luxcruor · 2 years
“ you know , i genuinely don’t think this could get any worse . ” - cal @ ruby
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the walls groan. " uhh Cal why would you?!----- Cal! " ruby shoves him aside before a boulder sized chunk of ice comes down where he once stood as the ceiling of the ice cave began collapsing around them. you never know until you hear for yourself how loud it is, ice cracking. her saber glows to life muscle memory taking over she becomes a blur of red and petals, the movement of her weapon auditory. the red blur travels through a massive ice stalactite careening down to where he stood slicing it in half. a massive crack now slithers it's way across the floor. gritting her teeth as she pushes off the wall toward cal. flexing her fingers to slow her speed enough with the force to wrap an arm around his waist before attempting another burst holding more weight. with screaming limbs ruby grunts in protest to her body. " hold on...!" she staggers before crying out to muster up enough of what she imagined as "volley-force." in a blink the two are soon rocketing toward the mouth of the cave as it continues to crumble. the air felt heavy, ruby's head starts to become cloudy the sounds fading away as she pushes past her body's limit. just a bit more... ( she had to save them! ) the world starts to blur and her body begins to arch down in the air head lulling down. she picks up a distant voice before the world goes black. ' * I FORGOT THE MEME_/ -* / @jediliad
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luxcruor · 2 years
❰❰ head kiss ❱❱ sender kisses receiver on the forehead - post calquisitor for ruby 🙂
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keeping watch for a sniper wasn't simple. she had to be on constant guard for a flash of a lens. she'd snatched some sort of electronic view-finder from an unconscious trooper's helmet, scanning the surroundings for her. using the force next to the inquisitors hideout was like lighting a bright silver flare in a dark cave. her hand grips the "borrowed" blaster tighter as they make their way further into the tree-line. the building lifted out of sight as they made their way carefully down the steep incline. it was like any hill back on Patch 2.. except this was Kashyyyk.. way steeper hill. branches and rough leaves smack at her face as they gain momentum but the end was in sight. the end of the incline was approaching blindingly too fast.
" wooaaah okayyy ha! here we go.. here go." she encourages ( mostly to herself ) legs sore and stiff from sitting in the interrogation chairs she still decides to roll. feet bumping into a root sends her tumbling the rest of the way like a log instead. her vision is rattled as she bounces off something hard scrapping against her leg and bringing her slide to a violent halt. ruby skids a few feet as the leaves and dirt cradle her. " nngh here we don't.. i guess. why am i so clumsy at the worst times.. " she huffs out. suddenly something soft makes her eyes shoot open. a familiar sensation of lips against her forehead. she sees Cal. after everything.. she made it deep enough to get him out. enough to find the light he had tucked so far away it was nearly gone when she had found him. nearly. " hey... that's an unfair surprise attack. " her lips curve into a tired smile. / @jediliad
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luxcruor · 2 years
∗ 58﹕ sender is found collapsed by receiver . post calquisitor for ruby :)
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𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝑵𝑶𝑵𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑩𝑨𝑳 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺 .  * / @jediliad.
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same empire same blaring alarms.  the sound was constant droning against her already throbbing skull just like that day so many years ago.   with a stabbing pain in her temples ruby staggers out from her holding cell as events from moments ago replay in her mind. it was dark  like the area between stars.. she couldn’t make out any light  the helmet they’d forced over her eyes restricting use of her eyes,  in more ways than sight.  ( no doubt the empire tortured that intel out of him too. )    the burning of their taser-prods aching into her ribs prying out screams of agony had jarred someone in the room enough to free her…   stepping out into the long hallway she hears feet running across the ceiling from the floor above. ( stormtroopers..)  the steam of vents begin to add a haze to the surroundings.  ruby spots someone on the ground at the end of the hall.  they were clad in all black… it was an inquisitor… no that was..   her feet move before her mind can catch up and she’s running,  legs sore and heavy.    knees buckle as she crashes into a slide the last few feet to him.    
 “ Cal!   C-Cal ??  no no no.. —”       he was on his side,  she rolls him onto his back  hands nervously hovering over his limp body.       
“  i’m Not leaving you here again.. we gotta go. “        
ruby whispers, panic rising in her chest as she fears the worst.   she just wanted to see him… see him breathe!  ( please be breathing.  )  after a quick glance she finds the buttons on the mask that unlocked the mechanisms keeping it to his head.   the helmet unlocks with a quiet hiss and she tosses it aside, like she’d pried a parasite of the darkside.   ruby caresses his cheek with a shaky breath seeing his brow furrow.  he was alive.       the hammering sound of footsteps snap her out of the panic. 
  “ Shoot! “  she grits her teeth looping her arms under Cal’s attempting to pull him.    
“  C’mon Cal… we gotta go… get — up now please… Hnngh! “     
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luxcruor · 2 years
🤗 - draws my muse in for a hug - for BFF Ruby
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oh how cruel the force could be. even to those who respected it. ruby thought she did. she'd been protected for this long on this forest- planet since the day her old world was ripped from her. the viosons.. flashes of silver light.. everything had just started to calm with her powers.. out of all times for the force to show her yet another face of those padawans she was told didn't make it.. no one did. she tried speaking to the form, laughing awkwardly before talking directly to the force questioning it's trick. it was ridiculous. there was no way. out of everyone it was the face that tore at her heart. the cruelest trick about it though it looked just like cal. Cal would have been the first the empire would have taken out. she and him.. kal.. who was now walking toward her. ruby rubs at her goggles before simply pushing them up her forehead. he was still there... closer now. the blaster shots are practically ringing in her ears. however, the warmth remained a constant. her breath catches in her throat. silver eyes widening slowly moving to his hair. still such a calming orange...
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".... Cal? "
she whispers carefully, as if speaking would cause him to blow away in the wind. arms once hanging limp by her sides in shock spring up to embrace him tighty in return. eyes stinging with tears she can hardly shove back down. if this was a dream she'd like to stay asleep.
" you're... you're okay? " *.ACCEPTING / TOUCH STARVED PROMPTS. / @jediliad
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