#jeez that's a lot of ships
apartmentsmoke · 5 months
the number of people who saw Tommy was surprised about Buck wanting his attention and THEN go on to say "oh it's because he thought Buck wanted Eddie's attention AND he knows Buck/Eddie have romantic feelings for each other and THAT'S why he was surprised AND Buck was just confused on his feelings and he really wants Eddie" - they are really watching with buddie goggles on. they came to one correct conclusion and then go off the rails
yes, Tommy did think Buck wanted Eddie's attention - because Eddie told him as much! Tommy goes to Buck's place immediately after he helps Eddie with his ankle, so he would have heard Eddie's take on it - that Eddie thinks Buck is jealous because Eddie and Tommy are spending so much time together. That's why Tommy starts talking about he doesn't want to interfere in their friendship; he doesn't know that Buck wanted his attention until Buck says it.
As for Tommy thinking Buck and Eddie have romantic feelings for each other... There is just straight up no evidence for that in the show lol. You want to write fic based on that assumption? Hell yeah. But thinking that's what's happening in canon is simply wrong based on what's on screen
And the third one - oh, Buck is just confused - is insulting to the story that's being told. Buck is into Tommy. Even if the relationship ends, he will always have been into Tommy. He told Tommy himself, he told Maddie, he told Eddie - he acted like someone with an enormous crush because he has an enormous crush! And trying to erase that because it doesn't work with your view for your ship is
That's also why all the speculation that Tommy is going to step aside because of how close Buck and Eddie are is ridiculous - he already knows how close they are, and he doesn't seem to care.
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alicornze7 · 5 months
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I just came to another realization that it’s lesbian visibility WEEK, not day, silly ol' me
(I promise you this is the last you’ll see of them before another ragapom hiatus)
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Eh might as well make their love child while I’m at it
(This is becoming a worrying trend whenever I get into a new ship oh no)
Dunno why proportions seemed a bit odd, probably the limbs
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crunchless · 1 month
may i humbly request vampire verlaine
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Canvas smaller than usual with this one
@dreamsicle262 this reminded me of your vampire fic
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majorshatterandhare · 9 months
Them : “There’s no platonic explanation for Tim blowing up the moon when Bertie died.”
Me, a borderline aroace thinking about QPRs and FPs and idolization and the white hot rage felt when someone hurts my closest friend : “Y’all are cowards.”
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I was finally able to make assets for the rest of my II ship children and I even redid Candelabra and Reds assets a little bit but not too much!
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Candelabra - (SilverCandle)
She/Her, Bi, 14
- Really likes animals (especially bugs)
- Very silly
- Inner Flame(s)?
- Closest to Red
- Didn't really get either Silver or Candles personality
- Daddy's girl
- Likes Will Wood and maybe Lemon Demon
- A bit wreckless "Dare me to jump off that bridge??"
Red - (FanTube)
He/Him, Pan, 15
- "Erm, actually-"
- Very smart
- If annoyed, angry, or stressed he can get like Test Tube (Like in season 2 episode 14)
- In serious situations he's usually the one to try and take the lead and act serious
- Has to stop Candelabra from being wreckless
- More like Test Tube (personality wise) in a way
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Torch - (LightBrush)
He/They, Bi, 15
- Pretty chill
- Probably hard to sleep at night since they GLOW
- Usually quiet
- Brutally honest
- Usually is a follower but is a leader if needed
- Bickers a lot with Medal
- Tallest of the group
- Has to be careful of water
- Body temperature is always pretty warm (Like they don't have to bundle up during winter)
Medal - (ComedyGold/Trophy x Cheesy)
He/Him, Gay, 14
- Sporty
- Can get competitive
- Sassy
- Very strong
- Trophy taught him to play a lot of sports
- Goes to Cheesys shows with Trophy
- A bit chaotic
- Specifically likes to run and play soccer
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Burrito - (Taco)
She/They, Pan, 15
- Had to grow up in the forest with Taco
- Mommy issues
- Raised to be tough
- Still trusts Taco completely
- Knows random survival skills
- Also knows how to pick locks and carve wood (For some reason)
- Doesn't like/wanna getting attached
Radio - (SpringTalkie)
They/He, Bi, 14
- Knows that their Dad (Springy) is famous, but doesn't really care or let it get to his head
- Though they don't know about Springy and Walkie Talkies actions in season 3
- A bit socially awkward
- has a radio filter over his voice
- Closest with Burrito
- When feeling an extreme emotion, he's eyes widen to look like Springys
- The knobs are also turntable, one can adjust his voices volume, and the other can adjust the radio filter
- He can play music
- He can also pick up on signals and such
I love all of them sm
This was a long post wow sorry fellas
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kakusu-shipping · 10 months
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My big ass collection of Jamack/Kipo moments
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frozenhi-chews · 6 months
I think having an F/O means you have several tags about them
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sage-nebula · 2 years
I'm really glad that Sega has allowed Amy to move out of her harassment phase re: her crush on Sonic, because the way she was written back in the late 90s / 00s with regards to her crush on him is not only uncomfortable and not okay behavior (continuing to push yourself on someone after they've said "no" isn't okay even when you're a girl pushing yourself on a boy), but was also really detrimental to her character. Not only did it give people a negative impression of her (her obsessing over Sonic being her boyfriend / marrying her is remembered more often by casual fans than her actual stories in those games), but it also runs contrary to the fact that Amy has always been a kindhearted, compassionate, empathetic person. We see her compassion and empathy with other characters in those same games (wanting to save Birdie from Gamma, reminding Shadow of his actual promise to Maria, helping Cream and Big find Chocola and Froggy), so to then have her turn right around and completely ignore Sonic's feelings / boundaries because of her crush is just . . . bad. It's a bad look, and bad writing. And I don't hold it against her, any more than I hold instances of Tails having bad writing against him. These are fictional characters, they're beholden to their writers. But it's still not great and I'm really glad that Sega has realized that having Amy harass Sonic isn't funny or cute, and has instead allowed her to treat him like she does the rest of her friends: with the kindness, compassion, and empathy she's known for.
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ectoplasmer · 1 year
two years. Where do I even start with this
I'm not going to try to act like these characters have been with me through some super hard part of my life within the past two years, because they haven't. I've had a normal life with nothing too big happening that completely disrupts me from my day-to-day experiences in the last few years. But I'm not going to let that fact invalidate all the smaller and tinier stresses and spirals they've helped me through. And believe me, I have a lot of those.
They have been there for the mornings when I'd wake up too early and be unable to fall back asleep, the afternoons I spent poring over essays I could've started days ago, the nights I spent stubbornly staying up much too late. They've been there for each silly overthinking session I had, for each nervous ache I got, each stumbled and rushed phrase I spoke. They've been there for when I would be nervous to walk into some crowded aisle in the store, when I would pace around the room because something had gotten me worked up, when I would get so many emotions over something and tear up over it. Every new habit, every new interest, every little victory and small loss... they've been there with me through it for the past two years. And I really don't know how to voice how new and different this is for me.
I don't usually hold onto interests for this long. I'll get into something and it'll occupy my mind for maybe eight months until something else grabs my attention and I move on to the next thing. Any past f/os I had wouldn't stick around this long. Sure, I'd still love the character, I'd still see them as my favorite character from their series, but they wouldn't move on with me to the next interest. And while I will admit that I have loved all of my f/os, current and past, very deeply, none of them seem to really compare to the love I have for my boys now. I remember being so nervous to get into something new because I was worried that I'd lose interest, that the feelings I have for them would be replaced with something that feels lesser and less fulfilling. It sounds silly when I type it out, but it was genuinely something I was afraid of. I didn't think I could ever love anyone the way I love them, and to an extent, I still feel this way.
But, geez, if they were to follow that usual formula, they are a whole 16 months late. And guess what? I have gotten into other things, picked up other shows, other books, and they are still here. I still love them, they still occupy my mind all too much, I still think about them. This silly series still has me in a choke hold after two years and I genuinely don't think it's going away for a while yet. I was literally smiling like an idiot over some cards that reminded me of them earlier, got happy over seeing a picture of one of them unprompted the other day... I'm still so in love with them and I truly hope that doesn't end any time soon <3
It feels so nice to be able to get into things with all of them. It's nice having someone to watch and read things with and getting to imagine how they'd react over things, what things we could discuss and joke over, what specific things would interest them more than others... A lot of our time when we first got together was spent watching movies because I was overly aware of the fact most of them probably didn't get to experience the life I did. They didn't get the chance to have the childhood I had, be it because of the fact they're not even from this century, or because of the circumstances of how they were brought up. I make an effort to try and include them in everything I do, consciously or not, because I want them to be able to have the chance to experience as many things as possible. I even think about them being there with me during classes, as silly as that sounds, so it's been extra fun being able to genuinely get into things with them beside me without worrying about losing them or whatever.
I'm sure I've been over this before, but I've never been this involved with my f/os before. Like I said, I genuinely did love all of my past ones, but that love feels so much more indirect than the love I have for my current f/os. I don't think I've ever referred to a character as my "boyfriend" or my "partner" as casually as I do for my boys. I don't remember using the term "love of my life" for anyone else as often as I do for my boys. I don't even remember being caught up thinking about how much I want to marry a character as much as I have for my boys. This all feels so much more serious for me because of that. So much newer and unknown and just... baffling? In a way? It feels like so much more than anything else from before. As cliche and silly as it might be, I genuinely think they are the loves of my life. I don't know where I'd even be without them. I don't know who or what else could possibly take up this much space in my life, in my brain, in my heart. I just... I love them so much. And I've gotten to do that for two full years. And that's so insane to me.
I've loved getting to go to sleep at the end of my day and getting to imagine them holding me and sharing my bed with me, I've loved getting to go through whatever routines I have and imagining them going through their own beside me, I've loved getting to sit while doing my own thing and imagining them there with me. I've loved getting to have them in my life, I've loved getting to be all giddy and happy over them, and I've loved getting to love them. One year was insane enough for me, but two years is just so much more. I think with every year it'll just be as baffling as the last for me. And I'm not saying this with the usual sense of "if we make it another year", because by this point I'm not putting anything past them. I think I probably will be here again next year writing a post at an ungodly time of night just like I am now. That won't stop me from being so blown away each time.
so here’s to two years of me and these dorks. I’m already excited to see where the next one will take us <3
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I still haven't posted anything about ace x senku (because fuck him), but I'm thinking about how that ship handles our dynamic.
Fundamentally, ace x senku and mikace are the same exact ship. INTP x INTP at our very worst. Competitive and methodical and lofty goals and misunderstandings and over analyzing motivations.
But where mikace becomes very codependent very quickly, even just as friends - ace x senku is forced apart right when we would have become codependent, and have to grow as individuals separately from each other. I think Senku is dead for a good while. Senku has to learn how to work through his blocks without me there to bounce ideas off of.
Which is why Ryusui is an important part of ace x senku. I have to learn to heal from Senku's "betrayals" (yes, plural) and Ryusui provides the love and understanding for me to do that. Ryusui grounds me and shows me a different way of viewing the world. I haven't figured out our break-up yet, but I know that it's going to be amicable and as friends. Ryusui is going to realize that the person I need, now that I've grown and healed, isn't him. And he'll be okay with it because he just wants to see me happy.
Mikace doesn't learn how to exist without each other. We break up every other week. We make our friends pick sides. When we're younger (15/16) we get into cat fights. More than once, we've both ended up with black eyes and sprained wrists or ankles because we thought a sparring match would help solve an argument. We do eventually grow as individuals, but all of our growth happens much too late in the relationship and only after a dozen or so interventions, led by Takemichi.
So yeah, mikace and ace x senku are the same ship, fundamentally. They both bring out the worst in me, and I believe I'd bring out the worst in them (this is also why mikace is exclusively final timeskip). But because of a correctly timed Tsukasa, ace x senku is a much healthier ship (when we get there, eventually; it's pretty toxic for a long while after the empire is dissolved).
#mikace#senkace#i try really hard not to fall into intp x intp ships#i don't put any real stock in mbti#i think it's just fun#but i do see a lot of myself in characters that have been labeled as intp (by fandom)#mikey senku kenma frieren waver ranpo belphie#and i know that if i had to deal with a second me it wouldn't end well for either of us#being friends isn't as bad#i think kenma osamu and i are bffs in daisugace (tanaka definitely isn't jealous)#but you don't necessarily live with friends for more than 50% of your day#and it is absolutely that close proximity to each other that results in 95% of my intp x intp ships being hella toxic#thank you for coming to my ted talk 🫡#now for the tag ramblings that actually go with this post:#i intentionally didn't include the ways mikace changes in#rincemakasuke#because there are a lot of players in the game that eventually get us to a healthy-ish place#rin and ran and shinichiro provide me with a family that i desperately need#keisuke and takashi show me that it's possible to be loved unconditionally#mikey figures out that he's aromantic and that's where 85% of our fights originate#kazutora and i help each other heal from our traumas#chifuyu hakkai and peh always meet me where i'm at with zero expectations#whereas the only 'outside' influence in ace x senku is ryusui#so it didn't feel right to write from rincemakasuke#the growth requires a lot bigger support network and is therefore a bit more extrinsic vs intrinsic#jeez i hope all these tags save 😭#divider from cafekitsune
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dizzying-faust · 7 months
Sol//Ky is one of those ships where I get the appeal of it and why it's an important fandom ship, but I still personally find it mid.
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fxllfaiiry · 2 years
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲, 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader
summary: the internet ships you with everyone expect your boyfriend. driver!reader
warnings: swearing. this is one is a little bit long 🫣
notes: requested ─ yes. don't think I'll be posting much this week as I'm pretty busy, but will definitely try to <33
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liked by landonorris, danielricciardo and 799,135 others
tagged maxverstappen1
y/n.jpg we <3 cats in this house
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maxverstappen1 yes we do!!
usercloud finally some max and y/n content 😌
spookyszn I ship them, okay??
cottonsainz cat parents <33
verstappen_l/n I really hope they are together 😭
y/n.jpg added to their story !
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liked by estebanocon, carlossainz55 and 1,678,952 others
yourusername 📷🌱🍓
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user222 WHO IS THAT??
ynsmybeloved maybe it's esteban, he liked??
sainzchilli is that charles?
rain4life_ no, they aren't even friends lol
usergasly but it could be tho?? they used to be pretty close
onlyhereforher that's gasley for sure ✨
user88 who stole my wife's heart???
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liked by pierregasly, maxverstappen1 and 7,256,249 others
tagged yourusername
charles_leclerc mine and only mine 💞
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yourusername jealous much 🙄
charles_leclerc yes :((
yourusername noo, baby I was only joking, I'm only yours, I promise
loverofmany wtf is happening rn?? 😭
comaicsainz so we all feel stupid right 🤡
landonorris stop being horny and jealous, jeez.
charles_leclerc um... no
carrots_mick charles woke up and chose violence 🥰
pierregasly I have seen too much 😭
yourusername maybe knock first then 👍
musicalhigh_ pierre has seen things ✨
thea178 *sips tea*
leclerc_sainz brb, gonna go take a nap on the highway 😘
catscars_ so they've been together for three years 😶... okay, bro, okay
omgshesinsane charles decided to give everyone a heart attack <3
tokiss_incars how much did charles pay y/n to date him?
jezohjez bro got more rizz than me
charleshair. _ why and how did some random red car guy steal my wife of 4 years??
norrisricciardo I hope charles knows he caused a lot of chaos today 🫠
starjones me after seeing this: throws my phone out the window
djatsonlyatm rue, when was this?
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brooooswriting · 8 months
Carol Danvers x reader (romantic), Monica Rambeau x reader (platonic), Kamala Khan x reader (platonic)
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Kamala was secretly snooping through Carol's ship while the rest were downstairs when suddenly somebody appeared in front of her. She couldn't stop the squeak that left her as she nearly crashed into you. “Wh-Who the hell are you?” she asked once she stepped back.
“Who the hell are you?” you asked back, questioning the audacity of the girl in your girlfriend's ship. You hadn't heard from her in days, which scared you, so you decided to come back and check if she was alright.
“I-I am Ms. Marvel,” she stuttered out, her answer confusing you significantly, but before you could say anything, Carol and a woman came running up.
“Kamala, are you alright?” the captain called out, her first already glowing as she shoved the younger girl behind herself. “Omg, y/n,” she swooned as soon as she saw you. “What are you doing here?” she added as she let go of Kamala, signaling to them that you weren't a threat.
“What I am doing here?” you asked sarcastically, picking up a dishcloth on the table beside you. “You haven't reached out in days, not answering my calls, not texting back. Nothing. Jeez. I thought you died,” you growled at her, hitting her with the cloth you picked up before.
“Alright, alright, can you calm for a second? I want you to meet somebody. This is Kamala Khan, and this is Monica Rambeau, also known as Luitenant Trouble.” She pointed to each of them so you could reach out and shake their hands. You couldn't help but smile when she said Luitenant trouble; she had always told you about the girl and how much she missed her. “And now, how about we go down? So we have a bit of privacy.” Without saying anything, you started to walk toward the stairs. Carol following you like a lost puppy.
You crossed your arms once you stood across from the blonde, an annoyed look on your face. She stood still for a moment, contemplating what to do next. “Don't ever. And I mean ever. Ghost me like that again, or I am going to kick your ass into the next universe,” you threatened, your tone serious.
“I'm sorry, it's just… a lot has happened, and I was so stressed that I didn't even have time to check my phone, love.” She took a step closer to you before continuing. “Now come here; I missed you.” Carol quickly grabbed your waist and pulled you into a kiss. Without a second thought, your body reacted and kissed her back, your arms wrapping around her neck. You didn't even notice that tears started to stream down your face, the fear of something happening to her finally disappearing.
Once your girlfriend noticed your tears, she pulled away one of her hands, finding your face to wipe away your tears. “It's okay, I'm alright. I'm sorry, baby. I didn't wanna scare you like that. I promise I'll never do it again.” Her muscular arms wrapped around your waist again, her skin touching yours as she scooted them under your hoodie. Her hands rested on your back as you buried your face in her neck, your sobs slowly dying down as she used her powers to heat up her hands. Something she knew calmed you down and helped with your constant back pains. You finally felt content until suddenly the body pressed against your felt… well… different.
Before you could pull back, the other person pulled away. “Iuh, please tell me you didn't do anything sexual,” you recognized Monica's voice and couldn't hide your small smile when you saw that she had her eyes closed.
“You can open your eyes; we were just hugging”
Before anyone could say something else, you heard the captain scream out of annoyance. “Monica, powers. Now,” and a second later, Carol stood in front of you again.
“I-what?” your head tilted to the side, and your brows were furrowed as you tried to piece together what just happened.
“I'll explain in a moment. It's a long story. But first, I want another hug and kiss, this time without switching. I promise.” You fell into her arms again, pressing several small kisses against her lips.
After that, you went back upstairs and joined the other two. Each of them sat on a beanbag while you and Carol sat next to each other on the bed, the blonde's arm wrapped around you while her hand rested on your waist. They, mainly Monica, actually explained what the deal was, and you were more than confused.
Turns out, Carol was not the only one who played with her powers when she was nervous or bored. One moment, you stood in the bathroom with your girlfriend behind you, a hand on your waist as both of you brushed your teeth. And the next a confused teenager had her hand on your waist and stood behind you. You, as well as the teenager, let out a yelp and jumped away from each other before groaning. Kamala immediately started to apologize as she avoided your eyes.
You quickly spit out the toothpaste so you could calm down the girl. “Kamala, Kam- it's alright. It's not your fault, hon. We all have to get used to it.” Your hands landed on her shoulders to stop her pacing. “Now, come on, let's go to the others.” You walked out with the girl behind you. Carol was sitting on the bed with an annoyed look. The moment you stepped out, hell broke loose, the three girls arguing and discussing without listening to each other. You rolled your eyes before whistling loudly, making them stop.
“OK, we will need some rules. While I find all of you lovely, I’d appreciate it if you all weren't constantly in my girlfriend's place. So, first rule: no playing around with your powers out of boredom, Carol, no heating up your hands while hugging or anything.” You threw the blonde a glance before continuing. “Second, if you use your powers, just call out quickly so nobody gets hurt, alright? Last rule, before you guys fight any fight, you'll train how to deal with this.” You saw in their eyes that they wanted to start again, so you spoke up again. “Now, go brush your teeth, and then go to bed. Everybody.” All three of them nodded, Monica and Kamala, making their way to brush their teeth.
“She’d be a great mum,” Kamala whispered to Monica, making you laugh.
While the rest got ready for bed, you and Carol got into bed. Your head rested on her chest as she wrapped her arms around you, kissing your head softly. “Tomorrow, you have to tell me how your see-again with Monica was.”
This would be a wild week in which Kamala couldn't keep eye contact with you for even a second.
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disillusioneddanny · 1 year
It’s me, hi I’m the problem is me (dead tired)
The world was ending.
That was the thing Tim had come to accept. Somehow, all of the big bads had made friends and decided to work together to take over the universe and split it amongst themselves. Darkseid, Trigun, Barbatos, they had all gotten together to conquer the universe. Raven was completely drained, The supers three were in the infirmary, and the Lanterns Corp were barely holding them back, losing every second. Hell, even the Justice League Dark were down for the count.
“What are we doing to do?” Nightwing murmured, watching as the Lanterns slowly lost momentum.
“I-I don’t know,” Bruce whispered. Tim’s adoptive father had ripped of his cowl, his hair stood mussed from continuously running his fingers through his hair in stress. Batman, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman stood over all of the contingencies Bruce had ever collected on the three big bads.
Robin stared at the screen that showed the devastation, a frown prominent on his face. “So this is it? We just give up?”
“No,” Red Hood said walking into the room with Arsenal and Starfire in tow. Behind the three stood a young man. He had Lazarus green eyes, snow white hair, slightly blue skin, and pointed ears. His body adorned in black armor, a blue crown floated above his head and a large cape hung from his body with galaxies swirling around. He looked to be Tim’s age, maybe just a little older than him, somewhere between his and Jason’s age.
“Who’s this?”
The being stepped forward, jewelry that hung from his ears tinkled slightly when he did and jeez, he was beautiful.
“My name is Phantom,” the being said with a serene smile. He was otherworldly, unlike anything Tim had ever seen in his life. “I am High King of the Infinite Realms. Jason asked me to come and assist with an issue you are dealing with,” he said, his eyes flicked to the large monitor curiously, tilting his head to the side, the silver that hng from his ears clangled once more. “Ah, those three, how fun.”
“How do you uh, how do you know Jason?” Tim asked, stepping towards the king.
At this, Phantom had an amused smile on his face as he looked back at Jason. “You never told them?”
Jason let out a groan of annoyance, pinching the bridge of his nose as he did. “When I died, Phantom found me in the ghost zone, I never actually moved one when I died. For those six months I just hung out in the ghost zone and became friends with Phantom. Before I came back, he declared me as one of his Fright Knights. And last years he ran into me during one of my missions and brought back my memories from when I died and fixed the pit rage.”
Phantom nodded, a wide grin on his face. “Jason made a lousy ghost. Now, how about I go fix this issue for you all real quick?” He said before he disappeared. Tim went to ask Jason about Phantom only for his father to beat him to the punch.
“Is this why we haven’t been able to get in contact with you?” Bruce asked, furrowing his brow. Jason shrugged.
“Couldn’t find the sword he left me that lets me summon him. Turns out I left it on Kori’s ship so she had to travel to come get me. From there it took a bit for me to remember how to summon him, I’ve never actually done it before so it took a few tries to get it right. And of course Phantom thought it was a social call and he loves to talk so it took a little bit to explain. And on top of that, time works different in the Realms. And Klarion was there so it just took a little longet than I wanted it to but he’s here and he’ll take care of the issue super quick.”
“Yeah he’s dating Phantom’s clone, he hates their relationship like a lot but it’s like two little chaos gremlins,” Jason said with a chuckle.
“How old is Phantom?” Tim blurted out.
Jason gave the nineteen year old a confused look but chuckled nonetheless. “He’s twenty.”
“Twenty and he is already a king?” Aquaman said, looking more and more interested in Phantom.
“Been king since he was fourteen,” Jason said, sucking at his teeth before he looked at the monitor and started snickering. Tim followed his gaze and smiled when he saw Phantom grow a third arm and grabbed all three beings by their ears, shrinking them down to his size before he dragged them away from the Lanterns before they disappeared.
Soon after the four reappeared in front of Bruce, Diana and Arthur who all looked on curiously.
“Kneel,” Phantom ordered. The three beings fell harshly to their knees. “I am beyond disappointed in the three of you. Are your realms not enough? What makes you think that you have the right to take over dimensions that do not belong to you?”
“But-” Trigon started.
“No buts from you, Trigon. The only reason you’re even still the ruler of your world is because none of your children want the position,” Phantom said. “Due to your crimes against this realm I hearby sentence you all to a millenia in the Fright Zone. Jason,” he instructed.
Jason grinned and pulled his sword from its sheath and stepped forward. With a quick swipe, all three disappeared from view.
Phantom stepped towards the three heroes and dipped his head in a polite bow. “They should not cause anymore issues. I apologize that I could not get here sooner. While I may be ll power, I am not all seeing and Kronos does not always deem it fit to tell me when my underlings are causing issues,” he said with a polite smile. “Does anyone have any paper or something to write on?”
“I uh, I have a tablet, I can just pull up something,” Tim stammered, stepping forward. Phantom smiled in thanks, taking the tablet from Tim. He drew out a complicated sigil and set it on the large table.
“This is my official line. Next time you are in a situation such as this, please do not hesitate to summon me,” he said before he looked at Tim and looked him up and down, a single fang peeked from under his lip. “As for you, Handsome, feel free to get my personal sigil from your brother and call me anytime.”
Before Tim could say another word, the High King disappeared and Tim immediately turned towards his brother with wide eyes. “ Jason ,” he hissed.
“He’s my fucking friend! I don’t want you dating him,” Jason shouted, running out of the room with Tim following close behind.
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shaggytwodope4u · 4 months
Ponyboy Curtis headcannons !!
((suggest in the comments any character, I'll do ship headcannons for Steve+soda, johnny+pony, and curly+ponyboy))
-has SUPER strong opinions and gets super pissed whenever someone disagrees with him
- has undiagnosed ADHD
- manipulative daydream disorder?
- has accidentally called darry dad and refused to talk to him for a week until darry called him son and they mutually agreed to never bring it up again.
- (modern AU) him and johnny made a YouTube vlog channel once and vlogged everything for about a week untill a soc came and stole their camera (pony was 12 and johnny was 14)
- (modern AU) he probably runs a famous ao3 account
- tried to drink ONCE and loved it but then curly showed him a ton of embarrassing pictures of stuff he did and he swore to never to it again
- has a LOT of panic attacks (this fandom is allergic to happiness)
- soda has found him crying over a book character dying once and when soda asked what was wrong he could respond
- finds comfort in book character having the same issues as him
- typa guy to say "aw jeez"
- prefers Minecraft and COD then fortnight
-he would scratch the back of his head when he's thinking or nervous untill Dallas pointed it out and he never did it again
- (modern au) is obsessed with bridge to terabithia and constantly says "jeese is so me"
- has a walkman that is SO messed up that whenever he plugs his headphones in everyone can hear, he dosent know this
- Paul Newman was his gay awakening
- typa guy to read any book and say "he's so me"
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cyberpunkgyu · 1 year
Safe With You - P.SH
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pairing: sunghoon x reader
genre: fluff, romance
warnings: none
inspired by latest ‘en-o’clock’ episode 67. sunghoon’s too cute 🥰😭
the carnival is full, as it is a weekend, mostly families wanting some quality time, teens wanting to have some fun and forget about the final exams they had just taken the day before, and you and sunghoon are one of those people.
it has only been two weeks since sunghoon confessed his feelings to you, and of course you agreed to going on a date with him, but once final exams ends, which is why the both of you are here right now.
sunghoon thought it was a good idea to bring you to the carnival for your first date, because he learned you loved going on rides, which he learned from your best friend winter. yes, this boy did his research. but, surprisingly enough, it’s the opposite for him. he hates rides.
obviously he wasn’t going to admit that, not when he sees how happy you are. but, this, this is definitely not right up his alley.
“that looks dangerous yn, uh, and look, the line is so long.” he tried pulling you back, hearing the screams of the people riding the pirate ship ride.
“but all the lines here are long, come on! look how fun!” you pouted, guilt tripping the boy who’s eyes soften at the sight of you. “we’ve only been going on kiddie rides.” you continued, gently tugging on his hand.
you paused, curiously tilting your head. he looked nervous, which is something you haven't seen before. “wait. are you… scared of that ride?” you questioned him, making a face as if you offended him. maybe hurting his pride a bit. “pftt. what? of course not! just… being cautious.”
“but it’s safe sunghoon, it’s a pretty popular carnival. but if you really don’t want to, fine. i can go by myself,” you decided, not wanting to force the poor boy. “just wait for me here, yeah?”
as you were about to walk up to the line with sunghoon behind, he halted you by grabbing your wrist. “uh wait, no,” he glanced up the ride and then back at you before sighing, finally agreeing. he can't just let you go there alone. “i-i’ll go.”
“only because you’re cute.” he muttered under his breath, letting you pull him towards the line. sunghoon unknowingly gulped, looking around his surroundings. there were a lot of chatter, noticing how there are also kids lining for the ride. “aren’t these kids too small for this ride? what if they slip out of there.”
rolling your eyes as you let out a laugh “that’s what those safety bars are for,” sunghoon kept shifting around, but still holding onto your hand, making your heart flutter. he is quite clingy, and you didn't mind.
the line moved fairly quickly, as the ride can hold a whole lot of people and sunghoon did not like that, at all. “oh, look, it’s getting a bit dark now. maybe we can just do this next time? we can just go and get something to eat.” he rambles his excuses, his ears turning red.
“come on, sunghoon.” you pulled the boy as the line moved forward, and soon enough both of you were now part of the next group to get on the ride.
climbing up the stairs with sunghoon following behind you, he lets go of your hand as you stepped in the ride, choosing to be in the back. you looked up at sunghoon, who seemed hesitant. “come on, it’s not that bad, i promise.” you tried reassuring him, the ride quickly getting filled.
the workers started to push down the safety bars, but sunghoon is still not convinced that this ride is safe and supposed to be fun. he is afraid, yes, but again, he isn’t going to admit that to you.
“sir, are you going?” one of the workers asked as he finished pushing the second last row’s safety bar, only needing to do theirs. “yes i will, just, hold on.” he exhaled through his mouth, ignoring the stares of the people in the ride. for a dude who looks tough and intimidating, you’d assume he’d be cool with such rides. “sir-,” “okay, okay. jeez.”
sunghoon finally steps in and sits down next to you, watching the worker push down the safety bar, “make it tight.” sunghoon comments, making the worker shake his head. you giggled softly, watching the boy nervously look around.
“here, hold onto me.” you wrapped your arm on sunghoon’s feeling his grip tightened around you. “are you okay? don’t worry, i got you.” sunghoon said, although it was probably the other way around, it’s you who got him.
the ride started slow, swinging smoothly back and forth. a bunch of “oohs” and “aahs” are heard, mostly hearing sunghoon’s voice getting louder as the ride started to swing at a much rapid pace.
both of you were now screaming along with your fellow riders, the wind blowing on your faces as well as your hair. sunghoon slowly started to enjoy the ride a little, but still holding onto you tightly. you two started laughing, enjoying your time together.
the ride quickly ends, people getting off the ride, some rushing out the exit to go to the other rides the carnival has, wanting to make the most out of it. you turned to sunghoon as you both walked out, watching as he fixed his dark hair before smoothing his clothes down.
“see! that wasn’t so bad now was it?” you grinned, taking a hold of his hand, stepping closer to him. he playfully side eyed you, intertwining your fingers together.
“not too bad.” he looks down at you, finally giving you a cute smile of his that you love.
“maybe you deserve… a prize?” you teased, feeling him press his forehead against yours, his breath fanning onto you softly. he hummed, his eyes shifting down to your lips and back to your eyes.
closing your eyes, your lips gently pressed against his, feeling him kiss you softly and slowly. he lets go of your hand before wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you up, making you tiptoe due to the height difference.
you felt yourself smile into the kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck. “if i get this type of prize every time i go on this ride, i will definitely do this again,”
“and definitely to hear your laugh.”
you slowly pulled away, smiling widely to the point that your cheeks started to hurt. “you don’t have to do that. you can always get kisses, it's unlimited.”
“i’ll take that offer then.”
even though he hates rides, perhaps it isn't that bad after all. as long as he's with you and gets to see you smile, and unlimited kisses? best first date ever.
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