Hey, how about I give you an easy ask to take the bad taste out of your mouth? Do you think the Jedi have their own Language? I mean the Mandalorians have Mando’a, Jewish people have Hebrew and Yiddish, Catholics have Latin, and Muslims Arabic. We know all Force wielders can communicate telepathically bc of Grogu and Nubarron. But do you think there is an ancestral or classical language either written or verbal for the 25,000 years of Jedi?
Ooof that's an old ask 😅 I only vaguely remember what the drama was that time around.
Hehhhhhhhh... I know there’s a Legends-inspired fanon conlang called Dai Bendu but I’m not super into tbh, and those examples you listed are interesting because as far as I can tell they wouldn’t actually apply to the Jedi.
I won't try to give history lessons on languages I'm only superficially familiar with, but as for the one I do know the full history of... Mando’a isn't even the unifying language it's made to be. It’s spoken all of twice in canon afaik (by Sabine in Rebels when asking to land on Krownest, and a dialect by Satine and a dying Death Watch terrorist in TCW), and even ultra traditionalists like the Children of the Watch don’t speak it onscreen among themselves. (Obviously because conlangs are a pain to get right. Not everybody can be LotR Elvish or Jason Momoa's Dothraki.) So it's only a big deal in Legends, really. Which is not to say it's not interesting, but that means I can't compare the way the Jedi Order works in Lucas' canon with the way the Mandos work in Legends.
Now for the irl languages:
Not all Jewish people speak Hebrew, or Yiddish (Yiddish is Ahskenazi, not Sephardic, for one thing) - and that Hebrew is even a living, thriving language again was a huge and conscious effort born out of extreme necessity. It's so unique that I can't compare it to anything.
Most Catholics don't know Latin (and it's a dead language anyway) and though the use of the language in liturgy started because the early churches were living under the Roman Empire and Latin was quickly replacing Greek as a 'universal' language, it carried on as a religious tool specifically to prevent expression and to further class divide. Having all holy or political texts written in a language even the small literate portion of your lower class wouldn't know was a device for control.
There are many, many Arabic dialects and not all Muslims speak them, and just like Latin, and English (and French, and Spanish, etc) the reason why so many people speak it is a tangled mess of religion, commerce, colonialism, convenience, etc.
But yes, those languages have a huge historical/religious/traditional/cultural and spiritual importance to them - but all for very different reasons, as their histories are all pretty unique. Again, I don't know nearly enough to try to say any more about them. But.
The political, religious and cultural incentives to have their own common language wouldn't exist for the Order as far as I can tell.
For one thing, because the Galaxy has its own common language. (I don't know if there's anything in Legends that gives an indication of how long Basic has been around for, but I'm assuming it's at the very least as old the Republic.) Just like the early Church didn't randomly pick Latin and Greek even though all but one of the writers of the New Testament weren't (there's good evidence that at least two of the Gospels were originally written in Aramaic of Hebrew) but used those languages because they were conveniently what everybody else could understand, the Jedi would have had every reason to use Basic as soon as it was available to them and they started to grow into an actual Order. And unlike Catholicism, the Order never grew so much that it took over the government it developed under, so Basic had no reason to become just theirs.
Would they have a language created (or resurrected) piecemeal, like Esperanto, as a way to foster unity and communication? As I said, they had Basic already - just like Esperanto was more or less a failure on account of English and a few other languages already filling the role of universal language.
And as a way to keep their more arcane/dangerous lore from falling into the wrong hands... Well, they have holocrons, and most people don't have the Force. The Order had no real reason to develop a way to keep their writings and teachings safe from outsiders - by the very nature of their connection to the Force, outsiders can't use Jedi lore. You can use holocrons to preserve your history and your culture, in a way that's much more effective than any language you could ever develop.
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(Remember, Sith struggle to open Jedi holocrons and vice-versa. It's as perfect of a safeguard as you're ever going to get.)
Plus, the Jedi aren't really that concerned with being a closed group. Rather, their entire job description is opening themselves up to the Galaxy around them. They are originally diplomats, ambassadors. They have more reasons to learn the native languages of the people they help - the people they all come from - rather than to have one of their own.
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What's more, in regards to the languages you cited: their cultural importance developed over centuries of shared history. Languages are transmitted through the generations, to your children and grandchildren - that's how accents and dialects come about in the first place. The Jedi are unique in that every single one of them is adopted. And so 'ancestral' just can't have the same meaning for the Order as for, say, an actual ethnic group. They start with a clean slate with every generation, so to speak - or rather, they're constantly flooding their own culture with contributions from all over the Galaxy, constantly mixing rather than being a closed circuit. Just take the iconic Jedi tunics - not only are there plenty of Jedi who don't wear them, but there are plenty of non-Jedi who have a very similar dress style (see the average Tatooine farmboy).
And basically all Jedi have different accents - which suggests that they hold on to their native languages. Even Piell and Aayla definitely don't sound like they're native Basic speakers, Obi-Wan has his own accent, Gungi or Byph don't speak Standard at all... Just like Jedi don't take away names, they don't seem to take away language. I don't think it's culturally Jedi to see being a Jedi as quite its own culture. More like, being a Jedi is a calling, a life commitment and a community, and the cultural aspects are what you bring over from your roots (which are not Jedi) and what you use to reach the people in the Galaxy who need you. Jedi, by design, are extremely multicultural - I just don't see them smoothing that over.
Even the super duper old 'Sacred Jedi texts' from the Sequels aren't just in one language:
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In a sense, the Jedi do have kind of their own language after all, as you mentioned - empathy (telepathy seems to be more of a specific ability some Jedi have, like psychometry), which can't be codified into either words or written symbols, which I really like. It's much more unique than giving them a conlang that echoes to some distant origin of the Order (because as I said, they renew each other with each generation which is very special on its own) or mixes all the languages they bring with them (because, again, the point of those languages is to be focused outward, not inward).
Jedi can do what real people can't: they can speak to each other from the heart with no language actually required, and that's the greatest communication ability of them all!
Interestingly enough, the Sith do seem to have 'classical' languages for their occult rituals:
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(Hey kinda like what happened with Latin lmao) But yeah, the Sith use secret languages to remain closed off and keep their lore to themselves, which isn't in the Jedi's nature. That's an interesting parallel.
Obviously this is all my very subjective interpretation. I've got an old post touching on whether or not the Jedi can be considered a 'minority' in SW and I'm gonna say more or less what I said then: they are comparable to plenty of real life groups and cultures (including many that do have their own languages), so if my take doesn't convince you, headcanon away! I couldn't find anything in support of it in the movies or TCW, but there was nothing that directly contradicted the idea either so it's a free for all!
Mostly I stuck to my guns because from a Doylist perspective while absolutely amazing when done right conlangs tend to be a fandom catastrophe. It typically reveals that most people using them have no idea how bilingualism works or how the conlang itself works (if you've read 2000-2010 era LotR fanfiction... you know. You just know) and it becomes absurd to the point of parody. And just look at Mando'a. Not using it is sometimes denounced as ooc despite its near complete absence in canon.
So yeah, tldr: subjectively, I wouldn't really want the Jedi to have one (because fandom), practically, I don't really see how they would have developed one + empathy/the Force kind of counts as its own method of communication, thematically, Jedi culture is much more focused outward rather than inward, but for funsies go crazy.
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In the 2003 anime the Homunculi were created out of living people that their friends and family members tried to bring back via alchemy. Scar's brother tried to bring back his fiance only to create Lust. Izumi's son turned into a Wrath. Ed and Al's mom became Sloth. Hoenheim was a semi-immortal who had used a philosopher's stone to switch bodies over and over for centuries. A woman named Dante was his lover who did this too. Envy was once their son.
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joannalannister · 7 years
You got a link to those Russian Starks?
Off the top of my head,
Stark family by chechula
Ned Stark by chechula
Ned, Sansa & Robb by lostcitycomics
I can’t think of any others, but maybe @bidonica or @nobodysuspectsthebutterfly can help me out with more Russian-inspired Stark fashion?
Also, this isn’t fanart, but @argelladurrandon made an amazing post with links to her ideas about fashions in the different regions. 
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angelrinisadork · 7 years
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In what universe is it okay to insult someone's fanart in such a childish manner because you happen to not like the ship???
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wifalya · 7 years
jeff22003 ha risposto al tuo fotoset “I can’t believe these happened in the same episode p. one”
Wait, wasn't the spell supposed to make them think the exact opposite?
It does! Chat Noir refuses to kiss Ladybug and fights her attempts, if he hadn’t been akumatized he would have reacted like Adrien usually does- with dreamy sighs and swooning :) Ladybug hasn’t been akumatized, so she just wants to quickly defeat the akuma and have her partner back to normal..
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ecokitti · 8 years
How old is Rick Sanchez?
Too old he wants to die
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jigokuhana · 8 years
Right. Blue Diamond is at the very least the third ranking member of an imperialistic, militaristic, colonial, despotic interstellar empire with an extremely strict caste system, of which she is at the tippy top. There is no way she is a nice person all the time.
XD Ok, I had to stop & think for second about why you were going on about Blue Diamond all of a sudden.
The post you replied to is actually referring to my Powerpuff Gem AU, & more specifically Bubbles. Who’s a Blue Lace Agate in the AU.
I guess I can see the reason for the confusion though, since both Bubbles in the AU & Blue Diamond are called ‘Blue’ for short.
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zaldrizer-sovesi · 8 years
jeff22003 replied to your post “one legend in AWOIAF that I am convinced is 100% true”
He's not even a Lannister remember? None of them are. House Lannister is long extinct. They are all just Lyddens that no one bothered to correct.
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secretlyatargaryen · 8 years
Since you are working on Huck Finn I wanted to ask you about something. I remember hearing that near the end of his life Twain was already being pestered about the usage of the N word in his books. Do you remember what he said about that?
I’ve never heard of him being criticized for the use of the word in his lifetime and I don’t know if he ever addressed it. I can’t find anything about it on google but I would be interested in reading about it. I know the book was criticized for a lot of other things when it was published, but those things don’t seem to have anything to do with the use of the n word and more to do with the book challenging social norms about religion and class.
As a white woman I don’t think it’s my job to make a judgement about it, and as a teacher I don’t try to tell my students how they should feel about it, but I do try to make them understand that it’s in there because Mark Twain is satirizing a racist society, not for “historical accuracy”, which I think is the wrong way to teach it.
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esdeaths · 7 years
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I know I just like to watch things as they air when possible. I heard that but I didn't know they were marathoning it so there is a chance it may not have even played, tho I don't have any way to check (ーー;)
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juchechat · 6 years
What's going on with the elections in the DPRK? I have heard a few BBC articles but not much else. Is Kim Jong-Un planning to retire in favor of his sister?
Past March 10th the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea held the election of deputies to the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly. A total of 678 deputies were elected, one from each constituency.
Candidates must first present themselves in mass meetings in their respective constituencies and be approved by the working masses to run for the SPA -- the election celebrated on March 10th is the last confirmation on whether a candidate has mass support or not (in other words, it acts as a fail-safe).
This year’s SPA election saw 339 new deputies while remaining deputies were re-elected. Notable SPA elections this year include Comrades Kim Yo Jong, Ri Yong Ho, Choe Son Hui, Ri Su Yong, Kim Yong Chol, Kim Song, and Ri Son Gwon.
As to the reason why Chairman Kim Jong Un chose not to participate in this year’s elections: it is unknown. While it is true that President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il were active in the Supreme People’s Assembly throughout their lives, this year Kim Jong Un opted out.
As Chairman of the State Affairs Commission he is already beholden to the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly and was elected to such position after his SPA election in 2014. In other words, to become part of the Presidium he first had to be elected to the SPA, and then the SPA had to vote in favour of him ascending to the position of Chairman. So at this point it would be really unnecessary for him to run again in the SPA since he already answers to its Presidium.
This could also be interpreted as a call to cut down on bureaucracy, oppose corruption, and further focus on serving the people, which has been a constant message from Kim Jong Un.
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wendynerdwrites · 7 years
What did she do?
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joannalannister · 7 years
History of Westeros podcast has a Joanna Lannister episode. Came out last week. Have you heard it? What do you think?
@kingofthelannisterpride and @kieraembers and @goodqueenaly were also curious about whether I had listened to @historyofwesteros‘s Joanna Lannister episode. 
I never listen to podcasts but my friend Ash @cruzmylene (she is part of the podcast) is always very, very nice to me, and she gave me a transcript before the episode. As Ash explained to me, Aziz was interested in being unbiased and exploring every possibility related to Joanna for the podcast, so of course he included things like A+J=T and discussions of A*rys/Joanna, which obviously aren’t my thing. (Is there anyone who is surprised about this? Nobody should be surprised here, I express my thoughts loudly and often.)
I think I interpreted various passages in TWOIAF differently from Aziz, and I have some unique ideas about Tywin and Joanna that I have never seen anyone anywhere on the internet express, so I think what I will do in the future is write another Joanna Lannister essay discussing my own interpretations. My previous long-form essay on Joanna was written well before TWOIAF was published, and it is grossly out of date. 
Just from the transcript, I think Aziz did a great job and he was amazingly thorough. I just. Don’t like some of those theories though. 
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bluecichlid · 7 years
Top 10
Rules: Tell us your favorite character from 10 different fandoms and tag around 10 people.
I was tagged by @priestess-of-artemis.
1.  ASOIAF -- Sansa Stark.
2. How to Train Your Dragon -- Ruffnut.
3.  LOTR -- Eowyn.
4. Terry Pratchett’s discworld -- Sam Vimes.
5. The Shadowhunter Chronicles -- Magnus Bane.
6. The Foreigner Books -- The Dowager.
7. Star Trek -- Kira Nerys
8. Buffy the Vampire Slayer -- Willow Rosenberg.
9. The Arthurian Legends (in every version) -- Merlin.
10.  Star Wars -- Obi-wan.
I tag @jeff22003, @riahchan, @holy-muffins, @subjunctivemood, @ladytp and anyone else who wants to play!
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jeff22003 replied to your photo “Marching today!”
Good for you. Wish I could go to my local one. I sprained my foot and am out of change for the bus. Also crippling social anxiety.
I’m a big believer in doing what you can. We all have different strengths.
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theclashofqueens · 8 years
@jeff22003 nothing at all darling, the episodes were just really really good and I needed to vent ;)
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