#marcy coltraine
puppyluver256 · 3 years
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[Image Description: A man closing the trunk of a blue car and a woman watching him, facing away from the viewer. The man has medium-brown skin, wavy dark blue hair in a ponytail, and a matching goatee. He is wearing a grey beanie, a red winter coat with white trim, a blue scarf with matching blue gloves, and khaki pants. The woman has light skin with blonde hair in an updo, held up by a lime green hair clip. She is wearing green square-shaped glasses, lime green earmuffs with a brown headband, and a green winter jacket with either a lime green collar or lime green scarf, her position in the image making it difficult to discern. The background consists of a lawn of frosted grass and the edge of a house with yellow walls. End ID.]
Ash and Marcy tossed the last of the suitcases into the back of the rental car. It was larger than either of theirs and a bit newer as well, so it was hopefully well prepared for a cross-country road trip both ways. “Okay, so we’re sure that’s the last one?” Marcy asked.
“Should be, yeah,” Ash said as he closed the trunk. “We got plenty of clothes, maps, cameras, spare film rolls...everything else we can get on the way.” He grinned. “You ready to head out?”
More 101 Smiles with Ash and Marcy! While I think I messed up with the perspective of the background, I still really like how the frost on the grass came out. I'll just keep things like this in mind for later, hehe :3
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Smile For Me and related concepts © LimboLane Ashish "Ash" Bora, Marcy Coltraine, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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puppyluver256 · 3 years
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[Image Description: A man with medium-brown skin, wavy dark blue hair in a ponytail with a matching goatee, and green eyes with yellow sclera. He is wearing a blue t-shirt and grey pants. He looks incredibly uncomfortable, looking down at something with a hand held up in some sort of defensive manner. In front of him is a light-skinned hand wearing the sleeve of a green shirt. The hand is held palm-up, revealing an open bleeding cut. The background is awash with the mental representation of waves of blood, and a blurred image of the elevator scene from the film adaptation of The Shining is fading in behind the man's head. End ID.]
“Oh god, how bad is it?” Ash asked.
“It mostly just hurts a lot, but I don’t think it cut too deep...” Marcy briefly let go of her hand, then immediately grabbed it again. “Nope, nope, cut deep enough to bleed. It’s bad, get me some bandages quick while I try to clean it up.”
“Y-yeah, I...I’ll just...” Blood...she said there was blood... Ash was starting to feel sick. That familiar feeling of fright was overcoming him. He was paralyzed in the moment, his mind conjuring up the imagery of a hole in Marcy’s hand opening up like elevator doors and waves upon waves of blood pouring forth and washing him away...
More 101 Smiles! Went with a more symbolic background here, more of what's going through Ash's mind right now rather than the surroundings of their house. And also it was in working on this piece that I realized that last time I drew Ash, I forgot his goatee. Woops! Well, um, maybe he briefly shaved it during that period of life, idk XD
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Smile For Me and related concepts © LimboLane Ashish "Ash" Bora, Marcy Coltraine, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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puppyluver256 · 3 years
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[Image Description: A couple standing at a kitchen counter. The man (left) has medium-brown skin, wavy dark blue hair in a ponytail, and green eyes with yellow sclera. He is wearing a blue t-shirt with a golden Star Fleet insignia graphic from Star Trek. He is holding a partially eaten strawberry in his hand. The woman (right) has light skin, blonde hair in a ponytail, and freckles. She is visibly pregnant. She is wearing green square-shaped glasses, a green hair clip, and a purple maternity shirt with a graphic of two babies resembling Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa from Star Wars and white text reading "future skywalkers". She has her hand over her nose and is grimacing from the smell of the strawberries. There are two more strawberries on a cutting board on the purple countertop, as well as a knife, a package of strawberries, and a large blue bowl. A refrigerator is behind the man, and behind the woman is a view of the living room and entertainment center. End ID.]
“You sure this isn’t just some weird baby brain-based paranoia or something?” Ash asked. “I mean, I don’t wanna make it seem like I’m downplaying your concerns, but I swear I’m not smelling anything weird here.”
“Are you absolutely sure?”
“Well...only one way to find out.” Before Marcy could stop him, Ash popped the strawberry into his mouth, carefully pondering the experience as he chewed. He eventually swallowed and just shrugged. “Tastes fine to me,” he said. “I’m pretty sure they’re okay, honestly.”
“Oh my god, Ash, I can’t believe you just did that,” Marcy said near-breathlessly. “You nearly gave me a heart attack there. I don’t know what I’m gonna do if there actually is something wrong with these...”
I'm glad I will hopefully never experience pregnancy, because all the effects of it are NOT worth it just to propagate the human race. Not to mention I absolutely do not trust myself to take care of a human child in any way whatsoever XD
Also I can’t believe I have to say this but I know I do, but DON’T MAKE CREEPY COMMENTS ON THIS OR REBLOG IT TO F3T1SH BLOGS. I’m not comfortable with my work being associated with f3t1shes against my will. Some people get pregnant. Don’t make it Nasty >:T
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Smile For Me and related concepts © LimboLane Ashish "Ash" Bora, Marcy Coltraine, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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puppyluver256 · 3 years
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[Image Description: A woman standing next to some kennels, holding a puppy in her arms. The woman has light skin, freckles, blonde hair in an up-do, and red eyes with light blue sclera. She is wearing dark green glasses and green hair clips, a green jacket, a lime green scarf, a muted grey shirt, and a brown skirt. She has an expression of absolute bliss with sparkles in her eyes as she holds this puppy. The puppy is a Shetland sheepdog, with a mostly light brown body and cream and darker brown markings and dark eyes. He is wearing a transparent plastic cone around his head, held in place with a blue collar. He is looking at the woman and has his tongue sticking out. The wall of kennels behind them are currently all empty, save for various colored blankets placed on the floor of said kennels in preparation for future occupants. End ID.]
“Ohhhh my god, he’s beautiful,” Marcy gasped. “Can I...can I hold him? Please??”
“Sure thing, just be real careful with him,” Kanti said. “His back leg’s still pretty sensitive, so watch out for that in particular.”
“I’ll be super gentle, don’t worry.” Marcy held out her arms and Kanti carefully transferred the puppy over to her. She took hold of him with the utmost care, stroking his soft fluffy fur in absolute bliss. “Aaaaa I love hiiiiim...”
More 101 Smiles with a puppyyyyy! Say hi to Chewie! He's a sweet baby who very much lives up to his namesake, and even though he doesn't look as fluffy as his breed should be right now he'll definitely grow into some good floof hehe X3 And of course Marcy loves him already. He's gonna fit right into their home once she and Ash can properly prepare for his arrival :3
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Smile For Me and related concepts © LimboLane Marcy Coltraine, Chewie, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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puppyluver256 · 3 years
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[Image Description: A digital illustration of a young Marcy Coltraine, one of OP’s Smile For Me OCs. She is a teenage girl with light skin, blonde hair in a ponytail, freckles, maroon eyes with blue sclera, and green square-framed glasses. She is wearing a red and white softball jersey with a red and black cardinal graphic on the chest, a red batting helmet, black capri shorts, white socks, and black and white running shoes. She is holding a bat and sticking out her tongue in a focused expression as she stands at home plate of a softball field. There is a fence behind her placed about where the field’s dirt transitions into grass. End ID.]
Marcy woulda played sports as a kid, absolutely! I wanna say she might've done some wrestling later in high school, but right now she's playin' softball! :D
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Smile For Me and related concepts © LimboLane Marcy Coltraine and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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puppyluver256 · 4 years
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So I remembered I had access to the transparent template of the polaroid frame used for the pics that you take with Mirphy's old camera, and I wanted to both put that to good use and see how my OCs might look in as close to the game's original style as I could manage. I'm really proud of how these came out! Only thing I woulda done differently is not lock the transparency when doing the noise-then-blur thing with Cosmos, but considering they were the first one done I clearly took that as a learning experience going forward XD Also there's a good year range between all of these in-universe, the earliest being Cosmos taking a proto-selfie just fresh from getting out of the Habitat, and the latest being Teddy where it's taken after he's out as a guy and started binding. Not before he picked his current name though, hence the corrective strips and rewrite hehe.
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Smile For Me and related concepts © LimboLane Cosmos Stargazer, Holly Stargazer, Rosalyn Stargazer, Jaymee Boyd, Kanti Bora, Dr. Ava Glass, Ashish "Ash" Bora, Marcy Coltraine, Theodore "Teddy" Shelley, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
[Image Description: A digital illustration of nine polaroid photographs sitting on a pale yellow table. Each polaroid is displayed individually as separate images, each featuring one of OP’s Smile For Me OCs.
The first polaroid: Cosmos Stargazer, OP’s take on the protagonist of Smile For me. They are an androgynous teen with reddish-brown skin, pink and green hair resembling a stargazer lily, and green eyes. They are wearing a pink and green face mask, pulled down around their chin to reveal their smiling face, with a small tooth gap and a missing tooth visible in their mouth. They are also wearing a light blue jacket with the sleeves rolled up and a purple shirt with pale pink stars. The photo is fairly close-in as though taken at a selfie angle. The background is a gradient of red and dark red. Text: “Cosmos Stargazer (me!!)”
The second polaroid: Holly Stargazer, Cosmos’s sister. She is a young woman with reddish-brown skin, green hair held in a ponytail with red hair decorations resembling holly leaves and berries, and green eyes. She is wearing a green sweater with pink accents, a pink scarf, and a pink and green shirt. She is sitting in a green and pink chair and posing with her arms crossed, one holding a green and pink pen. The background is a wall with yellow and green wavy wallpaper, a picture frame containing an unknown image to the left of Holly’s head. Text: “Holly Stargazer - best sis”
The third polaroid: Rosalyn Stargazer, OP’s take on the florist that is the protagonist’s parent. She is a middle-aged woman with reddish-brown skin and red hair in a bun shaped like a rose. She is wearing a red shirt with a pink floral pattern and a lime green shawl overtop. She has her eyes closed in an open-mouthed smile. In her hands is a brown flower pot, holding a large six-petaled pink flower. Behind her are large containers holding many multicolored six-petaled flowers. Text: “Mom - Rosalyn Stargazer”
The fourth polaroid: Jaymee Boyd. She is a young woman with light skin, long purple hair in a ponytail, and aqua green eyes behind round glasses. She is wearing a blue hoodie with a lavender directional pad graphic on the front. She is holding an original model Game Boy in her hands, playing a game and glaring down at it with a concentrated determination. The background features a grey wall and a slightly greenish sky with cloud cover. Text: “Jaymee Boyd”
The fifth polaroid: Kanti Bora, an OC meant to be Kamal Bora’s twin sister. She obviously has a strong resemblance to Kamal, but with short dark hair with red-dyed bangs. She is wearing a blue jacket, a maroon choker collar, a grey tshirt, black fingerless gloves, green cargo pants, a maroon belt with a gold buckle, and a silver chain attached to her belt loop. She is waving at the camera, one hand on her hip, her eyes closed and smiling wide. There is a short brick wall behind her, as well as a tree and a sunset sky. Text: “Kanti Bora”
The sixth polaroid: Dr. Ava Glass, an OC who resembles Dr. Boris Habit by matter of sheer (in-universe) coincidence. She is a tall woman with reddish-pink skin, pink eyes, purple lipstick, and long violet hair in a ponytail. She is wearing a teal newsboy-style cap with a blue brim and a lily-of-the-valley decoration, a teal peacoat with a pink collar and cuffs, a pink turtleneck sweater, and red-violet gloves. She has a hand up in a pensive manner, and looking to the right with concern. Parts of her are transparent, with a bright pink light where her eye would be in the transparent bits. The background is a gradient of purple and pink. Text: “Ava Glass”
The seventh polaroid: Ashish “Ash” Bora, an OC meant to be Kamal Bora’s youngest brother. He somewhat resembles Kamal with long dark hair in a ponytail and a goatee beard. He is wearing a grey beanie hat, a red hooded jacket with white trim and hood, and a blue tshirt over a grey button-up. He is smiling and has both hands pointing outward. Behind him is a pale yellow wall, a bookshelf with multicolored books arranged on them, and a Star Wars poster featuring the character Darth Vader that is partially obscured by Ash’s head. Text: “Ashish Bora”
The eighth polaroid: Marcy Coltraine, Ash’s wife. She is a fat woman with freckled light skin, pale blue eyes behind green square glasses, and blonde hair in an updo with a lime green hair clasp and a green barette pinning back her bangs. She is wearing a green turtleneck shirt and a lighter green short sleeved sweater with lime green trim. She is sticking her pale blue tongue out and holding up her hand in a peace sign. The background behind her is a gradient of pink, purple, and blue. Text: “Marcy Coltraine”
The ninth and final polaroid: Theodore “Teddy” Shelley, Cosmos’s college roommate and eventual partner. He is a young man with blue skin, golden freckles, and shoulder-length beige-grey hair. He is wearing a light blue button-up with the sleeves rolled up, and a blue and yellow sweater vest. He has one hand behind his head and is smiling nervously. The background features a green and blue wall with a narrow yellow stripe painted horizontally across the middle. Part of the text on the polaroid frame is covered by white corrective strips, indicating something else was there before it was replaced. Text: “Theodore Shelley”
End ID.]
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puppyluver256 · 4 years
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Wanted to draw my SFM OCs as Animal Crossing animals, so here they are :3 Everyone's personalities and catchphrases are as follows:
Marcy - peppy dog "dogear"
Ash - smug goat "nenene"
Rosalyn - normal elephant "petal"
Ava - normal horse "brushes"
Kanti - sisterly cat "anyarchy"
Teddy - lazy cub "sh-shushin"
Holly - sisterly wolf "arooof"
Jaymee - sisterly octopus "dpad"
You can tell I have a preference for a certain personality, hehe X3 Yeah, I really like sisterlies, normals, and lazies. I wanted to make one of the ladies snooty to round things out but I couldn't really see any of them as "snooty" as defined by the game (ie. stuck-up and appearance-focused), and while idk if Ash would really be a smug it was close enough. Teddy's not really lazy per se, but he's very much NOT smug, cranky, or a jock. (I kinda don't like jocks that much as it is tbh) Cosmos is human because 1) protag, 2) I didn't want to assign them an animal personality when the personalities are very clearly restricted to binary genders, 3) I didn't want to feel obligated to give them a voice via them having a catchphrase as I'd rather not have any AU of them suddenly voice-capable, and 4) I kinda already made an AC outfit for myself themed around them hehehehehe :3
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Smile For Me and related concepts © LimboLane Marcy Coltraine, Ashish "Ash" Bora, Rosalyn Stargazer, Dr. Ava Glass, Kanti Bora, Theodore Shelley, Cosmos Stargazer, Holly Stargazer, Jaymee Boyd, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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puppyluver256 · 4 years
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Moooore pride edits! I’ll prolly do more of these with my other characters outside of this fandom hehe, they deserve it. Again, not the cleanest edit job because I didn’t make transparency alts of the images I used, but I did my best and you prolly can’t tell unless you zoom in real close and squint. ;P
Ash isn’t here because he’s the only cishet (at present, anyway, but I don’t see myself changing him anytime soon) among his siblings in my and @pollyannam3‘s combined Bora family, and of course he’s an ally, you don’t have literally all your older siblings turn out to be any manner of LGBTQ+ and not be at least somewhat accepting. I was gonna make a joke about him having at least one shirt saying he supports his bi wife, but he would wanna have a shirt for everyone in his family that this would apply to and that’s a lot of shirts. EDIT: AAAAHAHAHAHAHA, funny story time! So shortly after originally posting this Tav told me they’d assumed Ash was bi as well, and later on that got me thinking...what if he actually is? He wouldn’t figure it out until years after the latest point of my post-canon fics, but he’s still valid and still deserves a pride edit :3
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puppyluver256 · 4 years
Random SFM OC stim thoughts
When wearing their mask, Cosmos will lightly drag their fingers across it. The way the material reacts to that feels real good on their face for some reason, very somft. They like a lot of soft and smooth textures in general.
Ava’s definitely a paint mixer. Once she gets back into painting, she likes to take all the paint left over from a piece and see what color comes from all of it. She also likes watching those videos of paint can mixing.
Kanti loves her kitties, and petting them is both an act of affection and a great tactile stim. Casper is the most frequent “victim” of this because he’s generally the most cuddly, but if Garfield wasn’t such an antisocial grump he would probably be the number one stim-cat because he objectively has the softest fur of all four.
Ash owns a few sets of tabletop dice and likes shaking them around in his hands. He also likes a lot of colorful hard candies as snacks. It doesn’t take him more than half a second to realize when he’s mistaken them for each other.
Marcy smells books. Particularly older books. This has led to awkward moments in the library backrooms, hehehe.
Holly fiddles with and clicks pens constantly, and often chews the ends of the cheaper ones. She also bounces her leg when sitting for long periods.
Jaymee leg-bounces too, and while playing games she’ll make little noises whenever doing certain actions. Plop sounds whenever pieces drop in puzzle games, laser sounds when shooting in shmups, a little boing whenever making a character jump, among others. Most of those have sound effects already, but she’ll still do her own.
Teddy doodles spirals, occasionally doing so on his drafts without realizing it ooooops o3o;;; He also finds it hard to sleep without holding onto something, be it a pillow, a stuffed animal, or Cosmos once they’re in the “sleeping in the same bed” part of their relationship. Sorry, flower pal. You’re trapped in cuddle city.
Rosalyn doesn’t stim (as far as she’s aware, at least), but she completely supports those around her that do. More than a few of her kids’ (and kid-in-laws’) birthday gifts have something to do with their preferred stims, and she’ll never try to make them stop stimming when they’re doing so, though she will let them know if it seems like they’re getting so into it that it will mess with something important to them that they’re working on so they can make that decision for themselves.
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puppyluver256 · 5 years
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"We're a pair of dorks that found each other and honestly, the fact that our paths managed to cross at all in this crazy world is nothing short of amazing."
More SFM OC time with Marcy! I friggin' love her so much aaaaaaa
Stephanotis - happiness in marriage and desire to travel, for a woman who wishes to explore this world and fictional ones with the love of her life
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Smile For Me and related concepts © LimboLane Marcy Coltraine and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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puppyluver256 · 5 years
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Oh, since she’s on my mind and I’m working on her ref sheet too, here’s Marcy!
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puppyluver256 · 5 years
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Marcy Coltraine
A librarian from Kentucky who moved up north both due to a lack of job opportunities on the local level and always having wanted to live somewhere like New York for a while anyway. Marcy is a huge fan of the science fiction and fantasy genres, though she enjoys most literature regardless of genre or fiction/nonfiction status. She's a bit of an odd duck sometimes, often taking time in the back stacks at her workplace to smell the old books in there. She has been trying to get a pet-friendly policy instated in her library, mainly so she can get closer to her life goal of petting as many dogs as she can but also because she thinks allowing well-behaved dogs in a library would be nice for their humans, but her attempts have currently been unsuccessful. Also she knows and can still perform some basic wrestling moves (her dad wrestled in high school and taught her when she expressed interest), and she is not afraid to put someone in their place if need be. Usually her dickish brother.
Figured it would be appropriate to make and share a proper ref of Marcy, even though the fic featuring her is finished now. But hey, she’s good and I like her, so I’ll more than likely do more with her in the future. I certainly don’t plan on ditching my contributions to mine and Tav’s shared Bora family, so she’d be showing up with Ash in any current (to that timeframe) scenarios anyway ;3 (and Marcy’s originally being from Kentucky isn’t a personal reference, not at all shhhh)
Smile For Me and related concepts © LimboLane Marcy Coltraine and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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puppyluver256 · 5 years
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Please take these quicky MS Paint doodles I made of Carla and some OCs for Reasons. Also please appreciate the file names for these:
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puppyluver256 · 3 years
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[Image Description: A woman with medium-brown skin, shoulder-length brown hair, and red eyes with pale blue sclera. She is wearing pink square-shaped glasses, a pink jacket with a yellow collar and sleeve cuffs, a white t-shirt with a graphic of a pink heart and a silver horseshoe, blue jeans, and brown riding boots. She has one hand on her hip and the other held up and waving in a friendly manner. The background is a repeating pink and yellow pixellated gradient, with white magnolia flowers and silver horseshoes circling the character. End ID.]
Had this done a few hours ago, but ummmm got distacted and also had some onions to repot XD Anyway, here's Leia, one of Ash and Marcy's twins, as seen in the present-day. She's a university student with a passion for horses, one of those rare horse girls that grow up to be horse women, hence why she's aiming for an equine veterinary degree :3
Magnolia - perseverance and love of nature, for a woman with an undying determination to work with her favorite animal.
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Smile For Me and related concepts © LimboLane Leia Bora-Coltraine © PuppyLuver Studios, co-developed with @pollyannam3​ Artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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puppyluver256 · 4 years
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More 2012 stuff! Ash and Marcy became parents back in 2000, and being the giant nerds they are of course they named their fraternal twins Luke and Leia. They're in middle school now, and the homework load is getting to be a bit much sometimes. Luckily their parents are more than willing to help during any struggles.
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~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Smile For Me and related concepts © LimboLane Ashish "Ash" Bora, Marcy Coltraine, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios Leia and Lucas "Luke" Bora-Coltraine © PuppyLuver Studios and @pollyannam3​
[Image Description: A digital illustration of Ashish Bora, Leia and Luke Bora-Coltraine, and Marcy Coltraine (some of OP’s Smile For Me OCs) sitting at a table covered in a blue tablecloth. Two books with blue covers and various papers are scattered about the table, along with a bag of chips and a drink cup with a straw. Ash (the man on the left) has medium-brown skin, wavy dark hair with a matching goatee, and green eyes with yellow sclera. He is wearing a black t-shirt with a red ACDC logo and pointing at Leia’s work. Leia (the girl second-left) has medium-brown skin, shoulder-length blonde hair, and magenta eyes with blue sclera. She is wearing a pink and yellow jacket, a white t-shirt with a pink heart design, and has a pair of pink glasses on her collar. She appears stressed while holding a pencil. Luke (the boy second-right) resembles Leia, only with shorter hair and green eyes instead of magenta. He is wearing a blue t-shirt with white letters reading RUSH over a green shirt and holding a blue drink bottle. Marcy (the woman on the right) has light skin, short blonde hair, and green glasses. She is wearing a green t-shirt with an image of a bunny reading a book and is scratching the back of her head. End ID.]
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puppyluver256 · 3 years
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Leia Bora-Coltraine
A university student aspiring to become an equestrian veterinarian, and also maybe just an equestrian in general. Leia has been into horses for as long as she can remember, an interest that was bolstered by her parents and maternal grandparents whenever visiting down south and taking her to trips to a horse park. Unfortunately, living in NYC means her opportunities to spend time with horses for real are quite limited, so maybe her intended career path isn’t the most practical. But someone’s gotta take care of those horses that pull the carriages in Central Park, right? Might as well be her someday! It’s not like she can just move several states away to somewhere with more horses, at the very least she doesn’t feel comfortable with decisions that drastic.
While she is incredibly passionate about her dream to work with horses, there is a fairly major obstacle to Leia’s necessary academic method to get there: her dyslexia making the required reading (among other things) more difficult than it should be. Thankfully she’s been able to get appropriate accommodations for the most part, but when she has to deal with those people who make a big damn deal out of even the simplest request, things can get a little dicey. At least she doesn’t have to deal with them too terribly often.
Another one of these I’ve had sitting in the drafts for a bit, hehe. Leia’s the daughter of Ash and Marcy, and definitely the more ambitious of their twins despite her limitations. And to keep with her “horse girl” theme in a less obvious way than her shirt, she’s wearing riding boots ^u^
This is supposed to be her appearance in the current day as of posting this, as her birth year of 2000 means she was obviously born much too late to be around during the game’s events proper. She’d be turning 21 next month!
Smile For Me and related concepts © LimboLane Leia Bora-Coltraine © PuppyLuver Studios, co-developed with @pollyannam3​​ Artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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