breathofthedice · 5 years
Well, I still don’t like Melissa or Chris, but I do feel bad for hopping on the “she cheated on her husband what a POS” train. Glad Melissa seems to be in a better place now and I hope Bl*ke J*nner gets whats coming to him.
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youwontcatchmealive · 7 years
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hello 911 a certain blake jenner broke into my house, held me at gunpoint, robbed me of my belongings and took off with my fav pillowcase
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shikaramelssay · 7 years
Mel and Blake met the first day he worked on her set, they sent friendly flirty texts, and in spite of being involved with other people they were soon spotted out and about doing couple-y things together.
Mel’s fans: oh well, they make a nice couple. they are now my OTP and are #relationship goals. when is the wedding? (ha ha)
Mel and Chris meet sometime close to the day he first worked on her set (probably?), they sent friendly flirty texts, and in spite of being involved with other people the were soon spotted out and about doing couple-y things together.
Mel’s fans: oh well, they make a nice couple. they are my new OTP and are #relationship goals. when is the wedding? (ha ha)
Fans speculate on the possibility that Mel will break up with Chris and begin a relationship with the new costar once he starts work on her set.
Mel’s fans: oh my god, the reach of some of these people? where do they even get these ideas? from fanfiction? I mean it is just so far fetched and not at all realistic. must be pressed fans of her last boyfriend.
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If you could choose from any of the literally countless amounts of evidence we all collected over the years about SC's toxic ass frack behaviour to shove right on the face of the author behind that Forbes article (BTW only SG and Legends due to the cancelation were done dirty, the rest weren't) which one would you Queen pick to roast him with?
One? Nah, more than one.
-death threats sent to Mehcad and all his story about he was afraid for his life and needed additional guards on SDCC, how they mocked his every tweet and put monkey stickers on his face
-how they bullied Rahul for one ep so much that he called them fanhooligans
-all the shit they have done to Staz, along with mocking his depression, accusing him of cheating on his girlfriend and bitching about his every instagram post
-going after David and calling him immature - a black man who suffered from serious mental breakdown and had major mental health issues
-stalking Azie so much she moved from her apartment and needed to tell them to shut the fuck up during BLM era, while they were harassing her for content
-going after Nicole and cancelling her for standing up for Staz and boycotting Nia's ep, because William was in it
-going after SG writers, POC bi woman included
-going after the author of SG novels and spreading bullshit on her twitter, after her interview with Melissa
-stalking Keith and demanding McG's content while sending him shit to his private emails (how they got it, huh?)
-moving from one country to another to stalk McG and it seems stalking her is their normal shit to do
-sexualizing Melissa, posting bullshit about her, using her trauma to shit on her marriage
-wishing death to MW's son
-all the shit they have done to Chris
-how they gloryfied jennoist, and that's a fact, before Melissa talked about her ex-husband, because this is how big marriage experts they are
Batwoman was cancelled too and I don't think the show's fans were happy about it.
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inscmniv-archive · 7 years
Razones para no creer en el amor: Chris Pratt y Anna Faris anuncian su divorcio.
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occidentaltourist · 3 years
No but it genuinely is. At least to me anyway? I get the fandom can be intense but not all of us are. 😕
You're right, anon. But consider: Melissa's fandom uses portmanteaus for her real life romantic partners: Jennoist, Melwood - and portmanteaus are typically used in a romantic context - including by people in this fandom.
It's not really the same as the group name Katie invented for four people who hung out a lot together at one point. ;)
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↳@theryderalexanderlynn uploaded a picture
Happy birthday to my best friend, @romanticmarley! I know I told you in person when we dressed as old people at an early time of Spider-man: Homecoming but still I felt the need to announce it to the world so everyone knew. I hope you have a great 17th birthday! Also happy birthday to her twin, Scarlet.  
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vangoghs-moved · 4 years
that post he made me reminded me of what Ryan Adams wrote to/about Mandy Moore. It’s just so sad that they can’t authentically write something and take responsibility. And if you’re genuinely apologizing, why do it on a public space like that? I’m sure he could’ve taken a formal route to get the message to Mel. I know she recently did another video/interview, maybe that’s why he felt like now would be a good time to finally say something. But nah, that wasn’t it.
I don’t really know what went down with Ryan Adams & Mandy Moore but I did a quick google search of them and honestly? Fuck him too.
What I will say about Blake is this: his post is the grossest thing I have ever read with my own two eyes and I hate that I read it at all. 
Melissa spoke about her struggles because she was trying to heal and move on with her life. She also did it to help other people and to encourage people to speak about their struggles and to seek help for themselves.
Blake posted that excuse of an apology almost a year after Melissa’s original statement and only weeks after she announced the birth of her firstborn with her new husband.  The only reason he spoke up about this entire thing now is because he’s trying to save whatever career he has left by making it sound like she is to blame.
His post does nothing except gaslight people while also blaming Melissa and twisting everything she said last year. The part about how he wasn’t allowed to see his friends is utter bullshit. I was a big Jennoist fan/supporter and I loved them together (or at least, what I thought they were). Anyone who was a fan of Blake and/or Melissa while they were together knows that this is a freaking lie and if you need proof here it is. The fact that he actually tried to turn things around and said that she abused him is ridiculous and it honestly makes me wanna vomit with how gross it is. In her original video, Melissa was honest about this and said she fought back to defend herself when she had to.
I honestly didn’t expect him to address this at all and I wish he hadn’t. His “apology” adds nothing to this except confirm it was actually him (in case anyone still had any doubts) and that he’s a giant piece of shit. As for the formal route bit, he probably did try to contact her/her family/her friends (abusers always do) but he probably couldn’t reach her so he dediced to post this shit for all of us to see.
I truly hate him, I hope he never has a career after this and that he rots in hell for what he did.
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pwettypwita · 8 years
on Twitter : Wenoist on Tumblr : Benwood in my heart : forever
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jamespotterdidstrut · 7 years
Do you ship Melwood like you did with Jennoist
honestly no.1) because it literally just happend and 2) i’ve realized that i had a bit of an unhealthy obsession with blake and melissa and it wasn’t good. so i’d rather not get to that point again. 
that being said all i want is melissa happy and chris is great and hot  and they both seem genuinely happy so i think its great. like did you see those beach pics? get it girl 
disclaimer: still hate karamel
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iminyourhandskara · 8 years
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how-to-fall-rp · 8 years
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Trying To Grow Up In The City Of Angels
Marley Rose | Age: 22 | Job: UTP | Endgame: Ryley | OPEN
The Girl Next Door: “Fate sent me a person who couldn’t stay. And it sent me just the sort of person I can’t help falling in love with.”
Was close friends with Finn throughout high school.
Lives in the apartment across from Sam.
Goes to UCLA with Santana, they’ve had a few classes together.
Met Ryder Lynn when she took care of him while he was recovering from an accident and ended up developing slight feelings for him.
She’s had her heart broken before, and can be hesitant to enter romantic relationships.
Come Audition!
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shikaramelssay · 7 years
Jesse Rath is coming to ruin everything.
Karamels: Oh I can’t wait to see Mon-el and Brainiac riff off of each other in scenes, it’s going to be so great they will look good together and hope they are both featured a lot, this pairing is going to be epic! It’s my new BROTP.
also Karamels: Oh I can’t wait to see all the BTS stuff we are going to get when Chris shows Jesse all around Vancouver, they have so much in common and I just know they will be instant best friends! It’s my new IRL BROTP.
random fans: what about Mel? We can’t wait to see her together with him both on screen and off.
Karamels:  a w k w a r d silence.....
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Scs/smelties think they know Mel’s love life better than she knows it herself, despite direct evidence to the contrary. They have speculation, made-up rumors and toxic headcanons. We have… reality.
Scs: “cHriS dOesN’t sUpPorT hER”
Melissa’s own words: “this love wholly accepts me and encourages me to be myself, and to unapologetically love myself… this love challenges me to be a better person and recognize that even when things aren’t easy or pretty, they should always be respectful… this love is the one I was always looking for, and I never should have accepted less.”
Scs: “hE fOrcEd hER tO wRiTe tHat” “iT mEAns NoThINg”
Nah… what means nothing are the normal, friendly interactions between Mel/Katie that y’all fetishize to a highly disturbing degree.
Also super disturbing when they act like Mel can’t think for herself or stick up for herself. It’s like they’re all assuming the man has all the power in the relationship. That’s not very progressive thinking, scs. Maybe y’all need to get with the times. Women are independent now. They don’t have to serve their husbands anymore. It’s called a partnership, not a dictatorship. Jfc
I could go on and pick apart every single thing they have used in the past to “prove” Chris is problematic, but I don’t have the energy for that. Fact is, he has always been one of her biggest cheerleaders. Melwood doesn’t need to outwardly show that support for each other on social media for it to exist. And why would they? every time they do, they get a stream of hate from… scs and smelties.
Here’s a relevant quote from 1984 by George Orwell: “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
To be a toxicorp/smeltie shipper and to think chris is a bad guy, y’all literally have to be blind and deaf or pretending you are because all the evidence to the contrary proves you’re just plain wrong. As always… go touch some grass, smelties.
Some facts.
It's imposible to JUDGE a couple basing the opinion on twitts or on the 1% of their lives that THEY put online. Jennoist looked perfectly fine on social media, post a lot of cute stuff and were so called supportive of each other. And we know what was happening behind the closed door.
And all couples are different and their dynamics are different. What may looks weird for the outisders is perfectly fine for the couple. Because you know, we all are different.
Most the idiots talking about mw are teens and smeltie shippers, who OF COURSE, are well known psychologists and relationship experts.
Couples who share so called support online, post a lot of pics etc are not as healthy and happy as they pretend on social media. That's a scientific fact. The couples that keep to themselves are healthier.
Also, what? Social media support and liking tweets is more important than the love and support they give each other privately? Since, fucking, when???
It seriously shows how the people shitting on MW are imature and have no idea what they are talking about. It's a fact they do it, because they project their own wantings and fantasies on real people, and treat two actresses like brainless dolls, what is super sick and objectifying.
The fact they claim they are fans of Mel is disturbing and simply disgusting.
This woman went through hell, she survived, found happiness and built a healthy home and now the fuckers claim she doesn't know what she is doing??? The fucking nerve.
Anyway, Chris was always supportive of her and he makes her happy. As long as she doesn't say other way, the idiots can fuck themselves.
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brianpuff-blog1 · 8 years
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↳ WIZARDGRAM: @brianpuff uploaded a new photo.
Sending some good vibes to my girl Brittany! Get better soon! XOXO
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shit-scfandom-did · 6 years
I kind of agree with karamel receipts on the sc edit if she did post it then it would be fate for her to also attack anyone who posted karamel edits too I used to see a lot of karamel edits that used old jennoist photos and I've seen ones with pregnancy and more
But she didn’t post that edit? She “explained“ how it’s about SC, not Katie and Mel and it’s perfectly fine, while the fanart is awful (maybe she did it after but I haven’t seen a shit). And look, cropping out people of their own pics and then making them about ship is not ok (and yes, I hate all, km included). And here we have that situation when SCs are openly hating on the guy and then crop him out, put katie there and wet their pants. Yes, this is the same shit  some people did with the JxM pics and it’s gross too. Like, live the actors alone, jesus.
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