sorceressrinoa · 6 years
jellyjayden replied to your post: empress, emperor, strength, and sun in reverse for...
I cannot fucking believe Zadius somehow is a good influence on Kel
i feel like this is a little surprising to everyone involved, including the both of them
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chateaudonterre · 7 years
36 w Audacia and Invidia? 👀
oh fuck yea here u go jay :***
Audacia & Invidia prompt 36: “Everything was fine, until you showed up.”
The night sky played out above Invidia’s shoulders from where she sat on the ledge of the town wall, casting a cool glow upon her features in the moonlight. She glanced down to her belt and then to the skies above, noting the buckle’s never-failing accuracy in keeping pace with the phase changes of the moon. As she stared out at the plains and villages in the far distance from her current spot, memories re-emerged from the depths of her mind.
“Invi, I have a gift for you,” Elluna smiles, all teeth and those cute, sweet dimples of hers. The choker Invidia had proposed with clinks against her skin as she moves and pulls a leather belt from the depths of the bag at her side.
“What’s this for?” Invidia takes the belt as it’s handed to her, eyeing the craftsmanship and rubbing her fingers across the smooth, glassy surface of the circular belt buckle. “I thought we swore off on gifts until the wedding ceremony was completed.”
“Well, we did,” Elluna sighs, rolling her dark eyes and tilting her head as she scrunches up her face in a mock pout, “but I saw this today and just couldn’t resist. I knew you’d love it, and I didn’t want to miss being able to give it to you. The shopkeep said it was a special belt.”
“Oh really now?” Invidia cocks an eyebrow and a skeptical smile.
“He was explaining how the buckle was enchanted to follow the changes of the phases of the moon. Were you a werewolf, I think that’d be rather helpful.”
“Well, when you catch moon sickness, I’ll be more than glad to give this back to you,” Invidia says, laughing as Elluna gives a playful shove to her arm.
“Don’t be an ass,” she says, giggling. “Now try it on already!”
Invidia unbuckles the belt and fastens it about her waist, adjusting it until it fits snugly above her skirts.
“How do I look?” she says as she cracks a wide grin, and Elluna reaches up to pull her fiancee’s face down to hers in a gentle, sweet kiss.
“Beautiful as ever,” she whispers when they part, and Invidia smiles, pressing her forehead to Elluna’s and entangling one hand into her short curls.
“You know now that I have to do something to make it up to you for this,” she says, and Elluna gives her a sultry look.
“I had something very specific in mind...”
“Something up?” A voice tore Invidia from her rumination, and she turned to find Audacia standing nearby, watching her.
“Everything was fine, until you showed up,” Invidia grit out, and Audacia frowned.
“Is that so? You do realize you’re crying, right?”
Invidia reached up to feel the wet streaks running down her face and swiped her arm across it, wiping at them best she could.
“It’s fine,” Invidia repeated, and Audacia gave a sharp laugh in response.
“Sweetheart, you look far from fine,” she said, and came over to Invidia, leaning against the ledge Invidia sat on to look at the other tiefling.
“Memories?” she asked, and Invidia sighed, knowing there was no escape from the current topic of conversation.
“Yes. Fairly recent ones.”
“Do you want to talk about them?”
“No!” Invidia snapped, before realizing what she’d said.
“Yikes, still sore about that subject, hm?” Audacia said, placing a comforting hand on Invidia’s shoulder.
“I... Yeah. Sorry. It’s gonna take a few more hundred years to get past what happened.”
“Were the memories of a person?” Audacia asked, and Invidia nodded solemnly. “You two must have been close.”
“We were going to be wed in several weeks,” Invidia said, giving a cynical laugh. “So, yeah, I guess you could say we were close.”
A solemn look came upon Audacia’s face. “Can I join you here on the ledge?”
At Invidia’s nod of approval, Audacia hoisted herself onto the ledge, sitting knee to knee with Invidia. Audacia’s hand moved to sit idly on Invidia’s leg, an unspoken offering.
“You don’t have to say anything you don’t want to,” Audacia said, “but know that I’ll be here when the time comes. We only have an eternity to get there.”
Invidia laughed and reached down, taking hold of Audacia’s hand with her own as the two sat in silence under the blanket of night.
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hoppips · 7 years
Wheel of Fortune, Sun, ZA WARUDO, Hermit in Reverse, Judgement in Reverse :eyes emoji:
(answering for eli)
The Wheel of Fortune: What are your character’s proudest successes? 
Helping that one town out for sure. Hm... [gestures at the answer for The World], that too maybe. 
The Sun: When does your character sit back and enjoy themselves?
Probably after a long job or something with the party? Maybe does some glasswork or composes a new song.
The World: When has one of your character’s dreams come true?
Honestly, if The Thing happens, then getting the role of Bahamut from Joy? He would just be very [zack fair voice] would you say I finally became a hero?
The Hermit in Reverse: When has your character felt the most alone?
Even though the grandparents went through a similar situation, I think he’d probably feel really alone when he finds out Caedryn is/became evil? I don’t know how many people in the party even had heroes and I doubt anyone had to see them fall from grace. Not to mention, that’s his dad, absentee father or no.
Judgment in Reverse: When has your character found it difficult to forgive themselves? 
I think this is obvious but [gestures at eliquest] Bad Future, Baby
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sorceressrinoa · 7 years
Heyyy The Fool, High Priestess, The Devil, Wheel of Fortune in reverse for Kel boyo
The Fool: When has your character been excited to start a new journey?
just before joining the party!! her magic isn’t literally imploding around her, she has her sister, they’re going to Take On The World,
actually probably also with caitria like. the magic work they were doing together is something she v much enjoyed? 
The High Priestess: When has trusting their instincts paid off for your character?
she tries v hard not to make decisions based on pure instinct actually?? but her first reflex is usually just Caution, which works out okay. as long as she’s not making panicky snap decisions it’s not too bad
The Devil: Does your character ever neglect their wild side?
w/her family dynamics she’s always felt like she should be The Responsible One so this definitely happens... a lot. probably less of this the more she bonds w/the party i think?? she doesn’t have a Huge wild side but god, let her meme
The Wheel of Fortune in Reverse: When has your character felt their life was no longer under their control?
HOO BOY... i think the visions/nightmares spark this a little but the wild magic is definitely the big one. not using her magic much is definitely an attempt to regain some control over things - it’s not a BIG chance of something unintended happening but it’s still more than she’s comfortable with.
...also like in general she’s pretty much just swept up in the party’s Chaos Field a lot of the time, i feel
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chateaudonterre · 7 years
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god it ain't that I ain't done it before I just....... can't actually work up the effort needed to actually go & do it u feel me?? also nice hmu when u wanna come over
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chateaudonterre · 7 years
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I'm gonna bleach my hair again my dude it needs to be redone
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chateaudonterre · 7 years
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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I mean I could I just constantly worry that I will miss big chunks esp in the back bc I have to take off my glasses & I cannot see /shit/ w/o them anymore lol it’s easier to just. not do it lol
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chateaudonterre · 7 years
jellyjayden replied to your post: someone come paint my nails & bleach my hair for...
I have cheap nail polish would u be down w the clown
abso-fuckin-lutely get up here to my house we can pool our nail supplies and i already have the stuff for bleaching
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