#jatp triple threat
invisibleraven · 11 months
Doing skin care together for Carrie(& or /)anyone because that is such a Carrie Prompt
Carrie hummed as she piled her hair into a messy bun, adjusting her headband afterwards and flicked on her ring light.
"Whatcha doing?"
Carrie turned and looked at Flynn and Julie who were smirking at her from the bathroom door. "If you must know I was going to give myself a spa day," she replied, tilting her nose up at them. "Do my nails, give myself a facial, all that fun stuff."
"Oooh, I could do with some pampering!" Julie squealed. "Can we join in?"
"or is more of a 'me' time?" Flynn asked. "Because if so we can skedaddle, we were just wondering if you wanted to watch a cheesy rom-com with us."
"We can do both," Julie offered. "You can even pick the movie as long as it's not She's All That again."
"10 Things I Hate About You?" Carrie asked, brandishing her tweezers in one hand and a bottle of nail polish in the other.
"Young Heath Ledger? Sign me up!" Julie exclaimed.
"I'm here for the Shakespeare adaptation and Allison Janney," Flynn interjected. "Also the mani."
So maybe this was not how Carrie pictured her day going, sitting with her expensive foaming charcoal mask on while Flynn painted her nails an electric pink and Julie recited along with Kat's famous monologue in the movie while plucking her brows.
But it was kinda nice.
They all switched places a few times, with Flynn opting for a sheet mask with a cute panda decal on it while Julie chose a peel off aloe and camomile mask. She was soaking her feet in Carrie' little foot bath while Flynn was debating polish colours.
"I kinda want to go orange, but that might seem too Halloweeny," she mused.
"What if we did an ombré effect with some yellow?' Carrie suggested.
"Oooh, mam likey," Flynn crooned. "Jules, what about you?"
Julie shrugged. "Figured i'd go with my standard purple."
Carrie and Flynn exchanged a look. "Girl, you can't be so afraid to break the mold every once in a while," Flynn replied.
Julie bit her bottom lip, looking at Carrie's vast array of polish colours. "Maybe that cherry red?"
"Perfect," Carrie said with a smirk. "I know someone who will love that you picked it too."
"Shut up!" Julie shrieked, but her blush said it all, and Carrie was willing to bet one of her dad's platinum albums that Reggie would sit up and take notice when Julie's nails matched his bass next band practice.
"I will not," Carrie retorted, sticking out her tongue, then squealed when Julie tossed a pillow at her from the couch. "Hey, watch it, this mask is horrendously hard to get out of fabric!" She then tapped her face, seemingly satisfied. "Mine's dry, I'm gonna go wash it off."
Flynn had long ago tossed her mask, and had her tongue stuck between her teeth as she slowly helped Julie peel hers off. "Sure thing Care Bear. You got toner and the like for after we get our nails done?"
"You know I do," Carrie said, rolling her eyes, but there was no bite to it. She'd already let them use her pricey cleanser, and Flynn had seen her large collection of skin care then.
Later, their faces clean, tones, moisturized, and glowing, they munched on popcorn, their now dry nails shining as Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts fell in love on the screen.
"This was nice," Carrie murmured. "Thanks for hanging with me today."
"We were here anyways since we stayed last night doing that stupid history paper," Flynn replied. "But thanks for leting us."
"Any time, we're always down for a girl's night, or a spa day," Julie offered. "Invite Kayla and the rest of the Candis if you want, we can have a real to do."
"Maybe warn me if you're inviting Kayla so I can make sure my braids are fresh," Flynn requested, blushing just a little, even if her obvious crush on the dancer could be seen from space.
"Will do," Carrie promised. "Especially since she asked me if she could 'tag along' to the next Phantoms practice you're attending."
Julie giggled at Flynn's increasing blush, the two of them teasing each other back and forth. Which, Carrie didn't really get, being pretty damn aroace, but she loved that her friends were happy and interested in good, kind people who liked them back.
Plus with them playfully bickering, it gave Carrie the chance to steal the last of the popcorn, and that was more than worth the counteracting effects it was surely having on her facial.
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sunset-bobby · 1 year
As we all know the JATP fandom has started to dwindle however I’ve had this concept in my head for a while, and I’ve finally had the chance to create it….so I give you: TRIPLE THREAT
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ace-with--a-mace · 11 months
weather is starting to feel like i need to rewatch jatp
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jatp-scrapbook · 1 year
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loz feliz pep rally, taken by ray & trevor
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 2 years
The Mercer Legacy - Epilogue
Pairings: Reggie/Luke/Reader, Willex, Carrie/Julie/Flynn
Warnings: none
a/n: hey so it's been a minute... these funky little guys have truly been haunting me for years now and I've wanted so badly to give you more TML but I just haven't had the inspiration. But I was on a call with @bright-patterson and they mentioned giving TML an ending and I immediately knew what that would be. So, here is an epilogue of sorts.
Masterlist TML Masterlist
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Of course the whole thing had to end with the whole crew heading off to college together. Alex, Wilie, Reggie, and Luke are all sharing a dorm (the kind that has 2 2-person bedrooms) and Y/N, Carrie, Julie, and Flynn are all sharing a dorm (the kind where they each get their own bedrooms). And they all live happily ever after or what have you.
I can't guarantee that I'll ever officially write the middle bit to this series but maybe I'll open it up as an AU and you guys can request little scenes here and there if there's any interest! Regardless, I hope this brings you all some closure <3
JATP Taglist: @meangirlsx @morganayenneferburnham @n0wornever @bright-molina @reg-peters @calamitykaty @sunsetcurvecuddles @dream-a-little-bigger-x @bright-patterson
TML Taglist: @marinettepotterandplagg @everyonesannoyedwithme @percico-heronstairs @starjane312 @ifilwtmfc @jatphatones @cherrymaybank @sorrowfulfragmentation @stargazing-dreamer-girl @daisybutterlions @mynameisntluke @willex-owns-my-heart @cucumbers-and-olives @90ssunsetcurve @avngrsinitiative @thatfandombitcch @genevieve-the-adventologist @axgelre
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mahuhumaling · 5 months
JATP Season 2 Wishlist
that i wrote in my notes app back in:
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and realized i never posted it here? tbf i'm rarely on tumblr. but because i really miss them rn i want to share my ✨ brainrot ✨ that i had back when i thought they were getting a renewal.
Carrie Wilson
she was my biggest flaw in Season 1. I wish her "redemption arc" is fleshed out more in Season 2; give her either more context & backstory to validate her reason for unnecessarily antagonizing Julie, or screentime to properly address how she's just projecting an emotion completely different into bitterness and anger into Julie's recovery
show particularly her earlier dynamic w/ Flynn and Julie? Maybe as Flynn calls her out, we'd get flashback glimpses prior to Rose's death (maybe even Double Trouble temporarily being Triple Threat 👉🏽👈🏽)
for some reason i'm picturing a scene where she's in her dance studio (she has one in their mansion, of course) practicing some of her Dirty Candy routine when she keeps messing up and not in the right mindset to keep dancing. i feel like the best (maybe easiest but whatever) way to guide the audience into her artist mind is to make her be a perfectionist. in frustration, she blows up for a minute before slumping onto the ground and reminisces her fun times with Julie & Flynn
also when you have her develop, please don't make her lose her femininity and the bubblegum pop music, it's great
Old Songs Resurfacing
it'll prove how detailed & thorough you are as a screenwriter if you pay off the songs mentioned in Season 1 in passing to be actual songs in Season 2
Unreleased: Get Lost, Long Weekend, Crooked Teeth, My Name is Luke, and if that riff from the scene in EP. 5 that spurred on the Bobby reveal isn't from one of these songs, add that too
Demo Album: Late Last Night, Lakeside Reflection, In Your Starlight
imagine your queer couple gets to have their first kiss first than your het main couple, not only will that settle Madi & Charlie's statements about being uncomfortable in doing a kissing scene and maintaining the priority of Juke's emotional over physical relationship, it would also make an powerful statement
Reggie's Character Arc
i know that he initially had an arc that involved a romance with Flynn but because of the ages of who they casted, they scrapped it and didn't have time to rewrite the scripts for him as filming neared, so they have time to adapt to how jeremy portrayed him for season 2: a lovable dork who craves familial love
since there's a possibility that lifers can now see the boys, maybe some found family trope for Reggie and Ray Molina?
he has pretty much formed a parasocial relationship with him at this point
so why not instead of a love interest, Reggie can have his character arc develop & we see his family before thru flashbacks and paralleling those in the current times because he sees Ray as a father figure
picture this: it's raining, Bobby opens the garage door to the sound of knocking, the boys find Reggie soaking wet and out of breath when he tries to say he doesn't know where else to go then the boys immediately figure out another fight in the Peters household happened. Reggie tries to talk again when Alex (because even though they're the airhead-sarcastic duo, they know they love each other) runs up to hug him and tells the other he doesn't have to say anything
cut to a freshly showered Reggie, quietly watching tv with Bobby, Luke, and Alex in the garage, eating whatever
also a solo acoustic country song, pls. just to make him happy
The Aftermath of the Deaths
for both the boys and Rose
we get parallels about how Bobby dealt with trauma and grief to Julie
like, the reason why the clothes are still in there (are to have costume changes for the boys) is because Bobby immediately moved out of the house (therefore also the garage) and left the clothes there because he couldn't bear to burn it, or visit the boys' houses to break the news to their families and return the clothes, or donate it somewhere so he just...left it. it would make for a more solid reason (for costume changes) and an emotional context as to how Bobby really tried to forget them because it was "easier."
it would also make sense why Carrie and Julie ended up friends. Rose probably was there for Bobby when they discovered what happened at the alleyway, so they stayed friends over the years and had their respective families but still kept in touch, (bonus points if absolutely nothing romantic happened between them! yay to normalizing platonic male-female relationships) and why Rose would immediately think of Bobby's three late bandmates to send for Julie when she was on her deathbed
Bobby never really "moved on" (because grief is a really complex thing). it's showed that he has a therapist and everything, and this could definitely have some aftereffects on his daughter. Carrie growing up seeing her father be this amazing rockstar but a negligent father and only showing love in ways she doesn't need (like riches and fame and connections to the music industry) because he's actually a really lonely man on the inside and no one can see that except for Bobby's spouse and Carrie. it'd explain why Carrie is spoiled, and other negative character traits that Carrie has on the surface
it's even why Bobby changed his name to Trevor: 1) Bobby is so closely associated to Sunset Curve and it's an absolute pain to be reminded of that every day, 2) it's a stage name and artists really do get that
More Worldbuilding
they already had some pretty creative concepts/ideas in the first season, so why not expand/expound on them a bit more
the instruments are attached to their souls that's why the boys at first can only touch them, like how Willie's skateboard and helmet are attached to him
which is why when they attach themselves to the world of the present, they gather up energy and focus on touching tangible things like the picture frame
this may follow the logic toward the end where they are finally able to touch Julie because she has become attached to their souls. emotionally.
More Creative Collaboration
i believe in the principle that when a story is finally released/published/told to the world, the world shares it. this is also visible in film/tv where when the scripts are finished and actors receive them, the story becomes part of theirs to work on. which means that they have some sort of autonomy over their characters' motivations, a chance to be heard of their ideas and pitches, and why some certain scenes wouldn't work, etc etc. it doesn't just become the director's story nor the screenwriters'.
the actors' ideas such as Perfect Harmony and their solos from Nothing to Lose are great because they let them in. they took risks, and it paid off incredibly well. more of that please. have them be a part of the writing process, (also the story), but never forget what made the music production great in the first place. be coherent and don't be like others that let too many hands work on one piece—it will lose its sound, its identity.
Julie Knowing
that Nick is possessed by Caleb. ohmygOD. hear me out.
the same S1 ending will play somewhere in 2x01, but it will be revealed that Julie was watching through the window the entire time and when she opens the door to receive the flowers, that last look she gives him is actually her scheming.
determined to get Nick back, imagine The Promised Neverland's level of mindgames Julie could play with Caleb because we already know our girl's smart
Free Willie Willie's Freedom
since the boys feel indebted to Willie's help, they insist on helping him too with getting rid of Caleb's stamp
maybe through his connection with Alex? or maybe Willie's family or friends who are still lifers (which is unlikely but either way). he needs to be saved !!
Song Sequences Ideas
juke counter melody duet like Rini's "Even When/The Best Part," Shane & Mitchie's "Wouldn't Change a Thing," or dodie & Jon Cozart's "a love song/a non love song"
emotional carrie ballad paired with lyrical hiphop choreo
willex song - i absolutely have no idea where this could go directionally but maybe alex on an acoustic guitar with a really soft sweet tune
reprises of S1 songs but in the complete opposite of their original style (the fandom's lonelier All Eyes on Me version, i see u)
nick guitar solo - just because Sacha actually plays, idk how it'd fit in to the plot yet but hey
Nothing to Lose (Reprise) - back in the '90s, a producer manipulates Bobby to sign a record deal to become a star but on one condition: disassociate himself with Sunset Curve, to which he first declines until he slowly gets persuaded. (sort of like Todrick Hall's So Lucky to Be You meets Lyn Lapid's Producer Man)
"So how about it, Bobby Shaw? Do we have a deal?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Call me Trevor Wilson."
i'm pretty sure someone made an animatic with this idea too but i cannot for the life of me find it !!
7. Season 2 starts the same way as Season 1 does before the opening song plays
Black screen that reads a text "Hollywood 1995"
a pan down to the Orpheum's overhead sign that reads "SUNSET CURVE SOLD OUT"
cut to the interior with Rose finishing up her cleaning when a stage manager calls out: "Sunset Curve!" to which Bobby abruptly stops his pacing back and forth to look up. he and Rose look at each other. music swells until...
cut to him running onto the alleyway, "are they still not finished eating? those gluttons are dead to me i swear—" he cuts off his own words when he sees the boys getting dragged onto stretchers. but we, the audience, don't see it. just a close up of bobby as the ambulance lights reflects his face. rose comes up behind him, still clutching their t-shirt.
[i honestly have no idea if Bobby should get on stage because it just proves Luke's theory of The Orpheum's opening bands eventually becoming big & successful so it'll explain the Trevor Wilson fame even though at first he only did it for the boys, or if he shouldn't because according to the article Julie googled he ran away immediately after they were pronounced in the scene] but either way, this is how the opening starts.
then it progresses to Rose and Bobby respectively having children so they could parallel each other blah blah
8. Julie plays a simple song on the piano while the guys watch her in awe
Storytelling through Props
let's dive deep into Rose's luggage/suitcase and use the props to head for Julie's emotional attachment with them
they already did it with the wardrobe: Rose wears the black leather vest in the pilot while Julie wears the same thing in EP 6
add depth to the characters' relationships like us finding out Julie's multilayered necklace is actually a gift from Carrie or something
SOYON ANN YOU'RE A GIFT FROM GOD. Bobby's necklace is present in both young and old!him
**Rose in flashback scenes should be wearing clothes we've already seen Julie in Season 1 just for greater effect.
The Bobby Conflict
definitely needs to be brought up again by Season 2; they only discarded somewhere in the middle because more pressing matters like the boys' existence blipping away was pushed to the forefront of the story
however, The Bobby Conflict changes. it'll be cleared up that he was offered a record deal as a solo artist by a manipulative producer. and given that the poor boy is only 17 (too, maybe), he agrees. what he doesn't know is the contract's fine print: giving up Sunset Curve's royalties
that information clears it up to the audience and the band, so the conflict becomes this: Bobby's Survivor's Guilt. god wouldn't that be so good tackling that in a kids'/family show.
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jmrothwell · 10 months
WIP game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
@innytoes tagged me, thanks! ^_^
In no particular order:
Let the Rain Pour follow up
WYitW Ch 7: The Pain Here that I Feel
Somewhere Else in the Story
Even Though it Hurts: Ch ??
Triple Threat
we run together
Uber Baby
In A Sense
No pressure tagging: @daintyduck99, @invisibleraven, @where-you-go, @bananakarenina, @onlygenxhere, @jatp-spinsb, and anyone who wants to.
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Chapters: 1/9 Fandom: Julie and The Phantoms (TV 2020) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bobby | Trevor Wilson/Nick, Luke Patterson/Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson, Nick/Luke Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Alex Mercer & Luke Patterson & Reggie Peters & Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson, Bobby | Trevor Wilson/Nick/Luke Patterson, Julie Molina & Nick, Alex Mercer & Julie Molina & Luke Patterson & Reggie Peters, Julie Molina/Flynn Taylor/Carrie Wilson, Willie & Julie Molina & Carrie Wilson & Flynn Taylor & Nick Characters: Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson, Nick (Julie and The Phantoms), Luke Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Julie Molina, Alex Mercer (Julie and The Phantoms), Reggie Peters (Julie and The Phantoms), Chad Danforth, Ryan Evans, Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson's Parents, Carrie Wilson, Flynn Taylor, Willie (Julie and The Phantoms), Original Characters, Emily Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Mitch Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms) Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Miscommunication, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, fibromyalgia, Medical Trauma, Bobby Shaw is Not Trevor Wilson, Happy Ending but they gotta fucking work for it, Willie Uses He/Him and They/Them Pronouns (Julie and The Phantoms), Flynn Taylor Uses She/Her and They/Them Pronouns, Pining, Questionable Choices both Legal and Otherwise, Luke Patterson Has Character Development, Alive Alex Mercer & Luke Patterson & Reggie Peters (Julie and The Phantoms), Sunset Curve (Julie and The Phantoms), Minor Willie/Alex Mercer, Bobby Shaw and Carrie Wilson are Cousins Summary:
Two and a half songs later, the door attached to the house swings open, and Bobby finally appears at the top of the small flight of stairs. He’s got his guitar, and he says, “Sorry, guys,” the second Luke signals for Alex and Reggie to stop, but there’s definitely something off about him. The years-old bags under his eyes that he tells fans are eyeliner stains are even more pronounced than usual. He’s still in his pajamas, a housecoat and slippers thrown on like he’s eighty. He moves slowly down the stairs and slings his guitar strap over his head with a wince. Luke’s skin crawls with worry.
But instead of expressing concern like a good friend, or even like a normal human, Luke says, “Where the hell were you?” and it comes out harsher than he meant it to.
Welcome to my fic for @julieandthephantomsbb! Thank you to my amazing artist @sunset-bobby and my beta @oldsmobile-hotdogs!
Taglist:  @whenweremarried @sunsethimb0s @pink-flame @penguin0613 @fighttoshine @sunsetcurvecuddles  @teenagedirtbag-dot-jpeg @brightattheorpheum @queenmolina @jandthephantoms @lexilucacia @sapphossidechick @acnhaddict @shrimp-colours @sunset-bobby @lenacarstairspotterstewart @conversationaltreestump @burntchromas @julieandthequeers @joyandthephantoms @it-tastes-like-lizard @jatpfs
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amoderndreamletdown · 3 years
So I made this post a few days ago so, I present: The ballgowns and daggers I think Triple Threat would own
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nicknellie · 4 years
I’ve decided that Julie, Carrie, and Flynn were/are all really interested in space and when all three of them were friends it was one of their favourite things to talk about. They would have sleepovers where they wouldn’t sleep, they’d spend the whole night star-gazing. They would have big events (eclipses, meteor showers, other stuff like that) scheduled and they’d watch them together through the expensive telescope Carrie’s dad bought her. They each know the names of all the constellations and they would make up their own stories to go with them. Just the three of them, being best friends, spending their nights with each other looking at the sky because there was nothing in the world they would have rather done.
Here’s my proof:
Julie in Bright
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Flynn in Edge of Great (photo from this post which actually made me realise/think of this)
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Carrie in All Eyes On Me (which I’ve posted about before but I can’t find the post)
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missmitchieg · 4 years
*overthinks and over analyzes everything Julie And The Phantoms*
Thinking about how Carrie was the only one wearing a planet necklace and white crop top and silver shorts that didn’t match her jacket in All Eyes On Me and the only one wearing shoes that matched her outfit instead of silver shoes with white soles and (I’m pretty sure she’s the only one) not wearing the shark tooth looking necklace in Wow.
It’s obviously the best way to stand out as the leader and get attention on her, but also a good way to show she might have an influence on her that’s not an influence on the rest of the girls.
Thinking once again about Julie’s Carrie Pink sneakers in Bright and Flying Solo and the Saturn patch on the jumpsuit.
Thinking about Flynn’s Carrie Pink school dance dress and planet dress.
Thinking once again about Carries Julie Purple scribble hoodie that looks like Julie’s doodles.
Thinking about the three of them still loving and missing each other and wanting to be friends again and wearing things reminiscent of each others’ styles maybe being symbolism of that.
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sunset-bobby · 3 years
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okay, so I decided to do another art series, and so in this one Julie, Carrie, and Flynn are drawn in clothes from my numerous Pinterest board (with some creative liberty)
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trafficlightsaysidk · 2 years
julie: ok, help me please!
carrie: two words
flynn: i bet they wont be helpful
carrie: your problem
flynn: i was right
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 3 years
The Mercer Legacy - Part 4
Pairings: Luke x Reggie x reader, Julie x Flynn x Carrie
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: mentions of Reggie’s parents fighting in the edits
A/N: oh man I’m so excited for this chapter. I usually share a lot of bits and pieces with the Ghost Squad while I’m writing but I’ve kept this one under wraps as a surprise! I hope you like it! As always, let me know what you think and drop a comment/send me an ask if you want to be tagged!
Part 3 Masterlist TML Masterlist
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“Oh, by the way, Julie said her girlfriends are coming to watch practice today,” Alex said, looking up from his phone and you narrowed your eyes at him.
He tucked his drum sticks into the water bottle pocket of his backpack before slinging it over his shoulder as if he hadn’t just dropped a bombshell on you. 
“Girlfriends,” you repeated, drawing out the ‘s’ at the end. “As in multiple girlfriends?”
“Yeah, keep up Y/L/N,” Alex said teasingly before realizing why you had questioned it. “I told you you had no reason to be worried.” 
When you arrived you were excited to meet Julie’s significant others and also glad to not have to sit alone during practice. However, that excitement quickly turned to surprise when you stepped into the garage. 
“Oh hey Y/N,” she replied, sounding unphased but you noticed the light pink blush spreading across her cheeks. She hadn’t expected someone else she knew to be there just like you hadn’t/ “What’re you doing here?”
You tilted your head towards where Alex was settling in behind his drumset and Carrie nodded in understanding.
“I should’ve guessed,” she smiled and you were taken aback slightly at how genuine it was, used to her stage smile.
“He and I are going to have a long conversation about sharing information,” you said loud enough for Alex to hear on the other side of the studio, glaring at your best friend who just rolled his eyes in response.
“I know Reggie and Luke too.” You directed your words back to Carrie, glancing over to the two boys for the first time since you’d arrived to find them looking back at you and you tried to fight back the heat rushing to your cheeks. It didn’t seem to stop Carrie from noticing and she smirked knowingly.
“Ahh,” she hummed quietly to herself as if she’d just put something together but you had no idea what it could be.
“What?” You questioned a bit abrasively and you winced at your tone. You just didn’t like that she seemed to know something that you didn’t.
“Nothing, just— and you didn’t hear this from me— Julie said Reggie and Luke haven’t been able to shut up about a girl for weeks. I just didn’t expect it to be you.” Carrie shared in a hushed whisper and you flushed in earnest this time, your throat going dry at the information.
“Hey, Mercer are you gonna introduce me to your girl or?” The girl who you assumed was Julie’s other girlfriend called, thankfully interrupting your conversation with Carrie before you had to come up with a response. She slung her arm around your shoulder as she spoke.
Alex rolled his eyes but hollered back, “Flynn that’s Y/N, Y/N that’s Flynn.”
“I take it you’re the one nobody around here shuts up about?” Flynn asked as she stepped away from you.
“Flynn!” Carrie hissed, eyes flashing.
“What, is that supposed to be some secret?” Flynn replied and you laughed while Carrie rolled her eyes fondly.
“Apparently I am,” you shrugged with a shy chuckle.
Flynn nodded pensively, looking you up and down.
“I get it,” she said finally and you felt yourself blush for the umpteenth time since you arrived.
Carrie rolled her eyes, huffing out a quiet “oh my god.”
“Hey PeterPatter you better hurry up before I steal your girlfriend,” Flynn called to Luke and Reggie over her shoulder and you wished the ground would open up and swallow you right there. Luckily when you chanced a glance at the guys they seemed just as mortified as you, both of their faces beat red as they both pointedly avoided looking at each other or you.
“She’s not-”
“I’m not-”
The three of you blurted at the same time, your heads snapping up to stare at each other with wide eyes. Flynn cackled at that and Carrie smacked her arm, muttering something under her breath that you didn’t catch.
“Wow you guys make it too easy,” Flynn said when she finally stopped laughing, pretending to wipe tears from her eyes.
“Julie, can you please make your girlfriend stop flirting with my best friend,” Alex whined and Flynn flipped him off. “There’re already too many people here who do that,” he added, looking pointedly at Luke and Reggie and you turned to glare at him.
“Fuck you,” you mouthed but he just grinned cheekily.
“In your dreams,” he mouthed back and you stuck your tongue out at him.
“O-kay,” Julie said once she noticed Alex sticking his tongue out at you in response, interrupting the chaos that had consumed the studio. “Why don’t we start practicing.”
The boys nodded hurriedly, settling in behind their instruments while you, Carrie, and Flynn moved to make yourselves comfortable in the various chairs and couch.
“And Flynn? behave,” Julie called at her girlfriend’s back.
Flynn mumbling something petulant under her breath before plopping down on the couch next to Carrie, throwing her arm around her girlfriend’s shoulder and pulling her into her. You did your best to stifle a laugh at the reluctant way that Carrie leaned into her girlfriend, arms crossed over her chest and what may look like an annoyed expression but you could see the fondness in her eyes.
The three of you chatted amicably throughout the band’s rehearsal, you getting to know Flynn and getting to know the “real” Carrie. It was nice, they were nice and you quietly wondered why you hadn’t formed a friendship with Carrie sooner. You’d always been amicable in school, but your social circles never really overlapped so you’d never had a reason to really talk to each other. You wished you had.
Practice flew by quicker than usual in the presence of both good music and good company and before you knew it the band was packing up their instruments and Carrie and Flynn were standing to go talk to their girlfriend. Before she got too far, Carrie nudged you in the direction of the two guitarists and Flynn sent you a sly wink.
You stumbled slightly from the force of Carrie’s push but continued to meander over to the band set up, intentionally avoiding the eyes of your best friend who you were certain was smirking knowingly at you.
“Oh hey, Y/N!” Reggie said cheerfully when he glanced up from zipping up his guitar case to see you making your way over. “Luke and I were thinking maybe ice cream now that practice is done? Since you missed out the other day?”
You turned to find Luke nodding in agreement to Reggie’s statement and you smiled, heart warming at the gesture. You were certain that they’d be upset with you after you bailed on them with a shitty excuse the other day but it seemed they still wanted to spend time with you, and for that you were grateful.
“I’d love that,” you agreed, “Is Alex coming with?”
“Um, well, I was kinda hoping it could just be the three of us?” Luke spoke up, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “There’s been something I’ve been wanting to talk to you guys about…”
You nodded thoughtfully, trying to fight back the frown that threatened to take over your face as a pit of worry opened up in your stomach.
“It’s nothing bad! I swear!” Luke rushed to reassure you both as if sensing your worries.
“Okay.” You nodded again, this time more to yourself. “In that case, there’s a conversation I’ve been meaning to have with you both too.”
You weren’t sure why you’d volunteered that. Maybe you had been emboldened by Luke’s statement.
“I have something too but maybe we should wait and talk about it all over ice cream?” Reggie added hesitantly, sounding even more nervous than you felt.
You all agreed, deciding that whatever news you each needed to share with one another would be improved by the presence of ice cream. With your plans settled, Reggie and Luke finished putting away their equipment and you all said goodbye to the rest of the group before setting off.
It was a short walk from the Molina’s to Reggie’s favorite ice cream place and an even shorter trip with Reggie on his skateboard and you on Luke’s bike handles. Normally you’d spend a ride on Luke’s handlebars giggling loudly (or screaming whenever Luke would swerve suddenly in order to scare you) with Reggie skateboarding by your side. This time though you were all silent and you felt like you were buzzing with anxiety over the prospect of confessing your feelings to the two boys.
The three of you were uncharacteristically quiet as you got your ice cream, each of you paying separately rather than the usual fight over who got to pay this time. It made your gut twist, anxiety welling up once more at what Reggie and Luke had to say.
It wasn’t until you were sat around a table that anyone tried to speak up.
“Okay so-“
“Right, well-“
“I just want-“
The tree of you started at the same time before freezing abruptly. You couldn’t help the shocked laugh that bubbled out of you and you flushed at the inappropriateness of it. However, it seemed to break the tense atmosphere that had surrounded you all since you left the studio, Luke and Reggie breaking into laughter of their own.
“I’ll go first,” you volunteered, startled again when you heard the two boys speak in unison with you.
The three of you fell into short-lived laughter once more before you spoke up again, alone this time.
“Seriously, I’ll go first... if that’s alright?”
You thought back to the message you’d sent Alex weeks ago saying that you weren’t ready to have your heart broken like that. You certainly didn’t feel more ready now, but something in you needed to get this out. Heartbreak or not, at least you’d know for sure.
“Ladies first,” Luke acquiesced and you sent him a brief but grateful smile.
“Okay, um...wow this is a lot harder than I thought,” you muttered to yourself, stuttering over your words. “You guys are great guys and amazing friends but-“
“I have a crush on you!” Reggie blurted, cutting you off mid-sentence and you froze, unable to do more than blink at the boy.
“Both of you,” Reggie clarified after a moment before he began to ramble. “And I didn’t want it to change anything between us because you guys are so important to me and it’s totally okay if you don’t feel the same but...”
“But you just had to get it out there,” Luke finished, a knowing look on his face.
“Yeah, how’d you...?” Reggie trailed off, peering curiously at Luke.
“Because I have a crush on you too, you dork,” Luke confessed with a small laugh that sounded less like he thought the situation was funny and more like he was trying to hide how nervous he was. “Both of you.”
Luke and Reggie turned to look at you then, their nerves obvious in their facial expressions and suddenly the atmosphere was tense again.
“I... I-“ you tried to force out the words before cutting yourself off with a groan. “I can’t believe you guys!”
“Here I am trying to get the words out and you- you guys cut me off and... and beat me to it! It’s- it’s not fair!”
“You... what?” Luke asked the question again, this time less out of confusion and more disbelief.
“I have a crush on you— both of you— too and I was trying to tell you but,” you gestured wildly about you as if to reference what had just happened. “I guess it doesn’t matter, huh?”
You were grinning by then, completely unbelieving of your luck. You felt breathless with it, the rush of the adrenaline from your confession combined with the euphoria of Luke and Reggie’s reciprocation was enough to make your head spin.
“So, what now?” Reggie asked, looking surprised that you’d made it to this point. You couldn’t blame him, you felt the same way.
“I vote we eat our ice cream before it’s entirely melted and call this our first date.”
You grinned as you watched Reggie and Luke blush but nod eagerly. You couldn’t help it that your cheeky grin slipped into something much sappier and fond as you watched the boys, your boys.
JATP Taglist: @meangirlsx @morganayenneferburnham @n0wornever @bright-molina @reg-peters @calamitykaty @sunsetcurvecuddles @dream-a-little-bigger-x @bright-patterson
TML Taglist: @marinettepotterandplagg @everyonesannoyedwithme @percico-heronstairs @starjane312 @ifilwtmfc @jatphatones @cherrymaybank @sorrowfulfragmentation @stargazing-dreamer-girl @daisybutterlions @mynameisntluke @willex-owns-my-heart @theolivekiddo @90ssunsetcurve @avngrsinitiative @thatfandombitcch
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queenmolina · 4 years
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i couldn’t resist...
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