#jb fic exchange
ladym-rules · 1 year
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Announcing the Imaginary Jaime x Brienne Fic Exchange
 Sign up this week – DM me with your email address and if you like, the name of your fic
Writing period from April 1 – May 14
Post on May 15 (or at a rate that makes sense for your fic)
No matches will be made, since you'll work on your current WIP
 What you’ll get: A weekly reminder to keep up your good work, and that the exchange is looking forward to reading your story!
The final week, you'll receive a daily reminder.
What to do after signing up: Write! And cheer each other on!
 Q& A for the Imaginary JB Fic Exchange:
Q: What on earth is an imaginary exchange?
A: Some of us need a little extra push to get our fics done, and we only complete things when they’re for an exchange. We are collectively tricking ourselves that there’s a due date and terrible disappointment if we don’t finish our stories. If you are self-motivated or find deadlines stressful, the imaginary exchange will not be helpful to you, but feel free to join if you like anyway!
Q: Do I need an AO3 account?
A: No, you don’t need anything besides an email address at which to receive reminders, but it’s fun to post on AO3 for everyone to read.
Q: What if I discover that the reminder emails are stressing me out? Or something serious in my life happens and I don’t have time to write?
A: There is a safeword for this imaginary exchange. Email me with “banana peel” and you won’t receive any more reminders. (Or you can just ask to be taken off the mailing list.)
Q: Do I have to send the name of my fic? What if I don’t have a fic that I’m working on yet?
A: No, you don’t need to send the name of your fic – that’s just for additional accountability if that’s the kind of thing that helps you.
Q: What if I want to post my story on a different date than May 15? That’s a Monday, and I prefer to post on (the full moon, over the period of many weeks, in June, etc)?
A: You can post your fic at any time you want. The May 15 date is to help give a push to those who are using the imaginary exchange as a tool to write towards a deadline!
Q: How many people are participating?
A: As long as three people sign up before April 1, I’ll run the “exchange” and let everyone know who else is joining the fun.
Any questions? Email me! Let your imaginations run wild for Jaime x Brienne!
Empress M / Lady M ([email protected])
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albatrossisland · 1 year
Fic exchange recommendations
It's that time again, the midyear JB fic exchange is almost over, the author reveal is just around the corner, and with that in mind, here are some recs for you.
It was a good crop of stories, and chef AUs were plentiful, and here are the stories that really spoke to me. (Definitely check out the whole collection, there are tons of stories that could use some love).
And as always a big thank you to our organizers, @firesign23 and @jaime-brienne-fic-exchange for letting us do this once again.
Depth of Fiance - My wonderful, wonderful gift fic! My mystery author took my prompts (While You Were Sleeping AU, Artist AU), and made something that hits just right. Not too soft, not too angsty, just perfect.
Afraid of Diving In - Brienne first meets Jaime when she's crying on a beach, and he's terrible, but they grow up and he's slightly better. A fun, moving, sexy ride to the end.
Seasons of My ... - a Modern AU where the keep meeting and discovering new things about each other. Brienne is a photographer who is quite adept at capturing her subjects' true selves. Gorgeous.
where the spirit meets the bone - Wow, was my first reaction to this fic. I overlooked the tags, and I'm glad I did, because I might have looked away, but ah, never read a LSH fic like that one, and it hasn't left my thoughts since.
if i should fall behind (wait for me) - Regency AU, where JB are childhood friends who reconnect as Brienne is looking for a husband. I'm a total sucker for the regency AUs, and yep, this one worked on me too. It's great.
All the Lights Still Burning - a Long Night AU, beautiful and sad but with a happy ending they deserve.
Somewhere to Begin - JB meet at a rehab facility. Short but very moving.
Who Is Left - a modern arranged marriage AU. JB get married to end a war, and they have to get to know each other while coping with the aftermath of the fighting. Brienne POV.
petrichor - a short but breathtaking missing scene from the Riverlands where they bond during a rainstorm. Great stuff.
Dance Break - the KPop fic. I know nothing about KPop, but getting to learn, and getting to read this, what a treat.
by such means - Persuasion AU. So, so good, the longing, the tenderness of the Austen story is all there, and it's great.
These stories aren't finished yet, but I really liked the setups.
The Iron Throne Challenge - Redemption Island - I have a lot of fondness for Reality TV AUs, and this one is no exception. Love the setup, and hope the author keeps it going, it's a lot of fun so far.
close to the bone - one of the chef AUs, great setup, very curious to see where it leads.
before an immense sky - A Season 8 canon divergence, I'm not sure where it's going, but the writing is superb, and I'm enjoying the journey.
Goodbye/Hello - Modern AU, intriguing beginning, waiting for more
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greenmtwoman · 3 months
hey, it's your JB fic exchange writer here just stopping by to say hi 😄 I'm SO excited to write for you (I love so many of your fics!) & your prompts are fabulous!!
quick first question - are there any songs that you feel relate to your prompts/feelings about j/b?
Hi, and thank you! Awkward confession time: I’m not going to tell you my age, or ask yours, but it’s possible that I haven’t listened to popular music since before you were born.😳 So… maybe Simon and Garfunkel’s “Bridge Over Troubled Water”?
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Author Reveals and Lil Oathkeepers
For the fourth FOURTH year in a row, we find ourselves at the end of a hectic and wonderful exchange, and it's all thanks to the people who make it possible: the readers and writers and behind the scenes support! This year we had 47 participants, which is incredible really.
Author identities have now been revealed, so glory in your victorious guesses or find a new favourite author at your leisure. The entire collection can be found HERE
Not ready for the party to end? There are several ways to extend the fun!
The Lil Oathkeeper 2023 collection is live! Lil’ Oathkeepers are bonus gifts inspired by prompts shared by consenting participants, and can be any size and shape. It can be art! A video edit! A moodboard! A fic shorter than 1000 words! Or… a fic longer than a 1000 words, but you probably know that. Anyone (you don’t even have to be signed up to the exchange) can make and gift a Lil’ Oathkeeper. The spreadsheet with all prompts is available HERE. Browse and be inspired. The LOK collection will remain open, so take all the time you need
Keep making and tagging me in rec lists! 
In addition to reblogging those rec lists, next week I will be posting a round-up of all stories in the collection.
Comment, comment, comment! Us authors are a delicate lot, and a kind word or two can make our day. 
Thank you all again, you make this exchange so much fun to run!
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swordmaid · 2 years
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AHHHHHH ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️src.
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pearly--rose · 1 year
The Isle of Tarth was a summer haven for the Westerosi elite. It was a place of sprawling estates and private beaches, drawing families like the Lannisters back to its shores every year with the promise of a few months filled with sun and relaxation. For locals like Brienne, the island was the only home she'd ever known, and working for one of those wealthy families was how her father earned a living. It was also how she first met Jaime Lannister.
Welp now that the authors have officially been revealed for the @jaime-brienne-fic-exchange I can now share my contribution! I really enjoyed my prompt from paintingcranes, “Jaime and Brienne meeting many times over the years and feeling drawn to each other even though they are not ready to be in a relationship with each other, until they finally get it right one day” and couldn’t resist rolling the whole thing up in a sort of Tarth-as-Martha’s-Vineyard modern AU setting. 
Thanks to @firesign23 and @jaime-brienne-fic-exchange for putting on another great exchange! 
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im-auntie-social · 2 years
A masked man in a blue top hat has been orchestrating broken betrothals in King's Landing's high society for years. Though omen throughout the ton had him to thank for their rescue, when Jaime Lannister begged for him to help his sister his pleas were coldly rejected. Jaime has long harbored thoughts of revenge, but when he finds himself forced into an unwanted betrothal there's only one man who might be able to help.... 
Hey look, I wrote something! Came down to the wire on posting, but it happened! Come enjoy Arranged Marriage with a side order of Masked Vigilante!
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princessmaybank · 5 months
I Love You So Fucking Much
Pairings: Sweet!JJ x BestFriend!Fem!Reader
Warnings: MDNI, 18+, Fluff, Pussy Whipped!JJ, Surprise Kiss, Mention of Heavy Petting, Oral (Fem. receiving, short lived), p in v, no protection, cliffhanger, not really edited, etc.
Summary: The guys have been teasing JJ about his crush all day.
Authors Note: My first fic in a while! It's a little short, let me know if you want a part 2! I hope you like it!
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Pope and John B apparently woke up and chose to torture me today. All day we've been with the girls and they wouldn't stop crackin' jokes. Basically I like my best friend and the guys pressured me into telling them that information a few days ago. I haven't seen her since before I told them, and I guess the guys just got really excited and wanna be dicks. Can't say I wouldn't do the same to one of them.
We were hangin' out in front of the fire at the chateau. I was in a fold up chair in between Pope and Sarah. John B was obviously directly next to Sarah and Kie and Y/N were on the other side of the fire. I couldn't stop staring at Y/N. She is gorgeous, her eyes lit up in front of the fire. "Got a lil drool there." Pope teases and reaches for my face, causing me to back up and slap his hand. Everyone noticed me slap him and was staring. "Why'd you hit Pope?" Sarah asked.
"Because it's funny." Is the best I could come up with. Everyone went back to their conversations but I saw John B whispering to Sarah out of the corner of my eye. Next thing I know Sarah turned to me and gasped, of course he fuckin' told the blabbermouth. I glare at her and whisper 'don't' , hopefully she listens.
Pope noticed the events and giggled to himself. "I don't see why you're so scared." Once again I was the center of attention. Kie finally pipes up. "JJ Maybank is scared of something? Never." Everyone giggled, exchanging nods.
Even though the topic changed many times I was still the focus of the night. The guys, and now Sarah, have still been teasing the whole time.
"I'm gonna go grab another beer, anyone want one?" Y/N asked the group as she stood up. Everyone gave her a nod or a 'yes'. "Wasn't expecting everyone, can someone help me?" She smiled with that small laugh that makes her cheeks go pink. She looked so perfect, the fire made her eyes twinkle.
"JJ would love to help you Y/N." Pope said before anyone could offer. "Yeah JJ go help our dear friend Y/N." John B said with a smug look on his face. Y/N shook off JB's weird look as I got up and followed behind her.
She was bent over in the fridge handing beers to me, not looking back. My teeth involuntarily bit my bottom lip as I stared at her ass. She was wearing shorts but she might as well be naked with the way I'm gawking at her.
I didn't notice she had stood up and turned around until a hand waved in front of my face. "Hey there, anybody home?" She giggles. Fuck that laugh was gorgeous. "oh uhm yeah sorry-" I apologized. She giggled again. "What were you so fixated on?" "Uhm- nothing..it's not really important.." I said while grabbing the beers and heading to the door. She shrugged it off as we just went outside.
When we made it back, apparently Kie played musical chairs because she was in my seat now. Leaving the two across from everyone open. We passed out the beers and I begged Kie to give me my seat back but she only smirked at me and waved me off. So everyone knows now, fuckin' great.
"Just come sit with me Jay- I don't bite." She smiled, patting the chair next to her. "What if he wants you to..." Pope muttered almost too loud. "What?" She asked, looking confused. I shook my head telling her not to worry about it and I took my seat next to her.
Everyone on the other side of the fire is having a conversation- well Pope and Kie are, Sarah and JB are sucking each other's faces off. Y/N and I just kinda sat in uncomfortable silence for a little bit before she spoke up. "Why have the guys been teasing you all day?" I was not prepared for this question so the truth just kinda came out. "Oh- uh they found out I uh like this girl and now they won't leave me alone about it." I said not looking into her eyes. "Awe I wanna know!" She said, full of excitement. I shook my head 'no' very vigorously, not uttering a word. Everyone was looking at us again. "Oh please! I love love! I won't tell her Jayj!" She smiled and grabbed my hand for reassurance but I couldn't focus. "Yeah, c'mon Jayj! She won't tell her!" John B chimed in teasingly. My cheeks were heating up as everyone, including her, looked at me. Her hand was still on mine.
"I need to take a leak." I sprung up out of my seat and announced to the others. Everyone just shrugged as I walked towards the house. I headed to the bathroom and actually did have to piss when I got there, so I guess it wasn't a full blown lie.
When I was done I washed up and calmed down. I stared in the mirror at my bright red cheeks. How did she have this effect on me?
When my emotions were finally under control I went to walk out of the bathroom, but I was met face to face with the goddess herself. "Are you okay Jayj? You've been gone a little while." She sounded so concerned and the way she calls me that nickname makes me wanna bust in my pants right here and now.
"Uhm yeah, just a little overheated from the fire." I shrug trying not to let her fluster me. She crossed her arms like she didn't believe a word I said. "You're acting really weird tonight Jayj...did I do something wrong?" The look on her face made me upset, she looked sad. "Of course not.." I rush to say. "I told you the guys have been messing with me about my crush all day, it's upsetting me.." That also wasn't a full blown lie. I was upset over the things they were saying, but only because they were saying everything in front of said crush.
"Wanna talk about it?" She whispered softly, her eyes begged. I just nodded before motioning to the guest bedroom so I could talk about it with her privately. I sat down on the bed and when she got in the room, she shut and locked the door. I was instantly hard but I knew that's not where this was going. Y/N found her spot next to me and faced her body towards me. I stayed on the edge of the bed, not looking at her but I really really wanted to.
I felt a hand creep onto my thigh. "It's okay if you don't wan-" I cut her off by turning and kissing her. Surprisingly she kissed me back. I'm not sure where this confidence came from, but I'm running with it. Neither of us stopped this kiss until she needed some air. When our lips parted, her face was laced with shock.
"I-I'm sorry- I shouldn't ha-" I started tripping over my words before she cut me off. "I liked it." She said, still filled with shock, which made me happy inside but I wasn't sure where to go from here.
We sat in silence for about a minute before she straddled me and took my lips with hers again. She laid me down, deepening the kiss as she very carefully and slowly rocked her hips on mine. She was so scared to move her hips that I almost didn't feel it against me. I moved mine more harshly against hers to show her it was okay.
After about 30 seconds of heavy petting, I was tearing her clothes off. We had switched positions now and she looked perfect. I was standing in front of her only in my shorts and boxers while she laid there naked. I couldn't help my eyes from wandering all over her body, which unfortunately made her freeze and hide her body. I moved her arms away trying to slowly soothe her. "You're gorgeous.." I smile at her. Before she could say anything I massaged her perfect tits and then got on my knees in front of her.
"Are you sure about this?" I asked. She gave a shy smile before eagerly nodding to me. "I wanna hear a 'yes', Y/N." It came out more stern than intended. "Ye-yes Jayj.." She stuttered. She fucking stuttered. Knowing that I'm the man getting her flustered and ready, is fueling my confidence. I just want to please her in this moment.
Her eyes followed my motions as I peppered kisses on the insides of her thighs. I couldn't stop staring into her beautiful, sparkling eyes. They had a hold on me and wouldn't let go. As I got closer to her heat, she made it quite clear that that is where she needed me most. I lightly placed kisses up and down, reaching from her dripping wet hole to her swollen clit. A moan escaped her lips as she stared into my eyes. I couldn't keep teasing I needed her now. I gave her a few good minutes of sucking and licking while reaching to fondle her tits. I would have continued but I heard a soft voice say-
"JJ please fuck me..."
That's all I needed to hear. I pulled my shorts and boxers down and gave myself a few slow strokes. Her eyes landed on my dick and went wide. Her jaw dropped and she kept staring. "It will fit." I chuckled knowing that's what she was worried about.
My hands reached for her cheeks to pull her closer into a soft, passionate kiss. I climbed on top of her, never breaking our kiss and lined myself up with her entrance. Y/N wrapped her arms around my neck as I pushed myself into her slowly which resulted in her pulling her mouth away from mine to let out a moan. I smirked and pulled her lips back to mine as I began to thrust inside her at an easy pace.
"Fuck Jay, you feel so good..." She said under her breath. I watched as her eyes and head rolled back with her pretty little mouth wide open, making the most beautiful sounds. "Keep your eyes on me pretty girl." I said pulling her gaze back to me by her chin with my first finger.
"D-don't call me that.. I'll cum" She said with a light laugh causing me to giggle a little. I hid my face in the nape of her neck because I felt embarrassed and also flustered. The way we were able to laugh and not feel pressured felt amazing. This felt natural. I started giving her neck small kisses before I found her sweet spot, I sucked on it until it was a deep red and purple. The moans I was responsible for slipping from her mouth were music to my ears.
When my eyes met hers again, I swear they were telling me that she felt the same way I did. That little sparkle from before seemed to only grow brighter. This is the most intimate I've ever been in my life, and I'm happy it's with her.
"I'm almost there Jayj..." She whined into my ear. My hips sped up and I pushed her knees to her chest so I'm able to pound deeper into her. "Fuck please don't stop, please." Her eyes were pleading with me. "I don't plan on it baby..." I rolled my eyes to the back of my head, half due to pleasure, the other half because I can't believe I just called her baby. But she smiled. She actually smiled.
I held myself back from kissing her anymore. I don't know if she liked me back or if this was a one time thing. I'm already beating myself up for doing this before taking her out first. But like I said before...it felt right, natural even.
My thrusts started getting faster and sloppier. The orgasm creeping up on me took all control of my body. Her legs fell to my sides as my hands held her waist and I pulled her close. Our eyes danced between each other's lips and gaze before we sealed the deal. My hips didn't stop their motions, and I knew she was about to bust by the way her sounds were getting muffled by our kiss. I nodded letting her know I was ready as well.
Next thing I knew, she pulled her lips away from mine to moan my name, then I felt her cum leaking out onto my dick. She was so beautifully undone beneath me. When it was my turn to release, I was a moaning mess. My load shot into her, the sounds we were making tangled together to make the most amazing music I've ever heard.
My head found its way to her ear as my arms wrapped around her torso. As I rode out our highs, I made one of the biggest mistakes you could make when having 'casual' sex. I didn't realize it until I pulled my head back and saw her eyes.
I can't believe I said it..
"I love you so fucking much..."
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honeys-hotties · 8 months
loved your recent jb fic!! was wondering if you had any hcs for her and actress!reader??
Okay so, I've never done hcs officially before so I hope these are okay!
actress!reader is my bby i've been acting for so long so i love her
i hc that julien is a big fan of her work and has loved her for years, like maybe she's jb's unofficial celeb crush?
the major swiftie in me has actress!reader and taylor as good friends, so i think actress!reader met phoebe through taylor and the two of them rly hit it off
and actress!reader loves phoebe's music but doesn't know bg that well, so she starts listening and (like all of us) immediately loves julien
and phoebe knows julien loves reader and now reader likes jb, so she's scheming to get them together so hard
so maybe actress!reader goes to the eras tour, to one of the shows phoebe opens for and sees the boys on stage and is just SO enamored with julien
and jb knows she's there and is freaking out the whole time
and then after they finish their set the boys go to hang out in the tent and actress!reader meets lucy and julien and they're both totally freaking out
and jb gets all flustered and is like "omg i love you-i mean, i love your work" and the reader is just so happy
and when she compliment's julien's singing and guitar? it's over for baby jules
so throughout the whole show jb and reader can't keep their eyes off each other, julien is like sneaking glances as her and is just so in awe
reader is so into the show (the best concert of all time i will forever be reliving it) and is dancing with pheobe, and eventually pheebs pushes her onto julien and they're all over each other dancing and singing and just being in each other's presence
and after the show they all hang out together and jb and reader just can't get enough of each other and everyone can see the sparks flying
they exchange numbers and are talking and texting all the time, and eventually jb asks her out, and the rest is history!!
okay dating hcs!
i think jb is insanely protective of the reader, like any time they're out together she has her hands on reader, she's always keeping an eye on her, just guard dog vibes
julien is also her number one fan, every project, every event, every award she is just so proud and hyping her gf up at any given moment
actress!reader and jb bring each other to all of their awards shows and premieres and stuff and there are SO many pictures of the two of them just being so in love
the boys (and muna<3) are in love with actress!reader
phoebe and reader are besties, but after reader and jb start dating lucy loves her too
muna is literally obsessed with her and will tease jb constantly, like "you better watch out or one of us is gonna steal your girl"
hyping each other up online like "FUCK YEAH LOOK AT MY SUPER AMAZING TALENTED GF"
the cutest photo dumps of each other online
actress!reader and jb both have really crazy schedules and they're both traveling a lot, so constant facetiming is a must, but I feel like they send snail mail and love letters too
she gets tattoos for actress!reader, like her initial or maybe a reference to one of her roles or smth?
matching tattoos! (if that's something ur into ofc)
the hickeys she had on snl and the red carpet? some of actress!reader's best work
omg matching hickeys yes please
lots of reassurance for each other, like "i love you, you're the one i want to be with" especially when actress reader has to play someone's love interest or reader sees jb kissing the boys on stage
LOTS of physical touch, her hands on actress!reader's hips or in her back pocket or around she shoulders at ALLLLLLL times
actress reader has a shirt that says something like "i'm with the band" or "i <3 guitarists" that she wears to bg shows
literally just them being so obsessed and in love it hurts
constantly telling each other how grateful they are to have each other
jb definitely writes songs for & about actress!reader
hopefully you guys liked these!! ty for the requests, love you all infinitely <3
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✧ ˚  ·    . DL;DR - this fic is not meant for anyone under the age of 18 as it contains the following: topper's virginity kink - stop that, he's a gentleman about it ffs, he takes the best care of you , p in v sex of the protected variety, swearing, biting/marking, dirty talk, a little tearing up, kissing/saliva exchanged. writer does not give permission for her works to be reposted, with or without permission. ✧ ˚  ·    .
prompt four- virginity
character | fandom - topper thornton | outer banks
reader | original character - female reader, pogue!john b's sister & non -or vague, description.
words - roughly 6.3k
tagging - &lt;taglist here >
✧ ˚  ·    . you've been dancing around the way you feel about him for a while now, but a Halloween bonfire at the boneyard + a few drinks might just change all that..✧ ˚  ·    .
You couldn't stare at Topper Thornton any harder if you tried. Your eyes are glued to him like magnets as he tosses a football back and forth with some other Kooks down the shore. Staring is all you're ever gonna get. Might as well enjoy it. - the thought has you frowning to yourself and you bite your bottom lip as you watch the way he peels off a long sleeve shirt and tosses it at the sand.
Your brother John B happens to notice that you're distracted and you haven't paid attention to a single thing he’s been saying so he clears his throat and when that doesn't work, he bounces a green grape off your forehead.
Kiara snickers quietly. Sarah raises a brow and Kiara gets her off to the side, explaining what she was just laughing at.
❝ Wait.. she likes Top?❞ Sarah glances at you and John B, a brow raised. She groans to herself as she catches the tail end of yet another argument between the two of you. 
❝ She’s in love with him, actually.❞ Kiara shrugs as the argument between you and John B kicks into high gear.
John B glares at you. ❝ We discussed this. I don't even want that prick Thornton breathing your air, sis. He's not a good guy.❞
❝ We didn’t discuss anything, JB. You dictated, like always and I agreed just to shut you up.❞ you snipe, glaring at your older brother. ❝ I'm not involved in this stupid Kooks versus Pogue bullshit. And, ❞ you pause, a hand on your hip, ❝ You don’t know the guy.❞
❝I know him one hell of a lot better than you do, little bit. So what he saved you from drowning and he just happened to be there that time you took the Twinkie out and th' tire blew. Just because he felt like being a nice guy two times doesn't make him a good person. Stay away from th' guy. I'm being serious, lil bit. ❞ John B argues. 
His firm warning is met with a roll of your eyes as you decide you'd rather chew glass than keep arguing with the brick wall known as your older brother. 
❝ Would you fucking relax, dumbass? Its not like I'm gonna screw or marry the guy.❞ you yell, probably a little louder than you should have. Your face is on fire as soon as you realize just how many people your angry outburst has staring at you.
As you're storming away, you happen to crash right into Topper, the unaware subject of the entire fight you've just had with John B. He gazes at you in concern as his hands rest against your upper arms. ❝ You look upset.❞
You swallow hard. And naturally, the thought comes, bitterly, I'm gonna go all weird and quiet now. Just like every other time I'm near Topper.
❝ Y-yeah.❞ you finally murmur, ❝ Johns just bein an asshole…Again.❞ and you're staring up, lost in the multi-toned warmth of his eyes. You can feel your brother and the rest of his friends staring and you sigh a little. But Topper hasn't let go of your arms yet and if the look in his eyes is anything to go by, he doesn't buy what you're saying at all.
❝ Yeah, that tracks.❞ Topper finally mumbles as he reluctantly releases the hold on you, instantly missing the softness of your skin under his hands as soon as its gone. He gives John B and the other Pogues a dirty look and it's fleeting, he's quick to turn his attention back to you. 
❝ I'm gonna get going...❞ you reluctantly step away, instantly wishing you hadn't, ❝ Before he busts a vein.❞
Topper chuckles. And he'll tell himself that the only reason he does what he winds up doing next is solely to cause that, its just to get your very overprotective big brother all riled up, maybe it is. But as much as that's the honest to God's truth, there's a deeper reason he invites you to the Halloween bonfire tonight at the boneyard. 
He wants to see you again. He's like an addict, he needs his fix. 
❝ Hey!❞ he stops you in your tracks, ❝ There's a bonfire tonight..to celebrate Halloween, I guess. You should come..I mean, unless you're scared it's gonna make big brother mad.❞
You can feel the rage and frustration as it rolls off your brother when JJ nudges him so he doesn't miss what's unfolding.
You know you should turn him down, every part of you insists that going anywhere near that damned bonfire tonight is not only a bad idea, it's possibly the worst one you've ever had and yet.. when you open your mouth to do the right thing, the smart thing, and gently tell him no, ❝ Maybe I will, Thornton. Maybe I will.❞
You hurry away after answering, mostly because you know if you don't do that, John will come over and restart the argument you two were having that made you storm away and collide with Topper just now in the first place. 
Sarah and Kiara exchange looks.
❝ Tell me you were picking up on the way Topper was with her just now. Tell me I'm not reading into what we both just saw way too much.❞ Kiara asks after a few seconds. Sarah laughs softly and shakes her head. ❝ I think I have an idea. C'mon.❞ she starts to walk towards where you happen to be standing on the boardwalk as she glances back at Kiara and Cleo, ❝ We can wait for permission now or beg for forgiveness later.❞
❝ Wait, hold on!❞ Kiara rushes to catch Sarah, ❝What are we even doing?❞
❝ When I was dating Top...❞ she trails off and watches Topper as he's watching you, ❝ I used to be so jealous of her. I used to think that he wanted her more. I'm starting to realize I was right… and if she likes him back, I mean…❞ Sarah trails off, speaking up a few seconds later, ❝ Top is a good guy.. He deserves to be happy too, Kie.❞
❝ You do realize John isn't gonna see it that way...❞ 
❝ And we'll cross that bridge when we're there. What I do know is I owe him.❞
❝ Okay, so what are we thinking?❞ Kiara asks, watching as you watch Topper throwing the football around, further down the shore. 
❝ Everybody is gonna be in costume tonight.. well, most everybody.❞ Sarah muses, gazing from you to Topper as she formulates her plan. 
Cleo and Pope wander up to you as you finish your cigarette and thump its remains at the pavement.
❝ John is just being protective..❞ Pope speaks up after a few seconds. You nod, exhaling the last plume of smoke into the afternoon air. ❝ I know, Pope. I just don't get it.. Topper has actually helped out when we asked. Of the rest, he's the least biggest asshole. And I can't help who I.. nevermind..❞ you laugh softly and shake your head, ❝ He’s probably right, its not like a guy like that,❞ you nod in Topper's direction, ❝ Is even interested in me in the first place.❞
Cleo happens to look over where you were just staring right as you make yourself stop staring and Topper starts staring at you.
❝ I think you’re wrong.❞ Cleo muses, nudging Pope to get him looking in Topper's direction. Pope rubs his chin thoughtfully, tuning back into your continued rant just in time to hear you going off on a tangent about the way John B is engaged to Sarah and its kind of stupid to be an ass about Topper based solely on that. 
❝ I mean,  if he obviously liked me to begin with, he's totally a hypocrite for continuing to be an ass about this.❞ you go quiet.
Cleo snickers softly. ❝ There's one way to find out.. Go to the bonfire tonight. He did invite you.❞ she's challenging you, daring you to do something because she's gotten to know you well enough at this point to know that challenging you or daring you is a surefire way to get you to do something, quick, fast and in a hurry. 
You mull it over. You were already planning to go, you were going to hang out with Cleo and Pope. If things seemed off you could bail and you wouldn't be stuck by yourself because Cleo is your best friend and she'll be there.
❝ Come with me.❞ Sarah butts in, ❝ We're going costume shopping.❞
You raise your brow. Laugh softly. ❝ Now why am I gonna do that, hm?❞ you ask, shuffling your feet against worn wood.
Sarah grumbles. Then she sees the stern look she's getting from both you and Cleo so she launches into this long-winded ramble about just wanting to have a little fun, pointing out that you did promise your brother you would at least attempt to give her a chance. ❝ Everybody is gonna be in costume tonight.. well, most everybody. I thought it'd be fun..❞
You laugh. ❝Okay, fine. But I probably won't buy one. I'm a little too old for dress up games.❞ you're kind of scoffing, thinking to yourself that it figures the Kook princess would be into dressing up.
Cleo gives you a gentle nudge and you manage a tight smile at Sarah Cameron.
❝ I've got an hour to waste til my shift at the bar. No lingerie or cutesy animal themed stuff, got it?❞
Sarah laughs. ❝Fine. But you have to let me do your makeup and hair if you pick one.❞
You snort in laughter. ❝ How about you just be happy I agreed to tag along with you two..❞ you nod to Kiara as she leans against the railing around the pier, ❝ And leave me to my own devices with hair and makeup, huh?❞
❝ This is a bad idea, Sare.❞ Kiara gives you a dirty look and you roll your eyes right back at her. Cleo laughs quietly and shakes her head.❝ Alright, you three. Behave. If we’re going, we should go.❞
❝What's wrong with me doing your hair and makeup, anyway?❞ Sarah asks and you laugh. ❝It’s fine for you..I'm just not into the whole princess vibe.❞
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆ ・ 。゚ ───
You're lingering hesitantly with your brother and his friends, infinitely regretting your spur-of-the-moment decision to buy the form fitting little white tank style dress and the veil and garter, but in your defense, Cleo dared you. And you're nothing if not petty, so given that you're going to the bonfire tonight just to see Topper and you know what your brother's always saying, you chose the petty road and tonight's costume is you, making a point. The thrifted dress had been longer 3 hours ago but all the tulle and fluff had been torn away from the rest of the dress, leaving you with a form fitting white dress that stopped just about the tops of your thighs. It's the shortest thing you've ever worn out in public but when you also found a garter and an old veil that you could use to form your own shorter veil, you took it to be a sign from the petty gods.
When you'd told Cleo this earlier, she nearly doubled over laughing.
❝ The flannel and combat boots are throwing off the whole costume.❞ Sarah clucks her tongue as she says it, giving you a once-over. ❝ I don't get why you had to destroy a perfectly good wedding dress either...❞
You shrug. ❝Deal with it, Sarah.❞
Sarah spots Topper as his Jeep pulls to a stop next to the Audi Kelce drives. 
Cleo nudges you but you shake your head. ❝ Not right now..❞
Sarah and Kiara have spotted your brother and JJ so they're gone with quickness and it's now only you, Cleo and Pope standing near the coolers and kegs waiting to be tapped. Cleo nudges you and nods at Topper.
You happen to look up just in time to lock eyes with him. You figure he's going to look down first so you're surprised when he smiles and gives a little wave. You pour yourself a drink and take a sip, almost immediately spitting it out.
❝ You are officially on your own, girl. Me and Pope are going somewhere a little more…private.❞ and now Cleo and Pope are gone, leaving you all by yourself. You shuffle your combat boots against the sand awkwardly and you're just about to head over to play a hand of cards with your friends Jesse and Alec, but just as you take a step in the direction of Jesse's tailgate, you're tapped on the shoulder.
❝ You’re here.❞ Topper's breath is minty against your neck and your thighs clamp together in seconds. ❝ I didn't think you'd show up.❞
You turn to face him, head tilted slightly to look up at him. He towers over you easily and you swallow hard, blowing at a strand of fallen hair. All you can do is shrug as words fail you yet again.
Topper chuckles, the sound is husky, quiet. A crowd racing past you both forces you to step into his body and as the wind picks up a little, you hug your flannel shirt tighter against your body. Topper notices this and with a chuckle, he pulls off the jacket he's wearing and holds it out to you. You glance at it, then up at him. He pushes it at you and when you don't immediately take it, he slips it around your shoulders. 
You can feel the exact second both JJ Maybank and your brother have caught onto it but you honestly couldn’t care less. Topper smiles down at you and because of the height difference between you two, he has to bend down just a little when he whispers ❝ I’m glad you came tonight. Kelce, he’s uh.. Been after me to just do something already but I.. Forget it.❞ he laughs quietly, ❝ It’s dumb.❞
You take a sip from the orange plastic cup in your hand and stare up at him quietly, nodding. Your cheeks feel a little warm, a little flushed and you can’t decide whether it’s from the watered down 80 proof in the cup you hold in your hand or if it’s from being around Topper Thornton, like usual.
Every time the two of you have a little run-in, you come away flustered then too.
Duh, you reflect on it, I'm always getting myself into weird and dangerous positions that somehow, he always manages to be close enough to save me from. And I wanna feel bad about that but it puts me in his path and I'm fine with that.
❝ I figured it was the least I could do, Top. I uh...❞ you shift your feet in the sand a little as you laugh at yourself and the sheer lack of ability to form words you’re suffering currently, ❝ I kind of owe you my life.. Three thousand times over, actually.❞
Topper snickers for a few seconds, falling silent again. By now you’ve migrated to a little bonfire further down the shore from the bigger one that everybody’s crowded around. He slips an arm around you and this pulls you straight into his side. Against him. You’re so close that the scent of his cologne envelopes you. As the two of you settle down in a spot on the sand, he speaks up again, gazing into the fire. ❝ I wasn’t keeping score. Y’know, you’re kind of a trouble slash danger magnet, right?❞ he chuckles as he looks over to see you pouting at him. You lightly swat his arm. ❝ Hey! That’s not fair! It’s not like I try to get myself in weird or dangerous situations, Top.❞
❝ Yeah.❞ he laughs, giving you that dimpled grin. You’re trying to resist, but the urge to be closer is driving you crazy. You lean against his side a little, your head resting against his bicep.
Topper’s breath hangs.
❝I always love t’ come out here and look at the stars.❞ you mutter quietly. Topper nods. ❝ Yeah, but the view at the lighthouse is prettier. Go all the way to the top and you can see everything..❞
❝ I’ve always wanted to go there..❞ you muse. He pulls himself up off the sand and holds out his hand to you. And that stupid, sexy, dimpled smile is back. You gaze at the hand he holds out and swallow hard. He’s grinning ear to ear. ❝ C’mon. We can slip away, nobody will ever know. I only come to this shit anymore because Kelce drags me.❞ Topper admits, conveniently leaving out the part where he mostly comes to be as close to you as he dares to get, lest he invoke the wrath of your overprotective big brother, John B.
But he’s got a foot in the door tonight. One chance to be even closer to you than he typically dares to get -aside from the times he happened to be in the right place at just the right time and he managed to keep you alive and safe.
He’s determined to take it.
You take hold of his hand. Biting your lip as you’re pulled off the sand and straight into his body. You’re only half teasing when you say it, ❝ Bet you take all the girls up there, huh? You being a ladies man and all..❞
He shakes his head. ❝ Nope. It’s somewhere I go alone, actually.❞
And you’d never own up to it but when he tells you that, you’re falling even more in love with him and you were just starting to think that couldn’t be possible.
❝ We’re gonna have to speed-walk to the Jeep.❞ you say it and through laughter, the two of you make a beeline for the Jeep. You practically dive into his passenger seat and he backs out of the spot he parked in as fast as he can, his arm around the back of your seat as he turns his head slightly, looking back over his shoulder.
You can feel those butterflies in your stomach, for sure. You know what you’re about to do, sneaking away with a Kook, is at best, a mere bad idea.. But for a bad idea, it feels so good.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆ ・ 。゚ ───
The stars glitter and glisten through floor to ceiling panes as you step into the little room atop the lighthouse. Your gasp makes him smile because he’d been hoping you might actually appreciate the view if he ever managed to be lucky enough to get you up here with him.
You turn to him in a rush, your chest presses against his as one of your hands finds purchase in the front of his favorite denim jacket, the one lined with wool. ❝ Top,❞ there it is, that sweet and sultry little purr that haunts his dreams, asleep or awake. He’s staring down at you, dazed. Because the moon is hitting your face just right and your skin is soft and dewy. You’re staring right back up at him, your grip on the front of his jacket tightens just a slip. When you realize just how close you’re pressed against him, your breath catches, a quiet gasp leaving your slightly parted lips.
He leans down, his face into yours just a little. A hand raises and cups your face after he’s brushed some loose strands of hair out of your eyes. ❝ What’s up?❞ he asks finally, the silence is too much for him.
❝ It’s so beautiful up here.❞ you mutter, raising one leg slightly, bent at the knee. He chuckles. The sound is soft. A little husky. Deep as the sound rose up from the very bottom of his soul. It gives you another little tummy flutter. For just a split second, you wonder if this is how awestruck Sarah Cameron had to feel when he looked at her the way he’s looking at you right now. And then in the next breath you’re doing all you can to mentally gaslight yourself that no, he’s definitely not looking at you like that.
You almost manage to pull it off until he shatters the silence. ❝ What I’m lookin at right now is more beautiful.❞
You gulp. The minty clean warmth of his breath fans your face as his moves even closer and the hand that had been on your cheek just seconds before moves to the back of your head. Thick digits catch against your hair. You melt against him and you try not to do it, but your eyes flutter closed as your tongue drags over your bottom lip. The ripped piece of lace you’d stapled to a headband to make yourself a veil at the last minute is lifted, raised out of his way completely.
❝ I’m gonna kiss you.❞ he mumbles quietly, his free hand settled on your hip which he squeezes and uses his grip to pull you into him even closer, as if there was any space left between you both in the first place. ❝ You.. If you don’t want me to kiss you...❞ words are frustrating. He swears under his breath and takes a very shaky deep breath to try again. But you don’t want to wait a single second longer, maybe at least half of your brain is convinced that this is a daydream and you’re going to come out of it to find Cleo and Pope sitting across from you in your usual booth at the Wreck, laughing their asses off.
❝ Are you crazy?❞ you mumble soft, your lips bump right into his as you speak, ❝ I’ve wanted to kiss you since we were twelve.. When I almost drowned to death and you saved me?❞ 
Topper blinks. He’d honestly thought that given all previous interactions, you’d panic and bolt. Because that used to be what you did in any situation where you found yourself alone with him. ❝ You.. you really mean that...❞ he studies you, curious.
❝ I said it, Top.❞ you mumble quietly. You’re not good at making eye contact for too long. So when you try to stare a hole through the front of Topper’s denim jacket, he cups your jaw and makes you look up at him. The distance between your mouths begins to close again. Time all but freezes and finally, his thick tongue splits the barrier of your lips. You keep up with him as best as you can but it’s clumsy. A little needy and you’re melting into his body the more the kiss deepens. When your lips latch onto his bottom one, he groans against your mouth quietly and the hair his hand is so caught up in is given a slight little tug. 
The two of you are light-headed, racing hearts and breathing for each other when the kiss breaks and you reluctantly pull apart, a strand of saliva keeping just a small hint of connection between your mouths. ❝ Fuck.❞ - that’s both of you mumbling the word in unison because he’d imagined what kissing you might feel like for a while now but what he’s just done went above and beyond his wildest imagination. And he knows it won’t be enough because he’s already pulling you back against him and leaning himself down into you for another one.
Your hand raises and settles in his hair, giving it a tug as you climb up into his arms, your legs circling his waist. The ripped lace of the flimsy DIY veil falls down between both of your faces at one point and Topper’s hand catches against the dollar store headband and slips it off your head, letting it fall from his fingers to the wooden floor of the room. You’ve rubbed yourself against him at least two times by now and you keep making these cute little whiny sounds that are driving him to the brink of his restraint.
When your mouth strays from his, seeking out the side of his neck, he sucks in a sharp breath. Hands catch against your ass, squeezing a double handful through a skintight white tank dress. He growls into your neck, ❝ We.. we don’t have t’ do this.. This isn’t why I brought you up here, love.❞ and it’s so cute and sweet and when he calls you love it’s just such a gentleman’s choice of word. You pull away to stare up at him. ❝ I know, I just..❞ you take a deep breath, laugh at yourself because you know damn well you’re rushing into this but at this point, it just feels like you’ve waited longer than forever. Maybe even longer than an eternity.
❝ What? You can tell me, love.❞ Topper coaxes. You play with the front of his jacket as you try to will the words out. ❝ I promised myself if I ever got a chance.. With you.. I was going to do everything I could to make you mine.❞ you cringe a little, it has to sound needy. It has to sound crazy, after all, every previous interaction between you both involved you making a hasty retreat.
❝ You.. you did?❞ he’s puzzled. Because he’s never been anyone’s first choice. He’s never been the guy who gets kissed like you just kissed him. He’s the best friend. Comic relief. The one people turn to only when he can do something for their benefit.
❝ Topper,❞ you whine out as you try to rub against him as much as you can and cling to his body, ❝ I want you..❞
He’s gaping. Stunned. Speechless. Because not only is someone begging for him.. That someone is someone he’s actually had his eye on for a really long time. Secretly, of course.
❝ I… I didn’t say too much, did I?❞ you ask quietly when he’s still dazed a second or two later and you notice that he’s not really responding to anything you’re doing. You frown a little and you’re just about to climb down out of his arms but he takes a step back. You wind up sat on the circular metal railing that surrounds the circular room. ❝ No. No, love.. You didn’t. I just needed to process.❞ Topper explains as his hands leave your hips, skimming up the front of your body, squeezing and cupping your breasts through thin fabric. When you start to rock into him all over again, he bites back a growl and thrusts himself against you so you can feel how hard he is through the jeans he’s wearing. And then he’s staring at you, eyes burning, pupils blown with lust. ❝ You’re.. You’re sure, yeah? We don’t have t’ do this right now, love...❞ he’s melting back into you, his mouth against your neck, tongue dragging the length of your pulse before he takes a little nip of exposed skin.
The scent of vanilla, of you and that sugary sweet cheap perfume you always wear, that fills his awareness, permeates the air all around you both. When his hand slips up your dress and he feels the garter wrapped around your thigh, he inhales, resting his forehead against the top of your breasts. The clasp to the garter was tricky. It was frustrating for him, especially when the only thing he wanted was to strip everything away that kept your skin from touching his.
❝ I hate this damn thing.❞ he huffs out just two seconds before he finally just loses all patience with your tight and stubborn clothing and rips the garter away. Your thin flannel shirt goes next, followed by his denim jacket, both settling in a heap on the floor of the observation room. 
With shaking hands you reach down between your bodies to unbutton his jeans and they settle around his ankles. 
He’s sucking your neck as he works the short and tight little dress up your hips, relishing all your little whimpers and whines and the way you're just so damn responsive to every little touch or kiss. His hand slips between your thighs and your breath catches, your head fallen back against the floor to ceiling pane of glass at your back. He cups your wet sex, rubbing his hand against it until you're rocking yourself against his hand, moaning his name and he can feel you dripping against his palm.
❝ Have you ever..uh, have you done this before, love?❞ he asks the question both not expecting your answer and preparing himself to be at least a little jealous, more determined to erase anyone else you've ever been with from your memory. ❝ No.❞ you breathe out against his neck as you work his shirt up and out of the way. Topper is frozen again. Trying to process everything, from the first kiss to now, when you've just told him that he's going to be your first lover. Only, his mind corrects as he feels himself getting harder at the mere thought that he's going to be the first, only, boy to bury his cock inside you. He never thought that just finding out you are a virgin would drive him as crazy as it is.
❝ Okay, look at me, love..❞ he's trying to be the voice of reason, to slow things down before they go too far. He wants to make sure you really are ready. He cups your jaw, tilting your gaze up ❝Do you really want this? Are..are you sure?❞, he asks, trying to get you focused on the question.
 But you're begging and the way you keep kissing on him while clinging to him as much as you can melts him. He melts down into you after releasing his hold on your jaw, his face buried in your tits as his hands squeeze your ass. 
❝ I want you, Top. Nobody else. You.❞ you answer quietly, cupping his face to make him look up at you so he knows you mean it and you're not just in the heat of the moment. ❝ You.❞
It's everything he's always wanted to hear and given up on hearing. He's all over you after it sinks in, lips against soft skin, hands anywhere he can get them on you. ❝ I'm..fuck.❞ he breathes out against your mouth as he crashes his mouth against yours, ❝ I'm yours, okay?❞ he promises, melting into you so much that you're pressed back against the window.
Your fingers drag over his abdomen as you take in what he's promising. You weren't expecting it, you're blown away.
You whine out in need as you tug at the waistband of his boxers. He chuckles.
❝ Oh no. No, love, not until I get a taste of you first.❞ he mutters against the shell of your ear. Thick digits hook in the side of your panties, he works them down your legs and when they settle at your ankles, he gets down on his knees in front of you, gazing up. ❝ C'mon, love.. open those pretty legs for me. Let me see what I'm doing to you.❞ he murmurs, parting your legs with his hands. As he sets sights on your bare cunt -and how wet you are, he barely stops a groan at the sight. You fidget a little, squirming in his intent gaze because he's your first. This is all so very new to you. You’re afraid that he's going to change his mind. ❝ Relax, love. I swear to God I'm gonna take care of you,  baby.❞
His tongue drags over the outline of his lips as moonlight makes your skin glisten, you're dripping for him and he's barely done a thing. He takes a pause, a few seconds to wrap his head around the fact that this is real and its happening.. with him. He's the one you've chosen to give yourself to and he's determined not to make you regret it.
His tongue drags over the soft skin, tracing its way up your inner thighs. When you start to giggle because you discover you're ticklish on your inner thighs, he chuckles quietly. When his tongue drags a stripe right up the center of your dripping hot sex, your breath hangs in your throat. He groans at the taste of you as it fills his mouth and two fingers join his tongue, stretching you more than you're used to. Your hand catches in his hair and you tug as his fingers and tongue fuck your virgin cunt to prepare you to be full of him. He mutters against your skin  ❝ Pull harder, love. If it helps.❞ as he buries his tongue deep inside. Your free hand curls around cool metal and you whimper and whine. 
There's a white hot ache that's creeping in, settling in the pit of your stomach as Topper works his fingers and tongue inside you. ❝ Top…❞ you're moaning his name like a prayer as you try to move your hips, desperate for more.
❝ Good girl. Fuck. Fuck,❞ he groans out, the sound of his voice muffled by the way he's got his face buried between your thighs. He stops to breathe - and to watch the way your head falls back and your mouth is hanging open partially, begging him to fuck you. ❝ Such a good girl for me.❞
You're so close. He can feel you tense up. He starts to slow down and you cry out for him, frustrated tears shining in your eyes as he looks up at you, his tongue dragging over your throbbing clit. ❝ Too much, love?❞ he questions.
You nod. He pulls himself up off his knees and steps between your legs, his hands pinning your hands against the glass at your back as he lets his boxers fall to the floor and lines up his cock with your dripping hole. As he fucks into you for the first time, you clench around his cock and it's so tight. His breath catches and when he feels you tense up, he goes still. Kissing on you as he waits for you to get used to taking his cock.
❝ Is it.. are you okay now, love?❞ he asks, gently cupping your jaw as you nod and start trying to rock yourself into him. 
This feels so fucking good, - the thought comes as you clench tight around him and he groans against your neck, plowing into you slow and deep. 
❝ –oh God don't stop dontstop, baby you feel so good. So gooood.❞ you're in the heat of the moment and all he can do is watch as you come undone, the sexy little sounds you're making combined with the way you clench around his thick cock is almost enough to make him come undone. ❝ Easy, love.❞ he coaxes, driving into you at a new angle as he lets go of your hands and grabs your hips, picking you up to slam you down on his cock over and over. ❝ I'm…fuck…I wanna cum, princess. You feel so so good. So good.❞ he's begging for it and he doesn't care, he's got no shame at all. You’re clinging to him as your orgasm rips through you and leaves you a fucked out and needy mess. He's thrown into his own orgasm, your cunt squeezing his cock so perfectly that he can't hold it off. 
You feel him throbbing, hot seed painting your insides and he leans down into you, his forehead against your tits while he takes a few sloppy thrusts. His mouth crashes against yours in a kiss that's equal parts sloppy and sweet.
Down on shore, the festivities are still going, you can see the bonfire from where you are as you slip down from the rail, the two of you helping each other redress, stopping to steal kisses or melt into each other.
As he holds out your 'veil' to the costume, he turns it over in his hands and chuckles quietly. ❝ Tiffany..from Bride of Chucky, right?❞ he asks and you laugh softly.
❝ Nope. I am a bride though.. since my brother thinks that I'm gonna run off to marry you just because I really like you and I stare too much, I decided to prove him right.❞
Topper chuckles. Then it sinks in what you're admitting. He catches up to you as you're about to open the door to the room and he turns you around to face him. ❝ I kinda thought you hated me or that I scared you because you're always rushing off whenever we happen to be alone.. thats not true?❞
You laugh softly and shake your head. ❝ I didn’t want my idiot brother to come after you. If he hurt you, I..❞ you trail off, a hand raised to caress his cheek as you stare up at him. ❝ I'm not trying to scare you or anything but..❞ you lean against him, ❝ I think I could love you. That I have for a long time..❞
He's blown away. He cups your jaw to make you look up at him as he takes in what you've just said. ❝ D-do you mean that?❞
You smile softly and nod. He holds you tighter, his nose against the crown of your head. ❝ He doesn't scare me. And he won't stop me from being with you.❞ Topper promises, staring down at you. 
❝ Wanna go back down?❞ he asks after a few seconds. You laugh and shake your head no, telling him ❝ I only came tonight to be close to you.❞
The two of you do make your way out of the lighthouse but it's to sit on the deck, you caged in by his body as he holds you close and points out different stars in the sky.
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Christmas Fics
Christmas Season starts after Halloween I think, so I was in the mood for nice Christmas stories and made a list for everyone feeling the same!
As the popular saying goes I suck at summaries, so they are straight from the author on AO3.
a winter's tale by SeeThemFlying All in all, it is the perfect Sevenmas... except for one small detail. Jaime isn't here. (Until he is).
A Date For Sevenmas by majoris When Brienne grabbed the first man standing near her in the crowd of people to convince Hyle that she actually did have a date she expected it to be one of her friends and not Jaime Lannister of all people.
From Us to You by ddagent Jaime and Brienne accidentally send out a couple's Sevenmas card.
I Don't Want to Toe the Line by everydayescapeartist Jaime and Brienne share a lot over the years, growing up the children of parents who are the best of friends. There’s something Jaime realizes they have yet to share and he’s hoping this year’s holiday party will be their best one yet. (Also known as that cheesy JB mistletoe fic you didn’t really ask for but I felt compelled to write anyway. Cheers!)
The Perfect Gift by sea_spirit Sansa and Brienne shop for the perfect gift. Later, when Brienne and Jaime exchange presents, things don't go exactly as planned.
Traditional knitwear of Tarth by tall_wolf_of_tarth Brienne moves to Winterfell and starts to knit. Jaime Lannister is cold and no one knits for him. Lots of knitting references and fluff.
I Light A Candle To Our Love by theworldunseen Jaime is in love with his best friend Brienne, and he thinks she might feel the same way, but something is holding her back.
That something? Her dad is Santa Claus.
The Gift by Lady_in_Red Brienne finds the perfect gift for Jaime but worries that it reveals too much about her feelings for him.
All Brienne Wants for Sevenmas by ikkiM Brienne Tarth is convinced no one ever looks at her Sevenmas list for the office gift exchange.
Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, and Kind by EllisJay Jaime is in love with his best friend, Brienne, and has plans to tell her….one day. Eventually. Definitely in the next year for sure. He's nearly 100% sure of that, or maybe 80% sure. A spur-of-the-moment Christmas gift bumps up his timeline considerably.
Santa baby by sdwolfpup Brienne tells Santa what she really wants for Christmas. Can he work a little Christmas magic to get it for her?
Twelve Days by Lady_in_Red Most people just buy liquor or silly socks for an office holiday gift exchange. Brienne's gifter is going way overboard. She'd love to tell them to stop, if only she knew who they were.
Merry Christmas, I'm Yours by theworldunseen Single dad Jaime Lannister loves three things the most: his daughter Myrcella, coffee, and his best friend Brienne Tarth. Also Pop Tarts. So, four things. Now that curmudgeonly diner owner Brienne is single, will he make a move this Christmas season?
A gender-flipped Gilmore Girls AU with little plot, lots of fluff, and bonus smut at the end!
Brienne and the Christmas Calendar by angel_deux Brienne writes scripts for a television network that exclusively produces shitty romance movies. That's not the ONLY reason she hates the Christmas season, but it's a pretty big part of it. Her roommate and best friend Jaime, on the other hand, is filled to the brim with holiday cheer.
Or: Jaime does the whole Christmas Advent Calendar thing, and Brienne is oblivious.
Christmas Lights by theworldunseen It's Christmas time again, and Brienne really misses her best friend and former roommate, Jaime. She misses him so much, she even decorates for Christmas, despite her well-known hatred of the holiday. All she can do is put up Christmas lights and hope the love of her life might come home.
Jaime Lannister: Christmas Miracle by LeoSapphirus Brienne breaks her leg before the holidays and is forced to cancel her plans. She expects to spend Christmas alone. Jaime isn't having any of that.
Office Christmas Party by LSquaredSTL Brienne is frustrated - her job is keeping her from going home for the holidays and she can't stand her co-worker, Jaime. The office Christmas party changes everything.
you'd better not pout! by slipsthrufingers Office Christmas means one thing and one thing only: Secret Santa. Five times Brienne Tarth was disappointed by the office Secret Santa and one time she wasn't.
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Apple Picking - Eggsy Unwin x reader
all right! I decided on a random monday night a couple of days too late that I was going to challenge myself to write and publish one fic for each week of October. Had I thought of the idea earlier this one would've come out on the 6th, but I thought of it when writing this last night so it's coming out today instead.
The goal with this event is to write for characters and pairings I don't write for often and like my account to a certain extent, this event is multifandom! Eggsy Unwin is kicking it off because I love him wholeheartedly and don't write for him as often as I should.
This fic was written while I was listening to the Boygenius song Leonard Cohen and directly uses the lyric 'I never thought you'd happen to me' twice because I love Boygenius and I couldn't help myself.
Fic type- fluff
Warnings- none
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There was not a day that surpassed the both of you wherein Eggsy Unwin did not second guess himself. He wondered why, out of all of the people you could've chosen, you chose him.
You were the best person Eggsy could've met in the beginnings of his career as a Kingsman. You liked to read, you loved to write, you didn't hate dogs and you loved the autumn.
Eggsy had met you while waiting for Harry at a coffee place. You'd bumped into him while taking an idle step backwards, you'd chatted in line, he'd made you laugh, and you'd exchanged numbers and then it was like that was it. He was in your life, you were in his, and things would probably stay that way.
Still, four years later, you were thirty-two and had been sharing an apartment since just a bit before Eggsys 30th birthday. It was near the Kingsman tailors and near where you worked, so it was a good fit.
He was grinning to himself as he parked his car into one of the two parking spots that was included in the rent, Harry on the phone with him as he talked animatedly about plans you'd made for the upcoming and extremely rare weekend Eggsy had off.
As Eggsy turned the car off, he took Harry off speaker, pressing the phone to his ear. He opened the door just enough to hear the sound of rain and pocketed his car keys.
"Yeah! It's gonna be great--late morning, we're going to order in, I think? Once that's done with we're going to take JB and we're going to go apple picking. They do it with JB every season so that they can use the apples for apple butter, but I have the weekend off so we're turning it into a staycation type thing."
"Staycation?" Harry asked as Eggsy ran from his parking spot to the front door of the flat complex, barely dodging the rain in the process. "The closest apple picking place is three hours out of the city. That's not staying in."
"Close enough, innit?" Eggsy said, swiping the fob and grinning as he approached the elevator. The thought of seeing you had turned the exhaustion he felt into something more content, something happy.
"I suppose," Harry said as Eggsy pressed the button. The doors promptly opened and in Eggsy stepped, pressing the button for your floor and shaking his head as though to focus. "Are you staying at a hotel?"
"Only decent one we could find doesn't allow pets," Eggsy said. "We're going to drive thirty minutes back around so that he can stay at a pet hotel, I think. Bit of extra work, but he'll be happy with the hordes of attention he'll get. I'll be happy because--it's not like opportunities like this come often."
Despite the fact that he couldn't see him, Eggsy knew that the expression Harry wore was a sad smile on the other end of the phone line.
"Have you proposed yet?"
"I'm working on it," Eggsy said as the elevator doors opened. He stepped into the hallway and approached your door, grabbing his keys from his pocket. "Just bought the ring yesterday. The secret of it might bloody well eat me alive, Harry."
Harry laughed halfheartedly. "You have a good night, Eggsy."
"You too, mate," and the call was done.
Eggsy put his key into the lock and turned, sighing with relief and pressing his head against the door as it opened slightly. It didn't take him long to hear the sound of JBs claws scraping against the floor and your gentle discipline, telling him to wait until Eggsy had gotten a foot through the door to bide for his attention.
Eggsy laughed and proceeded inward, heart heavy with how happy he felt.
A day later, it was six, you'd just ordered McDonalds to your hotel room and the hotel mini fridge was full of ten pounds of apples from the time you and Eggsy had spent picking them while JB found his soulmate in a pug owned by a couple in their sixties.
Eggsy had just gotten out of the shower where you'd showered beforehand, and you were sitting in the chair that had been placed by the window, using it for what seemed to be it's purpose as you read something.
Eggsy said nothing, leaning slightly against the door frame in his Kingsman sweatpants and a baggier shirt that smelled a little like you, indicating you'd stolen it in recent, then washed it and sprayed it with some of the scent you liked before placing it in one of the clean clothes baskets that Eggsy would later sort and fold.
You were reading a book, and Eggsy was looking at you, and it just--everything kind of just hit him.
He'd bought the ring. He could've proposed to you right then if it really, truly seemed like the right time as he always kept it in one of his pockets. He could've proposed at the apple orchard but it just didn't seem like the right time then.
All that Eggsy could think of was that first time you'd met in the coffeeshop. You'd bumped into him while taking a step back, and you'd chatted, and he'd made you laugh and it felt like it was perfect.
Four years gone, four of the best years he'd experienced, and he found himself leaning against a bathroom door frame and looking at you, and it just--woah.
"This is going to seem so random," he said, one hand idly going to his pocket, where he'd slipped the ring out of what had managed to become a habit after only three days. "But it just--we've been together for four years now, and it's all kind of just hitting me."
You turned to look at him, grinning as your gaze met his.
"Yeah?" You asked. "What is it?"
"I never thought that--well--you see, I'm not really known for my smarts," Eggsy sighed. "Roxy and Merlin and Harry--and, well, everyone, realistically--would make a case for the fact that I don't really know much at all, but I do know that I know you."
You were looking at him like he was the love of your life. Eggsy knew that you were his without a doubt in his mind.
"I never thought that when you bumped into me, we'd find ourselves here. I never thought that I would be using one of the only weekends off I've gotten since I started working for the Kingsmen to propose to you in some hotel, but this where we are and I am so grateful for it."
You stood, approached him. Eggsy pulled the ring out of his pocket and presented it to you, shoulders shaking in silent laughter. Harry, the guy who had a love for romantics somewhere deep down, was going to kill him for proposing in the hotel rather than at the orchard.
"I never thought you'd happen to me," Eggsy said. "Seriously. I didn't, and I don't know how I've managed to get so lucky but I am so happy I have."
"You realize that marrying me means your stuck with me forever, right?" You asked, pressing a quick peck to his lips. "Like, no escape. In sickness and in health, in every single moment where I choose to annoy you because it's funny, in every single time you come home from a mission at seven in the morning because the mission ran long or you got called in late, and discover I've made brownies or butter tarts or peanut butter cookies. You're stuck with me even then."
"I never thought you'd happen to me," Eggsy said again. "So yeah. I realize it means I'll be stuck with you when you annoy me and that it means I'll come home to brownies, or butter tarts, or peanut butter cookies. I realize it means I'll be stuck with you when we're both drunk and we can't stop laughing. In sickness and in health, Y/N. Sunny days, and the rainy ones, too."
Eggsy loved you so much and often found that it was impossible to put it into words.
"Will you marry me?" He asked.
"I'd be an idiot not to," you grinned.
Eggsy slipped the ring onto your finger and made a note to call Harry before the two of you went to bed as your arms wrapped around his shoulders, his around your waist, and the two of you hugged.
You couldn't believe your luck, and Eggsy couldn't believe his.
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albatrossisland · 1 year
Who Is Left - Chapter 1 - tuliptoes - Game of Thrones (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
The authors have been revealed, and here's my story, an angsty, post-war arranged marriage fic I wrote for @shipping-receiving.
Thanks for the excellent prompts, and a big thank you to our organizers @firesign23 and @jaime-brienne-fic-exchange!
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firesign23 · 2 years
JB Smut Swap 2023 Rec List
The die has called it: I’m here to share 14 fics from the 2023 JB Smut Swap that I particularly loved and think people need to read if they haven’t already. I’m far too indecisive to declare them the best, or rank them, but I try to recommend fics with premises people might not be drawn to or I haven’t seen talked about much, that sort of thing. So here they are, in no particular order:
Look, I had a whole post reccing my gift, Ghost in the Machine and its Coda. But I have to rec it again. It’s emotional and hot and so, so good. Don’t let the warnings deter you on this, it is very much worth a read.
Smoke and Mirrors - I loved, loved, loved the rhythm of this. Kitchen competence, pegging, and a sensory delight 
chains around my demons (wool to brave the seasons) - the worldbuilding in this is just wonderful, and the smut is tender and hot. Forehead touches and laughter and a really compelling world to lose yourself in for 1500 words.
what she'd do to me tonight - bodyguard/politician AU with a secret relationship and playful power dynamics with an underlying respect. What’s not to like? 
Lovely Lady May - another story with a distinctive narrative style, a luscious, rolling rhythm that plays with the roles both Jaime and Brienne fulfil to each other and the wider society they live in. And heaven knows that’s a weakness of mine. 
Sweater Weather - An atmospheric mod AU with Jaime, Brienne, water, and the bittersweetness of having to co-parent. The sex is totally smoking, but it’s all the ways they make space for each other that really stole my heart
 just crossed swords on the killing floor - I knew I was screwed from the Thomas Crown Affair AU tag, but man. I WAS REALLY SCREWED. The language, the emotions, the steaming hot [redacted]. It is, as of this posting, a WIP but that just means you can read it twice. 😂
Knight Club - I can be real hit and miss with dubcon, but the very harsh gender stuff in this just pulled me in and kept me engrossed. It’s dark, but if that’s your jam it’s 17K of utterly compelling dark 
yes, and - Look, nobody who knows me is surprised this one is on the list. Gentle femdom and mouthy Jaime and well-negotiated kink? Even before the very clever callbacks to canon and the delightful image of Brienne in Regency menswear I was doomed
so all the world can see - If breeding kink is your thing, this is great, and if breeding kink isn’t your thing… well, it’s still great. It’s soft and sweet and feels authentic
What You Want - Jaime in a suit and heels, waiting for Brienne? I love fics that play with gender presentation, and this one was funny and hot so #winning 
Figure It Out - Exes meet at a party, fuck in a bathroom, there’s a mirror, I mean, honestly, that sort of sells itself, doesn’t it? 
I’m cheating here. The exchange had TWO Beauty and the Beast AUs: Certain as the sun includes Brienne as the beast and a quest for revenge, and by fang and claw is a beast!Jaime with some delicious riding of the dubcon line. It was fascinating to see the same story, one that is already woven into canon, told in different ways. So it gets to count as one rec
And so here we are at the end of the list and I’m still dithering and thinking of other stories that could have been chosen. So if these didn’t whet your appetite, make sure to check out the whole collection! 
As ever, many thanks to the @jb-smut-swap team for a wonderful exchange!
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Signups for the Fifth Annual Jaime x Brienne Fic Exchange are now open! 
That’s right, we’re back baby! Thanks to the enthusiasm of you wonderful JB writers, the Jaime x Brienne fic exchange is back for 2024. 
What is the Jaime x Brienne Fic Exchange?
For the past few years, we’ve been running a mid-year (or thereabouts) exchange for all JB writers. Interested writers sign up via the above form, and are assigned prompts from another participant. They must then write one completed fic of at least 1000 words incorporating one (or more, if inspiration strikes!) of these prompts. Fics are then posted, anonymously, between September 15th and September 30th, before identities are revealed on October 7th! 
By the end of the exchange, a participant will have written one fic and received one fic. There is no upper limit on the length of the fic you can write, however it must be completed and fully posted by September 30th.
Is there a requirement to join?
You must have an AO3 account and be willing to write a complete story of at least 1000 words before the due date. It doesn’t matter if you’re an old pro or it’s your first time writing a fic for the fandom, or even your first time writing a fic ever. 
What if I’ve dropped out in previous years?
In years past you would need to complete a Little Oathkeeper treat to sign up if you did not complete your assignment or inform us before the no fault default deadline, but we are offering a blanket amnesty this year. That means that even if you had to drop out super late or didn’t finish your fic (a very rare occurrence, but things happen), you can still sign up for 2024!  
How does matching work?
We use Google Forms to try to ensure everyone gets prompts within their expressed interests. When you sign up, you will answer some questions about both your reading and writing preferences–ratings, canons, squicks and triggers–as well as supply three prompts. The organisers will then match you with someone whose preferences and prompts align with yours on as many points as possible, while keeping an element of randomisation. If you’re interested in reading E-rated book canon, we won’t assign your prompts to someone only interested in writing T-rated modern AU! 
What are prompts?
Prompts can be anything really! Maybe it’s your favourite trope, or a song that makes you think of Jaime and Brienne. Maybe there’s a piece of fanart that makes your heart go pitter-patter, or a fic premise you would love to see. All forms of prompts are welcome, though we ask you to keep in mind that they are meant to be a jumping off point for your writer and anything too sparse or too detailed might be difficult. A good rule of thumb is to provide prompts that would get your own mind whirling with possibilities! 
What are the key dates?
Signups are open from TODAY until June 27TH, 23:59 UTC-10. (What time is that for me?)
Assignments will be sent out by JUNE 30TH, and completed fics must be posted by SEPTEMBER 30TH. This is a later writing window than previous years due to some real life commitments.
Consequence-free dropout deadline is SEPTEMBER 1ST. Any writers who dropout after this date or have incomplete fics at the end of the posting window will need to write a bonus gift before participating in future exchanges.
Fics are to be anonymously posted in the Ao3 collection between SEPTEMBER 15TH and SEPTEMBER 30TH, and authors will be revealed OCTOBER 7TH. 
Fic posting guidelines will be published closer to the due date.
Are you doing Knight Writers again?
Of course! Life happens and you may not be able to complete a fic on time, and that’s okay! Knight writers are wonderful volunteers who will step in and write a fic when people are unable to complete their assignment. This year knight write requests will go out via email and the Transformatives Werks Discord, and you don’t need to be an exchange participant to join–just keep your eyes peeled on Discord, or shoot me an email as [email protected] to be added to the mailing list for Knight Write requests.
Any questions? Send an ask!
Sign up here
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ladym-rules · 1 year
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The Imaginary Jaime x Brienne Fic Exchange has concluded
Congratulations to the 16 writers who participated! Stories were continued, chapters were posted, and we used the collective delusion to generate a little more fun for the JB community.
The next step: The REAL Jaime x Brienne Fic Exchange 2023 has opened for signups!
Details here.
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