andreilslovechild · 1 month
Can you write Riko/Jean for Wellspring Wednesday? Thanks!
Jean has always been the type of person who surrounds himself with people. Even if it's only a few of them. At home in Marseille, he had a few friends and a sister. And that was enough. More than really. Then he came to America. To the nest. In the nest, he made do with Kevin. And whatever partner he had been assigned at the time. but Kevin was the only real friend he had.
So you can imagine how much it hurt when he left him.
For a while, Jean didn't know what to do. his partners were cold. Riko was angry and irritable. And so he was alone. But then things suddenly changed. Riko demanded Jean be his partner. It shocked him at first, Riko acknowledging him as anything but a bad pet, but he didn't dare say no, so he went.
But that one small change, that few hours more with each other, it allows Jean to see the cracks in his mask. And those cracks show him the real Riko. How his eyes flash with regret before they switch to anger, how he turns to his left as if hes expecting Kevin to be there, only to whip around to his right to give Jean an order, and how he stares at Kevin's side of the room with a mix of pain, anger, and longing. Kevin had been his whole world outside of Exy. Losing him had been like losing a limb. And suddenly, Riko isnt so bad. Suddenly Jean wanted to..help him. To try and make life a little easier, to get closer to him.
He stops acting out, even in his little ways. He starts to do little things for Riko to make the day easier. He listens. He remembers things and brings them up again. He puts extra Hinomaru rice on his own plate when the meal line has it just so he can give more to Riko. He spends time retaping Riko's stick when his own needs to be done because he knows Riko hates the feeling of the tacky residue it leaves behind on the handle, he makes sure Riko always gets his favourite shower where the water pressure is just right, the list goes on and on. And all these little things start to add up. Riko becomes kinder to him, not as quick to anger, he lets Jean sleep in his bed sometimes so he doesn't have to sleep on the floor, and he patches up his injuries whenever he gets them.
They fall into an easy rhythm, close enough that Jean can easily slip into Rikos bed and gingerly hold the smaller man to his chest, falling asleep listening to his quiet breaths and only mildly amused at the chastising he gets when the morning comes.
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thornilee013 · 12 days
Needle AU please!
Needle AU | WW 4.9.24
Revised portion from chapter one:
He kept a mental tally, even, of what brought his clients in. As it stood, the majority of his clients had come in with a specific design that had a personal meaning of some sort. There were, however, a fair number of people who came in wanting a surprise, and even fewer who came in out of pure curiosity.  Regardless of the reason that brought his customers under his needle, he enjoyed every second of their company. His clients’ stories and inspirations brought part of him back to life each day, and revitalized his determination to put forth his best work at any given moment. Every day that he spent working at the tattoo parlor was another day he was in control of his own life. 
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capcavan · 10 months
too lazy to fight with tumblr with logn post Riko/Jean where Jean gets to be emotionally and physically abusive where Riko craves to be punished and degraded because no matter how much therapy will he go through he will always despise himself for things he had done and he needs someone who hates him enough to punish him for it to maybe make him okay with being alive again. I want Jean do destroy him to enjoy destroying and hurting him because he deserves this satisfaction. But as months pass and wounds heal it is not as fun any more, they slow down they stop and start dressing the wounds. Jean watches as the bruises fade, he is still angry and mad but he knows that the worst thing he can do to Riko is to force him too stay alive. You are not going anywhere Riko
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brazos-del-leon · 1 year
Sé que no quisieras que mis lágrimas salieran al recordarte pero es imposible, no sé si llegue a conseguir el mismo amor que tenias y siempre dabas a otros.  Tu fuiste mi ejemplo muchas veces, dejaste un frío, la casa no volvió a ser la misma.  En todo caso... Uno de mis últimos suspiros se fue contigo.
-Jeanko U
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thornilee013 · 12 days
Needle AU for WIP Wednesday!!
Needle AU | WW 4.9.24
Revised portion from chapter one:
For a full minute, Jean was so taken aback that he couldn’t speak. Rage threatened to turn his tongue into a dagger and lash out at the man in violent verbal swipes, all while shock upon seeing the state of the man’s destroyed skin kept him silent. The scar alone was able to turn Jean's blood to ice. The sight of the other injuries coating the man’s skin that hadn’t been able to heal yet made his stomach churn, but for some reason, he couldn’t tear his eyes away. When Jean was finally able to make eye contact with the stranger again, Jean saw that he hadn't looked away from him for even a second. A flicker of an old and forgotten feeling stirred in Jean’s thoughts while he was pinned under the weight of the man's eyes: a distant memory of France, of the nightmare of a childhood he'd fought so hard to flee from. It was, however, that unpleasant sensation that helped him regain his voice.
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thornilee013 · 6 months
Hi, I'd love some more needle au 🪡
prev | Needle AU | WW 13.3.2024
Riko didn't respond, instead taking the opportunity to tie up his hair while they walked. "You're a fascinating person, Jean."
Jean scoffed. "I'm a nobody."
"Not to me."
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thornilee013 · 1 month
I hate to NEEDLE u
prev | Needle AU | WW 31.7.2024
Riko didn't respond. He was too busy looking at the small collection of lavender stems, or the outline of a raven, or the chains that crawled over his skin. With his other hand, he reached out and dusted his fingers over the drawings, pushing and pulling at the skin as if to test if they'd disappear.
"They don't belong on my skin," Riko finally said.
"I don't deserve them," Riko said, turning his arm to display the painterly drawing of a woman.
"Yet I gave them to you willingly anyway."
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capcavan · 10 months
PainterJean/SW Riko ! mused up with @leedee013 <3 - Jean Moreau is painter who looses his hand in accident after amputation he is beyond depressed - Riko is sex worker on hospital's call - Jean requests a man , he never before slept with a man he just wanted to be annoying expecting there was no man in the profession, he just wanted to be announce for nurse who will feel bad over giving him "bad"news - Riko is professional, he comes dressed in nurse outfit and shows him how things go - Jean is still depressed but he keeps seeing Riko , after leaving hospital they kept things casual, Jean's new goal is to capture Riko on one of his pieces, this means learning to pain with prosthetic and his other hand - it's frustrating and hard (painting as well) - slowly Jean's flat becomes filled with pictures of Riko " is my ass really that fat? "" yes" - Jean despises things he creates he's afraid he won't be able to learn to paint as well as he did before - Riko badly paints Jean on one of his empty canvases , Jean hangs it "so I can remind myself that I will never suck that much" - Jean managed to create the painting he dreamt of every night, when Riko was not around. He is in love- either with the work or it's subject. - Riko is used to having his heart broken, he always gets attached to his clients how can you not? in the sad hospital walls he is their heroin - but he's the one left with withdrawals after seeing each of his clients for the last time - Jean offers the finished painting to Riko, who does not accept the gift
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thornilee013 · 6 months
And Needle AU if you have the time 💜
prev | Needle AU | WW 20.3.2024
It came as a shock, then, when a week had passed but Jean hadn't seen Riko. Even more so when it had been longer than a week without running into his charity case. Jean tried to ignore the worry that gnawed on him as time went by with no sighting of his own, real-life personification of annoyance. I'm glad he's moved on, he would tell himself any time his heart was inflicted with a pang of worry. Finally, I get that time to myself back.
Unfortunately for Jean, he couldn't keep up his own charade once it had been two weeks without seeing Riko.
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thornilee013 · 5 months
I challenge you: Write FOUR sentences instead of three for the Pride Zine
prev | Needle AU | WW 10.4.2024
Of course, the universe had no mercy left for him. When Riko lifted his gaze from his task, Jean wasn't lucky enough to escape notice. Riko's attention landed on him with an almost tangible weight--an almost familiar pressure that Jean had nearly been able to forget. And yet, this weight didn't make Jean squirm or feel anxious like it had in the past. Instead, it was slightly...
Jean refused to let himself acknowledge that and picked up a brochure from the front desk and pretended that he was very, very interested in spinal alignment.
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thornilee013 · 6 months
Needle AU my dear - @jtl-fics
prev | Needle AU | WW 13.3.2024
"Ah, here's my stop. And there's yours," Riko said, taking a few steps away from Jean and heading backwards in the direction of his apartment. "I'll keep that in mind, though," Riko said, still donning a smile on his lips. "Have a nice night, Moreau."
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thornilee013 · 6 months
Wednesday!! needle today?
prev | Needle AU | WW 13.3.2024
Jean rolled his eyes. "In your dreams, Riko. Don't mistake pleasantries for affection."
"What are they then?" Riko pressed, nudging Jean's arm with his elbow.
"Simple decency. You could do to learn a bit of it."
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thornilee013 · 6 months
Needle AU please and thank you <3<3<3
prev | Needle AU | WW 13.3.2024
Jean refused to acknowledge that last comment with a response. "Refreshing," he echoed with a chuckle. "That's a new one, I'll give you that."
"Careful, Jean. I might think that you're starting to like me."
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thornilee013 · 6 months
I would also like to Needle you for a little more - @jtl-fics
prev | Needle AU | WW 6.3.2024
- "Fine by me," he muttered under his breath as he started to head back to the apartment. "Not like I could stop you by saying no, though."
"Correct," Riko said as he fell into step alongside Jean.
"So is that why you live across the street? To keep an eye on my roommates?"
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thornilee013 · 7 months
ah! hi! missed you! could we get some needle?
prev | Needle AU | WW 6.3.2024
Jean kept himself from flinching. Barely. "If you don't even care about yourself, then what do you care about?"
Riko's gaze became distant and dark. "What about you? Why are you so interested?"
Jean was pretty sure that, by that point, he could have murdered Riko and been excused from the crime simply by quoting what he'd said.
"Because nothing you do makes sense. There's a reason" Jean answered, throwing his hands up in the air. "Now answer the damn question!"
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brazos-del-leon · 4 years
A veces quisiera sentir ese amor del que tanto hablan las películas, sin tantos finales infelices.
“Jeanko Urbina.·
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