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meet the jean
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boltsj · 4 months
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I need kits for all of the After War Gundam X grunt suits or I'll die.
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iflewkscouldkill · 4 months
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Jenice 🇩🇪
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fly-sky-high-arts · 7 months
Wait, how many of you here know me from dA days?
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kingofjuglans · 1 year
A mecha 50x50 every day until the next SRW game is announced:
Day 13 - Jenice Kai Ennil Custom
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rosemariecawkwell · 1 year
Promo post: Bewitching, by J.E. Nice
Bewitching by J E Nice Genre: Paranormal fantasy Publication Date: 4th April 2023 Standalone Fourth book in a series Estimated Page Count: 393 Author Content Warnings: Manipulation, a man taking a teenage girl (although she goes willingly), a mugging, one of the protagonists is drugged, and a five-year-old who becomes scared and distraught Blurb A teenage girl tempted from this world over…
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weirdunclegamer · 2 years
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The Zaku family!
While a few brothers are still missing out there, not returning calls, we’ll find them eventually and reunite the whole family!
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230221 · 1 year
︎︎︎⠀︎⠀ ⠀⠀.︎︎︎⠀⠀.︎︎︎⠀⠀.︎︎︎⠀⠀.︎︎︎⠀⠀.︎︎︎⠀⠀.︎︎︎⠀⠀.︎︎︎⠀⠀.︎︎︎⠀⠀.︎︎︎
kali tori defne elyse esma gia laurel jae monse wint avy viken juli nik mondioca leni arabella ayse bryn jules adna lula choi niv valvyn faye jenice
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localboobsenjoyer · 2 days
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"So what do we think, honey? Are they good enough?" You and your wife were examining the breasts of the last candidate. She checked all the boxes: her boobs were already big and grew even bigger after her pregnancy but never deflated, and she also never stopped lacting despite her youngest son being 6 years old. "Can we feel them?"
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Asked Jenice without answering you. "Sure," responded the candidate, "just make sure to not touch my nipples; they are still very sensitive after the..." Her words were interrupted by a loud moan. Janice must have (inadvertently?) touched one of her nipples. A thick and steady stream of milk started to flow from both of her nipples. It took almost a full minute for them to stop leaking. "It's perfect," you both said in unison, quicering with excitement. "Can I ask something?" Said the candidate, interrupting you both. "What is exactly going to happen? The add said you will be going to pay upward of $100,000 for my milk. It sounded very fishy, but I really need the money." "It meant exactly what it was written," you answered coldly. "Once we are done, you will have your money, and we will have your milk. You can begin now, Janice." Before anyone could even respond, your wife latched on the bountiful bosom of the candidate, avidly drinking her milk. At first her other breast started to leak, but quickly it stopped as her vast but still limited milk reserve dried up. Once that was over, you could see her imposing size quickly starting to dwindle. What was once a P or Q cup was reduced to barely an A cup in minutes, while Janice's previously nonexistent breast grew as much, if not bigger, than the candidate's former size.
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Both her top and her jumper were torn to shred, but her imposing new bust size. There was milk everywhere. Once she was finished, the candidate fainted, probably due to the repited orgasm that she experienced in a short amount of time. You instruct two of your men to take the girl back to her place with the moeny you agreed on. You had far more important things to do now. It took you almost an hour of continuous drinking so that your wife's breast finally stopped leaking. 
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unteriors · 3 months
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Jenice Street, Blackville, South Carolina.
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skrunklowumbo64 · 1 year
Which outfit do you like best for Jenny?
Is it, Jentae or Jenic the Wakehog or both?
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mistermixmania · 1 year
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JENICE startet durch und ist „Nie wieder alleine zu zweit” 📣 https://mister-mixmania.com/de/news/musik-news/jenice-startet-durch-und-ist-nie-wieder-alleine-zu-zweit/ Tagged as JENICE „Nie wieder alleine zu zweit” ist ein moderner, kraftvoller Pop Schlager, der uns daran erinnert, wie wichtig es ist, uns selbst zu lieben und uns nicht in toxischen Beziehungen zu ..... : #musiknews #musik #JENICE Foto Credits: BMG
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over-the-time-flow · 1 year
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On a base on the moon’s surface, Raul and his friends, Raj and Mizuho, are running the final checks on their machine, the Excellence. Raul urges them to be thorough, as they’ve had to go through a lot to even make it this far; they can’t afford to mess things up now. Raj double checks the Timeflow Engine, while Mizuho goes over the Excellence’s frames.
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Raul expresses relief that everything seems to be going swimmingly, and Raj repeats Raul’s earlier sentiment back at him; they really can’t afford to fail here. Both of their deceased fathers spent their lives researching the Timeflow Engine, and they can’t let them down. Sentimentalities aside, a failure here would also probably mean the cancellation of their research grants, and by extension, their precious research. In fact, the only reason they made this robot at all was so their research on Timeflow particles could be funded! With the war at full blast, government funds are hard to come by outside of tech that can be of use in the war effort. 
In other words, if they can’t impress the New UNE top brass here, their dreams are over. With the engine and frames all in perfect condition, it’s all up to Raul to make the machine look good. With everything riding on him, Raul launches in the Argent Fighter.
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Chapter 1 - Trial Weapon
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Raul launches from the base in the Argent Fighter, as Mizuho explains to the gentlemen from the New UNE that the Argent Fighter is the Excellence’s cockpit itself, transformed into a plane. Though it’s primarily an escape pod, it does have weaponry in case of emergencies. To demonstrate this, Raul fires the AF’s Solid Vulcans at an unmanned dummy.
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Raul: "It's nothing personal, but prepare yourself!"
did nobody tell him those are unmanned?
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Raj does his best to remind the unimpressed audience that this is primarily an escape pod, but they are still rather underwhelmed with its firepower. In a bid to impress them, Raul removes his proverbial training weights, and unleashes that which should never be unleashed: the Argent Fighter’s secret alternate form, the Argent Head!
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Raul: "I'll finish this in a flash!"
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Mizuho isn’t pleased that Raul is using this form; though it does have firepower, it has no mobility to speak of, so it’s not really practical, and it’s really only meant to be used during docking procedures. Raj thinks it might have been a good idea, however; style over substance is a valid strategy when it comes to getting your foot in the door. Finally, one of the people from the UNE voices their thoughts:
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UNE Soldier: "...It looks like a flying Moai..."
Crushed, Raul returns to the base to show off the Excellence’s frames. As they go through the docking process, they once again check the Timeflow Engine’s output. As they do so, Raj muses about how fantastical the Timeflow Engine’s workings are. Turbines that spin and generate power merely through the passage of time… it’s hard to take seriously on the face of it, and not many people would even believe it works if one were to attempt to explain it to them. Raj wonders if people will truly grow to recognize and respect its potential within his lifetime. Raul says naysayers be damned, the Excellence will prove them wrong just by existing, and nobody will be able to deny its power once the Excellence is formally adopted by the military. After a whole decade of collecting and studying Timeflow particles in Saturn’s orbit, it'll be their hard-earned reward.
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Noticing that she’s a bit left out of this conversation, Raul makes sure to praise Mizuho’s own hard work as well. After all, even if Raul and Raj spent most of their lives furthering their fathers’ research on Timeflow particles, the robot itself was all Mizuho’s handiwork! But it’s clear she’s not as comfortable with the two as they are with each other, as she simply thanks Raul for the acknowledgement and proceeds with the combat test.
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She deploys the AI-controlled Jenice and reminds him that even if it’s just a combat test, the dummy machines have live ammo, so he needs to be extra careful. If there’s one outcome worse than failing to impress the UNE officials, it’s losing your life in an accident! It’s obviously dangerous for them to have loaded the targets’ weapons with live ammo to begin with, but it’ll show the big wigs just how confident they are in their robot, and any extra points they can score with them are important. Mizuho tries to tell Raul something (perhaps having second thoughts about whether this is worth risking his life over?), but decides against it, and Raul tells her she should have more faith in the machine she designed before setting off.
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Raul: "Time to show off this thing's power!"
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After wrecking the dummy, Mizuho tells Raul to return and swap frames once again. Raul wanted to do a mid-air (mid-space?) frame conversion, but Mizuho says that’s not within this test’s schedule, and Raul doesn’t press further on the matter.
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Next on the docket is the long-range Gunner Frame. Mizuho reminds Raul to play to the machine’s strengths, and avoid close combat.
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Mizuho once again calls Raul back to the base, but he tries to break the ice a little bit by joking about her being curt. How about a “well done” or something, for once? Sadly, she takes it at face value and apologizes, which leads Raul to apologize in turn and walk back his joke, further driving the point home that these two are still very much awkward around each other.
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To close things out, we swap into the Cosmodriver frame, designed from the ground-up for space combat. Since the moon is a low gravity environment, Mizuho notes it’ll probably feel easier for Raul to maneuver in than the other two.
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Mizuho and Raj congratulate Raul on a job well done! Raul asks about the crowd’s reaction, but apparently it was rather understated, perhaps because there’s already precedents for a lot of the concepts the Excellence applies: the Argent Fighter is very similar to the original Gundam’s Core Block system, and the modular frames concept was already realized by Nergal’s Aestivalis units. The Excellence may have come across a tad derivative… Being the designer, Mizuho feels guilty for not being more innovative, but Raul’s not the kind to give up this easily. There’s still the final combat test to go, and he plans to give them a damn good show. Mizuho deploys the final set of targets.
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It’s a rather large number of enemy units for the Excellence to handle by itself, but Raul reasons that he’s got to win over the audience somehow… But Mizuho is confused. There shouldn’t be this many units. Suddenly…!
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An explosion within the base! Raul tries to ask what’s wrong, but the dummies start firing upon him, and he's got no choice but to focus on dodging. Still assuming everything's going as planned and he just isn't privy to the whole picture, he figures in live combat, you’ve got to be able to deal with unexpected situations, but Mizuho says she didn’t give them that command! Assuming it’s a simple malfunction, Raul says they’ve no choice but to cancel the test for now, but…
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Everything on their side says their combat programs aren’t even on. They’re moving on their own! With the gravity of the situation dawning on everyone, the UNE staff rushes to evacuation procedures. Everyone dons their Normal Suits (Gundam terminology for a civilian-use spacesuit), as Raj confirms they’re not responding to any commands, so there's no way to deactivate them. One of the UNE officials sent out a distress signal, but Raul will need to hold the AI machines off long enough for help to actually arrive.
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More explosions go off, and Raul hears a strange voice.
“...Mistakes must always exist. Truth can only exist because of mistakes.”
Raul: “...Who is this!?”
“I am the one who makes mistakes… The one who brings forth mistakes... My name is… ”
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clueingforbeggs · 2 years
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This morning I blocked a porn bot I'm now calling Jenice the Menace.
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rosemariecawkwell · 1 year
Blog tour calendar: Bewitching, by J.E. Nice
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ajseoinfusions · 11 days
Unlock the Secret to Radiant Lips with Frankincense!
Here’s a Fun Fact Friday from Ajs EO Infusions Essential Wellness Podcast with Jenice Story!
Did you know frankincense has been used for over 5,000 years to help get smooth, glowing skin?
🌟It’s like a secret from ancient times that’s still helping today!
(That’s why it’s awesome for soft, shiny lips too!)💋
✨Want to know more?
Watch on YouTube at https://YouTube.com/@AjsEOInfusions or listen on Spotify, Amazon, or iHeart Radio! 🎧💻
#FunFactFriday #FrankincenseMagic #AncientBeautyTips #TheBestLipCareLove #AjsEOInfusions #EssentialOils #PodcastOnAmazon #PodcastonSpotify #PodcastOnIHeartRadio
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