#jedianaprince writes
delucabishop · 7 years
Jealous Diana x Reader (requested)
You and Diana decided that you were going to get your Christmas shopping done early instead of last minute so you got ready to hit up the mall on this chilly Sunday afternoon. You both bundled up in jackets, hats, scarves and gloves and hopped in the car; Diana driving, obviously. She stopped at Starbucks on the way and ordered you a hot chocolate because she knew you couldn’t live without a nice warm hot chocolate on a cold winter’s day. You were grateful that she knew you inside and out. You drank your drink in silence as Diana focused on the road but it was still a nice and comfortable silence with holiday music softly playing in the background.
When you finally reached the mall, Diana parked and you both exited the car. You reached for Diana’s hand and she softly kissed your temple as you walked towards the entrance of the mall. You absolutely loved holding Diana’s hand in public, it made your heart soar. Diana swung your entwined hands back and forth and she looked at like you put the stars in the sky.
“Where to first, love?” Diana asked.
“Yankee Candle! I want to get my mom a holiday candle, she loves those!” You replied.
When you reached the store, you were immediately hit with a bunch of different candle scents. You loved it. You pulled Diana towards the holiday section. Diana almost falling in the process but she didn’t mind. You both instantly started smelling all the candles.
“Oh my god babe, smell this one.” You gave the candle to Diana.
Diana took a nice long sniff of the candle and her eyes lit up. “We have to get this one, this is totally the one. Can we also get one for our room? It smells soooo good!” Diana asked you.
“Okay,” you giggled.
As you went to grab another candle, you saw a woman walking towards you out of the corner of your eye. You turned to face the woman and your eyes immediately popped out of your head. You so did not want to see your ex of two years right now.
“(Y/N)? I knew it was you! How have you been?” She asked.
“Hi Nicole, I’m good. How are-,” before you could finish your question you heard your girlfriend clear her throat behind you. You turned around and saw Diana with her arms crossed and her left eyebrow raised with a death glare directly pointed at Nicole. You reached up to Diana’s crossed arms, uncrossed them and held her hand behind your back as you turned to face Nicole again. That seemed to calm Diana down a little but her eyebrow was still raised and the death glare was still evident on her face.
“Nicole, this is my girlfriend, Diana. Diana, this is my ex-girlfriend, Nicole.” You nervously introduced the two.
Diana saw Nicole look you up and down and that pissed her off. She was the only one allowed to check you out and she was about to make that known.
Diana pushed in front of you and held her hand out to shake Nicole’s.
“Hi Nicole, I am Diana Prince. (Y/N)’s girlfriend and future.” Diana shook Nicole’s hand and she shook it so hard that you were certain Nicole was going to have to ice her arm when she got home. Then Diana turned around, grabbed you by the waist and kissed you so hard and passionately that you forgot where you were and who was standing in front of you.
“If you don’t mind Nicole, we’ll be going now. I’m about to go buy my incredibly sexy girlfriend some Victoria’s Secret lingerie so she can model it for me in our bedroom tonight. Goodbye.” Before you could even react, Diana grabbed your hand and pulled you to the register so you could pay for the candles leaving behind a stunned Nicole.
“I love when you get jealous babe.”
“I was not jealous, I was simply showing her who you belong too.” Diana expressed.
“Sure babe,” You giggled.
Once you paid, you both made your way to VS. Diana picked out five pairs of lingerie for you because she couldn’t decide. She already knew your size so she quickly paid and pulled you out to the car. She sped home faster than she’s ever before.
Once you got home, Diana handed you the bag of Victoria’s Secret lingerie.
“Here babygirl, go put one on and wait for me in the bedroom. I’ll be up in ten minutes to rip it off of you.” 
You quickly ran upstairs to the master bathroom and got ready for a wild rest of your night. 
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delucabishop · 7 years
Diana Prince x Female Reader
{Please send me prompts. I’m looking to write a lot so anything is welcome.}
You sighed knowing you were going to bed alone again tonight for the fifth time this week. Diana has been with the other members of the Justice League every day and almost all night going over specific missions and people. You missed her terribly and have only seen her in the mornings when she’s getting ready to go to work. You didn’t know if you were more sad or mad at the fact that you’ve barely seen your girlfriend in five days. Definitely more sad. You know she’s only being a hero.
The last four nights you have texted Diana goodnight but tonight as you’re getting into bed, you decide that you’re not going to text her. You want her to know that something is wrong. You get as comfy in bed as you can without the presence of your girlfriend and shut off your bed side lamp. It takes hours for you to fall asleep because you’re alone and you hate being alone. As you stare at the ceiling in pitch black, a single tear rolls down your face but you quickly wipe it away. Eventually you are able to fall asleep clutching the blankets tightly around you. Usually you’re clutching Diana’s shirt but the blankets have had to do for the past five nights. 
At around 3:30 in the morning, you wake up to the sound of the front door opening. You hear the sounds of footsteps coming towards your room and you quickly shut your eyes, not wanting Diana to know you’re awake. You hear your girlfriend rummaging in the closet looking for an oversized tshirt. Diana only ever wears underwear and a tshirt to bed which you love. After Diana has finished changing, she gets into bed. Diana gently loosens the blankets that you are tightly clutching and gets under them. She scoots closer to you and cuddles into your back. Diana snakes her arm around your waist and holds your hand. “I’m sorry for not being around this past week baby. I’ll make it up to you. I love you more than you know,” Diana whispers into your neck thinking you’re asleep. You both end up falling asleep feeling pretty content, for now.
In the morning, you wake up to Diana changing into another fancy outfit getting ready to go back to work with the Justice League. You sigh and sit up in bed waiting for your girlfriend to acknowledge you. Diana slowly turns and faces you.  
“Can you please not leave today? I miss you Diana. I’ve barely seen you all week,” You whisper not making eye contact with her. A few tears fall down your cheeks.
Diana sadly looks at you. She takes off her coat, takes off her blouse and slides her pants down her legs until she’s only left in her bra and underwear. She throws her oversized tee back on.
“I knew something was wrong when I didn’t get my goodnight text last night. Of course I’ll stay home today baby. I thought you were mad at me so I didn’t want to overstep any boundaries until you were ready to talk.”
“I admit, I was a little mad at first but then I remembered that I share you with the world. Sometimes I forget that you’re Wonder Woman and you go off saving the world. I was mostly just sad that I’ve barely seen you in five days. I get very lonely, I’m sorry.”
Diana crawls onto the bed and lowers you back down. Both of your heads are resting on the same pillow and she looks deeply into your brown eyes as she brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
“Love, you have every right to feel the way you do. Your feelings are valid and just because I am who I am and I do what I do, doesn’t mean that you aren’t allowed to get angry with me. Yes, sometimes you have to share me with the world but baby, I’m all yours. I’m sorry for being away all week, it won’t happen again. I promise.”
“I love you Diana,” You smile at your girlfriend and kiss her lips. 
“Are you sure you don’t have to go see the Justice League today?” You asked.
“Yes, I’ll just text Bruce that I’m having mind blowing sex with my girlfriend all day and he won’t even question it.” 
“Oh my god, Diana.” Your face turns red and you hide in Diana’s neck.
“What? It’s true.” 
Before you even had time to react, Diana already had her lips on yours and it didn’t feel like she was stopping anytime soon. You were glad because you didn’t want her to stop.
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delucabishop · 7 years
Diana Prince x Female Reader
{This is my first fan fiction type writing so any feedback is welcome, I hope you enjoy it.}
Diana came home from work to (Y/N) sitting on their kitchen counter, leaning her head against the side of the fridge with tears streaming down her face. When Diana saw the tears, she instantly ran to (Y/N)’s side. Diana spread her legs and stood between them. (Y/N) wrapped her legs around Diana’s waist and wrapped her arms around Diana’s neck while burying her face in Diana’s neck as tears soaked her shirt. Diana had one hand rubbing circles on (Y/N)’s thigh and the other slid under her shirt scratching (Y/N)’s back up and down lightly to soothe her.
“My love, what is wrong?” Diana said with so much worry in her eyes.
“I just had an awful and stressful day at work and then came home and basically broke down.” (Y/N) expressed in between sniffles.
“Baby, why didn’t you call me? I would’ve left work in a flash to come to your rescue!”
“I know you would have which is exactly why I didn’t call you. I didn’t want you to have to leave work just to comfort me on a bad day. I didn’t want to be a burden.” (Y/N) said while practically sobbing now. 
“Oh love, you never burden me ever. You’re my greatest treasure. I would do anything for you, you know that right?”
(Y/N) nodded her head against her shoulder and sniffled. She took a deep breath and finally lifted her head to meet Diana’s eyes. She had a sad smile, tired eyes, tear streaks down her cheeks and messy hair but she was still the most beautiful woman Diana has ever laid eyes on, she was mesmerized. Diana lightly kissed her tears away and then kissed her soft lips and smiled at her.
“How about I get you into bed, put on Netflix and then I’ll cook us some dinner and after we eat, we can cuddle all night? I’ll take the day off tomorrow and it’ll just be the two of us all day. Would you like that love?” Diana said with a smile on her face.
“Yes, I would so very much love that but you don’t have to take tomorrow off. I’ll be fine.”
“But I want too!” Diana pouted.
(Y/N) kissed Diana’s pouty lips and softly said okay.
Diana picked (Y/N) up off the kitchen counter with her legs still around Diana’s waist and arms wrapped around her neck. She carried her up two flights of stairs to their shared bedroom. Diana carefully laid her on their bed, gave her a long and deep kiss, told her to pick a movie and said she’ll be right back as she went to go boil some water to cook mac and cheese, (Y/N)’s favorite.
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