#jayfeather my beloved
wb-hollowstorm · 1 year
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more Friend Shaped™ Jayfeather for the soul
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pigeonkill-pile · 7 months
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jesse-pinko · 3 months
I know I’m not the first person to say this but godddd Hawkfrost being the father of the three would have worked so much better for the story on every level… Leafpool and Squirrelflight having even more reason to keep the secret bc that guy tried to kill their dad/Thunderclan’s leader! Brambleclaw unknowingly raising the children of the murderous half-brother he killed… Lionblaze training with Hawkfrost in hell… the parallels between Brambleclaw killing Hawkfrost at the river and Hollyleaf killing Ashfur at the river… Hawkfrost’s ghost eventually killing Hollyleaf!! Mothwing stealing her pos brother’s girlfriend… we could have had it all
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thewandererh · 7 months
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explodes into scapegoat iterator (yumi), uuuhh ashfur guy-ish, anomaly, enni, pique, slender, and rotten art
old slugcat ocs that i love and adore!!! except yumi there. hes new and orange and i love him (and quoting yonkagor presently)🧡
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puppmeo · 26 days
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Had Warriors on the brain, drew a jayfeather ((:
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bonefall · 1 year
Sunnyfall made a video about how it was technically impossible for firestar to die in the great battle, so i am wondering how that is going to be fixed in bb
He's already dead by that point! He dies just after Po3, in an in-between book that bridges the lighter tone of Po3 with the darker one of OotS called Cruel Season.
The Fire of ThunderClan was a set-up, there were Dark Forest warriors trying to get him alone. Whiskernose, Breezepelt, and Thornclaw. It was a murder.
He's able to come fight Tigerstar because Jayfeather uses Rock's Branch as a channeling item, resurrecting it briefly and un-fetching it with as many angels as he could fit on its branches. He did the kitty equivalent of, like, dipping a stick into a bucket of crabs and pulling out as many as could hold on.
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bra1nana · 2 years
Warrior kittyyysss x3
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arcticmarcy · 1 year
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sillspore · 10 months
How will be the three relationship with Leafpool and squirrelflight?
i rlly dont know what the drama will be bc the half clan relationship won’t be revealed point blank 😭 it’s a law in my code that queens do not have to reveal who brought them to be with kits, and since leafpool is a warrior, she’s not breaking the healer code either (since they don’t know she’s with mothwing). the three will be raised knowing leafpool is their mother, and spend a lot of time being co-parented by leaf and squirrel! cool mama and aunty. if i decide to make bramble a sweety, he’ll be the nice uncle.
HOWEVER. there is the issue of the gap of no medicine cat in between cinderpelt’s death and lion’s becoming a healer if leafpool isn’t one.
so, i may keep leafpool as a medicine cat, but that means she’s gotta die by the end of oots if we want alder as a healer too. luckily, with the code i have written, she’s allowed to have kits as long as there’s another healer to take over. so i think i’d push back the three’s birth a little, so that when cinderpelt dies, it’s when leafpool is out of camp considering running away with mothwing and their (weaned) kits. she decides against it, and is the sole healer until lion apprentices under her like a month later.
i’m thinking of kinda combining pot and oots, bc their plots are so linked and on their own they DRAG. but regardless, i think most family drama will come from ashfur and hollyleaf.
i can kinda see it, too, hollyleaf being a stickler for the code, and mentored by someone equally as serious about it. maybe thornclaw? ashfur corners squilf and the kids, bc he knows they’re not hers but he knows she loves them. same premise. to further the plot, ashfur’s gotta find out the three are half-clan somehow, and taunts them about it during the fire scene. i imagine lion and jay are irritated about not knowing, but because they just have another parent and neither care for starclan they get over it much quicker than poor hollyleaf. her world is shattered, like seriously. she doesn’t have powers, she’s half-clan, and breaking the healer code. sort of. i’ll work on it, haha.
a bunch of other tiny things lead up to her break, i think she’ll snap and kill leafpool. ashfur witnesses it, and taunts that he’ll tell everyone, so she kills him too. she’s horrified afterwards, acting so fidgety and jumpy at camp that everyone’s worried she needs medical attention. i think she’d tell her brothers in desperation for forgiveness, but they shun her, bc girl you killed mom?? wtf??? obviously they still love her, but turn her away. she CRACKS. at the gathering that day, she tells everyone their origins and special powers and what she did, before running off. the boys chase her, only to lose her in the collapsing tunnels.
i think the clans would kind of turn on thunderclan, worried about the power they have, and thunderclan in itself would be divided between hating the three (or two, technically-) for what they’ve “brought upon the clan”, or revering them for the power and security they give. lion tries to be nice, but jay is not pleased lmao.
i’m also considering having firestar die in the fire scene, protecting his daughter and grandchildren. like he finds a way to get them to safety, but he insists on being the last one to go so he dies before he can make it. maybe. i think with firestar in charge, it’s a little too stable. we need some drama!
i wonder who longstar would promote as deputy tbh. brackenfur would be such a good deputy, but a bad choice story wise. him and longtail would make a good leadership, a stable clan, which is bad for plot lmao. however, if i can think of other things to fuck up the battle cat’s lives, brackenfur as deputy could happen
sorry! went off on a tangent lol
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vaugarde · 2 years
been talking w lex and man ngl ive been ragging on lionblaze but i dont really like jayfeather either. hes not worse than lion but hes also just so shitty to dove and ivy and also gets abusive to a literal orphan child and is shitty to the other disabled characters. and i hate how he gets a pass on all that bc “oh he breaks the mould and is funny and its internalized ableism”
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cheryxshug-designs · 8 months
hey hey! Love you art! It’s brilliant, I love how every cat has different ears whiskers and fur lengths it’s so cool! Two requests: jayfeather and his beloved stick and my girl yellowfang. Tysm <3
gwa thank you for the compliments!! im glad you enjoy :33
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jayfeather (and his stick) will be here soon 🫶
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the-owl-tree · 6 months
How did Hollystar and Cinderheart's relationship start in poolverse?
friends to courting to covering up a murder buddies to awkward and distance to lovers my beloved :D
Like in canon, they were friends as apprentices and pretty good ones! Hollypaw got along with the sister trio really well, having a sometimes-not-so-friendly rivalry with Honeypaw, a laidback friendship with Poppypaw, and a really close friendship with Cinderpaw. There's no sparks yet as Hollypaw is wrestling with her crush on Willowpaw and the small fallout between them that happens when she returns to being a warrior.
Feelings later arise as young warriors where the two begin tentatively courting each other, ThunderClan settling into a (unknowingly brief) time of peace. This period is where they're both settling nicely into their own lives, really coming together in their identities and ambitions and places in their Clan. The two begin to drift when Hollyleaf begins to seek the role of deputy, her ambitions and distancing from Cinderheart causing a bit of rift in their courting.
Then the fire happens, and everything falls apart. Hollyleaf isn't the same, distant and snappy and angry and Cinderheart is unsure how to help. It's only when she catches Hollyleaf prowling out at sunrise, following Ashfur to the river...and messily murdering him, that she realizes something is very wrong. I've mentioned my HC for this before so i'll just breeze over this one, Cinderheart is the one who pushes the body in the river and cleans the blood and mud off of Hollyleaf.
Hollyleaf becomes very dependent and clingy to Cinderheart after the ordeal and Cinderheart, despite feeling awful about it, loves the way that she's gotten Hollyleaf "back". The dependence, the way they can both cling to each other...it makes her feel wretched about how good it feels. It's their binding secret, the glue that keeps them together.
Until it's not.
The gathering goes the same in canon, Cinderheart wails in betrayal at what Hollyleaf's done, and in the end, Hollyleaf disappears into the tunnels. Cinderheart is left angry and betrayed and heartbroken, spending a good amount of OOTS in a depression at what's happened. I'm tempted to have her and Lionblaze briefly enter a mateship for a little bit, but eh not sure what it adds other than giving canon a nod.
When Hollyleaf returns from the tunnel, the two avoid each other for a bit. I'm tempted to have someone give Hollyleaf the push to talk to Cinderheart, leaning to either Squilf or Jayfeather (they need to be blunt to snap her out of her daze!). Eventually, the two do talk things out and steadily become on good terms again...then to friends...and once again confidants.
It's only when the great battle is over, when the two realize that they've won and both of them immediately begin racing across the territories to find each other and make sure they're alright, practically crashing into one another as they cling onto each in an embrace that they realize they can try again. The great battle aftermath is where they officially become mates with noooo problems at all-
hey bramble where you going. whaddya mean holly is leader now hEY WAIT-
but thank you for asking!! some ideas i've had to play around with these two's relationship in poolverse is:
hollystar learns cinderheart is a reincarnated cat. she says something stupid lol
cinderheart and hollystar talk about holly's reluctance to let poolkit near leafpool. (since holly is living, i'm keeping the wonky relationship for character development)
a short one but i like the idea of the two talking about their apprenticehood crushes. hollystar is very surprised at how every cat seemed to know she had a big dumb crush on willowpaw
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vegawarriorsdesigns · 2 months
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She's the ex-mate of Crowfeather and the mother of Jayfeather, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze.
Her parents are Firestar and Sandstorm and her sister is Squirrelflight.
She died in a rockslide at around 8 and a half years old. She would've been 10 if she lived in ASC.
Leafpool my beloved if you hate her DNI!!! (joke)
Her treatment by StarClan makes me furious that's all I will say
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museoftheprophet · 2 months
I had a dream last night that I found two Jayfeather plushes at a thrift store. I was ecstatic… one was in perfect condition, all fluffy and new looking. The other one was faded… its fur was sort of matted, and the stuffing had all been packed into his extremities, leaving his torso all empty and floppy… I noticed some of the seams were coming undone. I thought “someone must’ve replaced their beloved childhood toy once it started to break, and got too fragile to hold or play with...”
When I looked closer at the tags, I noticed the shiny new one was a “fake”/ reproduction— but the old one was real.
I bought them both, I didn’t think about how they ended up in a thrift store until I woke up. This dreamt up previous owner had gotten rid of them both, after going through all the effort to replace the original…
I think my dreams are speaking to me in cryptic symbolism again.
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squirrelshine · 1 year
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Power of three rewrite maybe??
Ok so my beloved AU where leafpool and crowfeather run off together and then have two litters of kits. Then after lots of prophecies from Jayfeather, they decided to go back and help Thunderclan. I think I will change it slightly to where it's a big time jump in the future to where Squirrelflight had Alderpaw and Sparkpaw way earlier in the series. Like around the same time as Whitewing had Ivypaw and Dovepaw. Just because I think she would have had kits without the three for her to take care of. Anyways and then I think the power of three should just be about the three coming back to the clans as young warriors figuring out clan life and adjusting to the new world around them. I think the first book should be about Alderpaw finding out more about the mystery of Leafpool and feeling a sense of connection to her. Think like Squirrelflight and Leafpools werid connection to each other. Now passed down onto Jayfeather and Alderpaw. I think their dynamic would be much better with Jayfeather working together and bonding with Alderpaw.
Would you guys like to hear me write about this? If so please let me know 😭 I might just write about it just cause. I decided to draw what I think the cover of the first book would look like. The cat on the cover is Alderpaw. And then name forgotten kin relate to Leafpool and her family. ALSO IK I SPELT FORGOTTEN WRONG I GOT CONFUSRD. Anyways that's about it
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bonefall · 10 months
I know you talked about Crowfeather's abuse to Breezepelt, but are you keeping Nightcloud's physical abuse against Crowfeather? In all their arguments, Nightcloud is the only one who ever gets physical with Crow. In the books, she rakes her claws against him a few times drawing blood. If I had been young Breeze and had seen that it'd be one of the things that would make me do my best to be and stay in my mother's good graces. Yeah, my dad may smack me but he never cuts me, never leaves me open for death by infection.
Have you read the books you're confidently citing right now? Or did you hear this from some amoeba and then didn't check it before coming into my house
The Sight: 13 mentions. Takes Breezepaw's side in a small verbal argument, then scolds him for xenophobia. Is scared her only child almost died and insists on carrying him alone. Upset when Leafpool makes a flirtatious comment to her husband, soothes two kids to sleep
Dark River: 4 mentions. Exists on a patrol and Leafpool is jealous of her.
Outcast: 1 mention. Nicely says goodbye to Crowfeather as he stares off into the distance thinking about Feathertail.
Eclipse: 1 mention. Takes part in the eclipse battle with the rest of WindClan.
Long Shadows: Unmentioned.
Sunrise: 4 mentions. Hears the reveal at the gathering and looks "bewildered and angry." Crowfeather tells her that he, "Has no kits other than Breezepelt" and she pins her ears against her head.
Was it here? In one of these 23 mentions across 6 books? PLEASE point out the "Cuts Me, Leaving Me Open For Death By Infection." I'm SO curious.
The Fourth Apprentice: Unmentioned.
Fading Echoes: 1 mention. Thinks Dovepaw disguised her scent.
Night Whispers: 6 mentions. Argues with Crowfeather at Gatherings. Leafpool comes across a fight between Breezepelt and Lionblaze and pleads to Crowfeather, "How can you watch your sons fight?!" Nightcloud jumps forward glaring, repeats that her husband has no kits other than Breezepelt. Leafpool jumps in front of a Breezepelt lunge. Crowfeather jumps in, grabs his son, and "throws him aside like prey" before bitterly mocking another love confession from Leafpool. Nightcloud drags Crowfeather off. Crowfeather turns on Nightcloud, hissing, and Breezepelt jumps between them and says, "leave my mother alone." Warns them, "Next time, we'll shred you!" Later says something rude about RiverClan at a Gathering.
Sign of the Moon: Unmentioned.
The Forgotten Warrior: 2 mentions. Glares at Hollyleaf twice.
The Last Hope: 6 mentions. Is on a patrol that finds Jayfeather in a thornbush and glares at him. Then Crowfeather says it was all actually HER fault that Breezepelt turned out to be such a little brat.
Which one of these 9 MENTIONS ACROSS 6 BOOKS are we going for, today? Was it the part in Night Whispers? Is THAT where she Cuts His Life Into Pieces This Is Her Last Resort?
Let's play I-Spy 🔎! Highlight all the places Nightcloud "draws blood!"
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Which of the following characters in this passage are bleeding? Is Crowfeather any of them 🤔? No?
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Is it here? Is it this part? Which of these cats are bleeding? Is it Crowfeather🪶? Is it Lionblaze🦁? Is it beloved Character Actress Margot Martindale💃?
Oh? You mean to tell me that you were misrepresenting a cat dragging away another cat as "RAKING HER CLAWS AGAINST HIM DRAWING BLOOD AND LEAVING HIM OPEN FOR INFECTIONS TO DIE"?
In other words, a lie?
Pulling a big lever and sending you down into The Nightcloud Derangement Pit. I will be further woobifying her unencumbered. The Nightcloud Agenda will spread. Soon we will take the west coast.
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