inkdrinkerworld · 24 days
hello bae idk if ur taking requests rn but whenever u are could you potentially do a spencer reid x curvy reader ?? just a true baddie and no one thinks spencer can handle all of her? i love this trope and am happy with whatever you do with it!
“You’re not being nice to me.” Spencer says as you slip into a pair of low rise jeans.
Your skin glistens, the glitter lotion you’d applied making you look that much more like a goddess.
You’re meeting Spencer’s friends from work for drinks tonight and you’d just gotten the most perfect top to make your outfit delectable.
“I’m being very nice to you, Spencer.” You slip into the top that stops just over your navel, your newest piercing out on display making Spencer swallow hard.
He’s not a prude, not your Spencer, but seeing your belly button adorned with a dangly silver dragonfly and in display fills him with an almost animalistic need to keep you in bed with him for the rest of the night.
“How do you figure?” He asks, reaching for you and smoothing his hands down your sides. You smell like burnt sugar and marshmallows. Spencer’s nose brushes yours, as he waits for your answer.
“Because I look like a peach and I’m gonna make the best impression on your friends ever.” You squeal when Spencer squeezes your bum and then captures your lips.
When you meet his friends, Spencer can tell you’re not what they were expecting. You look like a seductress- hair pinned up with pieces falling out, pretty dangly earrings to match the rest of your jewellery, your voice a siren’s call and you’re incredibly cheery.
“How does pretty boy keep up with you?” Derek asks, a smile playing on his lips as you look to Spencer who’s deep in conversation with Penelope over some new nerd game.
“Honestly, I don’t know how I keep up with him.” Derek laughs, shaking his head as he drains his drink.
Emily chimes in next, “Never thought Spencer would man up to ask you out.”
Your eyebrows knit, “What do you mean?”
She smiles, a little evilly- like a sister does when they have all the information on their brother. “Spencer’s pined after you for about three months before he said, ‘I finally did it.’”
Your boyfriend tunes into the conversation then, cheeks scarlett as you turn to him.
“You work at the courthouse right?” Emily asks and you nod.
“Spencer was always gushing about the pretty lawyer and how he wanted to ask you out but didn’t have the-“
He cuts her off with a hand over her mouth. “Emily.”
She laughs behind his hand, shrugging which only makes Spencer’s blush worsen.
Penelope shrieks and everyone turns to look at her. “You’re like Vanessa!” She says it like you’re all meant to catch on immediately; when you don’t she rolls her eyes.
“From the Little Mermaid! You look like a siren.” You smile, a barely there blush flushing over you in the dark bar.
“Your trouble is what you are.” Spencer mutters, no one but you hearing him making you smirk.
“Thank you Penelope! Though I have to be honest, this is just my going out get up- I’m much more slouchy at home.”
Spencer rolls his eyes, he doesn’t think you understand how incredibly attractive you are regardless of what you’re wearing.
You lean on Spencer’s shoulder as your drink comes to the table, a sip of Long Island Iced Tea and you’re turning to JJ.
“What’s it like working with Spencer?”
His hand falls to the small of your back as you listen with rapt attention to his friends’ every word.
Spencer can’t tear his eyes away from you and that’s all Derek needs to know as he shoots a message to Savannah to send him the number of the jeweler who made their rings.
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lailawinchesterr · 1 month
Remedy Sneak Peak
So glad everyone is enjoying remedy so far, I’ve decided to def make it longer than three parts since I added a little something extra to the plot. It’s coming out the 24th I believe? We’ll see, but it won’t be later than that. Here’s a little (long) piece of my baby so far:
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You settle on your favorite jeans and a dark green long sleeve shirt. It’s cold but not enough to warrant a hoodie, not that you have that many, anyways. They ruin your outfits. Sometimes. 
The second you're done you attempt to add some color back into your face after so much studying. Some blush, a little gloss, a lot of highlight. And there. Presentable— you would even go so far as to say, pretty— which is what gives you the courage to go to Jess’s room. She’s on Gen’s lap and— oh. That’s… yep they’re making out. Maybe you should try to knock sometime?
“I hate you…” Jess wines after she whips her head to see you come in. They’d been too occupied to think of locking the door. “…what are you wearing?”
Is it… oh God, do you look that bad? You actually really like the outfit, even your hair and makeup. “What, what’s wrong with it?”
“Nothing, you’re so fucking gorgeous but why are you dressed up like this— you whore! Is that highlight?”
Contrary to Jess’s beliefs, you can clean up nice when you want to. In all honesty, you’re always trying your best to look as good as you can, in small ways. Accessories, new hairstyles, always having your outfits on hand by taking pictures of the ones you like the most. Even if it’s casual like right now, because you know these two colors match well. But as far as makeup goes, your gloss and blush are all you need. Anything extra and you want to impress a guy. 
Not Jess’s words. Yours. 
“I hate you, slut.”
“Not the point. Where are you going?”
“Out.” You say quietly from your spot in the doorway. Yeah, make her feel like you’re on a top secret mission while you’re at it. “With Sam.”
Gen’s the one that sits up this time. “Sam? Right now? It’s eight o’clock.”
You nod then shrug. So? He only said it’d be a drive. You walk towards her to lean down and pull her into a quick hug.  “It might not even be an hour, don’t worry. Will you be here when I get back?” She kisses your cheek in response, so she’s sleeping over and then Jess pulls you down to the bed.
“What is happening right now?!” 
“Way to be cool about it.”
“I’m not trying to be cool about anything. First off, send me your location so I don’t bother you if you decide to go back to his house—.”
“Not happening.” You dust yourself off and walk away slowly.
“— second, tell me everything when you’re back. And be responsible. And take my power bank so your phone stays charged. And make sure he brings you back home, don’t fucking Uber!” You’re half way out of her room as she screams the rest of her long, very reasonable, list. 
You already took your own power bank and you checked your purse ten times for money, gum and keys. You’ll be fine. 
You shout an ‘I love you’ as you spray on your perfume and get some water. Mentally preparing for a night out alone with a guy? Super hard. You don’t think Jess knows. Maybe you mentioned it, but it doesn’t matter, she wouldn’t understand how big of a deal this is to you. Obviously because she’s into girls, but it’s also ‘cause she didn’t grow up like you. None of these people did. Especially not Sam. 
I’m two minutes away.
Okay. Mentally preparing time is cut short. You can do this. You’re a big girl who’s turning eighteen in a few (six) months. You’ve got this. More perfume and yeah, okay. Time to go. Why aren’t your feet moving?
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Missed the last part? Here! Comment if you wanna be tagged.
tag list: @angzls @chxrrybomb22 @pinkpantheris @ang3ldool @iloveragdollcats 
@oohjana18294 @user-2538484747490203746579403 @wattpaduser200 @s0urw00lf @ashlynyyyyy
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amelia-acero · 3 months
Thank you everyone for your kinds words yesterday, I’m sorry if I couldn’t reply to some of you, but I posted that statement and immediately went to work afterwards. Without any further questions, please enjoy this new prequel of how Noah and Anya met. Enjoy 😊
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“One day I’ll meet him, he’ll kiss me and fall in love with me.”
Anya said those silly words in the presence of her younger brother in 2016, someone who didn’t take it seriously, not out of cruelty, but as someone who saw how she reacted every time she had a new celebrity crush and assumed this one will be like the rest. If only she knew then that it wasn’t going to be like the rest. It was only meant to be a simple meet and greet at a concert. She looked at her son letting his tiny hand grip her index finger while Noah and Nick sat in the front seats, while she sat in the back with her son Keaton in his car seat. She looked out the window and remembered how she met Noah, it really was meant to be just a meet and greet.
~ October 1st, 2019 ~ Los Angeles, CA ~
The day was an exciting one, Anya woke up early and knew she needed to wake up early because she had a concert to go to at the Regent Theater. She had waited for so long and worked so hard for this event and had even bought VIP tickets to get in early and do the meet and greet. She was dressed in a beautiful black body con dress with sheer bishop sleeves and an opening that slightly exposed her ribs; and for her own comfort some shorts underneath and put on her fishnet tights, along with platform Docs. She looked to her dresser to put on contacts for the night, but once she picked up the box for her left eye contacts, it was hollow, so any chance she had of wearing contacts were gone and glasses were her only option. She wanted to be there early, one because she liked being first in line and two she hated being late no matter what.
She looked towards the clock in her room and saw the time was 12:55pm; the meet and greet started at 3:00pm. She grabbed her concert bag and left her apartment, and took an Uber from her home to the venue. She arrived at The Regent Theater; there was a small line, but not enough that there was going to be a long wait. She took out her phone and checked the time and saw that it was barely 1:30pm. She walked to the two lines formed there and asked which one was for VIP and got her purple VIP bracelet.
“Whatever you do Anya, don’t say something stupid, no matter what, nothing stupid.” She told herself. She kept repeating it internally like a silent mantra, while waiting in line.
“Who are you here to see?” Someone asked.
She looked up and looked towards the person who asked the question. It was a guy, with his hair going to his chin and parted in the middle. His eyes having a slight doe like expression, he was tall, maybe most probably 6’2, and thin but muscular. His outfit was a Bring Me The Horizon t-shirt and black jeans with dirty white shoes. Coming out of her slight trance, she answered his question.
”I’m here for both Bad Omens and All That Remains, but I like to be early so I can watch the other acts. It seems pretty shitty to be late and skip the other acts just because we don’t know them, who knows we might like the music. What about you?”
”Well said, I’m Theodore, but call me Theo.” He said sticking out his hand. She took his hand and shook it.
“Lily.” She lied, she never gave her real name to people she didn’t know, especially solo guys at concerts.
”Nice to meet you and to answer the question, I’m here for Bad Omens too.”
”Is this your first time seeing them?”
”No actually, this is probably my 3rd time seeing them, but my first VIP experience.”
From there their conversation with each other ended and they stuck with a comfortable silence with each other. As time passed the line grew longer, some having to go to the general admission line because they got confused with the double lines.
By 2:55 pm, the doors began to open for the meet and greet. Anya's hands began to shake out of her anxiety, she slowly wrapped her arms around herself to ease her anxiety and took deep breaths. The line began to move and soon she began to move, little by little she could see both bands with their backdrops. The guy she met earlier, Theo, went, shook the hands of the members of Bad Omens, All That Remains and took his pictures with them, and then it was her turn. She slowly made her way to them, she didn’t notice, but Noah slightly moved towards the end and was the first to shake her hand. He didn’t know why, but something about Anya made him want to be near her and stay by her side. He met plenty of beautiful women with his time on the road, but something about her was different and he wanted to know why. Finally he shook her hand and for a bit it felt like a jolt of electricity shot through him, she had to let go to continue moving on, but he didn’t want to let go.
“What’s your name?” Nicholas asked.
“Anya.” She replied.
Anya. Noah thought, Her name is Anya. She was quiet through shaking their hands, but he could see that her hands were shaking through the whole greeting
“I’m sorry, I’m normally not this quiet, but I’m really trying not to say something stupid.” She said shyly.
“Don’t be darling, we’re just normal idiots in this place.” Noah said smoothly, the rest of the group looked towards him, while he can be flirty sometimes, never was he like that towards a fan, calling them darling or any pet name.
“Speak for yourself man. I have the IQ of a genius.” Folio said, trying to break the tension between Noah and Anya and to keep the line moving.
Anya laughed and Noah could help how beautiful her laugh sounded to him. Bryan signaled that he was ready to take the photo and took Anya’s phone from her, Noah moved to be close to her and put his arm around her shoulder, his hand slightly touching her skin and the top of her dress’s sleeve and smelled her scent. Lavender. Noah thought. Once the photo was taken, Anya said thank you to meeting them and began to walk to Bryan to get her phone back and Noah closed his eyes and inhaled what remained of her scent, stuck in that trance, he heard someone clear their throat in an effort to get his attention. He opened his eyes and Jolly give him a look that clearly said, ‘Man, what the fuck?’. Noah looked to see where Anya had gone, and saw she was in the middle of taking her picture with All That Remains. He kept an eye on where she went and once she was done, she got in line to get her merch. After she got her merch, he felt defeated and accepted that he would probably never see her again, even if she would be in the audience that night.
“Oh my god, that was amazing.” Anya said to herself.
She looked back and wondered if she imagined everything, she wondered about the moment she touched Noah’s hand, the jolt of electricity she felt was just her imagination or not. She walked to the floor section of the venue and began to join the small crowd that was forming and moved towards the front. Before she realized it, the concert began with All That Remains coming on stage first, starting with This Calling and ending with Two Weeks, Lacuna Coil, Toothgrinder, and Uncured all played their own sets and before she realized it, it was time for Bad Omens.
She began to scream out loud with the rest of the crowd, screaming out loud the lyrics of Mercy with the crowd. Towards the middle of The Worst In Me, Anya got pulled into the circle pit and was almost crushed by bigger guys who didn’t seem to notice that she was not enjoying the pit, she thought she was done until she felt someone grab her wrist and pull her out. She was pulled out and immediately landed into a hard chest, she looked up and saw it was the guy she met earlier while waiting in line.
What was his name? She thought. Leo? No, it’s Theo.
The Worst In Me ended and soon Noah’s voice came onto the mic.
”Alright guys, I see you getting crazy. Remember don’t be an asshole, if you see someone fall in the pit, help them back up.” He said.
Theo looked down at Anya and because of the noise yelled out.
”Looks like I got you.” He said.
Anya smiled and they stayed close while head banging and screaming out loud to Said & Done. Theo stayed close to her through the rest of the concert and only left her side to join the circle pit whenever one started and when the last song Burning Out ended, they walked out the venue, where it was raining heavily.
“Well it was nice to mee-” Anya began to say, but Theo grabbed her hand and walked her to a more secluded spot and pulled her in the middle of two buses.
“What are you doing? St-
Theo kissed her, cupping the back of her head and wrapping his left arm around her. Anya didn’t reciprocate his kiss and in fact began to push him away, but his strength against hers was making it impossible.
“Stop! Stop it! Leave me alone!” Anya said, trying to push him away.
“Come on Anya, you know you want this.”
Anya froze upon realizing he said her actual name, she never told him her name and began pushing even harder to set herself free.
”I heard you tell Bad Omens your name, I’m a little hurt that you told me a fake name.” He chuckled, he began to try and suckle on her neck and began to move his right hand towards her breast and Anya knew it was time to leave, she raised her left foot and put all her strength to stomp hard on his foot.
He let go and she took the opportunity to punch him directly in the nose. Anya took the distraction and ran, she didn’t run far before she ran into a hard body. This person wrapped his arms around her to keep her from falling backwards, she looked up and looked straight into warm brown eyes. Despite the rain falling hard, she knew who she was looking at, it was Noah.
Noah was getting ready to go back to the bus and kept thinking about Anya. He would be lying if he said he didn’t try looking for her in the crowd. He walked out the building doors and prepared to get soaked from the heavy rain and stepped out until out of nowhere a body collided with him. It almost knocked the air out of him, but when he noticed that the person was about to fall backwards, he wrapped his around her body to keep her from falling. She looked up and Noah could’ve sworn someone was playing a prank on him and he wasn’t looking at Anya. Then he saw a look of fear in her eyes and immediately wanted to protect her from whatever was harming or scaring her. Anya looked back and saw Theo coming towards them, his eyes zeroed in on her with blood running down his nose. Noah looked up and saw who she was looking at, he was quick and immediately grabbed her, pulled her inside and shut the door quickly in Theo’s face, he began to violently grab at the handle in an attempt to pull open the door. Anya pulled away from Noah pushed herself into the wall, sleeves to her dress wet and clinging to her skin. Noah watched the door and looked at Anya, he couldn’t help but notice that she was breathing erratically and knew she was on the verge of an oncoming panic attack.
“Are you alright darling?” He asked, Are you alright? Come on Noah! You know she’s not alright! His inner voice screamed at him.
Anya had her hands in fists to the side of her head, she did not even care to notice that Noah was in her presence, the only voices in her head were telling her how stupid she could’ve been to believe a stranger was being nice to her.
How could you be so stupid? You don’t know him! You put yourself in this situation! You almost allowed yourself to be- Anya felt soft hands touch hers and slowly pull it away from her head, she looked up and saw Noah look at her with concern, she couldn’t help but cry. Noah didn’t understand why or what it was about her, but all he knew was that he wanted to comfort her. He slowly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug and let her cry in his arms. His heart felt heavy for her and he couldn’t understand this feeling. Nicholas came around the corner and saw the scene in front of him, he slowly approached and Noah looked up at him.
“Do you need me to call security?” He asked in a whisper.
Noah shook his head and Nicholas walked away, Anya’s cries finished after about 5 minutes and it became hiccups, she finally remembered that someone was holding her. She pulled herself away, and looked around, her vision slightly impaired by the water droplets on her glasses. She took off her glasses to clean it and tried to see who was in front of her. Even with her vision slightly blurred, she could still slightly make out Noah’s face, she froze and realized that she had been crying in his arms for only heaven knows how long.
“I I I’m so so-” She said putting her glasses back on.
“Don’t apologize” He cut her off. “I don’t know and I’m sure you’re not ready to tell anyone what happened out there. All I saw was a deranged guy stalking you and I chose to help you. That’s all I need to know.”
Anya could only hiccup, she wasn’t sure how to react after realizing that Noah Sebastian helped her in her time of need. Anya took in a breath and exhaled, her breathing coming out shaky. Noah held up his hand.
“Stay there, don't move, I’ll be right back darling.” Noah said. He walked around the corner and disappeared in a small crowd.
Anya wanted to leave, but she looked towards the door and realized that she didn’t want to take the chance and possibly run into HIM again. Her wet dress started to get to her and make her shiver.
“Miss, where’s your pass? Are you allowed to be here?”
Anya looked and saw the security guard looked at her with suspicion. Anya wasn’t sure how to answer.
“She’s with us!” A voice said behind her.
She turned around and saw Noah behind her, he put a sweater around her shoulders in an effort to keep out the cold that he felt she could be experiencing. He wasn’t by himself, he was with another guy with dirty blond hair. The security guard still looked at Anya with suspicion, but with Noah backing her up, there was nothing he could do and walked off.
“So you’re the pretty girl that Noah saved. I’m Matt.” A guy with blond hair said, giving her a goofy smile.
Anya couldn’t help, but smile. “Sorry for whatever happened, are you okay?” Matt asked with concern laced in his voice.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m sorry for causing trouble.”
“Darling, I told you. Don’t apologize.” Noah said.
Matt extended his hand and offered her an Orange Fanta to her.
“Here’s a soda, it’ll take the edge off. Did you come with anyone?” Matt asked. Anya took the soda and began to drink.
“No, I came by myself.” Anya said.
“Well Noah, I believe that once the crowds die down, we should order the pretty girl an Uber and make sure she gets home safely.” Matt said and winked at Noah.
Noah didn’t miss his wink and realized that Matt knew that Noah was beginning to like Anya. Truth be told, Noah was wondering if what he felt was infatuation or something else. Matt pulled out his phone and gave Anya his phone.
“Put in your address, pretty girl whose name I don’t know.” Matt said.
“It’s Anya.” Both Noah and Anya said.
Both Matt and Anya looked at him. Anya was shocked that he still remembered her name. Matt gave him a look that said ‘Dude, you got it bad!’. Once Anya put in her address, Matt took it back and set up an Uber for Anya.
“I set it up to be here within an hour and a half, that should be enough time for the crowds to die down. Come hang with us. We promise we won't bite.” Matt said.
Before Anya could give a proper response, Noah took her hand in his and led her to the green room where the rest of Bad Omens was there. Nicholas was the first to recognize her, but only because he already saw her cry in Noah’s arms.
“Hey you shits! This is Anya, say hello, because Noah just did some hero shit and saved this pretty girl.” Matt yelled
“I remember you! You’re that pretty girl that Noah wouldn’t stop looking at.” Folio said.
Noah dropped his face into his hands and felt his face heat up.
“I’m Nick, but that guy over there is also called Nick, so you can call me Folio.” Folio said, pointing to Nicholas and back to himself. He got up and shook Anya’s hand, this time in a less formal manner.
Jolly also got up, his hair was pulled up in a bun. He stuck out his hand and Anya shook it.
“I’m Jolly, but I’m sure you already know that. Just so you know Noah definitely -" Jolly was cut off when Noah put his hand on his mouth. He really didn’t want Anya to think he was another weird guy who smelled the air when she walked past him.
“Ok! Nicholas! Bryan! Get over here and introduce yourselves!” Noah said quickly and the pitch in his voice went higher out of embarrassment. Anya began to laugh and again Noah couldn’t help, but internally melt. Nicholas got up and introduced himself to Anya
“Nicholas, nice to meet you.” Nick said he took Anya’s hand and shook it, like everyone else, he was less formal about his greeting this time.
“I’m Bryan and I take photos of these idiots.” Bryan said. “Like right now, I’m about to take a photo of Jolly having Noah in a headlock.”
Anya looked and Jolly did indeed have Noah in a headlock. Bryan took the photo.
“Alright man! I give, let me go!” Noah yelled. Jolly let him go and Noah stood up and went back to stand next to Anya. He placed his hand on her upper back and led her to the couch so she could sit down, Anya pulled the skirt of her dress down in an effort to be a little more modest.
“So Anya, tell us how Noah over here came to save you?” Matt asked. Everyone looked over at Anya, if you asked her, she could’ve sworn that her heart stopped beating, her hands began to shake, she felt a hand interlock with hers and saw Noah give her a comforting smile.
“You don’t have to say anything darling, only if you’re comfortable.” Noah said, no one failed to miss how he called Anya darling again. Anya took in a deep breath and exhaled.
“Um, I actually ran into Noah by accident, because I was trying to get away from a creep. He wouldn’t leave me alone, so when the opportunity came, I stomped on his foot, punched him in the face and ran. Noah caught me when I ran into him and pulled me inside the building.”
“Oh shit.” She heard someone whisper.
“Yeah, she just ran into me and I looked and saw this deranged looking asshole following her and I pulled her inside.” Noah said.
“Thank you again. I don’t know how to repay you.” Anya said.
“Darling, don’t worry about it.” Noah said.
Noah stared deeply into Anya’s eyes and couldn’t help but be mesmerized.
“Okay! I’m so sorry that happened to you. It’s a relief that Noah came outside when he did.” Bryan said.
“Yeah, Do you want us to get security to report him?” Folio said.
“I don’t believe there’s a point anymore. It's a venue with a bunch of metalheads, a bunch of them already have blood running down their faces for different reasons, so the chance of finding him is slim.” Anya said with disappointment laced in her tone.
Noah pulled out his phone and shot a text to Matt.
Let’s get with security later and see if there are cameras around that area, I’m not letting this slide. That shithead needs to pay for what he did.
Noah sent the text, Matt’s phone made a notification sound, he took his phone out and read the message, he looked at Noah and nodded.
“So what got you into our music, karaste?” Jolly asked.
“I was with an ex boyfriend at the time.” Anya said, and Noah felt his jaw clench. “I was watching him play his video games and I heard Exit Wounds come up on his playlist, and I realized that I liked your music, looked you guys up and slowly came to love it.”
“What happened with this ex?” Nick asked
“He doesn’t matter anymore, he cheated, we broke up and that’s all there is to know about him.” Anya said quickly, scratching the back of her head, feeling embarrassed.
“Have you attended any of our shows before?” Noah asked.
“No actually, this is my first time attending your concert.”
“So tell us, how was our set?” Jolly asked.
“Tell us, tell us, tell us.” The boy began to chant.
“Y’all we’re the most amazing show I’ve been to so far. It was amazing.” Anya said, letting out a small laugh. Again Noah could’ve sworn he felt his heart soar.
“Y’all? Where are you from?” Nick asked.
“Well, I’m from LA, but I moved to Austin, Texas with my family when I was 11 and moved to El Paso, TX when I was 15. I just moved back to LA last year, when I realized that I have been away from LA too long. The Texas lingo just stuck, but outside of that, I’m very much a California girl to my core.”
“Wait, I just realized. How old are you?” Matt asked. Noah held his breath, hoping that he wasn’t being an accidental creep too.
“21, going on to 22 in just a few months.”
Noah let out a sigh of relief.
“I just realized that if 18 year old could see me now, she’d be so happy and probably wonder if we got the internship we applied for at Summerian, Epitaph, or Fearless? ”
“You applied for an internship at Summerian? When did you apply?” Matt asked.
“Yeah, it was for my one year in college studying in El Paso in October 2016, but I never received a response, so I just accepted the rejection and moved on. Now I work at Home Depot.”
“Hmmm.” Matt hummed, the gears began to turn in his head.
All of a sudden a sound went off from his phone. He pulled out his phone and saw that the Uber was getting closer.
“Now Anya, I truly would love nothing more than getting to know you, but unfortunately your pumpkin has arrived.” Matt said.
Noah gripped Anya’s again and got up from the couch, slowly helping her up. Anya began to remove the sweater that Noah gave her earlier, but Noah stopped her by lightly pulling the sweater back up on her shoulders.
“Keep it, the sweater is yours darling.” Noah said softly. “Give me your phone Matt,I’ll walk her out.”
Anya had walked out the green room and couldn’t see the smirk Matt had on his face and the middle finger Noah gave in return. Matt and Noah switched phones. Noah refused to take her through the door they came in through and walked her from the stage to the floor and all the way to the venue’s entrance in the front of the building. The rain from earlier in the night having since stopped. The gray Uber slowly pulled up and its window rolled down.
Noah opened the door and helped Anya get inside.
“Thank you so much for everything.” Anya said.
“It was nothing darling, seeing you be safe now, is a reward itself.” Noah said.
“Hopefully we’ll see each other again, under better circumstances.” Anya said. She looked at him sadly and knew deep down she would probably never see him again, and if she did, he would probably not even remember her.
“Hopefully darling.” Noah said.
“Goodbye.” She whispered and closed the car’s door. The car was getting ready to drive off and Noah began to walk away.
Until he stopped and turned around. He stood there for a couple contemplating whether he should go with Anya or not.
“This is crazy, but fuck it!” Noah said to himself. He quickly catched the car before it drove and opened the door, and sat in the car with Anya.
“Sorry, I’m also taking this Uber too.” Noah said.
The driver said nothing, but nodded.
“What are you doing?” Anya whispered, looking at him with bewilderment.
“I know we don't know each other.” Noah started, “I understand that with everything you have been through tonight, I’ll understand if you want to keep your distance, but I can’t help feeling that there is something, I know I can’t be the only one that felt an electric feeling when our hands touched for the first time during that Meet and Greet.”
“I thought that was just me.”
“No darling, I felt it too.” Noah said.
He held her hand and that electric feeling still felt the same just as it had when they met earlier that night. Noah slowly scooted closer to her and his hand still holding hers, his thumb caressing her hand. Exhaustion slowly overtook Anya and she laid her head on his shoulder, Noah said nothing but slowly smelled her scent from her hair and realized that’s where the Lavender scent that he smelled earlier was coming from, her hair. He enjoyed the ride and watched the apartments surrounding the car. 8 minutes passed, and for Noah those 8 minutes were not long enough. He got out of the car with Anya, watched as she reached for the key to open the lobby door and walked her inside the building, standing in her apartment lobby. She turned around and was standing a few paces ahead of Noah.
“Thank you again, Noah.” She said.
Noah just stepped forward and looked down at her.
“Would it be alright if I held you closer?”
Anya looked up at him and saw nothing, but tenderness in his eyes. She nodded and Noah took another step forward. He slowly wrapped his arm around her midsection and looked deeply into her eyes.
“May I kiss you?” He whispered.
“Yes.” She whispered back.
Noah pressed his lips to hers and kissed her. It was a soft and sweet kiss, nothing compared to that rough assault she felt from that creep. She slowly stood on her tippy toes in effort to reach his height, but to no avail. She moved her own arms around him and pulled him closer as well. Without breaking from the kiss, he pulled her off the ground and carried her in his arms. It was then and there that Noah realized that he was already in the middle before he realized that he had begun. They don’t know how long they kissed for, but the only thing that broke them apart was Matt’s phone ringing in his back pocket.
“Ahh fuck, they wondering where I am.” Noah said. He chuckled and the feeling sent shivers down Anya’s spine. He pulled out the phone and put it to his ear.
“Yo. Yeah, I wanted to make sure she made it safe. Dude, fuck off! Alright I’ll be there in 15 minutes. Bye.” Noah spoke to whoever was on the other end.
“I truly don’t want to leave, but the rest of this tour awaits darling. Give me your phone?”
Anya reached into her see through purse and pulled out her iPhone 13, unlocked it and gave it to Noah, he took it and dialed a phone number before hanging up.
“Who did you call?” Anya asked.
“Myself, I can’t bear the idea of not seeing or hearing your voice again. If you want to be friends, I’ll be more than happy with it darling. Call me for anything.” Noah said.
“Please be careful through the whole tour.” Anya said.
“Cross my heart, that nothing will happen darling.”
Noah let out a sigh and gave her a kiss on her forehead. He walked her over to the elevator and pressed the up button.
“Promise me you’ll stay safe?” Noah asked in return.
“Promise, cross my heart.” Anya said, repeating his words.
The elevator doors opened and Anya walked inside, arms extending until they were forced to let go. Looking at each other until the doors closed. Anya pressed the button for the 3rd floor and walked to her apartment, choosing to just clean her face and wear her dress and the sweater Noah gave her to bed, she fell asleep to the feeling of Noah’s lips still on hers.
“One day I’ll meet him, he’ll kiss me and fall in love with me.”
“One day I’ll meet him, he’ll kiss me and fall in love with me.”
“One day I’ll meet him, he’ll kiss me and fall in love with me.”
“One day I’ll meet him, he’ll kiss me and fall in love with me.”
Those words she said to her younger brother came to the forefront of her mind, until sleep and exhaustion overtook her.
~ 3 Weeks Later ~
Anya was coming home from a long shift at Home Depot and opened the mailbox, everything seemed unimportant junk and bills until she saw a thick catalog envelope. She pulled it out and saw the logo for Summerian Records. Her name printed in bold letters.
Ms. Anastasia Mendoza
150 N Olvera St. Apt. 315
Los Angeles, CA 90034
She dropped everything she was carrying the moment she set foot in her apartment and opened the thick catalog envelope. The first page reading.
She pulled out her phone and texted Noah.
Yes, darling?
Do you know anything about this?
She snapped a photo of the first page and sent it to him
Thank you so much for reading this prequel about how Anya and Noah and yes y’all, Noah fell first. Despite how I wrote it, they are NOT dating yet, that won’t happen for at least another year after they meet. If you’re interested in me writing about it, please let me know. Writing right now is still a very slow process for me so if you’re interested, let me know. Thank you so much for reading, guys. Love y’all!
If anyone is interested, here’s a link to the playlist I was listening to while writing this .
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dayseternal-blog · 10 months
Summary: When Naruto finds out Hinata is weird...
Written for NH Fair, NH Month 2023 Day 2 Prompt: Maid Cafe
Rated T.
Unexpected Miracles - Short One-shot
So there’s this classmate.  New friend.  She’s pretty.
Glossy hair.
Cute smile.
Squishy cheeks.
Shiny eyes.
Clear skin.
And always put-together.  Talks nice, laughs nice, well-mannered.
She’s just simply nice, never a bad thing to say about anything or anyone.  And so pretty, he feels like he should try harder to be fashionable and cool if he’s going to try to act on his attraction.
As a nerdy gamer and manga fan who’d rather spend money on building a good computer, he only puts in passing effort to look presentable at school.  A low maintenance haircut, a good collared shirt, and basic jeans.
He can tell they probably run in different circles of people.  To be honest, he wouldn’t have thought to notice her if she hadn’t sat next to him in their literature class.  He wouldn’t have even tried to talk to her if they hadn’t needed to do partner discussions.  He would have never thought to exchange contact information and message her if she hadn’t offered to split the cost on textbooks with him.
And this, too, is something he never expected.
He’s standing across the street from a maid cafe.
He’s watching his nice, pretty classmate walk around in there, and she’s dressed in a fluffy maid outfit, complete with the fluffy little headband-thingy, the fluffy wristbands, the fluffy apron, the knee-high socks…
When he found out she works part-time at a cafe, he boldly suggested he stop by to visit, and she sweetly said, “Oh, no, you don’t have to do that, Naruto-kun.  I’ll just be working, so it’s not worth your time.”
He didn’t think much of it, other than that it was kinda weird she didn’t tell him the name of her workplace.  And by some miracle, he just happened to see her while heading back home from shopping for a new external hard drive. 
His pretty classmate is actually on a whole other, previously unknown level of weird.
Who’d have thought that behind her picture-perfect fashionable exterior lay the type of girl who adores the maid aesthetic?
The traffic light changes, he crosses the street quickly, and without hesitation, he pulls the door open.
The little bell above rings, and a maid greets him with a joyful smile.
But he only has eyes for his classmate-friend, and seeing her much closer in all her fluffy glory is absolutely amazing.  And it’s crazy how the uniform makes her seem even curvier than he thought.
She doesn’t notice him at first, but eventually she does, and the angelically shocked look on her face is priceless.
This is the first time they’re seeing each other outside of campus.
In his worn t-shirt that proudly spells out the name of the RPG game he loved two years ago and in decidedly comfy yet dorky khakis, he is absolutely not the same Naruto she usually sees.
“Hi, Hinata.”
“N-N-Naruto-kun?”  She steps up to him quickly, and the blush glowing over her face and neck is really the most incredible sight.  “What are you doing here?”  She’s blinking quite a bit, unable to meet his eyes, and he realizes she might be stressed out.  Or embarrassed.
“I was shopping for a new hard drive.”  He notices how she’s starting to look a little upset, so he admits, “You look really cute.”
To his relief, her eyes dart up to meet him, and she smiles a tiny bit, the blush at her cheeks deep and red.  She bites her lips and her shoulders wiggle, the movement accentuated by the puffiness of the sleeves and the ruffled apron straps.
“Are you a friend of Hina-tan’s?” the other maid asks.
A gleeful smile wiggles out onto his own face, and he glances back to his classmate-friend.  “Hina-tan?”
Hina-tan’s hands come up to hold her cheeks.  She bends over to whisper in her coworker’s ear, “Yes, Naruto-kun’s my friend,” and the other maid’s lips purse together in a thrilled sort of expression.
“Well, will Naruto-sama be dining in with us today?”
So he’s officially a friend, not just a classmate!  He quickly glances at the pink menu on display that shows sparkly photos of uber-cute food and desserts.  That are a little pricy.  “Maybe another day.  I just wanted to stop in to say hi.”
“Okay.  We hope you come again soon!”  The other maid bows, Hina-tan bows, and he gives her a lingering look and smile before leaving.
So there’s this guy she’s been sitting next to in class.  Heart-stoppingly cool.
Short, light hair.  Like that “best friend of the emo-love interest” type of characters in all the shoujo manga she read growing up.
Strong eyes and warm smile.  Like he always seems to know what’s going on in class, participating a lot, but it turns out he’s just really good at faking it.  “Yeah, I don’t do the readings very often, but the discussions are always interesting!  So I’m really enjoying the class!”
Healthy, tan skin.  Call it her dreamy-rebellious side, but she has a thing for guys who look like they don’t care about traditional beauty standards.  (Don’t expect to catch her without sunscreen on, though.)
He talks with a kind of roughness that also just sounds of sunshine and carelessness, but everything he says seems sincere.  Like whatever comes out of his mouth is thoughtlessly flung out into the open while also being the most kind encouragements or clever jokes.
He’s funny.  Nice to mostly everyone.  When they’re together in class, she can almost forget about all the stress of college life, all the stress of the expectations from her father.
Naruto’s just so cool, it’s a miracle he even talks to her.  It’s a miracle he includes her in his conversation, despite how quiet she is.  It’s a miracle he even messages her, and she supposes that he must just be that nice and sociable.
Just absolutely one of the coolest people she’s ever met, and so she knows he absolutely would be weirded out by her secret hobbies.
Why was he here in her workplace calling her “really cute” and “Hina-tan” with a huge smile?
How did he find out her secret so quickly after asking her about her part-time job???  Isn’t that coincidence too much?  Why must the world do this to her???
To her great relief, she finds his message soothing her worries after her shift is over.  “Sorry to surprise you like that today.  I was really just passing by and happened to see you.  Btw the maid outfit really suits you!”
Pleased heat rises to her cheeks.  A kind of giddiness flits about her heart.  “Thank you 😊  I was happy to see you”   On reflection, yes, she was surprised, and she would’ve liked forewarning, but of course she was still glad to get to see him.  Outside of the classroom.  So it feels like their relationship has deepened past an initial friendship.  Afterall, only her childhood friends know about how she likes to dress up and pretend she’s in a different world.  None of her family knows.  And…based on his reaction, maybe he’s not weirded out at all?  “And I hope I didn’t make you feel like you couldn’t stay.  You are welcome to visit again”
Surprisingly, he responds fairly quickly.  “Only if Hina-tan is my server!”
He’s calling her by that nickname!!!  “🙈 Okay, I’d be happy to!  I work on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday”
The following week, he’s got a huge grin on when he greets her in class.  He’s even more open and friendly to her.  And, as expected, he visits the maid cafe that Saturday with an antisocial-looking boy who seems like he’d rather not be there and a fashionable girl with pink hair.
She hopes the girl is just a friend of his and not something more.  He hasn’t said anything about a girlfriend…
After she’s taken them to a table, he introduces her to them.  “This is Hinata, my friend in my lit class. Hinata, this is Sasuke and Sakura.”
“Hello,” she greets, noticing how Sakura has a big smile.  “Thank you for coming today.”
“Ohh, it’s my first time in a maid cafe!  I’ve always wanted to try one.  I’m so glad Naruto invited us to come here!  You look so adorable!”
“Thank you,” she replies.  If Sakura actually is Naruto’s girlfriend, she can’t be too upset about it when it seems like she’s really nice.
They order the only meal items, the nya-nya cat omurice, sweet curry doggy, and sleeping bear croquette, and when it comes time to pay, Naruto pays for his own dish.  Sasuke pays for Sakura’s.
Hope rises in her heart once more.
“If you’re not busy tomorrow, you should join us at the movies!” Sakura invites.
“Oh!  I might be able to.”  She chances a glance at Naruto and he’s nodding.
He smiles.  “I’ll send you the details.  I hope you can join us.”
His warm tone makes her feel all fluttery inside.  “Okay.”
As they’re leaving, she notices Sakura giving him a light punch on the arm, and they’re elbowing each other in a friendly way.  He turns, catching her stare, and he gives her the cutest smile, yet.
“I hope you can join us.”   His words replay in her mind even after they’ve left the cafe.
She might be jumping to conclusions…she may be making wild assumptions…but she thinks… She thinks that maybe…she was just invited to something like a double-date.
To Naruto’s message with the movie details, she replies, “I can come.  Thank you for inviting me!”
“Great!  See you tomorrow!”
“See you tomorrow :)”
Thanks to Sakura and Sasuke’s cooperation, he’s been able to hang out with Hinata this weekend.  It turns out that Hinata enjoys anime, too, and she had been wanting to see this live-action adaptation.
And now that the movie is over, the couple is pretending they have to leave, and he’ll be able to ask her out on a real date.
“Thank you for coming out with us today, Hinata!  Sasuke-kun and I have to go, so we can’t have dinner with you guys, but this was really fun!”  Maybe Sakura should be trying to be an actor instead of a doctor.
“Thank you for inviting me.  The movie was really good.”  Hinata is picture-perfect polite and soft-spoken as usual.
“It was fun.  See you guys.”  Even Sasuke is approving of Hinata, having commented after the maid cafe that she’s not annoyingly try-hard cutesy the way he worried she would be.
“See you guys later!  Thanks for coming out!”  He bids goodbye to his childhood friends and turns to face Hinata.
She turns a shy smile up at him.
“So…would you like to get dinner with me?”
“Okay,” she agrees quietly, smiling, and the hyper-awareness surrounding them in their new solitude is too much for him.
He decides to just address it, and with adrenaline running smooth in his veins, he asks, “Can we call it a date?”
Her eyes widen, her cheeks pinken, and she nods with a bigger smile.  “Yes, I’d like that.”
He finds himself mirroring her expression.  “Alright,” he cheers.  “Anywhere you want to go?”
“Mmm… how about we just walk around to look first?”
He’s glad he happened to find out about her part-time job.  Because, to be honest, he thinks he wouldn’t have thought they might be a good match.  He wouldn’t have known she’s more than just a pretty face and a nice attitude.  He would’ve been content to exist as her classmate-friend, just a friendly face in their literature class.
He wouldn’t have found out that she’d like a date with him, too.
And now, he can’t help but wonder what other unexpected miracles await him with her.
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funemployed-fangirl · 2 months
Modern AU Benedict x Sophie
The Second Meeting
As Sophie exited the bar, desperate to shake off the doldrums of the world’s most boring date, she felt a light sprinkle of rain begin to hit her bare arms. Of course she’d left her practical but unattractive jacket at home so as not to ruin her outfit. And for what? She shouldn’t have bothered looking so cute for this date. Actually, she shouldn’t have bothered leaving the apartment at all. She sighed heavily, then realized she needed to move out of the doorway as two blond men in Patagonia vests appeared behind her.
“Bad night sweetheart?” the taller of them asked, a cheeky grin on his face. 
Sophie made a non-committal sound and raised her eyebrows in polite but dismissive acknowledgement of the comment. She hoped they would move on as she silently debated the merits of a 20 minute walk in the rain or a taxi she couldn’t afford. But her new pal was undeterred.
“Yeah, that bar sucked,” he said. “That’s why we’re headed to a way better party right now.” He leaned towards Sophie and eyed her up and down. “You know, you are totally my friend’s type. He wouldn’t want me to say this, but he loves a blonde in tight jeans. You should come with us to this party. It’s an album release. Pretty exclusive, but, uh, we could probably get you in. We know a guy from the label, so…”
Did this tool think he sounded impressive right now? A wave of pure exhaustion overcame Sophie as she thought about how best to escape this conversation. 
“Thanks for the offer, but I’m actually headed to another bar to meet my friend, so…” Sophie started walking away from the guys, realizing immediately that she was in fact walking in the opposite direction of home, and would have to double back once she ditched the dudebros. 
“What’s the rush?” asked the second guy, stepping in front of her path. “We were just getting to know each other. My man Tyler wasn’t kidding, we can totally get you into a sick-ass party. Invite your friend to join us - the more the merrier!”
As Sophie tried to turn away from douche number two she realized douche number one (apparently called Tyler) had moved right behind her, blocking her escape.
“Thanks for the offer, guys. But I’m good. Enjoy your party.” Sophie had tried to sound as authoritative as possible, but the proximity of the two men caused her voice to come out way more unsure than she’d intended.
Tyler grabbed her arm. “You know, Kyle, I don’t think she likes you that much. Maybe I’m more her type. What do you say, sweetheart, we could have some fun together.”
Panic rising in her chest, Sophie tried to shake him off but his grip was strong. She turned her head away from the smell of vodka and redbull and found herself face to face with Kyle. She jerked away from him, tripping backwards on the sidewalk. She probably would have fallen except for Tyler’s vice-like grip on her upper arm, holding her up against her will. As Tyler barked “Don’t be like that,” and Kyle continued to insist they could show her a good time, another voice interrupted the scene - deep, strong, and calm in a way that implied a threat just beneath the surface.
“Is there a problem here, gentlemen?”
Sophie looked around and nearly gasped. There was Benedict Bridgerton, the star of 2 years worth of romantic fantasies and what-ifs, having just exited the very bar she’d been bored out of her mind in for the last hour. 
He was as handsome as she remembered him, from his silky chestnut brown hair and dark eyes to his broad shoulders and perfect jawline. He wore a crisp light blue oxford, unbuttoned casually at the neck, charcoal gray pants, and a perfectly tailored camel peacoat. He almost seemed taller than Sophie remembered him, but maybe that was because he was currently standing at his full, most intimidating height. With one look, it was clear this was not someone to be trifled with. He practically smelled like money and power. Which, Sophie thought, he actually did - she knew he wore very expensive cologne to go with his very expensive everything else. 
Some frat boy animal instincts must have alerted Sophie’s would-be assailants that this was an alpha male with rank far above their own, because she felt their body language change instantly. Tyler’s grip on her arm loosened slightly (but didn’t let go) and they both adopted forced casual poses as they nodded familiarly at Benedict.
“No man, no problem. We’re just chatting with our friend here.” 
“Yeah, it’s all good,” drawled Kyle as he made to put his arm around Sophie’s shoulders.
“I am NOT their friend,” ground out Sophie, as she finally successfully yanked herself away from the two men.
“Aw, don’t be like that, we were just having fun,” said Tyler as he moved to grab at her again, but Benedict stepped smoothly in between them, placing his body firmly in front of Sophie and blocking the path to her completely. 
“You’re done here. Go home and sleep it off.” Benedict’s would-be casual tone remained steady but the edge to it became more pronounced with each word. 
Unable to help herself, Sophie peaked around Benedict’s shoulders, which were at eye level, to look at the two guys, who looked like they were calculating the odds of a fight. Tyler stepped forward and said, all laughter gone from his voice, “who the fuck do you think you are man? This is none of your business…”
But before he could continue Benedict growled, “Do you want to get banned from every bar above midtown? Or lose a few teeth? Because I could make either of those things happen. Now get out of here before I start to lose my patience.”
Realizing they were facing a losing battle, the douche bros turned tail and scampered away down the street, Patagonia vests flapping in the wind.
Sophie, who hadn’t realized she’d apparently stopped breathing, took a deep shuddering breath and tried to slow her rapidly beating heart. Benedict whirled around to look at her, the powerful calm suddenly gone from his stance. His eyes were filled with worry and his tone soft as he moved towards her and asked, “Are you alright? Did they hurt you?”
He reached out towards her with both arms, placing the lightest of touches on her shoulders to steady her. The contrast of Benedict’s gentle touch to the rough handling she’d received moments before was so stark Sophie almost started to cry. She tried to reassure Benedict that she was okay, but he looked unconvinced. Admittedly, it was hard for Sophie to concentrate on forming coherent sentences when Benedict Bridgerton’s fingertips were sending shockwaves up and down her arms and his eyes were looking more and more like those of a concerned puppy dog with every passing second.
He glanced at a spot on her left arm just below his fingers and let out a hiss. Red marks were glowing where that drunk jerk had grabbed her. Sophie knew they were thinking the same terrible thought - there would be a hand-shaped bruise there by the morning.
“Do you want to put some ice on that? I’m sure we can get some inside from the bar,” Benedict offered.
“No, God, I don’t want to go back in there. I’ll just go home. It’ll be fine,” Sophie said. She watched Benedict pull his cell phone out of an inside pocket and start to type in a number.
“Let me call you a ride home, then. Where are you headed? Is it around here?” He then thoughtfully added, “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. You can just give the address to the driver when he gets here, of course.” He looked so desperate to help, but as Sophie looked into his caring face, a sinking feeling settled in her stomach. He had no idea who she was. Her whole body was on fire just from being in close proximity to Benedict again, but to him, she was just some pathetic stranger in need of saving. She realized she needed to get out of there as fast as she could, before she either burst into tears or started to scream.
“Oh my gosh, thank you, but that’s not necessary. My apartment’s just like a 20 minute walk down the street, it’s really not a big deal.” Sophie hoped she sounded casual and breezy, but feared that she still sounded completely panicked, which was not likely to convince her knight in Armani armor to back down from his mission. As it was, she was beginning to realize she had no desire to show back up at the Goldmans’ apartment disheveled, soaking wet, and covered in bruises, but what other choice did she have? 
Sure enough, Benedict seemed reluctant to let her wander off by herself. He looked out at the rainy street, then down at his hands as if an umbrella might magically appear in them. Shrugging his shoulders slightly at his helplessness, he finally said, “If you're sure. Um… I’m glad you’re alright.”
Sophie knew that was her cue to run, but instead they both just stood there, gazing into each others’ eyes. Once again, warmth began to tingle under her skin as his soulful brown eyes looked at her imploringly. They both seemed to be leaning slightly towards one another, as if drawn by some invisible force. For a moment, she thought there might have been a look of recognition, but she was sure she imagined it. Finally she gave herself a little shake and mumbled, “Right. Yeah, I should go,” and strode quickly and confidently into the night.
Or at least, that’s what she meant to do. What actually happened is she took one step and her leg immediately gave way under her. Benedict lunged forward and gracefully caught her as she began to fall, one arm around her back, the other grabbing her right arm and quickly steadying her. Did they teach lightning fast reflexes at Yale Business School?
“Woah! Careful, are you ok?”
“I must have twisted my ankle when I was struggling with those idiots!” Sophie whined. She hated how close to tears she sounded, but if ever there was a time to cry, surely this was it.
Benedict looked more worried than ever, and hadn’t actually loosened his grip on her arm. With her luck, she’d now have a handprint shaped bruise on this arm to match the other one. He looked down at her ankle. “Can you put weight on it?” 
She tried.
“That’s it, I’m calling you a car,” he said, finally letting go of her arm to reach back into his jacket pocket.
“You really don’t have to do that.”
“You can’t walk 20 minutes on wet sidewalk with a twisted ankle.”
“It’s fine, really. I just want to get out of the rain.”
They looked at each other, both clearly wondering what to do next. Benedict glanced back at the crowded bar, but could see on Sophie’s face she wanted to head back in there less than she wanted to skid all the way home. Suddenly, he seemed to make up his mind.
Benedict offered, “My apartment’s literally around the corner. We can be there in two minutes, you can put your foot up, get some ice on your ankle, dry off a bit, and then you can figure out what to do from there.” Sophie stopped breathing again. Was Benedict really offering to take her back to his apartment? She remembered the last time she’d received that offer, albeit under very different circumstances. She absolutely couldn’t agree to this. Could she? Seeing her hesitation, Benedict quickly added, “I promise, you’ll be safe the whole time. I’m just offering somewhere dry and warm. I swear, your virtue will be safe from me.”
It was the sort of sentence that easily could have had the opposite of its intended effect, but Benedict’s wording had been so stilted and awkward, and the entire situation was so ridiculous, that Sophie burst into giggles. Soon Benedict was laughing, too, relieved that he hadn’t managed to scare her off. So the two of them stood in the glow of lights from a terrible bar,  getting steadily drenched in the cold rain, her leaning on him with a foot dangling in the air, laughing like hyenas at the absurdity of it all.
Finally the laughter subsided long enough for Sophie to say, “Thank you for the reassurances in regards to my virtue,” which led them both into another fit of giggles.
They began the slow walk towards Benedict’s apartment, with Sophie leaning on him for support. But after only a few feet Benedict clearly got tired of hearing Sophie hiss in pain every time her right foot touched the ground, because he said, “This is ridiculous,” and swept her into his arms without warning. Sophie let out a squeal of surprise as her arms instinctively flew around his neck. 
She looked up and found their faces were mere inches apart. A contrite look passed across Benedict’s face. “I’m Benedict, by the way.” Sophie marveled. She was torn between the absurdity of the situation - had they really not introduced themselves before he started carrying her like a bride over the threshold? - and a familiar sinking feeling in her stomach. This was the final nail in the coffin proving he did not recognize her. He had no idea they had once shared the best kiss of her life in a secluded corner of a crowded club.
Not sure how else to respond, Sophie said, “I’m Sophie.” A grin spread across Benedict’s face. 
“Nice to meet you Sophie. Let’s get the hell out of this rain.” And with that, he hurried down the block and around the corner. 
How was he moving so fast on rain-soaked sidewalk while holding a full-grown woman in his arms? Seriously, what did they teach at Yale Business School?
Sophie laughed in delight and delirium as Benedict carried her to the end of the block. He slowed in front of a large and austere looking apartment building. “Will you be ok if I put you down?” he panted, and Sophie nodded. He resumed their original position, with his arm around her waist, pulling her into his side, and they approached the entrance. An elderly doorman with a wiry but sturdy frame held open the door.
“Good evening Mr. Bridgerton.”
“Hey George,” Benedict called. “My friend twisted her ankle,” he explained, as the doorman surveyed the sight before him. Sophie winced at how this must look to George, but of course he made no comment. He did ask if they needed a first aid kit or a doctor, but Benedict waved him off with a thank you and friendly smile. They rode the elevator in silence to the 12th floor. The doors opened onto a small hallway, with one door at each end. Benedict led a hobbling Sophie to the door on the left. He unlocked the door and swung it open, announcing proudly, “Welcome to My Apartment!”
Sophie stifled a groan. She felt like Elizabeth Bennet seeing Pemberley for the first time. It wasn’t exactly a stately mansion, but this was a nice apartment. The front entryway wasn’t a hallway, it was its own room. With doorways leading off of it in multiple directions. Soft, warm, motion-activated light filled the space as soon as they walked in, a lush sage green rug covered the floor, and a large gilded mirror reflected her soaked face back at her. Sophie quickly wiped mascara from under her eyes while Benedict hung his drenched coat in the closet.
“Here,” Benedict said, “let’s get you on the couch.” He assisted her through a doorway into a large living room that had clearly been designed by a decorator. Everything looked modern and chic, but comfy. Very comfy, thought Sophie as she lowered herself gratefully onto the most comfortable couch she’d ever sat on. Benedict fussed over her, propping her ankle up on several pillows and wrapping an impossibly soft blanket around her. He rushed off and returned with a large ice pack and an even larger bottle of Advil.
“I’m impressed you have Advil,” Sophie said. “Most guys don’t have anything in their medicine cabinet besides hair gel.”
Benedict chuckled. “I have younger siblings who have been known to crash here once or twice after an ill-advised high school party.”
“Aaah,” said Sophie. She of course knew Benedict had many siblings - how often had their names appeared on the gossip sites, especially Whistledown, which seemed particularly fond of the Bridgerton family - but she was pleased to know Benedict was willing to take such good care of his brothers and sisters when they needed it.
“I figure it’s the least I can do to provide coffee and painkillers when they wake up. Especially since I do take photos of them and use it for blackmail with our mother later.”
Ok, so maybe he’s not taking that good care of them, she thought with a smile. 
Benedict perched on an ottoman in front of the couch. “How’s your ankle?” he asked.
Sophie shifted it under the ice pack and grimaced slightly. “Still hurts, but being off of it is definitely helping.” 
“Good, good. Do you need anything else?”
“No, I’m fine,” Sophie said. She couldn’t believe he was making such a fuss over her. Suddenly she looked down at her soaking wet clothes. “I’m sorry I’m getting your couch all wet.”
“Don’t even worry about it. Although I’m sure you're uncomfortable. Do you want me to get you some dry clothes? A shirt, some sweatpants? They’ll be too big on you, obviously, but…”
Sophie blanched at the idea of laying on Benedict’s couch, in his sweatpants and tshirt, and for a moment feared she might lose consciousness just at the thought. “No, God, I’m fine, really.”
“Then how about something to warm you up,” Benedict offered. “Do you want some tea? I’m going to get you some tea.” And before Sophie could accept or refuse, he’d leapt up and run off to the kitchen. Sophie could hear him moving around the kitchen, water filling a kettle, the soft clink of mugs being taken down from a shelf. When he didn’t immediately return Sophie snuggled further down into the blanket and allowed herself to look around the room.
The place was clean, but not pristine, with evidence of Benedict’s personality sprinkled amongst the more professional touches. An empty soda can and an open piece of mail sat on a side table. Another throw blanket was bunched up unceremoniously on an armchair on the other side of the room. The mantle had framed photos - the entire Bridgerton family posed in matching blue and white, Benedict smiling with two of his brothers at an airport, his youngest siblings wearing pjs and sticking their tongues out, two photos that looked like they might be Benedict’s college friends on a hike and at a wedding.
And closest to Sophie, on the coffee table, a worn sketchbook and a handful of pens. She contemplated the sketchbook. It was the first thing in the room that had intrigued her. Against her better judgment, she found herself reaching over and leafing through it. There were some sketches of hands and eyes, the kind one might make in a drawing class. A few pages of pure doodles. An incomplete drawing of what looked to be one of his sisters - possibly Francesca? Two or three landscapes that were most likely Central Park. Then, in the bottom corner of a page full of unrelated small drawings, something caught her eye. It was a sketch of a necklace. The necklace she’d been wearing the first night they met. The one she’d lost at the club that night. She was sure of it. Sophie’s breath caught in her throat. 
The kettle began to whistle and Sophie was snapped out of her reverie. She shut the sketchbook and tossed it back on the coffee table. She pulled out her cell phone and pretended to be looking at it just in time for Benedict to stick his head through the doorway from the kitchen.
“Do you possibly want anything… stronger… in your tea?” he asked. Sophie almost said no on instinct. Surely that would delay her inevitable escape and, clearly, she needed to get out of here as quickly as possible. But then she paused. She and Benedict stared at each other for a moment, a strange battle of wills occurring. He raised his eyebrows. She gave in.
“Yes, actually. That sounds great.”
“Right you are!” he said happily. “Two hot toddies coming right up!”
Benedict appeared a moment later with two steaming mugs in his hands - one with the Yale logo, and another which said “World’s Okayest Brother”. Sophie laughed. 
Benedict had clearly changed while the water was heating - he was now in dark blue sweatpants and a long sleeved gray t-shirt. As he handed a mug to Sophie and settled back onto the ottoman, she couldn’t help but appreciate the view. She was struck by how intimate the picture was - everything from his tousled, drying hair to his socks to the way he was casually sipping his tea reminded her that he was relaxing in his own home. But all of a sudden, she didn’t feel like an intruder. This felt… nice. Comfortable. Easy.
She was so screwed.
Benedict noticed her phone sitting on top of the blanket. “I’ve got chargers in the side table if you need one. And the wifi password is NY152. Network’s My Apartment.”
“Your wifi network is ‘My Apartment’?” Sophie asked incredulously.
“Yeah, ‘cause it’s my apartment.” Benedict winked playfully and Sophie rolled her eyes and laughed at him. After a moment they lapsed into easy silence.
He surveyed her over his mug before leaning back slightly. He quirked an eyebrow and said, “You know, we’ve met before.” Sophie froze mid-sip.
“You thought I didn’t recognize you, didn’t you?” Sophie didn’t move. Benedict smiled self-deprecatingly. “Admittedly, I didn’t recognize you at first. I was a little too busy trying to rough up two prissy FiDi bros. But the moment I actually took a good look at you…” he expression grew more serious, but still soft. “How could I not recognize you?” He placed his mug on the table and leaned toward Sophie, who still had yet to speak. “You recognized me, right?” She could tell he was mostly joking, but there was a tiny hitch in his voice that indicated somewhere in the back of his mind, this was an actual concern.
Sophie took a deep gulp of the tea (thank God there was whiskey in there), and said “Yes, Benedict Bridgerton, I recognized you.” A huge smile spread across his face, and Sophie felt a matching one spread across her own.
He leaned in further. “I still think about that night. That was the most fun I’d had out in years. Do you ever think about it?”
His gaze flickered down to her lips. Sophie knew she’d never be able to successfully lie. Quietly, she admitted, “I still think about that night.” His gaze grew hungry. He reached over and gently took her mug from her hands, placing it on the coffee table next to his. He leaned forward, closing the gap between them.
“Good.”  She was so screwed.
Want more Benedict & Sophie? Read The First Meeting HERE or check out more of our Modern Bridgerton AU HERE.
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kteezy997 · 2 years
Pose for Me//T. C.
Hiii this is my first Timmy fic on this app yay!
Warning:smut, sexy photos being taken, established relationship, Daddy kink dirty talk
This photo was the inspiration (:
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Timothée came home late, and couldn’t find his girlfriend in the kitchen or the living area of their shared apartment, so he called out to her, “Y/n?! Where you at, babe?!” “In here!” she yelled back, her voice came from their bedroom.
Upon entering the room, he discovered her sitting on the bed, clad only in a racy, vibrant red lingerie set. There was a big bow tied across the front of her bra that would reveal her breasts of loosened. “Oh-hey.” His throat tightened at the sight, and he couldn’t form any more words. “Welcome home, love.” she chirped, smiling.
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As she stood up and made her way toward him, he tried his best to swallow and muster up the ability to speak. “Is it…my birthday?” “No, not yet, silly.” “Well, what is the occasion, gorgeous?” She put her hands on his chest and he started to relax more.
“No occasion, I just got this new lingerie set and wanted to surprise my man.” she then stood on her tiptoes to smooch his lips. “Mm, that’s amazing. You’re amazing. You look so fucking incredible baby girl.” He slid his hands across her lower back and pulled her into him.
“All for you, my sweet.” y/n cooed, touching the tip of her nose to his. They kissed once more, then she trailed her lips to his cheek, down to his neck. She put her arms around him. Timmy had shut his eyes, all his senses focused on her and her lips on his neck.
“Ooh! Babe, can I take some photos of you right now? This needs to be documented, you look so good.” he begged, eager eyes fixated on her. “Sure, you can. Gotta give my boy material for later.” she giggled. “Hell yeah! Lemme get my phone.” he said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “Okay, go to the bed.”
Y/n did as she was instructed, and climbed on their shared bed, stating in all fours. “Yeah, stay just like that, baby.” Timmy said, snapping some pics with his phone. He put his hand on her waist as her ass was facing him. “Now, arch your back.” She hummed sensually as she did so. She did a little wiggle of her bum as her chest met the soft bedding.
“God damn.” Timmy huffed, mesmerized by the red bow on her panties. He moved to place his crotch right at her ass and snapped a photo of that. He was getting hard already and he had captured the evidence. “Okay, now lay in your back, pretty girl.” Y/n then rolled over on her back, grinning at her boyfriend.
“Come here.” he gently grabbed her by the leg, coaxing her to scoot toward him, as he was standing at the foot of the bed. She moved with him and he snapped some photos of her. “I swear, I could not love you any more.” he said, putting a hand on her tummy and slowly running his palm up to her breasts.
“Mm, show me how much you love me, Daddy.” she purred and smiled cheekily. “Okay, no more photos. I have to have you.” He set his phone to the side, and pulled his shirt off. Y/n sat up, letting her feet find the floor. She put her hands on him, moving down to the waist of his pants.
“No need for that baby, you don’t have to.” Timmy assured her. “But I want to, Daddy.” He chuckled, “There you fucking go with that word again.” “Well you are Daddy.” “I’m yours.” he replied, combing her hair back lovingly. She went on planting little wet kisses on his flat tummy, moving gradually downward.
She unbuttoned his jeans, and carefully pulled his hard cock out of his boxers. She moistened him up with her mouth, sucking softly, then licking a stripe along the underside of him. She used her lips to toy with his reddening tip for a moment. Then she pumped his length with her hands and gave the tip of his cock gentle kisses.
“Mm, fuck, you’re gonna make me come already. I haven’t even gotten to unwrap you yet.” Timmy said, holding back his orgasm. “It’s okay, baby. We have all night, let go if you need to.” He hissed and licked his lips, “I don’t want to get cum on your little outfit. I love it too much.” “Okay, just take it off me then.”
Y/n leaned back, letting him have full reign on how to undress her. Timmy bit his lip and took the ends of the bow on her bra by his fingertips. He pulled on the ends just enough to untie the bow. He unveiled his girlfriend’s breasts, smirking as he did so. He took the bra off of her completely and leaned down to kiss her.
He took the opportunity to climb on top of her and feel her breasts. He kneaded them and removed his lips from hers to kiss them. Y/n, in turn, tugged on his pants, just needing them to be gone. Timmy stopped for a second to get his jeans off and then resumed the missionary position on her.
So began a heated make-out session. They ran their hands over one another’s body and his hand winded up naturally between her legs. “Oh! How did I just now notice these were crotchless?” “Of course they are. Easier access for you, Daddy.” He hummed, “Good girl.” He kissed her tenderly on the forehead, and then he entered her.
He held her down firmly, and quickened his pace early. Within seconds, he was rutting into her hard and fast. “Fuck! Yes, Daddy! Yes! Yes!” Y/n cried. “My girl.” he grunted, breathing heavy, “You’re so fucking good for me. Always take my cock so well.” His tip hit her even deeper and she whimpered, “Ahh, feels so good, Daddy!”
Wet, harsh slapping sounds filled the air, and Timmy brought one of y/n’s legs up to his chest. He left a smacking kiss on her calf and held onto her leg tightly as he tried to keep a steady pace. His other hand pressed against her tummy, keeping her in place as he fucked her.
Y/n moaned like mad, throwing her head back with numbing pleasure. “You’re so fucking deep inside me! I love the feeling of your cock, mmm.” She tucked her bottom lip between her teeth and closed her eyes, letting the bliss of being with him wash over her body.
“Play with my clit, and I’ll come, Daddy. Please.” she begged. “Anything for you.” he responded, his voice low and ragged. He pressed his thumb to her clit, rubbing steady circles over her. “Yes, yes, yes!” He drove his hips into her slower than before, but hard, making sure to hit her g-spot in time with rubbing her clit.
“Squeeze me, baby, I’m gonna come. Milk my dick for me, my love!” “Yes, baby!” She flexed her vaginal walls around him, sheathing his girth completely. “Ahh, yes! Fuck!” Timmy called out, shaking slightly and shooting his cum into her.
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storiesbyrhi · 2 years
Bones and All - Chapter 2: Cowboy Cook
Eddie Munson/Reader
Warnings: canon typical violence/gore, cuss words, weird parental relationships, updated each chapter
Synopsis: A Bones and All AU. What do you hunger for?
Chapter Summary: Enter: Eddie. 2917 words.
Author’s Note: This fic will be much shorter than others I've written, and have shorter chapters too. I'm halfway through writing chapter 3 and that corresponds to the halfway point of the novel. Just wanted to give ya'll the heads up!
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The second time got me wondering who and what you were. I was partly to blame - I never should have let you go to that summer camp. You were only eight-years-old. His name was Luke Vanderwall. They never found his body, just all that blood.
I watched you after, looked for a sign of guilt or sadness or anything at all. But there was nothing. I never hated you though. Maybe never loved you like a parent should. 
In the car home you were mad at me. I had told you to always tell the truth, and running from that camp was dishonest in your eyes. I told you that nobody would believe us even if we told. Like how sometimes people confess to murders they ain’t done.
But someday you will answer for it. For all of it. Someday, someone will believe you.
Another long greyhound trip and you ended up in a tiny town that was hard to find on the folded map you kept in your backpack. The woman working behind the counter at the bus station eyed you with the type of suspicion that made you nervous. Did she know? Was she an eater too? No… No, she smelt like meat pie.
The conversation was short, abrupt even. When you were vague about exactly where you needed to end up, she quipped, “If you don’t know where you’re going, how do you expect me to help you?”
She picked up a file and began to shape her left index finger’s nail. You imagined grabbing the file and shoving it up her nose. Instead, you left the station and crossed the road to a small market.
Your diet of vending machine meals was making you ill, but you had almost no money. Since you couldn’t shoplift a bus ticket, you resorted to walking the aisles of the market, deciding what you could shove into your jacket without anybody noticing you.
As you thought I need a distraction, a rare moment of luck waltzed into the market with all the drunken bravado of a young White Republican. He was in your periphery until he wasn’t; he turned into your aisle at the same time as a young mother, pushing her baby in a shopping cart. They were at opposite ends, but the distance didn’t matter.
“What’choo lookin’ at?” he yelled at her. His slurred speech and cowboy hat should have been funny, but his lack of inhibition was threatening.
The mother said nothing, clenching her hands around the cart more tightly. She was frozen in place, scared to make a wrong move.
“Think you’re too fuckin’ good to talk ta me?” the cowboy shouted. “You fuckin’ bitch-”
“Hey!” Someone new appeared behind the mother; he moved to stand in front of her, staring the cowboy down. The mother took her cue and left, leaving only you, crouched down low holding a can of corn kernels in your hand.
He was wearing dirty Reeboks and ripped jeans. His Metallica t-shirt had holes in it but was mostly covered by a light floral button up that he wore open anyway. It seemed at odds with the rest of his outfit. As he stared down the cowboy, he dropped his heavy-looking duffle bag.
“You can’t talk to a lady like that. You’re out of control, pal,”
“Pal?!” the cowboy scoffed. “I ain’t your pal!”
Even from where you were, you could see the spit fly from the cowboy’s mouth as a spoke. He looked more than just drunk. Rabid.
The new guy glanced down at you briefly, a neutral expression on his face as he inhaled. A look flashed across his face for only a second before he was watching the cowboy come towards him.
“You listen here, you pretty-boy-sona-bitch,” he warned, attempting to reach out for the guy’s shirt, but missing.
“You enjoy hassling people? This what you do in your leisure time?” the guy teased, ducking another attempt to grab him.
“You wanna take this outside then? Huh? See who’s fuckin’…” but the cowboy didn’t know what he was talking about.
“Yeah, pal. Let’s take this outside, buddy,” the guy replied, jumping from foot to foot and leading the cowboy out of the market and out of the way of everyone in there.
As their voices grew quieter, the market returned to its usual atmosphere. You hid a can of chickpeas, a banana, and a chocolate bar in your jacket and made for the exit. Somehow, it felt worse than leaving Luke’s tent, or Dmitri’s bedroom, or Kevin’s treehouse, or Marcus’ basement…
Hiding near a stack of flattened boxes behind the mart, you tried to eat the banana as slowly as possible. Who knew when you were to get fruit again? The mart backed onto a road that serviced all the buildings along the main street. On the other side of it was mostly parking lots and half-built structures.
You were distracted by the darkness in one of the half buildings and didn’t hear the boy approach. As he threw a full bag into the trash, you squeaked then scrambled to hide the stolen food.
“Not gonna dob on you,” he said. You’d seen him in the mart, working the produce section putting apples out in a pyramid display. He waited as you continued to eat your banana, saying nothing. “I’m Andy,” he offered. “I… ah, I think the owners can afford a couple cans of food,”
“One can,” you corrected.
“Sorry. One can…” He looked over his shoulder then back at you. “So, ah, look, I don’t know what your situation is, but if you need some help-”
“I don’t,” you cut him off. Shoving the chickpeas and chocolate into your backpack, you stood up and looked at the boy.
He smelled like peanut butter and jelly sandwich, orange juice, and cheap deodorant. He was at least your age, maybe older. He was trying to be kind. Well, he thought he was trying to be kind. You knew what he really wanted.
The boys who wanted to be your friend were like you in the sense that they were always something odd about them that the cool kids hated. They were pushed to the margins of the lunchroom and social hierarchy. They saw an ally in you, so after being the new girl for a month or two, one of those boys would find a reason to talk to you.
Sometimes it took a week, sometimes months, but at some point down the road they would invite you over after school – to study for a history test or to plan something exciting for the science fair. Too young, you learned the word for this: pretext, a reason that’s really an excuse. You would arrive to find his parents out, and you would follow him up to his room.
That’s how it happened most of the time.
“I was just gonna say I could shout you dinner… Or you could just take the cash if you don’t want to hang.”
Betraying you, your stomach audibly growled. The banana had woken it up and now it knew it was starving.
Andy watched you, weighing up something in his mind. “You look like you’d be interesting to talk to,” he said like it was a compliment. It had probably worked for him in the past.
You looked away from him, focused again on the half-built structure. Sitting in one of the cutouts that you supposed were for windows, was a cowboy hat. From the darkness, a hand reached out and grabbed it.
“I don’t need your help,” you stated, not looking back at Andy.
He huffed, thinking fucking bitch, and went back inside with his throat in-tact. He didn’t know you were contemplating the offer. Maybe a burger and fries would satisfy. Maybe it wouldn’t. Maybe you'd need more.
Across the road you stopped walking when the guy jumped from the window. As his Reeboks landed and he looked up at you, you knew.
It wasn’t that his mouth, jaw, and neck were covered in blood and bits of cowboy. It wasn’t the now-red Metallica shirt or the stolen hat that sat atop his long curly hair. It was the banality in the way he said, “He’s in there, round in the back room, if you want him.”
The guy did not appear worried that anyone would see him looking like a daytime nightmare. He pushed his duffle bag onto his back and pulled a set of keys out of his pocket. You followed along behind him in a bit of a daze.
“When… How… How do you know? I’m like you?” you asked.
Sully had told you the truth – eaters could smell eaters.
He came to stop at an old beat-up Chevrolet van, opening the back without needing to unlock it. He made a small happy sound but didn’t answer your question.
“I’ve… I’ve gone my whole life never meeting another, then two this week. You being the second,”
“Yeah, well, I’m sorta glad not to meet any others,” he replied bluntly.
With his duffle in the back, he took the driver's seat and rolled the window down. He looked out at you like he was confused about why you were still standing there.
“I thought I was the only one… And I’m… I’m sort of new to this. Can you help me? Just for a bit?”
Honestly, you weren’t sure what you meant by help. Maybe you wanted from him what Sully had previously offered. A companion, even in the short term. Someone to tell you all about their horror so yours didn’t seem so prolific. A set of rules to follow. Something. Anything.
“I don’t want to hurt anyone,” you whispered. It was true. Wasn’t it?
“Famous last words…” he muttered. “Fine. Come on. Get it.”
You didn’t have to be told twice.
The inside of the van was trashed. There were beer cans and fast food wrappers everywhere. The ashtray was overflowing and it smelt like sweat and roadkill.
“This isn’t yours,” you stated, immediately regretting it.
“He won’t be needing it anymore,” the guy replied.
“Or the hat,”
“You don’t think I’d make a darn fine rootin-tootin cowboy?” he asked with the smallest of grins.
You laughed. The sound was unfamiliar, like it belonged to another girl from an alternate universe. One that didn’t wear black so the blood didn’t show. One that didn’t know lung tissue melted on the tongue. One that could go on dates with a boy like Andy and be grateful to be told they’re interesting to talk to.
“I’m Y/N,”
“You stole his wallet too?”
“No. I stole his money. And this… Barry Cook. 5278 Route 13…” he read.
You drove in silence for a few minutes before Eddie began to play with the radio. When there was nothing but local talk-back and country classics, he turned it off.
“So… Where are you from?” you asked.
Eddie chewed the insides of his cheeks for a second before replying, “Does it matter?”
“Just making conversation…”
“Sorry,” he said with a soft sigh. “I haven’t had one of those in a while. Unless you count Cowboy Cook. Guess I’m a bit rusty.”
Eddie drove by the cowboy’s house to check for signs of life. There were no lights. When he pulled up to the small rundown house, you got out of the van and followed him inside.
It didn’t surprise you to find that the cowboy lived alone. There were stacks of oily pizza boxes and a seemingly endless amount of crushed Pabst Blue Ribbon cans. They were on almost all flat surfaces in the house, leaving rusty stains everywhere. Porn magazines and overdue bills sat on the sofa’s arms and it smelt like a cigarette had been burning for one hundred years straight.
“That’s before they started wearing make-up,” Eddie said, pointing to a poster in the cowboy’s bedroom, which was visible from the living room.
You had never seen the members of KISS without their trademark face paint. It felt wrong. Maybe in the same way it felt wrong to see Eddie covered in blood while he flicked through a crate of records that belonged to a dead man.
“He’s fucking got it! He’s got Lick It Up!” Eddie exclaimed.
He pulled the vinyl from the sleeve and put it on the player. He half expected to find it all scratched up, but maybe these albums were the only thing that Barry Cook cared about. Eddie could understand that. 
As the music began to play, Eddie held an air guitar. “Yeah, yeah… Don’t want to wait till you know me better,” he sang, jumping up onto the bed. “Let’s just be glad for the time together. Life’s such a treat and it’s time you taste it.”
You stood at the threshold of the room, thrown by Eddie’s sudden animation. He’d been reserved and sarcastic up until then.
“There isn’t a reason on earth to waste it. It isn’t a crime to be good to yourself… Lick it up! Lick it up! Oh-oh-ohhhh.”
Eddie pounced off the bed and onto his knees on the floor in one smooth motion. You wondered if he could play the guitar; his showmanship and the way his fingers were twinkling in the air said yes.
Trying not to stare at him too much, you looked around the room. There were other posters too. Centrefolds and Iron Maiden, which made you smile; was Eddie his real name, or had he invented an alias? 
Your attention snapped back to Eddie when he lifted the arm of the record player from the vinyl, plunging the house into silence. He’d caught sight of himself in the mirror. Lick it up! He’d made a promise. Lick it up! He was a monster. Lick it up!
“I’m gonna take a shower,” he suddenly said, leaving the room quicker than you could process.
When Eddie found you in the kitchen after, he was in the same jeans but a different shirt; you didn’t recognise the band. His hair was dripping and he brashly went at it with a towel.  
“He’s from Kentucky,” you said, eyes still on the letter. “He hasn’t been back to see his parents in ten years,”
“You know it’s illegal to open other people’s mail.”
You shot Eddie a look, which he nodded at - there were small pieces of the cowboy's flesh stuck in the shower drain. 
“This is from his mother. His dad has cancer. Postmarked four months ago. Wasn’t even open.”
Eddie began to look through the fridge and cupboards. “I’m not hungry, but how are you? Saw you were a minute away from… you know… the market kid. Must be hungry,”
“You were watching me?”
“I was…” Eddie turned to look at you. “Respectfully observing?” He opened a new cupboard and pulled out a can of Spaghetti-Os… “Yeah, you’ll do.”
Eddie cooked you dinner then sat opposite you at the table, respectfully observing you some more. He clasped his hands together on the tabletop and rested his chin on them.
“Why are we here anyway?” you asked.
“You have someplace else to be? Hot date at the disco?”
It dawned on you then. “Wait. Please don’t tell me we’re staying here tonight,”
“Nobody’s making you. Free country. You can do what you want,” he said dismissively, sitting up straighter and concealing a smirk. “Look, I know we only just met but I think I deserve a little more credit than you’re giving me… It’s late and we need a place to stay. We’re gone first thing,”
“You’ve done this before,”
“So have you,” he countered.
It wasn’t the same, you thought. Sully had tricked you. Hadn’t he?
“Is this… how you live?” You didn’t mean for it to sound like a judgment call. You waited for Eddie’s cold reaction but it never came.
“Not every night. But, yeah. Sometimes.”
You nodded. For a moment you just looked at each other. He had deep brown eyes that reflected the world back at you. Before you could get lost, you blinked hard and stood up.
“You take the bed,” Eddie said, his voice too gentle.
You didn't deserve the level of kindness you were being shown. But Eddie was like you. If you were bad then he was too? If you were a monster, didn't that mean he was one too? And kindness from a monster isn't kindness at all. 
You nodded and walked away from the kitchen table with every intention not to turn around. But then you did.
“You’ll be here… in the morning?” You felt embarrassed to ask. Did you sound like a child? Or a girl with a crush?
“You think I’d bail on you?”
It certainly wouldn’t be the first time someone had.
“No… It’s more… In my head, you know? Like, did I make you up?”
Eddie didn’t expect the honesty or for you to expose yourself like that. He stood up and shoved his hands into his pockets. “I’ll be here,” he promised, omitting the part where he totally expected you to de-materialize and be revealed as a figment of his own lonely imagination.
You nodded once then disappeared into the bedroom, closing the door behind you.
“Fuck,” Eddie mumbled to himself, sitting back down and pulling your bowl towards him. You’d finished the lot, but he still put your fork in his mouth and sucked on it.
Next Chapter: 3 - The Shire
End Note: To those who have seen the movie and/or read the book: feel free to let me know your favourite details so I can make sure they're in the fic! To those who haven't: get on it; you will not regret!
Fic Taglist: @harrys-tittie @azydrateanatomy @pussy-drunk @mrsdollardog
All Eddie Taglist: @solomons-finest-rum @ruinedbythehobbit @munsonlives @sweetpeapod @depressooo-expressooo-blog @thorfemmes @hawkins-high @corrodedhawkins @grungegrrrl @lilzabob @mymoonisalways-in-scorpio @averagemisfit03 @ches-86 @ilovecupcakesandtea @onehotgreasymechanic @hazydespair @lacrymosa-24 @mel-the-fangirl
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william-solace-aaaaa · 7 months
Chapter 3: Good Mornings
I woke up to the sound one can only identify as Sebastian singing in the shower. It was horrible.
He had to have a shower when I first got here because my blood got everywhere. And, he made me clean it up. He said if I didn't, he was gonna chop off my other leg.
'Dad, if you don't shut up, I swear I'm gonna eat your food!' I hear Ariel yell from the other room. 'Fine! Just don't touch my food, I'll be out in a minute!' I hear him yell back before quietly going back to his shower. Ariel is now God.
'Ugh.' I groaned, opening my eyes and getting blinded from the light coming in from the window. I don't know if you can tell, but I don't want to get up. But I do when I realise Ariel said there was food. Yummy. I throw on some of Sebastian's clothes (damn, we really need to get me my own clothes) and make sure I look good. Who am I kidding, I always do.
I make my way downstairs, bumping into a few walls and tripping a few times because of my leg. 'Sup, Ariel!' I say awesomely.
Turns out that they had a spare room, and Sebastian said I could stay in there and to get comfortable since we have no idea when I'm gonna get back.
I still don't know what that weird object was or how it made that portal thing, or if I just imagined that, but I don't think I'm getting home anytime soon. The longer I stay, the weirder things get; I mean, powers? Magic? It all makes no sense.
Ariel turned to me as I entered the kitchen area. 'Hey, Eric,' She said, waving me over to the table that was now clean of all my blood, 'Hey! What ya got there?' I ask, gesturing to the food, 'breakfast, now eat it.' She says with a smile on her face, handing me my bowl.
Man, I love eating at things that I have recently lost a limb on.
I made Seb make some food for Ruby last night, and he was super startled when he found out she was now half dragon, but this morning she looked to have been given some dog food that I (with Ariel's money)  bought on our way back from the forests. Her paws were all bandaged up and luckily, no dog limbs were lost.
After eating, and once Sebastian had come downstairs, Ariel had said that she needed to go and see a friend. She asked if I wanted to come along, and I was desperate to get out of the house.
'We better do something about your clothes,' she said, gesturing towards Sebastian's pirate clothes that were like a billion sizes too big for me. 'Yeah, not exactly practical for... well, anything.' I agree.
Ariel took me to the nearest busy areas of Emaia where we got food, ate food, and bought me some new clothes.
I got changed into my new outfit, in which I looked fabulous, with my old blue jumper that I fell in with, a pair of jeans, some black coverse because they're amazing, and a cool plain black choker necklace becuase they make me somehow even hotter. My jumper was one of the only things reminding me of my home. I was starting to miss my friends and parents.
My mum must be so worried, I mean, I've been gone for ages. And my sister! They're all going to have no idea what's going on. They might think I've been kidnapped or something!
Before I could dive anymore into my spiralling, Ariel announced that we had arrived.
'Here we are!' She said, bouncing on her heels. What the heck. No way is this where her friend lives. She had brought us to the very middle of the kingdom, and on a piece of land slightly higher than the rest, was one of the hugest freaking castles that I've ever seen (also the only one but this castle was pretty much out of a fairy tale).
The castle wasn't too far from the house, but it was huge. How did I not notice it?
The actual castle was built like the one you see at the start of Disney movies, but there was a path around the side with people who looked really busy.
'Let's go around back,' Ariel said, walking away before I had time to respond. 'Okay.' I say before slowly jogging towards her. She didn't even wait for me!
When we got to the back of the castle, I saw a bunch of people shooting targets with arrows, fighting with each other, or just chatting and watching a girl with yellow-blonde hair failing at hitting the target with her arrows, by a lot.
'So, who's your friend?' I say, not taking my eyes off the girl with the bow. 'He's probably inside right now, I'll go look for him. Stay here. 'Okay- and she's gone again. Wow.' I say before going over to the girl who still hadn't managed to hit the target.
With the way the people were watching her and laughing to their friends, it seemed like this had happened a lot. 'Hey,' I say, startling her from trying to set the arrow into the bow properly. 'You're doing that wrong.' 'I know, dummy.' She says in the most sarcastic voice I had ever heard, and I've been living with Sebastian! That says a lot. I was starting to like her already.
She went back to trying to shoot the arrow and missed so bad it almost hit one of the guys watching from the side, missing his head by an inch. 'Sorry Gabe!' She shouted as both of their faces started to go red. 'It's okay!' He shouted back to her. Ooh, someone has a crush. 'So, what's your name? I asked because I had no idea. I totally ship her and Gabe, though; that was adorable.
She looked back to me, her eyes rolling. Meanie. 'I'm Eleanor. Who are you?' Eleanor said, cocking her head to the side and sassily putting her hand on her hip. 'I'm Eric!' I tell her with a big smile on my face, stretching out my hand for a handshake (and getting completely ignored). Okay... rude.
'So, do you know Ariel?' I ask her, just now realising that this girl with pigtails is taller than me. Jeez. 'Ariel? Do you mean the girl the prince always hangs around?' She says as I tried not to laugh, I mean, Ariel? Friends with a prince? What? 'No, I don't think she could be friends with a prince.' I go as my laughs slip a little bit. 'Yeah, she's the baker's daughter, right? Blonde hair and everything. She's really nice, actually.' Ariel is friends with a prince. Ariel wants to introduce me, yes I, to a prince. Half of my life is literally just illegal stuff.
There is no way she wants me to be introduced to the prince when my dog is pretty much illegal.
1188 words
Published 7 March 2024
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broiderie · 2 years
Lost Princessa: Meet the Reaper 2
And here we go... Chapter 2.
Please don’t copy, translate, or transfer my work. I promise you this is the only place this is published. If you see it elsewhere, it’s stolen.
Warnings: cursing. ALL THE FLUFF. Foreshadowing. ;)
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That afternoon, after everyone had agreed to meet at the diner to leave the next morning, Taza, Hank and Megan went home to pack.
Hank quickly packed his duffel bag just like he normally did for a Reaper Run of any length. Flannel shirts and long sleeved henleys were folded and stored next to his jeans and other clothes. He did throw in two extra flannels and a hoody though. He never knew when Megan was going to need something warmer than what she had. 
Taza packed similarly and then headed in to check on Megan. “Here, Chica,” he said, coming into the room she shared with Hank. “Here’s a duffle bag you can use. We’ll get you your own travel gear soon.”
“Thanks, Papa, but I don’t know what to pack.” She was standing in front of her open closet with a frown.
“Well - we’re going North, so pretty much whatever you want to pack. It’s a little cooler up there, but that’s it.” He placed the black duffle down on the footlocker at the end of the bed.
Hank came out from packing his toiletries with a grin. “Pack at least one nice outfit, Princessa. We’ll go out while we’re there. And there will probably be a party or two.”
Megan grimaced. “What exactly should I wear to a Sons party?”
Taza laughed. “If Hank has his way - his soft colors.”
Hank flipped him off, but shook his head. “He’s not entirely wrong though…” he said rubbing the back of his neck a bit sheepishly.
Megan giggled. “How long will we be there?”
“Standard procedure when we don’t have to conserve space is to pack for a week, Chica. We’ve got plenty of room for luggage with the car.” Taza pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll bring you a jewelry box to take too.”
“Okay.” She smiled and reached for the dresses Letty had bought. She figured she’d better figure out which one to take for her night out with Hank first.
Hank smiled. “Which jeans do you want? I’ll grab them.”
“Just any of them. You know what will be more appropriate for me to wear than I do,” she said distractedly holding up the green dress that she had shocked Hank by wearing after her tattoo appointment. “And could you grab some of the shorts Letty bought me for under dresses?”
“Sure, Sweetheart.” Hank pulled three of the pairs of skinny jeans that she wore the most out of the dresser and started rolling them to pack. He also added a pair of tight black jeans that he loved seeing her in. Once those were in the bag, he grabbed three pairs of the cotton shorts she’d asked for and packed them too. 
Megan put the green dress back with a shake of her head. She didn’t want to show too much skin around patches that she didn’t know well. Hank might not like it. She pulled out a black dress instead. It looked like it was a little longer than the other one, but the back had a keyhole covered in black lace instead of being open. It was much more modest. She laid it on the bed. “I hate meeting new people while I’m so useless. I should at least be able to help out at the bar at parties like this.”
Hank paused in his packing. “Mi princessa, you are not useless. You’re injured. No one expects you to be serving these assholes anyway.” He walked over until he could tilt her chin up and make her meet his eyes. “You are walking into this meeting as Mayan Royalty, not our bartender.” He leaned down to press his forehead to hers. “La Princessa de los Mayas. Mi Princesa.” He pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “I can’t wait to show you off.”
She cleared her throat and smiled a little. “Broken bits and all?”
Hank laughed. “Broken bits and all. Straighten that crown mi princessa and let’s get you packed.”
In the end, Hank’s soft colors did make it into the bag along with her other shirts and flannels, but so did two more dresses.
Taza rejoined them with a travel jewelry box as they were packing what toiletries of Megan’s they could - the things she wouldn’t need tonight or in the morning.
Megan laughed. “But Papa, I only have my princessa necklace and earrings to pack and I’ll be wearing those.”
“I thought you might like some more of your grandmother’s things for the trip. Plus you can pack your hair jewelry in it too.” He smiled and slid the green jeweled hair combs and the feather braid weights into the zippered pocket on the outside along with hair ties and pins from her dressing table. 
Megan grinned and ran gentle fingers over the antique box on her dressing table as she sat down. “I haven’t had a chance to go through it yet.” She traced the elaborate carvings on the top of the box.
“So we’ll go through it together, hmm? We can take our time when we get back. Maybe we can stop by the reservation on the way home. Find you some pieces of your own.” Taza winked at Hank who went to sit in the reading chair across the room. “Besides, there are a few pieces that I have in mind.”
He pulled a three stranded bone and amber beaded choker in the native style out and slipped it on her where she could see it in the mirror on her dressing table. “She wore this when she needed confidence. Said it was the reminder she needed to keep her head up.”
Megan reached to touch it with reverent fingers. “It’s beautiful, Papa.”
He removed it and put it in the travel case. “And for your date night-” he pulled out a strand of pearls. “These match your earrings.” Those were packed as well. “As for the club party - you’ll need something different there. Your crowns mark you as la princessa - this will mark you as MY daughter.” A duplicate of the necklace he wore every day came out of the box. The silver circle that was almost closed with the small turquoise stone at the apex strung on a black adjustable cord. He slipped it over her head and tightened it so that it sat right at her collarbone - the longer chain with her crown pendant hung below it.
Tears gathered in Megan’s eyes. “Papa… it’s beautiful. A matched set?”
“My parent’s wedding set. I wear my father’s. Mama’s has been waiting to be worn a long time.” He smiled in the mirror at her. “It suits you. Never forget, Chica, you come from two very proud cultures. A true princessa.”
Megan spun on her stool to hug him one armed around the waist. “Thank you, Papa.”
“You’re welcome, Chica.” He gently returned her embrace.
Hank smiled as he watched from the reading chair in the corner. “We should think about dinner soon. And another dose of pain killers. You’re awfully pale, Princessa.”
Megan sat up straight suddenly. “Dinner! We need to check on Mama before we go!”
“Easy there, Chica. Two birds - one stone. You two work out dinner and medicine. I’ll go over and see if she wants to come for a visit. I’ll take her back home to pick up my bike after,” Taza suggested.
Hank smiled. “I’ll call her and let her know you’re coming. She wanted us all there for dinner tomorrow anyway - we’ll just move it up a day.” He pulled his phone out as Megan stood in a rush to go find something to make for dinner.
After Taza left, Hank found Megan digging through the pantry frantically. “Taza’s headed out to get Mama. She’s excited to see you. I know you’ve talked to her on the phone, but she’s the type to keep worrying until she lays eyes on you…” he chuckled a little. “Slow down, mi princessa. We have time.”
Megan smiled tensely over her shoulder at him. “I can’t wait to see her either. Unfortunately - her first time here and I’m going to be a horrible hostess. There’s nothing thawed to cook properly…”
Hank shook his head. “Princessa - Mama doesn’t care what we eat at family dinner. She just cares that we eat together.” He came up behind her and pulled her back against his chest. He wrapped an arm around her waist and held her as she relaxed fractionally at his warmth. “Are you worried about something? Or are you just in pain?” He gently rocked them on their feet.
Megan leaned her head back against his shoulder and let him hold some of her weight. “I just feel like I should have been taking better care of you. Cooking for you more. Isn’t that what a woman is supposed to do for her man?”
Hank snorted. “If I wanted a stepford wife maybe. I want mi princessa. My badass, sharp shooting, bartending princessa who takes care of me and her Papa just fine.” He cuddled her under his chin and used the arm not around her to ease the pressure of her sling a little. The strap had rubbed the side of her neck nearly raw. Today was the first day that they’d left the house and she hadn’t been able to rest it much. “Sweetheart - why didn’t you say the strap was rubbing? Much more and you’d be bleeding. C’mon. Sit down at the table while I find something to pad that.”
“But dinner -”
“Dinner can wait. Sit.” He guided her to a chair and pulled the kitchen first aid kit from below the sink.
By the time Taza got back with Mama, Hank had found some rolled gauze and wrapped it around the strap of the sling to soften the rough strap. He was also placing a large band aid over the raw spot to keep it from getting further irritated. He had found some after tattoo gel in his footlocker to help with the irritation and pain.
“What happened? Did you hurt yourself, Chica?” Taza asked tilting her chin to get a look at her neck.
“I’m fine, Papa. It’s nothing. The sling strap just rubs a little, that’s all.” Megan smiled at Moma Loza. “Hi Mama. Sorry. I was trying to find something for dinner when Hank noticed the irritation. Afraid dinner’s going to be a little later than planned. I still have to find something to cook.”
Mama stepped in close. “Nonsense, querida! You shouldn’t be cooking. Your poor arm must hurt terribly.” She cupped Megan’s cheeks in her weathered hands. “Your Papa is going to be a good man and order us pizza. You just rest, hmm? When was the last time you took your medicine?”
“I’m okay. I can cook something. I just didn’t thaw anything this morning because I thought we’d be at the clubhouse until late…”
“Bah! No.” Mama turned to Hank. “Tell me you haven’t been letting her overexert herself, hijo. And when was her last pain relief? You know it’s worse if you don’t stay ahead of it!”
Hank chuckled. “She’s been resting, Mama, I promise. Today was just a long day. And I know it’s better to stay ahead of the pain, but Megan doesn’t like taking the medicine at all. We just got her some new meds today to help with that.”
“That’s not an answer, mijo…”
Taza hid a smile as Mama scolded her giant son as if he were a naughty boy. “She had a dose after brunch this morning. She’s been due for awhile…”
Mama smacked at Taza’s bicep and cursed in rapid fire Spanish about men who never listen. Then she turned back to Megan. “Now - you are going to take your medicine. Then, you and I are going into the living room to look at the swatches for your dress that I was given at Mass a few days ago. While we do that - HANK will order dinner and your PAPA will start the fireplace for us so that we’re nice and cozy. After dinner, you will REST. You’ve done too much today. Hank told me about your injuries the night of the crash. Your arm may be the most visible but ribs don’t heal quickly either. Especially without rest.” She guided Megan to stand with a firm but gentle hand and led her towards the living room before looking over her shoulder at the guys. “Vamos muchachos. Me escuchas.”
Both men cracked smiles. “Si Mama. Escuchamos.”
Taza brought Megan a glass of water and two pills. “Before you ask, it’s the ibuprofen, Chica.”
Megan smiled ruefully. “I’m a horrible patient.”
Taza laughed. “But I love you anyway.”
“Love you too, Papa.” She swallowed the pills with a grimace.
“There now, querida. You’ll feel better soon. You can’t let the pain get a hold on you or the medicine won’t work as well.” Mama tucked a pillow under Megan’s cast to take some of the weight and a blanket over her legs. “I was a nurse for years, Sweet Girl. I know how this works.”
Megan smiled. “Thank you, Mama. I still wish you'd let me cook dinner though.”
“Pizza is a nice change every once in a while. Don’t tell Hank I said that though. He thinks I need to eat healthier.” Mama winked. “Now Francisca showed me the sketches of your dress. It’s going to be beautiful. You girls did an amazing job on the design. I have some swatches here for you to choose from for the green and a few lace patterns. Once those decisions are made, they can start sewing.” She pulled some bits of fabric from her oversized purse. “Now… this green is pretty close to the color, I think…”
Hank joined them after placing a pizza order as Megan debated between two dark green swatches.  “I’m just not sure which is right,” she frowned. 
Hank smiled and pulled her jacket off the hook behind the door. “You’re looking for Mayan green, right? The stitching on your jacket is the official color of our patches. I made sure of it when we bought it.” He laid it on her lap as Taza finished starting the fire. 
Mama turned on the lamp beside the chair so that they could see the differences in color better. “Definitely the darker green. Do you like how the fabric feels?”
Megan stroked it. “It’s so soft…”
“Good. That answers that.” Mama packed the colors away leaving only the chosen green out. “Now for the lace for the overlay…” She laid a few pieces of lace out. “Some of it will be that pretty off-white we chose and some of it will be dyed green for accents.”
Megan laughed, “Mama - I can’t see much difference in them. Whatever you and Francisca like best will be beautiful.”
“Good girl.” Mama chuckled and patted her knee. “We’ll take care of it then.” She packed things away as Taza brought her a glass of lemonade. 
He settled into his arm chair as Hank took the other one leaving Megan and Mama on the couch. 
“Will you need anything from me in the next few days, Mama? Hank and Papa have a run out of town to make and I’m going along.” Megan smiled.
“No, querida. WE should have it all figured out by the time you get back.” She looked at Taza. “Surely you aren’t letting her ride like this, Che…”
“No ma’am. Hank’s driving a car this time with Megan along. We’re going to visit her Tío Marcus and Tía Diana.” Taza smiled. “She gets to meet her little cousin for the first time.”
“Good.” She looked at Hank. “And you’ll make sure she takes her medicine?”
Hank chuckled. “Sí Mama. And she keeps her sling on…”
“And RESTS. A concussion and bruised ribs don’t just heal overnight -”
“It’s been longer-” Megan protested. 
“Not long enough, querida. And you aren’t going to do it yourself, so we need to take care of you for you.” Mama nodded decisively. 
The doorbell rang and Taza hopped up to go get the pizza. “Sounds like dinner’s here.”
Hank smiled. “Yes Mama. We will keep la princessa safe.” He stood to press a kiss to his mother’s head. “Stop worrying so much. Mi princessa is stronger than you think.” He sat on the arm of the couch next to Megan.
Mama sighed. “I know. Doesn’t mean I won’t worry about you both.”
Megan reached with her good hand for Mama’s hand. “We know, Mama.” She smiled. “Hank takes good care of me, and I do my best to take care of him too.”
“Good girl. Just… don’t fight them so hard when they’re trying to help, please?” She squeezed Megan’s hand.
“I’ll try.”
“Good. You can start by eating dinner!” Taza said as he brought multiple pizza boxes into the room with a smile.
Dinner was a cheerful affair with many stories told by Taza and Hank. Megan relaxes as the night went by and could feel herself getting tired. Hank could see it as well. She started to relax back against the couch when he moved to sit on the floor in front of it and lean back against her legs. 
When Megan’s eyes started to flutter, Taza chuckled. “ I do believe that it is time for la princessa to get some of that rest, Mama. Come on. I’ll take you home so that Hank can put her to bed.”
Mama leaned down to kiss Hank’s cheek. “Sounds good, Che. Mijo, take good care of her. I’ll see you when you get back.” She stroked his cheek gently.
“Te amo, Mama. Sleep well. Call the club house if you need anything while we’re gone. Creeper will be staying back and the Prospect’s always there.” Hank smiled.
“Te amo, hijo.” She stood and pressed a featherlight kiss to Megan’s hair. “Te amo, hija,” she whispered.
She slipped out with Taza quietly. Megan never moved. She was asleep and there were no lines of pain on her face for the first time in over a week.
Hank stood carefully and slid his arms under Megan’s body gently and slowly so as not to jostle her. He stood and took her to bed. 
The next morning, Megan woke to someone stroking her hair. She woke slowly and whined a little. “I know Princessa, but if you’ll wake up enough to take your medicine, you can go back to sleep for awhile longer. Just open your mouth and I’ll help you take them.”
“ ‘m up. I can get up,” she mumbled. SHe shifted to prop herself up enough to take the medicine, but barely opened her eyes. 
Hank chuckled. “Okay sweetheart.” He handed her the pills and a small glass of water. 
She swallowed them with a grimace. 
“Good girl.” He took the glass and placed it on the bedside table. “We still have an hour before we have to be up. How about a cuddle?”
“Please?” Megan whined.
“Of course, mi princessa.” Hank slipped back into bed and snuggled against her back and good side.
Megan closed her eyes again and hummed contentedly.
“Comfy, sweetheart?”
“Good. Rest some more. We’ve got a long drive today.” He pressed a kiss to the back of her neck.
She smiled. “Is it wrong that I’m kind of looking forward to it? You and me in a car together on a road trip.”
He chuckled and she felt the vibrations against her back. “No. I’m going to enjoy it too. I love the bike, but I can’t see your face on it while I’m driving. I like the idea of being able to talk to you on a trip.”
She smiled and played with his fingers as they pressed into the skin at her waist where her shirt rode up. “When do we need to be in Charming?”
“We should get there a day or so early for the meeting.” He nuzzled her ear gently. “Plenty of time.”
“Good. We can stop for lunch then.”
“Of course. Anywhere you want.”
She laughed. “Tío Bishop and Coco may disagree with that.”
“Nah. Doesn’t matter.” He grinned and tickled her neck with his breath gently. “We’ll still stop where you want. They’ll be out voted ‘cause you know your dad will side with you.”
She laughed. “Did we pack everything?”
“If we didn’t we can buy whatever we’ve forgotten. It’s not like we’re going too far, mi princessa.” He smiled and slipped to the side until he could brace himself on his forearm and look down at her. “Your Padrino is excited to have you coming to Oakland. He texted Taza last night to be sure he and Diana had everything we’d need at their house for our visit.”
She giggled. “I think I’m excited too.”
“Good. You should be.” He pressed a kiss to her lips quickly. When he pulled back she pouted up at him with a brief whine. He chuckled. “What?”
Megan ran her good hand up Hank’s bare chest to run her fingernails through the hair at the nape of his neck. “When are you going to kiss me for real again? I won’t break.”
He smiled and moved a bit of hair from her face. “I am kissing you, mi princessa.”
She pouted again and turned up the puppy dog eyes.
He chuckled and kissed her deeper, but still pulled back a bit.
She smiled up at him. “Better.” She leaned up to press another kiss to his lips. 
Hank kissed her back, but broke it to press his forehead to hers. “You are not making it easy for me to be a gentleman, Princessa. And you are in no shape for me to stop being a gentleman right now.” He pressed a soft kiss to her nose. “Let yourself heal. I promise - when your sling comes off- then we can think about more.”
Megan groaned a little petulant. “But -”
Hank smiled and pressed himself gently down against her so she could feel the effect she had on him. “I promise, mi princessa, you aren’t the only one frustrated. Be patient.”
She sighed. “I’m trying. I just miss this.” 
Hank nodded. “Me too.” He kissed her again gently. “I promise you, I want you just as much as ever. Maybe more. I just won’t hurt you to have you when I can just wait a little while longer. I’ll wait as long as I need to, mi princessa.”
Megan nodded, “I know that.” She stroked the side of his face. “But will you at least kisse me regularly again?”
“Any time, mi amore. Any time.”
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aajjks · 6 months
it’s about to get messy
everyone isn’t too happy with syelle’s decision to go back to jungkook. they knew she deserved better, especially hoseok who glares at jungkook every chance he gets. maybe syelle forgave him but he won’t. what he did was disrespectful and he knows syelle still thinks about it.
her guard may be let down but there’s always this cloud looming over sy’s shoulder telling her how she’ll never be as good as you. even though jungkook said it was ‘sexual attraction’ she knew he was in love with you. it was as if you were everything he ever wanted and needed compared to her.
syelle doesn’t understand why but she beats herself up for not being like you. you whose body is much more appealing than her’s. you who has confidence when syelle has none. you whose sex appeal is like an aphrodisiac while syelle has none. it’s easy to see why jungkook left her and maybe he’ll go back.
when syelle gets home from work, she greets jungkook then heads upstairs to their bedroom to sit on their NEW mattress. yes, brand new. as in, there was no way in hell syelle would even LOOK at the mattress jungkook committed his infidelity on.
tiredly, syelle removes the top of her nurse scrub but before she could remove anything else, jungkook comes in with good news. “Hey!!? Sy? I got tickets to see Dune 2- I know you love that pretty boy actor so why don’t we go and watch the movie?” he says and syelle’s jaw drops.
“So is it a yes??”
“duh!! of course it’s a yes!! timothée chalamet is in it!! thank you so much, jungkook”
syelle wants to go in for a hug but decides against it and just focuses on the ticket. she does overhear him talking about his parents but that isn’t until next week so she doesn’t worry too much about it.
“Well then get ready soon- the shows tonight- i got us front seats babe.”
“o-okay!” syelle stutters when she hears jungkook call her ‘babe.’ “i’ll be quick okay?”
she then rushes to take off her nurse scrubs and tosses them in her dirty clothes bin before hurrying to the shower. once she’s finished washing up, she lathers herself, and takes a few moments to pick out an outfit for their movie date.
syelle is so excited and so happy that jungkook has been putting in so much effort into their relationship. she just hopes it’s not forced.
“okay!!! i’m ready!!!” yells syelle from the bathroom. she touches up the curls of her pixie cut, glosses up her lips, and uses some make up to accentuate her freckled face.
“so, how do i look?”
“if it’s too much i can take it off”
That’s the first word that comes into his mind when he lays his eyes on his wife- jungkook also put on a tshirt with jeans, showing off his muscles, and the tattooed arm.
But- Syelle looks gorgeous- the top on her is beautiful the color is bringing out her complexion even more. He never noticed her beauty because he was so in love with you.
But now it’s just about him and his wife. There’s no more you.
“W-Wow” he breathes out, his heart is fluttering, just like the way you used to make it- he’s so shocked right now. She looks really out of this world
Yellow is not even his favorite color but she’s rocking it. “ wow, you look gorgeous.. Sy.” He exclaims, and she blushes furiously.
Jungkook smiles in return because she is so cute. “ you look really pretty.” he says it again and she’s not used to his praise and he knows that, so Jungkook goes to her, and takes her hand gently.
He’s going to mend her broken heart, he’s going to make her the happiest woman alive, because that’s what she deserves, and he was too blind to see it-
Because he used to have tunnel vision when it came to you.
“should we leave now?”
Once, if she nods her head, they’re both in the car and driving to the cinema. The drive isn’t too awkward because Syelle definitely knows how to hold a conversation with him and he gives her answers, unlike yours, her voice is a little softer and shy.
After a few minutes, he’s parking the car in the parking lot of the cinema and soon they both find themselves inside. he’s glad that he chose nighttime for the films show.
No one will bother them, and they will get to spend some quality time together he knows he has to earn her trust and love back.
“Just wait here until I get the popcorn OK?” He instructs her, and like the good girl that she always was, and she listens to her husband. “do you want to go to the bathroom? Feel free to do so. I’ll take the popcorn and wait for you here.”
Jungkook goes to the popcorn bar and waits for his turn.
It’s gonna be fun.
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hermionefae · 1 year
The Devil's Right Hand Woman
MJF x Original Fem character
Suzie is a undervalued wrestler in AEW but she knows she can be more, in steps MJF who says he can help her, but is he only in it for himself?
Part 1
I walked down the hallway of the Prudential Center on my way back to the women's locker room, pausing to spit put the left over blood pack from my mouth into the bin.
If my mother could see me now she would have been horrified at her only daughter covered in fake blood wearing a bright pink cheerleader wrestling outfit. But as my mother didn't approve of my choice of career I didn't have to worry about her opinion of my appearance.
I entered the locker room where the rest of the other ladies were just packing up, ready to go home. There was still one more match of the night but as that was between the men, us women weren't needed so we could warm down and pack up. I groaned as I sat down, I was feeling pretty beaten up after my match with Britt Baker, a wrestler that I admired and modeled my career on, so when I heard that Tony Kahn had arranged for us to have a match, I was estatic. But, as usual it was pre-planned for me to loose as I had just graduated from a jobber, I still couldn't be seen to beat the great Britt Baker, who had just walked through the door.
"Thanks for a great match Kiddo, you really put me through my paces." Said Britt loosening her boots and stepping out of them. All the other wrestlers called me Kiddo , they couldn't be bothered to learn my name and they thought this was a term of endearment, it wasn't.
"Oh thank you for letting me try out those new spots, I think the crowd loved them" I replied.
"They certainly thought it was something" came Toni Storm's voice from the shower.
Britt rolled her eyes "ignore her, I think you're really coming along."
I sighed "I just wish Tony would let me win for once"
"Well, perhaps you should tell him toots" a male voice answered. My head snapped to the door, some whst painfully after my fight to see MJF, the AEW World Champion in all his glory with belt and wrestling gear on.
"Get out of here Max, this is the woman's locker room and last time I checked you weren't a woman" bit back Britt.
Max held up his hands and smirked at the Doctor. "Sheesh, I'm going anyway, I've got better things to do then hang out with you loosers." And with that he was gone as quickly as he appeared.
"I still can't believe they made him champion" said Toni as she came out of the shower, wrapping a towel around her.
"Don't worry, Adam will take the title from him in London. Then we'll have a real champ" smiled Britt as she got up to go into the shower room, she turned back to me "I meant what I said Kiddo, you'll get your shot soon. Are you coming to the after party? Kenny is hosting at his hotel."
I hadn't planned on going, in fact, I wasn't even aware that I was invited but after the night I had, I needed to have a few drinks to let off some steam. "Yeah sure, why not" I replied.
I showered and changed back into the clothes I arrived in which was just a pair of jeans and a black tight t-shirt. I hoped that this wasn't a dressed up party as I hadn't brought anything like that with me.
Kenny Omega and the other men stayed in a different hotel to most of the women, only the couple like Britt and Adam Cole stayed in the same hotel for obvious reasons. Tonight it seemed that Kenny had booked out the downstairs bar that lead to the outside pool area. It was a warm New York night and I was grateful for the glass of sparkling wine that was given to me once I showed the security guard my AEW pass with my ID.
Everyone was here, even the House of Black and Julia Hart who despite their appearances when they were in character were actually the nicest people in AEW. Juila was the only one who actually called me by name. She spotted me and waved me over.
"Hey Suzie, I didn't know you were coming tonight"
"Yes, well I needed to blow off some steam and im not booked for a while so I can have lots of drinks before I get back to training"
"That's my girl" cheered Julia as she passed me a tequila shot. I quickly downed my wine, licked the salt from the back of my hand, shot the tequila and finally bit into the lemon, shivering from the alcohol and bitterness of the lemon.
My night went by in a flash after that in a whirlwind of alcohol and laughter. I even got to speak with Kenny and the Young Bucks who were a great laugh but the night was winding down now as the sun was threatening to come up and I was trying to work out in my drunk mind how to get back to the hotel whilst I was laying on the sun lounger.
"Getting a head start on your tan toots?" I looked up to see MJF once again.
"Maxwell Jacob Friedman, what do I owe the pleasure" I slurred
"I think I understood that, I just thought I saw a damsel in distress thst might need saving"
"Like you care"
Max sat down next to me "despite what you may think of me, I'm not a bad person Kiddo"
"Suzie" I corrected him.
"My name is Suzie, Susan actually but I prefer Susie"
Max held out his hand "you can call me Max"
I took his outstretched hand and instead of him shaking it he brought it to his lips and kissed the back of it. " Now I heard on the grapevine that you were a little pissed off with the matches Khan had been booking you in"
"He treats me like a jobber but I know I can be more. I am more"
"Hmmm seems to me that you need an image change. Plus a new training reigme. I can help with both"
I was shocked "really? Why?"
"I won't tell you my reasons now, you won't remember them. I just want you to trust me. Can you Suzie? Trust me?"
"Fine " I said, without thinking.
Part 2 here
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inklessletter · 1 year
It's a love story (baby just say yes) Chapter 2
Chapter 1 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
“How’s university treating you, Buckley?” Eddie asked a little louder than usual, to get himself be heard over the pop music blasting in that freshmen party. Eddie offered her a very much illegal beer, and she accepted it with a cheeky grin.
It was the last weekend before Christmas break, where almost everyone came back home for the festivities. Of course, the break only lasted two weeks, and it was way less than an appropriate amount of time to actually throw a rager, but, hey, most people there were eighteen or nineteen. It’s not like they actually needed a reason to bring booze, and weed, and obnoxious music. 
Robin gave Steve the call a couple weeks before, and it only took Steve to mention it to Eddie for him to be on board. A weekend trip to Chicago to see Buckley and party surrounded by faceless people who actually were not worried about Munson being a mass murderer and also see again his favorite lesbian after months? Abso-fucking-lutely yes.
Well, truth be told, it’s not like he wasn’t going to see Robin just a week after that, she was going to be in Hawkins for Christmas and New Year’s Eve, but, come on, he wanted to visit. Plus, that would mean a four hour car ride with Steve, and there was no way he was going to refuse.
So everything in this plan was calling Eddie in, and after all the shit he’d been through, a selfish part of him actually thought that he deserved to have a little fun.
Sue him.
“Actually pretty good,” Robin said. She took a sip of beer, making an unfortunate grimace at the taste. “Classes are interesting, but some professors are shit , and I’ve met some people that are, um, how do I put this? More open minded, generally speaking, than in Hawkins, so. Yeah, I’m having a blast here.”
Robin granted him with a coy smile. Eddie took a second to appreciate her, she was stunning that night. She was wearing a lot of silvery jewelry, and a smudge and sparkly eyeliner made her eyes look impossibly large. She had a pink lock of hair now. Big worn out Doc Martens and purple plaid flannel over a cut off gray shirt tucked in belted and high-waist ripped jeans.
God, she looked beautiful (and not because of her very much flattering outfit, because she was wearing an attitude where she actually didn’t feel awkward in her own skin anymore), but he still couldn’t understand how it took him more than three months to realize that she was friends with Dorothy too.
Eddie bit his cheek and smiled, dimples showing. She was busy looking at her red solo cup. Too busy.
“Okay, Birdie, spill the tea.”
Robin looked at him, arching an eyebrow.
“I’m not—” Robin started, exasperated. “It’s not like—” 
Oh, wow. So, there was really something bothering her. She took a deep breath and then looked back at Eddie, soft expression.
“It’s nothing, really.”
“It doesn’t feel like nothing.”
Eddie thought for a second what he was going to say next.
“Look, I know I’m not your platonic soulmate, but if you want to talk about anything, you know I’m your humble servant, Ladybird,” Eddie said, with a compliant smile, hand in over his heart. “If you want your other half over here to spill your guts, I can go after him and drag his squeezy ass back here.”
Robin cackled at that.
“And if you don’t want to talk at all tonight, we can focus on how that hot punk girl over there has been checking you out for ever, now.”
Robin turned around and interchanged glances with her, who gave her a brief, suggestive smile. Robin bit her lip and looked at Eddie, hiding a smile.
“That’s Gwen, she’s in my philosophy class. She’s smoking hot , indeed,” Robin said.
Eddie looked at her with a wry face. He made a wordless gesture to go for it with her.
“We’ve already actually, um—”
Robin took a little bit too long sip of her nasty beer. Eddie smiled widely, and laughed.
“Oh, Buckley, look at you, you are such a menace now,” Eddie teased.
“Shut up, Munson. It was just one time.”
“So, you actually got to learn a thing or two from Steve, huh?” 
She slapped his arm, muting him to shut up again, but Eddie only laughed harder. She was going full red now.
“Oh, come on. It’s a good thing! Did you have fun?”
“Yeah, yeah, I did. It was fun, but, can we just not—?”
“Okay, fine.”
Eddie raised his hands in surrender. 
Robin looked around, and then Eddie realized.
“You’re waiting for someone, aren’t you?”
Robin sighed and looked at him. 
“And here I thought that you were expecting to spend the night with us, your friends,” Eddie said, in a dramatic tone.
“I am. It’s just— Do you wanna dance?” she blurted out, fast. Robin was acting weirder than usual tonight, Eddie could tell.
“To Madonna ?” Then Eddie realized that Gwen was approaching. The clawing hand on his forearm and the panicked look on Robin’s eyes was enough for him to accept. 
He took her by the hand and guided her to the mass of sweating, smelling bodies, and not a word was said, when he spun her around and they started dancing.
Okay, there were some blank spaces in this narrative that Eddie didn’t have. Robin looked so confident just a minute ago, and then this Gwen punk appeared and she seemed to want to crawl out of her own skin again.
“Birdie, I don’t mean to pry but you’re fucking weird tonight. Do you need help or something?”
“Can’t we just dance?”
“Babe, the weird thing about you wanting to dance is that you can’t bet to not trip over your own feet while just standing . What’s wrong? Is this girl, is she bothering you or something?”
Eddie cursed Steve in his mind. Where was he? He was supposed to go down to grab some drinks but that was forever ago. Whatever that was upsetting Robin, this was Steve’s field. Not that Eddie didn’t know how to comfort her, or that he wasn’t to be trusted, but it was clearly that she would feel more comfortable with him around.
Eddie grabbed Robin’s hand.
“I’m going to get Steve.”
“No, no, no!” She looked really panicked. Robin pursed her lips, stopped dancing and cursed under her breath. “Fuck, okay, come with me.”
Eddie followed her lead. She took him out of the dorm, and crossed the crowded hall to the stairs that went to the roof. The building roof was empty, except for some smokers. 
It was a quiet place.
Eddie observed Robin. He let her find the words and the strength to actually tell him whatever she needed to share. 
He didn’t pressure her.
Eventually, she turned to him, and took a deep breath.
“There’s something I need to tell Steve, but I’m not sure if our friendship will survive this bomb.”
Eddie was perplexed.
“What? Robin, what are you talking about? Steve will never break your friendship, he loves you.”
“He won’t once he finds out.”
Eddie frowned his eyebrows. He saw her sitting on the floor, and he sat in front of her without saying anything.
“You were right before, I am expecting someone to show up. I’m—shit, I’m kind of seeing someone. Well, not kind of. I’m seeing someone.”
“But Birdie, that’s great. Wait, is it that Gwen? That’s why you didn’t want to be seen with her before? Didn’t want Steve to find out before you could tell him?”
“What? No. This kind of has to do a lot with her but, no, Gwen and I—It was at the beginning of the semester, we started talking and she was nice. It kind of reminded me a little bit of you—”
“—and it had been like three weeks, and I was missing you guys a lot, and I wasn’t making any friends, and she was just like me , and she’s so hot, god damn, and I didn’t know how it happened but we had sex—” Robin stopped to take a shaky breath in and calm herself. “And don’t get me wrong, it was so hot. I wanted it, okay? And—And she was so nice after. But then I felt like shit, like the day after, and I didn’t know why because I wanted it so bad . But maybe I made a mistake because I wasn’t ready. I—” Robin gulped and looked away. “I hadn’t even kissed anyone before her. I didn’t even tell Vickie I had a crush on her. I had my first kiss and my first time in the same night, and I was so confused the day after. So confused, Eddie. I wanted it. I really, really did, but I felt like shit. Like I was the worst.”
Eddie listened carefully, trying not to interrupt her, but he got himself drowned by the sinking feeling of the understanding.
“I believe that I was going through a lot. Everything was new, I didn’t feel like I had to really hide myself that much, because my family wasn’t around, so. I don’t know, it took me a while to understand that maybe I got overwhelmed, and I felt lonely and maybe I went all the way with Gwen because I just didn’t know what to do with this—this ball of feelings. I felt like shit because—because I know I had my first time for the wrong reasons, and that’s nothing to do with Gwen, because she was splendid before, during and after, believe me, but—” Robin gulped around a lump that was forming on her throat, so Eddie finished the sentence for her.
“You didn’t have feelings for her.”
Robin looked at her hands, slightly nodding. She was playing with a piece of paper that was lying around, destroying it mindlessly.
Eddie felt terrible after hearing that. He felt even worse because he had teased her a little bit about Gwen before. Well, his goddamn mouth.
When Robin didn’t speak for the following minute, Eddie intervened.
“Birdie, I’m so, so sorry that you went through that. You must have felt so lonely and confused. Are you okay now?”
Robin looked at him, and sighed.
“Yeah, I mean. I’d been feeling like shit for weeks until I figured it out, but. Yeah, I don’t know, Eddie,” she flexed her knees, bracing her own legs. “I just don’t think I was ready for it, that’s all.”
Eddie waited a little bit for her to continue, but when he understood she wasn’t going to, he asked:
“Why didn’t you call? You know, we miss you too, a lot . Steve mentions you at least once a day.”
“I was embarrassed.”
“Why? Robin, we wouldn’t have judged you at all! We support you no matter what, I think we could’ve even taken a trip earlier to see you if we knew you were going through this!”
“I know! I know. I shouldn’t have felt that way.”
“I’m not saying that.”
“No, I am. But I felt that way, and I really didn’t want anyone to tell me that, because I already knew. Besides, Steve and I have been talking about my doomed love life for like, ages, and—I just, I don’t know. I got some action and it got me spiraling and I didn’t want to face this conversation with Steve.”
Eddie was going to refute that rambling, but Robin continued.
“ I know ! What you’re going to say, believe me, I know. I should have been able to talk about this with him, and I feel bad that I didn’t, that I—that I called Nancy instead.”
Eddie felt where that was going before she kept speaking. He raised a hand, covering his mouth. His eyebrows frowned, and his eyes were fixed on a very uneasy Robin in front of him.
“I didn’t know Nancy knew about you.”
“That’s because she didn’t. I didn’t tell her before, but—but I called her, and she wasn’t far, and she came by. And we—I don’t know, she’s so sweet and so fearless,” she laughed a bit, her cheeks stained in red. “How is that possible, huh? She can be so frightening, point a gun to your head, but then she’ll do whatever in her hand to make you laugh? To make you feel… less lonely. Not a—not a big error .”
Robin then, after what it felt ages, gazed directly at Eddie, and god, whoever said the eyes were the windows to the soul was so damn right.
“Shit, Robin—”
“She was going to come tonight, too. We were going to tell Steve together.”
Eddie covered his face with his hands.
This was bad.
This was real bad.
Eddie knew for sure that Steve would be happy for them if they were happy together, but he knew Steve. He would be hurt, too, for more than one reason.
Not that long ago, Steve still had inconclusive feelings towards Nancy. They had history together. 
Robin, his soulmate, had kept a secret from him, and they shared everything. God, if Eddie knew something about these two is that their friendship hadn’t met any boundaries yet. And this time, Robin didn’t want to talk explicitly to him.
Also, Robin had decided to trust Eddie before Steve, too.
And, well, she apparently had feelings for his first love, so. There was that.
“I’m assuming correctly that what you and Nancy were going to tell Steve tonight is not that you had your first time with Gwen, right?”
Robin nodded, shortly.
“We’ve been—uh, we’ve been seeing each other for a few weeks now.”
“I see,” Eddie said under his breath. But then he frowned and looked at her, “I’m sorry, this is not any of my business, but isn’t it too fast? I mean, the whole Gwen thing, and then you regretted it because you didn’t know what you were feeling, and all that jazz. Are you sure you’re going to be okay? I mean, you two guys are friends, and I know that you know it’s overwhelming this first semester. Robs, are you sure about this? I really, really don’t want you to get hurt. Any of you.”
That included Steve, too.
“Eddie—I had feelings for her before. It’s not—it’s not a rushed thing. I think I’ve been feeling for her this way since—you know.”
“Yeah. Fuck. Yeah, I know.”
Eddie was happy for her. For them both. He really was, truly. But a part of his heart was with Steve, anticipating what was going to be a sad journey for him. He won’t hint how he was truly feeling to Robin or Nancy, but he knew that he would speak his soul to Eddie. And Robin knew Steve as well as Eddie did, now. 
And she knew that, too.
“Please, don’t tell any of this to Steve. Not before I do.”
Eddie closed his eyes. 
Fuck, he’s shit keeping secrets. 
“It’s not my place to say anything,” Eddie said, pained for having to keep yet another secret to Steve. 
Robin sighed, relieved.
“Thank you, Eddie.”
“But please, if you plan to do it, do it soon. We all know that he deserves to know.”
Robin nodded. Then he offered her the hand, and she took it. He pulled her in for a hug, and whispered to her ear that he was thankful she trusted him, and that he was glad if she was happy now. 
Robin hugged him tighter.
“What about if we go back and look for Harrington? He’s either lost or looking for us.”
Robin nodded, and smiled.
“Yeah. I don’t know where he went.”
Robin and Eddie entered the stairs, passing by a few couples making out in the dark, when they both froze with the sight in front of them.
There, in the privacy of the indoor stairs there was another couple loudly kissing. Hard.
And one of them was Steve, trapped between the wall and the mouth of a six foot two tall, jacked, blond guy.
Two things happened at once.
1. Robin grabbed his arm and pulled Eddie back to the roof, shutting the door, making the sight of Steve devouring another man disappear behind it.
2. Eddie’s heart broke in a million pieces.
Robin dragged him fast to a quiet area, and put both hands on Eddie’s face, forcing him to look at her.
“Eddie, okay, shit. Okay. Eh—”
Robin was about to have a nervous breakdown.
“Listen, Eddie. I know that you’re a friend and to be trusted, but, what we just saw, it never happened, okay?”
“No, no, I need you to listen. This? This is a dream,” Robin started waving her hands, looking at him straight in the eye. “This is a dream, whatever is happening in those stairs you just dreamed it , capisce ?”
“Jesus, Rob—”
“I’m fucking serious, Eddie,” she said, high pitched, making a few people to look in her direction. Her hands were trembling. She held Eddie’s face in place again. “Holy fucking shit—” she said under her breath, “holy fucking shit!”
Eddie felt like he was on autopilot. He held her arms, keeping her in place.
“It’s okay,” Eddie said, almost without a voice.
“Why are you not freaking out?”
“Because he told me, Robin. That he’s bi. I know he told you, too.”
Robin looked at him and her expression changed.
“I won’t rat him out, okay? It’s fine. It is fine.”
“We can stay here to give him—uhm—privacy, yeah? I bet he can’t do this in Haw—Hawkins. He’s entitled to have fun. It’s fine .”
He didn’t remember Robin’s hand were in his face until she started wiping his cheeks with her thumbs.
“Eddie, babe. You’re crying—”
“It’s fine.”
Now he could feel his heart clenching, and all the air being sucked out of the world. He could feel his face growing hotter, and wetter, and his own shoulders shaking almost violently.
Robin lifted her arms and hugged him close. It took him a second or two, but he hugged her back.
“He can’t know. Please, don’t tell him. Please .”
“Okay. Okay.”
She entangled her hands in his hair, and he hugged her tighter. He was shaking.
“ Please ,” Eddie said again.
He blinked a few times, trying to control his own breathing, his shaking, his body. 
Eddie let out a sigh and loosened the embrace, until they were not touching anymore. He was under Robin’s gaze, and it took him a bit to calm himself.
When he had enough self control, he spoke again.
“Do you recall the whole capisce speech you gave me? Same here. You never saw any of this. If you think you did, you dreamed it. None of this ever happened, okay?” Eddie said as calmly as he could, but his voice was in a strange forced pitch, and still a little bit shaky.
Robin nodded.
“Yeah. Yeah, okay.”
With a deep breath, Eddie leaned in the wall, facing the skyline of Chicago in the middle of the night. After a few minutes, Robin asked her since when he was feeling that way for Steve, and Eddie shrugged. He couldn’t pinpoint it, really. She joked about now understanding about his squeezy ass. 
He laughed a bit, but then he spoke, after a silence and a deep breath, because he was shit keeping his own secrets.
Eddie told her that he’d been feeling like this for Steve for quite a while now. That he didn’t expect them to become friends, that he thought Steve would stop spending time without him after the apocalypse. And then after he recovered. And then, after she and Nancy left for college and school started again.
That everytime he expected Steve to leave, he was surprised because he didn’t. That he noticed every little bit of Steve and he loved every quirk of him, that they became closer, and they trusted each other with their own deep secrets and family history.
That he made him laugh until he couldn’t breathe.
That Steve had become the best part of his day.
That he knew that Steve was still struggling with his own internalized homophobia since he sort of hinted that he felt that he had to fight against it.
That Eddie wanted to come clean, pour his heart into his, give him his everything, and that it would be a problem.
That Eddie knew that he had no future in Hawkins, that he had to leave sooner or later, and he wasn’t sure Steve would do such a thing.
Eddie didn’t want to risk what he had with Steve, even if at the end of the day was not enough . 
Eddie kept talking about how much in love he was, how heartbroken, until his voice even out, and two figures came into sight.
“Holy shit, where the hell were you? I’ve been looking for you for ages !” Steve said.
Eddie and Robin turned their heads to him. Then they shared a brief look. 
“Look who I found at the party!”
Nancy smiled at them and waved. She had a red cup in her hand, and, if Eddie didn’t know what he did know, he wouldn’t have noticed the look in Nancy’s eyes when she looked at Robin.
“Hi Nance! I thought you weren’t coming.”
“Well, my car broke down, and I tried to call, but no one would pick up.”
Robin and Eddie nodded. 
Nancy went next to Robin, and they both looked at the skyline, having a quiet conversation. Steve walked and leaned next to Eddie, also looking at the horizon. 
It was obvious that both Nancy and Steve had been drinking.
“I went for drinks and when I came back you and Robin were nowhere to be found. You were here all the time?”
Eddie looked at him. Steve was shamelessly looking back, dead in the eye.
“Yeah, we were here. Sorry we bailed, we didn’t know where you went, either.”
“It’s okay. It’s nice out here.”
Steve offered him his own drink, and Eddie took it with a smile. He took a sip.
The sight of Steve’s lips, pink and kiss swollen didn’t definitely feel like a dagger to his heart.
The soft sigh leaving Steve’s body, while he rested his head on Eddie’s shoulder, looking at the infinity, didn’t definitely feel like dying .
“Did you have fun tonight?”
“Yeah. Did you?”
Please, say no. Lie to me.
“It was meh. I missed you.”
“You did?”
Eddie’s voice was small and fragile, but Steve was drunk enough not to notice. He shouldn’t be looking for reassurance, but some needy part inside of him, needed to hear it, even if it was while he was under the influence of alcohol, and not everything that came out of his mouth was reliable.
“Yeah. You know I do. You make everything better.”
Eddie closed his eyes, swallowing around the lump in his throat.
“And what did you do up here?”
We shared some secrets that we’re keeping from you .
“Nothing, just—Nothing.”
“Hm,” Steve hummed. 
Eddie knew the signs. First, the leaning, then, the humming. He didn’t have to look to know that Steve’s eyes were closed.
Eddie lifted a hand to Steve’s hair, lacing his fingers in it. Steve let out a happy breath.
“Is this okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, it’s perfect.”
The four of them eventually sat against the wall, and it took no more than ten minutes until Steve’s breathing even out, and he was fast asleep. How he could sleep anywhere was something that none of them fully understood.
Robin was looking at Eddie, he knew. But Eddie didn’t have it in his heart to look back at her.
He just kept stroking Steve’s hair for a while longer.
For as long as Steve let him do that.
For as long as the secrets don’t destroy him.
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jumping-joey1104 · 1 year
Heya, can I get a Creepypasta matchup?
My name's Altair/Al, I'm 19, Bisexual and go by they/them but he/him or she/her works too! I'm 5'7, with black, really choppy (as in kitchen scissors at 3am type choppy) short hair and dark brown (almost black) eyes. My fashion sense is all over the place tbh, but i usually wear the same 3 oversized black band tees all the time along with baggy jeans (that are somehow still too long even when i wear them with 4 inch platforms) and a bunch of random accessories (i fidget with them alot when i'm anxious). 100% an introvert, but I can warm up to people pretty quickly though. Not sure if I think alot before i act lol, i kinda just do whatever comes to mind (and may or may not regret it later), I kinda just laugh at any bad situations that comes my way (and panic about them internally). I draw in my free time, also tried to play the guitar at some point, and spent way too many hours googling random facts on the internet (usually about animals and human biology). My favorite genres of music are emo, 80s rock and some metal, but im always down for any other genres aswell. I also have a very... questionable, sleep schedule, I either sleep at 8pm and wake up at 4am, or sleep at 4am and wake up at 1pm. I also have 2 cats (Lizard and Tangerine) and a dog (Shortie). Not really the most physically affectionate person but my friends told me i give nice hugs lol.
-Thank u for your time <3
Alright alright! This one was a bit difficult to do but I have come to a decision! No I did not spend all night looking through old wikis and forgetting about my ask box
Zero is not that well known in the mansion, she's much more abrasive and rude than the rest of the female creeps
But one night she walks in on you cutting your hair with scissors over a sink and something just clicked
Definitely seems like the opposite of you sometimes, but you'd be the first friend she had in a long time
So be prepared for her to be the overprotective extrovert of your friendship
She's probably steal your accessories all the time, but with her being color blind (Monochromacy) she can't tell if they match her outfit
Be prepared to see her in her normal black and white stripes with jarring colored accessories
God help anyone that is slightly mean to you because she'll destroy them mentally
She'd probably ask you to help her with pranks at some point, but know that her pranks often go too far
She's not that physical either, given her upbringing in a bad home and the bullying
However she loves your laid back personality and how you react to things, thinks it's funny in an endearing way
She doesn't sleep... only passing out when she gets way too tired, so she'll stay awake with you the moment you say you cant sleep
She's never had pets so she's a bit nervous that your cats wont like her and tries to stay away from them
During dating Zero is much kinder, she's still got a bit of Alice in her even after taking over so she has the fear that it's all some joke to be played on her
Constant gifts, you'll find new boots and accessories all the time from her just giving them to you
Although she can't tell the difference between light pink and a light grey so heads up
If she sees you with one of the gifts she gets ecstatic, a ton of compliments and attention
The thought that you actually like her enough to wear the things she gets for you makes her knees weak
She's only had one person really care for her like you do so she's even more protective now
If she sees someone talking to you in a slightly flirty tone or a mean tone there will be a glare down from her
This is when she becomes more affectionate to you please give her a hug she needs it but is still a bit wary with it
Cuddles with her are top tier, she will not let go and makes sure you're comfortable with pillows and blankets
Zero will listen to every weird fact you tell her, yeah she'd make fun of it every once in a while but never interrupts you when talking about weird things you found on the internet
She'll start warming up to your pets, passing out whenever they come snuggle up to her
This is how she finds out she's a dog person, your poor dog will also be just as spoiled as you
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lostography · 2 years
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Age 31. I dip my hands in a plate of purple paint and smear the paint across my bare back. A violent, violet mess across the flesh. The paint is watery and thin, cold on my hands and skin. A declaration of war. I click the self-timer on my camera. Once. And then again. And again. The body as canvas. The body as art. Or perhaps, the body as conflict. 
The body, a blank slate. These stories could belong to anyone.
_ _ _
Age 3. A snapshot in a photo album. I am wearing my mother’s white slip and it’s falling off my bare shoulders. I have on somebody else’s sunglasses, and I’m straddling a stick pony. My satisfaction with life is written clearly across my face. I am a child who would prefer to be running buck naked in the streets but playing dress up is second best to that. This body is wholly, delightfully my own. 
_ _ _
Age. 7 A new town, a new school. I’m a week late for second grade, and just trying to catch up. The popular girls wear sticky sweet lip gloss and apply roll-on glitter around their eyes. They wear tank tops and short shorts and flip-flops; it’s after all August in the desert, and the heat is thick. But in my house, we don’t wear tank tops or short shorts. Now that I’m getting older, tank tops are not modest. Instead, I wear my sister’s hand-me-down t-shirts, jean shorts to my knees, and old sneakers. I know I don’t look like the popular girls. When I don’t get an invite to M.’s eighth birthday party, the one where everyone gets to take a hot air balloon ride, I can’t help but wondering if this is why. 
_ _ _
Age 8. I am in the dressing room of JC Penney’s trying on jeans, with my mother waiting just outside the door. My age matches my size and this feels important to me. I step out of the dressing room to show off my stiff new jeans. Bootcut. I don’t remember if my mother tells me I look good or if she tells me she likes the jeans. What I do remember is she tells me I look so skinny. And I know enough to know that skinny is good. We buy the jeans. 
_ _ _
I ask other women to tell me the stories of their bodies. I want to know how and when that self-consciousness sneaks in. I want to know how they were taught to relate to their bodies and by whom. The narratives become complex quickly. They want to talk about diets, God, sexuality, and shame, but also self-worth, acceptance, and celebration. Do I write about one thread, and leave the others for another time? There is too much to untangle, each thread intricately connected to another. I attempt to write it all. The body, a complicated tapestry.
_ _ _
D. and her family are on their way to visit D.’s aunt in her new home. D. must be about twelve, maybe thirteen. They pull up into the driveway, and her aunt comes out to greet them. Her aunt is the wild one of the family, known for her blunt and crass nature. D. is barely out of the car before her aunt looks her up and down and says, Geez, you sure are getting chubby! D.’s mother pipes in, I keep telling her she needs to be more careful about what she eats! 
They take a picture in front of the new house. D. slouches behind her sisters, ashamed for the first time of her body, mortified at being photographed. She pulls her denim jacket close around herself in hopes of hiding even more. 
After that, she starts wearing that same denim jacket with every outfit, determined to keep on hiding.
_ _ _
K.’s friends love to play with makeup and clothes. K. is seven and unsure if she’s supposed to like these things, too. They introduce her to the Barbie movies, the Bratz TV series, and online dress up games. She thinks, This is what pretty girls look like.  Enormous eyes. Tiny waists. Shiny blonde hair.
They keep playing dress up through the years. She lets her friends doll her up, do her hair, put on her makeup. This is how she learns she’s not what the pretty girls look like. Eyes too small. Hair too mousy. It’s not as easy to change in real life as it was in those online dress up games. 
_ _ _
Age 12. In church, we learn what not to do with our bodies. The list is long and covers everything from what we don’t take in, to what we don’t take on. I don’t fully understand the mechanics of sex, but I know it’s on the very top of that long do-not list. Second only to murder. But murder rarely makes into church lessons. 
In a class of a dozen tween girls, our teacher passes around a white, silk rose, instructing each of us to take a turn drawing our mark on it. When the rose has made it through the circle, she holds it up for us to see how clearly tainted it is by our casual touching. Look how dirty this rose is. Who would want this rose now? 
_ _ _
I want to leave religion out of this. I want to say conservative Christianity has no role in this. But I can’t. I can’t when woman after woman tells me about what she learned in Sunday school and youth groups about her body: Cover up. Look good enough to find a husband, but not “too” good. Cover up. Don’t give boys the wrong idea. Cover up. Don’t make it hard for boys and men to control their thoughts. Be pure. Be modest. Be giving. Be angelic. Be sure to cover up. 
And we did. We kept our shorts and skirts just above the knees. We covered our shoulders. We layered tank tops under t-shirts to hide our bellies and our breasts. Nothing too tight. Nothing too sheer. 
Don’t use your body for attention. Modest is hottest. 
No special occasion is special enough to bend the rules.  
_ _ _
Age 17. A dress made of white eyelet lace. It fits my body like a glove, flaring out slightly at the waist, the hem falling just a few inches above the knee. I love the dress the way only a teenage girl can love a dress. It is that belief that this dress will change everything. I will never stop believing in the power of sartorial magic. But first, a knit bolero to cover the spaghetti straps. And bobby pins to hold the bolero in place. And another white skirt layered underneath the dress so it’s not too short. And suddenly, I don’t love the dress anymore. 
_ _ _
Another dress. This one belongs to A. She is seven, maybe eight, getting custom measured for a waltz dress. She is competing in ballroom dancing, and not for the first time. The seamstress, who has measured her before casually comments, Interesting, you are bigger on the waist than last time, but you haven’t grown taller.  
_ _ _
C. recalls being very, very young. This is what the adults praise her for: You have such big, beautiful eyes! What a pretty little girl! 
_ _ _
L.’s father-in-law always tells his granddaughter: You have such pretty eyes! I love you so much! Always, in that order. 
_ _ _
Age 31. Here is the scene: a baby shower. A spread of food. Tiny quiches. The obligatory vegetable tray with ranch dip in the middle. Lemonade. And a tempting three tier display of strawberry cookies with pink frosting, wafting their summery scent through the kitchen. Let’s play a game: count how many women comment on how they really shouldn’t eat a cookie, but just can’t resist. Bonus points if calories are mentioned. The words, like a mantra, a prayer for forgiveness that must be uttered before eating. Carrots and cauliflower, penance for their crime. Cookies, a moral dilemma. Food as sin. 
_ _ _
Age 17. The body as sin. If you dress like that, no good church boy is going to be attracted to you. If you dress like that, you’re making it hard for that good church boy to keep his thoughts clean. If you dress like that, you become walking pornography for that good church boy. If you dress like that, clearly you’re asking for it.
_ _ _
No sweets after nine!
No sugar until Christmas!
Cut back on the carbs!
These are the love notes our mothers wrote to their bodies, year after year, posted on refrigerator doors, mirrors, and inside pantries. The body, an unruly lover, always something to be kept in check.  
_ _ _
Age 24. He leaves me little love notes, tucked into the windshield wipers on my car, hidden in the books I carry to class, and left with small gifts on my front porch, and in the notes, he tells me I’m beautiful. 
He also tells me, in the dark, his hands wrapped around my waist, Don’t take this the wrong way, but it’d be so hot if you gained like twenty pounds. 
He tells me I look beautiful without any makeup on, while we sit on the edge of a canyon, waiting for the sunrise, enjoying the strawberries and cream he’s surprised me with just for the occasion.
He also tells me about how his mother gets up at the crack of dawn to get ready, so she has her hair done and a full face of makeup on by the time his father gets up. He tells me this with admiration, as though this is an expression of love: always putting forth effort to look your best and hide your worst. 
_ _ _
When A. is a child, she learns quickly that skinny girls who show lots of skin are the pretty ones. Her family doesn’t go to a church. There’s no one to shame her into covering up. She dresses how she wants. She watches her mother, a dancer, fighting to stay a certain size. This is one lesson. But she also sees how confidently her mother presents herself at any size. This is another lesson. She watches the way her father always looks at his wife like she’s the most gorgeous woman in the world. Even when her mother goes bald from fighting cancer, and gains a hundred pounds from being bedridden and in treatment, even then, her father can’t take his eyes off the woman he loves. This is the final lesson.
_ _ _
Age 25. He had wanted a good church girl, but not too good, someone who could talk doctrine and talk dirty. The sexy saint. It was exhausting trying to be that girl, but not lose myself in the process. In the end it was me who walked away from that relationship, but months later, it still stings. When I see him with his new girlfriend, I wonder if he’s found what he’s looking for, if he’s found someone who can be that impossible both. She has curves in all the right places. She probably gets up early to do her makeup, too. I doubt he tells her he'd like her to be thicker. But still, I wonder if she questions if she’s enough.  
_ _ _
Age 31. At the baby shower, X. has brought her youngest daughter, who is just shy of two-years-old. Her daughter plays with puzzles on the floor. X. discusses an upcoming tropical vacation. In preparation for the trip, she’s trying to be careful with what she eats. A body like hers isn't readymade for a tropical vacation and must be edited into a slimmer version. Food, a minefield to be tiptoed through, there solely to thwart her efforts. The other women chime in. There is nothing women bond over more than the shaming of their own bodies. X’s daughter interrupts, tugging at her mother’s shirt; she can’t fit the puzzle pieces together on her own. 
_ _ _ 
Baby R. has recently turned one years old. In the video her mother shares with me, she has just discovered her tummy and her fabulous, herniated belly button. She keeps pushing her belly button in, delighted by the way it pops back out each time. She pulls her shirt down and then quickly pulls it back up, pleased to find the belly button where she last left it. She lets both hands investigate her tummy, this new, uncharted territory. So much wonderful body to explore. 
_ _ _
Age 31 . There is purple fingerpaint all over my body, and on the carpet, and on my camera, proof of a messy exploration. Paint as a declaration of war? No. I don’t want to be at war with my body any longer. I am writing an agreement to cease and desist in purple fingerpaint across my flesh. It reads something like a love note. 
_ _ _
As K. nears the end of high school, after years of Sunday school lessons teaching her to be sweet and angelic, she decides to jump from the pedestal that religion has built for her. K. doesn’t want to feel like an angel. She wants to feel like a rockstar. She wants heavy eyeliner and dark eyeshadow. She wants leather jackets. Her rebellion is small, but it is her own. Her body is her own. 
_ _ _
Age 15. We play a game called Body, Body, Body. It is an elaborate game of hide-and-seek, each player adopting a role or a façade that must be adhered to for the duration of the game. It is a search in the dark for a hidden body. And when the body is found, the proclamation is made, Body, body, body! As though to say, look, look what I’ve found, hiding here in the dark all along. 
_ _ _
Age 31. Body, body, body, where is the body? I am still in the dark, searching for something hidden. I am reading about the body, talking about it, listening to podcasts about it. I am writing poetry and essays and fiction about it. I am studying photographs of the body and taking my own. I don’t know what I’m looking for. I am a war general studying the enemy to learn its tactics. No, I am lover, studying the beloved to learn its habits. No, I am a soul, studying the body to remember its mysteries. 
_ _ _
Age 26. Dracula, the ballet. The performance is incredible: everything from the set-design to the costuming, crimson and black and white, tension and contrast meet fluidity and beauty. But most of all, the dancing itself, the way Mina’s body responds to Dracula, the wordless conversation that flows between the two of them, each movement a brushstroke. The seductive surrender of giving your whole body so freely to a moment. 
_ _ _
C. is relearning the art of intuitive movement. In her thirties, and after giving birth to five children, her body and its movements have become strange to her. She puts on music and lets her body respond to the rhythm and move as it will. Even alone in this practice, a tiny sliver of self-consciousness sneaks in. But still, she relishes in the moment, that connection of intuition and movement, the self fully inhabiting the body. 
_ _ _
Age 26. A strange and lovely little incident. About three in the morning, I wake up with a stuffy nose. As I get out of bed to grab a tissue, I am struck by what a marvel the human body is, that within a matter of seconds I can go from waking to sleeping, from lying down to walking, with hardly a pause to stand in between and no thought to any of it. I feel within me a sense of wonder at the agility of motion, the perfection of muscle movement, grateful for a body such as this. This body I feel so constantly at war with will still do these gentle and good things for me.
_ _ _
Age 31. What I’ve forgotten from my faith is this: The body is also a temple. I am clearing away the cobwebs and the dust from years of ignoring it, from hiding it away. I am trying to invite God back in. I am apologizing for the years of shame and hate I’ve felt for this body and raging against everything that taught me to feel like that. He keeps reassuring me, It’s okay. It was never meant to be like this. You are okay. You are enough. And I feel held in the embrace of this newfound love. 
_ _ _
Age 25. We are perched on a cliff overlooking a vista of crimson and cream-colored cliffs, white sands, and wide expanses of desert. We’ve climbed 260 feet of rock face for this view. My first multi-pitch climbing route, and also my first route to involve trad climbing. My body did this hard and wonderful thing to get me here. I think of the second pitch, and the sandstone rock face I climbed, my climbing partner the unseen voice above me, encouraging me forward. The connection of body with earth, skin communicating with rock, legs and arms shaking, but still, moving forward, moving upward.
_ _ _
In her twenties, D. takes a fitness class. As they move their bodies, they shout collective affirmations, I am strong! I can do hard things! I am grateful to my body! The affirmations feel false at first. She feels like she is lying to herself. But slowly, she begins to believe them. She is strong. She can do hard things. She is grateful for her body. 
_ _ _
A. is moving across the country, packing up belongings from homes in two states as she goes, the whole of it in a whirlwind week. Her body is exhausted, and yet, here is she after already having packed up one house and driven hundreds of miles, packing up another house, moving heavy boxes and furniture. Her late mother’s fine China. The China cabinet itself. These things are important to her. This move is important to her. All day, she is thanking her body, asking her body to keep on going. And it does. When she finally lies down that night, she feels so grateful to her body, and thrilled at what it has accomplished. 
_ _ _
Age 31. Yoga class. The studio is in a community rec center. Pool tables are situated right next to the studio, and beyond that, table tennis and air hockey. During downward facing dog, you can hear the rhythmic ping of play, and the shouts over missed shots. The woman next to me is here in sweats, and her teenage daughter beside her in jean shorts. The yoga teacher plays Alessia Cara over the loudspeaker while we practice. This is not a retreat. Not an ashram. And yet, this space is holy. Here, my spirit finds my body. Oh, there you are. I’ve missed you. Here, for a brief, messy, and beautiful moment, my body stays balanced in crow pose. I am my body. The body is me. 
_ _ _
Age 6. Four little girls, sprawled on a rug, each resting their head on the belly of another, creating a pinwheel of bodies. This is the game: start laughing, fake, real, it doesn’t matter, just let laughter fill you from the belly up. And soon, whatever the laughter began as it becomes something real. The strange delight of feeling the laugh of another person and the way it only births more and more laughter. We can’t stop laughing. The pinwheel unravels and we are a heap of holy, happy bodies, beaming bright with laughter. 
- Excerpt from “Body, Body, Body,” Valerie Owens
PC: Valerie Owens
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kuroosdarling · 2 years
aimsss my headcanon for you & semi is that he only buys clothes he thinks you’d like to steal & is actually pouty if you don’t immediately ask to borrow one of his new shirts 🤭 I also feel like he likes to outfit match with you, either similar colors or style. It’s just the idea of everyone knowing you two belong together makes his heart race even though he’d never say it out loud <3
As for Jean, he strikes me as one of those ‘didn’t-want-a-pet-but-is-now-obsessed-with-said-pet’ person & he is constantly talking to Zelda about you. Things like ‘aims looked really pretty today didn’t she?’ or ‘I think aims is sad, what should we do about that?’. Also loves to cuddle with you two in bed, like a cuddle-train you hold Zelda & he holds you (bc he obviously is still poorly denying his endless love for you two) 💓
NANA PLS !!! i’m squealing sm rn hehe i could see semis pout oh my goodness he’d be so upset if i didn’t steal his clothes 🥺 sometimes i do it on purpose bc come on… his lil pout is precious <3 but i def see us coordinating fits ! especially when he gets famous we gotta look good for the paparazzi hehe
oh my goodness… jean and zelda. EEE excuse me while i combust !!! the thought of him talking to zelda … literally my heart just swelled !!!! they’d be so so cute together i’d come home to them cuddling on the couch (zelda always ends up favoring my s/o 😒… ) so i know she’d be all over him and he’d act indifferent about it the moment i walk in but rlly he was just talking to her in a lil baby voice and WAH !!!!!! now i need a jean n zelda cuddle pile 🥹🫶🏼
headcannons? :)
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jericho-williams · 6 months
Chap 3: Good Mornings.
I woke up to the sound one can only identify as Sebastian singing in the shower. It was horrible.
He had to have a shower when I first got here because my blood got everywhere. And, he made me clean it up. He said if I didn't, he was gonna chop off my other leg.
'Dad, if you don't shut up, I swear I'm gonna eat your food!' I hear Ariel yell from the other room. 'Fine! Just don't touch my food, I'll be out in a minute!' I hear him yell back before quietly going back to his shower. Ariel is now God.
'Ugh.' I groaned, opening my eyes and getting blinded from the light coming in from the window. I don't know if you can tell, but I don't want to get up. But I do when I realise Ariel said there was food. Yummy. I throw on some of Sebastian's clothes (damn, we really need to get me my own clothes) and make sure I look good. Who am I kidding, I always do.
I make my way downstairs, bumping into a few walls and tripping a few times because of my leg. 'Sup, Ariel!' I say awesomely.
Turns out that they had a spare room, and Sebastian said I could stay in there and to get comfortable since we have no idea when I'm gonna get back.
I still don't know what that weird object was or how it made that portal thing, or if I just imagined that, but I don't think I'm getting home anytime soon. The longer I stay, the weirder things get; I mean, powers? Magic? It all makes no sense.
Ariel turned to me as I entered the kitchen area. 'Hey, Eric,' She said, waving me over to the table that was now clean of all my blood, 'Hey! What ya got there?' I ask, gesturing to the food, 'breakfast, now eat it.' She says with a smile on her face, handing me my bowl.
Man, I love eating at things that I have recently lost a limb on.
I made Seb make some food for Ruby last night, and he was super startled when he found out she was now half dragon, but this morning she looked to have been given some dog food that I (with Ariel's money) bought on our way back from the forests. Her paws were all bandaged up and luckily, no dog limbs were lost.
After eating, and once Sebastian had come downstairs, Ariel had said that she needed to go and see a friend. She asked if I wanted to come along, and I was desperate to get out of the house.
'We better do something about your clothes,' she said, gesturing towards Sebastian's pirate clothes that were like a billion sizes too big for me. 'Yeah, not exactly practical for... well, anything.' I agree.
Ariel took me to the nearest busy areas of Emaia where we got food, ate food, and bought me some new clothes.
I got changed into my new outfit, in which I looked fabulous, with my old blue jumper that I fell in with, a pair of jeans, some black coverse because they're amazing, and a cool plain black choker necklace becuase they make me somehow even hotter. My jumper was one of the only things reminding me of my home. I was starting to miss my friends and parents.
My mum must be so worried, I mean, I've been gone for ages. And my sister! They're all going to have no idea what's going on. They might think I've been kidnapped or something!
Before I could dive anymore into my spiralling, Ariel announced that we had arrived.
'Here we are!' She said, bouncing on her heels. What the heck. No way is this where her friend lives. She had brought us to the very middle of the kingdom, and on a piece of land slightly higher than the rest, was one of the hugest freaking castles that I've ever seen (also the only one but this castle was pretty much out of a fairy tale).
The castle wasn't too far from the house, but it was huge. How did I not notice it?
The actual castle was built like the one you see at the start of Disney movies, but there was a path around the side with people who looked really busy.
'Let's go around back,' Ariel said, walking away before I had time to respond. 'Okay.' I say before slowly jogging towards her. She didn't even wait for me!
When we got to the back of the castle, I saw a bunch of people shooting targets with arrows, fighting with each other, or just chatting and watching a girl with yellow-blonde hair failing at hitting the target with her arrows, by a lot.
'So, who's your friend?' I say, not taking my eyes off the girl with the bow. 'He's probably inside right now, I'll go look for him. Stay here. 'Okay- and she's gone again. Wow.' I say before going over to the girl who still hadn't managed to hit the target.
With the way the people were watching her and laughing to their friends, it seemed like this had happened a lot. 'Hey,' I say, startling her from trying to set the arrow into the bow properly. 'You're doing that wrong.' 'I know, dummy.' She says in the most sarcastic voice I had ever heard, and I've been living with Sebastian! That says a lot. I was starting to like her already.
She went back to trying to shoot the arrow and missed so bad it almost hit one of the guys watching from the side, missing his head by an inch. 'Sorry Gabe!' She shouted as both of their faces started to go red. 'It's okay!' He shouted back to her. Ooh, someone has a crush. 'So, what's your name? I asked because I had no idea. I totally ship her and Gabe, though; that was adorable.
She looked back to me, her eyes rolling. Meanie. 'I'm Eleanor. Who are you?' Eleanor said, cocking her head to the side and sassily putting her hand on her hip. 'I'm Eric!' I tell her with a big smile on my face, stretching out my hand for a handshake (and getting completely ignored). Okay... rude.
'So, do you know Ariel?' I ask her, just now realising that this girl with pigtails is taller than me. Jeez. 'Ariel? Do you mean the girl the prince always hangs around?' She says as I tried not to laugh, I mean, Ariel? Friends with a prince? What? 'No, I don't think she could be friends with a prince.' I go as my laughs slip a little bit. 'Yeah, she's the baker's daughter, right? Blonde hair and everything. She's really nice, actually.' Ariel is friends with a prince. Ariel wants to introduce me, yes I, to a prince. Half of my life is literally just illegal stuff.
There is no way she wants me to be introduced to the prince when my dog is pretty much illegal.
1187 words
Published March 4th
Updated last March 10th
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