#jaymee boyd
puppyluver256 · 2 years
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[Image Description: Two young women in an arcade, playing a light gun game. The woman on the left has reddish-brown skin, green hair in a ponytail with red accessories that cause it to resemble holly leaves with berries, and red eyes with light green sclera. She is wearing a green jacket with pink cuffs over a pink and green shirt, a pink scarf, and dark green pants. She is holding the blue light gun and appears somewhat nervous. The woman on the right has light skin, purple hair in a ponytail, aqua green eyes, and glasses. She is wearing a blue hoodie with light blue accents and a lavender d-pad graphic on the front. She is holding the red light gun and looks determined, pointing it at the unseen game. The walls and floor of the arcade they are in are blue, with pink, cyan, and green lights reflecting off the walls. Behind the women are arcade cabinets for Street Fighter 2, NBA Jam, and Polybius, the subject of an urban legend about a mysterious and sinister arcade game. End ID.]
“Hm, maybe fighting games just aren’t your thing,” Jaymee said. “Guess introducing you to my man Terry ain’t happenin’. Maybe a light gun game? Virtua Cop’s pretty good.”
Before Holly could say anything else, Jaymee was dragging her over to a machine with two plastic guns attached to the front and filled it with more quarters. Virtua Cop at least proved to be an easier grasp for Holly than Tekken had been. She was a pretty good shot once she got a handle on how the light gun operated, even though she did shoot a few innocents early on. Jaymee still outshone her, of course, shooting the weapons out of the crooks’ hands rather than shooting the crooks themselves.
More 101 Smiles with gamer girlfriend! Yeah, Holly's not much of a gamer herself, but she wants to try for their first date. And yeah, I know Polybius isn't real and wouldn't be in an actual arcade (unless someone made a repro with that fanmade recreation or something), but it was on the mind since I watched a vid about someone's search for the origin so I figured why not throw it in hehe.
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Smile For Me and related concepts © LimboLane Holly Stargazer, Jaymee Boyd, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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yegarts · 3 years
Edmonton’s LRT stops come to life showcasing 41 artworks from Nina Haggerty artists
Once again, Edmonton transit stations are going to come alive with art. In a new iteration of the transitory public art project formerly known as #YEGCanvas, the Edmonton Arts Council has partnered with Pattison Outdoor Advertising and the Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts to showcase 41 artworks representing a variety of artists with developmental disabilities who work out of the Nina.
“The previous #YEGCanvas project was a career highlight for a lot of the artists selected to participate. There is something really exciting about seeing your work on a larger scale and knowing that it's being seen by so many people as they go about their day-to-day travels,” says Janice Easton, Director of Communications & Artistic Outreach at the Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts. “When the EAC approached us about doing a similar project spotlighting artwork from the Nina specifically, we were thrilled. With a collective of about 200 practicing artists, we are in a unique position to provide a large, diverse collection of art in a short amount of time.”
The installation of the artworks began on October 12, and the works will be on full display throughout Edmonton’s LRT system over the next 24 weeks. Also on display are 41 digital posters rotating on the platform level of Churchill LRT Station corresponding to the posters displayed across the line.
“We tried to curate a range of mediums, subject matters, and styles that reflects the incredible variety of artists we support,” explains Easton. “We also considered the impact the posters may have on the viewers, and chose work that would surprise, delight, or intrigue folks as they wait for their train.”
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Artist Rodney D. admires his artwork installed at the University LRT Station. Photo provided by the Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts. 
Rodney D., one of the participating artists recently had a chance to visit his painting titled I Hate It Here, I Want to go Home at the University LRT Station. The painting is part of a series of work centered around the artist's experience at a school he was sent to as a child.
"I didn’t really expect [my art] to be out in public. When I first saw it, I was kind of shocked. I feel appreciated. Maybe other people might like it also,” says Rodney. “Back when I was younger the regular school system couldn’t really do anything with me so I was sent to a different school. They figured it would be best for me to go there. I guess you could say I was away from everybody that I knew and I didn’t really like it there. I’m not really sure why I chose to paint that, I guess it was just something I figured that I want to do. I sent some pictures [of the poster] to my sisters and nieces and stuff like that. My sister figures there’s an artist in the family now."
The project has also had a profound impact on artist Jared Quinney, whose Giant Squid linocut on marbled paper now adorns the Southgate LRT Station. "This [project] has given me better inspiration to come up with pieces that could become great that more people will see. I’ve never seen my art that big before, it’s absolutely beautiful. Just looking outside in the LRT stations and seeing art from people I know is pretty cool. All us artists put a lot of work in so it’s quite an honour to be asked to do this."
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Artist Jared Quinney poses with Giant Squid at the Southgate LRT Station. Photo provided by the Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts.
Nina artists participating in this public art project include:
Sarah Dans
Kimberly Casarin
Christine Jarock
Cheryl Anhel
Carrie Wheeler
Brittany Leitheiser
Rodney D.
Randy Stennes
Nicole McKenley
Montana Phillip
Lora Pallister
Linda Vincent
Ashley Chan
Leona Clawson
Kelsey Hawkins
John Barayuga
Jaymee Howarth
Grace Willard
Gerald B.
Jared Quinney
Jamie Laventure
Hans Nuis
Scott Berry
Amynah Pirani
Aaron Harvey
AJ McKerlie
Boyd Dymchuk
Yvette Prefontaine
Uli Rossier
Tim Crnkovic
Shannon Dosser
Vanessa Ryl
Damanjit Grewal
Amber Tyreman
Dean Bardal
Decinti Simpson
Desiree McCook
Eli Abada
Steven Niles
Samantha Crier
“It has been a great joy for me to share the news about this project with the participating artists. I think it was particularly exciting for the artists [still working] at home to hear that their work is still being appreciated despite their studio hiatus,” says Easton. “This opportunity is distinctly sweet in a year that has brought a lot of disappointment with cancelled events and opportunities in the arts community. Sharing artwork in a way that is safe and in person is so greatly appreciated.”
These artworks will also be displayed in their original form at TIX on the Square for the duration of the project. Additionally, the EAC will be sharing the different artworks across our social media channels in the coming weeks, so be sure to follow the EAC on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. If you come across any of the art during your travels, we encourage you to share your photos with us by tagging the EAC and using the hashtags #yegarts and #theNinaYeg.  
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puppyluver256 · 4 years
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So I remembered I had access to the transparent template of the polaroid frame used for the pics that you take with Mirphy's old camera, and I wanted to both put that to good use and see how my OCs might look in as close to the game's original style as I could manage. I'm really proud of how these came out! Only thing I woulda done differently is not lock the transparency when doing the noise-then-blur thing with Cosmos, but considering they were the first one done I clearly took that as a learning experience going forward XD Also there's a good year range between all of these in-universe, the earliest being Cosmos taking a proto-selfie just fresh from getting out of the Habitat, and the latest being Teddy where it's taken after he's out as a guy and started binding. Not before he picked his current name though, hence the corrective strips and rewrite hehe.
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Smile For Me and related concepts © LimboLane Cosmos Stargazer, Holly Stargazer, Rosalyn Stargazer, Jaymee Boyd, Kanti Bora, Dr. Ava Glass, Ashish "Ash" Bora, Marcy Coltraine, Theodore "Teddy" Shelley, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
[Image Description: A digital illustration of nine polaroid photographs sitting on a pale yellow table. Each polaroid is displayed individually as separate images, each featuring one of OP’s Smile For Me OCs.
The first polaroid: Cosmos Stargazer, OP’s take on the protagonist of Smile For me. They are an androgynous teen with reddish-brown skin, pink and green hair resembling a stargazer lily, and green eyes. They are wearing a pink and green face mask, pulled down around their chin to reveal their smiling face, with a small tooth gap and a missing tooth visible in their mouth. They are also wearing a light blue jacket with the sleeves rolled up and a purple shirt with pale pink stars. The photo is fairly close-in as though taken at a selfie angle. The background is a gradient of red and dark red. Text: “Cosmos Stargazer (me!!)”
The second polaroid: Holly Stargazer, Cosmos’s sister. She is a young woman with reddish-brown skin, green hair held in a ponytail with red hair decorations resembling holly leaves and berries, and green eyes. She is wearing a green sweater with pink accents, a pink scarf, and a pink and green shirt. She is sitting in a green and pink chair and posing with her arms crossed, one holding a green and pink pen. The background is a wall with yellow and green wavy wallpaper, a picture frame containing an unknown image to the left of Holly’s head. Text: “Holly Stargazer - best sis”
The third polaroid: Rosalyn Stargazer, OP’s take on the florist that is the protagonist’s parent. She is a middle-aged woman with reddish-brown skin and red hair in a bun shaped like a rose. She is wearing a red shirt with a pink floral pattern and a lime green shawl overtop. She has her eyes closed in an open-mouthed smile. In her hands is a brown flower pot, holding a large six-petaled pink flower. Behind her are large containers holding many multicolored six-petaled flowers. Text: “Mom - Rosalyn Stargazer”
The fourth polaroid: Jaymee Boyd. She is a young woman with light skin, long purple hair in a ponytail, and aqua green eyes behind round glasses. She is wearing a blue hoodie with a lavender directional pad graphic on the front. She is holding an original model Game Boy in her hands, playing a game and glaring down at it with a concentrated determination. The background features a grey wall and a slightly greenish sky with cloud cover. Text: “Jaymee Boyd”
The fifth polaroid: Kanti Bora, an OC meant to be Kamal Bora’s twin sister. She obviously has a strong resemblance to Kamal, but with short dark hair with red-dyed bangs. She is wearing a blue jacket, a maroon choker collar, a grey tshirt, black fingerless gloves, green cargo pants, a maroon belt with a gold buckle, and a silver chain attached to her belt loop. She is waving at the camera, one hand on her hip, her eyes closed and smiling wide. There is a short brick wall behind her, as well as a tree and a sunset sky. Text: “Kanti Bora”
The sixth polaroid: Dr. Ava Glass, an OC who resembles Dr. Boris Habit by matter of sheer (in-universe) coincidence. She is a tall woman with reddish-pink skin, pink eyes, purple lipstick, and long violet hair in a ponytail. She is wearing a teal newsboy-style cap with a blue brim and a lily-of-the-valley decoration, a teal peacoat with a pink collar and cuffs, a pink turtleneck sweater, and red-violet gloves. She has a hand up in a pensive manner, and looking to the right with concern. Parts of her are transparent, with a bright pink light where her eye would be in the transparent bits. The background is a gradient of purple and pink. Text: “Ava Glass”
The seventh polaroid: Ashish “Ash” Bora, an OC meant to be Kamal Bora’s youngest brother. He somewhat resembles Kamal with long dark hair in a ponytail and a goatee beard. He is wearing a grey beanie hat, a red hooded jacket with white trim and hood, and a blue tshirt over a grey button-up. He is smiling and has both hands pointing outward. Behind him is a pale yellow wall, a bookshelf with multicolored books arranged on them, and a Star Wars poster featuring the character Darth Vader that is partially obscured by Ash’s head. Text: “Ashish Bora”
The eighth polaroid: Marcy Coltraine, Ash’s wife. She is a fat woman with freckled light skin, pale blue eyes behind green square glasses, and blonde hair in an updo with a lime green hair clasp and a green barette pinning back her bangs. She is wearing a green turtleneck shirt and a lighter green short sleeved sweater with lime green trim. She is sticking her pale blue tongue out and holding up her hand in a peace sign. The background behind her is a gradient of pink, purple, and blue. Text: “Marcy Coltraine”
The ninth and final polaroid: Theodore “Teddy” Shelley, Cosmos’s college roommate and eventual partner. He is a young man with blue skin, golden freckles, and shoulder-length beige-grey hair. He is wearing a light blue button-up with the sleeves rolled up, and a blue and yellow sweater vest. He has one hand behind his head and is smiling nervously. The background features a green and blue wall with a narrow yellow stripe painted horizontally across the middle. Part of the text on the polaroid frame is covered by white corrective strips, indicating something else was there before it was replaced. Text: “Theodore Shelley”
End ID.]
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puppyluver256 · 4 years
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Sometime before the summer of 2012, Jaymee's passion for video games and Holly's passion for journalism were merged and they started a gaming journalism site together! And eventually they were able to get enough recognition to receive press invites to 2012's E3! Hell yeah! Here they are getting some cute selfies as both a celebration of such an accomplishment and just absolute happiness being together in a place that makes Jaymee so very, very happy ;w; And she's so hype for this new Nintendo console that's getting shown off too, hopefully it's gonna be a huge hit!
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Smile For Me and related concepts © LimboLane Jaymee Boyd, Holly Stargazer, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
[Image Description: A digital illustration of Jaymee Boyd and Holly Stargazer (two of the OP’s OCs) standing on a balcony overlooking part of 2012's E3 conference, specifically the Nintendo display showing off the Wii U and elements of the launch title Nintendo Land. Jaymee (left) is a taller woman with light skin, purple hair in an undercut style, sparkling aqua green eyes, and circular wire-frame glasses. She is wearing a lavender shirt, a blue overshirt with light blue accents, khaki shorts, and a press pass on a lanyard. She is holding her hands up in excitement and looks ecstatic. Holly (right) is a shorter woman has reddish-brown skin, short green hair with a pink and red barrette, and red eyes with green sclera. She is wearing a green and pink striped sleeveless tunic-style shirt, green pants, and a press pass on a lanyard. Holly has one arm on Jaymee's shoulder and is holding a pink smart phone in front of them in a manner suggesting she is taking a self portrait with the front-facing camera. End ID]
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puppyluver256 · 4 years
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Wanted to draw my SFM OCs as Animal Crossing animals, so here they are :3 Everyone's personalities and catchphrases are as follows:
Marcy - peppy dog "dogear"
Ash - smug goat "nenene"
Rosalyn - normal elephant "petal"
Ava - normal horse "brushes"
Kanti - sisterly cat "anyarchy"
Teddy - lazy cub "sh-shushin"
Holly - sisterly wolf "arooof"
Jaymee - sisterly octopus "dpad"
You can tell I have a preference for a certain personality, hehe X3 Yeah, I really like sisterlies, normals, and lazies. I wanted to make one of the ladies snooty to round things out but I couldn't really see any of them as "snooty" as defined by the game (ie. stuck-up and appearance-focused), and while idk if Ash would really be a smug it was close enough. Teddy's not really lazy per se, but he's very much NOT smug, cranky, or a jock. (I kinda don't like jocks that much as it is tbh) Cosmos is human because 1) protag, 2) I didn't want to assign them an animal personality when the personalities are very clearly restricted to binary genders, 3) I didn't want to feel obligated to give them a voice via them having a catchphrase as I'd rather not have any AU of them suddenly voice-capable, and 4) I kinda already made an AC outfit for myself themed around them hehehehehe :3
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Smile For Me and related concepts © LimboLane Marcy Coltraine, Ashish "Ash" Bora, Rosalyn Stargazer, Dr. Ava Glass, Kanti Bora, Theodore Shelley, Cosmos Stargazer, Holly Stargazer, Jaymee Boyd, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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puppyluver256 · 5 years
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PROMPT 8: Welcome to the Habitat! So y'all've been bombarded by my Smile For Me fanart for a while now. How about those crazy character designs, huh? That’s some wild and wonderful stuff right there. Let’s get in on that and design ourselves some Habiticians (people staying in the Habitat, the game’s setting)! Go as nuts as you want with it, and feel free to either try and replicate the game’s art style or stick with your own. Bonus “points” if you also include a Polaroid-style photo of them and how they would appear in collage form (for context, during the ending sequence some of the characters can potentially hang around with their head replaced with some photorealistic thing that relates to their personality/questline).
I'm inadvertently trying to pull my Discord peeps into SFM, it seems. So yeah, I made a Habititian. Her name's Jaymee Boyd, and she's a total gamer girl. She came to the Habitat to try and force herself to interact with people more, even though she brought her Gameboy and knew she'd inevitably get sucked back into it and away from any actual socialization. The player's task for her would be to find her recently stolen Gameboy (and yes, the culprit would be Tim Tam), and then either give it to her and find out the game she'd brought was missing or go ahead and dig it up from behind Martha before returning both to her. She'd probably hang out around the fortune teller tent. I get the feeling she'd find that Carla amusing. Also I’m really proud of how I got the chromatic aberration to work omg
(I’m gonna end up actually keeping this one for regular-ish use, so I’ve included her flats without the layer effects as well)
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~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Smile For Me and related concepts © LimboLane Jaymee Boyd and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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puppyluver256 · 5 years
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"Oh, my game! Thought I'd never see it again after that gremlin got ahold of it. Guess you're good for something after all."
After creating a Habititian a while back, I figured I'd also draw her in my own style sometime later down the line, so here's Jaymee. Funny, I was all "I'm keeping this one" from that prompt and ever since I've been way more invested in my Bora siblings. Probably cuz they get brought up a lot in friend conversation and actually feature in my fic, hehehe. X3
Poppy - imagination and pleasure, for someone who's always playing and thinking about playing
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~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Smile For Me and related concepts © LimboLane Jaymee Boyd © PuppyLuver Studios
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puppyluver256 · 4 years
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Inspired by @pollyannam3 doing the same with a lot of their art, I decided to make some pride edits of my SFM OC illustrations wherever they apply. Holly and Teddy’s definitely turned out cleaner since I still had the project files for ‘em so I could make transparent exports of just the character image and not have to cut it outta the flattened image hehe. Just the Stargazer family (both born into and brought in through lovbe) in this one, some more coming in a second post.
Rosalyn isn’t here because she’s cishet, she is very much an ally (especially after learning more about nb genders) and very much supports her kids, her daughter’s girlfriend, and her future son in law!
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puppyluver256 · 4 years
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Jaymee Boyd
Your typical gamer girl who for the most part would rather just be left alone with her pixellated pals. Jaymee is somewhat abrasive, especially if someone is trying to get her attention while engrossed in a game. She practically lives at the arcade when not in class, and when not at the arcade or at hole she more often than not has her Game Boy and some spare batteries on hand. It’s a wonder that she’s getting anything outside of gaming done, but surprisingly enough she has been getting consistently good grades on her classwork and even has a steady romantic relationship. While Jaymee’s general abrasiveness is largely influenced by whether or not she’s being interrupted while gaming, she tends to be rather blunt and direct with what she says to people, very rarely sugarcoating things or letting truth (or her opinions) fall gently.
Figured I should actually try and do some more with the first planned Smile For Me OC I made, hehe. I don’t actually remember who I got to designing first after Cosmos (I’m betting it was Kanti), but either way Jaymee’s probably gonna be showing up more often now. Especially around a certain festive-looking young lady :3c
Smile For Me and related concepts © LimboLane Jaymee Boyd and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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