#jaun whistler
brine-in-my-eyes · 7 months
I REALLLLYYYY need to draw the riddle kids' parents so badly bro right now right now i need to draw them now but i have this thing called WORK and i already spent monday n Tuesday not working on it 😭😭😭😭😭
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reading this makes me want to draw all of them now right now now now ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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didyoutrydynamite · 1 year
Neon is angry and wants to know who put her mother in the betting pool on who Jaune will hook up with?
Probably Whistler lol
Whistler: Oh yeah? Well I already got a thousand on my little girl ending up with Blondie!
Flora: A thousand?! Who the hell are you betting with?
Whistler: Everyone!
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campaignoutsider · 3 years
Dead Blogging 'Learning to Look: The Addison at 90'
Dead Blogging ‘Learning to Look: The Addison at 90’
Well the Missus and I trundled up to Andover the other day to wander around the Addison Gallery of American Art at Phillips Academy (free, but reservations required) and say, it was swell to be back at that gem of a museum. On the ground floor is the Addison’s 90th anniversary celebration (through December 31), complete with festive cupcakes and a complimentary copy of Treasures of the Addison…
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bridgyrose · 3 years
weiss and/or winter! (bonus point if it's a headcanon for the two of them!) c:
Headcanon A:  Weiss is blind in her left eye
Headcanon B: Weiss has a cybernetic left eye that "helps" her in fights
Headcanon C: Jacques never wanted Weiss as a daughter and nearly forced her to become his son, only to be saved by Winter who agreed to be in her place
Headcanon D: Weiss had a huge crush on Jaune... right up until she heard him talk.
Headcanon A:  Winter secretly enjoys sweets because they were forbidden to her whipe growing up
Headcanon B: Winter was a professional whistler
Headcanon C: Winter has transitioned twice: once to save her sister from becoming the son he wanted, and again after joining Atlas Academy
Headcanon D: Winter naturally has blonde hair, but dyes it white to hide the fact Willow had an affair
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idealconservateur · 4 years
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Les Chauves-Souris. Clairs-obscurs. Deuxième ouvrage carminal [Paris, Georges Richard, 1892], in-4°, vélin ivoire à la Bradel, sur le premier plat portrait de l'auteur peint à l'huile par «[La]Gandara», dessous vers autographes signés, à l'encre de Chine, sur le second plat chiffre entrelacé [JE] frappé à froid dans un médaillon à fond doré, dos lisse, couverture de soie gris perle brochée de chauves-souris, de lunes et d'étoiles et doublée de satin jaune d'or avec les mêmes motifs, tête dorée, non rogné (Henry-Joseph [Pierson] -[La] Gandara).
  ÉDITION ORIGINALE du premier recueil de poèmes de Robert de Montesquiou (1855-1921). Éditée à compte d'auteur, elle ne fut pas mise dans le commerce. L'année suivante parurent deux autres éditions, dont l'une avec des ornements dessinés par Forain, Whistler, La Gandara et Yamamoto. Les Chauves-Souris, un recueil de nocturnes symbolistes. Avec Les Hortensias bleus et Le Chef des odeurs suaves, les 164 pièces de vers des Chauves-Souris constituent le coeur de l'oeuvre poétique de l'auteur. À l'occasion d'une réédition, celui qui avouait un goût certain pour la nuit et ses mystères explique l'âme du poète éveillée par les chauves-souris: «L'étrange volatile m'a semblé représenter, par son inquiétude et son incertitude entre la lumière et l'ombre, l'état d'âme des mélancoliques.» Le talent de Robert de Montesquiou fut apprécié par Mallarmé, Verlaine, Mirbeau ou Rodenbach. Cependant, son goût immodéré pour l'extrême préciosité lui valut de devenir le modèle de des Esseintes, le dandy décadent d'À rebours, et du baron de Charlus dans À la recherche du temps perdu. L'ouvrage est précédé d'une lettre-préface de Leconte de Lisle. Précieux exemplaire offert par l'auteur à Edmond de Goncourt, accompagné d'un long et déférent envoi autographe, daté «Juillet 92». Robert de Montesquiou par Antonio de La Gandara: l'un des 29 livres à portrait de la bibliothèque d'Edmond de Goncourt. Avec Henri Beraldi, Edmond de Goncourt (1822-1896) fut l'un des arbitres des élégances bibliophiliques en matière de reliures décorées fin de siècle. Dans le Grenier de la maison d'Auteuil, à partir de 1885, Edmond reçoit chaque dimanche ses amis, artistes et écrivains, au milieu de ses collections d'oeuvres d'art et des livres de sa bibliothèque. C'est dans le cadre du Grenier et de ses amitiés qu'Edmond, en 1890, conçoit le projet d'une série de reliures destinées à habiller un choix très personnel de livres «mieux aimés» parmi les livres modernes de sa collection. Chacun de ces livres recevra, sur le premier plat de sa reliure, le portrait de son auteur par un peintre auquel le lie l'amitié. De 1890 à 1896, date de la mort d'Edmond, 29 reliures à portrait furent réalisées; toutes sur des vélins pleins établis par Henry-Joseph Pierson, son relieur favori. Parmi les associations écrivains-peintres qu'il souhaita magnifier par ces livres à portrait, on peut citer Burty par Chéret, Daudet par Carrière, Julia Daudet par James Tissot, Edmond de Goncourt par Carrière, Huysmans par Raffaelli, Régnier par Blanche, Lecomte par Renoir, Zola par Raffaëlli ou Mirbeau par Rodin. Antonio de La Gandara, quant à lui, donna les portraits de Jean Lorrain et de Montesquiou. Ces reliures, dont Bernard Vouilloux écrit qu'elles sont une innovation bibliophilique d'Edmond de Goncourt, étaient à n'en pas douter l'un des joyaux du Grenier. Cinq d'entre elles furent présentées pour la première fois en 1893, à la galerie Georges Petit pour l'exposition Portraits des écrivains et journalistes du siècle (1793-1893). Henri Bouchot écrit alors qu'elles en furent le «clou». Six de ces reliures à portrait sont aujourd'hui conservées dans des institutions publiques parisiennes. Antonio de La Gandara (1861-1917), l'un des portraitistes attitrés du comte de Montesquiou. L'un et l'autre sont des habitués du Grenier. Ils sont liés d'amitié depuis 1885. Le comte a beaucoup fait pour les débuts de l'artiste. Lancé dans la haute société parisienne, La Gandara en sera l'un des plus brillants portraitistes. Outre celui-ci, au moins deux autres portraits de Montesquiou par La Gandara sont connus: un fusain de 1891 et une huile, vers 1887, conservée au château d'Azay-le-Ferron. Sous son portrait par son ami, Montesquiou a écrit quelques vers à l'encre de Chine, accompagnés de son élégant monogramme. Goncourt a, comme à son habitude - ici sur la première garde du volume -, écrit à l'encre rouge quelques appréciations sur l'ouvrage et quelques caractéristiques de cet exemplaire: «Exemplaire de la première, et de la belle, et de la rare édition des Chauves-Souris [...] précédée d'une lettre dédicatoire manuscrite. Portrait du poète exécuté à l'huile par Gandara dans l'été de 1893.» Dans l' «inventaire littéraire» qu'il établit en 1894, il a en outre noté que le portrait de Montesquiou par La Gandara «ren[d] bien la silhouette et le port de tête du poète». Exemplaire cité par Vicaire. Parfaitement conservé, il est préservé dans une chemise-étui moderne à dos de maroquin olive. Sont joints: - une LAS à Madame [Arman de Caillavet], 4 pp. in-4° à l'encre noire sur papier ocre, datées «Pavillon des Muses». Le poète regrette «l'anéantissement» d'un projet commun, mais assure sa correspondante que des «liens invisibles» existent entre eux, «incessamment disponibles». Née Léontine Lippmann, Madame de Caillavet tint un salon littéraire important et fut la maîtresse et l'égérie d'Anatole France. Montesquiou emménagea au Pavillon des Muses, à Neuilly, vers 1900 et y vécut onze ans. - 2 épreuves avec la lettre du portrait de Montesquiou gravé par Henri Guérard d'après Whistler, paru dans la Gazette des Beaux-Arts en 1903 (C. Bertin, n° 548). Édition limitée à 100 exemplaires, tous imprimés sur papier de Hollande Van Gelder, au filigrane à la chauve-souris. Dimensions: 247 x 192 mm. Expositions: Portraits des écrivains et journalistes du siècle (1793-1893), galerie Georges Petit, juin 1893; Antonio de La Gandara, gentilhomme-peintre de la Belle Époque, 1861-1917, Versailles, musée Lambinet, 3 nov. 2018-24 février 2019, n° 38. Provenances: Edmond de Goncourt (Cat. Livres modernes, 5-10 avril 1897, n° 21), avec son ex-libris gravé par Gavarni; Philippe Kah (1897-1972), avocat et homme de lettres, avec son ex-libris (aucun catalogue à ce nom à la BNF); Pierre Bergé (Cat. II, novembre 2016, n° 484), avec son ex-libris. Vicaire (G.), Manuel de l'amateur de livres du XIXe siècle. 1801-1893, V, 1106; Crauzat (E. de), La Reliure française de 1900 à 1925, I, pp. 118; Vouilloux (B.), «Une collection d'unica. Les livres à portraits d'Edmond de Goncourt», in CONTEXTES, 14 | 2014 (édition en ligne); Galantaris (Ch.), «Les Goncourt bibliophiles», in Le Livre et l'estampe, XXXX, 1994, n° 142, pp. 7-63; Coron (A., éd.), Des livres rares..., BNF, n° 232 (Germinie Lacerteux des Goncourt, ex. d'Edmond, vélin, portrait d'Edmond peint par Raffaëlli); Mathieu (X.), Antonio de La Gandara, gentilhomme-peintre de la Belle Époque, 1861-1917, Versailles, musée Lambinet, 3 nov. 2018-24 février 2019, n° 38 (avec reproduction) et passim
https://www.bibliorare.com/lot/324004/   Adjudication : 20 000 € 
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marciamattos · 7 years
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James Abbott McNeill Whistler (Lowell, Massachusetts, 10 de julho de 1834 — Londres, 17 de julho de 1903). #JamesAbbottMcNeillWhistler #JamesMcNeillWhistler #amarelo #jaune #yellow
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Hyperallergic: Artists Pick Artists: Mario Mentrup
Mario Mentrup as Lou Mario in “Homestories” (2016), a photo installation by Kerstin Cmelka
Editor’s note: This is the 16th in a series of interviews with artists that will continue without direction and outside any one person’s control. The artists are asked seven questions about their art and their ideas about art. The questions are blunt, but open-ended enough to be answered in any way the artist chooses. The final question is a request for the artist to select the next artist to be interviewed — anyone they wish, well-known or unknown, working in any medium, anywhere — any artist whose work they think highly of, an artist deserving the same public interrogation.
The first question I ask artists in this series is a cruel one: “Why did you become an artist?” The why bumps out the customary how to suggest that a reasoned choice was made at some point in their lives, but few artists ever make such a deliberation. They are predestined, perhaps. At the same time, artists are good people to present with blunt questions because they’re unfailingly imaginative, well-versed in pulling something out of nothing.
Installation view, Mario Mentrup, “Chicken or Egg – Dilemma (THE ANIMALS)” at Kunstverein Langenhagen, 2016
Filmmaker, writer, director, actor, and musician Mario Mentrup says that he had no way out of a film studio and therefore embraced his fate as a dramatic foil. In his works, which are all performative to varying degrees (meaning they require bodily action, such as dancing or creating site-specific installations), he tests our psychological limits at the threshold between sense and nonsense. Mentrup’s collaborator Kerstin Cmelka, who invited him to be interviewed here, finds motivation in his mantra: “No excuses and no restrictions,” as she puts it. “Get rid of what holds you back!” But is Mentrup holding back something with his mysterious answers below? Maybe — or maybe he’s enlisting us as part of his own art.
*   *   *
Rob Colvin: Why did you become an artist?
Mario Mentrup: I went into Skull Cinema and didn’t find my way out.
RC: How would you describe your development and what you’re doing now?
MM: During the process of finding my way out of Skull Cinema, I stumbled across Psychogeographics and fell into Psychonautic Sound Holes. Finally I got rid of a Repulsive-Anti-Art-Disorder-Syndrome. For some reason, then I was locked into a Film Studio with only one door that leads to Stage Scenario. No Exit.
Stills from Ich Begehre (2007), a feature fiction film by Mario Mentrup and Volker Sattel (photos by Jonas Schmager)
RC: Have you been influenced by anyone or anything in particular?
MM: I used to challenge my nemesis and overthrow my rivals. But this is a longtime ago.
RC: What challenges are unique to your process?
MM: As we all know, everyone and everything is unique and every time and everywhere is unique, so it cannot be my challenge to be or do something rather unique. Challenges and processes change, if I am lucky, which I am and do hope I am most of the time.
Set photo from Mario Mentrup, “The Return of Practice vs. Performance“ (2016) (photo by Eric Bell)
RC: If you could own any work of art, what would it be?
MM: I am not the kind of person who wants to own any work of art, although I do, but these are gifts by artists and you do not see these things in my space. I used to like to get books, comics, posters or vinyl records when I was a young man, but since the days of CD and DVD I stopped buying things like this; they are not my fetish. I became a peaceful VOD and YouTube/SoundCloud type of consumer. If I would like to own any art, I would like to get “The Jewel” by Jay DeFeo, “Arrangement in Black: La Dame au brodequin jaune” by Whistler, and an ongoing, never-ending installation work by Martin Creed.
RC: So what is art anyway?
MM: I don’t know; I did not finish my studies.
RC: Who should be interviewed next?
MM: Stewart Home, a writer and artist from London. He is a self-proclaimed post-proletarian modernist, and he is further saying about himself that he is inauthentic since 1962, which is the year of his birth.
The post Artists Pick Artists: Mario Mentrup appeared first on Hyperallergic.
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didyoutrydynamite · 1 year
The parents of the female teammates in JNRZ will insist Jaune call them mom or dad. Mainly because he is their future son in law. The girls are embarrassed at this.
Can definitely see Whistler doing this much to Reese’s horror.
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didyoutrydynamite · 3 years
Reese’s Dad Approves
Jaune; *has cloth bag ripped off from over his head, realizing he’s been tied to a chair* Huh? W-what’s going on?
???: *A shady figure sits on a stool across from him, playing with a lighter that casts an orange glow on his gas mask* Calm down lad, you and I just need to have a little chat.
Jaune: *Squints* Mister Chloris?
Whistler: That's Mister Chloris to you lad.
Jaune: …That’s what I said.
Whistler: *moment of silence before taking off his gas mask* Oh you’re good. But I’ll warn you right now Arc. *lights cigarette and takes a puff* I’ve yet to meet someone who can best me in the battle of the minds. I’ve brought several therapists to tears for trying to understand the inner workings of my psyche. *proceeds to eat the lit cigarette.*
Jaune: *gulps* U-understood Mister Chloris. What would you like to talk about?
Whistler: *Grins and flares his nostrils as smoke comes out of them* Straight to the point, I like it. And I’m gonna be honest with you. I like you. And I want you…
Jaune: *leans back in chair* Uhhh…
Whistler: …To take good care of my daughter. You’re exactly the kind of boyfriend she needs.
Jaune: *sighs in relief* Whew thank god. Wait what?
Whistler: *Laughs loudly* No need to sound so relieved lad. I can already tell you’re a fine catch. Better than most other freaks out there. You wear your fear on your sleeves. Makes it easy to tell whether or not you’re thinking of gutting me open.
Jaune: …What?
Whistler: Unfortunately that leaves us in a certain predicament. You see, if you want in our family-
Jaune: Sir I think you’re misunderstanding-
Whistler: -you’re gonna have to pass the “Test”. Think of it as an initiation into dating Reese.
Jaune: M-mister Chloris, Reese and I aren’t dating!
Whistler: *waves hand dismissively* Whatever you kids call it these days then, I know young’uns tend to be more free spirited. Either way, if you want to keep your hands on my daughter. *stands up and kicks his stool away, cracks his knuckles* You’re gonna have to get through these hands first.
Jaune: *beginning to panic* You mean…!?
Whistler: That’s right. “Mono e mono”.
Jaune: I-I can’t fight you!
Whistler: You’re gonna have to, just like I did with my father-in-law, and he did with his father-in-law before him… probably. *mumbles to himself* He never really did explain to me very well how this tradition goes…
Jaune: No, what I mean is I literally cannot feasibly fight you. You’re a Huntsman!
Whistler: *tosses Crocea Mors at Jaunes feet* Then you better hope your love for Reese and the adrenaline of your pants-shitting fear gives you the edge to win. *pulls on what appears to be a flamethrower pack* They always say that the greatest warriors were the cornered animals and fools in love. By the way you may wanna put in a request for a new locker. Someone left yours locked for some reason, so I had to get assertive in order to get your weapon.
Jaune: *looks dumbly at the sword at his feet, his limbs still tied to the chair* Uh, sir? Can I at least get a little help first?
Whistler: *Smiles kindly at him.* Only because I like you. You’ve got a ten seconds head start before we begin. *pulls down gas mask and turns on his Dust Thrower’s igniter* Ten. Nine-
Jaune: *starts rocking side to side in the chair, fighting against his restraints* ohshitohsitohsitoshit-!
*Suddenly the room’s lights turn on, revealing to Jaune a very familiar laboratory.*
Merlot: Arc? Who gave you permission to be in my lab!?
Whistler: *loudly gasps* Dad! You made it!
Merlot: *his face shifts from surprise to anger as he recognizes Whistler* Oh for fucks sake! *loudly shouts into his metal arm piece* Intruder! Protocol: Despoiler!
*Lab sirens flare as a swarm of security drones fall from the ceiling, beelining towards Whistler.*
Whistler: *shakes his head and chuckles* Oh Dad, same old same old! *Activates a switch and his Gun’s tube glows green, he then pulls the trigger, spraying a cyclone of air towards the drones, smashing them all over the room.*
Merlot: I AM NOT YOUR FATHER! *his metal arm opens up and an arc of electricity fires towards Whistler*
Whistler: *His aura flares as he summons a spectral Gremlin in front of him, the creature taking the lightning bolt in with glee as it maniacally laughed back out of existence* Listen, Pops. As much as I love our “Hello Spars”, I’m in the middle of a Traditional Merlot Family Duel with the Arc-Boy.
Jaune: I didn’t consent to this!
Merlot: *looking confused* Merlot Family Duel? What nonsense are blathering now, you low life?
Whistler: Oh you know! When I first started seeing Elyse? We had that big duel that destroyed several city blocks? Man, you really gave me one hell of a test to see if I was worthy to be part of the family. *sighs happily as if recollecting on a fond memory*
Merlot: *visibly grinding his teeth* I can assure you there is no such “Family Tradition”. And if I was testing anything, it was to see how fast I could kill some street punk hooligan for getting my daughter pregnant in a some filthy bar bathroom stall, WITHOUT SO MUCH AS LITTLE AS A FIRST NAME BASIS!
Whistler: And boy it was love at first sight! Gods I still miss her. Rest in peace Wildfire.
Jaune: Wait. So there isn’t any duel then?
Whistler: Of course there is!
Merlot: Of course there’s not!
Whistler: But Dad!
Merlot: Stop calling me that! And if you’re so worried about him proving his worth, I’ve already given him my blessing!
Whistler: *recoils in shock* What?! Already? And without me? When?
Merlot: When Jaune and Reese fought one of my machines in order for her to… wait a minute.
Whistler: HA! So there is a Merlot Tradition! *pulls up his mask and plants a hand and Jaune’s shoulder.* And the boy’s already won over Reese! I knew you could do it!
Jaune: For the last time. Reese and I are NOT a thing!
Merlot/Whistler: Why not?
Jaune: *lets out an exasperated sigh* If there’s no duel, can I leave now?
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didyoutrydynamite · 2 years
Has Reese and May ever dealt with their parents telling them that they approve of Jaune being with them?
Zheng: So... how are things with Jaune?
May: Dad, just please don't.
Zheng: What?! I was just curious how your leader was holding up. He IS responsible for my baby girl isn't he?
May: He is doing fine, he's been improving in his studies, getting better at fighting, and has been pretty good friend. Friend.
Zheng: So he hasn't gotten cuter lately or...?
May: DAD! I know what you're getting at and it isn't happening!
Zheng: But it isn't impossible!
May: Just because you ended up becoming lovers with father, doesn't mean he changed your sexuality! It just means you were bi the whole time!
Zheng: You don't know me! You don't know where I been before your father!
May: Father, can you please help?
Yuanbao: Nuh uh, sexuality and the human mind is a complex enough topic that I would rather not argue about, thankyou. Although... Jaune wouldn't be the worst choice honey.
Zheng: SEE?!
May: *Frustratedly throws her hands up in the air*
Whistler: *Button mashing his controller* So how's my future son-in-law?
Reese: *Snickers as she expertly handles her controller* J-man is doing good. Being leaderly and stuff.
Whistler: Keeping out of trouble?
Reese: Got detention again.
Whistler: *Chuckles* My kind of mate. He treating you right?
Reese: Bit of a nag, but he's a pretty cool dude so I let him.
Whistler: Being a good boyfriend then?
Reese: Jaune? Nah, we ain't like that. He's just my best-super-cool-guy-friend.
Whistler: I'm telling you Spearmint, think he'd be a good match for ya.
Reese: *Rolls eyes* I know, I know, but counter point. BLEEGH! *Fake vomits* That'd be super weird! It'd be like if Gramps and Cordovin were secretly banging or something.
Whistler: *Hearty laugh* HA! Could you imagine? That half pint she devil and Pops?!
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didyoutrydynamite · 2 years
Since it’s Father’s Day how do the various members of team JNRZ except poor neon spend it with their dads?
Hm Since everyone's dads live outside the Kingdom, they really spend it with them in person this years, so everyone just sends cards and call them and wish them a happy Fathers Day.
But if you're curious about what they usually do when they lived with their dads:
Jaune becomes Lucien's "official sidekick" for the day, donning a cape and mask as the trust Hunt-Lad. Then just follow Lucien around and help him with whatever chores he needed to get done that day.
Reese would make Whistler a special invention for him for Father's Day, usually some sort of home made gadget that ranged from working flashlights to small explosives. Whistler would also go out of his way to find out how to kill a Grimm with these inventions so he can proudly tell Reese she got a kill assist.
May put her cooking skills truly to the test on Father's Day by waking up Zheng and Yuanbao with breakfast in bed. Every year she dedicate breakfast to a different cuisine.
Ironically, the one member of JNRZ who gets to celebrate Father's Day in person this year is Neon. You see, ever since Felix made his escape and left all the responsibility to Flora, Neon thought it was only fair that her mom should get Father's Day too since her own dad obviously wasn't using it, rebranding the holiday into "Also Mother's Day".
On either Mother's Day, Neon puts her foot down and makes Flora understand that it is her day off, and Neon is now in charge to make sure Ma relaxes to her utmost ability. Neon will help clean the apartment, cook for her, and either have a nice day inside or outside.
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didyoutrydynamite · 2 years
Ok for the sake of parent shenanigans how would whistler react to the hypothetical I feel as though it would only end in chaos
Whistler: *Pulling Jaune into a near spine shattering hug, sobbing openly with tears of joy* Welcome to the family son! I have so much to teach you! First lesson, bathroom stalls. Not the most romantic f places, but a great opportunity for some creative moves.
Jaune: *Building dread within his soul*
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didyoutrydynamite · 3 years
So please tell me Reese and her dad will get a cool combat scene together because that is one father daughter duo I wanna desperately see fight together
Hell yes they will! One way or another they will have their team up! Maybe even something as simple as a fun spar between Reese and Whistler Chloris vs Jaune and Nicholas Arc.
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didyoutrydynamite · 2 years
How would Ciel's parents react when they meet "The Bad Boy" Jaune?
Jaune was walking down some Mantle streets, doing a solo Patrol for the day, keeping an eye out for trouble. Unfortunately he was so attentive for trouble that he didn't notice the portal that opened up right in front of his feet. Just as soon as he fell forward, his momentum suddenly shifted backwards as gravity shifted between planes, causing him to land on his back on a dusty carpet floor of an abandoned office suite. As soon he tries to get up, he feels a hard light blade rest under his chin.
???: So we meet at last, demon.
Jaune: W-Whistler?
???: Who?
Jaune looks up to see a dark skinned man with piercing blue eyes and even sharper looking blade made of light.
Jaune: Oh sorry, this just feels familiar. What's your name?
???: *Presses the blade closer to Jaune's neck* My name is Jericho Soleil, Ciel's older brother and guardian. The very same girl you have been terrorizing with your cruel intentions. Now, before I decide your fate, I have on very important question. *Leans in with malicious aura only a protective older brother can have* What are your intentions with my sister?
Jaune: *Gulp*
2 hours later...
Jaune: *sitting criss-crossed across from Jericho on the floor* Wow. Ciel really thinks that way of me? I knew she didn't like me but... god I just feel terrible!
Jericho: *sitting across from Jaune with a pensive look* Indeed, but I must admit. After talking with you I just don't see it! Her tales described you as a salacious beast that preys on women!
Jaune: *Visibly cringes* Jeez, I know I was a bad flirter, but I really tried to tone it down after the first month. I haven't even made a single pass at Ciel since then. You said she's having nightmares about me?!
Jericho: *Nods solemnly* Horrible ones, images of you looming over her in her sleep. I was about ready to slit your throat until I actually spoke to you. I am rather confused. You are nothing as Ciel depicted.
Jaune: *Looking incredibly saddened* Still, I must be doing something wrong to have Ciel hate me this much... I'm... I'm so sorry Jericho, I never meant to hurt Ciel. I promise, I'll never bother her again.
Jericho: ... I believe you, Jaune Arc. I'd forgive you if I honestly believed you were at fault. It's part of my line of work to see through people, and I see nothing but earnestness in your eyes. *Stands up and helps Jaune to his feet.* Clearly there is a miscommunication here, I'll talk to Ciel and investigate this further.
Jaune: Thankyou, and please, if there's anything I can do to help let me know. I hate to think I'm making things hard for Ciel.
Jericho: *Smiles* I will. And who knows, once I clear things up with Ciel, maybe you two can start fresh again? *Leans in* I wouldn't be opposed to the idea of you two becoming friends or maybe even more~?
Jaune: *Blush* I-I appreciate it, and it's not like I don't find Ciel beautiful, but I'd rather focus making life less difficult for her.
Jericho: *chuckles* Don't count yourself out just yet Jaune Arc, life tend to work in mysterious ways.
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didyoutrydynamite · 3 years
Love is War
Whistler: *sitting at a local diner, looking over the menu* What kind of self respecting restaurant doesn’t serve a pint with morning breakfast?!
Flora: *sits down across from him* This diner doesn’t sell alcohol. Sometimes we can’t have things we want, hon.
Whistler: *looks up from his menu, scanning Flora up and down for a sec, then puts on his best smile* Well, well, well! I was about to ask what the special of the day was, but I think I just found a full course meal~
Flora: Not on the menu, and way out of your price range.
Whistler: Why? Does it cost an arm and a leg in this Kingdom just to buy a beautiful girl a drink when she gets off her shift? I can be a very good barterer~
Flora: *Smirks* Your first mistake would be assuming I’m good company at a bar. *flashes AA chip* Even you’re not smooth enough to throw away four years of sobriety.
Whistler: *Chuckles* My bad. And congratulations! Soda pop is still considered a drink too, Sugar, and I know the motel I’m staying at has a vending machine that has quite the selection. We could celebrate your good health over some cola on the rocks.
Flora: *Giggles* Such a charmer! Unfortunately you’d be wasting your time, like you’re currently doing right now hon.
Whistler: *clutches his hand over his heart, as if strained by the rejection* Oooh, ya hate to hear it. Can’t blame a bloke for trying, especially when a beauty like you gives him even a second of her time.
Flora: I’m not talking about your pick up lines, Huntsman. *Pulls out her scroll and shows a picture of Jaune.* You’re wasting your time with him.
Whistler: *Feels himself tense up when he recognizes the picture, a scowl growing* What do you mean? *slams a hand on the table* What did you do to Jaune?!
Whole restaurant goes still from the sudden outburst, a few of the tougher looking customers and some of the kitchen staff coming quickly over to their table.
Chef: Is there a problem here Flora? *his chef’s knife gleams in the restaurant light*
Flora: *warmly smiles* Nothing for you boys to worry about, you could just say we’re bartering right now. He may get a little loud, but he’s harmless. *looks to Whistler* Right, Sugar?
Whistler: *glares but nods*
The chef studies Whistler for a second but nods as well, the group of men dispersing back to their original seats and stations. Whistler could tell they were all watching them closely this time in case anything got physical.
Whistler: Talk.
Flora: Word on the street is that you’ve deluded yourself into believing Jaune is dating your daughter, so I’m here to help you clear some things up.
Whistler: *confused* What in the bloody hell are you spouting?
Flora: The truth, Reese has about as much claim on that boy as you do for hygiene.
Whistler: First of all, not my fault, the motel gives discounts on the rooms without functioning water, and secondly of course she fucking does! He passed the initiation and is now part of the family!
Flora: The initiation that you made up? *chuckles* You can assert tradition all you want, Whistler Chloris, but at the end of the day it means jack all on the account that the blonde already belongs to someone else.
Whistler: Do. Fucking. Tell.
Flora: Neon. Fucking. Katt.
Whistler: *studies Flora for a second, specifically her cat ears on her head.* You’re the faunus girl’s mum, aren’t ya? Well no offense darling, but from what I can tell, your girl isn’t exactly the poster child of “Miss Commitment”.
Flora: No offense taken. *Spills glass of water into his lap*
Whistler: OI!!
Flora: But even if she doesn't realize it yet, my girl already has a soft spot for him. It’s only a matter of time before Jaune grows into a man and she sees him in a different light, and I am going to make damn sure that he’s not taken by the time that happens.
Whistler: *drying off his lap with a few napkins* Oh get in line! You think I don’t see that boy’s potential? My Spearmint is already singing his praises, while your girl-! *flinches as Flora raises another glass of water* Is still her own independent woman and is free to do with her own body as she wishes! Point is, a storm is coming. Sooner or later others will start noticing Jaune, and right now my girl is in the best position to strike while the iron is still hot.
Flora: And my girl has already been striking. If you’ve been in the same room as them for even a minute, you’d see there’s already something there. Neon may be playing with him for now, but she still has her paws on him. And when playtime is over, she’ll already be warmed up for the real game.
Before Whistler can get another word in, a short, dark skinned man in a suit walks up to their table with some envelopes.
Man in Suit: Excuse me, but are you Flora Katt?
Flora: Huh? Yes.
Man in Suit: Perfect *hands her an envelope* And you’re Whistler Chloris? This is for you as well.
Whistler: *angrily grabs envelope* I thought I told you sods to fuck off! I’m not paying my goddamn taxes!
Man In Suit: No worries big guy, this isn’t about your taxes. It’s a court order.
Flora: Cease and Desist?! *reading over the legal documents* For spreading slander and misinformation regarding Jaune Arc’s relationship status?
Whistler: The the bloody hell does that mean?!
Man In Suit: It means that as legal representation for my client, I’m going to have to ask you to stop staking claims where they don’t belong. Jaune Arc’s love life is in no way connected to either of your daughters, and any further assertions will be met with contrary evidence in the court of law.
Whistler: Not connected?! Horseshit!
Flora: I don’t buy that for a second. And you're a lawyer? What firm are you with?
Zheng: *pulls out card* I’m Zheng Zedong of Midas Touch Legal, and I’m representing my client May Zedong-Arc over legal matters that pertains to her husband’s image and reputation.
Flora/Whistler: HUSBAND?!!?
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didyoutrydynamite · 2 years
Between the three girls which one would be a tsundere if they find out their feelings for Jaune?
Reese, no doubt. Due to Merlot’s various concerns about boys (Especially after Whistler plowed into his life and his daughter, Heyoooo!), Reese didn't really have any guy friends until she met Jaune.
So I'd like to think it'd be super confusing and aggravating for her if she suddenly developed feelings for Jaune. Surely this quick beating in her chest just means she's happy to see her favorite leader right? Wait why is she so happy to see Jaune? Gah! Now she just really wants to punch his face! With her lips! NO! Not lips! That'd be weird right?! GAH!
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