#jay amone
wyllaztopia · 21 days
do u like cj does va :o !! i was watching an old vod and heard himm call out your user
i drew his killer png and church amon png but no i hate him
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fishymom-art · 1 year
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MM14 Sketches (mostly Host)
Also kind of a crossover with MH X)
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thatoneguy56fanfic · 5 months
Totally random idea: V For Vendetta AU for Amorra.
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google652 · 2 years
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outofangband · 8 months
Birds of Thargelion
After this I just have Maglor’s Gap and that will complete my series on birds in the Fëanorian realms pre Amon Ereb!
Flora, fauna, geography and environment of Arda Masterlist
Thargelion was the realm of Caranthir, located in the north east of Beleriand just north of Ossiriand and bordered by the Ered Luin, the eastern stretch of mountains that divided Beleriand from the rest of Middle Earth
As always this is not a definitive list! Please feel free to ask more or give me a more specific category!
Around Lake Helevorn and the rivers: Red-breasted merganser, mute swan, white tailed dipper, whooper swan, smew, little grebe, red throated loon, common crane, mallard, common white eye, northern shovler, green winged teal, corn crake, spotted crake, black winged stilt
Mountains: bearded vulture, water pipit, golden eagle, kestrel, peregrine falcon, Rock ptarmigan, common siskin, alpine accentor, northern wheatear, ring ouzel, white tailed eagle, chough, spotted nutcracker, Citril finch, griffon vulture, common redstart, common raven, wallcreeper, common jay, boreal owl, white winged snowfinch, crag martin, common redstart, black redstart
Foothills and forests: black grouse, wood grouse, goshawk, grey white fronted goose, hazel grouse, little bunting, meadow pipit, tree sparrow, hedge warbler, Bohemian waxwing, common kestrel, long eared owl, little owl, marsh tit, coal tit, mourning dove, rock pigeon, woodchat strike
World building notes
-Like most of the Noldor in Eastern Beleriand, many of Caranthir’s scouts keep birds of prey. In Thargelion these are primarily peregrine falcons and kestrels. Hunting with birds was less common however.
--There are populations of Green Elves who live in Thargelion, primarily in the mountains and near the border of Ossiriand. Though they also do not use birds for hunting, certain species are kept as companions or messengers.
-Chicken breeding as an art and science developed during the Watchful Peace. Chickens in Thargelion are appraised for long plumage and colorful feathers. Their eggs are eaten but they are not often used for meat.
-Chickens, peacocks and quails were kept by the Noldor of Thargelion, techniques of raising and breeding them were learned from Sindar and Silvan cultures of Eastern Beleriand. Indeed the Noldor of Thargelion were one of the only Noldor populations to keep quails.
-Bearded vultures appear on the crests of some of Caranthir’s lords and were even kept by a few of them
-Feathers of various mountain birds especially eagles and ouzel appear in wood carvings as an architectural motif during the Watchful Peace in Thargelion
-Out of all the Fëanorian realms, water birds appear most often in art and other cultural references in Thargelion as Lake Helevorn and its wildlife are a central facet of life there especially in times of peace. Wading birds like crakes, cranes and stilts are especially Valued.
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kinderfunk · 3 months
i made a mix 8~}
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
me and my shadow • peggy lee
babylonian pearl • can
no gold • cardiacs
poor moon • canned heat
lord god love • peter iver's band with asha puthli
there's no blood in bone • the poppy family
the floppy boot stomp • captain beefheart & the magic band
mr. motion • t rex
earthman sam • eowyn bennett
the supermen • david bowie
sadman • molto brutto
sleepy sweet • pram
examination of what • digable planets
stuck inside of mobile with the memphis blues again • the seattles
biological speculation • funkadelic
hippie boy • the flying burrito brothers
the breather • zoogz rift
i hear voices • screamin' jay hawkins
butterfly mind • arcesia
memories • red dirt
green bubble raincoated man • amon duul ii
you and your sister • tender cruncher
sparkling world • ann steel
about a quarter to nine • the electric prunes
blue • kevin ayers
end of the night • the doors
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thoughtportal · 1 year
The silicon age is built on sand.
The things we love can disappear just like that.
Streaming changed everything. We pull from the cloud, not realising most of the content we buy is rented to us, not truly ours. Whether a Kindle book, or a film bought on iTunes; they can snatch it back in a heartbeat. Spotify's incompletion fucks with the canon, omitting beloved songs and albums based on licensing. Maybe a generation will grow up never having heard early Jay-Z, or Lana del Rey, deep cuts of Radiohead or the delights of Sapokanikan. Maybe their friends will never get into K-Pop. When George Lucas reworked Star Wars there was outrage; Disney makes stealth edits whenever it likes. People joke that future films and TV shows might just iterate - rush towards a deadline, patching ropey plot points and effects after the fact.
And cancelled artists don't have a chance. You had to burn a book, but a file's just gone. Maybe, like Amon Tobin, one errant sample gets your iconic track erased from the internet.
Because few people realise how delicate the cloud is. An outage freezes traffic, and one day might wipe out all those illicit remixes, all those emails, love notes. A million unprinted photos.
On a fragile internet, so much of our cultural wealth hangs in the balance.
All our beloved things. Tomorrow's dust.
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insomniac-jay · 6 months
DC Next Gen Masterlist [Updated]
Teen Titans
Mar'i Grayson | Nightstar
Lian Harper | Cheshire
Ceridan | Monsoon
Robbie Troy | Darkstar
Steven Logan-Stone | Animorph
Rhea Beecher-Duncan | Dragonfly
Irey West | Thunderheart
Cade Wilson-Roth | Blackbird
Outlaws II
Rubio Todd | Red Hood II (placeholder name)
Amon Bloomberg | Devil Kid
Persephone Grace | Kore
Willow Wilson-Roth | Nightingale
Alex Rayner | Superstar Galactica
Mae Price | Silent Night
Danny Kim | Battler
Watchers II
Wade Yates | Trident
Sanai Sheila Todd | Toxin
Irma Ramirez | Brimstone
Raul Ramirez | Blacksmith
Alaric Ryder | Wolfhound
Felicia Kyle | Claw
Riley Pete | Calico
Colin Sanders | Puma
Ryan Queen | Sparrow
Oliver Harper | Longbow
Jenna Kane | Vampire Bat
Hazel Emerson | Witchling
Callista Rayner | Lady Lantern
Jai West | Surge
Bloom Quinzel-Isley | Gardenia
Akila Nygma | Questionnaire
Edwin Nygma | Puzzler
Brie Toussaint | Monochrome II
Isobella Richards/Alice Tetch | Mad Alice
Newton Quigley | Stratagem
Alfonso Dent | Mandrake
Alanza Dent | Dimepiece
Lavanya Richards | Reaper
Jazzy Chapel | Lyrica
Rocky Chapel | Rocker
Poppy Chapel | Musicale
Erik Allendorf | Talon
Central City
Lewis Snart | Jack Frost
Lyra Snart | Hue
Marisol Mardon | Heat Witch
Marcella Mardon | Snow Witch
Rick Jagger Rory | Blaze
Loredana Dillon | Twister
Maurice Dillon | Spiral
Artemis Harper
Krysta Weathers
Stella Grayson
Haywood Todd
Augustina Thomas
Ja Thomas
Maureen Rayner
Corazon Reyes
Bobbi Reyes
Beck Jones
Norman Fries
Mimi Bivolo
Maxine Bivolo
Sarah Anne Scudder
More to be added ofc
@calciumcryptid @mayameanderings
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brooklynislandgirl · 8 months
A Very Descriptive Profile of Your Muse!
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. If you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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Name: Elikapeka Ailine Alohaekauneikahanuola'Ilikea'wahine Riley
Nickname(s): Beth
Title(s): Doctor
Age: 34 {still looks like she could pass for late teens and mid twenties most days}
Species: Human
Gender: {cis} female
Nationality: American Pacific Islander
Interests: Football, painting, dancing, drawing, surfing
Profession: Infectious Diseases Reseacher/medical doctor
Body Type: petite, delicate
Eyes: green/brown {hazel/heterochromia}
Hair: Long, naturally wavy, medium-dark brown, reddish highlights and usually kept in a braid.
Skin: Beth naturally possesses golden brown skin {sand-coloured, she says} due to her ethnicity, and the more time she spends in the sun, the darker it becomes, to a nearly mahogany colour. Conversely time spent out of the sun and during winter, she turns an ashy pale brown.
Face: Kristin Kreuk. Alternately, her.
Posture: often slouched or hunched while treating people, tends to be very cuddly when up close and personal.
Height: 5ft even {150.2 cm}
Voice: Soft, warm, husky. Very usually accented, but can speak plainly when needing to.
Signature Outfit: Pair of jeans or a dark green and brown broom skirt, tank top {white or black}, a hand-me-down oversized cardigan. Hiking boots. Leather satchel bag with medical supplies.
Significant Other: Shane Walsh
Companions: Atlanta Survivors, Greene Family, her brother Andrew, her hanai-sister Jay, others yet to be named, {{eventually making friends in the Kingdom and Oceanside}}
Strengths: extremely intelligent and kind, diplomatic, medical skills, versed in both guns and knives, good with children and the lonely/afraid, loyal, green-thumb, gentle, does not come across as threatening in any way, understands multiple languages
Weaknesses: Audio-processing disorder, bipolar disorder, impulse control issues, too soft-hearted, compulsive need to try and help others.
Fruits: Any she can get her hands on but particularly cherries and apples.
Drinks: coffee, tea, water {in that order}
Alcoholic Beverages: red wine {preferably Amon-Ra}, single malt scotch {preferably MaCallan 25},
Smokes: No
Drugs: Depakote, Zyprexa, Celexa
Driver’s license: Georgia, United States {also still has one for New York State and Hawai'i, both are expired} ~*~
Tagged by: my darling K over @deputygonebye
Tagging: Keep what you kill, just tag me back!
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24-hours · 2 years
hello mod boo! would it be alright if we requested some names and neos for both an osmp!tommy fictive relating to air, birds , wind, and playfulness? and the same for an osmp!wilbur fictive with themes relating to darkness, rain, flight, phantoms, and mischief? thank you so much!
Hello! You may indeed have some names and neos, but next time remember its one request per ask! (/nm btw) I did label the sections but uh Tommy’s names n neos are bolded and Wil’s names/neos are in italics. I tried my best to clearly separate them without having to make a separate post since I like avoiding that with the queue and all… I don't like someone’s req going up hours after their ask has been answered.. -MB
Notus / Eurus
Kieran / Keir
soul/souls/soulself or spirit/spirits/spiritself
trick/tricks/trickself or scare/scares/scareself
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zerounotvadri · 1 year
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Corey Taylor lanzó el electrizante video/sencillo ‘Beyond’
Para escucharla en streaming, siga esta liga: https://coreytaylor.lnk.to/BeyondPR Para ver el video, siga esta liga: https://youtu.be/k0PKw1B7mSI Reveló detalles de su esperado nuevo disco CMF2 Disponible a partir del 15 de septiembre mediante Decibel Cooper Recordings Liga para pre guardarlo y pre ordenarlo: https://coreytaylor.lnk.to/CMF2PR Hoy, el cantautor, actor y autor de best-sellers del New York Times, ganador del premio Grammy, artista multiplatino, Corey Taylor (Slipknot, Stone Sour), reveló los primeros detalles de su nuevo disco solista de estudio, CMF2, que incluye el lanzamiento del electrizante nuevo sencillo, “Beyond”.
Para escucharlo en streaming, descargarlo o compartirlo se puede seguir esta liga: https://coreytaylor.lnk.to/BeyondPR El video oficial que acompaña el sencillo fue filmado en un lugar remoto dentro del desierto de Mojave en California. Capturado a través de la lente del director Dale "Rage" Resteghini (Hatebreed, Five Finger Death Punch, Trivium), el video muestra a Taylor mientras camina penosamente por el desierto como un Tío Sam reflexivo que se entremezcla con los miembros de la banda y los Cherry Bombs, al tiempo que se ve rodeado de diferentes versiones de sí mismo a lo largo de los años, antes de culminar con una presentación en vivo para una gran cantidad de fans.
Puedes ver el video de “Beyond” en esta liga: https://youtu.be/k0PKw1B7mSI Los orígenes de “Beyond” se remontan a 2006. Taylor sabía que la canción era especial, pero nunca encontró el tiempo para llevar la melodía a su máximo potencial. Explicó lo siguiente: “Originalmente la escribí como una canción romántica agresiva, pero ahora también la veo como una especie de canción de 'unión. Quiero reunir a las masas y hacerles saber que quiero que mi música los lleve más allá de lo que puedan pensar de mí. Tal vez han tenido una idea equivocada sobre mí. No es exactamente una tarjeta de presentación, es más como lanzarle una señal al pitcher y decir 'bien, pongámoslo todo patas arriba'. Es casi una doble amenaza, porque ahora lo veo desde dos puntos de vista”. CMF2 sigue al debut en solitario de Taylor en 2020, CMFT, que contó con el sencillo número 1 de Billboard “Black Eyes Blue” y el éxito de streaming “CMFT Must Be Stopped” (con Tech N9ne y Kid Bookie). El LP alcanzó el puesto número 6 en las listas de los mejores álbumes de rock de EE. UU. de Billboard. “Mi primer álbum en solitario fue de donde venía. Este álbum es más hacia donde vamos”, agrega Taylor. CMF2, donde Taylor canta y toca la guitarra líder y rítmica, el piano y la mandolina, contiene la energía, la experimentación y la franqueza que han definido una carrera que lo ha visto vender más de 12 millones de álbumes con su banda ganadora del Grammy, Slipknot, y varios millones extra con la exitosa banda Stone Sour. CMF2 es el primer álbum de Taylor para BMG y el primero en su propio sello discográfico, Decibel Cooper Recordings. Jay Ruston (Anthrax, Steel Panther, Amon Amarth), quien produjo en 2017 el LP Hydrograd de Stone Sour, así como CMFT, regresa para este segundo largometraje sonoro de Taylor. “Juntos tenemos grandes ideas, gran energía y somos rápidos para probar todo”, dice Taylor sobre su colaborador de estudio. “No tenemos miedo de decirnos si es una buena idea, o también mala; tenemos ese tipo de confianza”. CMFT está formada por:Corey Taylor (voz/guitarra)Zach Throne (guitarra)Dustin Robert (batería)Christian Martucci (guitarra)Eliot Lorango (bajo) Sobre Corey Taylor:Corey Taylor no deja de impactar en la cultura como el líder de Slipknot, el gigante multiplatino ganador del premio Grammy, y de la formidable banda de platino Stone Sour. Taylor es un autor de best-sellers del New York Times, así como un actor con innumerables créditos en cine y televisión. Ha impactado a generaciones de fanáticos y compañeros por igual, su voz ha reunido a millones de personas en todo el mundo. A nivel mundial, Slipknot cuenta con 13 álbumes de platino y 44 de oro, tres de los cuales debutaron en el número uno en el Billboard 200 (All Hope is Gone, .5 the Grey Chapter y We Are Not Your Kind).
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Artists that really inspired me into what i'm mainly into like Hip Hop and Hard Rock and Metal I Got to say 50 Cent , Eminem , G-Unit, Busta Rhymes , Black Thought, Royce Da 59 , The Notorious B.I.G, DMX, Lloyd Banks , Method Man , 2Pac , Jay-Z , Nas , Jadakiss, and Rakim as for Hard rock and Metal id have to say let's start with hard rock and i'll work my way into later into metal bands so i'd say Motley Crue , Guns N Roses , AC/DC, Def Leppard , Alter Bridge , KISS,  Disturbed , Bring Me The Horizon , Three Day Grace , and Breaking Benjamin now Metal I’d say bands like  Slipknot, Korn , Metallica , Killswitch Engage , Underoath , Amon Amarth , Five Finger Death Punch , Iron Maiden , Motorhead , Judas Priest , Slayer , Black Sabbath , Atreyu , Pantera , and System Of A Down all these artists really changed my life and helped me grow up they showed up at different fazes of my life but through there music definitely made my life pretty awesome. 
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omiteo777 · 3 months
Headcanon Names Of My Favorite KND Background Operatives (Part 3)
—Floridian Sector
-Floridian Sector Leader: Diego
-Floridian Crocodile/Alligator Operative: Tarzan
-Floridian Superhero Operative: Peter
-Floridian Jai Alai Operative: Quill
-Floridian Tennis Operative: Elene
-Floridian Astronaut Operative: Boris
—Egyptian Sector
-Numbuh 16: Abasi
-Numbuh 17: Akiiki
-Numbuh 18: Baahir
-Numbuh 19: Eman
-Numbuh 20: Amon
—Sector J
-Numbuh 1-Love: Jamaine
-Numbuh 112: Agwe
-Numbuh 20-Love: Akiel
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profactoria · 7 months
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outofangband · 7 months
Birds of Maglor’s Gap and Lothlann
This completes my series on birds of the Fëanorian realms pre Amon Ereb!!
March of Maedhros, Himlad, Thargelion, Estolad
Flora, Fauna, geography and environment of Arda Masterlist
Maglor’s Gap was the widest break in the mountains and cliffs dividing Beleriand and the lands to the north. It lay between the blue mountains to the east and the March of Maedhros to the west. Lothlann was a wide expanse of plains to the north of the Gap. The rivers greater and little Gelion ran around the western and eastern borders.
Steppes and plains: Daurian, see see partridge, yellowhammer, black grouse, grey necked bunting, great rosefinch, imperial Eagle, steppe eagle, golden eagle, Mongolian ground jay (rare), greater short toed lark, upland buzzard, Pallas’s sandgrouse, laughing dove, great bustard, bush quail, gray, black and painted francolin, snowcock, little bustard, merlin, cheer pheasant, crested lark, painted sandgrouse, scrubfowl, common quail, brown accentor, ring necked pheasant, grey partridge, black bellied sandgrouse, common buzzard, black kite
By greater and little Gelion (stream/river): black faced bunting, Pallas’s bunting, pin tailed sandgrouse (summer only), white throated dipper, brown dipper, common kingfisher, hobby, swamphen
World building notes
--Laughing doves appear on the sigil of some of Maglor’s host who are particularly skilled in the use of song in battle
-Many of Maglor’s cavalry hunt or fight with birds including golden, steppe and imperial eagles.
-Game birds of the prairie steppes such as partridge make up much of the meat that the cavalry and scouts eat, along with hares.
-Most of the cavalry have horse hair plumes but some of the lieutenants and generals have feathers from pheasants or eagles.
-Emu are actually domesticated in some parts of the world and I love the idea of them being kept in both the Gap and Himlad as well as by peoples East of the Ered Luin. They have a huge variety of uses including leather, oil, eggs and meat. And the chicks are very cute 💙
-I am a huge proponent of prehistoric and extinct animals living throughout Arda, as per Tolkien’s comments about “all creatures which walk or have walked the earth”. I really like the idea of small brush moas living near the mountain borders of the Gap
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whatilistenedtoatwork · 8 months
From January 29th to February 9th, 2024
JOHN CARPENTER & ALAN HOWARTH “Halloween II Original Soundtrack”; BOYS OF THE LOUGH “In The Tradition”; CHIC “C'est Chic”; SPARKS “Interior Design”; ABNER JAY “The Backbone Of America Is A Mule & Cotton”; THE NATACHA ATLAS & MARC EAGLETON PROJECT “Foretold In The Language Of Dreams”; TIM BUCKLEY “Happy Sad”; CORNERSHOP FEATURING BUBBLEY KAUR “Cornershop And The Double “O” Groove Of...”; EDDIE VINSON “Cleanhead Blues”; GRUFF RHYS “Yr Atal Gedhedlaeth”; LEONARD COHEN “Dear Heather”; ELMORE JAMES “Dust My Broom”; GERSHON KINGSLEY “Music To Moog”; EUROS CHILDS “Gingerbread House Explosion”; GUIDED BY VOICES “Universal Truths & Cycles”
GROOVE ARMADA “Vertigo”; CATATONIA “International Velvet”; EUROS CHILDS “Chops”; MILES KANE “Change The Show”; BLAKE BABIES “Nicely, Nicely”; EARL HOOKER & JUNIOR WELLS “Earl Hooker & Junior Wells”; ABBA “Ring Ring”; LOWELL FULSON “West Coast Blues”; KROKODIL “Swamp”; GRUFF RHYS Candylion”; PRIMAL SCREAM “Riot City Blues”; MILEY CYRUS “Bangerz”; SPARKS “Angst In My Pants”; THE POLICE “Ghost In The Machine”; LINDISFARNE “Dingly Dell”; PROFESSOR LONGHAIR “New Orleans Piano”
BUKKA WHITE “Parchman Farm Blues”; AMON DUUL II “Yeti”; JENS LEKMAN “When I Said I Wanted To Be Your Dog”; MEMPHIS JUG BAND “Walk Right In”; SONIC YOUTH “Rather Ripped”; J.B. LENOIR “Eisenhower Blues”; SALTY DOG “Every Dog Has It's Day”; GUIDED BY VOICES “Let's Go Eat The Factory”; SQUAREPUSHER “Hello Everything”; BMX BANDITS “C86”; TAKE THAT “Beautiful World”
LEON ROSSELSON “Wo Sind Die Elefanten?”; KRISTIN HERSH “Possible Dust Clouds”; NATACHA ATLAS “Gedida”; CATHY DAVEY “Tales Of Silversleeve”; EMMYLOU HARRIS “Luxury Liner”; ZERO 7 “Simple Things”; GOLDIE “Timeless”; ERIC BOGLE “Voices In The Wilderness”; EELS “Souljacker”; THE CARDIGANS “First Band On The Moon”; GUIDED BY VOICES “Vampire On Titus”
SPARKS “Balls”; RICHARD THOMPSON “Live At Crawley, 1993”; STAN ROGERS “From Coffee House To Concert Hall”; THE SPIN DOCTORS “Homebelly Groove... Live”; STEELY DAN “Can't Buy A Thrill”
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