saw him on in 2009 via that Friday the 13th remake. I said to myself weirdly enough "I'd love to date him, but he'd never like me". After I finished the movie I forgot he existed (a whole 13 years, heh the irony) until 2022 because my sister's guides a couple summers ago wouldn't shut up about the show SPN until.... mine told me to start watching the show. I was more drawn to Jensen/Dean's character I will admit. However, I've learned more about both of them. When I went to Charlotte last year for the con, I felt Jensen's energy was very off and found myself looking at Jared instead, which I found very strange.
I think that Jared needs to be challenged both spiritually and mentally. Yes, he's had his mental health struggles he's spoken about and has his Always Keep Fighting campaign he does, which adds to his beautiful heart and personality. However, something I find he lacks is a spiritual connection. I believe that his lack of experience with the divine or anything "Supernatural" has put him in an interesting position. I haven't heard of him speaking of his connection to "God" or anything spiritually related. He seems a bit uncomfortable with calling signs, well, signs per what he said in his chapter in that book "Family Don't End with Blood". To be specific, I'm talking about the tidbit seen in the page below when he says he doesn't like to talk about signs, their place (or lack thereof) in his life, what they do or don't mean to him, etc.
The way he worded things suggests to me he either is agnostic despite growing up catholic apparently, or he's lost his faith along the way. I personally need to be with someone who is spiritually connected or is willing to become more intuned themselves. I think he wants to be but is unsure. I am willing to bet money some of this goes back to what that palm reader said on a blind date about becoming wealthy but that his love life will suck and wondering "can we switch that?"
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I've also elaborated on these points below here, but I'll say some it it again in this post too.
As for the arrest, don't care at all about it. I've seen WAY worse fights end in no arrest. Only pansies get upset about THAT joke of a so called fight. It isn't the greatest thing to hit someone but guess what, shit happens. Apologize and move on, pretty simple really. I didn't really like how he claimed he was roofied. Where are the toxicology reports showing this? Because it didn't happen... honestly Jared, just own up to it, don't make up stuff about it and move on. Again, pretty simple. He made it a bit more complicated than he needed to in my opinion. He panders to other people too much at times and that's just not necessary. Grow a bit more of a spine and say no more.
Contrary to the people pleasing tendency of his, I didn't love reading about his doxxing people in customer service. It's one thing to complain online, it's entirely something else to post photos of the people involved. I think one of the girls he complained about took her page down due to death threats being sent her way. He certainly didn't think through his actions thoroughly. For someone with his intelligence level and general caliber, I expected a lot more out of him.
I spoke before about how a girl I went to school with wrote cruel things about me on a MySpace bulletin board years ago that got around the school. I wrote to her on Facebook a few years ago saying I forgive her and that I wanted to make peace with her, blah blah blah. About a year after I sent that back in 2021, I found out that in August 2022, she had to get her leg amputated from the knee down and almost died in surgery twice. Words do hurt and can come back around to bite you in the ass. When I read about the doxxing people Jared's done in the past, it did pit a bit of a bitter aftertaste in my mouth seeing this below. I hope this is a way of saying he's learned his lesson on doxxing people and has changed for the better. As the psychic guy said to me and it's 💯 true, higher powers will only allow so much to happen from black magic and such based on someone's karma like car accidents and whatnot (like the one he was in back in April 2022).
Overall, I think he's a beautiful man inside and out but with flaws like anyone else. Thanks for the ask Anon.
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U matter.
(Photo credit: @bodyguard4JandJ)
(Post written by: @jarpad)
(Sweat by: me.)
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His wet in all the right places. 👀😛
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enkimesh-truther · 1 year
last updated 01/06/24
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Jpeg Walks With his wife to where they are seated ,spots jensen With danneel and the kids, takes out his phone 📱 and Writes to Jensen - ’what the fuck dude!? I didnt Know you were going to be at the game too??’ Looks over to where the ackles are and feeling”et u brute” Gen try to calm him down and are saying come on, lets get to our place before the game starts..
[ a Satirical take on the pitchure of gen and jarpad at game and what occurd in That moment the photo was taken]
But being honest, I think Jared ignores Jensen as much as Jensen ignores Jared. They just have absolutely nothing in common and probably never had, so it's better for the Ackles to stay as far as possible from the Padascumbags
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jagermancoded · 2 years
my hobbies include:
-finding photos of jarpad
-pretending it’s sam winchester
-going insane
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nuttypenguintyphoon · 2 years
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Photo posted by @jarpad
On his Instagram and his Facebook.
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samuelcuntt · 12 days
Every time I see photos of jarpad with his chest on display I remember that phrase "big tits, bigger heart"
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positivexcellence · 1 year
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@LikaiteMonika: At #jib13 I've asked for a photo op without me in it and this is what the guys came up with. I'm over the moon with this!
@jarpad ,
@JensenAckles thank you so much again!
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j2wiki · 6 years
2019-01-02 Jared FB update; Jared tweets teaser w Odette
Jared Padalecki updated their cover photo. January 2 at 2:25 PM
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@jarpad 6:31 PM - 2 Jan 2019 So @realGpad and I have a plan to do some good! Let’s just say I may need these back from Odette!!! More to come tomorrow
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laf-outloud · 1 year
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@Linda Thomson
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@holliecosplay carry on my wayward son 🎶still reeling from the fact that i finally met jared and geniveve padalecki after loving them both for over 10 years. sam winchester and jared mean so unbelievably much to me and i probably wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for them. im just so incredibly lucky 😍💗
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@manb2082 Always worth getting another hug from @jarpad.
x Twelve years of #Supernatural conventions, and this is the first time I've met "Ruby"! Not disappointed! 😁@GenPadalecki
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@TheRealDeclanK1 @jarpad it was simple incredibly meeting you today. You were so warm & welcoming & you’ve made my dreams come true. Forever #Supernatural
Woops! Forgot I had this last one sitting in my drafts! Enjoy the last few photos I'll be posting from Wales Comic Con! If I missed anyone, I'm sorry. If I repeated photos... well... who can blame me? LOL!
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