poolsidescientist · 6 years
I feel like there’s too much emphasis placed on social skills and emotional intelligence in friendships, actually relationships in general. Knowing someone cares about you means everything even if they have their own issues and can’t always express it. Not that being good at these things is a bad, just so long as there is love behind it. The best friends are the caring ones that try their best to keep in touch. I’m not successful 100% of the time but generally try to be this person as much as I can.
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qilberts · 6 years
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url challenge ↳ jasonjacinto
“I'm too young to die and too old to eat off the kids menu! What a stupid age I am!“
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meyerlansky · 6 years
Oh goodness, what three or five characteristics can you boil Meyer down to? I'm sorry for one again asking you to elaborate on a throwaway line in your tags, but I'm so curious, and your meta is just so awesome.
@jasonjacinto said: if you’d be willing i’d love to hear more about you “you want me to be a villain? i’ll show you a villain” meyer meta 
OH NO you guys are just giving me an opportunity to ramble aaaahhhh /o\ okay so. to preface: i am a very big fan of a writer in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT fandom who i think is fantastic at her craft, and who writes a loooooooot of AUs that stick the characters she’s writing into completely different situations than canon. but the characters are always recognizable because she’s very very good at distilling them down to a few key traits, and then having those traits interplay with the situation[s] of the AU. it’s a really effective way to go way beyond the canon content but keep the characters immediately in-character, and since reading her meta on her process i’ve been kind of trying to do the same for the only characters i ever really write fic with, and while i don’t think i can quite do it for charlie as definitively, i have Opinions on meyer and i also think meyer is the easier of the two to misunderstand and therefore mischaracterize, so that influences how strongly i feel about my read as well. after thinking about it a bit more in depth, the “you want me to be a villain? i’ll show you a villain” thing that the tags were on is teeechnically not one of those pillar traits of his, it’s a combination of two traits that ARE pillar traits, and i’ll talk about why it’s a combo trait later on. for the actual traits themselves, with longer explanations under the cut:
a drive to survive/succeed and a fundamental need for security;
extreme stubbornness;
and the limited emotional expression we all know and love;
and the “i’ll show you a villain” thing is a weird blend of traits 1 and 2.
so in terms of Base Motivations, for me meyer’s number one priority is always always always his Drive to Survive/Succeed. in canon this is influenced by his traumatic childhood, because growing up in a place full of people trying to kill you and everyone you know constantly sort of makes survival the ultimate goal with everything that you do. but because i don’t like the idea that trauma and its effects are necessarily immutable parts of someone’s character, and because when we’re talking AUs the antisemitic violence the lanskys experienced in grodno was a very specific moment in history that can’t always be replicated perfectly when translating the character into an AU, i read a significant chunk of meyer’s focus on survival and security as an essential part of his personality. the circumstances around him can influence how he interprets survival and security, but in general, for me, his number one goal is “work towards getting to a position where no one can ever hurt me ever again.”
a sub-trait of this is that he is… extremely stubborn. he’s quiet about it, but he is next to impossible to win a fight with if he really digs his heels in, physically or verbally or whatever. the stubbornness has its roots in the survival motivation, but expresses itself in enough ways that aren’t directly related to survival/security that i think it can be counted as a separate trait. if he gets knocked down in a fight he’s gonna get back up again, he very rarely expresses uncertainty out loud or through body language, he very rarely asks anyone for anything as opposed to [politely, but without giving up ground by putting a question mark on the sentence] stating what he wants and what they’ll get out of it in exchange, and he never ever apologizes. for anything. like he might have apologized once ever in his life and if he did it was to his mom. like i said, this is related to his goal of survival and need for security, in the way that, like… if you can’t be sure of yourself, what can you be sure of? so in his view he is Never Wrong, because he doesn’t think he can afford to be.
trait number three doesn’t exactly help with Never Thinking He’s Wrong because trait number three is that he is Smart. whatever universe, whatever circumstances, he has an analytical outlook and an intellectual curiosity that is… pretty wide-ranging. he’s good at and enjoys math, which is the stand-out thing, because math is hard and it’s the easiest way to express being analytically-minded, so it’s what sticks out to other people the most, but he does just like to read nonfiction and absorb Facts in general. he’s also fairly good at predicting how people will react to things, so he has some degree of… emotional intelligence, i guess? in that he can use previous examples of people’s behavior and reactions to predict how they’ll react to other situations in the future, and he’s able to leverage that analysis of other people to his [and his partners’] benefit.
which leads into trait four, which is the emotional reservedness that i am always torn on how to explain, because to some degree i do think his tendency to limit his emotional expression is an intrinsic trait, but just because he doesn’t outwardly express his emotions as clearly as the people around him [in a way that people other than charlie can clock, anyway] doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel it at all. i guess sort of the delineation for me is that meyer’s emotional repression in canon is influenced by his trauma—his strong emotions tend to be a little muted because of his PTSD—but the limited emotional expression is a Pillar Trait—he might be more aware of his feelings in AUs where he has a lesser degree of trauma in his past, but he’s never going to be effusive about them. also he is… way more susceptible to outward expressions of anger in particular than he thinks he is, and he only gets better at restraining his anger after being around AR for a while, for whom that restraint comes a little more naturally. teenager meyer is a tiny ball of rage just waiting for some idiot to give him an excuse to let it out.
SO I THINK THOSE ARE THE BIG FOUR? i can go more in depth with sub-traits, particularly of number one, but suffice it to say that i think most of the sub-traits i can think of are all in service of Attaining Security—as an example, meyer demonstrates a higher consciousness of mainstream acceptability than any of the other baby gangsters do, with the acknowledgement that liquor’s only outlawed temporarily and gambling is also only on the fringes for now but Drugs Are Not Acceptable To Mainstream People, plus his interest in the land in tampa [and later havana] as a pathway to legitimate money via real estate development, and i think that for meyer has its roots not in a need to be Accepted [which i think charlie feels more keenly than meyer does tbh] but in an awareness that, basically, the less you stick out from The Norm, the safer you are. basically, “will it help me survive” will override almost everything else, in terms of “what motivates meyer,” and then the other traits filter in and influence and are influenced by the others.
IN TERMS OF THE VILLAIN THING. that basically comes down to a blend of traits one and two? because he Has To Survive, and the easiest/most sensible path to survival in canon is by doing the organized crime shit—which is not Wrong, because the ultimate goal of EVERYTHING HE DOES is survival, and crime shit enables the survival, but it conflicts with the awareness that by engaging in crime shit, he’s sticking out from the norm, which means there’s a tension between “i have to be secure” and “the actions i’m taking to make myself secure in one respect are making me less secure in another.” the resolution to that tension is not “get out of crime immediately and do something less profitable but more acceptable,” the resolution to that tension is “Everyone Else Is Wrong.” he’s just doing what he needs to do, but if society is going to insist that he’s A Bad Person, then fine, he’s gonna be the best at being bad, and gradually move into more acceptable things, because that’s not an admission that he’s wrong to be doing crime, it’s just a natural progression of his investments. so yeah! hooopefully all that makes sense and jives and i’m not just. rambling. without making sense?
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lavampira · 6 years
6, 12, 22 for the end of the year asks
6. episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you?
the finale of sharp objects was a mindfuck -- even though I read the book and knew what was going to happen -- which is exactly how I’d describe 2018. a mindfuck.
12. talk about a new friend you made this year
I’ve made more like a handful of friends through another friend that are sort of like a package deal because hanging out with one tends to turn into hanging out with a whole group, but everyone is meme-y and hilarious and not straight, and I adore all of them
22. favorite place you visited this year?
I’d say orlando, but I practically grew up there so I feel like it doesn’t count, so I’ll say universal studios. I’d never been to it before but my cousins took me as a birthday present when I visited them over the summer and it was so much fun.
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ladyculebras · 6 years
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Hsjdjskakkaja im sorry I'm responding late, my work schedule is a mess but thank you so much!!! I really appreciate all the nice messages so much, guys 😍😍😍
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ghostshaarkmoved · 6 years
3, 4, 9 for the wlw asks?
3. are you in a relationship at the moment?
lmao nope
4. do you have a crush at the moment?
yep! elaborated here if u want to hear abt me bein a flailing gay
9. tall girls or short girls?
listen,,,,,,,,,, both
wlw asks
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felicitykings · 6 years
for the two fandoms: stranger things and primeval
thank you, liz! also this is gonna be a struggle so bear with me.
Which has the better protagonist: well, both of them have a bunch of different characters that i like and have ensemble casts rather than a single protagonist so this is a tough one. i might have to chicken out and call this one a tie because i love a few characters in both shows.
Which has the better villain: i might have to give the edge to stranger things because the creatures in primeval are mostly acting on instinct rather than planning. and while helen cutter was a fairly strong presence (and a good antagonist) early on in the show, i feel like she was easier to stop than the mind flayer will be if that makes sense?
Which has the better plot: again, potentially stranger things but only because primeval tended to not really do season long arcs in the same way - things were more episodic. though i’m going to add that i think primeval has the better basic premise.
Which has better cinematography: stranger things, there were a few cool shots in primeval but british tv shows have never really put much effort into cinematography until recently.
Which one is more fun: primeval, it’s just the lighter show overall.
Which one makes me think the most: stranger things, because i’m generally always trying to think about what could happen next.
Which do I watch when I want to relax: both, it depends about what i feel like watching on the day but mostly primeval because nostalgia.
Which do I watch when I want it to consume me: again both, because with shows i love like these two it depends on which show i suddenly feel like watching.
Which is my favourite: both, but stranger things probably has a slight edge.
send me two fandoms
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strikingjann · 6 years
4 for the unusual asks?
4. do you like your name? why? - it depends, it’s nice to not have common name (you know in popular ones like anna, there is more chance to find 283838 people having same name, while mine is not that big :D), but on the other hand i would like to change it sometimes since i find some other names fits me better :D 
unusual asks
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dannystattoo · 6 years
4, 8, 10, 17
4. what is your favorite fruit?  Strawberries and pomegranates
8.  what would you do if you found out your best friend was seeing your ex?
First off, I’d be pretty upset because it clearly violates the sacred philosophy of Uteruses before Duderuses, but as to what I’d actually do in that situation..I like to think I’d talk to the friend and be like…not cool, and distance myself from them if it got to a point that was necessary. Idk though man, I have exactly zero ex’s so there’s no worry of this happening anytime soon.
10. Are you easily scared by horror movies?
Not at all, actually. I’ve seen many, many horror movies and I can only think of a small handful that really scared me. Further proof- I’m home alone, it’s dark, yet here I am watching Poltergeist 
17. do you believe in love at first sight?
No, since I feel like it’s hard to say you love someone if you know next to nothing about them.  Obviously I think you can be attracted to a person at first sight, but to me it’s too difficult to use the word love. 
Thanks for asking, friend! :) 
Send me stuff 
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oscar-piastri · 6 years
7, 12, 35 :)
hi! thank u for asking :)
7: Talk about your biggest insecurity. It’s probably my weight. It’s a really big insecurity
12: Talk about the worst dream you've ever had. I don’t remember any :)
35: Talk about things you wish you could stop doing.  Being anxious about everything, it’s really a big problem for my dream job :/
Omfg "talk about" is a lot cuter than ask me
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poolsidescientist · 6 years
Tahani Al-Jamil, Jason Mendoza, and Mindy St. Clair,
Thanks @jasonjacinto
Tahani Al-Jamil: What’s one of your insecurities? My looks and lack of charisma, I’ve given up on ever being seen as attractive. 
Jason Mendoza: Name a guilty pleasure. Candles. I love scented candles. I own like 10 of them. My mother is concerned I’ve joined a cult.
Mindy St. Clair: What is your biggest vice? I’m really judgemental. I try very hard to try my best to be compassionate, a good role model, and a responsible adult. But some people…they test my patience. 
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meyerlansky · 6 years
jasonjacinto replied to your post “jasonjacinto replied to your post “Oh goodness, what three or five...”
wait i did not know he said that anatol why did you say that? i mean everyone wants steve buscemi to be their dad but that is so much not what is happened in that scene.
he said it in like one interview and never again and i think it was fresh off s4, which he’s also talked about being like ★_★ in steve’s direction through that entire season, so it definitely comes off as him... projecting... a little bit, haha. it’s legit the only time he’s talked about something in the show that i disagree with his interpretation on, but it really doesn’t come off that way on the screen so i can deal with it :P
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sky-girls · 6 years
misery business, the only exception, decode
HIIII LIZ!! thanks for sending questions!!!
misery business: what do you think you’re most known for as a person? 
idkk being the quiet kid who is never really around but never really gone? lol honestly i have no idea i don’t even think ppl know me or think of me when i am not there lol
the only exception: do you believe in love that lasts forever?
romantic love not really tbh or nor like how it’s shown usually but i do believe you can love someone very very long in many ways so kinda i guess
decode: last movie you watched?
i am watching mcfarland rn 
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ladyculebras · 6 years
jasonjacinto replied to your post “Pet Semetary 2019 is why men shouldn't direct horror.”
My expectations were low and they somehow managed to slide under them anyways
I was honestly excited, like I didn't have high expectations but I was still looking forward to seeing it, but now I'm like...well, I'm still going to see it. IM ME. But my expectations are like. Miniscule. 
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ghostshaarkmoved · 6 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MJ!!! *showers you with confetti* i know it's a little early but i wanted to make sure i got in early enough that i could say i hope your whole tomorrow is as amazing as you deserve. for the celebration: 🦈 + liz, july 22, and "ad astra per aspera (a rough road leads to the stars)". it's technically my third favorite quote but my first two are long af. if possible could i also do🌵 + jason mendoza in pastel pink or black with maybe some heart doodles if it's not too much work?
LIZ!!!! TYSM BABE I LOVE YOU! That quote is actually my favorite, and one i was going to use while i was debating putting myself on the page, even though the meaning i use is a bit more direct (to the stars through difficulties, i just like it more bc i wanna like, go to space). You’re on my page here, but as i just mentioned, my google drive has stopped cooperating (or maybe it’s my wifi/laptop idk) so as soon as it starts working i’ll give you your icons!
want one?
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felicitykings · 6 years
i associate you with a lot of character but kolvina would be the two that, when either of them (or them together) show up on my dash i assume you reblogged/posted it
thank you, liz!
i love being associated with my babies.
what characters do you associate with me?
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