#jeffe kennedy
dangermousie · 8 months
My previous rant post reminded me how much I enjoy Jeffe Kennedy so I went to see if she has something I haven’t read out and lucky me:
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The gentleman’s picture isn’t really my type (he looks like he bathes in patchouli and will want to discuss The Infinite Jest with you) but that synopsis:
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Anyway, this looks super fun and up my alley and the last thing I’ve read of her was Forgotten Empires trilogy which was glorious! (A very “other” magic-laden queen and rebel leader who was a former prince and then a mines slave enter into a political marriage to take down an emperor who wants to take over every land and then develop feelings. They are both very difficult people who do not know the meaning of give in and it’s glorious.)
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✨ A book a day keeps reality away ✨
Banner made by me - Typescript Trinkets, photo posted to my bookstagram
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nzbookwyrm · 7 months
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darkmatterzine · 10 months
Jeffe Kennedy on feminism, fantasy and sexytimes
This is a Dark Matter Zine podcast and I’m your host Nalini Haynes. DMZ welcomes author Jeffe Kennedy, a prolific author with opinions on sexual roles in fantasy worlds. Dark Matter Zine Acknowledges this recording is taking place on the unceded Country of the Bunurong Peoples’ of the Kulin Nation as Traditional Owners and Custodians of this Country. I pay my respects to their Elders past,…
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dashreads · 2 years
Grey Magic by Jeffe Kennedy
Finished reading Grey Magic by Jeffe Kennedy yesterday and that ending left so many things wide open.
Like, how dare you? I have so many damn questions now!!! Why would you do that Jeffe? Why???? Please tell me that you will continue this series because this can't be the end...
Like yay! two problems down now a million more to go wtf!?!?!
I don't know whether to feel upset or confused at this point...
This was the first series I read by Jeffe, is it normal for them to leave the endings so open??? Will there be a sequel to this series please?!?!?
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bottleblondebeachbabe · 7 months
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Vitorio, some bozo from actual medival europe who hardly even knows what the word game means:
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deadbydangit · 5 months
Dancing with them: Yun-Jin, Leon, Jeff
Yun-Jin Lee
Can she dance?
That's a stupid question.
Of course the girl can dance.
She's spent time watching K-pop dancers rehearse.
You think she hasn't picked up a few moves?
Granted, she'll admit she's not as good as Ji-Woon.
But the girl has some skills.
Well, she only really knows K-pop dances.
But, that's more than most people.
"What, is that not good enough? If you want a show, go to Ji-Woon."
She doesn't mean that. Don't go to him.
She's always had quick reflexes, so she's very good at little fast movements.
She can slow dance, but she's always too impatient for it.
It takes too long.
And she's often ahead of the rhythm.
It's more of a question of her willingness to dance.
If she doesn't want to do something, she won't do it.
And she won't bend to anyone else's will.
Damn bratty K-pop stars.
She had enough of that in her lifetime.
But, if you beg her enough, she'll show you a couple moves.
She doesn't know a lot, but she knows enough to impress.
Not in public though.
She has a reputation for being serious and strong, and she isn't going to jeopardize that.
But, if you really beg her, she'll dance with you in private.
"But you better not tell anyone about this, got it?"
Leon S. Kennedy
This man has gone all over the world and participated in life-threatening dangerous missions to save the world.
He is highly skilled in combat and weaponry knowledge.
He's fought monsters and saved the world many times.
This is a man of many talents.
Dancing is not one of them.
Despite having a speed to dodge bullets and deflect knives, this man apparently has two left feet when it comes to dancing.
Like, you can give him specific instructions and he'll still fail.
He doesn't even know his left from his right anymore.
And he has no sense of rhythm.
But, for you, he'll try.
His best is mediocre.
But you can tell he's really giving it his all.
If this is something you're passionate about, he'll work to improve on it.
He'll even go as far to ask some other survivors for help.
Hell, he'll even ask Killers if that gets him anywhere.
Despite his shortcomings, he's a very fast learner.
And he cleans up enough to look the part.
He prefers slow dancing to any other kind.
It's much easier to focus when he can move slowly.
And he'll even embarrass himself in public.
"That, and I get to look at your beautiful face."
He'll say that every time.
It's corny, but you have to admit, it's pretty cute.
Jeff Johanson
He's been in mosh pits. Does that count?
He didn't think so. But he thought he'd ask just in case.
He would try and make that joke first to save himself the grace.
Because careful coordinated movements aren't his thing.
But, if it's something that makes you happy, he'll give it a shot.
He's going to need some help.
A lot of help.
If you're asking to slow dance with him, know that he's going to need help cleaning himself up.
The whole look: shaving, hair, etc.
And do you think he owns a suit?
Jeff will openly admit he hates the way he looks in a suit and try his hardest to avoid wearing one.
Second, he's just not graceful.
He knows that.
But he is a very determined person who isn't easily deterred.
And he's a great student if you would be so kind to teach him.
Jeff is pretty strong, so he's able to dip and move you around the dance floor with general ease.
And his smile could melt anyone's heart.
Even if he steps on your feet, you can't get mad at him when he gives you that sweet embarrassed smile.
This teddy bear of a man is really doing his best.
Make sure you let him know how much you appreciate it.
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Clint Eastwood, Jeff Bridges, and George Kennedy in Thunderbolt And Lightfoot (1974)
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dangermousie · 6 months
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This lady’s taste in real life men mirrors my taste in fictional men to a T.
PS dried blood in question is that of his evil mother.
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I got book mail!!
Jeffe Kennedy was amazingly kind & sent me a signed copy of The Promised Queen, the third and final book in her Fogotten Empires series. She also sent these stunning bookmarks 😍
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hibiscusteaaa · 10 months
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i need to punch abe's face
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nuke-wizard · 3 months
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beverage bois
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pyramidsoul · 1 year
Grilling Dahmer - Chapter 18:
“I concentrated on the man himself. The most surprising thing was how very much like me and other regular people he was. In between sessions or during lunch, I pulled out the daily Milwaukee newspaper and read aloud what was being reported. Dahmer perused the latest info on the case, and we discussed other current world events. He was intelligent and articulate, pleasant and polite at all times. The give and take between us went so smoothly that anyone observing would conclude that we were friends. He displayed all the normal human emotions of love, fear, anger, and loneliness during these conversations, and it was only when we returned to his deeds that a distinct "other" personality emerged. Sitting erect and emotionless, he slipped into a trance-like monotonous state as he described the horror of his actions, his blue eyes glazed over and lifeless. Only then did I feel the chill of evil. It was extraordinary.”
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Extract from “Grilling Dahmer” book. Fanart by me.
If you’re interested to know more support the author and get the book!
! On a personal note, I always found the relationship between the two men fascinating, and I’m a bit sad we got nothing of Dahmer and Kennedy together, so I decided to draw a moment of the two together. “If we don’t have any photos of the duo, then I’ll create one by myself”, that’s what I told myself. However, I ask to be respectful with this drawing of mine, since I’m still reluctant about posting it. I feel like drawing something about this case can be very delicate, I don’t want to be disrespectful in any way and mostly I don’t want to glorify Jeffrey Dahmer. If you don’t mind, I ask to do not save/post this somewhere else in other socials without my consent. Let’s keep it here and let’s consider it as a “journalistic” piece, since my intent was to document a specific scene which happened. Hope you can understand, thank you!
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1stsephirothfan · 2 months
I just love "emo boy"
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theactioneer · 1 year
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Jeff Bridges, George Kennedy, Clint Eastwood & Geoffrey Lewis, Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974)
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fandom-go-round · 2 years
Could you do that one prompt of shy reader caught staring and having dirty thoughts but with Dwight, Jeff, Steve and Leon?
Warnings: Implied Sex, Teasing, Sexual Situations Embarrassment, Dirty Thoughts, Implied Canon Typical Violence, Secondhand Embarrassment
Dwight Fairfield:
Dwight already feels nervous when people stare at him and even more so when it’s you. He’s always liked you and with you staring at him, eyes dark and mind elsewhere, it makes him nervous. He doesn’t call you out about it thought, continuing to work gens and trying to find the exit.
He can’t stop the embarrassed sound from escaping him when he turns and sees you right behind him, eyes locked on his ass. You startle and finally seem to snap out of it, looking at his face and eyes going wide. You quickly run off after that, refusing to look in his eyes and sputtering out a response. Dwight is quick to shake off the encounter, even if you’re both too embarrassed to look at each other for the next few trails.
Jeff Johansen:
Jeff has no idea you’re staring at him, honestly. He’s been focusing on avoiding the Hag and you’ve been tagging along with him, making gens a lot easier. He does notice that you’re quieter than normal but shakes it off; you’ve never been a fan of the Hag and he’s not going to force you to talk about it now.
You’re both turning a corner when he hears you let out a yell behind him. He turns just in time to watch you trip over the completed gen, landing face first in the dirt. Your face is a mix of shock, embarrassment and mounting panic as both of your heartbeats sky rocket. Jeff doesn’t stay to find out if you run, booking it in the other direction. He never does find out what has you so distracted…
Steve Harrington:
This really isn’t Steve’s trail. He’s been running from gen to gen, trying to get things done and every time he turns around Legion is there. He’s spent more time getting away then getting things done but it makes sense. Even if it sucks. The only saving grace is that you seem to be moving through things, cleansing totems and completing gens.
He’s just finished another loop when he sees you tucked into a corner, taking a breather. Steve slides up next to you, starling and almost making you bolt. As he starts to reassure you, your eyes go wide, staring at him like a deer in headlights. He has no idea what’s happening at first, trying to get your attention before noticing that you’re looking at his chest. His face goes red once he realizes that Legion had torn his shirt to shreds, leaving his nipples out and perky. He doesn’t have time to explain before you’re running off, Steve cursing his luck once again.
Leon Kennedy:
The trial starts like any other; all of you are running for your lives and the killer hot on your trail. This time it’s Nemesis and Leon is quick to make himself disappear. He already has enough bad memories, not to mention he’s disliked by the behemoth. You stick with him as the trail goes on, only leaving to try and be a distraction. It doesn’t stop Leon from getting hit and finding a place to limp off too.
He’s just finished a gen when you run past, slowing down when you see him limping. You shake your med kit at him and gesture to a corner, Leon happily following after you. He’s trying his best to stay quiet but moans and grunts keep leaving his mouth. Your eyes are focused on wrapping his arm but he can feel your fingers shaking and breathing speeding up. He lets out a sigh of relief once you finish, giving you a smile but frowning when he sees you practically sprint away. It’s only later when Jill laughs at him about it that he realizes what happened and gets embarrassed himself.
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