shyjusticewarrior · 4 years
Steven Giving Sam This "...Wut" Look: A Saga
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omandergoodness · 3 years
"I know you'll make me better than I've ever been
'Cause you're my medicine, you're my medicine"
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tvandenneagram · 4 years
Dynasty (2017): Steven Carrington - Type 1w9
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Steven is principled, judgmental and uptight. Steven sees himself as the moral compass of his family and stands up for his beliefs. 
At his best, Steven is altruistic and genuinely wants to enact positive change. When he finds out about Stansfield being a dirty cop and covering up for his father, he makes it his mission to expose the corruption and reveal the truth. When he is told he is going to become a father he wants to stand by his child as he knows that would be the right thing to do. He also spends a lot of time promoting his foundation and using the Carrington name and fortune to help others.
At his worst, Steven can become consumed with feeling of guilt and dwells on his mistakes. He has had issue with drugs and when he learns about his involvement in the death of a Carrington Atlantic employee, he turns back to these vices. When he is feeling overwhelmed about the news that Anders is his biological father, he leaves the family to go to Paraguay. He ultimately ends up in Paris using alcohol again as a result of his depression and the influence of ‘George’.
Steven often looks for the best in people and wants to believe that they have good in them. We can see this with his relationship with Alexis and the way he tries to keep contact with her and is more willing to believe that she has pure intentions and wants to reconnect with the family. He encourages Fallon to forgive her and wants to find their brother Adam. Steven also shows this with his relationship with Sam and is willing to trust him even after he has stolen from the family. This is one of Steven’s main issues with his family and retreating away from them, as he believes they are not always ‘good’ people.
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Steven is idealistic and thinks he will change the world. He objects to the way his father runs his business and finds himself butting heads with Blake about his decisions. He wanted to work for Blake and create green energy that would be more environmentally friendly but quickly found he would not be able to continue working with his father. He decides a political career will give him more opportunities to enact change in Atlanta and focuses heavily on his aspirations of being elected. Ultimately he leaves to work on his foundation in Paraguay which leads to the beginning of the demise of his marriage to Sam.
Steven has a wing 9 as he is more introverted and repressed in his feelings than a wing 2 may tend to be. He also is very conflict-averse due to his 9 influence and often runs away from problems instead of confronting them head on.
Tri-type: 1w9 - 4w3 - 7w6
Some quotes to describe Steven’s motivations:
“That may be the worst thing I ever heard you say.”
“You're in business my with my sister now. For our family that means more than marriage.”
“Forgive my sister. She thought she was getting a promotion, not a stepmother.”
“Quick question: is there a cactus where your heart should be?”
“I was critical of you as a father, as a Republican, as a gun nut...”
“No one in my family understands how to be good...not even you”
Blake: “Well, you’re not gay are you?” Steven: “Worse. I've decided to run for City Council.” 
Stephen: “I may have got someone pregnant … a woman.” Alexis: “A woman?”
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withmyhoonie · 5 years
after crying my eyes out over edits about Sam&Steven, i decided that, if James Mackay doesn't come back on Dynasty as Steven, my life has no meaning whatsoever and i might as well just lay in bed staring at nothing until i die.
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ashilesun · 5 years
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“I now pronounce you, Mr. and Mr. Carrington. Partners for life.”
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No, I'll - I'll go with you. I'll find a way to be happy there. Sam, that's why I love you. But I can't take you away from your life, and all the things that make you happy, for my own issues. I'll be back for Christmas, fully present. For you.
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austin-mahones · 5 years
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happy (almost) father’s day to Steven and Sam
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sammyjosource · 6 years
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Dynasty 2x10: A Champagne Mood
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rxdscarf · 6 years
Can someone tell me if Steven is back for good or...?
I haven't seen the episode yet since I stopped watching when they destroyed mallon and made Sam cheat but if they bring back my son for good I might reconsider so... can someone tell me? 😅
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fknperfecticons · 6 years
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like/reblog if you save
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laurenkmyers · 6 years
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And they all lived happily ever after. The end.
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camelely · 6 years
Both Culhane and Liam are amazing and IDK who I like Fallon with more. Steven and Sammy Jo on the other hand are relationship goals.
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tvandenneagram · 4 years
Dynasty (2017): Sammy Jo - Type 6w7
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Sammy is loyal, fun-loving and materialistic. He has had a tumultuous upbringing and as a result has formed a very strong bond with his aunt Celia. He also has a strong connection with the Carringtons, despite being divorced from Steven.
At his best, Sammy is protective of those he loves and is committed to them. He has less doubt about his decisions and follows his instincts. We see this when his father arrives at Carrington manor and he is faced with the dilemma of siding with his blood relations or with his newfound family, the Carringtons. He chooses to remain true to his beliefs and helps the Carringtons as he trusts them and thinks this is the best course of action.
At his worst, Sammy becomes more self absorbed and concerned with materialistic things (disintegrating to 3). When Steven leaves him to go to Paraguay he becomes listless and focused his time on trying to fill the void left by Steven. He does this by forming a friendship with Manuel but he is still able to detach from the situation to stay faithful to Steven. 
Sammy is very likeable and immediately bonds with the Carrington family. He wants a place that he feels like he belongs in and he will have a secure future in, which he finds with Steven and his family. Anders in particular, senses a kindred spirit with Sam and appreciates that Sam has gone through a lot or trials and tribulations in his life. Anders admires Sam and acts as a father figure towards him, which Sam craves and deeply appreciates.
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Sammy becomes very attached to Steven and is willing to put some of his own dreams and ambitions to the side for him. He stands by him when he believes he has a baby on the way and reassures him that he wants to be a father to his child. He also tries to make it work by going to Paraguay with Steven, even though he knows deep down that it isn’t something he really wants in his own life.
Sammy has a wing 7 as he is more energetic and free spirited than a wing 5 would tend to be.
Tri-type: 6w7 - 3w4 - 9w1
Some quotes to describe Sammy’s motivation:
“Is this what happens when you marry a rich guy? Does he just assume that you're gonna be his house-husband? Him away on business trips while I'm stuck with the twins' runny noses and gossipy private school moms until eventually, I get my real estate license just to feel some sort of purpose.”
“You pick and choose your lies like you do your men.”
“Please don't fire me! This job is really important for my self-esteem.”
“I wouldn't last a day in prison. This face has "make me your b***h" written all over it.”
“This is not how I want to spend one of my last night's on the town as a single man. I want it to be bad and boujee, not sad and douchey.”
“I guess that's what love is. Doing things you don't want to for people who don't quite deserve it.”
“Oh my god, you convinced me to wear this ugly-ass outfit and to eat grass. I was about to give you millions.”
“For someone who hates masks, you are the biggest mask wearer of them all. I mean, you're totally unwilling to let anyone know the true Fallon. There.”
Anders: “I already had a vacation. With you, remember?” Sammy: “That was barely an afternoon.” Anders: “And Blake got arrested.” Sammy: “That was bound to happen eventually.”
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theboundlessxvoid · 7 years
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1x14 - ‘The Gospel According to Blake Carrington’
  Because I slept with Ted...
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withmyhoonie · 5 years
i miss and love Steven Carrington and Sam Jones so much, individually, as a couple, in every possible way. i'd die for them and they are the purest thing ever. period.
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immortal-husbands · 7 years
If there’s anyone out there that watches Dynasty, please please please come talk to me!! I have no one who watches this show and I need to discuss!!
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